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I want to play the Amiga versions of the gold box games, just as they were played back then (grid paper maps and all). What's the best emulator to do this with? Any tips? I've already done this with Wizardry and enjoyed it. Also general gold box discussion thread.
>grid paper maps
You don't really do this in Goldbox games, as you get an Area command to see the whole map.
I've always used WinUAE in the past, not sure if something better is around now.
But isn't it just a plain map without a key?
Yes, you can't see doors or secrets or illusionary walls, but I always found you don't need to. I never drew a single map while playing these as a kid. The area map and memory was enough.
Uh yes you do. It's not as necessary as games with massive maze like areas like Wizardry, but most people do map in the goldbox games.
Most brainlets, maybe. Entirely unnecessary, it has a map built in.
Lots of "enemy" areas don't allow the area maps (as opposed to safe zones always having it) and IIRC it gets more and more common in later games to the point that the area map is useless.

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