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How did Todd predict the future?
1st todd has nothing to do with tandi
2nd vault 15 had diversity experiment conducted in there. Surprisingly they havent killed each other. After unsealing the vault most of the people got along and founded shady sands, some just left, some founded great khans because they read books about him in the vault.
The Word brahmin is also come from vault 15 and means something in hindu i don't remember
brown tomboy pussy
Was she raped when raiders kidnapped her?
Canonically, raiders are not chomos.
The vault dweller did nakadashi her though.
Not he didnt
She rebufs you if you try to be sly with her
Um, sweaty, you really reckon they would ship a video game with lolicon romance? It was cut off.
Vault 15 and its consequences have been a disaster for the wasteland.
she wasn't a child though, children were cut from international release of the game
NCR was an intersting plot to follow
And it just makes sence that someone will try to build a country that was just lost.
Shame we will never see the whole revolution that was hinted all over New vegas because todd decided to blow it up.
Because if you blow something up you donr have to write something you know you uncapabale, plus you can use all iconography to fool normies and make them clap at a screen
She's also dating the guard at the entrance.
she's not a child in F1 you absolute retard
>you donr have to write something you know you uncapabale
There's nothing hard about it, but I'm grateful if the writers stay away from politics in the current climate
Didn't she got kidnapped as a child, you retard? Read the book.
Nice revisionism kike, most people in vault 15 didnt get along and became gangsters - killed each-other. small minority of pajeets left and founded the town of shady sands.
>Read the book
>2nd vault 15 had diversity experiment conducted in there. Surprisingly they havent killed each other. After unsealing the vault most of the people got along and founded shady sands, some just left, some founded great khans because they read books about him in the vault
>most people in vault 15 didnt get along and became gangsters - killed each-other. small minority of pajeets left and founded the town of shady sands
Are you guys quoting made-up fan fiction here or what? I literally just replayed FO1 and there's nothing about any of this in it
If you got the GoG one, just read the book included in the bonus.
>If you got the GoG one, just read the book included in the bonus.
I had a physical copy back in the day and I'm pretty sure the manual just had atomic-themed dessert recipes at the back.

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