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Post comfy RPG locations
Besaid theme music transports me right back to the 2000's, it's magical
For me, it’s “sight of spira”
>you are 17
>it is winter in Alaska
>you’re sleeping with the window open and the blankets piled up
>Winamp is on repeat on your altec lansing 4.1 speakers
please find a hobby outside this board
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aww yiss, a comfy skyrim thread. my favorite kind of thread.
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Lahan... Home.... At least, it used to be, til I went and killed everybody who lived there.
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my nigga!
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It really holds a nostalgia to me. It reminds me of Christmas morning, playing it.
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I one day want to wake up floating on this shoreline. Just isekai me straight to Spira. No questions asked.
DD2 could never
Alexandria FF9
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not all rpgs but whatever
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Ferdok: Zu Hause.
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Do Japs do drugs for videogame osts? They knocked it out of the PARK for this game. I do NOT like videogame music because it's overly orchestral and too "gamey." Even outside of nostalgia the Dark Cloud ost might be the only ost that I "get it" when it comes to ALL the tracks.

>Do Japs do drugs for videogame osts?
You can tell that Uematsu likes Tchaikovsky a lot, try starting there.
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The perception of the tropical as paradise is a modern idea and a product of marketing targeted at the middle class. Perceptions of these areas were initially negative due to exceedingly harsh conditions regarding unfamiliar flora and fauna, rampant disease, harsh conditions, and a lack of civilization. You perceive these locations as an idyllic retreat due to your identity being colored by decades of aggressive targeted advertising (goy programming) and I reckon a harsh and mysterious tropical environment would be far more interesting due to games being designed as challenges to be won rather than digital morphine. Someone who obsesses over the "comfy" cannot truly be said to enjoy video games at all.
Also an example of what I mean as the ideal rainforest that should be in a video game.
Which should be a terrifying experience.
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The game takes a dramatic turn when you reach this place and when you get out of the ship, and you hear the music kicking in, it's like walking in heaven.

