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Anyone else thinks this game looks decent? I mostly see people bitching about it but it looks like one of the better action rpgs I've seen with multiple classes.

Story looks shit tho don't know how that will work.
Anyone else not paid any attention to a bioware game in several years because they were able to accurately identify that the target market had shifted to fat women? Am I the only person who just doesn't know anything about any of the garbage they make now?
I'll give it a spin
I like Inqusition and even DA2 has some positives, I'm all over Veilguard I'll just avoid all the trannie shit
Nope haven't cared about them until I saw this game
I tried to keep at least a little bit of hope, but the more I see, the more difficult that is.
It looks like a mobile tier action rpg with tons of leeway for any real time action and a few abilities in the radial menu with things so hard-coded in the class/characters(for companions), it makes the rpg aspect nearly pointless.
The small number of abilities and focus on 'synergies' make it seem like a 'use the meh abilities while rolling around till you build the ultimate' affair.
And I have absolutely no faith in Bioware when it comes to writing nor characters at this point.
Yeah the combat looks fun and the story seems to be very deep
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>Anyone else thinks this game looks decent?
I'm not sure...
I think it could use more purple.
But enough about the witcher

Nah, it looks queer to boot and i mean it in the worst possible way. The character designs alone are almost Concord tier, art design in general does not keep with the style of the IP, even NPC and acting kind of make no in lore sense (Years building up this idea that Tavinter is this oppressive empire only to discover a fully diverse city full of gays, chinks and cripples, KEK) and, let´s not forget, the whole point of this, the absolute only reason to play this game was to see Sola´s story unfold... and he´s been demoted to being the opening act.

All that said this is exactly the game we should have been expecting so i won´t really bother faking indignation. A game that started as a service multiplayer game with pronoun people on the lead could never have been anything else. I don´t know if it´s the next Concord but i don´t really care enough about it to play it.
>oppressive empire
Why would an oppressive slaver empire care about the sexual orientation or ethnicity of their slaves, outside of a caste system? It's not like their culture was ever expanded on outside of them being pro-blood magic and slavery and it was never an issue in Origins for people like Leiliana who was a devout member of the Chantry so it's obviously a non issue in Ferelden/the DA world. Besides, from what I understand, the Tevinter region is where people of more southernly ethnicities come from. I've only played the first two games when they came out, but that Dorian guy in Inquisition was fairly indian looking, so if we're going by real world geographic distributions which fantasy tends to be inspired by, asian characters wouldn't be that far fetched.
But it is a mission based action game with RPG elements. You don't even have classes, you use different queer companions to fill those roles. It looks like shit and it looks like studio mandated shit. I sincerely have no idea how can you believe it looks decent.
No it doesn't look decent, it looks to cartoony and uninspired.
Bioware never had the talent for visual design but this is completely ugly.
Yeah bro it was much better to spam one button attack strings with ugly 3d models. Goodbye.
It was better to have an actual RPG rather than spamming anything, but sure.
I think you are underestimating the game before playing it and previous titles didn't even allow you to be a healer. From a dev standpoint it's a very good game mechanically, they just don't fit a small niche anymore of deep complex crpgs a studio that size is never going to do that with a main IP.
What game are you talking about?
>Oppressive slaver empire with grimdark human sacrifice and torture shit as resource left and right.
>You better respect my translesbian combat wheelchair.
>2024 white american suburb leftist culture everywhere.

The tone is completely off. They just put Fortnite in the DA universe because marketing.
Paying people to say "but guys it looks good I will try it" just makes it even more soulless and the two other games have also been shit already as was the studio for more than one decade.
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What do you think of the companions so far femanons? I'm curious, I'm not really feeling the cast this time around, I wish they'd gone with a Kal-Sharok dwarf instead of Harding and had make Lucanis a woman since we've already had a male crow before

I also really wanted a Donark Elf instead of Davrin
The gameplay does not look fun, and I do not expect good writing from woke people. It does not help that the game has a completely different tone than the original, and I never liked Marvel or the superhero genre to begin with. And that is exactly the vibe I get from the game it will be full of lame quips and silly humour that only someone who has never talked to people outside of work and the internet has.
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It's gonna be a bloated mess since they have to wrap up the setting because it is likely the last game. That's why you have two elven gods and two archdemons to deal with, along with a host of other issues. Compare that to the former version of the fourth game where you were just a band of thieves trying to make a heist in Tevinter. That's what the comics were leading up to too, think the plot got reused in the in animated show.
i'm expecting a 7/10, i think it will probably be a bit better than inquisition/andromeda
I bet on a solid 8/10 game. I'm not expecting to like the writing, since I never particilarly like it in any game.
its pushing pronouns and white privilege "fixing". its already dead.
the devs should see whats just happenedd to Concord and quickly remove this shit or face the same fate
I'm not a fan of the UI/purple re-design but the story/characters seem interesting enough. I liked Trespasser and do genuinely wanna see how this part of the story wraps up.
> We've already had a male crow before
Sure but going by the story about him in Tevinter Nights, he and Zevran are basically nothing alike. At the very least because unlike Zevran Lucanis seems to have an actual moral code even when dealing with strangers + he's in a much higher/more valued position within the crows while Zev was basically a nobody.

Also there's undoubtedly going to be a lot of focus on whatever the fuck is wrong with him, given the magic wings/'abominate' and other demonic-ish references in his character stuff, I wouldn't be surprised if he was possessed by a spirit or in some Cole-like situation.
Don't like any of them except Harding but I don't wanna start over with her. I'm leaning towards Taash the most simply because I know the least about her. At this point all I see the companions as are dumbasses that know less than me that I will have to waste time watching get spoonfed info I've played through like 3 times by now.
You can't just avoid it, the devs intentionally plastered it everywhere. Old Dragon Age games held themselves back when it came to that shit, only featuring minor characters with that shit, but here even your main companions are in part genderless they/thems.
It just seems so tone-deaf and tasteless. It'll probably be alright in purely technical terms, but nobody ever played Dragon Age for graphics or action-laden gameplay, but for the gritty, violent Fantasy setting. What a shame.
>AAA game made by demonstrably woke team, and in the real sense not the kneejerk /v/ sense
>Also a studio that is one of many that has literally none of the original people, vision, or talent left
>Clearly went through development hell and was restarted at least twice
It's going to be fucking terrible
I think it's funny that if they'd actually made something just slightly less fucking gay and actually stuck with more traditional combat, after BG3 this basically would have been a free win. Instead the stars have aligned perfectly for this to be a critical failure
>People are turning hard on ugly as fuck american golem designs and sjw shit now that its hit a breaking point
>the combat is going to be barebones retard tier wannabe action slop
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>le obligatory black elf
>non-binary blue-skinned Qunari with huge forehead and none of the threatening appeal Qunaris used to have
>awkward Asian with saggy tits
>old white necromancer with wholesome chungus skeleton sidekick (even though necromancy was always portrayed as an evil act that never ends well)
>handsome dude who is supposed to appeal to all the lonely women craving romance in their lives
>ginger dwarf from Inquisition who had zero character
>brown girl who is supposed to be some kind of "noir detective" (tranny game director's words)

I think we're in for a real treat here!
Seeing this shit when I think back to dragon age origins is fucking surreal as somebody who never played 2 or inquisition. Origins was a pretty dark game. this looks like some faggot graphic novel that nobody would buy
>blue tiefling for all the queers to identify with
>also nonbinary

Yeah I wasn't expecting anything and they've somehow exceeded my expectations in the downward direction lol.

It's really a microcosm of the way D&D culture went overall, Warhammer isn't far behind.
The underlying element seems to be declining testosterone in the population.
I don't know that Taash is actually non-binary. Just that her VA is.

I think the devs have referred to her with female pronouns in trailers before this.

Throughout history empires have always cared about lineage. There´s always been special rights and power disparity associated with blood; all the fantasy setting does is put that literally. That kind of society wouldn´t suffer diluting or tainting noble blood by mixing with other, inferior, races.

Furthermore one must also consider the world of Thedas is not globalized and the means of transport are somewhat medieval. As such massive migration is just not plausible. They could get away with slaves or stray adventurers from distant lands (like Azeem on Costner Robin Hood movie), maybe some soldiers of fortune, mercs or slavers selling human cargo but not with diverse culture of Tavinter citizens.
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How is it that western made figures always look like absolute garbage? They're seriously charging like $270 for this thing.
No, it looks like shit. I shouldn't reply to this bait ridden shill thread, but it's important that you know that this looks like utter shit and no amount of astroturfed horseshittery will change that.
Is this okay for a first DA game?
No. Each game has a new protag/mostly new companion cast, but a lot has happened in the world up till now and you'll feel pretty disconnected in regards to whats going on.
Well fuck my ass I already preordered. Is it really that dire that I should cancel? I’m sure it will be alright.
Cancel and just get a copy of DAO.
It won't be unplayable, as I'm sure they'll put in a bunch of reminders as to whats going on/what happened previously in order to catch players up (and there's the codex which will surely detail past events), but the fact is that you just won't really have that much of a connection to the characters/story as most of what's happening in Veilguard is a build-up of what's happened in the previous games (that includes the origins/motivations of a fair few of the main cast characters + various major plot points like the stuff with the wardens and the dwarves + the antagonists.)

