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Whats your favorite "Kids on an adventure" rpg? I'm playing Lunar Silver Star Story and it's so charming, I'm always in such a good mood and smiling while I play it.
Shin Megami Tensei 1
Lunar is literally a romantic comedy, it has nothing to do with "kids on an adventure". You are female brained and like girl stuff.
Enjoying romcoms is peak stable masculinity.
how do the different versions of this game compare? Mega CD, Saturn, PSX?
It's gr8 man. I play all sorts of edgier games, it's nice to have a relaxing little romcom adventure to play before bed
I honestly don't know, I am just playing it for the first time on a Playstation emulator on my chinkheld. I can't speak for the other versions but the Playstation version has decent voice acting and great music. I think there's a remastered version on psp that some ppl like.
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Grandia is super comfy. Basically a quintessential "coming of age" adventure in video game form.

Skies of Arcadia is another obvious example. The Golden Sun games capture this vibe well, in spite of any flaws they may have. I hate Ni No Kuni's gameplay, but it definitely nails the "kids on an adventure" atmosphere, thanks to the Ghibli art direction.

Been wanting to play Lunar for a while, but I need a physical copy and don't wanna pay for it. Might mod a playstation to play roms, I guess. A friend of mine loved the game growing up and said he'd loan me his copy, but he can't find it and thinks it got lost in a move, which is pretty sad.

Anyway, thanks for reading my blog!
Lunar and Grandia are the best for that.
does anyone have any more (canon) romance jrpg recommendations? so far the only ones ive played are tits fc&sc, ffviii, and lunar sssc (ive played dqv too but the silent mc ruined the romance for me)
Grandia is very difficult to top.
Lufia 2
Shadow Hearts
There it is. Thread is over. Pack it up.
>Lunar is literally a romantic comedy, it has nothing to do with "kids on an adventure".
>he doesn't realize that falling in love (and having someone fall in love with you) is an integral part of growing up
He convinced himself that romance is gay to cope with the fact that he has no experience with it.
>bug-eyed, grinning, drooling, humming "wee willie winkie" while playing vg
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Trails in the Sky FC and SC.
love isn't real
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>Whats your favorite "Kids on an adventure" rpg?
Baldurs gate 3
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I made this pic years ago and I never get to post it, lol.
>I never get to post it
i'm surprised, sour grapes are everywhere here
It's my own fault really. I tend to just ignore or leave threads when sour grapes pop up, so I forgot I even had it. Almost every shitposter's ideology is built around sour grapes; they're all eternally buttmad that they don't or can't have something and they're desperate to convince other people that having fun means you're a loser.
kinda depends, i think a portion of people are just poking each other for fun. some people find joy in embodying a gimmick while others are just afraid to expose themselves and hide within irony. the true sour grapes comes out in the theories created.
Mana Khemia

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