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Does this game have anything to do with Caligula or Rome or did they just pick out a cool sounding western word?
The game is named after the psychological term "Caligula effect", referring tothe desire to see and do prohibited things.
It has nothing to do with the Roman emperor named Caligula or Rome.
More specifically, it's named after the movie Caligula which people wanted to see after it got banned in Japan. The term is really only used in Japanese psychological research.
Ah, that is actually pretty interesting. Is the game any good?
It's jank but soul
It's sort of a spiritual successor to Persona 1/2 since the writer for those helped write for it, the character writing is pretty good but the combat is jank and the dungeons are pretty boring. The game is mostly carried by its characters and music.

Second game is way better gameplay-wise though, it's actually good.
all roads lead to Rome
My history teacher in high school told me about that movie so I torrented it and watched it
The story is pretty cool, but as a game neither it nor the sequel is reviewed very well.
but is it good?
JRPGs that aren’t big names never review well. And this game has pretty unique mechanics with the imaginary chain, which is executed decently well. Dungeon design and wonky plot structure that makes most of the story missable are the only big issues. And for 2 I think they should’ve added a fast forward feature for the imaginary chain preview since you have to be a bit more precise in 2, which lengthens otherwise short battles.
>Caligula Effect
I didn't know they made an entire game about getting boreliosis.
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Would you expect it to be?
Combat is good, story and characters are good, music is jammin, art's nice. It's just that the graphics are shit and the first game is rough around the edges with subpar level design and the underdeveloped NPC friendship system.
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>villain was trans all along
shit game, shit story
some party members are kinda fun, esp if you join up with the bad guys
main story is complete ass though
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but that's wrong you fucking retard
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The true Persona 3, sequel from P1 and 2
I was there in the threads, it legit filtered nuSona fags and they all started hating on Tadashi Satomi despite the game being more kino than Hashino trash
I agree and disagree. I like nusona, Persona 3 especially. But Caligula is insanely overlooked and filters people looking for a similar experience to P3, 4 and 5. It’s such an oddball game that’s too cool to have such a strong “meh” reception. I feel similarly about other Furyu games like Monark or Crymachina.