It'd be better if you could at least play Inquisition and the Trespasser DLC before this, since that stuff is what's mostly related to the main plot of Veilguard.
You really should at the very least play Inquisition + Trespasser. One of the companions in that game is the main fucking character and entire point of Veilguard. you got time.
>Compare that to the former version of the fourth game where you were just a band of thieves trying to make a heist in Tevinter.
With the title like Dreadwolf and the Solas cliffhanger, I doubt that could have been anything more than a starting point or one mission where you steal something for the greater plot.
This, there's literally no way that bioware would've made another DA2 style super small scale adventure, especially with everything Trespasser/Tevinter Nights set up in regards to Solas ramping up his plans.
I can't believe how many people I see saying shit like "nuh uh story is totally different now. It's not even about Solas anymore because they showed those 2 elven gods" like when you dangle keys in front of a baby and it's eyes are forced to track it because it's brain development isn't at a level where it can acknowledge the rest of the universe simulateouslh exists. literal rocks rattling around in your head shit. there are so many illiterate 3rd worlders on this website these days it's insane.
The older games seem to go on sale once a month
I have a feeling black warden will be the designated normal character
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Of course not.
1. Woke trash.
2. Ugly as sin characters.
3. Retarded writers.
4. Boring hack and slash, not even a proper RPG.
5. Choreography stolen from Power rangers.
It looks like fucking Kingdoms of Amalaur.
Lol, no.
EA and Bioware? When will you people learn?
Ha ha ha!
You can't run from the troonification, anon.
Relative to how wacky the others are, definitely.
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New screenshots.
Honestly the lighthouse hub area looks pretty neat, I hope we can customize some parts of it like we could with Skyhold, even if its just restricted to Rooks room.
Nah. DA:I turned me off the series completely. DA:O had really good writing but I wasn't a fan of the gameplay. Thankfully, the writing and characters gave me enough to push through the game. Romancing Morrigan was great. DA2 was a trainwreck of a design but again, I thought the characters were good especially Varric.

DA:I didn't like any of the characters and the gameplay was trash. No way in hell should you expect Shitguard to be any different. There are more wokey devs there now and every character is 'playersexual' (bisexual)
> and now every character is 'playersexual'
that was how it was in DA2 as well? the only characters that aren't playersexual are ones that can't be romanced, period.
And Sebastian. But he's a filthy DLC character so who cares
Is this the new Dragon Age thread? I just would to report on my opinion playing Mark of The Assassin DLC for the first time:
Tallis blows. I hate her. A lot. I hate how this storyline tried and failed to make me give a shit about Qunari and gaslight me into thinking of them as "innocents" in any way. Fuck that.

But also Duke Prosper was one of the better characters in the whole entire game.
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Yeah, it's really dumb how they made this free-spirited elf a follower of the Qun when literally everything about her indicates she's the precise opposite. The writers haven't really been taking seriously the Qunari ever since. Another reason why I think Veilguard's writing will be shit: they won't dare to make the Qunari the imposing, ideologically firm creatures they were in DA:O and base DA2, instead humanizing them, which we can already see in their awkward visual redesign. In the process, they are destroying another special aspect of Dragon Age lore. Sad.
I really hope the game allows you to take Solas' side and nuke the entire world so that the franchise can finally be over. If that'll be an option I'd actually be willing to pirate it just for the thrill of it.
> literally everything about her indicates she's the precise opposite
I actually kind of like this aspect because it just proves again how elves are literally predisposed to be slaves. It even basically says as much in the codex. There's also that one elf Qunari in Inquisition who has literal shit for brains and is like
>I used to be a slave in Tevinter now I'm a slave under the Qun and I finally feel free!
Tallis reminded me of him.

Just gas all these fucking retards you're like literally too stupid to live.
I wanna disagree with you a bit
>they are destroying another special aspect of Dragon Age lore

Qunari are not actually special. Humanizing them is actually the right way to go because each time you meet one that actually follows the Qun and they spout their retarded ideology that a toddler could poke holes through with their whole entire chest it just makes whoever is saying it seem actually retarded. It's like really simplistic and embarrassing if you think about it even a little bit too much. So I'm really not surprised if they shy away from harping on it yet again. The only way you can have an interesting Qunari character is if they are or become vashoth/tal-vashoth because then that means they actually have 2 braincells to rub together to realize that living with free will is better than not. Sten was fun to have around but that was entirely because of his personality and demeanor and not because of anything he said about the Qun.
You're not really expecting any actually interesting choices are you anon
It's actually implied by the lore that it's the Qunari who are predisposed to be brainwashed, since they're effectively the result of a Tevinterian eugenic project to breed perfect, physically capable slaves from Dragons (somehow -- I doubt this aspect will be expanded upon in Veilguard because the people making it got no balls).
If the writers wanted to show that Tallis (or elves in general) were predisposed for the Qun (an extremely strict ideology where nobody is allowed to deviate from the rigid system imposed on its people), they wouldn't have made her a nonchalant rogue that wears slutty belly top armor and sexually charms men in order to get what she wants, while also optionally kissing Hawke after like 2 hours of knowing each other. That just doesn't fit, so I'm pretty convinced it's just bad/inconsequential writing.
I don't actually think the writers wanted to show that. It's literally one half of a sentence in the codex about Qunari that says "a disproportionate amount of these converts are elves" or something like that, and then me taking liberties with the implications of that because I hate both elf Qunari characters I've encountered so far.

>they wouldn't have made her a nonchalant rogue that wears slutty belly top armor and sexually charms men in order to get what she wants, while also optionally kissing Hawke after like 2 hours of knowing each other. That just doesn't fit, so I'm pretty convinced it's just bad/inconsequential writing.

Oh you're one of those people lol nevermind you're also stupid
Qunari are definitely a divergence from established RPG race norms and always the most special of the three main races/humanoid species in Thedas. Of course, their ideology is loaded with clichés, but man, this is a fantasy world, of course it's going to reflect the folklore and clichés of a certain time and people. And if you consider the fact that the Qunari race is (or at least was originally) supposed to be predisposed to conform to dogmas and subservience to the present ideological system, it actually makes sense that their ideology has some success.
Either way, it's bad to simply retcon major aspects of your game world in the fourth game in the series.

>Sten was fun to have around but that was entirely because of his personality and demeanor and not because of anything he said about the Qun.
Sten's entire personality and demeanor is based on the Qun. So much so that they made him the new Arishok for Veilguard. Kek.
Aw shucks, femanon! You got me there! I really do think it's contradictory for a character who is broadly presented as nonconformist, free-spirited, and liberated to support an extremely rigid and authoritarian ideology and consider this bad writing - what an embarrassing take.
>Qunari are definitely a divergence from established RPG race norms
I have no idea what you're referring to but a cult where you're not allowed free will or free thought is nothing new in fantasy or real life. As far as I'm concerned Qunari are just the fucking Borg. If you can't make something cliche and boring interesting the next best thing to do is retcon and/or abandon it. Like I said, characters break my suspension of disbelief when they unironically talk about the Qun and how great it is. Maybe if this was my first exposure to fantasy media or the concept of a cult or something I might feel different idk.

>Sten's entire personality and demeanor is based on the Qun
No, it isn't. Nothing in the Qun instructs you to have wit and a dry sense of humor. There are other Qunari who have totally different personalities. Don't say dumb stuff like that now come on.

Whatever you say moid that's right it says right there on page 6000 of the Qun that wearing clothes that expose your midrift are an offense against the path to truth and anyone woman doing so must be stoned for her crimes. Koslun was a raging faggot like that.
>broadly presented as nonconformist, free-spirited, and liberated
Did you miss the part where that was all bullshit because she's a Ben-Hassrath spy and that involves being able to infiltrate fucking Orlesian society among other things, you know, where being able to fake that shit and trick people into thinking you're normal might come in handy? Qunari have enough sense to blend in to do their jobs effectively otherwise they'll get sent to the fucking mines. I mean not Tallis in particular because she's fucking incompetent in that DLC but still.
>ocially embittered women who are utterly incapable of understanding basic parts of its story
You're talking about yourself
Is that really the best riposte you could come up with
I didn't come up with anything I'm just stating what's happening. You actually couldn't come up with anything which is why you didn't even attempt to argue.
How appropriate, you fight like a cow.
Yeah she's not great. Especially since the game doesn't really let you go against her or kill her regardless of what options you pick.

