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I'm lost. where the fuck do i go after getting the royal key.
also where is the steel key???
there's 2 steel keys in the game.
the first and most likely you'll get is the one the magicite shop girl points you towards open the locked forge room beside the class where Quake 3 is and defeat one of the guys in there, then hightail it out
the 2nd is in the great mine in a hidden, locked chest that you're very likely to miss since it's partially obscured by a piece of the scenery
the royal key unlocks the door in the yami domain. just enter through the prison and go straight to the left and through the first locked door you hit, and keep going left
thank you!
on the last one, that said steel key for me, I tried that since I couldn't remember which it wanted.
is the great mine different from the Dwarven mines? I'll go hunt for it if not.
one more question, I fought blood water i but never found where shes supposed to transform into blood form herself. did I miss something obvious?
yeah, the door to the forge room requires a steel key, and that's what the magicite girl tells you when she gives you another universal key and says it will also work, so you probably spent it somewhere else by mistake after getting it.
the great mine is the one you access through the yami domain and yami palace. the dwarven mines are up through the graveyard. very different places.
if you killed blood water already, you permanently missed her for your current run. you need to approach her while water i is in your active party and agree to merge with her.
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and here is your idea of where the steel key is found in case you still have an issue finding it.
I just downloaded the game from the catbox link and virustotal identified a Trojan on it. It's just a false positive, right?
it is a false positive.
changing the fonts or icons in the .exe's sometimes causes it to happen. you can always delete the launching exes and even the one in the game folder and just run the game with easyrpg player if you still don't trust them.
Thank you bro.
What is Enchant Farm? This looks neat.
That art... Was this game made by kson (KSO Numbers)?
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A free-scenario JRPG where you get dumped onto an island and are given a single story goal to accomplish by whatever means you see fit. How you do that is up to you, and while there are many characters, locations, bosses, and secrets to find, you may choose to do as many or as few as you want as you work your way towards the goal. The battles, team composition, and exploration are the meat of the game, and they're excellent to boot.
Oh some of the art doesn't actually match KSO's style after looking at more screenshots, maybe he is just a guest artist?
How does that allies turning into bosses thing works?
I finished the royal road and the 3 domains and the graveyard and kinda just lost motivation to continue. Feels like it just ran out of interesting secrets or progression to throw at me. Every enemy can be dealt with in a very similar way, which was fine when you didn't have every option available. Not really uncommon, as a lot of jrpgs shine through mid game and just taper off towards the end.
Convince me otherwise.
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Going out and gathering up more party members will advance "time" in the game. Example - Quick Move can be rushed and joins without a fight if you haven't gathered up a certain number of teammates. Wait too long, and you'll need to beat her before she'll join. This applies to all of the starters to some degree and a handful of the later characters, though most of the non-starters will require a battle no matter what you do.
going into the YAMI palace gave me a message about dangerous monsters in the world, what's up with that?
Also, what's up with the Cavern Key haven't found it yet.
that message means new bosses just appeared in various locations
cavern key go to the pirate's cove
You were literally at the finish line.
Who is better in the long run, keeping Water or sacrificing her to get Blood Water? I like that Water heals so I'm hesitant.
The main reasons to go Blood Water are
>she has native 10% HP regen and can self-heal while attacking (vampire fang)
>she can shapeshift into any weapon's type using revenger even if the weapon doesn't have offensive skills of its own that would trigger it
>she has an oh shit button in the form of blood price that gives her all stat buffs in exchange for reversing her HP regen
How often do you see yourself needing emergency healing that couldn't just be someone faster (Wind/Quick Move/Spark/Light 1 with a fast body) throwing water or lifedust? I don't necessarily think Blood Water is better overall than having access to form 2 and form 3, but she sheer amount of havoc Blood can wreak in a short time with minimal setup is nothing to sneeze at either.
Maybe save her for a later playthrough if you have reservations.
This game rocks, reminds me of early Black Souls before you're too strong to steamroll everything and its DLC 3 where you have to actually think to beat the enemies. Started with Darkness I and found Flame I on a tower to the side. I've been getting my ass kicked by most stronger monsters but now I'm grinding on the Highway area.
I shall keep posting about my adventures unless you guys find it annoying in which case I shall refrain.
I will save Wind I.
You're not wrong. For me, the early-midgame was the peak. Once you actually have halfway decent elemental coverage the overall difficulty drops, and once you figure out how to edit your passives it drops like a rock.
>once you figure out how to edit your passives
you can hwhat
That's why the "real" game doesn't start until tactical hardcore, and arguably not until you do tactical hardcore "naked" (no carrying over anything/no secret characters).
The normal difficulty is too easy and doesn't try to stop you from becoming OP aside from the fact that you're hard capped on high-level magicite during any individual playthrough. It's the "comfy" mode that evokes the same feeling of playing Final Fantasy 5 and permits grinding regardless of how unnecessary it is.
While tactical definitely boils down to a resetting simulator some of the time (then again, so does the base game), it all but requires you to pull out every trick that made you OP on normal mode just to scrape by and punishes lazy play in a way that the base game almost never does. The fact that you'll basically always be at a minimum of a 20% level deficit and have no choice but to neglect certain stats, and won't be able to rely on your elemental characters to craft stuff all the time, plus the fact that all the soul pot pickups are nerfed so you can't cheese the early game by grabbing the 10k/40k pots... It's interesting. Whether you think it's fun is a different story, but it's challenging in a way that only a handful of other JRPGs are and doesn't fall into the trap of being a "beat the game at LV1 because the stats don't actually matter" game.
You can forget stuff anytime iirc, and learn stuff from the guy in the prison behind a crystal key
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>got Electro and Rock
>revived Wind
>got to the Grand Prison by luring the Stone Golem away since he was kicking my ass
>got the Steel Key and went to Hikari Dominion but didn't do much there
>filled up all the fountains in the one room
>kinda stuck since I can't kill most bosses
I've been using a team of Rock, Electro, Fire and Darkness, Fire is my magic damage dealer while Darkness hits stuff and the other two protect them. I've got no idea what I'm doing but I feel like I should grind more since my team is only around soul level 70 so far and synth some better weapons, I'm glad I can dismantle and get stuff back, that's pretty cool.
>That's why the "real" game doesn't start until tactical hardcore, and arguably not until you do tactical hardcore "naked" (no carrying over anything/no secret characters).
>Whether you think it's fun is a different story
Hardcore seemed literally broken by design at a glance when I started the game. Tactical didn't seem like a much better option after beating it because of the extra fucking 50% soul gain reduction. Both together with nothing carried over just sounds like it'd be prone to trial and error gameplay if you don't enter into it with a very specific idea of how you want to progress through the game and with who. Ironically enough, the restrictions Tactical presents probably wouldn't dramatically change my overall combat approach outside of the soul restrictions making shit more tedious and probably picking a different main character. For the base game at least, the general combat flow is very formulaic for most fights once you know what you're doing, even for most of the boss fights.
>While tactical definitely boils down to a resetting simulator some of the time (then again, so does the base game)
The only shit I had to reset for while playing the base game was figuring out the item crafting trees since you don't get your fucking shards/gems/sources back if you don't end up liking the result, so you're stuck with either living with your permanent mistake for the rest of the run if you save after crafting, or resetting for something you know you can work with. There's a few systems that I don't particularly care for the implementation of in this game, and this is probably one of the ones I like the least.
>but it's challenging in a way that only a handful of other JRPGs are and doesn't fall into the trap of being a "beat the game at LV1 because the stats don't actually matter" game.
Very subtle. Enchant Farm doesn't fall into that trap because I feel like it ends up falling into another, which is making damage dealt and taken level dependent.
Tactical is really cool and I wish you could just select it from the menu rather than being an option in NG+. It actually forces you to plan out builds because you can't just max out every stat and the level cap is extremely restrictive.
So with all the variety, how much do you miss out on by bumbling your way around and beating the game blind, if you even manage to do so?
>Battle menu controls are backwards and there's no way to invert them
God damn it.
>King's Field references
There's almost no content you can get locked out of, besides the multiple endings that are only decided at the very end, so you can just play blind and not worry about anything. Unless you're playing Tactical mode, which you can't do on your first playthrough, it's basically impossible to screw yourself over.
For me the single biggest problem with this game is that you can see the enemies' next attack, which is important because you need to react to what the enemies are doing, but bosses often use multiple attacks and you can only see one of them, so you can get fucked by something you had no way of knowing which is very unfair. Some bosses have fully fixed attack patterns but most of them don't, and this wouldn't be a problem if the mechanic of seeing enemy attacks in advance actually worked properly.
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You can see an enemy's next attack?
push up while in the battle ring menu
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That's yet another problem with this game: it doesn't explain shit
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retard bros...
it's over
I haven't played in a while so I didn't remember specifically if that is mentioned anywhere, but 95% of the mechanics in the game are not explained anywhere.
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Sweet, I've been playing the shit out of this game the last week. I've settled onto a winning stratagem that's carried me and I'm glad I did it blind. Now, at the tail end of the journey, there's only two spoiler-y things I want to ask before completing it:
1. Where the FUCK is the Dragon God? The book on Royal Road mentions him being unsealed after killing the four errant dragons which I've done, but I can't find him anywhere.
2. What's up with the Withering Tree? I kept thinking that filling out the warps and fountains it'd help or I'd get something to fix it but I'm at the gates and it's still withered. Just curious.
The fight against The Mad King and his old pals was absolute horseshit by the way. Those bastards completely ignored Provoke Guard. Poor Wind I spent the whole fight out of commission and the other three had to pick up the slack. Still a cool fight, though.
1: where you got flame 3 in the melting den, 4 statues of dragons are there - the game will hint at what you should do
2: the tree takes the dragon bone dust you get from the waterfall cave and gets leaves after, and if you didn't already get the eggplant dragon girl for free, she will appear there as well
For me, it's Stone I. Never attack, only defend, front row. Keeps me safe with her gigantic DEF. I know she's probably suboptimal but I never rotate her out of the team, even against enemies with type advantages since she has a skill that cuts that advantage by 25%.
After she gets the passive that increases her evasion and the skill that gives her 2 shadow clones, my Wind I never died the entire rest of the playthrough
Stone I is great in the early game but falls off a bit later on because she doesn't have Provoke Guard like Darkness I or Wide Guard like Leaf Barrier or Electro Barrier.
Also type advantages don't matter as much with your tank because when you defend they lose their inherent type anyways and take on the types of the shield, which you can easily control to be whatever you want. Not something you need to care about on normal, but on tactical where enemies deal more damage and you're always massively underleveled it's pretty important.
>got the dragon hours ago
>missed the sparkle
Damn it, my fault for playing in the tiny window.
>never even found Flame III to begin with
>which means I find her, take the sword, then immediately offer her up again
Now that's pretty damn funny. Thanks for the info, anon.
Is max weight determined by stats or just innate to each character?
Innate to each character
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The only characters for whom WT can ever be altered are Starlight I, Aubergonath, and technically Darkness I (under extremely specific circumstances that are so specific that they are not worth accounting for).
>Burst I has below average MAG stat
>still outdamages everything
does anyone have a save file with all secret characters unlocked?
Is the steel type robot girl any good? She looks cool but I think I already have my team set.
>me actually going to royalroad (webnovel website) to look for an Enchant Farm book
She was part of my final team and nothing could really touch her after a bunch of turns in combat unless they had stat resets
I didn't like hardcore mode because it didn't stop me from out leveling the game but it did mean I couldn't try out different team compositions. Tactical mode sounds like it might be cool.

