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I somehow managed to get a +23 reaction from Morrigan just at the hut and now she's all horny for me and we ain't even at the first town. I don't like that. I wish you could do companions quests without being all bff after mere minutes of knowing each other.
Sorry but this is DAO the game that jumpstarted the trend that every NPC must be begging to suckle on your knob the second you say one nice thing to them
They must also all expound about their backstory in great details at the slightest provocation.
This is the world we live in now, and this is the origin point.
No kidding. You max out a companions conversation tree in one basic bitch conversation and then they basically stand there the rest of the game like a bunch of puds because they have no story left. And it's not like it's a short game.
Are there any RPGs where an NPC can fall in love with you early on but then you have to actually manage the relationship and could potentially fall out of love?
in bg2 depending on your party you have to handle jealousies and bickering and you can even fail some romances pretty late into them

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