Also really dislike the shitty excuses she has for the qunari spies, just "oh b-but some of them have retired and have families and stuff!" as though 99% of them aren't still active and a massive danger to the security of any country they're in. It'd be one thing if they painted Tallis as someone who is indoctrinated and clearly in the wrong/manipulative for trying to stir up sympathy for the spies, but the game is absolutely trying to portray her as a good person.
Yeah you took the words out of my mouth. I felt myself getting angry during that prison cell scene because it feels like the writers just treating the player as if they're stupid. You know it pissed me off even more at the end when it makes it seem like you can actually take the scroll for yourself but it's just trolling you. I would have loved to do that to her.
What was there to argue about? I was hoping the two of you were aware of how bad your bad your arguments were and just replied in order to not let me have the last word.

>...being able to fake that shit and trick people into thinking you're normal might come in handy
This argument doesn't hold up because there's no change in character for her when she reveals herself to be a Qunari. If her free-spirited self was just a cover she'd drop said cover the moment she was busted. That would've been an excellent way to emphasize the central twist of the DLC, but again, the writers sucks at handling the Qunari. More importantly, she's still totally willing to make out with Hawke, which overtly goes against Qun laws as sexual mates were allocated by Qunari authorities (until that was retconned by DA:I via Iron Bull Romance, which again shows that the writers just don't care anymore).

>Nothing in the Qun instructs you to have wit and a dry sense of humor.
His dry (and often unintentional) humor is a direct consequence of his Qunari way of thinking. He has a distinct character, but his entire worldview down to his name is still fundamentally shaped by the Qun.

>Whatever you say moid that's right it says right there on page 6000 of the Qun that wearing clothes that expose your midrift are an offense against the path to truth
There's not even an argument in there, just cynical rambling.

>you fight like a cow
And you insult like a third-worlder, Ranjeet.

Little clips of some of the areas. Looks like some people in Arlathan got like, tree pomei'd.
>which overtly goes against Qun laws as sexual mates were allocated by Qunari authorities (until that was retconned by DA:I via Iron Bull Romance, which again shows that the writers just don't care anymore).
Pretty sure he mentions that's still a thing (breeding) and sex is just something that's normal.
>This argument doesn't hold up because there's no change in character for her when she reveals herself to be a Qunari.
There is because she spills her Qunari brainworms all over you and you realize that she isn't free-spirited she is simping for a cult of mental slavery. How did you miss that?

>, she's still totally willing to make out with Hawke, which overtly goes against Qun laws as sexual mates were allocated by Qunari authorities
Her doing that has nothing to do with a "sexual mate." Under the Qun your body and physical personage is so fucking worthless that if she died during a mission it would be left on the side of the road for vagrants to use as a cocksleeve as they see fit and Qunari would see that as natural. How on earth do you think her tricking some bas mark with sexuality while undercover doing the job she was assigned goes against the Qun?

>His dry (and often unintentional) humor is a direct consequence of his Qunari way of thinking
Then you need to reconcile all the other Qunari who are not like that. Airshok was not funny. Iron Bull was not funny, despite actually attempting to be.

>There's not even an argument in there, just cynical rambling.
It's as much as of an argument as "she wore a belly shirt so obviously this is terrible writing."
>And you insult like a third-worlder, Ranjeet
Please lurk 3000 years before posting.
>Veilguard has no Templar class
THIS is the actual death knell. Templars have been there since the beginning, are mechanically useful and flavorful with the lore, and you're in fucking Tevinter. Getting rid of them in favor of veil chopper or whatever the fuck they came up with for warriornis lame as hell
> If her free-spirited self was just a cover she'd drop said cover the moment she was busted.

nta but I think it makes sense for her to keep it up because she's still trying to convince Hawke to help her/view her motivations with sympathy right up to the end.

Also I mean, as we see with Bull, its not like they have an on/off switch for their emotions, it seems like its mainly the warriors who are trained to be ultra serious, and Tallis wasn't even raised within the Qun, so it'd make sense that she'd be far more capable and naturally able to talk like a normal person.
>and you're in fucking Tevinter
I think that's precisely why. Templars in Tevinter are cucked by mages.
Templars nullify the manipulation of the Fade in the mortal world why would you use a Templar in a game where your home fucking base is in the Fade? Actually they should let you be a Templar just so you can play the game completely gimped with nothing but Sword and Shield abilities.
> and you're in fucking Tevinter
Wouldn't it make more sense that you'd have less chance to learn Templar abilities if you were from/lived near Tevinter? Templars there are a fucking joke.

Also it seems very much like the devs want to finally leave the mage/templar conflict behind them at this point. It was ''''solved'''' in inquisition, and so they're not gonna focus on it anymore, or at least, not as strongly as the current blight/venatori/elven god/qunari problems.
This, seems like its a similar plot reason as to why you can't be a blood mage, anything anti-fade power isn't really gonna fly in this setting.
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And that again shows how dumb the writing for Qunari has become since Mark of the Assassin
>yeah feel free to sleep around like some filthy Fereldan wench, get emotionally attached to every fly in Thedas, be as lascivious as you like, just don't accidentally impregnate anyone on your wanton fucking spree

>How did you miss that?
I didn't miss anything, you're kind of driving home my point that Tallis is an extremely inconsistent character. Whenever her Qunari ideology seeps through, it just doesn't seem to fit to the way she is overall presented. She's still weirdly cheerful and open-minded, except she now also tries to defend an ideology trying to turn free minds into subservient, unquestioning worker bees. Just doesn't really add up.

>your body and physical personage is so fucking worthless that if she died during a mission it would be left on the side of the road for vagrants to use as a cocksleeve as they see fit
Very normal thing to write. You must be writing wonderful fanfictions in your free time. Anyways, there was no reason for her to kiss Hawke for strategic reasons as it's literally follows after the last choice at the end of the DLC -- she already got from him what she wanted.

>Then you need to reconcile all the other Qunari who are not like that
Again, he does have a distinct character, but his entire worldview down to his name is still fundamentally shaped by the Qun.

>as we see with Bull, its not like they have an on/off switch for their emotions
Bull is a terrible addition to the series, but he actually shows that they do have such an on/off switch. He always betrays you in Trespasser because his loyalty to the Qun is more important to him than his friendship/love for the Inquisitor -- unless you make a specific choice at the end of his entirely optional questline.

Anyways, I've realized by now that I should stop wasting my time with this franchise. Have fun with the oncoming soulless EA hack-and-slash slop, I'm out.
His loyalty is to the Qun if you don't save the chargers, but even in that case, he doesn't just go robot mode on you, he's clearly not really happy about what he feels he has to do, and he sounds like someone who's had to make a sad choice, not an emotionless super-soldier.
Has nothing to do with plot. They won't let you be a blood mage because they're cucks. You could be a Templar in all 3 games and you enter the fade every time.
>can't control companions because the game is now a hack & slash
Holy enshittification Batman!
This isn't really the same though, the fade and its effects on people even in the real world are way more extreme than in any previous game, hell, your hub world is literally situated inside of it.
That doesn't matter. You literally go inside the fade in all 3 games. It may be stronger in the real world, but it doesn't get stronger then literally being inside of it. Not playing a Templar makes as little sense as not playing a Blood Mage. They just didn't put it in because having an "evil" based class is suddenly bad.
When you enter the Fade in the first game you play as a fucking rat
> you literally go inside the fade in all three games
you only go in physically in inquisition though, and again, in this case its a lot more extreme than just being in there for a mission or two across the whole game, its seeping into the entire world + you'll be spending basically all of your 'off hours' there. If you're a templar or blood mage, they're both roles that repel/deny the power of the fade.

I won't deny there's probably some meta reason shit as to why you can't be either class too, but considering that they literally have a necromancer in the game who is an unequivocally good person, I really doubt that using a bit of blood magic would really be considered that much worse morally for it to be scrapped ONLY because of that.
game looks like shit and bioware's last game was kotor, they never stopped making kotor
>Blood magic is unlikely because we've shifted it from a power boost to really being the key to a lot of nasty stuff we aren't interested in having heroes do," Weekes writes in a response on Blue Sky. "The other stuff just needs the right game." Blood magic in the Dragon Age universe is what it sounds like - rather than using mana, mages sacrifice their own blood, or others', to cast spells that might not be feasible otherwise. And, of course, Thedas' baddest bad guys have used the power to enslave, conquer, and summon demons.

>"I think it can be ethically neutral if you only use your own blood, but after seeing it used as a required part of mind control and demon binding in [Dragon Age 2] and [Dragon Age Inquisition], it's just not a road we want the hero to walk right now," Weekes continues, "which is a shame, because 'use your health to cast more spells' is a fun gameplay twist for folks who like that kind of risk/reward play style. We might find other ways to get that. Just not blood magic for the hero for now."

