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>for literal decades, hear about how FF5 has a bad main villain, underdeveloped characters, and is the worst of the SNES era FFs.
>even fans of the game say the story/characters are lackluster and the real appeal is the job system
>decide to play it
>turns out it has the best villain in the series, a thematically fantastic and lovable main cast, and is actually the best of the SNES era, if not the entire series

Lmao. Any other examples where the popular opinion about a game is demonstrably wrong just because the typical audience is retarded/illiterate?
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FF5 is about the job system. That's the only thing anyone remembers.
>FF5 is about the job system. That's the only thing anyone remembers.
These two statements have nothing to do with each other. The fact that the average player is too illiterate to appreciate the other strengths of the game does not preclude their importance or quality.
>AI slop
>>even fans of the game say the story/characters are lackluster and the real appeal is the job system
Those "people" aren't real fans.
It's just insane, though. The story and characters of 5 are arguably even deeper than 4. Everyone sucks 4 off all day long but 5 is forgotten.

Is this just a western thing? Like is 5 properly loved in Japan, or are they retarded, too?
I sometimes get the impression 5 is even more popular than 6 in Japan. Might not be since that NHK poll a few years ago had 6 about 5, but I still think they're about the same. They also sold about the same amount in Japan. In any case, they're both a ways about 4 in both love and sales.
FF5 didn't reach the west until the Playstation (which had a poor translation) and the GBA (which had a more comedic script). That combined with the game going with the traditional Warriors of Light storyline compared to the more 'complex' 4 and 6 (which the west actually did get at their original release dates) and some people even go as far as to call 5 a parody of the series even though nothing about it gives that impression outside of the cast being quirky.
Most retards who criticize a games story these days don't even know what story means.
>This game didn't have the character pause to give us over an hour of exposition so the story is flat
is basically the criticism
Trails fandom told me Crossbell good, Cold Steel bad, Kuro good. Then I played them and Crossbell was horrendous, Cold Steel was great (namely the first 2 games, the latter 3 were merely good), and Kuro mediocre.
It's a really good game. I prefer it to VI because it doesn't have as much focus on story, you have one main party, and it just feels chill and I love how it looks. When I got to the first major boss (Siren) the first time I got demolished, I had to grind jobs a mild amount first, and I like that.
>it just feels chill
I never got this, to me ff5 always feels urgent and desperate with the villain constantly being a step ahead of the heroes and seemingly completely invincible even from early on
congrats, you have contrarian taste.
It's the artstyle, nice environments, and (sometimes) good music. It had those timed rush scenes and plenty of hectic dungeons. I just for whatever reason prefer what I remember about V (I played the SNES RPGe fan translation).
It's pretty fun, it has surprisingly kino BGMs
Lote this town theme, really makes tou think you're attending a trad harvest festival in medieval Europe
Love this track for being mysterious
And of course, Battle at Big Bridge
Yeah, it's a real shame. Games allow you to present story and themes in a manner that's different to other mediums, but if you don't just copy other mediums, people insist that no storytelling took place. This means you end up with modern moviegames which are both terrible as games and as movies, and may as well not exist at all.
At last you truly see.

>Any other examples where the popular opinion about a game is demonstrably wrong just because the typical audience is retarded/illiterate?
Final Fantasy X. Maybe it's my fault for listening to peers who hyped it up as some cult classic, but I was severely dissapointed.
>crushingly linear, most areas are basically hallways
>melodramatic story where characters withhold important information for the sake of a dramatic reveal
>some incredibly bad voice acting (not talking about HA HA HA)
>fucked up difficulty, with 75% of the game being a cakewalk, and the last 25% being brutally hard
>blitzball and those retarded trial puzzles
It's a shame too, because the overall art style and music is fucking INSPIRED. I can't believe how fucked up the remaster makes the cast look
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>surprisingly kino BGMs
Probably my favorite overworld theme of all time. It has this wonderful fantasy/sci-fi/prog rock vibe, and I love the echoing snare drum throughout. It just 100% captures the feeling of exploring a completely new world.
Even the opening is pure kino. I feel like it gets overlooked because 4 and 6 have pretty iconic openings, but the opening of 5 perfectly captures the "you're about to go on an adventure" feel.
>This means you end up with modern moviegames
Developers are afraid to weave major story elements into gameplay and/or make them optional because the average player/critic will be too stupid to find or understand them, and that leads to bad reviews. Modern RPGs lead you by the nose to everything.

