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Thank god I'm not retarded enough to be an adult man who's nostalgic for fable
I tried fable 1 but i didnt know what to do after the first area
Im not really nostalgic for Fable.
I just needed to make a thread to make a thread archive.
I spammed it until i bump limited it days ago but it was still alive somehow sitting at 10th page so i needed to make a thread real quick to slide it off.
You guys can just ignore this thread it already fullfilled its purpose.
fable 3? Lmao, played that shit can't remember anything. Fable 1? I just played because my GF hyped it so much to me and back then it was still "innovative" many of it's mechanics. Be evil in fable 1 was funny as fuck
I'm a woman :3
This is an impostor...
Regardless if you guys just let this thread slide of or decide to use it that Mass Effect thread is going to stay archived so i dont care either way.
Have a blast discussing Fable i guess guys!
Dude did I actually get that idiots thread off of here finally LOL that was an accident but a happy one
You can't think without a waypoint on your screen and gps huh?
it was just mid
Fable is the worst fantasy RPG series, even Dragon Age managed to be better.
I liked 3, it could've been better but it's what it's
2 on the other hand is absolute trash
>Characters (especially other heroes) look fucking ugly
>Silverkey chests have random useless rubbish in them
>Combat is even easier than in 3
>Story is shorter than og fable
>That goddamned final "boss"
>Sequelbait ending
I didn't like side quests but they they weren't too bad compared to everything else
>overwork your people into miserable lives or you won't have enough money to stop a massive alien will come kill you all
>can't tell them about the alien and why you're doing it
>not because of the plot, but because it's just not an option that comes up
I hate it
I remember being a kid and wanting fable 3 for Christmas. At first I liked it, but then I got burn out on the stupid lack of a proper menu and the tediousness of the game I'm general. 1& 2 were much better.
The board is saved.
Ironically if Fable was advertised as a Adventure Game with RPG mechanics instead of a pure RPG it would be remembered as one of the best adventures games but unfortunately that didn't happen and Fable is a RPG and a mediocre one
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my ex gf also loved fable 3
i think its okay
also pic related
I genuinely don't remember playing Fable 2 and 3 even though I have the achievements.
I only played Fable 3. I had to pirate it because it's unlisted.
I kind of liked it for what it is but I dropped it when I couldn't use the giant furnace to kill my daughter. I lost all my motivation to continue playing.

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