Spirit Bless is top tier, have her sit in front with a shield that heals your team and block forever.
>Spell has an accuracy rating of 90
>Misses more than it hits
This is actually really aggravating.
The agility difference is absolutely brutal on accuracy. If your agility is even slightly lower than the enemy's, it's all downhill from there. There's a reason people like to use magic form Water I, and it's because she never misses.
any tips on leveling backup party members? im stuck at hikari king and the dragon thing at yami
hikari king's a pain in the ass even with high levels.
better off to use light 1 to freeze off his barriers and keep everyone healthy for the light pulses, because there's no real way to stop them. interrupting his healing is good, too, if you can. the good news is his pattern is mostly set, so if you figure it out, you can prepare for it.
Who do you all think are the best characters? I ran Flame I, Water I, Spirit Bless, and Starlight I and thought they were pretty solid. Spirit Bless and Water I seem particularly great for the former's ability to reduce damage to the entire party, and for the latter's perfectly accurate spells, healing, and status recovery all rolled into one.
Wind I did the heavy lifting my first playthrough
Water I was comfy for the solo clear
Burst I, Starlight I, and Poison seemed great on paper for various reasons, but I've had little to no time with them yet
Can I dump party members once I find a fifth one? I recruited Wind in the starting area and she sucks.
Wind is the best party member but yes you can.
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just give her a chance bro...
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Alright, I've been bashing my head against Dragon God for two days now and I'm throwing in the towel. It's so fucking horseshit and I'm tired of trying.
>sorry your damage dealers are slow bro, they just straight up lose half their turns to attack lol lmao
No. I refuse to play along. I've gotten halfway through the green bar too many times only to die to that BULLSHIT TWICE IN A TURN 500 POWER PHYSICAL MOVE THAT HITS EVERYBODY, I'm not doing it again you son of a bitch. You win, I lose. Fuck you.
She dies in one hit, though. She keeps getting clipped even in the back and spends every fight bleeding out on the ground while Darkness / Water / Fire have to do everything
Give her her focus sash
there is the problem of not getting one very until late in the game if you didn't start with her thoughbeit.
give her choice scarf
How do you recruit her? I found some gold dust somewhere and was sure it was meant for her and when I came back she vanished.
I did not know that, I thought I picked that up from an early chest. In that case she's going to suck for a while until she learns the skills that keep her alive.
normally you get a soul returner from the shipwreck zone and use it on her.
now you'll have to wait until near the endgame to get her.
give her an evil ring.
yeah, in the tutorial zone the equipment changes based on who you start with and tends to be optimized for or themed around that character. (e.g. wind gets the focus sash, flame gets a free broken katana, the barrier girls get early leather shields, etc.)
Evil Ring is what I actually used because I didn't buy choice items immediately and didn't realize they were limited time
I'd imagine scarf makes her evade crazy though
Why is burst itself such a good damage dealer?
I just fucked around a bit with the attribute changer and made an enemy into normal / dark and hit him with fist for a 400% multi. Pretty good. Problem is it probably doesn't work on bosses and it would be cool if I could change the normal main element to something more abuseable.
>it would be cool if I could change the normal main element to something more abuseable.
Anon, I've got some extremely good news for you...
But how do you change her main type? Isnt the only way to get hit by an enemy spell with the right element?
Oh nevermind didn't read the filename. Does that include spells from my friend because that picture makes it seem like it.
It has to be an enemy's attack spell.
I'm at the Hikari kingdom and I'm already getting kind of bored of the game. Do I have a lot left to go or should I power through?
It depends where you've gone/what you've done so far, but Hikari is generally early middle game to reach and squarely middle game to actually clear.
I can't find the 'dragon in the treasure sanctum' i killed some blacks dragons way way later in the game but they dont count.
Also how do you beat the lightning fight king? He is fucking invincible.
the sanctum of treasures it's talking about is one of the areas you can reach from the royal road. the dragon blocks the main door before letting you further into it.
by lightning fight king are you talking about spark 3?
Ah sorry i meant the Light / Fight type king. With his stupid turbo nukes, his crazy dodge and unlimited HP. I cant even find a good ghost weapon or whatever to nuke him.
Also how do you make water 1 good? I have her as main and i dont really know what to do with her. Probably doesnt help that i dont understand the innate attribute thing.
>Probably doesnt help that i dont understand the innate attribute thing.
That's simple. Say she uses a Magic Attack that's Lightning. She gains the Lightning attribute afterwards. This is compounded with her other ability that gives whatever attribute she has more power/efficiency or whatever (they're stronger). Also, to keep it easy, Third Form. Third Form is the key. Never missing a single magic attack is wildly strong. Second Form isn't bad if you have a couple decent weapons on her (for me, it was Electro Katana and Ice Blade for Magic Coverage).
Thanks anon. I get some sleep and tackle the game agian tomorrow.
yeah, pretty much what >>3594162
there's no wrong way to use water 1, but you really need to spec into it all the way or she'll seem kinda bad. swap her ex skills with whichever form you will main her as, though the ones you always want are
>type affinity (to boost her already absurd innate type boost, honestly this one is good for everyone with only some exceptions)
>all* the stat boosting ones (because her stats are garbage)
*but form 3 can drop agi since it's irrelevant for her
form 2 needs all the stats since there are good reasons to have mag even in physical form (crystallize, skills that use mag+str as their damage basis, she will almost always have to use magic to shapeshift to the correct type anyway so it might as well have some punch)
one hint for the hikari king battle is to bring a barrier girl along and a shield that can resist the AOE air attack since crits from that are the 2nd most annoying part of the battle, and if using windy, will ignore her immunity to partywide "magic" because it's physical. rotate her to the front on the turn he will use it, swap to the shield, and block. that'll help keep everyone's hp high enough to survive his other dangerous attacks that deal fixed damage.
Burst I is broken. You can change types to have the highest possible multiplier, and Color Bomb gets buffed by Technician, the type bonus EX skill, and a bunch of other stuff. I haven't tried the bonus characters but I don't think any of the normal characters can outdamage Burst I in most fights.

Besides that, Darkness I for Provoke Guard, and Electro Barrier and Leaf Barrier for Wide Guard.

All characters are good.

