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he's literally me frfr
Never met any, i guess im unique.
I never felt so connected by a fictional character by a vidya character than him. I love adventures.
You're a big, muscle bound pseud who's racial rants make little sense when put under even a little scrutiny?
Did you have enough perception to reveal that part of his jaw is slightly misaligned and show him that he is flawed like everybody else? After blowing his mind and destroying his entire outlook on life by breaking this news to him I also knocked him on his ass to show him he isn't even that strong either and a past his prime alcoholic dad bod loser can even kick his ass.
Ehhhh I'm not 7 feet tall, but
>stereotypical non-white white supremacist who fantasizes about being a british dude in the 1800s and wonders why they willingly gave up so much power and domination
>decently muscly from lifting
>dont have a harem but I do have several FWBs, they're not ugly or fat or anything but I just don't find them too appealing
>have unironically gone on dates with polish and italian girls and explained to them that I'm whiter than them because <wall of text headcanon>
>recently realized that my dad is from the part of his country that is not considered "superior" and it kinda shattered my own internal racial belief structure and idk how to cope
>also dabbled in semen retention before until I read articles that deboonked it
You're a nofap incel that lives in his mothers office?
I'd say you're more of a Gary, anon.
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And what if I am, huh?

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