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Fallout London is out. Are any of you anons ready to lose teeth health?
One day the zip file will be finished,I'm sure of it.
But it is finished, "people" are streaming it, playing the game. I am too lazy to try it now.
Illiterate fuck.
Explain yourself, irradiated nigger.
Do you not know what a zip file is?The modders are retarded so a manual install requires you to install it from GOG,zip the data folder and then install it through MO2.
After the absolute garbage that was starfield I kind of stopped playing bethesda games. Doesnt help the next gen update dropped and broke most installs (especially thru steam). so I can keep playing fo3 modded but fo4 broke and im not interested in fo76 and will absolutely not touch starfield ever again. also that leaves skyrim to mess with and morrowind and oblivion. also new vegas but I was listing bethesda only games
Us Linux chads do not touch zip.

Fallout london IS a mod, and todd howard DID break the steam install for it. You can simply own todd's ass by playing this.
>playing shitty original fan mods
There is not a single original fan mod that as even been decent. They suck shit at writing and design.
Trips concluded it. No more fallout london. I'll tell polish femboys to delete it from GOG.
I know london is a mod I just have no interest in unbreaking my mod list that the next gen update broke (seriously it broke like 80 mods or so) and rolling back is a chore since there's no built in method to roll back versions (on purpose by bethesda so they can force everyone off the old games and onto the new ones its why they purposely broke fallout 4 recently with the update to force everyone off the game and mods). luckily they dont seem to break or mess with fo3 (knock on wood) so I can still mess with that and play a fully modded fo3 game (which is pretty fun and the area's are better than I remember them being). but yeah I had a comfy setup in fo4 and they broke it on purpose those pathetic piece of shit.
>you need a degree in computer science to install this mod
Big L. Should've just made it like Enderal, where you download the whole thing pre-modded, provided you own the base game on the same platform.
emil pagliarulo is a hack i hate seeing his bare feet on x
Fuck this is buggy.What the fuck did they do for the last few months?
Every mod created for a fallout game past 2 is inherently shit. Just play Sonora instead.
No fallout game is worth playing
At this point I'm convinced that only Germans can make TC's for Bethesda games.
Sorry, not into FPS games.
Fallout Nevada
Tamriel Rebuilt + Project
The Convergence

>here's a few from not RPG genres:
The Black Parade
TIE Fighter Total Conversion
I can't shake the feeling that the only people that ever say these are good are poor slavs trying to fill youtube with garbage content and those that don't think for themselves as secondaries. With the exception of CS, but a shooter mod shouldn't be discussed at all in comparison to far more demanding RPG design.
Thanks for proving my point.

Mods are good when they fix stuff or add options. They are never good when talentless people are given the reins to balance, rebalance, design or write new stuff.
File: IMG_0221.jpg (23 KB, 220x264)
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All those mods are better than the game that spawned them

>Verification not required.
Is warlockarcy in the room with you right now?
no u
I don't want to downgrade my Steam installation. What a pain in the ass! Hopefully they will get it working with the version of the game that is released!
Why dialogues are cut short at the end of each line ?
Why the running/walking speed is either too fast or too slow ?
Why do they force upon you stupid side-quests you can't walk away from ?
Why the audio is so fucked ?
Why is sneaking so useless ?
I get that is free, but god damn, so far my experience have been grueling to say the least.
good thing i paused my update as soon i saw the drama KEK
look this zoomer. He never played CS. What sad existence.
I'll wait and see if the writing is total ass like every other massive scale mod project to date. Got better things to play than Fallout 4 anyway.
Half-Life is better than CS, Ivan.
So has anybody actually played this? Is it any good or is it another Fallout the Frontier? Or something in the middle? Problem is with these huge mods is they're akin to fanfiction that doesn't understand what made the original games good in the first place, they try to be quirky and different but it falls flat

Tamriel Rebuilt is the only one on that list that is good, because the modders knew what made the original good and it's basically just more morrowind
Oof, this is a terrible idea, only Americans play Fallout and they don't like England and the British... there is no audience for this
Its about as competent as fo4 and follows the same basic gameplay, which honestly is pretty surprising for a mod. Parts of it feel like it could easily be made by bethesda.
>basic drag and drop is hard now
Sounds like you need a new genre if reading is this hard for you
What an atrocious thread, holy shit
>Parts of it feel like it could easily be made by bethesda
Is this a compliment?
>Tamriel Rebuilt is the only one on that list that is good
Nah both The Black Parade and Enderal mog their base game
You sound like you're too stupid to install Fallout Nevada
Imagine how stupid someone has to be to care about any fallout game whatsoever in the current year
What are you playing now friend?
Curse of Azure Bonds, Trails in the Sky SC, and Path of Exile Settlers of Kalguur
Mods are often poor quality or feel out of place. It takes a bit of skill and taste to make sure a mod meshes well with the base game.
>*tips fedora*
Does it get better?Found the fish people,found the plane,went back to the other fish people and I'm already bored.Same with the gang and their fetch quests.It's boring as fuck and I can't even complain about the quality of the writing because there barely has been any story so far.
Anon it's not about the install process,the only impressive thing about the mod I have seen so far is the exterior work.
People always have a brainfart when it come to CS because it's the exception that proves the norm, not the other way around. It also blowed ass at release and only got good after years of tweaking.
Almost all maps were also inhumane dogshit.
>exception that proves the norm
Didn't team fortress and dota come from modding too?
So what's the verdict?
Not a trainwreck like the frontier but still basically just fallout 4 with a british skin and bad fanfiction writing
Worse than vanilla FO4 actually.
Compliment to the modders a little bit of an insult to bethesda
So what build did you go with?
It's good enough and free.
Time isn't free. They'd have to pay me to play FO4.
(You)'re time worth dime and nickel. Bad bet.
in FOLON it's more like pence and Nigel
My are time worth mucho grande dollar. No gamble.
If you just want to run around the world ?Sure,as long as it doesn't crash.But the 99% of the side quests are just bad and the MQ isn't good either.

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