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New thread! What chu been working on anon?

Post progress!

Thread question: What made you want to develop with RPG Maker out of all the other options?

Also which version is best?

Also other systems welcome too!
Shit I fucked up the subject name... I'm sorry bros, its the first time I've made a thread...
You're intentionally making threads with unrelated op images. And shifting the topic to focus on people rather than games.
What? Sorry I don't make threads that much anon... Please elaborate.

>You're intentionally making threads with unrelated op images
The last thread had cloud on it, suppose I'll do the dude from Dragon Quest. Just thought it'll be more interesting rather than the basic RPG Maker graphics...

>And shifting the topic to focus on people rather than games.
How, I'm genuinely confused... I wasn't the same guy who made the first thread anon.

I'm sorry if I offended you, just wanted another thread going.
Shit forgot to remove the thread name again. See, that's how you know I'm a noob at this...
use rpg maker graphics stop using other rpg maker graphics. who cares if its its "more interesting" this is an rpg maker thread make it about rpg maker you goof.
You say this when the last thread used FF7 art for the OP and reached the bump limit
Feel free to open up this subject in /vg/ anon. I'm fine with talking about it. Do link here in case you screw up the OP and it gets hard to find.

In case you wonder why: /vrpg/ is a bit... cursed with redditors and discord users as you may have seen last thread. It also opens up a lot, threads with this subject I mean. The thread may stick around longer there with less 'less friendly' posts.

You screwed up naming this thread. Have fun namefagging though. Also ignore the other guy. There are always going to be complainers. There has been enough time for them to make a a thread. There is a bit of a stigma (and a rule) against duplicates, but to an extend it is accepted regardless.

They could, if they wanted to create a thread with the same title and some image they liked, then reported yours for duplicating the subject. Would have solved the problem in their favor, but they didn't. They just complain.

In case you want to talk about it here, feel free to keep it open then and nothing on /vg/. Its fine.

As for the questions: nothing, I'm not developing anything.
I just play around with it every now and then lol.
Best version? Hm.... I think that will be the Godot version they might release after Action Game Maker, but till then, I'd say 2003? or maybe VX Ace. I have more fun with those due to the ease of modifying code and such. Also, less pixels make custom art easier.

Enjoy your day.
Awwwww, but I liked the threads here on vrpg. I remember there was a vg thread on rpg maker development awhile back, but they died, cause not enough people posted there.

Yeah these threads are kinda cursed are they? I suppose it’s because of sigma bringing both his haters and his supporters here. Or maybe rpg maker just makes you retarded.

Hopefully someone opens another thread as well with the subject name.
Nah, its not his fault. They're already here. They're just waiting till he posts.

The troublesome group is the haters though, not all, just some. We all heard it by now, but its never enough for them unfortunately.

Yeah, the two do seem to bite eachother from time to time, but I haven't seen Sigma starting the biting, only replying to it.

Even without Sigma around, someone will end up being compared to him or namecalled Salik or whatever and you get the same effect. Even when Sigma is banned or doesn't post at all for whatever reason, someone will be called Sigma. So basically, the haters create a replacement Sigma on the spot so that they can continue hate posting.

RPG Maker is fine, but discord/reddit communities and just staying in one space, only hearing one side of the story makes you retarded yeah. People who follow one youtuber for example, that youtuber's opinion becomes their opinion, because they don't care to look up anything else.

There are a lot of things to talk about concerning RPG Maker. Plugins, Tilesets, Characters, weird tweaks, common events, help with ... doing certain things, map design, etc.
but you see a lot of times the thread just derails to be about one person and how much they hate him.

And I am like: "Besides this, what are you developing or is there any rpg maker game you are interested in?"
and since I am not siding with them and distracting them from hating Sigma, they go "Fuck off Ligma". This shows the problem clearly.

Such questions aren't supposed to be upsetting. There are many, many other RPG Maker devs that should also receive some spotlight or discussion.

A while ago I found this interesting horror game https://singelx.itch.io/data . I doubt people heard of it, but it looks very promising. It does have a number of bugs and typos (that's mainly what I look at. I do a lot of bug testing I guess, lol)
>Nah, its not his fault. They're already here. They're just waiting till he posts.

Yeah I agree, I suppose I misworded my post...
I don't think Sigma is that bad...

It's probably just tourists from his past that hate him for being homophobic pretending to be concerned about the thread. Makes me believe that conspiracy theory about discord tranners shitting up 4chan.

Anyway I'm touching the poop am I? By bringing it up...

Really hope these threads don't die like /co/'s /hyw/ did.
Bullshit is a card game where you discard cards face down, telling the other players what it is.
>5 queens
Then the other players call "bullshit" because there's only 4 queens in a deck.

You say you want another development thread, but you never talk about narrative design, pipelines, or pitfalls. You're here talking about someone's else's social life.

You were like this before Sigmasuccour showed up. Nothing's changed.
tl;dr know what happend to Knightshift?

From the looks of it, the forge has been empty. I am guessing the brew of puns ran dry or solidified like iron. I haven't seen brew brewing more of his iron brew. Which would not be surprising when there is no heat to melt the iron. You can't mold an iron brew without sufficient heat aimed at the iron.

Brew seems to have been distracted with electrical currents; magnetically attracted to coils in a certain engine, rather than the forge he was supposed to be pouring brews from. A decline in brewing was diffidently noticed.

Perhaps I should roll over the power of smearth again; maybe that will awaken more brewing.
It was inevitable that the ratio of battlers would surpass his project's schwarzschild radius and collapse into a black hole.
>just wanted another thread going.
You're pretty quiet subject wise for someone who wanted the thread the most ;p

what do you want to talk about?
or do you just want to listen?

I tried out that in dev horror anon mentioned. It's mainly a puzzle mystery game.
From the looks of it, it will take a year before the next part is out and 6 more are planned. A slow dev cycle, but fine.
I just wanted to listen. I enjoy seeing other people’s projects and commenting on them. I’m guessing everybody doesn’t know where the next thread is cause I fucked up the subject name, and I’m kinda waiting for it to die so someone will post another one.

And I’d post my projects progress, but I dunno what would be interesting to post from it. I’ve nearly finished the demo of it and I intend to post here once it’s finished, but that’s when it’s finished.

Anyway I’ll answer the thread question…

I’ve chosen rpg maker cause RPGs are probably the most difficult genre to make in games, due to the sheer amount of shit you gotta do with them.
It’s not like I don’t know how to program, but the mapping, doing dialogue and ease of use ensure you aren’t gonna get bogged down with programming it, or struggling with making editors for the sheer amount of content you gotta do.

And mv is just plain better imo than 2003, at least for my purposes. Programming your own menus and battle system seems kinda silly when there’s Godot and unity. Personally tried doing that with 2000, didn’t end well, was too confusing to maintain… and again, with everything you gotta keep track of when making an rpg, it’s just not worth the hassle imo.
What? Dude I just wanted to see other people’s projects man…

Also, how do you know who I am? Are you psychic? A super hacker? Or are you talking about everyone in general who post in these threads…

I know that I did talk about sigma a bit at the start of the thread, but sheesh…
Why are you replying to yourself, faggot?
You thought it wouldn't be obvious if you samefag in the same gay style?
You have a gay style you homo.

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