They literally said that's the reason you can't be a blood mage. Nothing to do with lore, they don't want a hero to use blood magic because it's "evil"

>because it's "evil"
>t. blood mage
If blood mage is "evil" then necromancer is just as "evil".
Except they let you be a necromancer in veilguard, but not blood mage.
No, it looks like complete dogshit. Still going to play it but let's not pretend otherwise
Sounds to me like they should remove necromancer as well then, anon, for the sake of consistency, and their alleged devotion to herosim
>It won't be unplayable
>laughs in Andromeda
Shut your fucking mouth. Amalur was fucking amazing.
DA2 was shit in many ways, but the Qunari were great in that.
Perhaps but consider that I fucking hate Iron Bull
The wokeshit aspects like hideous characters, sanitized world building, millenial humor and infantile writing kill it.
>it's just not a road we want the hero to walk right now
I miss when Dragon Age let me stab a monk in the back of the head because he dared to think it would be a good idea to let people see Jesus' ashes
Kinda deserved for wanting to turn it into a tourist attraction
>he dared to think it would be a good idea to let people see Jesus' ashes
Actually he wanted to turn Jesus's grave into a tourist spot and give out Jesus's ashes as a gift to visitors because Jesus's ashes have healing properties.
Sparing Genitivi is only correct if you don't kill the high dragon since the dragon protects the ashes
I listened to the Vows and Vengance episode with Davrin. He seems nice to have around.
I'm kinda surprised that Davrin seems to respect the elven god stuff, from his character description, I figure he'd have left all that shit behind him when he became a warden.
His reaction was surprising wasn't it? Also the fact that he calls Fen'Harel the God of "Rebellion" which the Dalish don't do. So he's either really studied extra on Fen'Harel for some reason or he's one of his agents lol. Or the writers are just being careless.
There are at least a few codex entries from in-universe writings talking about how the dread wolf could be seen as a rebelling figure, so I wouldn't put it past Davrin to just be well read on that shit, or from a clan that's more open minded to the roles/motivations of the gods.
>There are at least a few codex entries from in-universe writings talking about how the dread wolf could be seen as a rebelling figure
There aren't. There's literally one entry and it's from some scholar's book pointing out subjective translation differences of ancient elven. Pretty obscure. There is no Dalish clan teaching that Fen'Harel is a God of Rebellion. That we know of. So that's why him saying that is highly sus and attention grabbing. But I really just think whoever wrote this didn't think that hard into it. It'll be come more clear once we see what Bellara has to say about him.
The idea that Davrin is from some kind of more "enlightened" clan that has different ideas about the gods would be cool because there haven't been any elves that call themselves Dalish that are like "Well actually my clan doesn't believe X we believe Y instead"

There's some codex entry in Inquisition that points out that all the Dalish tales most people know about are sourced from literally one guy from one clan and how kind of bullshit that is. Bit of a meta entry imo because I had thought as much, as the player before.
Yeah, Or Duncan straight up murdering Jory because he wouldn't do the joining.
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> the spirit that Lucanis is possessed by is literally "spite"

That'll be a great time.
I want another birds eye game in Faerun. Preferably Calymshir.
>But I really just think whoever wrote this didn't think that hard into it.
The formerly "just powerful mage royalty" are now actual gods.
They made the token black guy have slave tattoos.
Of course they didn't think shit through.
> The formerly "just powerful mage royalty" are now actual gods.
Didn't DA:I also paint it pretty strongly as just "they were extremely powerful mages who declared themselves as gods after some big war" ?

Seems like that's still the case, even if their experiements/weird magic ritual shit has twisted how they look.
Inquisition and Solas himself said that they were just mages.
Their dynamic being copied by Tevinter and that they (aside from Fen'Harel) are all related, points that they were just a royal family of mages.
Now they're tentacle monster and 20ft tall elf-y man.
Plus they're called literal gods in Veilguard.
You can really tell how the original team was scrapped over the past 10 years.
>The formerly "just powerful mage royalty" are now actual gods.
No, there are no actual gods.
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> they were just mages
again, very powerful war hero mages.

Also, considering that say, Corypheus turned into a giant monster freak since he went into the fade and got infected with the blight, I don't think the elven gods showing up looking like freaks after being trapped in the fade for 5x as long as him is really that unreasonable. And again, given that someone like Ghilan'nain apparently loves to experiment on shit, its probable that the elven gods could've done that shit to themselves as well to make themselves stronger/more 'godlike' in the eyes of the people, etc.

In the murals at least, they seem to have looked like normal elves with regular crowns instead of horns or monstrous parts, so the change must've come later.
He was inoffensive all things considered. I never paid much attention to him, though I do think it was neat that he betrays you and you have to kill him
Every single companion looks repulsive to me, and I'm certain they are all written like faggots. Playing this game will definitely feel like a fanfic from Tumblr, no one will feel believable because writing nowadays is made by people whose references are not real life but other stories, characters will act like terminally online fags and everything will be solved by the power of pansexuality.

I might pirate it, but I doubt I'm gonna be able to endure it for more than a few hours.
>I never paid much attention to him, though I do think it was neat that he betrays you and you have to kill him
Also if you're retarded enough to romance him after doing the very obvious bad thing, the ending will call you a whore that got duped.
Cope it has the best combat of a western rpg ever made. Just skip the story like a normal person.
>My Warden was a Templar/Reaver/Spirit Guardian pumping out enough magical effects to make everyone think he was a wizard. Completely immune to magic damage with two different weapon loadouts (one for fucking up Darkspawn one for fucking up everything else) and with enough magical equipment and skills that he had 20 different ways to solo the Blight on his own and this isn't even taking into consideration party members or the fact that he isn't a mage
>I need to take a specialization to use two handed weapons
> a whore that got duped
I mean, if you fuck up/ignore his personal quest which is very easy to not fuck up, you kind of are.
I'm 2/3 of the way through origins for the first time rn, I know literally nothing about dragon age apart from what I've played. But I watched the trailers for Veilguard and I'm so confused, I don't know how they got from origins to the Disney slop they've showed off so far. I think I'm just gonna finish enjoying my baldurs gate 1/2 spiritual successor and then forget about the series
> I think I'm just gonna finish enjoying my baldurs gate 1/2 spiritual successor and then forget about the series
>t. only played origins
The preview looks surprisingly good. But it was asmongold's reaction video I stumbled upon, and I had to stop watching because of his incessant whining at every single thing he could come up with. Also some comments were like
>wtf this isn't like Origins at all!!
No shit lmao

A good reminder not to pay attention to online "discussion". Angry faggots venting.
I have to wonder how this possession situation will turn out. Out of the two previous possessed companions, Anders clearly dealt with it the worst, but I figured that's just because Justice is too much of a black and white concept + too easily corrupted by personal biases to be able to really exist/have its purpose satisfied within the real world, and so Anders suffered the emotional/mental backlash.

Wynne on the other hand was seemingly not affected by her condition at all, presumably because faith is something unobtrusive, + even in a shitty world it can still exist/be believed in without much issue. Plus Wynne being an inherently good person who wanted to believe in/help others didn't interfere with its purpose at all.

Now we've got Lucanis and Spite, which is the first instance of a possession with an actual negative trait. I wonder how he'll end up dealing with it. In theory at least, it wouldn't be THAT hard to keep in under control with small personality changes/actions, considering spite can be such a petty/small action by certain perspective. It'd just be an issue of not letting it spiral out of control.
Spirit Warrior was an interesting idea, but I don't know how it would work with dwarves, but I suppose they can be forced into the Fade and can be forced to cohabitate with spirits too. A shame we never got to see it after Awakening and that we got it without a quest to gain it. Would have loved to walk into the fade and choosing a spirit to be your partner, like, Command, Justice or whatever.
The fuck? Are these the people behind the new game? How can they not remember Zevran? He was, like, your sassy gay friend in Origins. Very disappointed in the ladies here.
This is just depressing. How much more proof do you need that the people making the new game have nothing to do with the people who made Origins?
See, a whole new crew working on the game is not an issue. It's been like 15 years since origins, 10 years since inquisition. People quit, get fired etc.
But you'd expect some research and effort , considering it's still an ongoing timeline game with small gaps.
And you have an Antivan crow in Veilguard, which means you had to take into account how they work and were represented before you do whatever take in the new game
Not like there's a huge fan-made wiki that anyone who remotely cares about the franchise could easily use to look up potentially important things for the game you are making
Yeah I mean... if you're working on the fourth game in a series you should ideally have either played the previous games or at least watched a story playthrough of them as part of your research for writing the new one.
which game are you talkin about. dragon age origins had a bit more strategy to its combat. i tink only da 2 and that mmo-lite were like that when gayowire decided to focus on more action shit
>7s, 8s,
are ya insane?! Ya really think is going to be THAT good. fucking casuals man. go play an actual RPG u silly faggots
Not buying woke DEI slop.
*plays an actual rpg*
Okay what now
I will have to play this because Morrigan is in it
If she dies I quit gaming
Playing through Origins again and hitting 100% spell resist and just walking at everything slowly is so satisfying, and I'm not even a mage. I think Wrath of the Righteous is the best power fantasy RPG but Origins feels hilarious after a certain point, like why are the darkspawn even bothering when I one shot their caster with a smite and then start hitting them with so many numbers the damage calculation looks like a slot machine
I wouldn't go that far because I don't like the direction DA is going in in terms of style and mood but from what I've seen so far this seems better than DA:I at least. Now it really depends on the story. I'm kinda worried about Morrigan, I don't like that Gaider doesn't have his protective gay hand over her anymore. Then again the question is how canon this stuff really still is without any involvement of his
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Solavellan supremacy
Solavellan superiority
Solas inspired me to shave. Chicks dig it, they say I look dangerous
Nice one, anon. It certainly does have its appeal.
I finished reading Asunder. I liked it a lot. Way better than The Calling. Cole is a great character.
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i preordered
Yeah, its a shame that Rhys and Evangeline weren't in Inquisition outside of a war table mission though, it would've been nice if they got to know that Cole wasn't dead.
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So I listened to V&V episode 4 and unfortunately, sadly, I do not like Bellara.