In FF5, I love how Bartz's entire hometown and most of his backstory end up being optional and permanently missable. The game never tells you to go to his town and nothing important ever happens there in terms of the main plot, but it's great; everyone remembers you, there's the childhood friend who became a scholar and shares the memory about how Bartz became afraid of heights, there's the girl who obviously has a crush on him, and all the shopkeeps who give you half off everything, as well as the major cutscenes you get by checking the music box at your old house and staying at the inn (for free, lol). It's aboslutely one of the best renditions of "RPG protagonist hometown" I've ever seen, which makes sense given how big this game is on the themes of home and family.

Also, dat music.
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>compared to the more 'complex' 4 and 6
I hear this opinion all the time, and I will agree 6 is more "complex", for better or for worse.

4, however, is absolutely no more complex than 5. They're actually extremely comparable in terms of plot depth and complexity. I think people just view 4 as the "deeper" game because the main character is directly tied to the conflict and the plot serves as his redemption arc; the melodrama of 4 is much more in your face. But 5 still has a ton. Everything about Faris and Lenna is honestly a bit heartwrenching, and much like Bartz, a lot of their backstory is completely missable if you don't go back and spend a few nights at Tycoon castle when the game makes it obvious to do so.

>I sometimes get the impression 5 is even more popular than 6 in Japan.
I remember reading interviews with developers of FF14, and they were asked what their favorite Final Fantasy game was, and like half of them said 5. It really does have the perfect balance of story and game mechanics, imo. You get out what you put in, so people expecting a movie-game are automatically disappointed and filtered by the focus on gameplay.
A filtered anon.
>crushingly linear, most areas are basically hallways
You're playing the 'Movie Game - made in Japan' genre. Did you actually believe you had non-inear stories in JRPGs where you're walking through empty world maps? HAHAHAHAHAHA
>melodramatic story where characters withhold important information for the sake of a dramatic reveal
The story is good and relatable. The characters are memorable and grow on you. The lore is extremely BASED and REDPILLED about the nature of gnostic reality. The world is absolutely beautiful and captivating.
>some incredibly bad voice acting (not talking about HA HA HA)
There is absolutely nothing wrong with it.
>fucked up difficulty, with 75% of the game being a cakewalk, and the last 25% being brutally hard
Dark Aeons are the only issue. Roadlock fights like Seymour, the laser dragon, the airship dragon are enjoyable challenges.
>blitzball and those retarded trial puzzles
Blitzball is BASED. The temples are BASED. You got fitlered, HAHAHAHAHA
For me, it’s Butz
I couldn't even tell you what 5 was about other than
>guy meets princess
>you can change classes, wow
>they meet totally male pirate captain
>they meet old wizard
>turns out the pirate is the older sister of the princess
>old wizard dies in battle, his uuoohh granddaughter takes his spot in your party
>together they defeat a tree that somehow became an evil knight
>the end
>This game didn't have the character pause to give us over an hour of exposition so the story is flat
I've been watching a friend play and it's only helped me notice even more fantastic details after my initial playthrough.

One of my favorite parts is Bartz's short solo-adventure with Krile after the two worlds merge. They're at the party at Tycoon, thinking everything is over, and Krile is just like, "Something feels wrong", and without a single scrap of hesitation of doubt, Bartz is just like, "Okay, we have to check this out then". I feel like it's something he wouldn't have done at the beginning, but at that point he trusted Galuf, and Galuf trusted Krile, so he trusts her as well, no questions asked.

I also love the role Krile takes in the party. Galuf was the father figure, and frequently treated Butz like the slightly-stupid kid he was. Then Krile, an actual child, joints the party and engages Bartz on his level, while still probably being smarter. It's just hilarious and charming, through and through, and it immediately makes her one of the family.

