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Who was in the right? Ramza is an idealist who values honor and diplomacy, Delita is a pragmatist who believes ends justify means.
>there are things beyond the power of our changing, Ramza, try though we might…
>do not say that - if it can be endeavored it can be done!
>will endeavor grant me an army?
I don't care.
Thanks for the bump
>>will endeavor grant me an army?
Being a little bitch sure as shit won't.
>Who was in the right? Ramza is an idealist who values honor
>retranslation fucking stalinizes delita
Based, but get that shakesperean slop out of here
Ramza died. Delita got shit done.
Who are they praying to?
God. The church portrayed in ivalice during this era is similar to the Catholic Church in medieval Europe. They act as a sort of deep state faction that pull strings among the noble class to carry out their will.
Sometimes it’s hard to be an idealist, especially when the reality of politics and war are so demoralizing. I respect ramza’s position, but relate more to Delita’s perspective. The original intention was for the game to be split between Ramza and Delita scenarios to better illustrate both of their stories. Would have been sweet.
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Delita got shanked by his wife.
What did Ramza get?
He lived and dick her down later as punishment.
>What did Ramza get?

Neither. Idealism does not belong on the battlefield but pragmatism leads to contradictions and self justified hypocrecy that makes one no better than a murderer. Those that do the killing are not meant to rule.
Ramza knew that court intrigue was a waste of time and got out of dodge and is living up his life with his community of friends. Delita hopped in the pit and covered himself in sin fruitlessly trying to change it.
Delita is a cuck.
>His sister got killed because he's a little bitch
>Had to suck dicks of old men and kiss asses to gain ranks
>Can't fight
>Can't lead
>Can't rule
>Everything he did was seething and betray
>At the end his wife cucks him and tries to kill him
Ramza saved his sister and fucked her because he's a siscon.
I fucking hate Algus so much it's unreal bros
How did Delita learn the holy sword skills?
>How did Delita learn the holy sword skills?
Gained JP Up
I thought the whole attempt to portray conflicting ideologies was incredibly poorly executed, I was actually glad to see the story turn to ancient evils
at least the gameplay was fun
So the lesson is remove yourself from the rat race and focus on a close group of friends and family? Pretty based desu.
He’s a real piece of crap
>Ramza died.
It honestly astounds me how people keep trying to say this when the ending explicitly shows him alive.
I don't know, but /v/ made a musical.
>comes to video game board
>enters video game thread
>just to say he doesn't care
congratulations, you must feel very special
He became king and the brave story talks about how he had a successful reign, so it wasn't fruitless
They were both right. They both served the cause of justice, but they had different ways of doing so.
It's a bit of a copout, but I think I agree. They both kind of wanted the same things, they just had very different ways of going about it, and while Delita wasn't the hero everyone remembers him for, he did bring peace, stability and arguably left the world a much better place.
I dunno but i suspect that if demons didn't exist Ramza would not have been able to do anything remotely story relevant. Idealism is fine but he got away with it in the game.
>Walks by his best friend who he leaves to die without saying anything.
>"Bro, trust me, he totally lived a nuked underground!"
Ramza is the personification of Noblesse Oblige. "Tolerate no injustice. Walk the true path. A Beoulve can… can walk no other"
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>Duded you literally see him alive walking around, he's so totally dead.
>What are ghosts
Delita is worthless and ignores a wold destroying god so he could grab himself a meaningless title when evil gods eat everyone. Ramza kills it and if he felt so inclined could literally slaugther the entire corrupt power base of every group in the game. Delita is a high school kid playing stupid games for stupid prizes and only alive because actual strong people dont feel like killing him
All Ramza is doing is going out trying to save damsels in distress. He fails with Teta, fails with Ovelia, finally succeeds with Alma.

