Falcombros... how are you feeling?
>>3596518I'm just talking about it on /v/ since rpg discussion is not really allowed here.
At least the people who only played Cold Steel/Daybreak will finally understand how far the series' quality has fallen.
What do you think they will censor? Estelle's casual homophobia? Tita and Agate's romantic relationship?
Looks better than most of the recent games honestly
>>3596518Finally, the only games that matter. Wonder if they'll fuck it up though
Never play this seriesShould i play the original or wait for this?
>>3596536>Wonder if they'll fuck it up thoughIt's the same people who fucked up the series as a whole, of course they will.
>>3596539The original trilogy is amazing, it's too early to say if the remake will be good but I doubt it.
>>3596539If they fuck this up, just bother with the OG trilogy (with voice patch added)>>3596541Well, its still by far the most interesting Trails related announcement
>>3596518I skimmed the direct. It only got the briefest of blurbs in the non-Japanese one, but I guess at least that means it's confirmed coming to the West, too.Hope they make no unnecessary changes and fuck it up somehow.
>>3596552>Hope they make no unnecessary changes and fuck it up somehow.They'll probably rewrite the entire Agate/Tita storyline.
>>3596518Finally Nisa will be right about a perfect starting point in the series
>>3596562And if they remake Trails the Third they'll have a perfect ending point too.
>>3596564Yeah and after that I can tap out of the series like I have.
>>3596556>>3596564Speaking of 3rd>Star Door 15
>>3596518Shit aesthetic, don't know why they didn't just take the original>>3596539>Should i play the originalOriginal
>>3596536>Wonder if they'll fuck it upIt will be remade for the modern audience.
>>3596518I mean, anyone who's remotely serious about this has already played those games. This is made for your "yes, Cold Steel 4 is THE perfect game to start with" retards.
>>3596518CANT WAIT
no rean no buy
>>3596644Where did you get this picture of me
>>3596518Is it going to keep the xseed script? Because that’s half the reason the games are remembered as good. Jap Estelle/Joshua are boring as fuck, and noticeable worse (you really feel this whenever they show up later in the series) so I hope that it doesn’t get ruined here
>>3596528the people who liked those games are not going to like sky my friend
>>3596518How are they going to inject Immigrants good white people bad into this one?
>>3596723Anon, you aren't white. Stop being offended on behalf of white people. If you were represented in the game you would be an orc or something.
>>3596528Yeah because that worked so well for Persona 3. They're not gonna make people realize Sky was better they're gonna make Sky worse to appeal to the people who like Cold Steel.
>Pre Trails series goes ignored
they have already butchered the OST in the EVO version. I don't know why you guys are expecting anything
This game is going to mindbreak a few select people here.
>>3596699I actually talked to the translator that did the script for xseed on some forum for the trails in the sky fan translation, back before xseed got the rights. He couldn't believe I enjoyed the garghav games on the psp. Personally though I thought their bad translations made the games into some sorta weird comedy rpg spoofs and thought they where funny as hell as a result. He didn't share the same sentiments.
>>3596856https://youtu.be/qmandi2nKi4The OST will be top tier.
>>3596790Talk about gross projection. Anon it's okay to not look like the characters. No need to take it out on others.
>>3596699Why don't you play something else then? I like these games as they are in jap. Just because you want things to be "exciting or flared up" doesn't mean It should be kept or that it's even correct. This mentality that the original material is "wrong" is quite dumb.
i want to play the first one but this series seems like such a massive time commitment and i still have so many unplayed JRPG classics. >_<
>>3596975You can just play the sky games and stop there. It’s a self contained story, you don’t have to force yourself to play 10 more games after the fact. Hell, you can even cut Sky 3rd if you want and just do FC and SC and you’ll be okay (though I wouldn’t - Sky 3rd is shorter and imo a lot of fun). The only real commitment is that if you play Sky FC you would want to play Sky SC, because they’re 2 halves of the same story, and there’s a lot unresolved by the end of FC.
>>3596916>I like these games as they are in japThan play in japanese? Now you have nothing to complain about. By posturing either of them as “correct” or “wrong” you’re already way off track. There is no automatic quality that coming first imparts that means it’s superior. The only legitimate way to compare them is to look at the effects either has on the game. And the simple fact is the xseed translation brought a lot of the charm and likability to the games that were a big part of them developing a fanbase. Even the simple addition of chest messages were to the substantial benefit of the game. If they remove the characterization of the xseed english translation, it will be thought of and perform worse than if they do not.
>>3596975What he said. Sky trilogy and call it.
>>3596992>>3597018k fuck it i'll start FC todaydoes it get worse after Sky or are you just suggesting to stop due to my time commitment comment?
>>3597023The former.Good games aren't that abundant, so if they are long, all the better btw
>>3597023The 4th and 5th games are pretty good, but not as good as the original. Everything after 5 (Azure) is mediocre.
>>3597030>>3597038just one more question though. i followed this voice mod guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upaUO2aw-LAany of you know if this is for both dialogue and combat lines or only dialogue? cause i heard you can set both to japanese with mods which i'd like to do
>>3596975Let me give you some advice I wish someone gave me. Don't get into Trails. That's the advice. These games will never wrap up. It's taken a dozen games to tell NO story.
>>3597050From what I remember it only works on the cutscenes But maybe I did it wrong and there was a way to get them on combat too.
>>3596518Joshy cutie
>>3597143Okay but that’s false. Just stop playing at the end of any arc and you're fine. Just don’t be autistic - that’s the real advice
>>3597023Games only get better as you go further in the series desu, but believe who you want.
>>3597174It's true. To even defend any of this shit is the height of fanboyism.
Why does janny hate trails so much
>>3597222I don't know desu
I like the old graphical style more. Ark engine was peak Falcom
>>3597216can you please go back to whatever shithole you came from (I'm assuming /vg/)
>>3597023>does it get worse after Skyopinions vary. my personal favorite is ao no kiseki which is in the second arc. there is a massive drop in quality in the third arc though(cold steel)
>>3597303>>3597023I’ll make the argument that - while there is a drop in Cold Steel - that drop happens in the latter Cold Steel games. 3 and onward suffer from it a lot, but CS1 and 2 are fine games that are on the level of the ones that come before them.
>>3597315Cold Steel's problem is that it's supposed to be about the horrors of war but no one dies until the 4th game, and even then it is only a few characters.
>>3597243Yea, the OG graphics are just great. That is the real reason why I don't really care about some remake.
>>3597380It is not about the horror of war, it is about uncovering the curse that lies over the Empire.
>>3597380>muh deathcountI'm sorry I just can't take you seriously at this point.
>>3597315I completely disagree. it felt to me that 1 and 2 were fillers for 3 and 4. Also 1 and 2 dials the cringe anime tropes to 11(that's not to say they aren't there in 3 and 4 though)
>>3597380No, that's what you want it to be about.>the horrors of warIs a meme of the broken anyway. Responsible for much of the worse media ever created, not to mention terrible decisions in general.
It doesn't look soulless, but it certainly doesn't even touch the soulfulness of the original
>>3597485Please learn to talk like a human being.
>>3596528>>3596816Nah, FC and SC, especially SC are going to get shat on for their pacing.
>>3597491That's my point. Either they make it shitty to appeal to Cold Steel babies. Or they do a faithful job and CS babies will complain about it. It can't win.
>>3597222Because Reantards used to spam their shitty threads
>>3597519>implying that you can't like bothweak
>>3597384>>3597425The only reason Erebonia is cursed in the first place is because of the war between the Fire nation and the Earth nation whose descendants became the Erebonians. Furthermore Rean explicitly states that the curse only manipulated people who were already violent.>>3597387Cold Steel 4 has 39 playable characters. How many of them are dead by the end of the game? Zero.
>Switch exclusiveWtf why? Fucking Falcom man
>>3597564Wait, what? I could've sworn I read it was going to be on other platforms as well. But you're right, the official website only mentions the Switch.But it was the same for Oath in Felghana/Memoire, which got released on PS5 eventually - albeit with a huge delay.
>>3597553>The only reason Erebonia is cursed in the first place is because of the war between the Fire nation and the Earth nation whose descendants became the Erebonians. Furthermore Rean explicitly states that the curse only manipulated people who were already violent.That doesn't make it a story about the horrors of war. That is just one of the many aspects within it. I swear, people really lack basic reading comprehension.
What are the chances that the remake gets censored?
>>3597649Censored is a meme term because any change regardless of what it may be will be considered as censorship, and change is inevitable - because if not it’d be the exact same game as the one you already have played.
>>3597649Sky doesn't have anything to censor though. Estelle's surprise/disgust at Olivert fagging it up is always played up as a sign of her immaturity and lack of worldliness.
>>3597649>>3598220They'll definitely censor Estelle's disgust at Oliver's faggotry. They'll probably censor Tita's crush on Agate too.
>>3597586What was the Erebonia arc about if not the horrors of war?
