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We need more pragmatic characters and choices in the games. Everyone is either a goody two shoes or an edgelord and it's cringe.
>noo stop you can't murder le heckin villanios
Spoken like a true moralfag!
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You're cringe
Pragmatists and utilitarians are moralfags, though- it's just the morality that they're faggy about is evil.
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Good game waiting room
what a load of projections bah
>>We need more pragmatic characters and choices in the games
No, we need more games that let me pull the Ouroboros. So I can use the left hand path to save the world.
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being a "pragmatist" edgelord is kino though
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Main character pants spotted. Initiating segso protocol.
what rhetoric effect was posting a pic of a bad game supposed to convey
Id fill this fumo up with my seed.
Right makes might.
Not really, but good luck enforcing what's right without might.
Why would someone care about enforcing anything without being right? Who will enforce the enforcers?
Me, I will enforce the enforcers (I don't enforce and do nothing and still collect a fat paycheck)
>Who will enforce the enforcers?
They do it for free.
Which means nothing will end up actually getting enforced.

If so, it would be because they are being compensated in ways immaterial. Because they care, because they believe they are in the right.
This argument's retarded. Shut up.
Someone's misanthropic.
I know nothing will actually get enforced, that's the entire point. Those not in the know think that it's a good system with anti-corruption practices but those in the know know that I won't actually do anything to the enforcers because that would risk my income stream as well as my cushy position.
What people believe is right doesn't necessarily have to be right.
Some people's morality and beliefs are rotten and / or warped.
If you are right but have no might then you lose to those with might
If you are mighty but are not right then you win against those less mighty, right or wrong.
Thus, it is better to be mighty every time rather than right.
The mortal plane is not the end, I would rather focus on myself and my loved ones and enrich my soul rather than involve myself with the petty power struggles of the material world.
If nothing gets enforced, where would the income come from? What stops people e.g. the enforcers themselves from coming after your position? Who or what will enforce the enforcers?

Which doesn't change that right makes might. The world ultimately moves because someone, somewhere, cares about being right.
>If nothing gets enforced, where would the income come from?
The public via taxes I imagine. As for the enforcers why would they come after my position in the first place? They have someone who is suppose to regulate them who doesn't do literally anything against them. They are in a pretty good position same as me. By removing me they rock the boat and risk someone worse then me (someone who would actually enforce the enforcers) coming in and enforcing them. It would be in there best interest that I remain right where I am so they have free reign to go around unenforced. Remember, the enforcers are still enforcing. I am just not enforcing the enforcers.
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Here's your """pragmatic""" character bro.
I doubt most people in power do what they do out of a sense of morality or "rightness."
Maybe you mean ambition or conviction?
I hope Cultivator Anon will deliver
Those who are mighty but not right have lost to themselves and are easily controlled.

Because they could be in your position instead. Why would the enforcers take money from the public and then give any of it to you? That is at least one thing that you "literally" do against them - taking any of their money.

What is the difference between ambition and proving oneself to be right?
I hope the MC will be forced to genocide cunts with impunity eventually.
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Nah, moralfags are kino.
>what is the difference between ambition and proving oneself to be right?
Obviously you can have ambition without wanting to prove that you're right. I don't get what you mean.
>Peasant walks up to nobility in public
>The peasant claims that the nobility is wrong
>peasant is beheaded that same down in the town square
Yeah, I think I am on team might.
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>other peasants see that the noble unlawfully executed the peasant
>they rise up in revolt and kill the noble and his family
Many such cases!
We'll talk about this another day, somewhere, though I may not seem familiar.
I'm looking forward to it Anon.
It is certainly a staple of the genre to wipe out and slaughter the entire sect once you defeat them.
>Peasant town decides to get uppity
>send in the army to crush them
Many such cases!
>Peasant Wars time
Time to kill half of your population, g*rman n*ble.
Sometimes thats just how it gotta be
I unironically agreed with this at one point, I thought Kenshiro was a bad and lame character for being a goody two-shoes all the time but then a specific moment shocked me and made me reevaluate him.
At the climax of the Thouzer arc, after Kenshiro kills him he starts crying, even Thouzer was a bastard that enslaved kids and killed Shura, a sympathetic character.
The logical explanation is that he was moved by his tragic backstory but I think it goes deeper than that.
Kenshiro is an ubermensch and in that moment he was acknowledging the passing of another who's on the same level above mankind as himself.
This one moment subtly reveals that Kenshiro is very much aware of his status as ubermensch and serves to further highlight his role as a foil to Raoh.
Kenshiro isnt just le good because he's... le good! He KNOWS that with his Hokuto Shinken he could become a warlord and conquer the wasteland much like Raoh, the difference between the two is that he consciously CHOOSES to be good.
He's not as complex as Raoh but more subtle than that meme gives him credit for
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>orckino and the new LaS a long ways off
At this rate we’ll have to wait until ‘25 for a decent finished game.
kosherkino is literally coming out next month though
Just player S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2, it's coming out this for real this time
When I said “game” I was specifically talking about CYOA games, anon.
What, you don't believe Infamous is going to ever see a release? Can't wait for Bacon to shit out another angstwank as well, imagine the new setting! Not-Poland, Not-Shadowrun... the possibilities are endless.