And Drayden is the most annoying, hateable character ever created.
Watched Asmongold reaction on the preview and it was hilarious.
I find it interesting that a gamer with zero background into this genre manages to come up with solid takes without experience.

It doesn't look that bad imo but i agree that it looks like a mobile game, the UI looks atrocious, character design looks ugly and the devs focus on memes is offputting.
But it can turn out to be worth playing at least if the story, quests and the characters are decent, we shall wait and see.
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> asmondgold
I don't hate her from what I've heard so far, feels like she's got the chance to either be Peebee levels of annoying or otherwise cute and studious. Main thing it would come down to is her general personality when NOT talking shop about fade artefact shit.
I like the prime+detonate mechanic a lot, ngl. It worked very well in ME3 and was probably the only redeeming quality of MEA and Anthem. I have no issues with Bioware leaning into it, if everything else is at least decent.
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Welp since the embargo of whatever is over I'm going offline until I'm finished the game. Goodbye anons. I'm going to make a Solavellan amv in the meantime.
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I cannot remember a single game with that purple theming that has ever, ever been good. It's like a danger color to ward off predators, but if the prey was good games. Anyway, no, I don't think this looks decent. It looks extremely mediocre and less interesting than the original. So I won't be playing it.
>I'm all over going swimming, I'll just avoid the water
>looks like a mobile game
where you fuckers have seen mobile games like this?
or do you have to be a brainless e-celeb-drone to mimic every shit coming from your false idol's mouth?
The gameplay is pretty much like cross platform/mobile action rpg gatchas
Many people have the expectation that good games are the default outcome. I'd argue that the majority of people assume a game will be good just because it was made. I believe its the opposite. The normal state of a completed video game is bad and there is no indications that 2024 bioware is capable of elevating a product into being good. Out of the how many hundred thousand video game devs in america and canada working today I would bet that less than 5% of them are capable of making a good game.
So you’re saying there’s a chance
Spyro himself had purple theming, but not the game. That's why he was purple actually. He was originally going to be green but it wouldn't have contrasted well with the green environments usually seen in the game
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You could have played a good game instead of obsessing over garbage. This thread is a mixture of dumb xbox kids trying to relive being a 12 year old marketing cash cow and idiots who need to tell you jews are the reason they live in a trailer with their fat cheating girlfriend.
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Seems like every rook background has a slightly different flavour of "talented but kinda reckless and caused some shit in the recent past thats caused them to be forcefully or otherwise distanced from their faction temporarily."
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Don't give these trash people your $.
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yes cancel it.
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all true.
Just pirate it dude, it's on PC
No, it's just fantasy Mass Effect 3, but with branching ability tree. Which is fine, ME3 was pretty fun.
>short beta men virtue signal to women
This veil jumper shit is so stupid
You just KNOW it's a bunch of people who hate their nazi elven heritage
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>186 / 30 / 2
These stories suck and are so pretentious.
>um you were the good and righteous person in all of these but the people in higher positions got upset because you protected the lower class :(
Its a bit odd that they're so morally skewed towards good, I know that bioware doesn't want for your Rook to be a bad guy, but most of these thoroughly paint Rook as someone who will go out of their way to try and save lives, so what if you want to be more of a rule follower or more pragmatic 'this will be better in the long run' thing?

I guess its just a given that your rook will be someone reckless enough to go against orders/not go along with their original goal if there's another 'better' option, regardless.
They could've done more generic backstories like "random anitvan trader" "scholarly political negotiator" "avid dungeon explorer"
I appreciate that they wanted something a bit more interesting, though IMO it definitely would've been better if they toned it back a bit so not every background was 'they recklessly chose to do X to save lives'

Like, maybe keep in the vague "they did something reckless/disobeyed orders" stuff, as that could at least be good reason why Rook is put at a distance from their faction for now/perhaps at least in part why Varric seeks them out, but drop the 'saving lives' bit, leave the result unclear, maybe have Rook make some reference to what it was about later so you can choose whether it was to save lives or to achieve a goal in spite of casualties or whatever else.
Combat looks shitty. Already a tong of action RPGs with way better combat.
Jesus Christ gay as shit. Every option is Rook was a huge faggot and tried to save everyone because he sucks cock.
Looks like the inquisitor has a pretty normal looking arm prosthetic, not whatever thing they showed in Sera's end scene in Trespasser, unless maybe they have different ones and/or you can change what the prosthetic looks like in the editor.
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> Lucanis has schizo demon vision
Interesting choice, I guess its nice that we'll be able to see a bit more of the influence/personality of the spirit since it'll talk without having to take over the host body like in Anders' case.
It seems that writers of Bioware can't figure out if the Qunari are fantasy ottomans, fantasy communists, or if such depictions is bigoted and the Qunari are just fantasy huamns with horns and a religion that sometimes matter

I'm like 100% that the current writers of Dragon Age hate the Qunari as described by Sten. Women being seen as breeders and not fighters by the Qun? Misogynist!
The Qun deciding your role in society from birth? Not progressive! Everyone must be free to choose exactly who they are.

The Qun is now some sort of hippy socialist utopia ideology where you have loads of people being happy with being subservient, while you also have author pets who can decide they want to be badass assassins, the community organiser, or they want to dress like a woman
Bioware lost the ability to write good, consistent stories and engaging conflict. Look at the Grey Wardens in DAI, it's utter idiocy that comes apart at the seams. The nu-Bioware writers rely purely on quips, Joss Whedon-esque dialogue, meaningless back-and-forth, and notes scattered all over the place.
The pervasive Tumblr-core makes things even worse. Pandering to their LGBT audience? Well, I'm gay and the stuff they put out is pure cringe. Nobody acts like that in real life. Again, that's a writing problem.
Way to kill a franchise.
>Story looks shit
>one of the better action rpgs
Pick one.
It's probably just coping, but is it possible the backstory had two choices to make the story? Like one was picking the faction, and the other was some "what made you stand out" or "why are you apart from your faction" and those were all from "rescued people at risk of angering superiors" or something? Mass Effect had two choices for Shepard Spacer/Earthborn/Colonist and Sole Survivor/War Hero/Ruthless.
im afraid if i install it my computer will get aids
If I decide to play it it would be only to fuck the asian elf.
Would rather play Eternal Strands or that musical game by ex-DA guys than Veilward.
This is how low the bar is
>that musical game by ex-DA guys than Veilward.
No, you wouldn't.
It's a unique brand of awful
I already think that the Forgotten Realms is one of the most boring settings in existence, so something straight out of tumblr like DA ? Lol.

The more i see, the less i care for it. Companions look plain simply bad, combat looks unimpressive and i am being kind, character creation seems restricting and awful. Morrigan looks... well, she looks like shit. Not only the design takes away the sensual mystery of the character but it´s just ugly to look at from an artistic perspective. Sex is not really a selling point either as all the characters are ugly.
Solas, who was supposed to take center stage, is now been reduced to being the opening act. Fuck the new guys, he was the one we were interested on because, you know, we had all that established history with him.

I honestly can´t think of anything this game is actually doing right. I mean sure, it´s not a service multyplayer, great, but from my perspective that´s irrelevant now that the story doesn´t revolve around Solas anymore.

It´s mission based instead of "open world". Which again is mostly a reflection of it´s origins as a service multyplayer right? A way to save as much of the work that had been done before switching away to a single player game.

The way i see it, some people will give it a chance on account to it "being" Dragon Age so it won´t end like Concord but i honestly don´t see an appealing game here.
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What makes a dev team lose the plot to such extent, both literally and figuratively? Having worked in an adjacent field, I would say it's probably bad management and shitty HR, but many companies recover and learn from their mistakes. Bioware does not. I knew the game would be shit. When I heard they hired a youtuber as their lore consultant, I knew the team didn't give two fucks about the setting. I knew it. Fuck. Where is the DAO successor everybody wants? This is so sad.
The people that cared about and built the world have long since left the company and a bunch of diversity hires took up the mantle
Bioware is dead, time to move on
just look at pictures of people working there, literally a mental asylum escapees
>The people that cared about and built the world have long since left the company and a bunch of diversity hires took up the mantle
>Bioware is dead, time to move on
Many such cases

I guess the default justification would be to try to appeal to an audience as wide as possible, which means keeping in mind new audiences over people that actually played the previous games and know who Solas or Morrigan or Varric are. I kind of get why suits would want that but it really does go against the whole "build your unique world history" thing, which is honestly one of the most unique ideas/mechanics they ever came up with.