>>3598288Shining bonds can overcome the differences between people and adversity that they may face. A person’s background and the history they come from matter little against the ability of people to come together and work towards a better future.Same as every other trails arc.
>>3598287>Tita's crush on Agate too.Why would they censor it when they didn't do it in Sen 3 and even refferenced it?
>>3598300Imagine being so dense even the themes of a JRPG are too deep for you to understand.https://kiseki.fandom.com/wiki/Erebonian_Curse
>>3598444Sen 3 came out in 2017. People are a lot more sensitive now.
Looks like a budget gacha game for Android made by Indians.>shitch onlyLol.
>>3598448They still kept it in the Hajimari short stories, so you are still wrong.
>>3596518We knew this was coming because they need the game for the finale. I just hope they dont monkey with the script and make it as woke as kuso
>>3597011They continued to try to localize estelle for us but the problem is i dont think the original writer for fc and sc stayed on and it showed in every game theyre in after.Estelle ANDESTE bright is shit. I hope they power her up a bit too. Especially if they remove the fanfic. Estelle is too weak to be dumb too.
>>3597023Sky fc is the best. Dont rush through it to get to sc.
>>3597649Almost 100%
>>3598288>What was the Erebonia arc about if not the horrors of war?Kiseki is not a horror series, and Erebonia is not a war horror story. It's an optimistic power of friendship adventure about how conflicts can be resolved and avoided, and people healed, through bonds. A fairy tale curse that can be dispelled by homemade cooking and pep talks is not a "horror of war". It's just regular human evil turned into a bad guy with its own personality that you can whack with a sword at the end. "war" is what happens when there's too much evil and not enough power of friendship to keep it in check.
>>3598446wow that sure is a fandom wiki articlegreat pointhttps://kiseki.fandom.com/wiki/Combat_link
>>3598499Tita is an adult now. She was a child in Trails FC.
>>3598520>Kiseki is not a horror series, and Erebonia is not a war horror story. It's an optimistic power of friendship adventureThat's debatable. You have murder, rape, pedophilia, nuclear bombs, and child soldiers, and most of that is in the original trilogy.
>>3598608Again see - >>3598300The point is the “bad things” can be overcome. It’s a hopeful story, and lasting hope is the antithesis of horror.
>>3598513The writers stuck around - they're just not heavily involved in dialogue anymore. Kondo obviously has his executive duties and hasn't directed any titles since Azure. Takeiri is also still around but these days he's mostly a manager and overseer of major themes and lore beats rather than small details. Rookie writers have definitely come and gone, but some of the old guard definitely still remains.
>>3598647>The point is the “bad things” can be overcomeExcept all of the kids who were canonically raped and murdered by D^G. They stay dead.
>>3598659And the few survivors completely turned their lives around and live happily. Theme maintained.
>>3598300You forgot the themes of a decaying world, mistakes of the past, righting the old wrongs, strength of willpower and passage of time from the mythical to a man's world.
>>3597519Did you only recently join the fanbase? FC was always shat on being nothing happens the game until the Tita/Agate chapter. The tower chapter and the one where you need to traverse liberl again during the orbal shutdown werent well liked either.
>>3597553Name one playable character in Sora or Crossbell that died. In fact name the three confirmed deaths across the first 5 games.
>>3598686Confirmed deaths are plentyful, just not among playable characters. But anon is still stupid for expecting playable characters to die in a series that is all about idealism and optimism prevailing.
>>3598683Redditor post
>>3598759>Missed out on the majority of the discussion when the games were the newest release the post
>>3598686The first five games had a small cast compared to the Cold Steel games.
My copy of Trails in the Sky that I bought a decade ago is still sealed, never got around to playing it. Should I break it open for my next RPG playthrough?
>>3598824You're better off playing the Steam or GOG version in this day and age. Way more QoL features on those.
>>3598820>Estelle, Joshua, Schera, Olivier, Kloe, Agate, Tita, Zin, Mueller, Julia, Kevin, Ries, Richard, Renne, Anelace, JosetteOnly 3 of these were unique to 3rd. Crossbell was pretty small compared to Sky, as it capped out at FC/CS1 tier playable cast size.The largest party size you get in CS3 for example was just barely bigger than that of 3rd. (6 Groups of 3 vs 4 groups of 4). CS4 and Reverie have huge casts but a decent chunk of them are rehashes from Sky and Crossbell.
>>3598910Meant 3 groups of 6 for CS3 with the dark dragon shit.
I bought the original back during the Steam Summer Sale. Should I still play it or wait?
>>3599102Play it. It's only 30 hours long.
>>3599102It’ll look completely different as far as we’ve seen so it’s probably fine, especially since you already own it. The steam version is a pretty well made port- it’s certainly not a bad version of the game by any means
>>3598834Yeah, but then I'd have to buy it again.
>>3596818First time?
>>3599231is that John Undertale?
>>3596818Meh. Gagharv isn't that good. I played through the whole trilogy and was pretty disappointed.
>>3596818>>3599267They're fine. If they had actual ties to at least Sky games they'd be remember. Also, trilogy was hilariously localized out of order breaking save imports in the process. Thankfully you don't lose much because of it.
>>3596518These games are the Marvel films of RPGs lmao>dude play 7 games just for an NPC dialogue to changeThe story isn't deep or even good just because of the length, bro. Also the translation is shit, they literally just made shit up more than once. This series is just anime slop through and through, the fucking modern trails games that people jerk off (EPIC plot threads!!) have the most laughably bad animations I've ever seen. Captcha related, trails faggots.
>>3599526>These games are the Marvel films of RPGs lmaoNo, that's what Final Fantasy is, (and squeenix games in general) to the point where the games are literally stealing lines from super hero and star wars films>Also the translation is shit, they literally just made shit up more than onceIt might actually have the best translation of any jrpg. When we evaluate things we do so comparatively to form an objective analysis. If you cannot form a comparative basis for your claims then what you have posted is essentially a wet fart.
>>3599526>These games are the Marvel films of RPGs lmao>what is fallout???
>>3599530NISA translation choices are quite questionable, albeit not the worst. But fan translation fixes that issue.
>>3599544The fan translations have never been better than any official translation. For any game. In fact, this complaint is of such low intelligence that it's become a bad meme. Now cry and concern troll over your discord translation written by ESLs with a high school equivalent education at best is superior.
>>3599553>The fan translations have never been better than any official translationCrossbell arc begs to differ. The official translation of it is horrible.
>>3599530>but what about [other series!]Nah, unrelated shit is unrelated. Stay focused, FF retards are their own brand of special. Trails does the exact shit marvel faggotry does where you need to watch 4 movies for a glimpse of a reference and they call it epic world building. I get the appeal, but it's not good. I'm certain trails fags just have sunk cost fallacy.>translation is goodLMAO, picrel, I'm not going to dig up the mountains of screencaps of this fucking godawful series translation. I personally hate how they just inject shit that doesn't exist into what they're saying, but you can keep coping however you like.
>>3599559The geofront translation is already the basis of the official Crossbell translation, the issues with which were addressed in the PC release which is the definitive version.
>>3599566>Stay focused, FF retards are their own brand of special. Trails does the exact shit marvel faggotry does where you need to watch 4 movies for a glimpse of a reference and they call it epic world buildingYou aren't being logically consistent. Retype your post again and put an actual argument in it.
>>3599566>I personally hate how they just inject shit that doesn't exist into what they're sayingI don't think you understand how language works. What is being said in Japanese cannot be accurately represented by a flat machine translation. Words have nuances in real languages like English and Japanese.https://youtu.be/NJYoqCDKoT4?si=wWQbTkhN2fK6DbkzWhich English translation of the Bible is the correct one? The answer is not so simple.
>>3599573What's inconsistent about that? I wasn't talking about FF retards, you brought up another series. I'm telling you to stay on track, nigger. Can you not read? If this post >>3599553 is you, you have a lot of nerve. >Now cry and concern troll over your discord translation written by ESLs with a high school equivalent education at best is superior.This is ironic, typing some shit up about ESLs when you wrote this clusterfuck of a sentence. Also funny how you have 0 arguments for the translation besides "it's good" and beg for examples while posting no evidence. It's shit, you're a retard for sinking hundreds of hours into a shit series. Sorry if you're having cognitive dissonance over this, but it's true.
>>3599580>What's inconsistent about that?You aren't defining what makes it similar to a marvel movie. Square Enix games directly quote lines from trashy Hollywood blockbusters, therefore they are similiar to them. Your nebulous claim about how Trails is tangentially similar to marvel because the world is internally consistent and connected is dubious at best and I can tell your blood pressure is starting to go up. You should take a break and do some breathing excercises.
>>3599578There's a difference between changing things slightly and whatever this shit is.They are just adding things that didn't exist at all in the original Japanese script. Of course translation is nuance, but this is closer to fanfiction with all the extraneous nonsense they put in. It completely changes the tone of that sentence. And no, more examples aren't needed. If this one dialogue is this bad, I can't trust them with any of the rest. I wonder where the fan tl stuff came from anyway? I wasn't advocating for a fan translation, we all know the modern tl scene is full of discord trannies who want to "correct" scripts that are problematic.
