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The series needs more male characters. The limited female cast was fine for bullet hell and fighting games. But it hurts the immersion of an rpg with stunted world building.
Garbage universe that only produces lazy garbage games. Fuck touhou.
rinnosuke is a chad
>But it hurts the immersion of an rpg with stunted world building
No? No.
>The series needs more male cha-ACK
Kill yourself
I have yet to play luna nights. How is it?
You have to understand that Japanese otaku are very mentally ill and incredibly insecure.
They dislike male characters, especially Chads because they see them as competition.
This is why the games/anime that panders to them either have all-female casts or just one male MC that is completely generic and self-effacing to act as a self-insert.
Keep that in mind the next time you run into a franchise like Touhou, which are specifically designed to pander to otaku.
It's fun, but also very short and easy.

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