I agree. I´ve decided it´s always more worth it to follow the artists and creatives one likes than sticking to an IP just for a brand name. It´s still a damn shame though.
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>there's a melanin slider in the character creator

honestly i gotta pirate this just for a few quick laughs
>no vitiligo slider
I’m sorry but it’s 2024. BG3 raised the bar for CRPGs.
It does have a vitiligo option somewhere or another.
What's so bad about that slider apart from a goofy name?
That's the point. Everything about this game seems goofy. This used to be a dark fantasy franchise, you know.
Ironic, seeing how they actually ditched EA launcher this time.
the character is the worst part desu. it's as if a kinder egg toy married overwatch and spawned this weirdo.
Buy an ad.
i would rather drop money in fire than give it to hiroshima moot
Wrong board faggot
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>you gotta play the new Dragon Age game for the combat, not for the story

Also the combat looks mid, the flashy effects and fast movement are masking ugly enemy designs and primitive tactical elements taken from Mass Effect: Andromeda.
NTA, but the combat was the only element of Andromeda that I enjoyed. Stealth cloaking, jetpacking to get the high ground, and sniping the enemies was nice.
The combat was definitely the best thing about ME:A, but that's mainly because every other aspect was pretty bad. I fear a similar fate for Veilguard, except that the flashy presentation and improved technical side may be enough to avert a complete disaster like Andromeda.
Running out of constant flashing danger zones in the floor feels more like MMO than anything decent action
For Veilguard, I hated the things I've seen about its combat. I don't think the aesthetics of it fit what I'd want from it (in particular, all the classes being effectively mages; previously, at least before the specializations kicked in, the warrior and rogue felt at least a bit more grounded, now it's teleporting shields, rains of arrows out of nowhere, and everything is extremely flashy). On the mechanical side, it also doesn't look like something I'd enjoy. The enemies seemed spongy, and the whole thing looked like it's just mashing the base attack, and spamming the same combo abilities over and over until you can use the ultimate. The skill trees also don't seem like they really give you much freedom in choosing what playstyle you'd like to engage in.
>every origin is you getting kicked from your group for moralfagging
>can't use blood magic because it of moralfagging
How is this the same series as origins
One thing I can say is if that art style helped them with optimization, I'll take it over ultra realistic shit that needs 4090 to run above 60 fps. System requirements look very modest for a modern AAA game.
Gameplay and story looks halfbaked I loved Dragon Age Origins but every bioware game since Mass Effect 2 has been a let down for me. DA inquisition was good enough if you played offline and fastforwarded the dumb 5hr for upgrades mechic waste of time. Characters were mentally retarded but the gameplay was still fun. I'll wait and see maybe get it on PS plus for free in a few months.
Kingdoms of Amalaur was a large open world and had exploration as a key component Interesting DLC with Mount olympus and pirate island
This looks like Inquisition with trannies
The more I look at the gameplay, the more I feel like they should've just kept it a multiplayer game. That would've been a slap in the face of every DA fan but at least it would've fit to the colorful presentation. As a singleplayer game, it's not only slap in the face but it also feels completely tone-deaf.
After Inquisition where you could, at most, be a bit terse, did you really expect anything more than wholesome rebel leader backgrounds? I'll be surprised if they let you be rude to companions anymore
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Damn, they really screwed up with the proportions. "Before" is what the game actually looks like.

Yes, this is real.
It had darker elements early on, but dragon age was always kinda goofy.
> linking to reddit
When even the highly moderated Reddit hivemind recognizes that something is deeply wrong with this game's art style, you know BioWare screwed up big time.
Origins was fundamentally a dark fantasy game, don't pretend like it wasn't. There were a few funny moments in conversations with companions and the like, but its setting and presentation remained firmly rooted in dark fantasy. This is in stark contrast to the aesthetics of Veilguard, which genuinely looks like a mobile gacha game with better graphics.
> a few funny moments
a ton, actually.
I really hope there are good darkspawn in this game. They were kind of grey in Awakening but after that they immediately went back to being evil orcs. A race that's just entirely evil is so plain, and in universe its been like 20 years so the Architect has probably fixed them by now
There are players who killed the Architect sure but I imagine they're the vast minority, like siding with the werewolves or templars, anyone with a brain will side with him
>A race that's just entirely evil is so plain
Delete this, you foul anti-Semite
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Seems like the darkspawn in this game have been experimented on by one of the elven gods, they're a lot more bony now + a lot of them have big chunks of red lyrium in them.

From what we've seen of the blight effect itself, it seems like a lot of dark fleshy growths and black branch/tendrils snaking around all the big infected boils and shit across the blighted areas.
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>Anyone else thinks this game looks decent?

The absolute state of Biodrones
Oh yeah expect him to be as forgettable as the token black guy in Mass Effect 2 and BG3 whose names I still cannot remember.
Don't think anyone can be as bad as jacob. At the very least Davrin has a cool pet that I will be compelled to go visit.
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> you can make wacky faces in the CC
Is that uncommon?
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Is this supposed to make fun of how a 35year old forever-college-student from a CalArts campus would write?
Is this supposed to make fun of Dragon Age?
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>y-y-y-you dont get, its shit on purpose!

The biodrone cope is sublime
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the fuck are you talking about? the fact is that you can make weird faces in basically any character creator.
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>its not shit, its a feature!
>ackshually Oblivion-Tier faces are le good!
No, I'm not gay. I am a huge fan of Origins though. I wish we could get a remaster of it.
(Though we'd obviously need to wait for a number of mods too, to make it faithful to the original game and fix things they mess up)
>Look at me! I'm le trolling because my argument got dismantled and this is the only way I can cope
op here

I rescind everything this game looks like shit. fuck modern games.
Asmongold the noob gamer who barely played more than 100 video game has more critical thinking and knowledge than half of the pretend hardcore gamers™ of 4chan, its hilarious but also pathetic.
>I don't think the aesthetics of it fit what I'd want from it (in particular, all the classes being effectively mages
This is funny to me, since the entire setting of DA is a giant case of "the most powerful wizards managed to cut off the entire world from magic, to keep it for themselves, but some remnants of magic keep seeping in slowly over the ages" and the fact that the mages in that world are the only people that are still fully "human" (because magic = emotions = souls in DA's world), and not just hollow shadows. Yet all the HFY fags and dirt-farmer fantasy aficionados think it's the exact opposite is hilarious to me. It's one of the main reasons why I've never played a non-mage in any DA game.
With that said, I'll still pass, since Veilguard looks like it will be an utter shite of a game, even more so than Inquisition already was.
seriously, people shocked by the moralfagging clearly never played inquisition. the writing was on the wall then in terms of letting the player be some murderhobo edgelord
Even amalur didn't look this gay.
I wonder if they'll explain what the fuck was going on with Weisshaupt before now? In Veilguard it seems like you just go there because one of the gods is attacking the place, but even 10 in world years back in Inquisition it was mentioned more than once that something weird was already going on there, at least enough for someone like Hawke to go investigate it.
In DAI it was because all Grey Wardens were hearing The Calling.
In DAV it's... Because.
The real moralfagging is having that tumblrsexyman run around with a desecrated corpse as if that's not morally objectionable.
Did this "Manfred" consent to being made into a simulacrum?
Or is this just a horrible violation that's treated as nothing because "uwu he's so quirky!"?
>What makes a dev team lose the plot to such extent, both literally and figuratively?
Being effectively entirely replaced in 2017 will do it.
The only saving grace for this is that Mary Kirby wrote them.
Under someone else's hands, there'd be no hope for it not to instantly be the most cringe to ever cringe cringely.
No, the mess with Weisshaupt was conveyed as being separate from the weird calling thing that was happening because of Corypheus.
Honestly I like the idea of Lucanis (and the player) being able to actually see/hear the spirit. It felt like a shame in DA2 that the only time you really hear Justice is when he outright takes over Anders' body. In a setup like this, we can see Lucanis and Spite interact and therefore get a better idea of what the spirit is like/how Lucanis deals with it.

Definitely has the potential to end up weird/annoying, but the short clip with Lucanis talking with Bellara/Neve/Rook about his condition was pretty neat as it was, IMO.
> Did this "Manfred" consent to being made into a simulacrum?
the skeleton is being piloted by a wisps, and wisps don't seem to have any inherent sapience/consciousness, the way they're described in Origins/later games kinda makes them come across like magical jellyfish.