>>3599584>There's a difference between changing things slightly and whatever this shit isNo, the machine translation does not convey a "dismissive and disrespectful zinger with no English equivalent". This is where you are getting confused.
>>3599583>more what about ismNice arguments. Nobody mentioned FF, it's completely unrelated. You're a broken record. I did write exactly how it's like the marvel slop, if you could read. You're defending a trash translation while shit talking another bad one in the same breath. You clearly have reading comprehension issues. No problem, we're done here.
>>3599591Okay, see you in 5 minutes.
>>3599591>she says as she bumps the ff13 thread
>>3599589The whole point is the extra shit has absolutely no place there. It's way over the top for no reason at all. They're just making shit up because they want to, the worst kind of translation. The original text is ⅓ the size and can be conveyed just as briefly in English, but they decided to PWN the old man EPIC STYLE by adding extra nonsense. It's not even a clever insult either. It sounds like someone is trying to come up with as many comebacks as possible 3 hours after the fact, and then the best thing that they could come up with is that this guy is old. Just lol.
>>3599601Wow it's been exactly 5 minutes, that's amazing.
>>3599601>The whole point is the extra shit has absolutely no place thereExtra shit isn't a bad thing, but the way NISA does it is incredibly cringe and makes you want to bury your head into the ground to hide in shame at how bad it is.
>>3599611It's inherently a bad thing. It's not a fine line between using extra words to convey the same meaning and using extra words to write what you thought a character should have said. It's actually easier *not* to make extra shit up. Just don't do it! It's really easy. Just use the words in front of you, bad translations can't even be real.
>>3599566Do translators have a fart fetish? I'm thinking about Eiyuuden Chronicles' "farthead" comment that brought up farts too. It isn't a lot but it's still weird that it happened twice.
>>3599485>Also, trilogy was hilariously localized out of order breaking save imports in the process.how in the fuck did that happen?
>>3596518This game was insanely overrated because it has a good localization and is part of a long continuous series, so no I don't care.
>>3599485They're not fine. The gameplay in all of them is bad and the story shits the bed pretty hard by the end of LoH5. The main writer of the series quit midway through LoH5's development and forced Kondo and Takeiri (who were complete rookies at the time) to slap a finale together. It didn't really work out.
Estelle is no longer a genki girl played for laughs, she is now genki girl with stacy-tier proportions now
>>3599759Estelle was always a Stacy. Literally just read her speech bubbles, retard-kun.
>>3599765Estelle is dumb lol!
>>3599591Lmao you got spotted got squarenigger
>>3599566>says 'quickly simply, and completely" in a very pithy statement, almost poetic>localizers completely miss that and make it some purple prose nonsense with their poop fetishdo you think the trannylators are aware they missed that?
>>3599765She didn't look like a Stacy before
>>3599805She did look like a Stacy too ever since Sen. It literally is not a new feature what so ever.
>All the characters look the same>Dogshit generic graphics instead of the pure SOVL graphics of the PSP>Switch exclusive>Censorship incomingThis is going to suck
>>3599791He's seething
>>3599810The OG Crossbell trilogy games she didn't look like a Stacy at all. Just a flat tomboy girl.
>>3599813>>All the characters look the same???>Dogshit generic graphics instead of the pure SOVL graphics of the PSPYou have a point there>Switch exclusiveIt is bad, because?>Censorship incomingHeadcannon
>>3599816Ok, I forgot about her Crossbel appearance. Fair enough. But she still spoke like one.
>>3599816Enami Estelle is a tad weird.
>>3599820>???Look at the faces of the characters and compare them with the original PSP trilogy. They have the sameface that plagues anime today.>It is bad, because?Why is a good thing? Trails fans are not Nintendo fans.
>>3599835>Look at the faces of the characters and compare them with the original PSP trilogy. They have the sameface that plagues anime todayThat is the case for OG as well. The faces were always pretty generic anime faces.
>>3599839No they weren't. Get your eyes checked please.
>>3599855All of these look equally visually distinct to me.
>>3599835It's about time Switch got one good game. I haven't touched mine in like a year except to shit on how bad xenoblade was. It's going to come out on PC anyway there is zero chance of that not happening.
>>3599860Originals are indeed distinct. Remake are all same faces.
>>3599869If you overlap them they are clearly not the same and FC has some pretty bad art, it didn't really pick up until SC in that regard. Like some or the inventory screen portraits looked like amateur fan art.
>>3599855Those are all generic anime faces, just from different years.
Estelle will be in the next Smash, watch.
>>3599835The games were originally on PC, dude. Back in 2004.
>>3599891Precisely there's 0 reason for it to be a retarded console exclusive.
>>359891016 is a lot less than 39, anon.>>3599820These games are 100% going to be censored, anon.
>>3599870Original portraits have more shadows, nice texture, distintive faces and features. New portraits are simplified slop.
>>3599941>These games are 100% going to be censored, anon.What's going to be censored exactly? There is nothing to censor.
>>3599947You didn't even post the portrait from the correct game, fake fan
>>35998742000s anime style = Soul2010s onwards = Soulless
>>3599950I posted a comparison with the original portraits. Not my problem if you have dementia, nigger.
>>3599955>the original portraitsThose are portraits from SC.
>>3599952Nah, soulless only comes after 2015. 2010 - 2014 was still peak aesthethics. Halfway being realistic and still heavily aesthethicizes. It was only after the 2015 that the obsession with making graphics and art as realistic as possible set in.
>>3599952>>3599978This is absurd, compare made in abyss to bleach or whatever dogshit you people like
>>3599791>you got spotted got squareniggerNice sentence, ESL-kun. I posted about how shit the FF translation was in the same post. >>3599591Another game has nothing to do with the point of the thread, how deranged do you have to be to even make this post? FF is mediocre as fuck, so are most JRPG slop games. That's what's so funny about people defending trails, they just have sunk cost fallacy.
Falcom is on a hot streak desu, TiTS remake looks great. Kondo-sama...I kneel
>>3599979I exclusively watch Love Hina and NGE, faggot.
>>3596518Didnt they remake this again on the vita or something?Also I probably get booed for this but they need to rework the start 1 FCthis shit putting people to sleep. And its not a "game is old" thing either, its just fucking boring even back then
>>3599948Estelle's casual homophobia and Tita and Agate's relationship.
>>3600503Estelle's "homophobia" is attributed to her immaturity and being a country bumpkin, which dwindles as she becomes more traveled. There is nothing inappropriate about Agate and Tita's relationship.
>>3596518I'm mildly excited for this since it looks great but what're the chances they do the same bullshit "2 voiced lines of dialogue per cutscene" thing they've been doing since CS1, despite having perfectly fine fully voiced audio from Evo?
>>3600531Nobody's saying is bad.But is going to get censored.
>>3600550>It doesn't have anything offensive.It isn't offensive to a sane person, but to a localizer everything is offensive. Look at all of the Dead Rising remake's censorship.
>>3600561It's being localized by the horse weiner company. My greatest fears are that the game will be released and it will be Estelle with enormous double Ds running around in a micro bikini and since it's on the switch every house has a loading screen and all the hand placed objects are gone. That's the kind of stuff I'm worried about personally with modern falcom.
>>3599941The 39 playable characters in CS4 also include returnees from Sky and Crossbell. The actual CS only cast is about as big as that of Sky.
>>3600565The Daybreak games massively toned down the fanservice and added a tranny protagonist. It's over.
>>3600579They should have at least killed Oliver. That was such a cop out.
>>3600719What the fuck are you talking about? Every time you go to the baths or sauna there is fanservice. There are plenty of those scenes. Not to mention all the other scenes and connect events.>>3600720That would have been cool, I was actually surprised they didn't do it with all the focus on Alfine and Cedric. But I do understand why they didn't go through with it, and the wedding and all the art made for it was quite a nice satisfying ending.
>>3596518I for one am excited for the inevitable flood of Josette fanart and cosplay
>>3600735True, hopefully, we also get more Analece and Campy art.
>>3600729Compared to Cold Steel Daybreak barely has any fanservice. You can't even romance any of the women.
>>3600742That is because your choices are only Agnes and Eleine and Kai will very clearly have you make a choice between them, which is obvious from the OP.
>>3600735>cosplaying some noname jobber when you can cosplay Estelle or AnalAce or the clown with a whipGood luck bro
>>3600749Limiting the spread is better desu. Cold Steel went pretty nuts on it, and having every game have a big final romance event that just resets the next one was really retarded. Imagine being a clairefag lmao
>>3600753She's cute.
>>3600763Yea, for sure, I too prefer how Kuro only focuses on Eleine and Agnes and actually develops their relationship with Van.
>>3600749>>3600763The maid is obviously the best girl.
>>3600749>Kai will very clearly have you make a choice between themNever going to happen. Only character from the original trilogy get canon romances.