(Technical successes for Agrias, Rafa, and Cid.)
>Sometimes it’s hard to be an idealist
When being an idealist is easy, it's meaningless. The harder it is to stick to your ideals, the more important it is.
The framing device is a dude explicitly telling you the true story. Obviously he's not forgotten about.
Did Ramza even tell Delita about that? I don't remember when was the last time they saw each other before the ending events, but whether or not Delita knew about it doesn't really matter, because Ramza was determined to stop it. Perhaps it would have been nice for them to be friends again, but Delita was on a different path. Similar goals perhaps, and ultimately they did want the same things.
>they did want the same things.
Guess I should say they wanted an end to the chaos and the games the noble houses played that ruined the lives of the common people. Delita wanted to be king and bring about a better age, which he arguably did. Ramza wanted to stop the underlying plot started by the church that intentionally steered the destablization of the realm. Since you play Ramza and you know he will accomplish that, Delita doesn't really need to be there and he is free to bring about the golden age they wanted.
delita is the realist approach whilst ramza is the little voice in your head saying what's right and wrong. both of them did good for the world

they both survive this, by the way.
i side with delita btw
>Delita wanted to be king and bring about a better age, which he arguably did
He didn't. The only reason Ivalice exists is because Ramza killed Ajora.
Cucklita did nothing and got cucked by his wife who stabbed him in the back. Definition of sore loser.
>Who was in the right?
One man rides off into the sunset after saving his sister and fucking off to somewhere all the bullshit politics won't bother him anymore- and the other gets stabbed by the woman he married.
You tell me.
the story opens up talking about how Delita was a great king but it was not the real story. Still, it doesn't matter what the truth is because history has already played out as far as the story is concerned, and Delita was a great king to everyone regardless of what really happened.
>Ramza saved his sister and fucked her because he's a siscon.
Nobody has this fetish when the game released, and yet, here we are all these years later. I'm sure people think Riona fucked her dog in FF8 as well.
Ghosts don't move around on giant chickens.
And legends don’t burn down villages, yet here we are.
I imagine Delita got to see Orran's book and might even be the reason it wasn't destroyed. He didn't mind being shamed centuries later and his best friend shown to be a true hero, he just couldn't endanger his kingdom for it.
>Ramza saved his sister and fucked her because he's a siscon.
It's better to be forgotten and live a long peaceful life than it is to get stabbed by your wife.
It's been many years since I played it but doesn't Ramza die down at the bottom of the necropolis after killing the big bad, never to be heard of again, and then everyone forgets about him and credits Delita with saving the land and bringing peace?
No. He doesn't. There's a cutscene in the end where you see him and his sister riding by with their chocobos.

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But, as you know, Orran couldn't know any of that.

Unless he had some means of viewing the past. Like FF14's "echos"
Or FF8's Junction Machine Ellone.
Cutscene shows him alive. Whereas
>Like FF14's "echos"
>Or FF8's Junction Machine Ellone.
is just headcanon on your part.
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The story is narrated by Arazlam Durai, reading Orran's account of events he was never present for.

All Ivalice titles have schizo framing devices like this.
FF12 was told through Ondore's memoirs.

Vagrant Story is told through a report of "The Grey land Incident" (which is also referenced in FF12), The Grey Lands being the city of "Lea Monde", also called "The Grand Grimoire".

FFTA is also inside a book called the Gran Grimoire.
FFTA2 is also recorded in Luso's Grimoire. And Luso ended up appearing in the Lion's War remaster along with Balthier.
As Lezaford says, there are worlds within worlds in Ivalice. And in Durai's Papers, there's the Grand Grimoire possessed by Luzo, among many other books. Such as the Germonic Manuscript...as told through the Bishop's notes... read by Ramza...accounted by Orran...narrated by Arazlam

The strangest being "Oeilvert", which was compiled by a Calculator/Arithmetic from 7 languages as told by bards. Because it's a CYOA type story with different endings. With the P.O.V. of a Spy/Assassin named Oeilvert, who's also reading the "fiction" of this Amnesiac author, who's writings are possible inspired by his memories, memories that include Oeilvert - or rather her alias from a year prior. It's crazy.

In FF14, Orran's account of Ivalice is a Stageplay, based on a fairy tale, based on a lost history, that's also technically a shard of the source world.
A lot of text that rely on later games and have nothing to do with FFT.
An entirely different world. None of the races present in FFTA, FFTA2, FF12, or FF14 even exited in FFT. Nonetheless, none of them are canon to FFT. It's simply a case of Squaresoft recycling names and trying to a posteriori juryrig some references to other games as an attempt to appeal to an older fanbase that stopped playing their games a long time ago.