ok nerd
For me, it's temperate rainforest
please stop shitting up every thread on this board you friendless, faggot schizo.
I have not shit up any thread. This is an off topic shit posting thread for the mentally retarded who think they are in good company here. Had you made a good thread I would not be in here pointing out that you're a Jewish golem.
asking for pics or videos of game content is perfectly on-topic
the problem is that its a 1pbtID thread and it has you in it
>posts rpgs wot taek u 2 da bar
>heh its on topic
>now to make 40 functionally identical threads
Even /b/ is better than this. Maybe if this was a redboard and people had to compete with dick pics for attention the post quality would be higher.
yes, you dont like it
but its not wrong
If your posts are appropriate then so are his. If you make a thread about "comfy rpgs" then someone points out that your view point is retarded, then not only is that related to rpgs, but also the topic of the thread. If anything I think there are double standards overly weighted in favor of shitty posts like yours which suppress quality posts.
You do an excellent job of making this board completely miserable to lurk in.
Now the samefagging and crying begins.
started way up here
then go make a quality thread instead of bumping a shitty one. or just neck yourself you friendless virgin faggot.
It's funny that he hates VTM:B even though he's the most actively vampiric poster on the entirety of /vrpg/
Let's see those big crocodile tears from the completely innocent shitposter who makes these stupid threads multiple times a day to monopolize as much space on the catalog as possible because he would be ignored otherwise.
>stopped replying directly
Reply to what? Need to post a counterargument to get a reply. No point in replying to a whiny baby.
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nighttime walks around the hot springs are peak comfy.
>noooooooooooooo you’re talking about RPGs wrong on the RPG board, you can’t do that, you’re only allowed to talk about things I like!!!
What a sad little man.
>Just isekai me straight to Spira.
>No questions asked.
Not even "has Sin been defeated for good already"?
And then arriving at a campsite to cook up some Elsweyr Fondue
peak comfy was no-lifing skyrim in november 2011
watching it get lighter out the window as the sun comes up and all the fallen leaves and dead grass are covered in frost
just dont live in an urban area
Kilika got rekt though. Luca/Bevelle might be the safest locations
kilika was an urban area
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The premise of the thread is faulty to begin with. What makes a location "comfy"? You walk into a village during a blizzard and see a warmly lit inn to take refuge in, the sound of cheerful and redfaced patrons contrasting with the roaring storm outside. It's an atmosphere of relative safety and reprieve. What makes a soundtrack comfy? Is the tempo slower? Is the melody repetitive and hypnotizing or perhaps fragmentary, as if to drift in and out of our consciousness like a dream? So many questions that could be asked.
>What makes a location "comfy"?
Stopped reading here. I think you’ve hit your pilpul limit for the day.
Looked like a dock to me, and no black people around
its a bunch of houses grouped together
a village
Twitter ruined your generation.
Stopped reading here.
Sorry, I meant X formerly known as Twitter.
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I thought you stopped reading earlier?
This architecture doesn't look comfy at all. Looks like it's from a schizo game.
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if this is bump bait, its working
I think it's something like a videogame hugbox for autists. Comfy is the warm embrace of a digital space that shelters them from the reality of their despair.
This literally just looks like a dangerous poorly lit alley. I have no idea where you are going with this.
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to your moms house first
Nice, I've been wanting some Girl Scout cookies. Tell her to get an extra box or two of some Do-Si-Dos from you for me.
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you know you can just ask right?
you dont need to trollbump to get comfy pics
Stalker is designed to be the exact opposite of comfortable. Like the entire game.
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guess they fucked up
PBCAC, methinks.
None of these images seem comfortable. You may just have a stunted appreciation of aesthetics.
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somebody does
I get it now. Comfy=my computer runs it.
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you forgot my (You)
dont let it happen again
I wasn't talking to you.
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thats better
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>rampant disease
My grandfather was bit by a mosquito and infected with West Nile virus. It crippled him decades until the day he died.
Give it a rest OP.
So you really care about attention from strangers? I've never understood that, I talk online to communicate.
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>What makes a soundtrack comfy
Dreamy 2000s visual novel synths.
>urge to replay CoP increases
My favorite part was exploring the abandoned buildings on the second map. I'm glad the devs had the sense of not filling every place with action, leaving some space for comfyness and suspense.
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yep, id say a slight majority of exploration needs to reward little or nothing for it remain, well, rewarding
Not surprisingly the screenshots in this thread correlate with the games constituting the worst threads in the catalogue.
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cmon man, I want to go to bed
You're gunna sit here and bump this shitty thread for months. It doesn't matter.
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guess so
I am running out of pics, but if you want I can just google some more
Post some Oblivion kino while you're at it
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oh yeah, I do have an inn
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This and Besaid Island can't be topped
This guy is some kind of attention whore, he is unpleasant and retarded in every thread
It's desperate bait, which is the standard form of communication here
He is desperately crying out for a hug and some affection, but he only knows how to get attention by being mean.
>go to bed
>retard continues crying about you for an entire 6 hours
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no, I was asleep too
those are new retards
Why? Think.
Alternatively: The music is pretty cool and thats why
>What RPG locations do you like?
>Off topic in the RPG board
lol ok but debating the reason middle class people like tropical locations is on topic. ok.
Personal preference just like most things.
This. Places that stop autists from being overstimulated.
Nothing is that simple. Only your perception is because it is limited.
I think it's more that in FFX, Besaid is the first moment of respite after a chaotic first two hours which is full of constant action and fights, constantly pushing you forward. Then you get to relax a bit on Besaid. So people have fond memories of it as it's the first place where you get to choose when to push the story forward and can just explore and mess around and learn lore for a bit.
Makes sense.
>Proposes a bunch of things we can talk about in the thread
>So many questions can be asked
>Aka the topic of this thread facilitates a ton of on-topic discussion, questions and debate we can have
Still, thanks for saying the thread is on topic and facilitates good discussion!
FF8 had this weird painted look for its backgrounds that I wasn't a fan of, it becomes more jarring when the backgrounds are upscaled. A lot of it is blurry or just plain messy.
It is
Uncomfortable games make the most comfy places, as they'll often have moments of safety in those games for the players to rest and gather themselves. These become places of solace and relaxation. The comfort of them is heightened after experiencing the uncomfortableness of the game. PS1 Resident Evils and the save rooms are an example of this.
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>The comfort of them is heightened after experiencing the uncomfortableness
Good point. I remember plato talking about this
But he'd also get attention by contributing to threads positively, superior attention. Unless he has so much low self worth he thinks people don't wanna hear his positive opinions or won't acknowledge them, or that his opinions aren't worthy.
>Aka the topic of this thread facilitates a ton of on-topic discussion, questions and debate we can have
90% of the thread is the ff8 schizo dumping random images and if someone did not step in this would have continued for 6 months.
Only SoC has places like that and of those it's only the bar and the bunker, both of which are major milestones in your journey. You are very exposed for the rest of the game.
Have you considered that I'm tired of playing t-ball with mental midgets that constantly try to lower the quality of discussions? You're already sitting in the thread trying to drag things back down to your level of retardation so you don't feel left out, because if you didn't greedily spam 80% of the catalogue with idiotic questions you would be left out.
>But he'd also get attention by contributing to threads positively
He doesn't have anything interesting to say, that's why he has to resort to bait and insults to get attention.
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Twilight Town did an amazing job of capturing the "End of summer vacation" feel that they were going for, because that's what I'd describe the entire town's aesthetic as. Its probably the most accurate depiction of that final summer vacation week as a kid. The lazy and burned out feeling, that feeling of freedom, but also the knowledge that the days are counting down and summer's almost over, how it's getting less summery and more autumnal etc, that feeling of you didn't do everything you wanted but then you look back on the memories, how you simultaneously are done with summer vacation but also don't want it to end, how you feel done nothing but have done so much.