>>3600785True, Risette is great. Although I am more of a Quatrefag.
>>3600789Watch the trailer, baka-anon-kun
>>3600800They'll tease you like they did with Rean and Fie, but nothing will ever really happen.
>>3600818>nothing will ever really happenYou literally get to choose the girl that Rean ends with in Sen 4 and you can confirm it in Hajimari. At this point, I am convinced you are a shitposter who did not play these games.
>>3600820>You literally get to choose the girl that Rean ends with in Sen 4 and you can confirm it in HajimariThere is no canon answer, though, it's just whomever the player prefers. Unless every subsequent game just straight up asks you who you liked it will always be ambiguous who Van chose, same with Lloyd and Rean.
>>3600948>There is no canon answerThis is bad, because....? Just shut the fuck up, dumb shitposter.
>>3600765I can see her butt
>>3601016This is bad because it destroys the sense of continuity that makes the series appealing in the first place. Every datable character is now permanently stuck in place because now it is impossible to move their relationships with anyone forward at all.
>>3601108Again, that is bad, because.....? That just make you sound like a whinny baby that is unhappy because exactly his preffered girl isn't aknoledged as canon. Just headcanon it you imaginationlet. Not to mention that the OP for Kai is quire heavilly shipping Rean with Altina. And in general FALCOM was always Altinafags.
>>3601016>>3601128When have I ever mentioned Altina?
>>3601128I don’t think you read my post, which is sad because it was two sentences.
>>3601130>>3601133I brought it up because it is clearly the canon romance, that is what you claim to want.
>>3601139For the record you are talking to two people, not one, also I'm pretty sure if anyone was the canon romance it would be Fie, since she's been playable for seven games straight, counting Kuro 2.
>>3599267The PSP ports are genuinely bad. Like, the localization is machine translation-tier.The Japanese windows versions of the Gagharv games are genuinely great. Tears of Vermillion was the start of TLoH/Kiseki pretending to kill off beloved main-story characters but then pulling a "nope they're alive lol"
>>3601188>The Japanese windows versions of the Gagharv games are genuinely great.Nah. LoH3 and LoH5 still play like shit. Jank-ass pseudo-RTWP combat. And that's not even getting into the original versions of LoH3 and LoH4 on the PC-98, which are even worse gameplay-wise.
>>3601151Being a playable character has nothing to do with it. It is about level of shipping. And FALCOM are Altinafags.
>>3596518I'm trying to play the OG since I want to get into the Kiseki games, but the one I downloaded from GOG just won't launch. Wut do.
>>3602254Why do people still use gog lol
>>3602282Because I tried like 9 other sites and the best I could find was a 3 part DD that would each take 10 hours to download. That or just play the PSP version on an emulator or shell out 20 bucks for the steam port, but I refuse to do either.
>>3602284If you pirated the game how is that using gog? Are you retarded? Your post is misleading. Of course it doesn't work, you just dumped about 10 gigs of Russian bitcoin miners onto your favelatop by downloading outdated garbage.
>>3596518>>3596539The first three games are on sale on GOG. Are they worth a blind buy? Will they be comfy on my Legion Go?
>>3602254You need to tweak the settings o the launcher. You tried reading on steam forums? Is a problem of the PC version in general I think, not just GOG. you need to change something in the launch settings before the game starts.
>>3602627>Are they worth a blind buy?Absolutely. You won't regret it.
>>3602627The story in these games is pretty slow to start but if you don't mind that then they are very much worth your time. I would at least recommend buying the first game and seeing if it's your thing. The sky trilogy has some of my favorite moments in any game series I've played but even as a fan I will admit that the games suffer from quite slow pacing.
>>3602640>>3602685Honestly I'm more of a storyfag than a combat guy. I haven't outright finished a JRPG since Pokemon Fire Red over 20 years ago because I hate grinding. If the story's actually good and the girls are hot, then I think I'd enjoy it
>>3602696>because I hate grindingYou do not need to grind in 99% of jrpgsI’m sorry but it’s legitimately a skill issue - grinding exists for bad players and children to still be able to see the game’s story
>>3602627Listen, as a guy who loves the series but has gotten burnt out a few times going through it take this advice: Do NOT talk to all NPCs, Do NOT do all side missions and Do NOT be a completionist.These games are long, SC is so fucking annoyingly long with a large part of it being tedious sidequests that are forced by the main story. Backtracking over FC's areas multiple times fixing broken telephone lines. (I'm not kidding.)The story itself and character building is top notch, but the slow pacing is it's biggest weak-point. You don't wanna slow it down even more, trust me.
>>3602706Generally good advice. Especially given how easily missable some of the side content is.
>>3602706>>3602722This is bad advice. I recommend you do the opposite. Take your time and immerse yourself fully. Do every sidequest that you are able to, and interact with and get to know all the npcs and how they change over time. Sidequests have payoffs - not just in terms of the tangible rewards you are given for doing them, but in how their completion affects the people in the world you’re playing. If you do something for a person, not only does that give you the opportunity to meet and interact with that person on your end, but in-game (and across games) they will remember it too. There is no deadline for finishing games, and moreso you do not need to shotgun every game one offer the other like some lunatic.
>>3602706He's correct. The NPCs pre-cold steel are boring and the sidequests are shit.
If you didn’t read the books you played the game wrong
>>3602797*The Liberl news
>>3602706>>3602722>>3602779The best parts of the Trails games is talking to minor NPCs and seeing how the events of the games are affecting them. If you skip the sidequests you are missing the best parts of the games.
>>3602774Listen to this anon and ignore the other retard. I talk to all NPCs after each story point and never got tired of it. In fact, is one of the best things about Trails. When in Final Fantasy the average NPC always say the same lines, in Trails EACH NPC has different dialogue after some time ans and they follow a logical path. The world feels alive. Follow the main story like a drone and you miss it.
>>3603031I really liked the little girl with the kitten in the Crossbell games and I would always come by after major events to see what they were up to. During the climax of the second game when monsters are loose in Crossbell she assures her kitten that everything will be okay. It's really cute.
Maybe i should finish it someday
>>3602254>>3602630I figured it outInitial impressions; game is fun, having 2 team members is kinda limiting at the beginning when you can run into 5 and 6 team enemies and when I took an optional side path when saving the little fag kids there were these beetle looking enemies that kicked my fucking ass but it taught me better how to use quartz so that's cool. Oh also Estelle is legitimately retarded. Didn't know there was honest to god autistic representation in this game. She doesn't have 2 brain cells to rub together or even 1 to show off. Joshua should offer her as a sacrifice to Ouroboros
>>3603112It's a slow burn but she gets better at being a bracer and that's really kino imo.>OuroborosBruh you already spoiled yourself before hitting the 3 hour mark playing the series? The fuck are you doing
>>3603115>Bruh you already spoiled yourself before hitting the 3 hour mark playing the series? The fuck are you doingentire introduction into this series was my friend lore dumping on me. Most I know about them is they're a evil shadowy organization that are behind basically everything. Considering there are 12(?) main series games, I'm sure I haven't been spoiled on too much.
>>3603115>>3603116Oh, one thing he DIDN'T spoil was Cassius' fucking porn stache that absolutely jump scared me. All he told me is that Cassius is basically top 10 most intense motherfuckers in universe and then all I see is
>>3603116Tell your friend he's a faggot tho. Tell him I said it actually, he'll know.
>>3603079Indeed. I still remember a character in trails that thought his woman abandoned him and was cucking him because he just left her to go to fish. Just to discover that his women learnt to fish too and beat him up, kek.
>>3603127hmm interesting..I suspect I'm not going to like this girl very much, or I'll like her a lot
>outsourced>shitch exclusive>will add the fanfic retcons from cold steel>daybreak combatIrredeemable.
>>3603142>>outsourcedTo who?
>>3603142>outsourcedNo, it's completely in-house and being designed as a definitive starting point for the series going forward.
>>3603017I disagree, the best part of the Sky trilogy is the central narrative and everything involving Joshua and Estelle. Also the writing and pacing for FC is 10x better than SC. I just got done playing SC and it was a slog.
>>3603144>definitive starting pointIn other words, if this results to be a massive piec eof shit turd full of retcons and censorship, the series is going to be fucked.Haha...
>>3603144>>3603143Chingchongs. Did you know that even the WRITING is outsourced in every single game starting with CS3?
>>3603157>I just got done playing SC and it was a slogWhat makes you say that? Usually people complain about FC being the slog.
>>3603223>What makes you say that?Retreading all of FC not once but twice.The towers are annoying time wasting garbage, the boss fights are good though.Lore dumps everywhereThe final dungeon is another slogEvery enemy encounter is some stupid robot that you fought 15 times alreadyFC was all original content and it was shorter. Also the ending was much stronger and, subjectively, the writing was better in FC. In SC Estelle feels like talk no-jutsu jesus where in FC she makes actual mistakes.
