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What is your candidate for best cRPG of all time and why?
Image unrelated?
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>another inflammatory thread in which the argument is framed around games for retarded toddlers that just started playing rpgs a month ago
I hate reruns
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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
non-ironically this
Planescape is so fucking overrated
probably fallout 1
It's short and pretty accessible for new players yet has a really good story.
Even though choices in that game I believe are basic, it never stopped me from replaying every couple of years.
Sure, some games do things a bit better in certain areas, but Fallout 1 does everything well enough to scratch most of the itches from combat to story.
It's quite amusing that you act as if you're here for interested discussion of rpgs but you're such a repellent and obnoxious faggot that you've been run out of every sort of forum where that is possible and now you're stuck on a second rate board on 4chan endlessly reposting your detached disappointment that people are endlessly reposting chan tier threads. Irony. Get fucked idiot.
Is someone hold you at gunpoint and forcing you to open and take part in the thread?

Anyway, for me it's Planescape Torment in terms of story and Pillars 2 in terms of gameplay. Pillars 2 has probably my favorite take on multiclassing out of any crpg that I've played.
Pahfinder wotr and kingmaker
get those boomer elitist trash out of here... old RPGs weren't that good.
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i still need to play arx fatalis and arcanum
Is this really the best the crpg genre has? Cause The Oblivion is unironically miles ahead of any of these games. I didn’t realize you guys trolled so much, I started believing there were good crpgs out there. Damn.
What the hell is "Cause The Oblivion"
Are you some ESL trying to talk about Oblivion as in TES
too fat of the bait my dude
It's comical honestly. Arcanum was a massive piece of shit. You people are completely and totally INSANE. Diablo was good sure, but nothing in comparison to Bethesda games. It's honestly shocking what terrible taste the purists have. "Noooo! I hate a usable UI, NPC's that can do more than just say pre-written lines, I hate beautiful graphics, I hate physics! I hate role playing!" Like what the fuck. I now laugh at the CRPG genre if these are your champions. You can call me a troll but I'm serious. The fucking Sims is more fun most of these games.
>I hate role playing
nigga are you implying that oblivion has roleplaying in it? its one of the first most railroaded games to exist
Unexpectedly based for /vrpg/
>but nothing in comparison to Bethesda games
>"Noooo! I hate a usable UI, NPC's that can do more than just say pre-written lines, I hate beautiful graphics, I hate physics! I hate role playing!"
What a beautiful irony.
Did no one notice that that’s the French version of Diablo
Not ironic at all. Try again sweetie.
What about Alanis morisette ironic?
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Let me rephrase your question : "What is the best cRPG and why its Arcanum?"
Yeah because if retards such as you are let to shit things up as they please this will just become a /v/ tier shithole but slower where no one plays or discusses anything. These threads are made to subvert game discussion, not enable it. You are here for parasocial reasons.
I liked her response to everyone shitting on her. She's like, I wrote that song when I was 17 or something and I expected 5 of my friends to here it. I never knew the whole world was going to listen and it would be a massive hit.

I can respect that. Imagine writing like, a fan fiction after work, and it becomes a best selling novel. And you made a few mistakes. "This author is FUCKING DUMB. And you're just bro come on, I was high when I wrote it and expected 2 people to read it. It wasn't my best effort, fuck.

I wonder why the rest of the industry is incapable of making anything alike. Roleplaying game? TES embodies that genre and is lightyears ahead.

Again, I completely agree. I went through trying different RPGs and sometimes I couldn't believe what I witnessed. I felt like being trolled into playing garbage.
>I felt like being trolled into playing garbage.
That's what you get when you have a group of autismos competing on who plays the most niche stuff
>"uhm my favorite game? you probably haven't heard of it"
Yeah because it sucks, mystery solved

My top 5 contenders

Ultima 7 Black Gate
Baldur's Gate 3
Might and Magic: Clouds of Xeen
Wizardy: Crusaders of the Dark Savant
1. Age of Decadence
2. Arcanum
4. Fallout 2
5. Mount and Blade : Warband
my shortlist
>Fallout 1
>Wizardry 8

* these are not "my top 5" in anyway, in later case I'd have to consider a lot more games
for example neither PTS nor DE belong on best crpg shortlist because while great crpgs, they are great precisely due to being different from the bulk and in that way they are not indicative of the genre
** any action elements also marks a game as invalid for the list, sorry VTMB
there are no such thing as a genuine fan of planescape torment, you just like the idea of a cerebral experience rather than dumb hack and slash
My top 5
>Fallout 1
>The Bard's Tale
>Might & Magic VI

That's my completely subjective opinion and I don't care if others approve or not.
"What about X game?" Either I didn't like that game or I've never played it.
Nobody cares

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