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I'm replaying this and it's pretty nostalgic. They did such a good job with making you feel like you where playing a fake mmo and the characters are such likeable losers like atoli and Gaspard.

Also damn the soundtracks good.
scummy episodic game design
I did not like that either growing up. It really should have been one game. At least they where released at 39.99 instead of full price but it was still alot of milking.
Can't stand the animu style of G.U. Love the atmosphere in the originals.
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I wonder how much of it was simply budgetary limitations more than just scummy sales tactics. It was far from the only game at the time that ended up being split into multiple releases. For some reason it seems to have been a predominantly PS2-era practice.
probably trying to imitate pokemon
It was absolutely a conscious decision to create a multimedia franchise with anime and manga and merch and games. It's a shameless and soulless product.
Yeah like imagine if for something like Final Fantasy VIII they released each disc individually at full price. Brilliance!
Which happens to also be a good game.
For you.
before dlc they split games up for maximum profit
Shameless - Yes
Soulless - Definitely No.
You just have no discretion. It's fine, you're the target su-, audience.

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