They have the potential to become a spirit if influenced by something, I think, but in any case, Manfred only really became aware when it was put in the skeleton/brought to the physical world, before that it was just a weird little magic light floating around mindlessly.
What about the person the skeleton was sourced from?
yeah bioware is an old company, the staff has probably changed multiple times. the old guard is retired or in other positions. probably the same thing that happened with blizzard.
>utter shite of a game, even more so than Inquisition already was.
inquisition was good. i bought it on sale in 2022 and didnt expect much because ive heard it was shit, but it was actually not that bad. especially the dwarven dlc and the solas background story. the world building was pretty good and the zones were beautiful, also the companion banter and interactions were mostly good. hated serah though. she is a disgrace for an elf.
That guy is dead and gone already, who cares.
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I guess the learned their lesson with the Inquisition PJ's and now will just let you wear basically whatever armors you find out in the game world as casual-wear in the lighthouse.
Veilshart more like heheheh
I hate that their face looks straight out of mid 70s Sci-fi, as humans with a bit of rubber attached.
no it looks like shit. and certainly not something that belongs on a board about rpgs
No faggot. Noone is playing your nigger riddled jewcum guzzling tranny infested vidya. Fuck OFF.
Concord died, so will this.
>Anyone else thinks this game looks decent?

No, but inshallah you find your retard soulmate
Damn, I see now what they meant by proportions being off.
>Armor may cause clipping in scenes desigend for casual wear
Just the message I wanted to see while looking through my outfits, my immersion has peaked
Looks like button mashy spammy trash. Corrine Busche is a fucking retard. The writing and story and tranny shit was bad in Inquisition and I know for a fact it won't be better in this.
>Watched Asmongold reaction on the preview and it was hilarious.
His takes are all missing one key thing, which is that RPGs have never had good gameplay. People always played them for the story and characters. That was why the industry had such a shitfit over BG3 because it was not only high production value but also elevated the genre in terms of interactivity.
I mean, that's why this new Dragon Age is so bewildering. The only aspect that seems redeeming is the combat, which is flashy and has nothing to do with past Dragon Age games, but at least looks cool. Everything else thus far seemed extremely disappointing.
I find this one interesting. Tldr: even the UI is fucked, the top management who approved the shit are fucking morons.
>BG3 because it was not only high production value but also elevated the genre in terms of interactivity.
Holy fucking top kek. The gameplay and design is the worst part of that game and that's saying something considering the characters, narrative and writing.

BG3 did well because of being a high production value RPG (not common at all) with shitty romances (something casuals and basement dwellers love).
>blah blah contrarian bullshit blah
You're wrong and a faggot.
>gamer with zero background into this genre manages to come up with solid takes without experience.
He criticized shit like animations not having weight, compared it to that warhammer game, and then made a quip about how they should've stuck with Origins' combat.

I'd like to know how he'd feel actually playing Origins.
He'd likely drop it for the same reason he dropped BG3, which is not liking the combat, but would prefer everything else about it.
There is nothing contrarian about what I said, while you claimed BG3 did something it never did.
>elevated the genre in terms of interactivity
This is such an inhumanely retarded statement that's incapable of being taken seriously. Not only is it so vague to the point of being null, it's also wrong. Not only because it's something it didn't do, but because it not being the reason why it did well.

You seriously thing the average joe and shit rushed out to buy BG3 because of "uuuh dude, interactivity!!!". Fucking wake up and get real.
>You seriously thing the average joe and shit rushed out to buy BG3 because of "uuuh dude, interactivity!!!".
No, but they did stick with it much longer than they would have with any other RPG because of it.

When I say interactivity, I mean something very simple and specific.
>oh look there's a thing there. it's in my way? can I move it? oh no, that's just part of the background. lame.
This is what it's like in almost every RPG. It is much less true in BG3.
>huh, there's something up there but there's no path. hmm, wonder if I can just magic my way up there. what is this, a "flight potion"? wonder if that will work.. oh, it does!
This is the kind of simple interactivity that 99% of RPGs do not have even though they should and is the reason why so many normies found BG3 so much more palatable.
In games like Pathfinder all of that would be limited to "oh, there's no designated interaction point here. guess I can't do anything even though realistically I should be able to."
>No, but they did stick with it much longer than they would have with any other RPG because of it.
Nope. That has absolutely no pull, even romance shit has a way stronger pull. The fact that you think some vague "interactive" element is a strong pull for casuals and basement dwellers is fucking hilarious.

>When I say interactivity, I mean something very simple and specific.
>oh look there's a thing there. it's in my way? can I move it? oh no, that's just part of the background. lame.
That's called reactivity and has been present in shit like Divinity and tons of other games. BG3 innovated or pushed nothing in this regard. Nada.

>This is the kind of simple interactivity that 99% of RPGs do not have even though they should
Wrong retard. That kind of shit is almost entirely pointless unless it serves a purpose, which is almost never does in BG3.
Dumb shit like being able to smash a log in your way on the road, fly over it or whatever is a fucking pointless and uninteresting interaction. Something dumb that would dazzle an idiot.
Even shit like Deus Ex did this kind of shit way better and that's not even a proper RPG. Or even shitty text adventures.

>guess I can't do anything even though realistically I should be able to.
Using that logic BG3 utterly fails in that regard anyway, because there is no end to it. "Realistically" I should be able to shit in the streets, so why can't I? It's pointless scripted shit that doesn't actually add anything meaningful.

Most people do not give 2 shits about this. They do things in most standard ways and move on.
>in shit like Divinity and tons of other games
Stop right there, you disingenuous cunt. In DivOS, yes, because BG3 is a direct mechanical successor to it. But "other games"? No, not at all.
>Wrong retard.
Just no. You can claim it's pointless all you want but you are simply wrong. It is a layer of gameplay added to the CRPG formula that other games in the genre do not have and thereby makes for a superior video game. I am not impressed by your vapid contrarianism on this point.
>Using that logic BG3 utterly fails in that regard anyway, because there is no end to it
Double digit IQ statement. It comes closer to it than other games in the genre do and is thereby an elevation. It does not need to be perfectly realistic to qualify as such. It is not perfect but it is better.
>Most people do not give 2 shits about this
Prove it.
>Stop right there, you disingenuous cunt. In DivOS, yes
So just what was said and it also directly counters the point you tried to peddle about BG3 pushing the genre forward and being the main reason BG3 did well.
Nothing more needs to be said, so stop posting. I don't waste time on idiots.
Nice try.
No, you don't get to raise up a game by the same dev as if that somehow proves a point about the genre at large.
Retard, YOU claimed BG3 pushed the genre forward by doing something that the genre hasn't done before AND baselessly claimed it being the main reason BG3 sold well.
Close-minded delusional fucks like you should be locked up because you're unfit to interact with human beings.

You should feel honored I even took you seriously this long, because you sure as hell don't deserve it. Don't bother replying with another close-minded brain-dead post, because I don't waste time on idiots.
>No, but they did stick with it much longer than they would have with any other RPG because of it.
Most people didn't finish Act 1. BG3 was so popular because normies are into DnD now and that got a lot of people to buy and try it out. That is the actual MAIN reason. It invented or innovated on absolutely nothing. It's just a high budget pretty quality game.
>YOU claimed BG3 pushed the genre forward by doing something that the genre hasn't done before
It did. It combined a popular brand with good mechanics. You are literally nitpicking to claim otherwise.

>Most people didn't finish Act 1.
Of course not. Most people don't finish games, period.
>BG3 was so popular because normies are into DnD now and that got a lot of people to buy and try it out
True but that's only half of the equation.
>It invented or innovated on absolutely nothing
False, compared to other games in the genre. The only semblance of a counterpoint that you can even try to raise, disingenuously at that, is previous Larian games.
That costume is horrendously ugly and boring. It looks like a cheap pvc jacket from Shein.
What did BG3 do that no game has ever done before?
What other CRPG allowed you to freely move objects in the environment that was not made by Larian?
What other CRPG allowed you to traverse the environment in three dimensions that was not made by Larian?
>specifically cherrypicks out crpg, when bg3 is not a crpg
>thinks elevation is some revolutionary concept, when he doesn't even realize he only perceived it as special due to ignorance and it being shitty grid based turn based, which is standard shit since over 30 years ago for that kind of system

Even crap like Wierd West did more impressive stuff in this regard by leaps and bounds, this was not the main appeal or even revolutionary you ignorant clown.
You also have yet to back up anything you said and keep making baseless statements.
>specifically cherrypicks out crpg, when bg3 is not a crpg
Retarded statement.
>Even crap like Wierd West did more impressive stuff in this regard by leaps and bounds
How the fuck was that in any way more impressive.
>You also have yet to back up anything you said and keep making baseless statements.
no u
The question was:
>What did BG3 do that no game has ever done before?

