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The only real souls game.
>The only real souls game
why are dark souls 2 retards like this
Looks ugly, therefore bad build.
but yeah I would make a texture mod or have thecolors be the same

maybe could be a good option to suggest to fromsoft that the game averages certain colors when you equip idk

the designs ain't bad
sword is blue flame btw and it casts spells
pretty good damage too if the sword is buffed
main advantage is he double buff plus casting or the axe for poise damage
also overstatted str dex and so more faith or just going for a larger axe is possible like the dragon one
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this is within weight without blue flame
better axe
better look
Is Bonerfist good or a meme?
no reach weapons and good is a difficult sell but...
for instance I should really level to drakekeppers axe str for the reach
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you have bad taste if you say it's not cool
also ds2 is the only real souls game because you have no need to go to ng+ with the ascthetics
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same soul level hexer
can switch out soul barrage and arrow and magic shield for attack hexes like great resonant soul
>The worst and most shitty one is the only real one because you level up 5x faster than normal and there's a bunch of useless bloat spells
Makes more sense than frost and bleed.
I like in DS2 how you seem to get way more souls or the cost of each level is lower. Either way it felt like you got more levels per boss than you did in the other games which fast became expensive. Even with shit stats like ADP you could put huge amounts of souls in more places.
Just use the full set instead of mixing and matching shit. Tryhard builds are annoying.
it's cool how there are a lot of viable builds in ds2, but my favorite playthrough was a sl1 run
I played it laat mounth and decided im gonna do a faith build. The Main game was fine, 2 throne dudes fell after like 3 spells but dlc is such bullshit.
>oops you made wrong build bucko
>every rock here has crazy resistance and need 15 sun spears to kill
I havent finish dlc because that pissed me of so much
havels chest looks dumb
I only did the one where you get the spell regen crown and then farmed the dragon dudes to a high level

never gonna ng+ but I did also get 3 copies of geyser and sspear
you'll never know the feeling of spamming sg 8 times until you've done it
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this another set that pairs well
favorite thing is to use resonant flesh and then great heal and resonant weapon and magic shield then when fighting you use soul barrage to roll catch and if you need to finish off switch to heide lance and charge
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pic is the health tank
and don't forget to upgrade the armor
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this is within weight too
idk which embument I should put on the tower shield, dark or magic. the physical is not a problem given armor
i made the wrong choice
the old knight shield is great for magic so add that and do dark on the tower
or i suppose magic on both since enemies rarely do dark
Rebel's Greatshield blocks every type of magic
oh and as to the leveling obviously you're supposed to join the covenant of champions or else it's really fast and not even fun
oh thanks will get it
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think I like this combo
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barrage spam setup
ds2 was their first souls game and they never understood how bad it is
No, that's because of years and years of
>not a real dork souls!!1!!
And now you're surprised that they used the same shit on you? Fucking retard.

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