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Is this truly how real life works? Every time something happens people chimp out and fuck over the ruler while (((merchants))) rush to his aid and throw money at him till he solves issue. Or is it typical subtle (((tribe))) propaganda Owlcat put in there to glaze the jew's ass with their tongues?

The Stolen Lands Encounters Mod was pretty good though. Vordekai, who famously gets cucked in 1 round actually put up a heck of a fight.

>Instantly casts dispell, removes all your buffs.
>Summons 2 Cyclops Lorekeepers (essentially Magus's who come with mirror image, and hit like a truck if they hit anything that is not mage). Then 2 more after you get him down to 50%. And those guys don't die easily either, I had to actually blast them with magick because they were dodging melee like champs. Legit proved to be a tight fight, considering that Vordekai was casting Horrid's and Finger of Death's. Jaethal was last man standing, and he almost had her at that.

All in all, I think this is a pretty good mod so far. Vordekai actually made me try, which is not something base game offered. And it does make sense lorewise as well. He really seemed capable of wrecking havock, possibly even Nyrissa if he was allowed to get some time to get back his power after that long nappy-nap.
Go back to /crpgg/. You already have a whole general to yourself to ruin.
No thanks, /ocg/ was cancer
Interesting, Vord was indeed a one shot after all that kayfabe build up.
I'll take jews any day over leftists though in spite of the overlap. Pretty sure the conservative ones that are actually from Israel would be an improvement over the ones we have here.
>he fell for half of the Hegelian dialectic
No, you are the cancer. And by relocating here you are bringing the cancer with you.
Shoo shoo, go away. Shouldn't you be picking up your wife's son from school? Or shoving dildo up your ass? Stay on topic.
Owlcat games are dogshit and your thread is terrible, underage /pol/ nigger
>the "people" are your enemy
considering that they start a coup and want to kill you AFTER you treat them better than you should have i say fuck them all...ungrateful pieces of shit
at least le "merchants" only want to kill each other and not me
Merchants rely on the state to maintain trade infrastructure, keep their assets safe and to better exploit the people, so they will support the state.
In Middle Ages the merchants were quite literally the balancing power between the nobility, the clergy and the King. So yes, as long as you keep everything balanced it is a good ending.
Fuck off commie.
Subtle propaganda. In real life nobody would revolt or ask for cesession after what you fucking did; fought demigods, conured magical aids, 1v1-ed legendary barbarian, solved plague, transformed backwater into metropolitan country with powerful military and prestigious culture and art etc.

This shit can only happen when disgruntled (((merchants))) start larping as "people" and then galvanize them with lies to rise up against the rightful King. But they skipped out on writing that detail. I would have had no issue if "angry merchants mindfucked guillable peasants" into revolting for promises that will never come. But naw, they make it sound like people do it all naturally, which is subtle (((tribe))) propaganda. Support merchants, goy, das good ending all along.

People didn't revolt unless they had good reasons to. The kingdom runs like an oiled and well-maintained clock, with a demigod ruler who puts the needs of people above (((merchants))). They quite literaly have no reason to revolt, unless, like written above a circumstance behind the scenes happens. But Owlcucks neglected that part, hence, subtle propaganda.
>Every time something happens people chimp out and fuck over the ruler while (((merchants))) rush to his aid and throw money at him till he solves issue.
It's only realistic. The average "people" rarely stand up for their own interests, and are easily mislead about what is and isn't in their interest. Merchants simply spent money to buy influence, and use that influence to get more money. They will always align with the ruling class because it's extremely profitable to own a king/emperor/president. And if they think the ruling class is about to fall, they'll simply flee like rats from a sinking ship and stay out of harm's way while the ruler eats shit on his own. Why do you think corporats all over the world pour literally billions of dollars into every American election? It's because it allows them to make the president pass bills that benefit them, while the people gets screwed over and are told to hate the president for it, keeping the ones funding the whole circus safe from scrutiny. For a recent example, just look at how Elon Musk was donating millions to Trump's campaign while Trump was beating Biden, but now that he believes Trump is going to lose to Harris he's simply distancing him from the entire Trump movement and calling it a cult.

The merchant class has no concept of loyalty or ideology. Their only motivations are money and control.
Take notice this thread has absolutely nothing to do with rpgs.
>people will never revolt agaist me because I'm good at swinging a sword
Reactionaries are something, let me tell ya. It doesn't matter what the people think. You gonna get fucked by the nobles if you don't play by their rules. Divine right of kings is something that peasants believed in (until there was a bad harvest and king was suddenly not legitimite) and nobles pretended to believe in (untill the soonest opportune occasion). Absolutism you jerk off yourself to wasn't a thing until enlightenment.
t. Confucian scholar
Fantasy is inseparable from reality

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