>>3603251>In SC Estelle feels like talk no-jutsu jesus where in FC she makes actual mistakes.Estelle is much more vulnerable in SC because she doesn't have Joshua to compensate for her weaknesses. As for revisiting locations from FC, it's fun because it allows us to see how our actions in the first game influenced the world.
>>3603550>Estelle is much more vulnerable in SC because she doesn't have Joshua to compensate for her weaknessesThat never comes back to bite her. Ever. Even when she's captured Joshua saves her.
Every video that ranks the trails games is random. There is no consensus on what the best game or worst game is. Some consider Coldsteel 4 to be the peak while others consider it to be the worst game in the series.I literally do not understand what games to play or skip. I'd rather just watch the cutscenes for the bad games.
>Youtube ruined my ability to be a personman can you be any more pathetic?
>>3603632Just watch the cutscenes for all of them. The games themselves were never good. People only like the plot and epic dynamic NPC dialogue.
>>3603654I wanna get into Rean, I heard he's the greatest character in fiction.
>>3603632>I literally do not understand what games to play or skipsure I can help with thisTrails In The Sky FC -> Trails In The Sky SC Trails In The Sky the 3rd -> Trails From Zero -> Trails to Azure -> Trails of Cold Steel -> Trails of Cold Steel 2 -> Trails of Cold Steel 3 -> Trails of Cold Steel 4 - Trails into Reverie -> Trails Through Daybreak -> Trails Through Daybreak 2 -> Kai No Kiseki (coming out sometime this year)Glad I could clear that up for ya
>>3602698>I’m sorry but it’s legitimately a skill issue - grinding exists for bad players and children to still be able to see the game’s storyI got into the Metroid series back then, which felt like graduating to something more adult after Pokemon. I have a Chrono Trigger DS save file that's like 13 years old. I don't hate JRPGs, I just don't tend to finish them for some reason
>>3603611>Even when she's captured Joshua saves her.Exactly. What makes their dynamic work so well is that neither character is able to function without the other. Estelle needs Joshua because she's a bimbo, Joshua needs Estelle because he's an edgelord.
>>3603853>Estelle needs Joshua because she's a bimbo, Joshua needs Estelle because he's an edgelord.and together they're..... a comedy duo where the stick in the mud is the straight man! I now pronounce you codependent!
>>3603854Dude it's a jrpg, were you expecting nuanced Shakespearian characters?
>>3603857not the guy you were arguing with, nor am I complaining, I think they're fine, but definitely not super well written considering they're not 2 people, they're a set like the fuckin Ice Climbers. They don't work as individuals
>>3603859>They don't work as individualsI believe this was intentional to emphasize the romantic aspect of the two characters.
>>3603853The romance between them is the best part of the original trilogy. It's built up well and paid off in the end. And they function perfectly well without each other. Joshua captured an enemy airship saved the sky bandits and even sabotaged the Glorious(ouraboros ship) going alone. Estelle was doing missions too. It's more accurate to say they can't be happy without one another. Estelle now has such insane plot armor that nothing could kill her except maybe Rean.
>>3596518>female MCshall not
>>3603632>no way people can like different things? Unreal
Just beat Sky SC and had fun a lot. Granted one character saved my bacon a lot with being a total support build for the last fights. Though I felt like what I did trivializes the supposed "hardest" boss in the last hour or so of the game.Estelle totally just "I believe in humanity's bonds and potential" her way against the final boss. Half expected since lots of JP media has that as a theme - especially for a Mid 2000s game. I agree though it went for far too long if you decide to do everything. Finished it at 118 hours. At least t'was a nice ending though especially for our bracer duo.Probably won't play the remake since I find the sprites way more charming. But I hope they don't change major things like you know who even with how modern Falcom Trails is nowadays.
>>3596518Isn't this game mid at best?What's a remake gonna do?
>>3604867I'm starting TC now, people that are into gameplay autism say this is the best one, while people that are into story only say this is a filler episode.
>>3604871Dunno anon, I never call things filler or those kind of classifications. That's the stupidity of English speaking fanbases.I'll start it sometime later but since its character focused with those doors and such from what I read, I think I'll enjoy it as well.
>>3604867Grail Sphere abuse? As long as you were playing on hard or higher we won't judge that much. Renne's fight in the elemental towers is a crapshoot without it.>>3604871Filler is a stupid term. It also really can't be applied in this context.3rd does a lot with it's story aspects - it concludes and wraps up loose threads from the Sky games, lays foundations and provides set-up for both the Crossbell and Cold Steel games, and is it's own self-contained story. And I do think the combat is pretty fun, though that's my personal opinion. You get a lot of characters, and I like switching around and using different combinations of them - if you find that sort of thing annoying it may be less your cup of tea.
>>3604896Just Normal mode anon, but the game gave me that option so it's totally fair to use it. Heh. To clarify, it's definitely that character but its more Earth Wall spam. Built them to be a good ass support that he gets those in before the bosses could attack. Only used the moved you mentioned twice over the course of the last four fights. So judge away. The only downside is their ATS was so weak they couldn't contribute in dealing damage, so I guess it balanced out?
>playing TC>Titas parents really just let a 13 year old girl help design and potentially pilot a fucking combat mecha who is supposed to fight Pater-MaterYeah ok trails
>>3606107She's mature for her age.
>>3606107the mecha was supposed to be her way of trying to get closer to and understand renne but that got dropped entirely
I don't trust nor like modern Falcom, and I very much prefer the old sprites and wish the series had kept that style. Not for me, but hopefully others enjoy it.
I have witnessed a new chapter to the Zemurian history
This game is unironically the only hope I have for jrpgs. Falcom is the only company in Japan still making even remotely playable rpgs unless you count from soft.
>>3606374From slop is the same fucking game over and over again. They even took AC and made it more like Souls shit.
>>3606736haha its funny because falcom does the same thing
>>3606810lel, true
>>3601108Yeah. It's one of the worst things Cold Steel did, because they copied Persona without realizing that Persona gets away with it because each game is more or less self contained, and it isn't this interlinked huge world with an ongoing narrative. Every single CS girl that was an option and Rean himself can never actually have a romantic relationship as a result of the harem faggotry in Cold Steel, and their characters remain stagnant as a result. They should've either committed to one canon girl or had Rean actually get a full blown harem rather than leaving them all essentially single for life.
what the fuck is happening in TC man, this bitch just tongue fucked a child
>>3606993Is Coldsteel so bad that it's good?
>>3607017Coldsteel is a massive drop in quality from the original trilogy but it isn’t that bad imo. It is trying to be a light-hearted power fantasy and I'd say it succeeds at what it is trying to do.
>>3607017It's fine if you completely tune out the story and writing, but that kind of defeats the point of following the series in the first place. Crossbell was where the series started its descent into trend-chasing nonsense, but Cold Steel is where Falcom went full blast with it.
>>3607182What in the fuck are you talking about? Cold Steel writing is hilarious.https://youtu.be/3gTeZzbMmycHow much of a bitter retard do you have to be to not like these games?
>>3607186I didn't go into this series expecting to turn into a schlocky mecha harem drama. I don't enjoy that shit ironically.
>>3607017Cold Steel has moments where it's awesome and then it has moments where it's like in the top 10 worst thing's i've ever sat through in any media. It constantly pingpongs in quality between these two states and the result ends up being one of the most schizophrenic expeirences i've ever had with a story. There's a reason it's so shitposted, it just breaks your mind playing it.
>>3607229Nothing ironic about it.
>>3607267haha...I can't wait
>>3607311Well then, congrats. You got shit taste in media.
>>3607267I can't even tell you what the good parts are anymore. CS3's ending would've been good if all the twists weren't all literally undone the very next game.
>>3607333Sure pal, tell me how great all your angsty teen adventures with bad Jung references are.
>>3607012It’s okay she’s a nun. This is just community service
>>3607433What are you even on about?
>>3596518absolutely despicable the cliffhanger they are going to leave new fans on
>>3608056>despicable cliffhangerPerhaps, but it's also one of the best endings to a jrpg in history.
>>3608056I wonder if it'll have the same impact. The camera angles in the original scene were a big part of it, so it's gonna be weird in 3D
>>3596571Already censored in Kuro and 3rd Evo.
>>3596818>be the pre-Trails games>be not nearly as good as Trails>be ignoredIt ain't rocket science
>>3596822>BROS IMAGINE SINGA DOING SILVER WILL LMAO>he already did>LMAOOOOOO WHY TF HE USE BONGOS IN THIS SONG DUDE HOLY KEK>why did Jindo?It's all so tiresome with the Singa hate mob
>>3597143Actually the series is being forced to wrap up shortly after its planned halfway point due to declining sales.
>>3597023Zero and Azure were underrated cult classics and the peak of the franchise until people actually got to play them, now they're mostly overshadowed by their arcs in the Cold Steel quintology.
>>3608842>It's all so tiresome with the Singa hate mobthere wouldn't be a hate mob if his music was good like jindo's
>>3597315CS2 has been said to be the worst Trails for the longest time and 1 was pretty universally understood to be noticeably worse than the previous 5 games. This history revisionism you're spouting only came about after the next games were miraculously even worse than CS1 and 2.
