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Is this any good?
It isn’t as good as grandia 1, there’s a guy who went through why he loves it in the past couple threads but I think he’s just biased cause he played it when he was young. it honestly isn’t anything special, the music is alright though
The hd remake really could have used some quality of life updates. You can even scroll through text fast let alone skip custscenes... Jeez.
It's pretty good. Ryudo's a fun character
He's only fun for the first half. Around the time he gets to his village his character loses alot of his charm unfortunately. Course it's not as bad as what tales of abyss did to Luke fon fabre after the first act. Jesus
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I played the Anniversary Edition (not the remaster) a couple of years ago. Not among the best RPGs but still nice and I prefer it over Grandia 1.
The biggest problem is in the gameplay. As soon as you get each character's first skill maxed (meaning they are executed instantly) boss fights become trivial, so does regular encounters when you get good AoE spells or the characters' ultimate skills.
Speaking of spells, that is the second biggest problem: unskippable animations. Just look at this shit. I don't know if the remaster adds a function to skip or speed them up, but if it doesn't then that's just retarded.

I never expected to see a JRPG with songs in Brazilian Portuguese
>I never expected to see a JRPG with songs in Brazilian Portuguese
Post it
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There are two (the second one has a different version, but the lyrics are the same). The Portuguese pronunciation in them is VERY broken.

(This is the title screen song)

(Lyrics in the description)
It does not have a skip animation feature. It's awful that way.
It's the kind of comfy and enjoyable SOVL you could only get from a B-level PSX-PS2 era JRPG.

Also the voice acting is unironically better than modern voice acting because they used western animation VAs instead of shitty anime dubbers/youtubers. Most of the same VAs from the MGS games (and a lot of who, like Cam Clarke, are legends in the field).

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