Use the dragon shield that nullifies the fire damage you take every turn.
>move that hits everyone
Bro your Wide Guard?
I am awake. I will fuck around a little with Water 1 and see how exactly it works. I probably should create more weapons to be able to change to every element. I dont think i saw a ghost spell so far though.
do you have a save file with all bonus characters unlocked? if so can you post
I found the Dark blob and the Dark and Light combo blob and killed them without either of them in my party. Did i miss something because of that? Also another thing. While running around i got ambushed and instead of a regular enemy, a red elemental (?) appeared. I wasnt strong enough to kill it. I am now but i cant seem to trigger it again. I think it is related to party level but now i have a party of way higher level and she just wont show up again. I met her in prison btw.
ambushes randomly have monsters you'd face in red battles, usually when your soul% is high. the fairy mentions it if you talk to her a few times.
Yeah but she looked pretty special and had the pre fight condition window (where they show you special battle conditions) too. Was she really just a random red fight i hadnt encounteres so far?
It's Blood Water probably.
I was very sleep deprived the last few days so i cant remember blood waters battle sprite but the red girl i fought had an armour and a sword and was cute so i thought it was a "hidden elemental". I do some testing. She also didnt only pop up in prison but somewhere else kinda far away from the prison. I think it was the elf village (i forgot).
wait a minute
Panty Thief? Only other thing I can think of that kinda fits the bill.
I dont remember the name :/
Well, if you want to find out, the quickest way would be to get ambushed again. I'd spend your souls beforehand though.
if it's that then you have to have either of the flames in the party for it to happen.
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I know. I tried getting ambushed again yesterday which lead to my original problem >>3594422 that i cant seem to trigger it again. Ill start the game NOW and try.
That is a very likely cause. I try.
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Yep, that was it. You are not getting away Panty lover!
That's a secret boss that unlocks another secret boss once you beat it. It only appears if you get ambushed while a fire elemental is in your party, after beating Pantylover. After you beat it, you can go back to where you fought Pantylover for a very difficult boss.
Uhh it said she ran away to some mountain. I feel like im missing some obvious places to go. I beat the earth spirit temple and finally the light king (what a piece of shit) and now i cant think of a place to go. The other king at least had the teleporter to the earth spirit temple but the light king only had the drop down to the lighthouse which is basically the same map you can drop down from the other place. I didnt find a light house btw. I got quick elemental and killed the shadow monster that was there and thats it i think.
Some abon was talking about the royal road. How do you get there? Also some other anon was talking about the graveyard temple which seems ominous vecause i searched both of them multiple times but i cant seem to find something special about them.
You should have got the Royal Key already. The entrance is in the YAMI Dominion, straight left past the entrance from the Grand Prison.
When a skill says "no limit to how low a foes HIT% can be lowered" is that telling me I need to find a weapon or accessory that gives me a foe HIT% lowering spell? Or does that mean there's no limit to how high my evade can be? Because I found that on Wind I and it seems her whole deal is buffing her evade.
Effectively the latter. Been awhile but if I remember right evade can normally reduce incoming HIT% by half at max. Wind I (passively) and Quick Move (while guarding) can remove that limit.
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normally, attacks have a hard cap of how low their accuracy can go during any combat exchange, which is normally half of the attack's base accuracy.
when factoring in the difference between the attacker's and defender's agi, if the attacker's agi is less than half of the defender's, the attack won't go lowe than that floor. (e.g. normally a 90% accuracy attack can go as low as 45% even if the attacker has 1 agi and the defender has 20)
this rule doesn't apply to Wind (or Quick Move while she's guarding) if they learned the skills that break this lower accuracy floor. so if Wind I has sufficiently high AGI compared to an attacker, it can theoretically approach 0%. (the same situation above would have the attack's final accuracy against Wind I be 4.5%)
They definitely could have worded this game better
afaik it's never even mentioned anywhere in the game the effect agi has on accuracy. its such a -trust me bro- source: -hits bong- situation. definitely the cause of frustration early with seeing MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS all the time.
I'd wager it makes Water one of the most common picks for a party member. Level 80 isn't too steep of a cost and the moment you read Third Form's description, it's pretty much a lock.
Which is why the Blood Water transformation is so fucking dirty if you hadn't saved in awhile. Kinda wish I went Blood Water now that I know more about AGI and its effects, too late now though.
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this is l;ike the 1 exception but it doesnt explain shit, just says -trust me bro agi does something to accuracy because it uh... because it just does ok-
yeah, probably. the red pill is to paralyze everything and move on in life i guess.
Does Blood Water have super accuracy or something?
nah she has normal accuracy and the mediocre agi of base water 1.
blood water isnt bad. but definitely hard to use compared to form 3 where you give her any crystal sword or katana and spam magic.
the only time i've seen form 3 water miss was against hikari king.
Uh bros, i fucked around in royal road and now im constantly cursed every fight even when im not in royal road. what is going on? i dont like this.
better go through your inventory
Thanks anon. I'll have a look. I thought it was like Black Souls 2 where when you progress too far the game says 'fuck you lol'.
>get Leaf Barrier to lvl 100
>Synchronize: Boosts DEF when certain members are in the party
>no mention of who those party members are
Th-Thanks, I guess.
I wonder what other character would be similar to Leaf Barrier...
>Just beat Hikari kingdom
>Apparently this means I'm in the mid game
>I'm already hitting the 50 point cap on some of my characters attributes
>Game is still very hard
Bros.. I think I'm too retarded for this game
How do burst I and the barriers work? Only did one playthrough but they didn't seem impressive but I also didn't spend much time on them.

I thought the barriers' defenses only really protect the party against their own elements, is that wrong?

And burst I wants to take on certain elements, give them to the enemy, and then attack with a double weakness?
You can basically rush to the end from there if you want. iirc none of the really tough fights are required. What's your team?
Wind, Quick Move, Spirit Curse and I swap the front between the barriers and Stone. Though apparently I'm not done with Hikari yet since I still have to beat the king.
What's killing you? I found water I to be extremely useful for healing, unavoidable magic attacks, and status ailment recovery. Might be worth dropping someone to bring her in.
Well the king is being a pain in the ass and I'm worried I won't be able to just brute force him. Mainly I'm just worried about the game getting harder than I can powergrind through. Where do you place Water I? Wind I has to stay in the back, so she needs to go mid? Or can she go front line?
The barrier girls are mostly good for Wide Guard. There's a reason they give you Electro right before the prison golems if you didn't already have her.
Their actual barrier skills are only situationally useful for their actual nullification aspect, but Leaf's regen can be nice even if she's not your tank, especially if you use it with other sources of partywide passive HP regen/healing.
Electro's Electro Net attack is extremely good since lowering an entire enemy party's AGI is one of the best things you can do in this game from both an offensive and defensive standpoint. One specific weapon even lets her use the AGI drop effect against enemies that are normally immune to it...
Leaf is good even if you're using someone else to tank since she has the emergency front line auto healer Life Pass.
Either barrier girl is even better if you hand her one of the shields with built-in magic/physical reduction and nullification skills.
Wide Guard is nearly mandatory for late game boss fights that love spamming AoE. Burst I can manipulate her types and the enemy's types, and Color Bomb always has the types of Burst I herself, so you can manipulate types to ensure you're always hitting at the theoretically highest possible type advantage. She's broken.
You can also cheese a lot of fights with Wide Guard by giving the barrier a shield that nullifies whatever element the boss uses. Very few types can be completely nullified, but it's very funny when it works.
Which weapon is it? The ignore boss special abilities or ignore resistance immunities?
I can't get into this, I die to the earliest enemy and have no clue where to go, at least dark souls gives you hints and NPCs this has nothing.
>ignore resistance immunities?
this one (bio crescent)
Skill issue (craft a Mystic Branch with the wooden staff + grass shard)
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And do not write off Paint Smear's combo potential. Many bosses can still have their types overwritten very easily, leaving them sitting ducks against someone wielding the right weapons and magic.
Do this: >>3595989
and then pick up water I in the back of the cave towards the NE part of the beach if you aren't playing as her.
Interesting! Thanks for the explanation. Does Burst I's paint smear work on absolutely everything, no exceptions? And does it deny the enemy STAB bonuses on their attacks?

It seems like the good tank options are Leaf Barrier and Electric Barrier for wide guard to protect your back and middle against AOEs, Darkness I for provoke guard to control single target attacks (seems like a must for Wind I?), and Spirit Bless to reduce all incoming damage to your party by a flat 30%.
>Does Burst I's paint smear work on absolutely everything, no exceptions?
Don't quote me on this but I'm almost certain that if you hear a "ping" sound when it's rejected by an enemy, it means they're fully immune to it. If you don't, then it's got at least a chance to work. Haven't really tested this extensively but it's the one difference I've noticed between bosses that it works on and fails on.
There's no real way to confirm if it denies their STAB but I would assume it does.
I feel like the non-guard tanks are not very useful, because the backline can die very easily. Especially on tactical where you're always underleveled and forced to specialize and sacrifice survivability on your damage dealers, and everything dies in 1 hit unless you give it HP and DEF through EX skills. Provoke Guard and Wide Guard being able to manipulate aggro is incredibly strong. Equip an appropriate shield that resists the enemy's attacks and you can keep your party safe. Wind I doesn't actually need much support since she's nearly unkillable past the early game, unless everyone else is dead.

Darkness I is the only Provoke Guard user so there's no choice there. Between Leaf Barrier and Electro Barrier, Leaf Barrier is more defense oriented with HP regen per turn and status ailment removal, and Electro Barrier is more offense oriented with fairly hard hitting attacks. You can also use both and get a massive boost from a passive skill they gain at like level 100.
Also when considering Burst I, keep in mind that, for whatever reason, Color Bomb doesn't show the actual type effectiveness multiplier. You need to actually do the calculation by yourself. I don't know why the dev didn't make this work properly, it works fine with Sketch.
How do you deal with the weird resolution/window settings?
nvm I fixed it
if all else fails just use easyrpg if you weren't. pushing f5 swaps resolution painlessly and easy.
I just play the game on my 'eck.
Noob question: is CT just a turn cooldown that doesn't tick outside of combat?
Correct, though healing fountains will reset skill CT, and item CT always resets if you have any remaining after each battle.
how compatible is easyrpg? does it work with every rpgmaker version?
How important is stat allocation? I'm a few hours in and I feel I've already fucked it by turning water 1 into a mage then trying to pivot into a physical attacker.

