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It's Monday yet again, time to talk about monster collecting and monster raising games. What /mon/ games have you been playing? Are there any upcoming /mon/ games you are looking forward to?
Yokai Watch news on the 24th.
>What /mon/ games have you been playing?
Digital tamers 2. Dunno what to do after getting to mega.
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I've been playing Monster Sanctuary and I am nearing the end of the plot.
Favourite monsters?
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Nightwing & Blob
I want to love this series so much but it is painful:
-Catching part is a rngfest where you have no guarantee to get anything
-Combat mini games are annoying as fuck
-Too much cutscenes/dialogue that remind me of sun/moon
-Usual level5 stupidity
>Too much cutscenes/dialogue that remind me of sun/moon
No shit, Sun and Moon is a Yokai Watch rip-off.
How are the telefang games?
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I played telefang 1 bootleg like 20 years ago and it was a mess but a fun one. Dunno if the experience is better with the new translation, should be. Telefang 2 was a miss for me, it just felt it was lacking in a lot of areas except aesthetics.
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We were discussing the monster design process in the last threads and I got some thoughts about it. What do you anons think its the best approach?
>design a mon from their quirks/lore
>design a mon from their stats/skillset
>draft design just from imagination or random ideas until execution is good and then fit the rest into it
My process is most of the time a combination of these and I end up feedback balance into the equation because autism. For instance
>design mon with some idea in mind
>brainstorm stats and skillset for it
>re edit mon design to fit stats and skillset to avoid an Onyx situation
I think it can become a lengthy process and at times even more if you want to be "original".
I try to come up with an idea and then I tranform it based on quirks/lore/memes/trainer but I also try to shape the body based on its fighting style.
>>draft design just from imagination or random ideas until execution is good and then fit the rest into it
this is more or less how I go about it
This is kinda gay to type but there's no wrong or right answer to this. All three have strengths and weaknesses in that beat 'em-up character select way. One makes something more fun to play with, the other is focused on making a guy that's fun to see existing in some capacity, and the last is a middle between the two.
Ideally, a game should use a mix of all three in the design process to get the most out of their purposes.
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I'm getting a drawing tablet in about a week and I'm hoping that I can actually stick to learning how to draw and better conceptualizing ideas I have. For Monster designs and just anything else.
Overall I feel like I do the third option of just taking specific ideas I have in mind, making those base ideas first, and then from there I'd tweak and modify to something more refined, especially to fit the overall aesthetic of a grander project.

I generally agree with the other anons in that each method has it's merits, along with a mixing them as well. It's all about expressing your ideas clearly and creatively. How you reach that end goal isn't really as important as just being satisfied with the result itself.
For me I've always preferred the franchises where the monsters start out small and cute then evolve into bigger forms. A lot of people shit on some pokemon and digimon designs because "it just gets bigger" but I personally love that.
It's fine to design around stats and movesets and skills or whatever but ultimately you need something to draw the player in and get them attached to designs and nothing works better than "it's the grown up version of this little thing"
I know that's not really what your post was about but still that's my two cents
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Love that you take into account how it fights, good take.
With an artstyle like yours you can definitely pull that off everytime.
I don't find that gay at all, I would think big franchises already have that in mind.
Godspeed anon, I think you have good concepts there and it's just about polishing the execution. And about your conclusion I have experienced something like that a lot, like sometimes I put so much emphasys in the concept and then I end up pulling a much better execution with a "lamer" take. So as always the randomness of the moment is involved.
I also like when a monster has ontogeny taken into account although I do prefer if there's variation within the evolution tree. There's just gets bigger designs and "just gets bigger designs" and I feel you can pull the "little guy has grown up" off with good execution, one big nono from me is what coromon does with a lot of the evolutions, the crow line is just too bland to pull it off.
>With an artstyle like yours you can definitely pull that off everytime
Thanks anon.
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This is probably the best way
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I'd say the only thing I agree with is the completely RNG-dependent befriending. It's especially egregious once all the
>try once a day
Yo-Kai start becoming more and more common throughout the series. It's one of those things where Level-5 just leaned WAY too hard into multiplayer stuff and relying on players trading and whatnot to making Yo-Kai more valuable, especially now with 3DS online dead.