Ultra kino final boss.
The battle system being pure unadulterated ass with no real side activities to speak off with contrivances in the setting and how characters act to keep the plot moving that rival P5 does not help
The game is just too low budget (you fight the same single enemy type over and over) and there is no pacing, especially in the first game. You watch a 1 min intro FMV, then some NPC runs up to you and says you're a chosen one in a simulated world, and then you're already in the first dungeon, not even 5 min into the game, and every hallway and every room arr rook the same, while the obnoxious J-pop song keeps looping over and over, in both battle and exploration. It's not exactly hard to see why many people would drop the game right there.
NTA but being scuffed and low budget is the price to pay for a unique experience most of the time. I like the game and don’t necessarily disagree with most of your issues with it, but I still think it’s good. It’s the kind of game that has problems that cease to be problems once you get invested in the game’s vision. There’s nothing game breaking about having ugly graphics and reused assets. These are superficial annoyances that absolutely make the game worse than it could potentially be with a larger budget, but also shouldn’t condemn the game to kusoge territory outright.
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2 overdose never
obbligato cover album never
caligula 3 NEVER EVER
I don’t think 2 needs a remake. And I think there will be a third one eventually. I’d more want some kind of Overdose type release for Crystar made by Aquria if Furyu is gonna do that again.
2 was already a retread of 1, I don't want another game if the writers can't figure out how to make it interesting
Yeah, and the music is godtier.
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>just wants to get out of the digital world
>screams out in pain and begs you to stop during her boss fight
I could've saved her.
I love the reveal when you meet her for the first time and she does this huge exclamation of relief when she realizes you defeated Bluffman. She completely drops the goddess schtick, it's great.
Regret and Bluffman just being a pair of equally socially inept father and daughter was a fantastic revelation, after you spent the entire game wondering if he could be Thorn. That finale reaffirmed that Caligula Effect 2 stands on its own two legs and isn't just a retelling of the first game.
I liked how both of their character entries state that neither of them understood why Bluffman's wife left the family. I wonder what happened to her afterwards?
2 has better combat but 1 party has more soul.
Historia finally made a non jank Game with Live a Live
Do you ever just try to reach out to your autistic daughter about her hobbies and manage to screw it up so badly that you make her responsible for nearly destroying the world and induce such stress in her that she begs for death from complete strangers ?
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How come games by this dev always review so badly? Is the jank in them really that bad? I've always been to hesitant to buy them because of it and just ended up watching the cutscenes online.
The jank is not that bad. I’d say they’re mostly pretty good games. It’s just that reviewers are quick to crucify a game (especially a JRPG) if it’s low budget and a bit rough around the edges. The worst examples of jank in Furyu’s catalog are the stiff and repetitive combat found in Crystar, and the Causality Link in Caligula 1 (which you can just ignore completely.)
How is Crystar's story?
As far as the Caligula games go, not really. I didn't even realize they reviewed so poorly since I never look at that shit
1 is clearly more amateur with less developed mechanics and dungeons, but the combat is good, writing is good, music is great. 2 in total takes that and improves upon it, though the writing is a bit less ambitious. I whole heartedly enjoyed them
As for other Furyu games, eh. I tried Crystar and Monark, but I felt like the gameplay just wasn't there. Monark's gameplay isn't bad exactly, but it has an odd progression structure that made it feel rather grindy, which I just got tired of after 25 hours. It seemed like the story is eventually pretty interesting based on some spoilers I read, but it is what it is. Would be open to returning to it. Crystar though, boring gameplay, generic writing, MC is a fag, gave up after 5 hours. Would not recommend
It’s good. It’s got this modern fairy tale magical girl thing going on. Rei Hatada is a nice protagonist and her journey and development are engaging to follow. But the themes feel like a unfinished version of what we got with Monark and Crymachina. It was my first Furyu, and I have a stubborn appreciation for it. The gameplay is admittedly pretty bad though.
>Would be open to returning to it.
You can get easily over leveled in Monark if you use Lust’s Frostbarren Garden with a fully stacked Psy buff to one or two turn the Fertile Ground maps. Just make sure to use Authority Revocation to keep the protag alive. And having Ryotaro’s Indomitable Will that lets him survive a mortal blow gives you the opportunity to use him to defer back to Lust for a second shot on the same turn to clean up the stragglers. This pretty much cuts out the grinding.
It's not that these games are low budget, they actively waste your time to "justify" their $60 price tag. It's especially annoying in Caligula 1 and Crystar, where more than half of the game is just copypasta. 500 sidequests lmao.

I gave up when it started looping. Apparently you need to beat it 4 times to unlock the full story, and mind you, this game has Persona 3 tier dungeons, and there's maybe 4 enemy types total. All you do is just set it to the easiest difficulty and run for the exit, over and over, for many dozens of floors.
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Cute ass. Is that official?
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seems to be fanart from the official twitter
here's some reynatis from oguchi
dude the fucking guy from persona 2 wrote this
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Hot. I still hope for an Overdose Edition of Caligula Effect 2 or a third game, would be nice to see the concept explored again.
But I feel like the times of making a game based around Hatsune Miku (lol) are over.
Could make a game about Vtubers, very similar concept. I mean, that’s basically what Regret was. If you got some to voice act in the game you’d get guaranteed sales from their fans, too.
>But I feel like the times of making a game based around Hatsune Miku (lol) are over.
Why? Miku's been more relevant than ever for a couple years
That's why it's pure kino
They could release now one with the villain or sidequick is a latina Miku.
But don't know if Historia will cooperate again, Square has put an eye of them to work again (and they usually give different project like what happened with Xeen, Toylogic ,hands and TOSE) so they will prefer to go ti the company that give more money
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Cute, but a bit jarring to see some of them so happy & content.
feMC design in Calígula are great.
If Kotone design was as good I would understand Resetera tard being so unhinged at her
Personally I prefer the male design for Caligula Effect 2, but absolutely adore Overdose's feMC.
It's a shame that she didn't get her own Ostinato Musician cover of Suicide Prototype.
I mean, you can make Caligula look like a baby back bitch by being way more evil than him.
The First boss's theme hits pretty hard.
And the dog do be autistic.
>No Suicide Prototype Duet Between the Sawashiro Siblings.
Truly a shame
Why does the first fucking boss in both games nail it with their theme?

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