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Anyone ever get in to this back in the day? I guess the steam version is kinda shit for some reason so I went with London 2038. Been playing for a couple hours and its entertaining. that old school diablo 2 feel but first person.
ah yeah, and forgot to mention i guess multiplayer doesn't work in the steam version anyway. London 2038 runs a server and i see people running around every now and then, but havent had much reason to group.
Yeah I bought into this. Collectors edition. Shame what happened as it was a ton of fun.
like i said, London 2038 is a free server, multiplayer works, game is very stable. not sure how far they are into this beta, but i think the game is complete, so you can play it now like the old days, albeit with a lot less people around.
It's shit, a facade of a game.
im having fun with it
I think there are plenty of good reasons to take a look at old games. London was kind of shit on for being a generic clone with mayhe some uninteresting content in comparison to other games at the time... but these days, you see a lot of call for updated remakes or reimaginings, like ff7 for example, or other games trying to replicate games while changing the things that made it fun or adding their own spin on it...
Anyway, point im trying to make is that i think a lot of the reason why indie development is so big right now is also the reason why it might not be a bad idea to check out some older games you overlooked in the past, because while London may not have been a good game at the time for some people, in comparison to the shit we get nowadays, i tend to find a lot more enjoyment back when politics and wokeness didnt ruin it.
I reinstalled it just a year ago, still sucks. It's hollow as fuck. Other games being shittier doesn't make a shit game good.
I remember /v/ making fun of this game back in the day. Like tabula rasa
i played it for awhile back when it came out, think i maybe hit 50 on my engineer, not sure. by that point the game was pretty much well and dead, so playing by myself got old. im sure people were probably hardcore into diablo still, or maybe the other knockoff arpgs, there were quite a few back then. its not a perfect game by any means, but i think it gets a bad rap.
So after playing to level 13, id say this game has two major flaws so far that probably filters a lot of people; act 1, which is like 2-3 hours of content, is very easy, even on elite mode, and act 1 definitely overuses the sewer and subway theme. Those two things combined probably trigger most of the people that might be interest in it. After it gets to act 2 though, it ramps up quite a bit in difficulty, and adds a lot more variety in levels and gear.
Another problem though, which isn't really its fault, is how the very similar diablo 2 skill system kind of promotes retarded gameplay like saving skill points for better abilities as you level, which was always kind of lame even in diablo 2.
If memory serves it's Borderlands but worse.
borderlands had god awful dialogue and comedy, and didn't take itself seriously.
I walked into the game shop and came out with this and bioshock
At least one of them was good
>didn't take itself seriously.
You're saying the comedy game didn't take itself seriously?
I was less of a latex female paladin guy.
while this has god awful dialogue and tries to be serious
I remember the spoken dialog and text never matching. They didn't even try.
Innovative but also very flawed. Not an RPG though.
the intro comments some of them make can be dumb. i dont really read any of the dialogue for the quests, either. didn't say this game was better, though, its just more tolerable.
also its like 80% text, so it doesn't even really matter.

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