But, at the very least, the problem isn't as bad in 3 and 4. 3 It's pretty easy to grind up Forbidden Fruit, which are basically just Master Balls, so the randomness is gone entirely. And in 4, the new soul system still has some RNG, but being able to convert lower-tier souls into higher-tier ones means that enough grinding will eventually result in a guaranteed yo-kai, you just get it faster if you get lucky.
Yeah I think its great advice, make mons recognizable and with character.
Favorite level/dungeon in a mon game?
Favorite rom hack/mod of a mon game?
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>Favorite level/dungeon in a mon game?
That's a hard one, because generally on-average, level design isn't exactly an important part of them. Sure it shouldn't be skimped on, but environments usually end up as just vessels to plop down the monsters in, and so it can be that the main deciding factor in a level being liked is what populates it.
But, to give an actual answer, I think Yo-Kai Watch, especially 3, impressed me the most with it's areas. Just for how good they look on the 3DS, along with areas like Gloombell Forest, picrel. It's nothing that special, but the break from the usual top-down, fixed camera view the majority of the series had until that point, even in 3, was a real surprise. I just appreciate it a lot for that change in perspective, and it's a nice effective little gloomy woods area. This all completely separate from the Yo-kai that spawn there.
>Favorite rom hack/mod of a mon game?
Didn't plan for both answers to boy YKW-related, but the Blasters++ mod for Blasters just really impresses me. Making unplayable yo-kai playable, adding new equipment, boss difficulties, re-balancing, and even porting yo-kai from different games, INCLUDING entirely new bosses, is just insanely impressive to me for an entirely 3D game, when romhacks are almost exclusively for 2D games, given they're easier to work with and modify.
DQM3 on PC worth it? Anyone tried it yet?
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>Favorite level/dungeon in a mon game?
I remember liking Nadiria in DQM3 and that level where you find Bjorn in DQMJ3.
Some dungeon from Strange Journey, probably that one where you fight Ashera.
>Favorite rom hack/mod of a mon game?
Pokémon Clover
Anybody tried this?
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nu-digimon designs (2020 to now) are based as fuck
Agreed, saw shellmon's evo on /vp/ and its rad.
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The final stage is kinda gay though. It looks like a pokemon.
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We've gotten some good shit in recent years, yeah.
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still looks better than 90% of nu-pokemon designs

We still have to see it in the official art and in the liberator comic though
It's like someone slapped Kyogre colors on a Lapras.
This is made in recent decade? This looks like it came out during the 2000s! NOW THATS A MONSTER!
It debuted earlier this year.
I confused current with recent my bad
I've been playing it, and I just beat the third world.
>Game feels like a budget title
>Generic monster models are used for plot significant npcs
>Psaro's run animation looks off and he doesn't feel very fluid to control
>Monster breeding is fun
>Game has a tone problem, can have a cutesy scene where Rose gushes about sweets, and then 20 minutes later a giraffe man says he's going to strangle you to death
>That could just be a Dragon Quest thing, the only one I really played before this was 9
>English VA is a bit all over the place
>Giraffe man was really good, but there's a lot of serviceable acting
>For comparison, the English VA in Tactics Ogre Reborn was amazing
I am having fun, but I'd recommend waiting for a sale if you want to buy it.
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>Generic monster models are used for plot significant npcs
This is always how DQ has done it. Hell I struggle to think of a Mon game where the monsters are plot-significant that aren't just the default version of that monster. PMD, SMT, and Digimon games all do this.
>tone problem
That's also just a Dragon Quest thing. Probably most exemplified when a protagonist gets turned into a fish, floating around the air, and witnessing a girl enter a church full of dead people. The phrase
>There's no response. It's just a corpse.
Is basically a running joke throughout the franchise. That's just what DQ is.
Yeah I had the same criticism because all that I had played before DQM3 was DQM2 decades ago. Its just how DQ games are.
>Game has a tone problem, can have a cutesy scene where Rose gushes about sweets, and then 20 minutes later a giraffe man says he's going to strangle you to death
That's not a tone problem, it's a girl acting like a girl and an evil monster acting evil. They are both different because they have different roles in the game.
Now if the game had a graphic scene of Giraffe strangling Psaro to death, that would be a tone problem.
Finished Yarimono last night. I did not expect a hentai game to have the most hype tournmant finals of any mon game I've played.10/10 easily worth the $22.50 I paid for it. But the sex scenes were the worst part of the game and I just mashed through them after a while. The art was good but the scenarios were cringe. Almost all of them are like "You won the battle and I now consent to you raping me. Bwuuooohhhgghdhh I'm a LoVeSlAvE to your BiG cOcK!!!" *ahegao* *squelching queefing noises*

