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Any maritime rpg's where the sea or ships play a big part?
Sid Meier's Pirates (for Xbox and whatever ports that version might have). It's more of a collection of different minigames (sailing around and getting into naval battles, boarding the enemy ship to have a climatic duel with the enemy captain, sneaking into towns and jumping over garden walls, dancing with the daughters of governors, etc), but from what I can remember the ship fighting part was the biggest part.

Suikoden 4's gimmick is that you are sailing the seas between islands, and instead of a castle you get a ship. Opinions on it are mixed. If you emulate it you can turbo mode/fast forward through the lackluster parts.

Mount & Blade Viking Conquest has naval battles, but there isn't much strategy to them. When two longboats get close enough, they automatically glue/lock together allowing the infantry on both ships to fight each other in a melee, and there isn't much you can do when it comes to formation or tactics in that regard. You might be able to make a longbowman army and bombard the enemy soldiers while trying to steer your ship away so it doesn't get glued to the enemy ship, but everyone has shields to block arrows so that would probably be ineffective. A new Gekokujo mod for Bannerlord is coming out that promises naval combat, so maybe check that out.

Voyage Century was a MMORPG I played that was set during the Age of Sail. You could run around on land and get into traditional MMORPG hotbar tab target combat, and could also sail your ship and go trading between Istanbul and London or get into naval battles, though I think some more modern games like Naval Action probably do naval combat better.
Pillars of Eternity 2 but it's shit
There's those janky Akella pirate games, they have a bit of RPG mechanics. There's even some mods for them.
Uncharted Waters
Sunless Sea maybe?
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It sorta looks like fun desu
There was a chinese one. Idk If I wanna shill it though.
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For me, it's 1997's Final Fantasy 7 (PSX)
seven pirates h, easily one of the best rpgs to come out this decade
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Blood and Gold: Caribbean!
Hmmm do you think dq7 counts since it's all about exploring islands? Not that much of it is spent on the ship though....

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