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Disco Elysium is a better CRPG than Planescape Torment.

PST has a great story, OK exploration, and bad combat.
DE skips the combat altogether and comes out better for it.
i refuse to play disco elysium because someone told me it has political compas and thats just sound miserable to have in a game
plus i like punching stuff and doing stupid builds
>someone told me it has political compas
You were lied to.

You can choose to align with various political ideologies (like liberalism, fascism, communism) by internalizing the thoughts associated with them, but it doesn't have Reddit shit like a "political compass".
it has the same combat as other ie games you cretin zoomer
>thats just sound miserable
You are right, and the game purposefully makes it sound miserable and make your overidealistic choices every chance it gets regardless of your compass, every single political plotline ends up in your complete failure and just ending up more miserable since politics cant fix your life
And you kind of do stupid builds in this game
I disagree that it’s better than P.S:T (for one, it has very little replay ability while PS:T does, and the writing and story and characters aren’t in the same league) however over the years I’ve warmed up to accepting that disco Elysium isn’t as bad as I thought at first. Regarding the politics, while it’s abundantly clear that the devs are, of course, commies and ignorant of other ideologies and their own personal bias comes through heavy-handedly, a less superficial take is that it doesn’t matter which ideology Harry picks, they’re all coping mechanisms for the ex and that’s why he relates every ideology back to his relationship.
This isn't remotely true, the combat is far inferior to say BG2 in enemy variety, AI, abilities/spells, and balance. Nobody talks about loving the combat.
I grew up enjoying BG 1/2, IWD, and PS:T for different reasons. Each has a different focus and they’re not in competition with each other.
A better criticism of PS:T is that the last like third of the game was cut and turned into a combat slog (there’s a rumor that it was outsourced to a third party studio). BG2 had a good amount of cut content as well
I haven't played PST yet but why does it have bad combat since it's a IE game? Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate have fun combat
I like the game but its combat is a bit worse. Play it and you’ll see. However, it’s not the focus of the game, while BG it’s like 50% and IWD it’s like 90%
DE isn't an RPG
Disco elysium is worse than fallout 76
It has better combat than baldurs gay and the best spells of any game ever.
PST is for people who both dislike rpgs and think Alan Moore is a good writer.
I disagree with that, i dont mind which one you prefer but i have one gripe with Disco Elysium.

So as you said DE skips combat so that means gameplay is now a non-issue? i disagree
Disco could've had way better gameplay despite getting rid of its combat, you have a lot of games that lack combat but still make up for it by having puzzles or different type of interactions with the game that adds depth to its gameplay, take a game like Portal for example, its similar to Half-Life in many ways when it comes to the engine, and thats why it feels like FPS but they removed the combat, and despite that the gameplay in Portal is fantastic because of the puzzles and physics and the ways you interact with levels.

Based on that we can see how Disco Elysium is actually shallow in gameplay department, there is basically nothing you as a player do except picking up dialogue lines and lets face it, more than 80% of them dont even matter and lead to the same pipeline. Even if there was a hint of a puzzle you dont get to interact with it whatsoever cause that floating dot around your head says it all for you, they spoonfeed you everything.
No puzzle and no interactions whatsoever.

To make things even worse the level design is as basic as it gets, it would've been nice if they added some interesting layout to the city, some secret paths that interconnect points of interest, some rewarding exploration even by adding narrative, some ways to progress the game nonlinear way instead of following the same routes every time.

PST has bad combat, thats for sure, but everything else is great and there is a lot going on and the party members are great.
Disco Elysium has one party member and the same shallow combat, weaker atmosphere and soundtrack imo.

PST has the high hand, and the only comparison you are left doing is writing.

The game that wins writing wins it all, i honestly think PST is better written as well.
Having political compass is not bad by itself but the way the game works around it is cringe, the game shoehorns you into picking one in the most lame and stereotypical way possible, to add more salt the way the game delivers those moments is like if you went to a political sub-reddit and read the comments, it doesnt feel like it was written by an experienced writers who lived in a political struggle but rather by someone who browsed Reddit for years and made up their mind on it.

The worst part is that most choices dont really matter and if you play it again it shows all the cracks, there is a serious lack of branching paths or real consequences going in, i can even compare it to Dragon Age and its about the same, yet when you remember that a Bioware game has more than just dialogue you start to see how much of wasted potential Disco Elysium is.

Disco is really overrated, i found that a lot of pseuds think highly of it and pretend its their favorite, its one of those games where you praise to get gamer cred and make your opinion more valuable to others.
>No puzzle and no interactions whatsoever.
Try playing the game without savescumming.
99% of people repeat opinions.
>A better criticism of PS:T is that the last like third of the game was cut
True. Also that the game is visually boring.

I can't get into the whole Twitter politics manchild relationship shit that DE does though. Planescape is timeless in its themes and doesn't try to parallel reality.
>Planescape is timeless in its themes and doesn't try to parallel reality.
It has identical themes to Disco Elysium.
Yes, you're unironically too stupid to understand what either game is about. They both have the same exact story in different settings.
Okay poser
Not okay, poseur. You lose simply you can only assert, and mere assertions can be easily denied.
For me, it’s
>Gordian Knot Locksmithing Co
That's not correct, though. If you go through the Fascist quest line AND pass that final Endurance check, Harry actually starts pulling himself together, as reflected by his much cleaner portrait.
I applaud to you.
Not engaging with political bullshit is very reasonable.
Knowing what you like and don't like, and not allowing yourself to by swayed by hype seems almost rare.

t. enjoyed DE immensely.
I played PS:T, Disco Elysium and Pentiment. Now, what? Everything else pales in comparison. Do I just wait for a new work of art?
The game says you look constipated after that, come on. You are not the icebreaker.

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