The character writing and story really carry it. Gameplay is fine and smooth, plays like a modern mon game should. Team building is very limited since you can only carry 3 Yarimon and one is locked to your starter that has story significance, so you only get to choose 2 to have on your team. Finished story and post-game stuff including the battle tower equivalent in 15 hours. Did not bother to unlock all the sex scenes since there's no achievement for it. Overall I would recommend, but you'll get much more out of it if you actually get off to ugly bastard corruption hentai. Oh yeah the MC is an ugly bastard shota but he actually turned out to be a pretty likeable protagonist so it didn't end up mattering to me much. Like I said the character writing really carried this game which I found very surprising.
I've just started this and am only an hour or so in, and so far I'm not particularly grabbed. The 3v3 battles and focus on party composition is great. I maybe expected more from the 'metroidvania' gimmick. I don't even really want exceptional platforming, but all of the areas seem empty and boring. I think I can endure that if the platforming stays mindless, but if it turns into bullshit I'll probably drop it.
So how fucked is the wider Mon genre if Nintendo and TPC win the Palworld lawsuit?
as much as some people will try and argue it we all knew it was coming. There's a reason pal world is being sued but not digimon or dragon quest monsters
hell yeah, that game is a lot better than it should be
closest I've ever come to buying an h-game
And that would be?
It allegedly uses edited pokemon models for pal models.
>throw spheres at monsters, spheres have rng, when monsters are caught throw spheres at ground to release them to fight other monsters
>defeat digimon to obtain their data and make copies at a lab
>talk to monsters and convince them to join squad
>everytime you defeat a monster RNG chance for it join your party
Pal world
>throw spheres at monsters, spheres have rng, when monsters are caught throw spheres at ground to release them to fight other monsters

Even the literal pokemon clones like temtem and nexomon and coromon knew enough to change the shape of the object you throw to not look like a pokeball
Why would it be a problem? Pokémon didn't invent summons or funny looking monsters or fighting alongside monsters. They even took a lot of inspiration of DQ and Kaijus.
People will need to make up new mechanics for collecting monsters or they'll copy shit like DQM then.
Its so fucking retarded they even tried to copyright riding monsters mechanics as if better games hadn't been doing it for years.
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If you played it on console there's no real reason to buy it.
I really want to like the game more than I do.
But it's very boring and the story is particularly bland and not very good.

Some of the models feel off and get worse when they get bigger.
e.g; Small Fry looks pretty cool in the ps2 version of V but everything from it's wings to the lack of light in it's eyes are all off.

I don't know man. I'm just autistic. I'd still say get it or something. I'd like to have more of these games hit PC in the future.
retard. they are suing over patent infringement not copyright infringement.
Has anyone played Dragon Spirits 2 or the first game? Just stumbled about it and it doesnt look half bad.
I don't know anything about Japanese patent law, but I'm definitely interested to find out what exactly is the substance of the complaint.

I haven't played a Pokemon game since the first 3DS entry because it's become an absolutely braindead series to play. My gut reaction to them suing is that I won't consider buying anything Pokemon related ever again, but that is an easy road I'm already on.

I also haven't played Palworld so I only have a very vague idea of how much it rips off Pokemon, and no interest in defending it either way.
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The way I see it, they're just hard-focusing on finding any reason to sue Palworld, because of all the attention it got as the 'Pokemon with guns' game. They just needed some kind of excuse to go through with it.
Other indie games have catching devices, and outright mimic the Pokemon battle display and general focus on type match-ups. But nothing else has gotten hit despite having blatant gameplay similarities to Pokemon beyond just throwing a spherical object to catch stuff.