And how do you trigger Darkness 1's passive? Is it only when you guard?
I think easyrpg player just does 2k and 2k3
>How important is stat allocation?
It's important but unless you're playing on tactical difficulty you will max out every stat on your main party by the end.
>And how do you trigger Darkness 1's passive? Is it only when you guard?
Depends on the passive. Her tanking skill that draws single target attacks to herself only activates when guarding.
Alright i finished the game. I think the only enemy i didnt beat was mirror duo which i got down to the second last bar and she decided to randomly nuke everyone and also the fire 3 super boss which i didnt really attempt.
It was a fun ride but the game is heavily limited by how annoying loadout management is.
Still a fun and cute game. Thanks to the anons who helped me.
How does Windi have the highest strength? Is her stats page just lying about low STR?
She eventually gets a passive that changes her base STR to 150
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Also thank you to the anon who translated that if hes lurking. It was very cute and lots of funny.
Where do i go from here? Do you have any other games like this one? Are the other games from the same author translated?
If nothing else ill work through some games from the moe link.
MOSHIMON QUEST MONSTERS sounds pretty cool. I love Dragon Quest Monsters.
How do you get Confuse (Female), Tornade III, Ultima and Ruler of Death?
>Do you have any other games like this one?
A fair amount of people started playing this game because it reminded them of Black Souls. Both made in RPGMaker, heavily nonlinear, difficult, lots of secrets, equipment matters a lot. Just note that BS1 is mediocre (though necessary to play through if you care about the story), and that BS2 has no party members. Leans more into the horror aspect. It's also a porn game, but the H-scenes can be switched off if you care only about the gameplay.
Crystal Project is a neat little indie project that's also very nonlinear and that's very light on the story. You collect a whole bunch of different jobs all around the place, has a lot of fun bosses. The platforming quickly gets annoying, but it's still a really neat game.
A lot of the mechanics in Enchant Farm reminded me of Romancing SaGa 2. Changing party members a lot, inheriting equipment, learning skills in-combat, party formation. Also very nonlinear. Possibly also other SaGa games, but I haven't played them yet.
Monster Girl Quest: Paradox, another porn game made in RPGMaker on the list, would work great if you cared the most about the collecting aspect. A metric fuckton of different characters, all of whom you can customise with different jobs/classes. It's a massive game that'll last you hundreds of hours. Sadly a little poorly balanced, I definitely discourage you from playing on the Paradox difficulty. Bump it down to Very Hard, unless you enjoy grinding for hours.
Hat World... sounds similar enough (it's called a SaGa-like by people) but I haven't played it yet, so I'm not sure how good of a recommendation it is.
Thanks for the big writedown. I played all of them except Romancing SaGa2 which i skipped because anon said you can more or less lock yourself out by grinding too much. Im not much of a grinding guy but accidentally ruining the game doesnt sound fun.
I played nore have i ever heard of any games from this list
but i just saw WIND I CREATOR is on there aswell so maybe i try that.
Do give Romancing SaGa 2 a try, I'm pretty sure that to lock yourself you'd have to grind a metric fuckton. As long as you play normally, even grind for a little money from time to time, you should have no trouble finishing the game.
I've also seen Demon King Chronicle recommended a whole bunch, mostly for its exploration. Though I heard that its combat system is rather mediocre. Haven't played it, so I can't say for sure.
If you're playing normal mode, you can eventually max out all the stats (50 points on each, max level is 250) so it doesn't matter. If you're playing tactical, you have a level cap that starts at 80 and goes up as you kill bosses up to a total of 200, so even at max level you're missing 50 stat points, however on tactical there's an NPC that lets you reset your level (but you only get a few souls back, not all of them).

After you beat the game.
Wind I creator by the same author is translated. It's funny and likable but as a game it is far inferior to Enchant Farm. Enchant Farm is actually a sequel to Wind I creator. For similar gameplay, I am a big fan of Demon King Chronicle, another challenging, exploration focuses RPG Maker game.
>I've also seen Demon King Chronicle recommended a whole bunch, mostly for its exploration. Though I heard that its combat system is rather mediocre. Haven't played it, so I can't say for sure.
It's pretty basic, but I think it works really well in its context. Enemy encounters are on the map as in enchant farm but they try to swarm you so you have to fight multiple enemy parties at once, something I haven't seen elsewhere in this type of game. It also has estus flask - like refillable potions that give the game some resource management that imo is a lot better executed than resource management in Enchant Farm. The combat itself is mostly basic damage + heal and sometimes buff JRPG combat but the enemies are pretty dangerous and bursting the right targets down can be important so I find it engaging.

>Hat World
God tier game but it doesn't have a lot in common with Enchant Farm besides being a top shelf RPGM game.
>Just note that BS1 is mediocre
No way, it's great and comparable to 2.
I admire its story structure (ending C is one of the best endings in any RPGMaker game) and its nonlinearity, but in terms of atmosphere and gameplay it pales in comparison to 2. Though admittedly, I never tried an SL1 run.
>MOSHIMON QUEST MONSTERS sounds pretty cool.
It's pretty weak, unfortunately. The party building and monster breeding systems are somewhat interesting but there's nothing to do with them except fight default RPGM battles in bland procgen dungeons.
Helen's Mysterious Castle is another great VIRPG made game with a lighthearted, humorous tone, and great combat. It's only like 5 hours long and last I checked they were selling the English version for $2.
Enchant Farm's dev ought to throw it onto steam for a few bucks too.
Yeah, already abandoned it. Thinking about playing CIRNOZARDRY.
Looks cute
>God tier game but it doesn't have a lot in common with Enchant Farm besides being a top shelf RPGM game.
I downloaded the folder of it, and I know there's probably an easy solution so I'll just ask. Is there a way to comfortably run it without all the JP Locale stuff or am I doomed to do it anyway? It's not hard, per se, to change the locale or set up a VM, but is there a way around it anyway, for the sake of my overwhelming laziness?
If you can unzip it correctly, there's a patch with the download that should let you run the game without jp locale, but you may still need jo locale to unzip it right.
Perfect, that's all I needed to hear. Cheers, mate.
>it's great and comparable to 2.
Nah, it's way too unpolished for that.
No way, 1 is very slightly above average RPG Maker (so, bad by normal video game standards) and 2 is really good, but you need to play 1 before you play 2.
Man seeing people talk about Water kinda makes me regret turning her into blood water. At least I have a save from before I did it and so far I only killed the Termite Queen after that.
Don't worry about it. This game is very replayable and trying out different parties is very fun. Every character is good.
I'm curious about what happens if you change your main character Water I to blood water. Do you get insane MC dialogue for the rest of the game?
Started it blind, so many areas just seem to one shot me, i guess i need to grind a lot?
I started with lightning and found Water and Fire. Wind was unresponsive and dont know how to revive yet.
1 is at least as strong as 2 in exploration and choices and consequences and it at least competes in storytelling. Both games are middling to poor in combat.
>Started it blind, so many areas just seem to one shot me, i guess i need to grind a lot?
Not really, it's pretty easy to overlevel on the default difficulty and even on hardcore mode.
ok i guess i just need to find the right area, killed some weird deformed huge Water 1 and got tons of souls.
Wrong, exploration in 1 sucks, the story is worse (but sets up the foundations for 2), and the gameplay is just spamming the spell that hits 4 times. Black Souls 2 has actually fun combat.
The beginning can be tough, you'll catch up to the enemies before long
Both games' combat is just spamming your strongest attack in between heals 99% of the time, and BS2 both makes healing a free action and buries you in healing items, so an enemy that can't kill or stunlock you in one round is exactly as dangerous as an enemy that hits for 1% of your health. And weapon switching is tedious busywork that adds no real depth.

Both games start out with somewhat interesting combat at the start (and 1 is far better than 2 there for having party members to make things more interesting) then after a few hours or so the difficulty becomes a total joke, and then towards the very end 2 resorts to dumb gimmicks to bring back some semblance of difficulty. Neither game has good combat overall.

Yeah i noticed that the soldier area after the first cave is now doable
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>1 is at least as strong as 2 in exploration
BS1's world is way more linear than BS2's. Seriously, look at this shit.
>and choices and consequences
I don't feel like tallying up all of the various events, but my gut tells me this isn't the case even with BS1's various heroine fail states since BS2 still has the birdening and all of the exclusive events for that world state in addition to a fuckton in the regular world state.
>and it at least competes in storytelling.
BS1 is carried hard by C, and to a lesser extent D which are about 1/5th of the total 10+ hour game time. BS2 is more or less rock solid throughout the 30+ hour game.
>Both games are middling to poor in combat.
Fair. BS1 can break literally as soon as you beat the tutorial and doesn't really ever get much more difficult. BS2's best weapon can be found in under 5 minutes if you know where to look for it, but you also need to know how the combat system works to get the most out of it unlike BS1 tossing you a good as fuck weapon for beating the tutorial and then giving you even more broken shit within the first hour or so. For what it's worth, BS2's combat system is an objective improvement over the first one as well.
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Uhh Black Souls retards? I think you went a bit overboard right?
>Both games' combat is just spamming your strongest attack in between heals 99% of the time
You didn't play Black Souls 2. Black Souls 2 has incredible creativity and build variety and combat options.
This map isn't even complete, it's even more complex. You can get to Mental Ward from Rabbit Hole which is useful because it allows you to explore most of the world without having to beat a boss, to gather items for challenge runs or just to have stuff early. BS1 is a joke compared to 2.
Don't you guys have like 2~3 rolling totally-not-general threads for your game? Why do you feel the need to shit up this thread with your irrelevant posting?
>I don't feel like tallying up all of the various events, but my gut tells me this isn't the case even with BS1's various heroine fail states since BS2 still has the birdening and all of the exclusive events for that world state in addition to a fuckton in the regular world state.
BS2 without question has way more secret events that have to be uncovered through obscure means, but most of them are also inconsequential and just give you some detail about a character or more of the excessively convoluted backstory. A heroine dying, becoming a party member, or becoming a boss enemy are all meaningfully different outcomes that affect the rest of your playthrough. The birdening is a big deal, sure, and it changes the early game a lot to have to beeline her lair to stop it.
>BS1 is carried hard by C, and to a lesser extent D which are about 1/5th of the total 10+ hour game time. BS2 is more or less rock solid throughout the 30+ hour game.
The surface level Cinderella story is fine, and at least BS1 has a surface level story instead of your first run being just a bunch of nonsense in 2. BS2's infodumps are also a bit much and 90% of the story already happened before you start playing. BS1 is better about having things play out around you. I particularly like the different quests you get from the princesses to kill each other, especially the event you get when Snow White is the last one standing.