Aside from that, maybe Hexfinder will see the light this year? It seems alright.
Whiskey 4 is fun though, and it's not really that angsty unless you lean into it
good characters are fine, the problem is when they are retard tier good like a comic book hero or something stupid

its just all disgusting subversion by our sociopath overlords to make you think that killing evil people is le bad
>killing evil people is le bad
That always was a dumb take
Doesn't it open with a nightmare sequence followed by whiny monologues about how you're a damaged™ cripple
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>Some people's morality and beliefs are rotten and / or warped.
>nightmare sequence
>whiny monologues about how you're a damaged™ cripple
you being a disabled war vet is important but I don't remember much (if any) angst, just it causing tension because your mobility is battery limited, which is just important in general, but especially important in a fast-paced action spy thriller - which is what W4 is 99% of the time
He already had not!Jesus start wiping out the heretics for worshipping the wrong God.
need a cyoa where you can defile the heavens...
But it is okay to be a moralfag.. provided you have enough power.
Might does make right.
does it really? You cant dictate whats right with power forever,.
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tell that to the big guy
Thats because noone knows how to make good edge-kino that doesn't take itself too seriously
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>release date
I don't think so.
Why are people jerking this one title off so much, does it really show that much promise?
Kek I forgot this ancient bait. Thanks OP
(not)Warhammer orcs are fun
It's quite different from the usual CoG fare. His orcs feel distinct enough to play, unlike the usual human and cosplay!human fantasy games. Very open-ended. A lesser author would just make chief path the whole game and call it that, but Orcbro makes even stuff like simply being a wandering orc with no higher passions than adventuring and geting lootz that settles down in old age to adopt and raise an orc pup a valid way to play.
Play it and find out, its a really good journey
I remember my MC angsting during an active firefight, which is a genuine record among these games. It does pick up after the anomaly sighting, but the part before that is long, angsty and obnoxious to read through. Also, not enough of psycho ex. Ulysses is the only character with at least some character in the entire book.
nah I hate greenskins
>t. stuntie
Then kill them, as a greenskin yourself you can kill plenty of other greenskins as well.
people who do not think objective morality exists in at least some form are 100% giant pieces of shit coping with guilt
Morality exists, but it is never 100% objective. The most you can get is 90% because even people who agree on one topic will likely have different opinion on another. That is why it is less about forcing some kind of moral conformity on everyone else, and more about respecting each other.
I wish some cyoa actually did the concept of fighting for the freedom of your nation properly. I really want to roleplay that Kuruc soldier properly.
This is why you don't teach peasants to read. "Law" should be whatever the nobility says it is, not some inflexible stricture.
That was never a thing, it was an "inflexible stricture" ever since the Carolingians. And already there you have divided the rights and duties of nobility and rights and duties of peasants. And punishments for both for breaking the contract.
NTA but utilitarians always have unhinged morality. All the moral dilemmas apply to them with prejudice and show how they can't solve simple issues like just don't kill people. "But I might be able to save more later if I kill a little now?"
U-huh. Sure. And what would happen if a petty nobleman transgressed against his serfs?
Nothing. Not until the printing press.
Literally, just read about it, there were plenty of cases like that, and they always resulted in bad ends for such noble. Is it really so hard to actually study how the feudal system worked?
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Most games that claim to be powerwank are so fucking anal about the kind of powerwank they allow, holy shit. It's as if author constantly screams at you the second you take a step off the pre-laid road.

It's not even good powerwank either, to boot.
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Unfortunately true
/ourguy/ will save powerfantasies

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