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will we ever again get a game that offers as much freedom as these four again? have we in the past? is it over?
sorry dude we don't have room for "fun" or "interesting quests" or "reactivity" because we spent all the money on graphics
not from bethesda
Fake engagement: The games
BG3 has plenty of freedom
About as much as BG2, both are 7/10 games.
These games exemplify the very core values of the West to the highest degree such as self-determination and ingenuity so it is against the desires of the cabal.

The games industry is being sabotaged and hijacked by kikes because we are in a stage of cattleification where people should not be inspired by media that promote such values so that the status quo remains untouched. Some lapdog probably saw thousands of hours invested in these games and thought, 'they could've learned Mandarin instead'.

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