>>3608845I don't it went down that way - more like the overarching story made Crossbell into a tired meme and soured people on the duology in retrospect. This is especially true for CS4 and Reverie.>>3608883CS1 is a tropey, trend-chasing Persona clone, but it's at least a competent trend-chasing Persona clone. CS2 is just a padded mess of bad writing and story beat retreads from Sky and Crossbell.
>>3608883Both CS1 and CS2 are better than Zero and Ao. Zero especially is ass
>>3608883CS1 and CS2 are great. CS3 through Reverie were mixed bags, had some good stuff in it but were overall not as good as CS1 and CS2.>>3609021Crossbell is filler but Zero was merely 6/10 fine. It is Ao that is the real stinker. I am still mad 5 years later.
>>3609021Zero is great wtf are you on about? It's a kino underdog adventure. CS1 is just boring shit where you sit in classrooms and nothing happens until the end where it ends on a "please buy the sequel to actually get the plot" hook. The journey of the SSS going to bums no one takes seriously to the saviors of Crossbell is the best in the series.
>>3609044Now this is some next-level contrarianism.
>>3609044Based, I loved cold steel 1 2 and 3 and found crossbell to be a miserable experience of shit characters and shit story. Waste of time.Cold steel 4 remains the worst falcom game I have ever played and it's not even close.
>>3609044>>3609071I liked Zero and Azure, although I wish they'd done more with Lloyd investigating his brother's murder. It would have made a cool overarching plotline like Estelle searching for her father in the first game.
>>3609055I've wasted too much of my life typing out the same paragraphs about why I hated Ao. Simply put: I the combat and character building is mediocre, it's set in the same boring modern urban city as the last game, generally did not like the aesthetics and soundtrack, generally did not like the main cast of playable characters, the story suffers from severe tension and pacing issues where nothing happens until you reach the first half of the final chapter 50 hours into the game. First half of the final chapter is very engaging but then turns to shit when you climb the tower and he starts talking about justice. Everything after is absolutely horrible as the characters knock these mass murderers out but leave them on the ground to wake up and continue haunting the franchise and killing more people in the future. The protagonists had a golden opportunity to hit the reset button and prevent a cold war from escalating into a hot one and save their town, or perhaps even adjust the war so there was no cold war at all, but they refuse for dumbass reasons (don't "muh we can't abuse KeA!" me again for the Nth time. The game did not convince me that a one time adjustment would kill her. Pretty hypocritical of the protagonists to only be alive because of a time reset/adjustment but then starts being preachy about this. If they were serious then they would have asked to be returned back to the dead. Fucking hypocrites). And Crossbell and its denizens don't have the decency to remain in their game, and instead infiltrate three Cold Steel games like a malingering cancer , taking away precious resources and screentime that would have been better served delivering on Erebonia and its characters and storylines. Also we have Rixia, who like Renne is yet another unrepentant serial murderer who gets off scott free because she is a cute girl. Fuck her, fuck Lloyd, fuck the SSS, fuck Crossbell, and fuck its fans.
>>3609121For the most part, I'm not gonna defend Lloyd's (and also Rean's) boy scout morality. Zero made it seem like he wanted Gunther to face justice and publicly expose just how bad the DG Cult were, since most of its members either died fighting the task force that raided them or killed themselves to any public exposure or legal consequences. It fit well with the theme of overcoming social barriers and improving Crossbell City as a community, since the cult had a deep-seated influence on Crossbell's political establishment......then Azure happened and it turned out to be your typical childish shounen MC boy scout morality. It is admittedly annoying.>The game did not convince me that a one time adjustment would kill her. Pretty hypocritical of the protagonists to only be alive because of a time reset/adjustment but then starts being preachy about this. If they were serious then they would have asked to be returned back to the dead. Fucking hypocritesWell this is rather silly. Think about it this way: what if the best way to reset the timeline was to go back several generations and alter circumstances SO much that all the ancestors of the SSS got with different people and rid them from existence? KeA could potentially be getting rid of all her friends and would-be family. And then there's all the themes that Sky set up about the risks of abusing Sept-Terrions. There's good reasons they didn't do any of this shit
>>3609121>The game did not convince me that a one time adjustment would kill her.KeA is clearly mentally unstable when the Azure tree appears, and we already know that the last KeA went insane, so it isn't an unreasonable conclusion to have. I agree with you that the series treats criminals too well, though. Daybreak was even worse about that.
>>3598288Finishing school and going on dates.
>>3598608Cold Steel is Kondo's original vision and what he always wanted Kiseki to be, therefore it is more Kiseki than Sky, Zero, or Daybreak.
>>3609258>i always wanted it to be a cross between ff8 and personaNothing this faggot has ever done is original.
>>3599114>pc game or psp rom>buy
>>3609264>shill falcom on 4chan 24/7>i don't buy the games btwlmao
>>3599097More animation than the entirety of CS1 through 4
>>3609267Yeah, assets are outsourced to China.
>>3599485>They're fine.Sorry, but no. The graphics aren't even tryings, the gameplay is so barebones no one even has anything to say about it except that it exists, the music has decent melodies but isn't as engaging as it could be, the stories might be decent but the presentation does them no justice, and if these games weren't by Falcom then no one in the fandom would give a shit about them ever. Speaking strictly on the PSP versions, the really old PC-88 or whatever versions actually looked pretty charming and apparently in Tear you fight both gods at the end instead of just one so that's cool. In any case it's just sad that the games never received the remakes they probably deserved.
You are all mentally ill and should take the meds. But at least the seething is amusing to me. lol
Yeah I think I'm skipping the cop games. They look shit and I'm sure it's all anti-erabonian propaganda anyway. I hope we kill those fucks when I play Coldsteel.
>>3609306Unfortunately, those Crossbellians commit perfidy and kill several hundred Erebonians unprovoked, and then never shed a drop a blood and have the audacity to cry foul when the Erebonians treat them with kids gloves.
>>3609307Disgusting, I hate Crossbell.
>>3599559Crossbell translation options>Guren mtl>Geofag reddit memesor>official translation which is Geofag with less memesFor once, official did it better.
>>3599936>console exclusiveIf it's on Switch, it's on PC. Amazing how you retards still don't get that.
>>3600537Evo was by a different company
>>3609263Originality like...what?>oh let's go to high school but there are crummy pokemon creatures! (persoyna)>oh fantasy is boring so lets do sci fi and act like switching genres is actually an advancement of the previous genre! (ff)>oh lets make the same game again.....again! (dq)>uh lets do the same game again.....again! arpg edition (tales)Go fuck yourself
>>3609307>>3609308Erebonia and Calvard kept siccing their respective mafia goons on Crossbell, Crossbell had a right to be angry.
>>3609268At least China has been doing actual quality in anime games lately compared to Falcom's QUALITY
>>3600749Considering their history together there's no way it won't be Elaine and Van.
>>3600735>>3600738>>3600765Only hot in CS4
>>3602282>use steam>turn on pc>steam turns on>steam stays on>play game>end game>steam still onVERSUS>use gog>does nothing in background >play game>end game>gog does nothing in the background
>>3609320Crossbell is a disgusting failure of a state and the people would benefit greatly from being a part of the empire ruled by gods chosen representative. It is a shame they blaspheme against the divine order in such a manner.
>>3602706Except you should do the side shit, that's almost the entire point of these games. The main plot is just a vehicle to take you to new sidequests and NPCs.
>>3602800*The Liberal news
>>3606993>because they copied Crossbell which copied Personaftfy
>>3608847Jindo has better quality but Singa has more soul.
>>3609006>but it's at least a competent trend-chasing Persona cloneNah, that would be Tokyo Xanadu.
>>3609306Imagine being this filtered and missing out on kino Arianhod, Duvalie and Campy moments. Also Wazy, Randy and Noelle. You truly are the King of Retards.
>>3609358>kino Arianhod, Duvalie and Campy moments.>Also Wazy, Randy and Noelle.So...all things you can find in CS with more kino and better graphics?
>>3609360>you should spend less time with the characters by not playing these gamesYea, King of Retards indeed. Especially considering Sen expects you to play Zero and Ao and doesn't really introduce the characters.
>>3609329>ruled by gods chosen representativeTrue true, I too want Nina Fenly to declare herself God Empress of Crossbel.
>>3609363>doesn't really introduce the characters.>CS3 encyclopediaNow who's the retard, retard?
>>3609394>he reads EncylopediaCertainly not me.
>>3609358If I don't get to murder those people who I assume are Crosbellians, then your game is shit.
>>3609399You are clearly not a true knight if you want to murder people out of petty hatred. Therefore (You) are evil and the enemy of the world.