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And also Traverse Town, the most Final Fantasyish of all the Towns, especially PS1 era Final Fantasy, but it has a nice Disney charm to it too.
Actually he did that in response, he was not the instigator. He was just doing it to annoy in response to the whining, so if the whining was not there, there would be no image spam. Something to think about.
>Actually he did that in response, he was not the instigator
No. That was the thread from the beginning.
You're just a bad poster man, stop with the rampant samefagging and lazy bumping. Like at the top of the thread it's extremely obvious it's just you, it's just like the ff8 threads.
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id say "cry about it", but you have been
theres no winning, anon, you may as well search for greener pastures
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I fucking love Legend of Mana.
I always liked that PS1 sprite aesthetic too where it looked like an artbook. Breath of Fire 4 was the same.
I don't have screenshots, but Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles is full of comfy
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looks good bro!
>he thinks people don't wanna hear his positive opinions or won't acknowledge them, or that his opinions aren't worthy.
Saw him try once, but it just seemed disingenuous because he's known for being a faggot. No, he didn't get replies.
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Pre searing in Guild wars 1 was so relaxing. Every year at christmas time I do the guild wars 1 campaign as a new character. Love pre searing and the shiverpeaks
You’ve been doing this gimmick for years, dude. It’s never been funny or interesting and you never have anything insightful to say. You’re easily the most recognizable, and one of the most voluminous posters on this board. It all boils down to the same templates:
A. This game is poo poo and everyone that likes it is pee pee
B. The quality of the board is terrible and no one ever talks about anything good
C. The janny bans me all the time for A and B it’s actually your frequent avatarfagging, which you admit to on occasion because he’s either the slide thread spammer or in cahoots with him to lower the quality of discussion of the board
Each of these categories might be understandable if done occasionally, but it’s on a daily basis at all hours of the day. And then there’s
D. Barging into any thread where you dislike the topic of discussion and attempting to derail it and make the discussion all about your pet complaints, often you sperging out about old games in unrelated genres, like fighting games and shooters. You act like a hall monitor who can’t stand anyone else talking about anything that you don’t personally approve of, instead of having the maturity to ignore it and move on.
Ironically, you just go down your script and spam the same shit every day, like an NPC, while decrying that others do precisely what you do.
I alternate between being annoyed by your behavior, to feeling sorry for you because you clearly have some form of mental issues and aren’t very happy in life if you choose to be this negative online, to simply wishing you had a trip to filter you.
>4chan is one person
you've got some meds to take, sir
Hard mode:
No Elder Scrolls
No Might & Magic
No Final Fantasy/DQ
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You ever shit on someone in a thread then come back to find they're still having a mental breakdown over 24 hours later?
Yes. In this very thread. On you.
>verification not required
That's why i don't shit on anyone in /v/ threads. They're already having the mental breakdown, no reason to get involved.

It's like when Moses took credit for bringing water from the rock so God punished the jews by making them Actual Jews. We don't bring the mental breakdown from the troon, God does.
I got nothing
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No Pokemon should be there too
The idea is to explore the concept by posting examples to raise our collective conscious mediation of the notion.
That's a good way to become ignorant and deluded.
Do you want to know what these are good for?
*shows balls*
Why is their country named after a Car Brand?
Nah, too dingy and brown for my tastes.
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dq 8 is a very comfy jrpg and it looks great for the ps2
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pack it in folks, we've got a winner
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you're right but only the Stalker guy has the balls to play on Hard Mode

tbf there's a reason those 4 dominate these threads
>Perceptions of these areas were initially negative due to exceedingly harsh conditions regarding unfamiliar flora and fauna, rampant disease, harsh conditions, and a lack of civilization.
>this coming from a race that literally descended from harsh arctic climates that forced them to adapt by creating new technologies including agricultural developments
You’re expecting a Jew to be intellectually honest and truthful?
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little town in Legend of Dragon
forest cities in octopath saga
first town in ni no kuni 1
Jade cocon forest
post pics
I hear
A distant siltstrider
And a cliffracer
Home of my wife, Inez.

my childhood

Nothing beats Toussaint
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Poor district of Toussaint - Beauclair a place brimming with life.
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A random country side house in Toussiant, extremely comfy place
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Farm areas in Toussaint with Mills where peasant work near the city in a calm and beautiful countryside, peak comfy
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Beauclair - Toussaint at night where the residents chill and eat fruits and drink wine while they talk with each other and play Gwent, peak comfy
The streets of Beauclair at night where everyone is sleeping, notice how comfy and calm the lighting is, its very immersive and beautiful, excellent work by CDPR
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A beautiful view from the small lake near the city with a good view on the hill that the Palace was built on
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Although not in Toussaint but this is one of my favorite shots in the game, it was posted by some anon here and i saved it because i thought it looked amazing.
I rember spending way too much time in Treno in FFIX
what mods are you using?
Probably just the enhanced edition. It was already a very pretty game without mods
i just played it earlier this year and i don't remember the vegetation being nearly that colorful and flowery.

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