2 is a lot bigger in every way, no question about that. I do think that on average the areas in 1 are more enjoyable to explore. It's been a few years but off the top of my head the only ones I dislike are the mine and Gothel's tower, and you can get around a lot of that by letting Behemoth win against you. That's another example of 1's excellence in consequences for your actions.
Use your strongest move, switch to your strongest weapon. Cast requiem except 99% of the things you'd want it to protect you from ignore it. Wow so creative and varied.
Are there any unique events you only see if you have a particular main character or anything like that?
Even though that's not true, that's already way more complex than BS1
Alright, made it to the bonus room. Talked to the llama and he said to look for a lever when I said "Yes" to his question. Is that some kind of in-game lever because I can't find it anywhere else?
Also since I wanted to check it out anyway anybody know the passwords for other games, I want to see the special perks they give you.
most likely it means the levers in the left area with the bonus fights where you normally unlock them. since it says which chars to hover over to add them to the team.
>anybody know the passwords for other games, I want to see the special perks they give you.
No but I do have an end of game save file for Wind I Creator which also gives you some minor benefits:
do you have a save file with all bonus characters?
>anybody know the passwords for other games, I want to see the special perks they give you
try KIRIN and HELL
Water I is so mean...
Starting to really like this game, saving often and savescumming a lot cause i cant tell when a enemy is a boss or not sometimes.
Same im the anon who finished yesterday and accidentally derailed the thread. I tried like 5 games yesterday and decided to probably 100% the game.
What really pisses me off is that the game doesn't have a load or quit function. If I quit from the main menu by pressing 'quit' I go to desktop no problem but if alt f4 it takes like 10 seconds until windows stops being retarded.
everything works really fast in windowed mode with the price of having to squint to see sparkling objects.
I wish the game didnt default to NEW GAME, keep mashing too much
the only thing i can think to tell you is
>use EasyRPG or the other 2k3 thing on the catbox page which use borderless windowed full screen instead of actual full screen
2000 is ancient and janky like that, but using the newer shit works an absolute charm.
i try that
Bit f12 for a fast quit to menu
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wow 1 minute in graveyard zone to find a party member.
I went literally all of the soldier area with just 3 people.
You can recruit 3 people in the initial zone. Unless you started with one of them (Wind I, Water I, Flame I) you should've already had 4 by then.
Darkness I seems totally busted. Any and all single target attacks HAVE to go to her when she's guarding? Your back/middle row barely gets targeted at all. I wonder how much easier the game would have been if I picked her first.
The reality is that there are plenty of good ways to play with Provoke Guard, Wide Guard, both, or simply going tankless, that could all be considered busted. The game never really forces you into a situation (well, ok, Tactical Mode may be the sole exception, but you sign up for that shit) where one is an absolute requirement. There's enough ways to mitigate damage and keep the team alive that it's down to preference.
Leaf barrier and electric barrier seem to take gigantic damage for me. Wide guard doesn't force them to take all four hits from aoes does it? Could it be just because I don't have defensive ex skills on them?
She does seem really good between that, her high physical strength, and her reduced cooldown times for items.
Could someone answer this? When using wide guard I also feel like the tank eats all 4 attacks.
They do take all four hits, but even if the first hits kill them it doesn't bleed through to the rest of the party. Not a big fan of it personally, but it guarantees an aoe doesn't touch the rest of the party.
Helen's Mysterious Castle is a puzzle game masquerading as an RPG.
Where was the shop where you exchange stuff for crystal keys?
Damn that sucks, I'm sticking with Spirit Bless as my tank. Are you supposed to just have a slow character throw a revive at the barriers every turn? Maybe have Flame I keep reraise on them?
If you mean it's a puzzle game in the sense that figuring out good solutions to bosses is more important than powering up your character, that is a good thing.
It isn't a game where there's only one right solution to most problems.
You can warp there from the three fountains area. It's on the path to where you fight Spirit Bless.
They do take the damage of all four hits. If you're using Wide Guard it's very important to equip a shield that resists whatever element you're getting hit with. But even without that, you shouldn't have any issues if you're actually raising your HP and DEF and using defensive EX skills. Unless you're playing tactical.
I can't beat the mirror duo.
Any tips for me?
Get your strongest and/or fastest magic users (Water I in form 3, Flame I, Flame III, Spark III, etc) and bring your strongest flame attacks to burn Brian down before Carol can intervene with a Miracle Drop. Wide Guard up front with anything to help deal with fire and ice. You need to be hitting extremely hard every turn to have a chance.
One additional very weird tip that the game does not want you to know is that Carol's Pyro Blizzard isn't flame OR ice, but neutral. You might just have a specific shield that can help you neutralize that attack with your Wide Guard user, but you'll want to check your shields for any that have unique ways of granting nullification besides just type or damage cutting.
Does enchanting weapons with leveled elementals do anything for magic attacks or is it only really beneficial to fighters?
Do you lose stuff when you synth items and then desynth them? I was messing around trying to figure out how to make a specific claw weapon so I broke it down to base, but when I tried to put it back together it said I was missing magicite. I just reloaded my save so it was fine but still.
magicite's consumed, if you want a refundable synth use an elemental instead
dayum shame. I'm at the point where I can buy shards and gems so it's not all bad, I can repurchase anything I fucked up.
Would be nice to get magicite refunds given how trial and error the synth system is. I think it's best to just look recipes up on the JP wiki and save time.
Is Royal Road the last area? I kinda just wanna be done I've been playing this game for like a month.
Yeah you can head straight to the last bosses and iirc you don't need to do much fighting if you use crystal keys to get through the doors. The elemental zones are not required.
bumped into shaman miniboss, another one i need to remember for future. Just silence and blind everywhere i cant outdamage his heal.
Just stop playing then, why do you force yourself to keep playing?
On the character select screen, the game mentions an item that turns Darkness 1 into a meat shield. What's it talking about?
It's not an item, it's a secret event that happens when she becomes the queen. You need to bring Starlight I to the fight.
Interesting, so I have to not recruit Darkness I, recruit a bunch of other characters until I cross the threshold, and then fight Darkness with Starlight on board. Does this give me a different or more powerful playable Darkness? I was planning to recruit her asap for my second playthrough since she seems good and I didn't use her the first time.

This game is full of secrets and alternative outcomes to an amazing degree.
It basically improves some of her skills. But you're right that she's really good and having her early is very useful.
Is there a way to respawn mobs besides suicide? i ran out grind and cant beat the stone golems, got all idols and paint girl in party.
Oh nevermind i actually can beat golems, just had to make a specific golem kill squad and get lucky on dodges and blocks.
I'm doing tactical mode as Wind I for my second playthrough. I'm not sure if I like tactical or not. This game has too high of enemy density and making them tougher really slows the game down. Bosses seem comparatively less powered up than normal enemies and are often not a big deal.

The character select screen makes Wind I seem like a challenge character but she's surprisingly powerful. She's really fast and her magic really hurts. She's hard to use without a focus sash but you get one in the tutorial zone when she's the main character. With her exceptional dodging abilities, she's often the last party member standing in my team, which is currently Wind I, Water I, Spirit Bless, and Burst I.

Also, the japanese wiki is here:
Useful resource, use google translate or something if you're an EOP like me.

>Is there a way to respawn mobs besides suicide? i ran out grind and cant beat the stone golems, got all idols and paint girl in party.
afaik no there isn't. autokilling enemies by dashing into them at a higher level isn't the same as killing them normally and doesn't get rid of them permanently in hardcore mode. I think you can make them come back by leaving the map or visiting a fountain.
>I'm doing tactical mode as Wind I for my second playthrough. I'm not sure if I like tactical or not. This game has too high of enemy density and making them tougher really slows the game down. Bosses seem comparatively less powered up than normal enemies and are often not a big deal.
Tactical does not touch normal enemies in any way. It only affects bosses.
Really? It sure feels like they're being level scaled up higher than they were before. Maybe it's just because of the halved soul gain and capped soul levels?
That's probably it. You deal less damage if you're underleveled, and you're always underleveled.
ok i give up
how do you get past the giant blue/white flame in the melting den?
i don't think i need an item here, because in the tips, fairy says that the mechanisms here work in multiple ways
except i've been running around for a few hours now lighting and putting off torches and nothing besides the normal flames get affected
All torches on opens one route, all torches off opens the other.
god i am fucking retarded
was 100% sure i've already tried that
Starlight I is god tier if you use body theft well. She might be the best character in the game.
She's very good but not quite "best character in the game" tier.
Starting to get a bit annoyed of this now, trying to do the crazy artist boss and its just pure luck. Gotta hope she wont use art attack or instant death and then if she does, i need to hope she wont crit or the instadeath is resisted.
Im not seeing any mechanic to outplay this outside of getting more souls and stats.
Git gud

ok didnt load game and just let everything respawn to grind, thanks for the help
You never need to grind in this game. On hardcore mode it's even impossible to grind, and you can still easily beat the game.

Well i didnt find anything else to do, every boss i find has been unkillable. At least now i can do the graveyard quest cause last time i killed everyone and then got a quest to kill zombies
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>head to hikari domain
>grab darkness 1 dolls for the whole party
>wide guard up front + steel shield for art destroyer mitigation
>see if you can blind with grass mixer to stave off stat reductions/single attacks
>get lucky like daft punk
if it can be done with a party of this low level with whatever EX skills were picked up along the way, it can be done with anyone.
Please stop responding to blatant newfaggotry.
Got a tier list?

For the instadeath you basically just need to burst her down before she gets you. Instadeath resist gear can be bought but only much later. She isn't important to defeat though, you can just go somewhere else. Did you beat the three idols yet?
>edit your passives
What determines what EX skills someone learns anyway?
prison area, left golem, sorcery door
>what determines
100% random chance

Got the 3 idols yeah. Thinking of checking if i can buy a key to unlock the pirates cove cause never found the key for the place and wasted a lot of crystals elsewhere.

Also got the forest area north of fountain and green military? area northwest of prisons but both seemed to kill me very fast.

I just feel like im missing one key to unlock a area and that would snowball into a some kind of logical path.
Try going to cold pasta's snow area, then head north to the graveyard, then head north to the dwarven area. You can get a key from the magicite seller, you can use that to get a steel key from the foreman, you will have to fight, but if you make a run for it you won't have to clear the whole room. That will also enable you to fight a new boss for a new recruitable character in the dwarven area, equip your team with earth resistant shields for him if you can. The steel key will also enable you to head northwest to hikari domain. In the northeast of the dwarven area is the termite area where you can find the pirate key.