>>3609421>pettyI think the people killed and their loved ones, including the few sensible Crosbelians who are tired of their failed police system and goverment would disagree. In fact you are the very demon you try to paint me, because you're doing exactly what Erebonia and Liberl did regarding Hamel. Sweep away all the horrible things they done. Crossbell is a failed experiment full of maniacs like (you)
>>3609444Ok schizophrenic
>>3609341What soul? His compositions are incredibly crude/mediocre and his arrangement/production skill is cheap and vulgar.
>thread hijacked by Cold Steel fans discussing about shit Something tells me I should stay away from Cold Steel if I'm a Trails in the Sky fan...
>>3609518How about playing the game for yourself and making your own opinion? Not playing a game just because is a pansy move.
>>3609518Maybe you stop trying to concern troll every jrpg thread that isn't rpg maker crap or square shit. Perhaps you can think of a way to make yet another FF ranking thread or pretend like Saga isn't a shallow series made for little kids that can't parse game systems and conflate bloat with complexity. (Similiar effect to the kid that told you that you could find mew under the truck, imagining quality in a sea of garbage versus quality actually existing)
>>3609518csfags ruined every kiseki thread just like cold shit ruined kiseki itself
>>3609610No they don't, fake fan.
>>3609610I like Sora FCI like Sora SCI like Sora 3rdI like ZeroI like AoI like NayutaI like SenI like HajimariI like KuroAnd I will enjoy (probably) KaiAnd these console war threads are my lol cow.
>>3609610Yeah, they just don't respect thread etiquette and sound like an obnoxious bunch discussing about their favorite cheap waifu in a thread dedicated to Estelle
>>3609518All roads lead to CS because at one point it comprised literally half of the entire series.
>>3610013Trails was 4 games before CS was even a thing. Oh wait I get it, you're counting those 3 Crossbell games as Cold Steel games. Never mind.
>>36101815 games, and I'm counting Reverie as CS5 because it's literally called "sen 5" in the game files.
>>3610587Yes, 5 Crossbell games. Zero, Azure, CS3, CS4, and Reverie.
>>3609319You're a braindead toddler. MegaTen predates Pokemon by a decade. Fuck, Falcomfags are so fucking dumb.
>>3609319Kai is about to rip off both Xenoblade Chronicles and Star Ocean 3, by the way. Haha, that's our Falcom!
>>3609319Bait but>oh let's go to high school but there are crummy pokemon creatures! (persoyna)Pokémon and Persona 1 were released at the same year(and SMT before both)>oh fantasy is boring so lets do sci fi and act like switching genres is actually an advancement of the previous genre! (ff)No? The setting , game system and the combat outside the SNES era all felt different.Between 8-16 no game has the same combat and that's why the fanbase fight each other>>oh lets make the same game again.....again! (dq)Literally DQ11 introduce a different combat.And the Game in the 90s and early 00s were different as fuck(some with Jobs , some with Monster , some a more Vanilla Gameplay)>>uh lets do the same game again.....again! arpg edition (tales)The whole point of tales was the beef between team Destiny VS Team Symphonia because they weren't similar at all lol
I can't wait for Kai. https://youtu.be/IvFPTa0AB-g?si=aKVPmCvlAEGTjjj1Screenshots look amazing. And the gyaru looks funny.
>>3610985I only like the first five Trails game
>>3611008>The ones with the same writersCurios, isn't it?
>>3611008There is a lot more to falcom than trails. You know how retards like to pretend metroidvania is an rpg? Well imagine if one actually was and it was even good. There are a lot of little curiosities like that throughout falcoms history.
>>3611011Xseed did it best
>>3611258Dragon Slayer IV is fun... until you get to Xemn's section and end up permafucking your entire game by getting stuck in a block-pushing puzzle.
>>3603157>>3602706The plot is pretty good, but what seperates it from other jrpgs and makes it memorable are the side quests and minor characters
>>3611486True but going about talking with everyone you don't care about can help burn you out.
>>3611258>There is a lot more to falcom than trails.The fucking audacity you have to say this even as a joke.
>>3611493That's why you moderate yourself, retard. Don't blow through the main story at breakneck speed and don't check up on every single NPC after any remotely notable event.
>>3596518Haha, I just bought vita to play remake versions.
The gameplay looks like fun but I'll miss the original's graphical style, it's such a specific vibe.I hope Klaudia has her Trails 3rd costume as an alt, it's my favourite.
>Try FC out>"wow this is a fucking slog, way too much useless text, but at least the combat is kinda fun">about to finish act 1>read on the internet about how a miss half the story because I didn't go to certain places in certain small windows of time like 10 and 5hs before and that I should have played with a guide>insta-uninstallFuck this kind of retarded design. If you're going to hide something, at least do it for unimportant things, not for main story bits
>>3611608>assume it's a generic jrpg where the npcs are basically cardboard cut outs with no personality and ignore themThat's literally true except for like one or two NPCs per area out of like 30+, go fuck yourself.
>>3611600I played through FC mostly blind (fuck the librarian shit) and had a great time. There's some decent content hidden away in missable quests but even if you miss them it's still a good game. You cheated yourself out of comfykino.
Hello friends I'm new to the Trails series and I'm playing Trails Through Daybreak. I just made it to the village and got the brown girl with a gun. Is it normal to feel like I'm doing no damage with my attacks and skills? Those dogs surrounding the bus took forever to kill. Is it worth keeping party members together for that SCLM or whatever or should I spread them out so they don't get hit by AoE?
>>3611832You should do both. It is all about positioning. Also don't forget about side and back bonuses. And preferably try to stun the enemy on field before initiating the command battle for the buffs.You do become stronger later as you buy better quartz and weapons/armour.
>>3611837>try to stun the enemy on field before initiating the command battleOh yes I'm doing that and triggering the multi-target delay thingies but it feels like the enemy recovers too fast from that. I'm not too sure what I should do after a stun. Right now Agnes is dealing most of the damage with her magic while Van shoots coins at people.
>>3610985You've got it backwards. Falcom cockslurpers are the new Compile Heart shiteaters.
>>3611839Oh yea, Agnes is very strong at start lol. Certainly carries the early game.Van is great for aggro and side attacks.With Feri you should spam her triangle aoe attack (forgor the name) and her fire arts are pretty cool too.In general Kuro is an arts and crafts galore, normal attscks are mostly just for charging cp.
>>3611843>Falcom cockslurpers are the new Compile Heart shiteaters.I really doubt Falcom enjoyed are eating as much shit as Square Enix and Fatlus fans.
>>3611912Old trails, SMT and FF games were well written for the most part. Modern trails, SMT and FF games are all written for babies.Kinda puts things into perspective here actually, did the writting tank so bad because gaming became so mainstream or because the competent people were replaced by hacks
>>3612221>old good new badWow what a great and intelligent commentNo wonder you’re a frogposter
>>3612221Old MegaTen was edgy bullshit. Especially the original novel series.
>>3612292Okay retard so I guess FF7 remake is better than the original with its sky janny bullshit.Persona 5 "adults bad" is peak Atlus writtingAnd Coldsteel 4 Rean the hedgehog is the best character ever made.
>>3612292He's right though. The original Trails trilogy had great writing, the Cold Steel and Daybreak games aren't very good.
>>3612339To be fair, that is what makes them great.
>>3611912Your words are literally meaningless. Do you ever think before you post?
>>3612221Competent people got promoted, leaving newtrash to take over writing.
Zemuria saga may be ending, but Trails is forever
>>3612221Sakaguchi literally forced the writers to ressurrect all the FF4 guys because that's was dark
>>3612339Yeah and?
Mayor Maybelle
>>3611832Nobody cares but just popping in to say I got filtered by what I assume is the chapter 1 boss (gun girl with her ~7 goons).>fight starts>they all get to unload their AoE and status effects before I can even actwhat the fuck was I even supposed to do? oh well I wasn't really enjoying the game very much anyways
>>3614045Skill issue, it is not a difficult fight at all.
>>3614045> oh well I wasn't really enjoying the game very much anywaysSounds like cope T B H
>>3614045ain't the new games easy mode, how did your ass beat Loewe if you can't beat some chapter 1 jobber
>>3614149She didn’t play the other games. Read the thread moron
>>3614408Being new could mean she got into trails recently not that it's her first game. Yes I am using female pronouns just like you.
>>3614534It is still funny that she gets filtered by Aida, which is a pretty easy fight. Compared to fighting the Gerád or Demon Lord at the end, where I was actually sweating bullets.
>>3614548Well, Trails players are mentally deficient so they'll find a way.
>>3614548Fighting 8 enemies at once is usually a pain in the ass in many games unless they're super squishy. I died a few times myself cause I tried to play it slow. Then after deciding to just nuke them with several S-crafts, it became easy. But without those, I'm also not sure how to do it.
Oh no, you don't mean... HIM
>>3615610>haha a certain someone from a certain location involved in a certain event fufuFalcom writing has always been shit.
>>3615610>>3615619It fundamentally cannot be Rean because this takes place before he even entered Thors. So quit with your endless seething.>>3614760I suppose that can be true. But personally, I really didn't find the Aida fight that difficult, I just went after the mooks first and killed them quickly.