Overall I don't think Nintendo would've bothered if there wasn't all the other shit around Palworld.
I could be wrong and Nintendo could go full Highlander towards other indie games after this. Not like they care about public opinion when it comes to stuff like this.
I think its because it got tracktion in social media and its trying to prevent further palworld-like games to spawn after its success. Moreso, since pocketpair has made a deal with sony and created a TPC equivalent Called Palworld entertainment or something then they see this as a direct threat.

About the patents, what I have seen is that they patented some general pokemon mechanics like throwing a sphere gadget to catch or summon monsters and throwing the gadget and then fighting trainers and also legends arceus riding system with exact pictures of how the trainer is positioned when riding while flying or climbing and also being able to change mounts mid fly. There has't been a direct quote on what patents did palworld infringe but I guess these could be it.
Patent trolling is the gayest shit
Sorry I think its quite gay
never heard of it
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Got my tablet, and so the process of learning begins.
Godspeed creature designer anon
Good, nobody but yourself can make your dreams come true.
Are we expecting anything from TGS?
Yokai Watch maybe since Level-5 is supposed to be announcing it on Tuesday then they will be at TGS. Aside from that I don't know of anything else that could be there.
How's the finished translation?
It's been forever i played Telefang
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The girl is cute, the monster is just a worse DQ Ghost
That's a Pixie/Ghost and purebred Ghost from Monster Rancher
My favorite kind of monster, the human female.
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That's just how MR Pixies are.
Mint sexo
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Level-5 Visions is tomorrow at 8 am EST. Finally we'll learn about pic related.
also never heard of it before, but i'm trying 2
if you can stomach the jankier elements (like a combination of having a rough translation + being a vn outside of combat, or the 90s webpage-looking dungeons you pan, point, and click through to navigate) the actual atb-jrpg part is decent
it passes my own personal requirement to enjoy it at least, the "dragons" (the one forced upon you after your starter is a bird, c'mon) feel fairly distinct from each other outside of design due to the combination of each having a unique passive + signature move(s)
note that the dragons are more like recruited party members than caught mons though - you only ever get one of each (done by fulfilling a bonus condition in combat against that particular dragon) and there's no evolving/breeding/fusing or anything like that
Digital tamers 2 is such a diamond in the rough
>include new stuff like vorvomon and pomumon but not the evos
>some U+ evos require ridiculous grinding like 7k kills
>Recruit to city quests are as vague as world 1
Do Medabots count?

I've been really wanting to play some robo collector and make a bro-bot and waifu-bot.

Which is the best game to do this in?
>Do Medabots count?
I say this on every thread: YES they count. Medabots 3 for gameboy got a translation a few months ago.
Here's your Yokai Watch replacement
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>Lucemon is my favorite Digimon
>The requirements for FM are already nuts for a Rookie to accomplish, but manage
>Satan Mode takes 10k kills
And that's where I've stopped playing for now. Hopefully since the game gets updates some of this stuff will get smoothed out. Otherwise I do find it a charming enough little project for what it is.
>Ten Lordland the ten-year old landlord
By gum they've done it again!
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I knew not to expect just YKW. The fact that they outright call it 'The next YKW concept' really just sounds like they've outright abandoned YKW entirely.
As for Holy Horror Mansion, they must REALLY want the Luigi's Mansion crowd. Will need to see more of it to really form an opinion, but I really doubt it'll measure up to YKW.
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>wanted the yokai watch version of savers
>instead we got yokai watch's appmon
>someone commisioned shoemon to be included in the future
>but none of its evos