No magicite seller in dwarven mine north of graveyard, didnt he go hostile once i got the idol there?
magicite seller is in the dwarven forge aka straight up and left in the prison after you've lifted the gate. she gives a crystal key and warns you NOT TO USE IT anywhere besides the forge door itself.
ah ok different directions then the other dude i see.
I found a random area with soldiers now near the start that i had missed. goddamn game.
Stuck in a battle with a wind elemental who cant damage my thunder barrier but i can barely damage her back as well.
Oh shoot I must have directed you to the wrong dwarven area, sorry. Was going off of memory.
It's very reasonable to get to HIKARI Domain to buy instadeath resist gear before fighting that boss. You can go there right at the start if you want to recruit Quick Move early. Alternatively, the dragon type gives instadeath immunity, so equip dragon shields.
Don't Darkness I dolls go for like 8k souls a piece? That's expensive for someone still struggling with psycho artist. Dragon shields are a good tip, I forgot that having an element protects from its related status effect.
>You can go there right at the start if you want to recruit Quick Move early
Don't you need the Sorcerer's Key to get to the Lighthouses? On top of a couple other ones. Sure, you'll get the Shining Key from the Magicite dealer but I think you'll need a Glistening or two on top of that which ain't cheap, even if Quick Move is crazy good.
I just sort of did something like that (soloing as much as possible as Darkness I) and you don't need the sorcerer's key, you just have to juke a shitload.
Scratch that, I'm an idiot. I was thinking about the little sword island entrance. The other one does need a crystal key skip, but you can gather enough to get one without too much trouble.
Is it possible to get that if you start as darkness I?
>raise innate strength to 150, but only while attacking
So weapon skills don't work? That's kinda lame. So what's the best strategy here, that boomerang upgrade that makes you attack twice and automatically crit?
>So what's the best strategy here
Just use magic, bro. Windy is a Magic character through and through, Dragon Killer just gives her something to do on turns where she can't do magic (RARE) or if you need a sudden heel turn strat for a multi-phase boss. Don't overthink it.
Anyone have a type chart?
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I'm trying to solo the game as Darkness I, but I think I've hit a wall with this fucker. He can easily do my full health in damage in 1 turn if the RNG goes his way with Magic Missile, and resistance can't drop his damage less than 75%. Any ideas how to punch through?
It works with skills. It specifies "while attacking" because STR is normally used for physdef too. I almost entirely stopped using magic after she got that because not even Ill Wind would keep up with the output from weapon aoes.

If it helps, it's 1:1 with Pokemon's with the following changes:
>bug removed
>Psychic (Esper in JP) renamed to Light
>Fairy renamed to Esper
No, I don't know why they didn't just do Fairy -> Light either.

Don't remember the fight clearly but I'm interpreting that as Magic Missile being a multihit that kills you if he rolls 4-5 hits, Titan Shield should null it with full SP.
Can someone explain how main weapons and sub weapons/armor work?
From what I understand sub weapons don't contribute to your typing but they do provide their passive skills. I have no clue if they actually change your stats though.
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I actually don't know how you'll do it if you don't have access to
>choice scarf
>any neutral shield
>fairy killer
>thunder bow
Dark 1 can never outspeed the garuda without the first item. No items and no guarding sucks, but it's the least of your worries. The worst thing the garuda can do besides decide to kill you that turn is lower your stats, softening you up and making it less accurate, so the 2nd item is basically required even if it doesn't help at all with defense. The weapons are the 2 best things that WILL work against the garuda, and it's up to a bit of luck to see whether the sleep/paralysis sticks so you can get the rest of your offense going without trouble.
Replied to the wrong person AND failed at spoiler tagging the first bit. Oh well.
Is there STAB in this game?
only your currently active weapon and shield skills take effect. same for CT only ticks down for your active equipment. you can always confirm the skills in play by checking the ones in the skill list in battle.
Is there a way to change my formation outside of battle so I can start a battle in optimal formation?
>The platforming quickly gets annoying, but it's still a really neat game.
A recent update added an auto-jump option to make it a bit easier. I love the game but I do agree the platforming aspect is really rough.
>make game with one unique aspect that separates it from the pack
>patch it out
you hate to see it
A little platforming to break up the monotony is fine. Adding platforming challenges when your platforming mechanics are shit is a horrible idea.
Well shit. The thunder bow will be a problem since the only locations for the source needed to craft it are from bosses that join you after the fight or from the dragon, and I don't know if there's enough loose bosses that I can solo to make him spawn without being forced to take on another character. I wonder if it can be pickaxed, but man I don't want to think about that process if it can.
And it turns out I didn't need it. Saint Shield with the scarf and Fairy Killer were enough, though it cut pretty close.
>Is it possible to get that if you start as darkness I?
The wiki doesn't list any alternate ways so probably not.
The upgrade is
40% damage reduction instead of 30% when defending
Weight capacity increase from 17 to 23
The darkness I spell becomes deep darkness which is a bit stronger and charms rather than confuses
Blind attack becomes stronger when dead allies are in your party and is renamed to D. Fantasy
There's no difference between an item equipped to the main or sub weapon slot, they're just backup weapons and shields you can switch to as a free action.
You get the enchantments of whichever weapon and shield you have equipped at the moment.
Shields increase your defense and magic defense by their listed values. Having a shield equipped adds its element to yours (so Flame I with a small shield goes from Fire type to Fire/Grass. Defending replaces your type with the shield's, so Flame I would become a pure grass type.
I just recruited Starlight I in tactical difficulty. What body should I use?

Right now I have a hatched yami palace egg, which has outstanding stats with 120 in STR, MAG, and DEF and 80 AGI, but it's dark/ghost type which doesn't seem like a bad combo but it can't switch elements by switching shields.
Angel Guard looks great with 100 in all base stats, and single light type means I can still change stats by shield switching.

Since STR and MAG are the same, any recommendations on physical vs magic attackers? I've been using magic almost exclusively so far.
Oh yeah and I believe you get STAB from your shield's element too
>use Burst I's type change on a boss
Should I just drop her?
You're supposed to use Color Bomb to hit for 999 damage.
Best characters to change to as a main character? I started with burst 1 and while she's done good for me as a dps I think that I'd like to have a more flexible party member I feel good about using on everything as a mandatory inclusion.
Water I is super flexible. Darkness I can attack, tank, and throw out items with halved cooldowns.
Flame I and probably Stone I are the least flexible. Don't think you can go wrong with any of the rest, I like Wind I and Water I.
Can't go wrong with anything. They're all usable the entire way. Burst I is actually a good choice because she's a very reliable damage dealer for the entire game because unlike most of the others she never has to worry about types and can always hit at max effectiveness.
Damn really? I've been using choice specs color bomb with shield swapping a lot and its starting to fall off a bit even on minibosses when I'm targeting the 4x weakness.
Anyone have the OST?
Just go into the game folder and then the music folder and the files are all there.
I cannot get decent results out of physical attacks. Am I doing something wrong or are they just worse than magic? Even Darkness III is going very mediocre damage with her drill spear and twin drill attack. I gave her the STR up ex skill too.
I think that's just the tradeoff for normal physical attacks not having an associated cost, some weapons having built-in status effects/stat drops/other helpful effects, and weapon-based skills usually having cooldowns rather than SP. But it's been demonstrated in this thread several times that physical attackers can be very good.
Sounds like your EX skills suck. Get MAG+25, Type Effectiveness, Magic Mastery, Magical Crit.
Every character is mediocre when you start using them because they're not built yet. Physical attackers heavily rely on the weapon they're using. They have a higher damage potential than magic but you need to know how to use them.
Does Blood waters dialogue actually mean anything or is it just nonsense?
How do I get Darkness I to become the queen? I already defeated Darkness III. Maybe it's too late now? I'm well into the royal road and my character screen is nearly full.
I just needed to raise her STR a bit higher to bring her up to par with my casters. Looks like this is one of those games where you get exponential returns on what you invest in attack stats. Physicals still seem inconvenient though. You have to account for slash/pierce/blunt resistances in addition to elements, and they seem to be more strict about positioning than spells are. If you want a tank in the front, that puts half the weapons in the game out of their preferred range. It makes sense that they'd have better potential than magic with all the conditions you need to meet for them to succeed.
Well, you don't strictly need an aggro tank in this game during regular play. Tactical Mode is where Provoke/Wide Guard start to inch closer to mandatory since you have to hyper-optimize each character in their role. It's often just as good to take alternative damage mitigating measures and have a strong front line attacker putting out several hundred extra damage each round as it is to have someone guarding 24/7. That's what makes the balance between Darkness I and the Barrier-chans complicated and even Ultima once you unlock her. Darkness I is extremely reliable offensively. Electro's partywide AGI debuff is a great defensive play. Leaf's a great supporter who loses some of that potential when frontlined. Ultima is all the tradeoffs of Darkness I cranked up two notches since her guard skill is truly Provoke+Wide Guard, boasts higher overall defense, AND higher offense.
The choice can be frustrating at times, but it's interesting.
Maybe I'm misremembering, but can't you skip that fight by using a crystal key to go right to the next room?
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I did some testing on how base stats work. There are invisible universal base stat values which are added to displayed base stats. For HP the universal base value is 107, for other stats it is 52. Adding those values to the displayed base stat value will get a character's true base stat values, which is what those stats will be when the character has it maxed out with 50 soul levels.
So let's say you had a character with 100 in every base stat, and they were SL 250, and no other modifiers such as EX skills. Their stats would look like this:
HP: 207
Stat gains accelerate slightly as you put points into them. At level 25 you will have a bit less than half of what the level 50 value will be.