Conclusion: Ramza and his sister are alive at the end of FFT as any material from a game afterwords is non-canon to FFT.
>Game ends with a long extended sequence of the hero and sister riding around on their mounts. Stopping to drink. And generally doing very much alive things.
>Nuh uh ghosts.

I think what I truly hate about the internet the most is making me aware of just how retarded most of the people I share a hobby with are.
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Only FF14 has an Alternate Ivalice with an Alternate History.
FFTA has 2 worlds. Ivalice and "St. Ivalice". English players believe it's a fantasy world created by "Le Grim". However, in Japanese she merged the worlds together.

In the same way FF5's world is split apart and merged again.
Even the book demon, Byblos, exists within and without.

Kingdom Hearts would call these "Data Worlds".

WoFF's "Grymoire", is just one world in a multiverse separated by "thresholds".

While it's true, FFT has only "humes" because other races hadn't been imagined by the developers yet. It's implicated in FF12 Revenant Wings that the Occuria, at some point in the future, sealed Ivalice away from other races the same way they did with Lemurés.

Vagrant Story does have Lizardmen, Orcs, and Ogres, that could easily be named Baanga, Seeq, and Garif races respectfully.
Likewise, Type-0's world of Orience is cut off from other realms. And the whole point of they cycle/spiral was to reconnect.
Been a while since I played, but Ajora is basically evil Jesus if I recall
Only in the sense that Ajora was a "Saint" who was betrayed by a disciple. Germonique, I believe.

Germonique possibly had the Ophiuchus (snake-bearer) Zodiac stone. Which was later stolen from The Magic City Gariland, according to the rumors. Opening the Midlight's Deep dungeon. Where Byblos also followed. The game doesn't explain who Byblos is or why you can recruit him after completing the dungeon.

Byblos turns people into toads. And eats them. Technically everything he eats ends up in his book.

As with Byblos in FFV, Byblos was possibly also meant to guard the book of seals. The Germonique Scriptures contained the spell to open the gate to the rift to where Ajora's spirit was also traped.
Japs shouldn't try to talk about religion, they're so stupid about the topic
sandnigger religions are pretty dumb too. maybe you should stop talking about it
They have an interesting religious history that plays into all of this shit, though. their abstract thoughts on religion and their near incapability for it to be translated correctly is the problem.
Take your meds, mongoloid
Their "religion" is about selling trash to tourists and buying merch certain days of the year. They should shut the fuck up or talk only about their dumb scam religion, which they never do.
Just saying they were influenced by half a dozen asian religions, in addition to their own (shinto) and various forms of christianity, so it all just gets twisted into this weird amalgamation of philosophical thought defined by abstract meanings of words, so it barely makes any coherent sense.
I love this question, it kinda stings if you were too stupid not to read it
im betting most people didn't even know you could. the mechanic gets referenced a few times, but you don't do it near enough to remember it, imo. this is pretty much the only time it is ever relevant.
All of them have alternate Ivalices.
>Even the book demon
>Kingdom Hearts
>WoFF's "Grymoire"
Not relevant. We're talking about FFT.
>FFT has only "humes" because other races hadn't been imagined by the developers yet
Not an argument.
>Vagrant Story
Not relevant. We're talking about FFT. FFT shows Ramza and his sister alive in the cutscene after the end of the game as they ride by on chocobos. It's your cope vs. what's shown in-game.
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I feel like they were both necessary to ensure peace.
Ramza actively fought those who carried the Zodiac stones and ultimately defeated Saint Ajora before she could fully reincarnate but all of that would be for nothing if not for Delita who was busy kicking others into the gutter to marry his backstabbing waifu and become the king who made sure that the commoners are treated better.
Or so we hope, it's been a while since I've played FFT.
I think if Delita wasn't there to become a king then we'd have nobles starting wars again, soldiers not getting paid and becoming bandits again and commoners dying of starvation.
He calls you a liar if you said you did but didn’t, too
Wasn't she trying to choke him?
I don't remember now, if that idiot didn't stab her then they could probably just live happily ever after.
Teach her that he's there for her and nobody would want her for a reason other than her undeserved status
>What did Ramza get?
sex with his sister
He's just schizo
>While it's true, FFT has only "humes" because other races hadn't been imagined by the developers yet.