>really just sounds like they've outright abandoned YKW entirely.
Classic Level-5, they really love that trick
So how many games have Lvl 5 announced that haven't released yet or got delayed?
From the top of my head:
>new inazuma eleven
>inazuma remake
>new fantasy life
>new layton
>new yokai watch
>horror mansion
I can't imagine what the fuck is going on in their offices
Same thing that's going around in every office, anon. Nepotism, office politics, and rank incompetence.
The evos are shit so I don't blame them.
man i'm seriously never gonna open my copy of yokai watch 3 now that this series is actually well and truly dead.
Man, I love Level5 but sometimes they should focus on the games instead of doing weird shit. Lmao they brought the pineapple pen guy for the video why
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>won't play existing games because new games won't be made
Like I understand the disappoint of YKW being seemingly full-on dead, but that shouldn't stop you from playing what we still have.
i mean because it has a low print number in the west. it came out at the very end of the 3ds lifespan. i would rather emulate it or hack my spare 2ds to play it worse comes to worse.
Why haven't you done it before is the real question. The longer that case remains unopend the more powerful it becomes. And it never needs to be opened because the Hshop exists.
Oh, fair enough. I've emulated it myself. Runs very smoothly for me and the only real struggle are some of the touch screen mini-games. Though if you play it through a hacked DS then no trouble on either front.
did the western copies come with exclusive medals?
Yeah but you can just look them up online.
>yokai watch
>digimon story
>fossil league dino tournament championship
what other /mon/ games would I like?
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>fossil league dino tournament championship
Huh. My brain auto-corrected that to Fossil Fighters, took me a second to realize that's it's own thing.
But, if you like Mon and dinosaurs, can't recommend (the first two) Fossil Fighters enough.
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Seconding Fossil Fighters
Maybe you'd like Dragon Quest Monsters. Start with the second Joker game Because the first is sloooow.
I feel like DQM Joker 3 Pro would be good for Pokemon players but it has too many recolors. DQM3 Dark Prince is not as good but it has less recolors.
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Will it ever come back?
They'd rather just make a cutesy chibi Persona game these days.
monster rancher with monster rancher mons and not kaijus that is not a mobile gacha game
Wheres Mushiking or Animal Kaiser when you need it....
It will be the next game by the Soul Hackers 2 director.
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What're the most mechanically dense/intricate/autistic /mon/ games? I've been getting bored with Siralim Ultimate recently after ~150 hours, but still have an itch for some team building. Mods/hacks are fine too.
>-Catching part is a rngfest where you have no guarantee to get anything
finally gets fixed in the third game
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Is G-Gen /mon/ or can only X niggas in a row games be /mon/?
will it suck as much shit as his other projects
>watch anime
>boring show where most episode is spent running around and talking until monster of the week gets defeated randomly
>play game
>generic pokeclone
Read the manga
After Etrian Odyssey and Devil Survivor haha... It wasn't very good though and I'm tired of SMT.
Any decent free monster tamers on the app store?
it will somehow be worse
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>MonHun x Digimon collab V-pets
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LaeusGreymon and ZinoGarurumon
Ah fuck those look cool. I've been dreaming about getting a V-pet for a good while now and that Zinogre one would be perfect. I wonder where to buy them.
ZinoGarurumon works but LaeusGreymon (why is it not RathGreymon) is lazy. Are there more fusion crossover monsters or are these full of normal Mon Hun creatures?
Rathalos Japanese name is Liolaeus.
So if it was localized it likely would be called RathGreymon.
I'm generally more of a Greymonfag, but my gut reaction is that ZinoGaruru looks way, way better. RathGrey looks like someone just stuck a Greymon head on Rathalos and called it a day
full of monhun monsters except these two
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yep. it looks better in the official artwork
what games let you buy monsters from a shop instead of catching them?
Pokemon gen 1 game corner
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This is what dreams are made of. Also imagine capcom handling a digimon game. Fuck, I'm already cumming buckets.
Disc creatures. Monster rancher I guess?
Devil Survivor
Look like these things have more than just Rath and Zinogre, ,thats pretty cool.
Digimon Hackers Memory
I wonder how the evos work, does it get a little version of the mon or what?
I'd imagine they'll just use things like Jaggi and Great Jaggi for the Child and Adult stages
What series/franchise have really cool monsters designs that you wish were in a monster collector. I say for me is project moon's abnormalities are really cool to have in a team.
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Either mega man or Kirby
I mean, its mon adjacent....
Should've went with BN3 or Shanghai EXE since you have the Virus Breeder in those games
Not really its a deck builder.
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Super Sentai and Kamen Rider.
Was SMT4 the only mon game to realize that Toku designers are the true path for cool mon design?
I think but the fans rejected it because they turned Zeus into a W FANG JOKER reference. The mindset works well for things that have humanoid monsters.
* Golden sun (djinns but include 4 more planets as types why not?)
* legend of zelda to some degree
* monster hu- oh that happened already
God those designs are so good.

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