*The long and short of things* is that a character whose base stat value is 20 points higher than another character's will have exactly 20 more points in that stat when both are maxed out at 50.
There's no getting past the door to the next room without defeating all 4 of the bosses there.
Any uses for the pirate treasure besides giving it to gomez?
How do you craft by using your party members as materials? I didn't understand the explanation? Also does it kill your party member?
You made a post about this on /v/ and it got 1 reply.
I got the withered tree to grow in the "base" area using the bonemeal or whatever but it keeps telling me the fruit isn't ready yet. I'm pretty much at the end of the game so I assume there's something else I need to do with it.
You already have it. If you didn't get Aubergonath behind the waterfall, you get her from the tree instead.
That's pretty lame, I thought I got the bonemeal stuff from behind the waterfall, which means wouldn't I already get the eggplant dragon? I'm probably remembering wrong.
>How do you craft by using your party members as materials? I didn't understand the explanation? Also does it kill your party member?
When you synth, just before you select the magicite you want to use, you can move the cursor over and select "allies" instead. It doesn't harm the ally, you can reverse it at any time, and they synthesized item will be stronger based on the ally's level. They need to meet certain level requirements for more advanced synthesis and you can't use active party members.
Off the top of my head I think they need to be level 40 to act as a magicite shard, 40 as a gem, and 120 as a source.
>Any uses for the pirate treasure besides giving it to gomez?
You can also refuse to give it to Gomez and unlock a few boss fights.
Finally beat the game. It's pretty long, maybe too long for an RPG like this. All in all I had fun. Maybe it was just my level at the time, but Hikari King was the hardest boss for me to fight. By the time I got to the end, the final fight wasn't all that bad. Darkness I carried hard in the end game.
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How do I beat her?
>kill off whichever of her partners gives you the most trouble, but only 1 of them
>come prepared to deal with the other 2 members' main attack types
>whack away at her until she dies
Finished tactical mode. It is an overall improvement over normal/hardcore because, even though it slows the game down, you have to pay way more attention to and really engage with the battle system. I like how it rewards hunting down every single boss so you can raise your soul level a bit higher. Normal and hardcore devolve into mindlessly bursting everything down around the halfway point.

Getting access to EX skill manipulation is a big turning point in a playthrough, even more so in tactical. It's worth rushing a sorcerer's key or even burning a glistening crystal key to to reach the EX skill trader earlier. Probably the easiest sorcerer's key to reach is the one in Yami Palace. The enemies are fairly strong but you don't need to fight any bosses to get it.

Since enemies will pretty much always outlevel you, you won't be able to autowin against them by dashing through them. I recommend either playing on hardcore or savescumming your deaths away to keep the number of battles you have to fight down to a reasonable level.

Most bosses that raise the cap aren't missable but Chaos Gomez is, it's probably worth keeping his treasure and giving up the crystal flasks he'd offer you so you can fight him.
Is there some sort of way to avoid fighting so many goddamn enemies in the mid and late game? Like a stealth skill? I've just reached the yami and hikari palaces and there is just SO MUCH BORING ENEMY SPAM. 1 enemy every 3 seconds of walking, sometimes more than 5 enemies in the same fucking room.

Even if they aren't remotely threatening because I set up my party to fully counter their typing it takes a few turns to kill them even hitting their weaknesses
I've been playing this on my phone the past few days, what's the best way to get EX Skills? Just give everyone a Longsword? Also, any suggestions on how to level Water I? I've just been giving them balanced stats and have them frontline since they got the +25 Def EX Skill pretty quickly while Flame I and Wind I just spam magic.
If you unlock the sorcerer in Grand Prison early, you can change one of your max level skills to Growth I.
>go into hikaris palace, takes 10 years to wipe out all the enemy spam
>go fight 2 miniboss red guys, fight takes ages
>right after I win the game forces me to fight the boss instead of giving a chance to save my game
>Boss casts instant kill on turn 1 and wipes my whole team
>the entire palace of enemies respawned
Fuck I actually want to quit this game after that. I think I can beat the boss if I prepare better but killing all of the enemies is fucking aids. What level do I need to be to just instantly run them over? I'm thinking of cheating my soul level because it takes a really long time to wipe all the hp sponge enemies.
Longsword/Broadsword up. Growth like the other guy said.
The battles don't take that long, do they? You're holding down arrow while everyone's doing their attacks or setting animations to auto skip... right? Once you have an area's enemies dialed in you can usually just zip through fights quickly that way and move on.
>Also, any suggestions on how to level Water I?
Once you unlock the third form, leave that on permanently. Level MAG, DEF, and HP. Put nothing in STR until the others are maxed and nothing in AGI until STR is maxed.
Your skill at stealth is the stealth skill, there's very few mandatory fights if you're good at juking enemies
The enemies are locked on a grid like you are. If you're diagonal from an enemy, and they move up to approach you, you can run down to pass them because they can't move sideways until they finish moving up.
I just play on hardcore mode to keep the fights down to a reasonable amount.
STR Water I is really strong too though
If you bring electric barrier you can be immune to electricity, wear dragon crest shields to be immune to fire, and kill the ice guy and then you mostly just have to deal with ruler of death's attacks.
If you want to kill the electric guy first, Water I with a dark shield or Darkness I or 3 with a water shield resist everyone else's attacks.
Brainlet here, can someone dumb this down for me?
100% accuracy is simply too good.
it's Pokemon base stats
I beat Ruler of Flame, Ruler of Death, and the Mirror of Memory. Are there any other superbosses outside of the postgame bonus stuff?