Moogles are mentioned to be extinct if you press select to get the description on...wanna say the early forest map

FF12 is in FFT's past, when there were still moogles
brown hands
opinion discarded
Moogles were a staple in the FF series before FFT existed. Plus there's a Moogle Summon.
No choking, just stabs him right in the chest. He stabs her too afterward.
He brought it on himself with how he talked to her the whole game and everything he did to get there.
He's a snake, or at least that's all Ovelia could see by the end. She probably doesn't even know he spared Oran and Bulmafula.
Moogles are long extinct in FFT.
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Delita is hotter and therefore more right
ramza, obviously
delita just played the same game the previous elites did and became one of his own without really changing anything
ramza saved the world from super duper evil and it still exists because of him
only an npc would care
There this sect of ancient Gnostic Christians called the Sethians who had a book called the Gospel of Judas in which they explained that, just like Jesus was an incarnation of God on Earth, Judas was an incarnation of the Demiurge. When Jesus selected Judas as his discipline and imparted gnosis unto him, he awakened the Demiurge to its true nature, which essentially dooms humanity for all time. Your "evil Jesus" quip reminded me of this.
>only an npc would care
You didn’t understand. Ramzas sacrifice is more noble and heroic precisely because he was forgotten.
If you came away from Tactics thinking Delita was in the right, I don't know what to tell you.
>Matsuno retconned this to "No, she just fell over after being stabbed and went back to being married with him."
>>there are things beyond the power of our changing, Ramza, try though we might…
>>do not say that - if it can be endeavored it can be done!
>>will endeavor grant me an army?
I know the original translation isn't perfect, but I just can't engage with this pretentious, clunky as fuck, pseudo-Shakesperean shit from WotL It changes the tone too much from the Japanese and I hate it so much.
>An entirely different world. None of the races present in FFTA, FFTA2, FF12, or FF14 even exited in FFT.
I hated how they blew smoke up our assed trying to pretend this was all actually part of the FFT setting. They ruined Ivalice, or at least they tried to. Thankfully FFT still exists as its own thing - although they did their best to ruin that too, with WotL.
Maybe we could have gotten a halfway decent sequel if they hadn't gone full retard with it, but Square was dead after the merger with Enix so I don't think a better alternative was really on the cards.
>But, as you know, Orran couldn't know any of that.
So the game broke its framing device for the end. That's perfectly fine.
He did not.
boohoo, fgt. i like it better.
fft is just discount ogre battle anyway but without being able to pick an ending
except fft is fun and looks nice
>fft is just discount ogre battle anyway
When I was a kid and played FFT, a buddy told me that tactics ogre was good so I bought the PSX port. I was like “wtf this is just a FFT ripoff”. Boy was my face red when I figured out it was the other way around
Technical? Ramza literally showed up in the nick of time when Agrias was being chased down for her execution. Honestly, I'm still butthurt the game doesn't have her shower Ramza/the player with praise and gratitude considering she'd be dead otherwise
Which was the better game?
In my personal and subjective opinion, I like FFT more, but it’s clearly an homage to TO and made by the same dude
None of this matters
Matsuno says Ramza is alive at the end of Tactics.
How can it be a homage or a rip off if it was literally the same guy making both games within a very short time period of eachother?
Better question is why does anyone care... play what you like. They're both good games with different takes on the idea.
the point is that Ramza's a hero without needing praise from others, you wanting to get your dick sucked is entirely your own issues coming to the forefront
>How can it be a homage or a rip off if it was literally the same guy making both games within a very short time period of eachother?
I was a child who was unfamiliar with the ogre series (grew up playing PC games, PSX was first console), and so I mistakenly thought that tactics ogre was a clunky knockoff of FFT, when obviously it was in fact the original and the inspiration.
But that's his entire point.
equally good waifus though
DELETEa amirite?
And that cuck Squall watched.
What did Delita actually accomplish despite his pragmatism? For the world I mean, not himself.