Is the og trails in the sky decent?Looks like tranime.
>>3615728it's too good for you.
>>3615730Last time I checked it uses something like stagger. Ewww.
>>3615728Shut up nigga
>>3615767Ys origin has similiar graphics.I am kinda curious, despite the horrible graphics.
>>3615830>horrible graphicsDon't even bother, and go away, retard. We don't need your underaged self here.
>>3616083Tranime lover
Those costumes make the scene so funny.
>>3616157this series has so many babes, It's a nofap killer
also, it is curious that when you do battles more carefully and try to prepareyou get wiped outbut when you on the second time go more aggressively you do much betterI am starting to think ai is coded to fuck you up if you try to take timeif I wasn't lazy I would check the code, but whatever
Wow, they did it again, I cant wait to put everyone into those host outfits.
The scientists of this universe are kinda fucking retarded.
>>3616339Next panel proved me right.
>autism weabo simulator unheard of except for 4chinz
The good think is that It wont play like Kuso.Maybe the next Xanadu wont play like YsX
As I'm nearing completion on sky TC I've got a question. Do the other games take place roughtly at the same time as stuff is happening in Liberl?
>>3616920No, they happen after.
What are your favourite kiseki combat wise?I think the top 4 is Third/Zero/CS3/Hajimari
>>3616929For me, it is just the recent ones in terms of combat, Kuro 2, Kuro, Hajimari, Sen 4. You can really see that they try to improve combat with each new game. And make it more fun.
>>3616932They're trying, but I'm not entirely sold on the turn order system of Kuro. It kinda takes away a nice big element from the previous games.I also don't know how to feel about the orbment system yet, but I'm also only in chapter 3. Feels like I have little to no reason to change plugins so far.
>>3616934True, the turn order is a bit questionable and takes time to get used to. Hopefully, they tweaked it for Kai.
>>3616929Azure feels like the only game where they tried to design the game around the combat system. Bosses actually have mechanics and optional win conditions. For pretty much every other game bosses are just walking stat sticks.
>>3616929They're all shit combat wise
>>3616929I liked how customizable your party was in Reverie.>>3616932Daybreak is braindead easy. I hated it.
I want to play first trilogy but I'm absolutely not interest in the harem quadrology. Do I miss kino?
>>3617525Not really, no.
>>3617525No. Play the first three. Maybe 4 and 5 if you feel like it.
>>3617525Ignore the faggot niggers. Harem quadrology is kino.
Just downloaded day break demo.Holy, it's cringe.
>>3617525Not gonna lie, I'm playing through Sky third with the sole intent of reaching the cringe kino that will be Coldsneed. I saw clips and everything there was so bad it was good. I can't wait for Rean
>>3599566Do they fix things like this?
>>3596518So is Trails in the Sky actually good?
>>3617525CS is a meme for a reason, it's terrible.
>>3617789Kek same
How much hype has Kai
>>3618538I am very excited for it.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UT4hbtHEiF0Hopefully, we don't have to wait too long for eng patch.
>>3618538Unironically noneCold steel 4 killed the series, hajimari was a big nothing, kuro was like one heartbeat and kuro 2 made japs completely give up on the series. Falcom will just rush the whole thing to the end now
>>3618566Why are you lying, anon? The video I posted already has 4k views in 4 hours. So Nips definitely did not lose interest.
I just saw the cutscene between Olivier or Olivert and Osborne in TC, so is Erebonia experiencing something like the French revolution? Osborne is supporting the revolutionaries and Olivert is supporting the monarchists, though begrudgingly?
>>3618575Just play the game.
>>3618566 You lying faggot, people have been drawing daily countdown arts for 30 days now.
>>3618538None. No one cares. It scored lower than Kuro 2 in Famitsu. It's a trash game.
>>3596518What's the production cost of a typical trails ps4 game?
>>3618744Virtually nothing. Almost none of the dialogue is voiced, and they make a really small amount of assets and then add maybe 10% of for the sequel than reuses 100% of the previous assets. All the music is outsourced to a hack called Singa who works for cheap, and even the writing is outsourced for cheap.
>>3618573>Only 4k in 4 hours It's over
>>3618749Right? Fairly successful for a as cheap as it comes game.
>>3618743>caring about scores from retarded journalistsGo back.
>>3598444It's in Hajimari which was officially released in the West like last year bro.
>>3596816Persona 3 gets glazed even harder now
>>3618816>retarded journalistsVanguards of DEMOCRACY
>>3618819the remake was the fastest selling game atlus ever made
>>3618818Esecially Hajimari was shipping them hard in those side stories.
>>3611832>>3614045>what the fuck was I even supposed to do?come on modern trails is designed for retards>>3599870>FC has some pretty bad art>the inventory screen portraits looked like amateur fan artlooks pretty normal to me though >>3596518looks alright but I wonder who is the target audience for this
>More than 300 items purchased in the past month
Rennes backstory is brutal.
>>3619650Destroy the D:G CultObliterate the D:G CultWipe all the members of the D:G Cult from the face of ZemuriaTorture the cultists to deathCut them up into small pieces
>>3619650It's a shame the later games aren't willing to approach such brutal topics.
>>3618816The same people scored Kuso 2 higher than Kai, and we all know how bad Kuso 2 is.
>>3618106Yeah. >>3617525You miss nothing good except uhhh, comedy, maybe?
>#1 Zelda>#6 Dragon Ball Sparking>#8 DQ3 remake>#13 Metaphor>#24 Romancing SaGa 2 remake ps5>#35&36 RS2 remake Switch>#44 Silent Hill 2 remake>#52&54&85 Yakuza Pirate>#59 Epic Mickey>#62 Sao>#99 Gundam breaker 4>No Rank Kai no Kiseki
>>3619790>You miss nothing good HeyThe music’s still pretty great
Just completed TC. Quite a ride though it did feel like it was just more Sky with very little plot.I like everything around Renne and her backstory. Getting to fight Cassius was also hype as fuck. Estelle and Joshua being fun. Kevin was not bad, I don't see why people like him so much though, he hates himself for things out of his control. Get over it.Also the amount of reused assets was crazy. I probably fought the sky bandits over 10 times across the series.Richard was the best unit in the game. Good at everything, the best S-craft for nuking bosses and the fastest character at the same time. Overall a solid 7/10 game. I still like FC the best.Next up, Crossbell/Coldsteel.
>>3620056it's reused assets: the series and that never changes
>>3620059If they do it in a fun way it's fine, like in this game we got to fight Ouroboros enforcers again but 3 at once and it was great. But fighting the sky bandits for the trillionth time was annoying. Hope they disappear and I never see them ever again.
>>3620065The asset reuse escalates. It's fine in Sky and Crossbell, it goes off the rails in Cold Steel when games start being 80 - 150 hours long, recycling the same things over and over as you do mundane fetch quest-style things like FLYING AROUND collecting ore.
My favorite constantly reused asset is Renne.
Do the Trails games work okay on Deck without too much fiddling? Most of my gaming is on it nowadays just because it's portable
>>3620081>80-150 hoursSC was already too long for my tastes, this might just kill me.
>>3620392Most of them work great on a fresh install but some require some fiddling to get the FMVs to work.
>>3620089But Renne is new assets, she grows
So we timejanny now?
Just beat this monster chest with only Estelle and Joshua both level 16 on Nightmare because I'm dumb and forgot to do it while Schera was in the party. it was fun but I lost four salmons and my precious, precious Deathblow 2 quartz. Better than replaying the last sixteen hours though, reminder to save often and in different slots
>>3621968Nah, it’s just cheap reboot stuff in order to fund the next 3 arcs
>>3621941She has been reused plenty, and brought smiles to many mens faces.
>that Kai endingKWAB
>>3596539>>3602627I played the original three games just last year, going into the series blind, and not being like a huge fan of JRPGs or anything like that.It's a fucking great series of games. The third one is the weakest in my opinon, for reasons that will quickly become obvious when you play it (but it's not bad, and you may really like it, so w/e).But yeah, absolutely worth a blind buy. It just oozes classic gameplay without feeling dated in terms of execution. And all three taken together, it's fucking huge.
>>3622276I had so much fun with it that I actually started cutting out dialogue I found funny or endearing, and the game is just very well written/translated.
>>3602706Do not trust this guy. The game is fucking great, and if you're not there to play the entire game, why even fucking bother?>>3603017>>3602774Also, this. There's so fucking much to miss if you don't play the entire game. I do think that the central narrative and Joshua/Estelle is great, but everything around it adds so much to the game and what's going on.
I'm playing 3rd, went into one of the Moon Doors and its a playable flashback. Went into a monster fight and Sophisticated Fight starts playing. I went yooooooo.
>>3623002no matter what dont skip star door 15
Zero is actually trying to convince me that Loiyd is a good detective. If the mafia wanted to recruit the street gang members they should have killed the leaders not some random chumps.Where's Joshua when you need him...
I might not know what you meant by that, anon-- but the way you said it bothers me.