This was in tactical mode and my team was Wind I, Water I, Spirit Bless, and Starlight I.
Dragon Crest shields were awesome for giving fire immunity that overrides other resistances and even overcomes boss abilities like Ruler's Gaze. Merill Ur's shield and Ithilius shield's are also solid ones with useful elements, useful enchants, and good base stats.
Starlight was using the body of a Yami Palace egg body as those have the best all around stats. I thought being dark and ghost type might be a problem since it means she can't change her type by changing shields, that's a solid type combo, and it also meant she could get a dragon crest shield's fire immunity without picking up its often crippling weaknesses to ice and dragon damage.
Frostfire Dragon isn't really a superboss by the standards of the other, but is one of the ones I can think of that you might easily miss if you didn't know how to get it to show up.
I found him but only thanks to Ruler of Death's advice. My leaf barrier and electric barrier were underleveled and died quickly but Windi and Lighti easily took him down anyway.
Can you get all the recruitable characters at once or are you limited to a certain amount?
Is there a way to not have 4 people in your party after recruiting someone? If not, does that mean a solo run involves avoiding any fight where they join immediately after?
you can get all of the recruitable characters, and this is actually the requirement for the best ending anyway.
once you have someone else join the team, a solo run is invalid, so yeah you need to dodge battles that would add teammates. you can always LARP as playing solo by killing off the other party members of course.
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>thought The Legend could change your MC to anybody in your party and they'd just have placeholder dialogue
>was stoked to do an All Bros run with Poison, Confuse, Light 3, Quake 3, Spark 3 (that's a dude, right?), and Blind, who I was going to use as MC
>start with Burst and rush down Cold Pasta
>go to Legend, turns out I can only choose from the given MCs at the start
It's so fucking over, bros...
What does the Phantasmal Crown do?
Be a worse, heavier version of the Charm of Mist and Wind while brightening the area like a torch does.
Can I only access 8 consumables in combat?
If so, how the fuck do I pick which consumables I have access to?
Press Shift.
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Gonna go kill myself for being so stupid now.
How the hell do you survive spirit tomb, it petrifies my entire party except wind I and the next turn they get obliterated.
You know petrify immunity exists right?
Uff - I finally fucking beat her, it took me like 4 hours, I'm free.
Also is she the hardest boss in the game? It mentioned something about her having the mightiest soul.
Is there no English list yet?
Not publicly available, yet.
*Is she *truely* the hardest boss in the game
Because it's not finished or..?
I think it's a toss up between Ruler of Flame, Ruler of Death, and the Memory Mirror. Supposedly there's a super version of RoF in the postgame bonus room, and beating her unlocks a battle arena.
Here's the JP version:
Drop those links into google translate
I didn't find the Ruler of Death, and the Memory Mirror fights to be that hard. For the Ruler of Death, I killed her flame companion, from then, she didn't have enough damage to pose a threat, and I killed her and the rest. For the Memory mirror fight, the main thing was to have sufficent damage to kill the knight, once I killed the knight the fight became easy, the only thing that had the capacity to kill me was the first magic blast that the mage does in the first round, afterwards she didn't have enough damage to kill me. The length and the phases of the Ruler of flame bossfight gave me hell, I had used 20 or so gold flasks in that fight.
>Supposedly there's a super version of Rof
Don't scare me
From reading the Japanese wiki, it seems that they physical and magical defense values on shields are percent reductions and aren't just added to STR and MAG when taking hits. They do not give you STAB for their elements.
>STR Water I is really strong too though
Full part AGI up might be worth a party slot on its own. With that said, form 3 with her enhanced basic spell from the graveyard and her natural innate boost make her damage way too good to say no to.
Where do I get the key that opens the green doors? Patina key isn't listed on the wiki.
Yami. Do some minecart riding and explore the places you can reach using them.
Yami domain. It's in the JP wiki but the name is different, don't remember what it was listed as.
The google translated version of the wiki calls it the "Verdigris Key"
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for me it's whatever the fuck "pinault" is
gtranslate is on crack sometimes i swear it
I've visited the old mine connected to the palace and the place you go when you fall off the side of the track (the lookout posts). I explored these places with the inventory item from the stalactite cave that should be showing me hidden passages in the mid game so I think I didn't miss any secrets in these areas.
Is there some way to move the minecarts that I'm missing?
I tried both starting points in yami domain twice, once with the switch on and once with the switch off. I also tried riding the cart backwards from the old mine.
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you need to be right here. you want the cart in the northmost corridor if you go straight up to the end of the starting point of yami domain (coming from the prison)
>give her choice scarf
That sounds crazy powerful, I need to try that.
Playing the game for the first time. I thought I saw a pop up somewhere that said Dismantling would give your Magicite back, but after saving and trying it doesn't seem to. Am I remembering it wrong or is there something else you're supposed to do?
No you lose the magicite. If you enchant using a playable elemental instead of magicite you can undo it at no cost later.
Is magicite a limited resource, or does it get easier to get later on?
There's a shop where you can buy shards and later on, gems, so no need to worry about those.
Sources are about the only thing that's fairly limited since they're (only? mainly?) dropped by bosses. Even then, you'll probably end up with more than you know what to do with. Especially if you use your other party members instead of magicite for those times.
Where? I'm in Royal Road, magicite Sources are dropping like flies, yet I'm still unable to upgrade my Ancient Sword because no flame gem.
Better swing by the Dwarven Forge. Warp to the fountain and go straight down.
And if you haven't saved the girl in the Hikari Villa jail, you might want to do that, too.
There's a shop in the southwest corner of the dwarven forge that sells magicite if you aren't playing on hardcore difficulty. If you are then both shopkeepers will be dead and you can't get anything from them. Worst part of hardcore imo. You can also farm drops off of enemies though in hardcore there is a finite number of enemies.
Fuck, I completely missed Hikari Villa. The boss there killed me, and later on for some reason I thought the teleport there leads to Earth Spirit Palace.
But also the weapon upgrade was not worth it tbdesu. I feel somewhat disappointed, but oh well.
Can you double dip on STAB bonuses if you have two innate types that match your attack? For example, if I equip the dark/ghost scythe on a dark/ghost type Lighti, does she get twice the STAB bonus, further enhanced by the innate boost EX skill? Because that seems like it would be really good.
could be wrong but i think the consensus based on other posts in here is that only type 1 contributes to STAB while type 2 is more or less just a passive defensive type for when a shield is not raised.
That's how it is when your second type comes from your shield. The JP wiki says that the game distinguishes between inmate types and shield derived types, and only the latter gives STAB bonuses. But I don't know if a double type match gives 2x the bonus.
*innate types and shield derived types, and only the former gives STAB bonuses.
I'm retarded sorry
How do I recruit Stone I? I killed a bunch of dwarves and now there's a boss fight with Quake III, is this the way or did I fuck up?
While I'm asking, does it matter if I give the pirate treasure back or beat up the captain?
stone 1 recruit her at the graveyard you can reach from verdant valley, or if you have too many party members (5+) she'll join after you beat quake 3 in the classroom
pirate treasure return it to him if you want some crystal bottles and to be able to buy items from him (and get magicite from him later on after doing a certain other event), or keep it if you want some souls and magicite from him
Thank you
Also fighting him will let you raise your SL limit in tactical mode. You can still eventually get to the cap of 200 if you don't fight him.
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This is on a Yami Palace Egg body with no Type Affinity and no weapon-boosting EX skills, and no shield.
Underworld Sickle is Ghost/Dark and hits from mid range.
Evil Crescent is mono Dark/Light and hits from mid range.
Both appear to have the same displayed effect percentage when using a normal attack against something that is neither weak nor strong against those types. You'd expect to see this read 225% instead of 150% if both STAB types were being calculated in for the Underworld Sickle.
Unless there's some fuckery going on like with other skills (Colorbomb) that don't display effect % accurately, I think it's safe to say that the second type really doesn't seem to add to the overall effectiveness.
One interesting observation though is that using monotype weapons appears to have an inherently lower effect than using dual type weapons, even if the types don't actually have any interactions on the type chart. So having more types is somehow inherently better as long as neither type would get caught in an unfavorable matchup.
>mono Dark/Light
Not sure why the fuck I wrote that but it should just be Dark/Light.
Thank you for the research, anon!
>Opt to explore around instead of fighting the three idols right away
>Come back and they've all teamed up
This game is crazy. I love it. Regarding Blood Water, if I manage to beat her will she join separately or do I only get her if I let Water I communicate with her?
You only get her if you do the Water I thing.
Unfortunate, I'll probably just beat her up then. I like Water's forms gimmick more than what I saw of Blood Water's abilities.
There is a one time opportunity later on to get rid of blood water and restore Water I to normal
If you defeat bless and/or curse and leave pasta alone for long enough, she becomes a ruler and you have to fight the much stronger murderfiend pasta. I think that powers her up as a party member too.
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How do you craft it?
Between dragon type and close range I never bothered trying this, I just stuck her in the back with the best bows I had and disregarded weight limit
Longsword+steel shard -> Bastard Sword+steel gem -> Greatsword+wind source
>enhanced basic spell from the graveyard
inspect specific graves while any of the starters are in the party for a free upgrade to one or more of their skills. some of them are meh, while others are incredible. if you get no one else's, get burst's which raises the Technician floor from skills with 60 or less power to 90 or less.
Also the game doesn't tell you what upgrade you got or even that you got upgraded so it's very easy to miss. I believe you also automatically get the upgrade when hitting a certain SL, like 225 or so. Water I's is really powerful and raises her starting spell's attack power to 120. 50% stronger color bombs on Burst I is super good too, of course.
What's the gimmick behind that hidden boss fight at the weird manor? It's a caster girl in back and a shield guy in front. I went through multiple attempts and brute-forced it with luck because I couldn't figure out what was causing the damage variance. Sometimes my entire team would take 300+ damage, sometimes it'd be like 20 damage average.
Is there another graveyard besides the eastern/western then? I tried every single gravestone in them both.
Unless it's behind a hidden wall or something.
Oh yeah Brian had that one attack that would sometimes do monster damage and sometimes baby damage and it had a status ailment attached. I started putting Lighti in front to stop the ailment and I was also getting low damage after doing that but I don't know if resisting the ailment or not is what decides of you get insta killed or tickled. I don't think I was being retarded and using the wrong shields.
Yeah the heroes' graveyard at the end of the game, accessed from the mad king's arena.
it's an entirely different one that's basically at the end of the game.
Brian's gimmick is that some of his attacks do fixed damage based on his remaining HP, and how much damage he sustains on a given turn. Differential Cut is the difference between his max and current HP. Metal Burst is the one based on damage suffered that turn.
Naruhodo. I would not have figured that out on my own
Okay, that explains all the issues I was having. Thanks.
Am I missing something or is the light typing just offensively terrible in this game? It seems like there are a lot of light type weapon crafts but there is almost no enemies in this that are actually weak to light.
When poison and fighting enemies show up they usually get mixed in with dark and steel types so it isn't even consistent.
Just finished my first run, should I reload to fight some of the bonus bosses and find any characters I missed or just keep going into NG+?
On that note, I don't really want to carry equipment over but what happens to the cheevo equipment if I don't?
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If you were keeping multiple saves, it might be worth reloading, but then again, now that you know what you're doing, NG+ doesn't take nearly as long to run, so it's a toss-up.
The chests over on the right side of the bonus room (warp there from the bottom right area) are what you're looking for if you want to "keep" some equipment on your save file without having to carry it over into the main game - it'll just be there the next time you reach the bonus room. It's limited to 16 pieces, but that should be more than enough to hang onto achievement items and other stuff.
Okay I give, where is the last switch in the protectors palace? I assume I have to hit 4 to get to the chest that will presumably let me bypass the environmental damage gimmicks.
Of course I find it right after that. Fucking hidden wall behind a hidden wall.
I thought that when people talked about Wind I's "kitchen sink" ability they meant her versatility, not a guaranteed stun skill
Now I wonder if there are CT accelerating abilities...
Two possible translation errors in this game:
The sign at the boundary of the huntsman's woods and the dwarven forge has an arrow pointing towards the dwarven forge and says huntsman's woods. Probably either the label or the direction of the arrow is wrong.

In Confuse's mansion, with Darkness I as the protagonist, Darkness says "So all you wanted was my smarts" twice in a row.
Yeah dark and steel types are everywhere and include a lot of really dangerous enemies, so light type sucks both offensively and defensively. Good thing Starlight I can change her type.
In Wind I Creator, the game Enchant Farm is a sequel to, Wind I uses "kitchen sink kick" to hit Darkness I in the gut with her knee. I don't know if there's any deeper VIRPG silliness to the reference or if it's purely a reference to the previous game.
Can Chaos Gomez not be fought on NG+ or something? I killed captain Gomez and then in the cave the dragon still left an egg which hatched into the eggplant dragon.

>Just finished my first run, should I reload to fight some of the bonus bosses and find any characters I missed or just keep going into NG+?
That's up to you, but you can only get the best ending if you recruit all characters. Some of the bonus bosses are pretty tough and it might be a better idea to try them when you know the game better and are confident you have a strong team.
>On that note, I don't really want to carry equipment over but what happens to the cheevo equipment if I don't?
Your cheevos are retained between playthroughs as long as you keep using your save file instead of starting a new game, and you can always pick up new copies of the bonus room items in the bonus room. Also, there are storage chests in the bonus room you can use to store favorite items or to make duplicates of achievement items.
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since she spends so much time at the hospital, she picks up a thing here or there from Heal Heel, as in babyface/heel duality 1 and 2, who are wrestlers.
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Confuse is literally me. If I had a mansion and society collapsed making a rape dungeon to weed out only the most refined female adventurers to then sexually is exactly what I would do.
Deepest lore

But Confuse only wants to take their souls so that he may obtain a perfect heart which can ace trivia quizzes
>you need beguiling keys for sanctum of treasures
Is there a way to get them this late into the game or should I just purchase the crystal keys?
Assuming you have none left over, then yeah, it's all you can do. Most of the chests behind beguiling doors are garbage in the sanctum and one's a treasure map item, so just save scum the room to see if the rest of the items are what you want
Yeah the good items are the treasure map in the southeastern beguiling door, and the evolutionary stone behind the boss fight in the northeast, which doesn't take a beguiling key.
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Where is the sex shop?
The game said the cost to level rises slower if you raise your stats evenly. Is this a trap, or should you go ahead and keep things level?
It's always better to pump individual stats. Never level evenly. Souls are plentiful and you stand to benefit more from having high AGI and whatever your characters' main stats are than worrying about balanced growth.
Anyone have that image that describes this game and has a download link in it?

It costs more to raise a heavily leveled stat than an under leveled stat but it's still not worth raising STR on a MAG character or vice versa until everything else is maxed out.
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>Just now realized that disassembling weapons doesn't refund the shard/gem/source
The JP wiki says there isn't one and the line is probably just supposed to get you searching for secrets in the dilapidated town.

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