He was wearing his armor under his royal clothes out of paranoia, he was fine.
>FF12 was told through Ondore's memoirs.
That's to show how the "official story" as the world knows it, differs from what really happened since you as Vaan were there and saw it.
>What did Delita actually accomplish despite his pragmatism?
We never find out. Alazlam never talks about the current state of the world and we're shown any of it.
I'd assume that it didn't amount to much besides a flush of the old dynasty, but they could be living in a utopian magitech empire for all we know.
>What did Delita actually accomplish despite his pragmatism? For the world I mean, not himself.
I mean, what did Denam accomplish?
Disagree. FFT had more interesting job classes, design and combat wise
Ramza is more interesting than Denam
Delita is DEFINITELY more interesting than Vyce, although Vyce's psychoness is interesting to see
TO had some hotter girls though
The routes converging into one was disappointing imo, I was hoping for them to be drastically different from each other

Finally, FFT had more iconic fights that can be difficult yet also memorable storywise
That's not true. The first half of the game is about realistic political struggle before turning into defeat the bootleg antichrist. From the get'go FFT story is incoherent because a noble like Ramza would have never been fine with being overshadow and his dynasty completely falling apart.
What the anon points out is another inconsistency, Agrias should have sucked Ramza's cock before giving him a rimjob because he saved her ass without being asked to do so. However the game just wants you to be an unrealistic goody-two-shoes.
Remaster when?
>unrealistic goody-two-shoes.
We never get great protagonists, huh?
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FPBP, Based and Gablepilled.
ok algus
Ramza was a step brother to Dycedarg and Zaalbag, and he always questioned his part in his house. Also consider his family destroyed the reputation of his house, too, and not him. Ramza was just following Balbanes righteousness, and he had no real power to influence the house anyway. Ramza was fine with being overshadowed because that was his whole life. Maybe you're thinking of Delita.
>From the get'go FFT story is incoherent because a noble like Ramza would have never been fine with being overshadow and his dynasty completely falling apart.
He's a bastard son, lest you forget. He's got a foothold inside the aristocracy only because his father was a remarkably decent dude.

>Agrias should have sucked Ramza's cock before giving him a rimjob because he saved her ass without being asked to do so. However the game just wants you to be an unrealistic goody-two-shoes.
If you do good only because it gets you positive attention then you're definitely an attention whore and you're broken inside.
>the brave story talks about how he had a successful reign
I mean, if it got most other stuff wrong, it might have made up the successful reign too
The Church is also the one behind doctoring history, and Delita was their #1 lapdog, so of course they're going to hype him up posthumously.
FFT has waaaaaaaaaaaay worse gameplay design.