Galuf's whole arc is brilliant, too. He goes from being a doofy old man with no memory to a peerless hero, grandfather, and king. I absolutely adore the scene that happens at the pub in Regole after you follow Galuf back to his own world. It's the first time Bartz interacts on a personal level after Galuf gets his memory back, and they have a wonderful bonding moment over a beer. I also love how realizing Galuf is a legendary hero puts some of his earlier actions into perspective, like when he wanted to steal the pirate ship right at the beginning.

Another thematic bit I love that's also present from very early in the game is how, whenever the main party find themselves knocked out or on the ground in any cutscene, they literally go and help each other up. Even after the last battle.

I could literally go on about this game's story and characters for hours. It's insane people think it's shallow.
>Like is 5 properly loved in Japan, or are they retarded, too?
Japanese people are retarded. They have nonsense genres like "Simulation" and "Character Action", and they call their retarded movie games for children "RPG".
>Games allow you to present story and themes in a manner that's different to other mediums, but if you don't just copy other mediums, people insist that no storytelling took place.
Case in point >>3564577
>Then Krile, an actual child, joints the party and engages Bartz on his level, while still probably being smarter.
I love their little back-and-forth when Faris catches up with them and asks which of them thought it was a good idea to go off alone, and they both keep pointing at each other like children. FF5 really doesn't get the credit it deserves for upping the game with sprite animation. It's nothing crazy, but all the sprites have so many versatile expressions and emotes, it really makes them come alive.

Modern gamers don't pay attention to this shit, though. They take for granted that game characters are going to be fully-3D and constantly emoting as though you were watching a movie. Suddenly I realize why TV executives thought audiences needed a laugh track: because they do. People are fucking dense, and the further and further we get from the written word being the primary way of telling a story, the more true it becomes. Seriously, read a fucking book. Learn something, for cripes' sake.
I've never read a post that made me so glad to not be retarded. Like, holy shit, anon. Are you even sentient?
It's just yet another example of people thinking being comedic necessarily entails shallowness
I've always thought all 3 SNES FF games have extremely similar stories. If anything the most simplistic one is VI since it just stops even trying to have a story in the WoR part

People will say that V is weak in story and then turn around and talk about things like how great Galuf's death scene is or how Gilgamesh is just a really fun persistent rival character. I don't let it get to me. We Vchads are pretty secure in our game's legacy. It doesn't matter if idiots don't understand their own hypocrisy, it doesn't change that many, many games have looked to FFV as a foundation for their progression system, and that's all the respect I need the game to have
Yeah, I remember seeing a few anons make the claim that the GBA script isn't accurate to the original and tries to add jokes where there are none. But I can't believe that at all with how many visual gags are baked into the sprite animations
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I played the SNES version with the GBA script patched in and I think it was a big part of why I found the game so comfy. Afterward, I watched a playthrough of the game with the more direct fan translation and I really don't think there was much difference. LIke, the GBA script does add in some jokes and references in a Woolsey-esque fashion, but it doesn't change or obscure anything important. Really, they're just expanding on what was already there.

Ultimately I think it makes the game very charming. I love how Bartz uses all these midwestern US interjections like "Sweet Christmas!" and "Geez-oh-Pete!". It really helps define his character as the sort of guy who fancies himself a lone, free ranger, but he's still too much of a happy-go-lucky doof to use an actual curse word. It immediately puts him in contrast to protagonists like Cloud.

>It's just yet another example of people thinking being comedic necessarily entails shallowness
Indeed. Most people are just completely incapable of understanding the difference between "content" and "tone"; they automatically assume they must be linked, to the point that they will ignore actual story content to convince themselves.

A lot of western FF fans got into the series through VII, which, overall, presents itself as a rather serious story with a serious tone, but it breaks that tone a lot. More than most fans would like to admit. For example, there's a huge swath of players who just fucking despise Cait Sith, to the point that I recall some sort of mod effort back in the day to replace him with a human character based on Judas Iscariot who betrays the party, all so they wouldn't have to cope with a big, doofy cat on a moogle in their serious game for serious gamers such as themselves.
>We Vchads are pretty secure in our game's legacy.
Yeah, it's one of those special games where I really don't care about anyone else's criticisms. I found it to be a glorious experience.