This is the statement you claimed as "false"
>It invented or innovated on absolutely nothing.
Do you have a non-Larian game to claim for your position or not?
>100% shitpost with not a single argument
>also makes another factually incorrect statement

>How the fuck was that in any way more impressive
you're fapping to the very thing that weird west shits all over bg3 with, "interactivity" as you call it. if you claim bg3 does it better, you're absolutely clueless about weird west.
additionally, the genre that focuses on this "interactivity" the most, immersive sims, is not a broadly popular genre. so logically it's not a huge selling point for most people.
so your case of "interactivity" being one of the main reasons bg3 sold well, despite being a minor detail, goes against history and facts. this is something you have utterly failed to back up and remains a baseless statement.

you're a dumb immature fuck that do not want to admit to being wrong or having said dumb baseless shit.

production value (graphics mainly), character creation and romance are the main selling points for most people for bg3. the average fuck talked way more about astarion or even bear sex than your "interactivity" meme.
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>the mongoloid said, while not having backed up anything he has said itt
one rule for your and another for everyone else
My position is that BG3 didn't do anything that hasn't been done before. You said that's false. I'm waiting for you to explain how by stating something that BG3 did new.

Go and run wherever you want with the goalposts but I"m staying right here, accepting your concession.
You still have not explained how Weird West did anything more impressive.

I'll take that as a "no".

>My position is that BG3 didn't do anything that hasn't been done before.
This position can only be based on saying that DivOS did it first, which is another Larian game that did not have the benefit of other normie appeals.
>I'm waiting for you to explain how by stating something that BG3 did new.
It combined the mechanical innovations of DivOS with other things, like higher production values than most CRPGs and a recognizable IP.
>You still have not explained how Weird West did anything more impressive.
so you admit you don't know anything about the game. you also in the same breath prove you're a hypocrite since others need to "prove" stuff to you, but you don't need to prove or back up anything. even your initial claims.
So you concede you have no proof. Ok. Dismissed.
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Taash seems nice. I'm getting pretty bored of this story though I need to know what happened to Elio but I'm guessing they'll keep stringing along til the last episode.
>look at me ma I am projecting!
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i just wanted to say that I finished reading Last Flight (and all the novels for that matter) and wow they really have hammered home the sick and twisted relationship between Grey Wardens and blood magic that started with Soldier's Peak and has persisted in some form in every single game since. Even in this fucking book written by some lawyer who is not even a Bioware author. I can't wait to see what utter stupid foolishness the Wardens are up to in Veilguard. But I liked the utter bleakness of this book even though there were baby griffons in the end it really didn't make up for it. Really absolutely nothing nice happened except the fact that they ended the Blight. Isesya didn't even get with Cailen and they were even like estranged at the end it just sucks lol like damn.
I don't just attention either. I saw some videos with really ugly characters and I just passed immediately. Whatever happened to the main story of DA1?
>Warhammer isn't far behind
Don't worry, we are gatekeeping hard.
Ugh, I paint better than that.
>IGN link
Are they paying by the traffic or are you salaried?
Looking back on the games + what appears to be the absolute fucking mess at Weisshaupt in Veilguard, it really does hammer home how much the wardens are fucking up and/or getting fucked over at all times.

Hopefully at least the last two archdemons get killed in this game so the wardens can just go home and stop getting roped into messes.
I'm playing through Origins right now as a bow warrior (it sucks) and all I can do is lament how none of the other games let you wear and use any armor or weapon you want. I was wearing one of the mage hoods because it looked like a blue gnome hat and now I hearing speculation that Veilguard doesn't even have greatswords
gatekeeping doesn't help you when the fish rots from the head
>even though necromancy was always portrayed as an evil act that never ends well
Not really, in Inquisition Dorian was a necromancer, your PC can be a necromancer, it's a big part of culture in Nevarra and Tevinter in general. You're thinking of Blood Magic, which is different.
>Whatever happened to the main story of DA1?
It concluded in DA1. Duh.
>"the most powerful wizards managed to cut off the entire world from magic, to keep it for themselves
No. While the Evanuri did go high on magic, Fen'harel created the veil to try to stop them, not just to keep it to himself. Even if you reject the DAI stuff, and go with the Maker lore, your idea still wouldn't stand.
>the fact that the mages in that world are the only people that are still fully "human" (because magic = emotions = souls in DA's world), and not just hollow shadows
Again, no. Where did you even take that from? Non-mages are fully capable of experiencing the whole gamut of emotions. Mages' connection to the Fade is what allows them to do magic and what makes emotions dangerous for them. That's why you end up with some of them being made Tranquil, and those are the only humans that get cut off from emotions.
For someone that is into magic, looks like you didn't pay attention to the theory of it.
Combat looks like shit.
If they were going to move away from strategy then I would've accepted dexterity, stylishness and player agency to make up for it.
The game has none of that.
You press a button and the character plays a massive flashy animation on it's own.
Even Onions of War has a better combat and that game pales in comparison to God of War and even that can't touch DMC.
>blah blah blah I suck and I can't plan a combo and/or I have hand osteoporosis at 30yo
Kill yourself. All games should be compared to the pinnacle of the genre they're in and since Veilguard is a action/adventure hack 'n slash """"""""RPG"""""""""", DMC is it's competition.
What in the absolute fuck is that thing
I don't understand the level of mental illness that can legit think that topscars make any fucking sense in a DA character creator. I just don't fucking get it at all.
Demoralization propaganda.
It's a way to intentionally annoy you with their religion, like muslim prayer calls in London.
>I don't understand the level of mental illness

Well duh, because thats what mental illness is.
At this point its obvious that the only people who still clain to enjoy Fagguard are mentally ill.
Nope its going to ass because it removes all your choices in all the other games it kills every other games story so they don't have to be beholden to the older games. They have no interest in the world in the story of it or even the old games. It won't be grimdark or even a little edgy just more shit marvel slop for the lost of people.
There are so many better games with more interesting worlds and actual RPG choices
This looks like drivel
People are easily impressed, I personally hate the art direction and what little writing we've seen
After seeing more videos of the lighthouse, I'd hope we get the chance to fix it up a bit/change the decor like we could with skyhold in Inquisition, otherwise the place is kind of ratty and falling apart.
Game is inspired by the Sims, so most likely
Although marketing would've probably show it by now.
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I've been hoping and praying Drayden dies every episode. They better not be fucking with me.

And Lucanis' voice does not fit. He sounds...feeble or something. Maybe he's supposed to be constantly whispering? idk
Even the more spoilery marketing has kept the exploration of the lighthouse pretty sparse. Most of the ones I've seen that are actually the character running around are set right after you get there and only have Neve/Bellara/Hardings rooms unlocked.
True, but also, when showing the lighthouse, they could've said something along the lines "you also will be able to slightly customize it" or something
Hell I'll be happy enough if it at least gets fixed up over time like Skyhold does after major missions. (though even in that case it doesn't get fixed up ENOUGH by the end. There's still scaffolds and shit all over the place)
As the other anon pointed out, this is just the sims with a poorly executed combat system. No amount of paperdolling will save this trash.
Even if Drayden dies, next ep is Emmerich, isn't it? They'll probably talk to her ghost or some shit.
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That would be kinda funny actually. The thing Drayden did that I really hated in this episode was just talking about Somniari as if reading off the fandom wiki. The Marethari name drop like oh wow is that supposed to be a deep cut? Did you actually read that in a book or did you just play Dragon Age 2 somehow? It's so obvious sometimes that non-Bioware people are writing this show.
it seems ok, so i'll get it
it won't flop as hard as concord, because nothing will flop as hard as concord, but it'll be the nail in the coffin for """bioware"""
more Bioware slop, it will proably sell, but not that well. thats what they get for going woke
It only changes based on companions. There's not any real customization.
Well there has to be some environment that's customizable, otherwise there wouldn't be videos of people picking up items labeled "decor" while exploring the lighthouse.
Based homage to the original Fallouts and lazy devs making empty bookshelves be an item you couldn't pick up due to weight
i haven't even seen what the gameplay looks like, i just dismiss it for being a bioware game
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You are either blind or a massive faggot, maybe both.
I'm not sure how to explain it well. Think of those items more as unlocks that magically spawn in rather than actual customization options.
>but here even your main companions are in part genderless they/thems.
Wasn't Shale a they/them formerly female?
Shale is an it
Moreover, Shale isn't even human(-oid). Shale is a centuries-old stone creature that has lost all connection with humanoid sexuality.
the modern bioware audience in a nutshell.
Some random person I came across put it best
>I don't want to have companions that need to be "corrected"
>I want companions to be interesting
>whether they be good, evil or indifferent
Or something to that effect. Just a darn shame that the creative team at Bioware has devolved and regressed over the last two plus decades into essentially being too incompetent to do their job correctly. If this game does fail, EA would be in the right on every merit to fuck them over six ways to Sunday.
>accurately identify
I don't think those are the right words. Games that pander to fat women and minorities like concord and dustborn are hemorrhaging money while games that advertise as rejecting the current trend like black myth wukong are making mountains of money.
The current ideology driven industry is insolvant and desperately trying to hide that fact by consolidating power, which only kicks the can slightly further.
>good darkspawn
>a race that can only reproduce by infecting peasant women with magical aids, turning them into cannibal monsters and raping them.
Really anon?

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