>FFT had more interesting job classes, design and combat wise
How can you honestly believe this? Way more classes, multiple races, monsters that weren't completely useless, permanent status zombies, extended quests to unlock powerful unique classes, a class mark system so you can skip the hours of grinding for each person and then it locked the OP freeform class behind the fourth act and only if you kill your sister so you don't bust the game immediately and actually have to engage in tactics.
>the routes converging was disappointing
Well then clearly having no player routes at all, plus the routes change the characteristics of the final act. Your party is completely different depending on which one you took.
Oh and Denam is a much more engaging protagonist. Ramza is a bystander for most of the game while literally everyone else is more of a main character than he is. Law route Denam is particular cool with how he basically pulls a citizens arrest over his lord without going full anarchist. Ramza meanwhile doesn't do anything cool besides kill the ancient evil.
>boohoo, fgt. i like it better.
You're allowed to I guess, but you forever give up your right to call anyone else a faggot
>He's a bastard son
That's utterly and completely irrelevant. Bastard son of aristocracy were still aristocracy. Or do you think the bastard son of the king of England was treated like a peasant? The problem here is the illiteracy of Japs to properly conform the characters to historical behaviours while claiming a realistic western power struggle.
>If you do good only because it gets you positive attention
Is not about attention, is about honour. Even if Ramza wasn't nobility Agrias should be thanked him. Not every male character should be a simp.
>Bastard son of aristocracy were still aristocracy. Or do you think the bastard son of the king of England was treated like a peasant?
That depends on the king, surely. Besides, I can't prove a negative. Bastards that weren't recognized aren't passed down in the history books, by and large. That said, modern historians think one of the reasons Aethelstan wasn't accepted as king of Wessex is because he was a bastard,so -
>Even if Ramza wasn't nobility Agrias should be thanked him.
Oh, you're a retarded ESL. Never mind.
>get stabbed by wife
>kill satan and save the world
I think the choice is obvious
>That depends on the king
No it doesn't. Even in different countries bastard sons were considered aristocracy and treated like such. They ended up in positions of power given to them by their parents. There's no shortage of bastards being powerful in western history. This is usual jap illiteracy and ignorance.
> king of Wessex is because he was a bastard,so
Inheriting the throne =/= being considered aristocracy. All children of a king were considered aristocracy, but only one would inherent the throne.
>Oh, you're a retarded ESL. Never mind.
Just take the L with dignity, pathetic loser.
Ramza got a harem
What happened to all the nonhuman races, if FFT and 12 are the same setting?
The implication in the log entries in 12 is what we're seeing in the world, was not what really happened. And I don't mean in the "this is all Ondore's version of events" sense, I mean the 12 era is basically Ivalice's Atlantis, it's lost civilization shit from before the Cataclysm which is what Mustadio is digging up. Also the implication is the Cataclysm is what wiped out the non-humans.
Ramza is a bastard? Thought he was just from a second wife.
According to years-old forums
>Delacroix's line in WOTL is also a bit different than what you posted.
>"I see Gaffgarion's sword was no match for his words. Then again, perhaps the fault lies with his adversary. Beoulve blood is not given to spill easily. Even when thinned with that of a courtesan, it would seem."
>Finally, in Ch. 1, Ramza is called the "issue of his father's paramour" in the Chronicles. All of those suggest that she was his father's mistress.
Apparently Ramza's mother was his father's mistress. But Ramza had the last name Beoulve, which mean his father recognized him as his son. Saying that Ramza is not aristocracy is pure cope.
He was legitimized by his father.
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Both are wrong. Mustadio is the correct one.
His mother is not his father's wife, but he is aristocracy because his father had him fully inducted into the Beoulve family instead of discarding him. This isn't like Henry VIII's son who he pretended didn't exist because the mom wasn't Catherine.
Is there any decent srpg to be released in q4 or 2025?
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..................dont tell him bros...............
Decent is hard but there are a few to take note of. Dark Deity 2 is coming out (and hopefully will be less bad than the first), there's Those Who Rule which is Gritty Fire Emblem: More Hexes, there's Demonschool which sells itself as SRPG Persona, there's Metal Slug Tactics which probably releases at some point this year... I'd imagine there's probably another Mercenary Saga game coming out as well.
It's not necessarily even a "mistress" like he was cheating on his wife and Ramza and Alma were illegitimate, lots of places historically let noblemen have whatever kids they want with whatever women they want. It would be an internal affair with whatever man supplied his main political wife whether it was a problem to recognize those kids as equal to hers.
It doesn't matter. Balbanes first wife was clearly dead. Apparently he married again, having Ramza and Alma. Even if he didn't marry her, he is well within his right to legitimize their children.
I always assumed it was after Oran was burned at the stake
He's a twink.
they definitely make him sound like a soft faggot in war of the lions.
>Balbanes first wife was clearly dead.
Was she? We don't actually know when she died or how, do we?
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For me, it's Reis. Best girl in the game.
That's what you noticed, not that Agrias is thicc as fuck there?
What about that makes you think they are ghosts? Are you brain damaged?
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Everyone in Ivalice has ridiculous glutes.
Look at her stomach and legs, anon
Pretty sure if Dycedarg and Zalbaag had a problem with his lineage, they would have made it more known than they did, and earlier than they did, which just happens late in the game when Zalbaag thinks you're a traitor and disgracing the family, but since he was decieved, he eventually comes around.
It may be mentioned in one of the logs, but I can't remember. And still, pretty much everyone in the game treats Ramza as part of the family. The first wife had to have been dead.
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Who screenshots this stuff? and why?

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