A friend is playing it based on my recommendation, and he's having fun, but he doesn't love it. He told me last night that it's not his favorite FF, because he likes 7, 8, 9, and 15 better. That sounds absurd to me, but whatever. He just didn't get invested in the game the same way I did. With FF5 you get out what you put in, both in terms of gameplay and plot, which is one of the things that makes it so great.
FF5 is easily the best out of 4, 5 and 6.
Imo the FFs with job system are the best.
>he likes 7, 8, 9, and 15 better.
no offense but your friend sounds like a retard.
He's just become a casual, is all. He likes movie-games where you can just mindlessly attack to win. His love of 7-9 is likely based very much on nostalgia as well. Which is fine. People are allowed to like what they like. But it is funny to watch him play 5 because he has a hard time figuring out solutions to extremely simple problems. He's so used to games holding your hand and giving you waypoints that his problem solving skills have evaporated; he's used to games that play themselves.

I like 7, 8, 9, and 15 as well, but they don't hold a candle to 5, especially not in terms of gameplay.
>whenever the main party find themselves knocked out or on the ground in any cutscene, they literally go and help each other up.
I loved this. It's such a small detail, but it's very deliberate, and it helps drive home the fact that the heroes have become a family.
>He likes movie-games where you can just mindlessly attack to win
I mean I don't think V is any different
Kind of my biggest problem with the game, really. It's balanced in such a way that you can use basically any team to win, which means everything has to be easy. At least bosses aren't a slog I guess
The Japanese version still has a lot of gags in there, but the English GBA script adds more, like a joke about the scholar in Bartz's hometown actually being dumb, or a reference to Chocobo racing in VII, or Gilgamesh's "Let's fight like men! And ladies! And ladies who dress like men!", or Ghido getting mad at Bartz for repeating things back to him Metal Gear-style.
I am not even slightly impressed with FFV as a game at all. The level of customization is offer is frankly a really low bar and nothing about the characters or scenarios sticks out to me.
*it offers
That's nice, dear
Pretty sure I've read that every job class can solo the end boss if geared correctly. Some like berserker need level 99 but yeah
Berserker needs absolutely ridiculous luck to solo the final boss, so that one's kind of debatable. All the other classes can reasonably do it though, with varying degrees of difficulty mainly due to things like HP pools and equipment options
The sand worm I imagine also requires some ridiculous luck
I mean the only stat leveling up even raises is HP, right? IIRC everything else is fixed per job and you rely on equipment to get stronger otherwise
Nah with bard or chemist you can raise your levels in battle to get stupid strong
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You have no idea
>A lot of western FF fans got into the series through VII, which, overall, presents itself as a rather serious story with a serious tone, but it breaks that tone a lot. More than most fans would like to admit.
Stuff like Advent Children and KH are probably responsible for this. I was put off of playing VII for a long time precisely because I got the impression that it was this dour grimdark game through vague cultural osmosis. And then I actually played it and realized the first party member you get is basically Mr. T with a Mega Buster and I knew I was gonna have a lot more fun than I had expected. VII really has to be one of the most misunderstood games out there, like people complain about the remakes (which I haven't played) but I get the sense that fans themselves don't really understand the game, especially not when half the discourse is around Tifa's tits being made into culture war bullshit. V being snubbed for being too lighthearted is annoying but at least we don't have to deal with that
Level doesn't affect your stats aside from HP, but it does play a major part in a lot of the game's calculations.
The zerker one is interesting. The guy had 6 instances of the game running at once, sped up to max, then left it running in the background. It was set up such that it'd load a savestate at the start of the fight if he got a game over. He has no idea how many attempts were run through before one worked, but it was a ludicrous amount.

On 2 computers so 12 instances in total according to the description dear lord
Yeah, I remember that from the end of Sullla's run. Crazy thing to have to do to "complete" the run
I've learned that pretty much lots of ancientfag/early internet opinions are wrong.

>Exdeath is good
>FF8 is good
>FF7 is bad
>You CAN resurrect General Leo and no, I won't say how
Well, you can clear the game with lv1 parties.

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