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Why does Gust refuse to make Mana Khemia 3 ?
they probably chose to start a new subseries with A11 since it was the first ps3 game. And they haven't revisited it since the devs aren't passionate about it and fans have little interest.
the coom doll ateliers sell to men who fap to them, to the women that self insert as the coom dolls and pretend they're dating the pretty boys in the games, and to the shippers that like making the coom dolls lesbo out with each other. that market doesn't want a fun jrpg.
The first two have the worst sales in the main series.
They pretty much retired their 2D 2.5D style games in the PS3 days.
If they had made a 3D Mana Khemia it probably would have ended up a sad sight like Ar Tonelico 3 or Ar No Surge.
Were Ar Tonelico 3 and Ar no Surge really that much of a drop down from ATI&II, or it just you find their 3D gfx to be less kino?
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The first Mana Khemia is the only Atelier game I've played. I was given $20 when I was like 13 and picked it up for cheap at Gamestop because it had a catgirl on the cover. Turned out to be kino and one of best JRPGs I've played. Despite that I've never play gotten around to trying any other Ateliers because as far I know none of them have catgirls.

Thanks for reading my blog post.
Your expectations are far too high. They can't even insert existing English translation into the Steam version of Ar nosurge for literally free money.

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