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wtf I didn't know warband was a feminist game
Its set up that way so installing them as faction head is uphill battle, and because installing them is an uphill battle them being a good ruler is the reward. Calradia is inherently sexist and men prefer male rulers, the game tells you this if you choose to play a female character, so if you try to install a female ruler you're pissing into the wind and the idea is you actually manage to pull it off you should get something good for the effort.
The fact that the game has an entire troop line for female knights didn't tip you off?
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>"the pearled one"
She's very cummly
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makese sense, thanks
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>Calradia is inherently sexist
Where are they in the game?
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Level up female peasants/refugees, its a ton of effort and they're the worst fully leveled unit in the game in both a cost/performance ratio and just a general performance against other end game units, they take as much exp to level as a Swadian knight but will lose a 10v10 against them 86% of the time, they have decent enough stats, but have dogshit equipment, hence the comic.
>Swadian knight
>same exp
they are actually fastest to level up and cheapest both in upkeep and upgrade cost, they have plate armor, fast horse and xbows
the biggest problem is that they have no helmet
essentially they a light cavalry, more a curiosity than real force, especially that their recruitment is rather slow process
no guaranteed helmet which may and will lead to sudden losses like pictured in >>3563622
>turkish game
>a nationality famous for women rulers
I'm playing a female character and I'mthinking abous saving them in my castle so I can have an all female army fort he larp. They're still strong enough to easly win most battles.
It would be unrealistic in real medieval, but warband is really based in a realistic fantasy world without any magic, so it can be forgiven. With fire and sword is based on real history and has no female soliders.
Where do you get refugee? Never saw that one before
>steppe "diverse"
>swamp/tundra "diverse"
What is the source of your confusion? Don't care about bastards, by the way.
Prisoners of raiders after they raid a settlement.
>tfw no tomboy mercenary
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Doesn't matter, I'll have 10 with me charging in unison regardless.
Longhouse cuck game
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would have been funnier if the posters looked like soldiers from all the nations and would scream like they do ingame
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>lvl 22
Fuck I played too much pendor, Easy to forget that even the early tiers of commoner troops has better stats and equipment than natives' top units

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