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>Dude, this RPG maker game without a single original idea put into it is a masterpiece! I fucking love overused Japanese tropes and obsession with Alice in Wonderland
>Check out that character that turns into, wait for it, a weird monstrosity like in that Lovecraft guy's stories. And, like, you won't believe it, it's impossible to comprehend by human mind and makes you go insane
>And there are, like, characters from fairy tales, BUT they're actually coombait anime girls! That's right, the cat is actually not a cat, it's a female with cat ears, holy shit I'm coooooooooming best character design
Remember.Don’t reply to bait.
Overrated slop.
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Remember, no Alice.
My favorite Project Moon game
Any word on Red's game, or is Sushi Hero still drawing more CGs?
CG hell last I heard.
please stop making threads here
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why is she so hungry
I like fairy tales but I loath overused "lovecraftian" horror garbage, will I like this game?
No please dont play it it sucks you wont like it though you will probably ignore this cause everyone does
I finished reading alice in wonderland yestderday.

It was alright.

Im about to read Through the Looking-Glass now.

Thats all.
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good, people should read more
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I'm trying to decide whether the anchor and the treasure kept in skulls is enough to make the Deep Sea a reference to pic rel, or if it's just a coincidence given the rather popular symbols.
Mere coincidence, I'd say.
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this koishi is looking awfully leaf-like
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bird yeah bird
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Can you even beat the last dlc of bs2 without abusing switching your weapon 20 times per turn?
I Got my shit pushed in until i started doing exactly that
yeah,you can.
just abuse consumable items
i don't know what toro thought he was doing making them take no turns and basically making 90% of buff moves useless
Yeah. Optimal BS play has you rarely swap weapons actually, but doing it 20 times per turn is still probably better than not doing it at all if you don't know how to optimize your swaps.
this is a genderswap btw (According to the artist)
Dinah "Niggerman" Liddell
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where can i download bs1?
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It was balanced around it, though it is technically a bug.
Yes.I did it with the anchor and black slash+some gear and buffs for more actions per turn.It was pretty easy.
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How do you like my Alice?
i don't.
I liked Through the Looking-Glass better than the first part. I decided to read them a couple months ago since I had read subahibi which also had an Alice in wonderland theme.
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lookin good
post yer bills
Delete this.
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I don't like this
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Leaf Love!
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Dodos, The lot of you, Dodo-Dodo-Dodo-DODOS!!!
Don't you see? The Evidence is before you, all around you! why won't you pay attention to your surroundings? How many Alice or Alice related Merch can you find walking through a typical store? How many References of Alice in wonderland can you find in all your media? have you ever wondered why secret elite societies leave references to Alice in wonderland in their Secretive Nonsense?
Look around you, She's ALL AROUND YOU! the very story itself is engraved so deeply in our society and the societies across the world that you'd be a fool to not notice every little hint of her in every nook and Cranny. Even Revelations itself makes mention of her!
but nooo you're too busy with all the bread and circuses around you, you're all too busy arguing with Shills and Retards than noticing the patterns right under your noses!

Do you get it now? She is everywhere! Don't you see you Stubborn fools?
Sloppa, but that is me and i love Alice.
Where do I find Mary Ann in BS2?
I know i need her ring for one of the endings but I never found her.
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AIslop is only good for this series when it's incoherent and weird in a trippy way. So it looks like something out of a dream instead of a facsimile of something normal.
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You know, I messed with AI back in its infantile stages.
The bizzare surreal like imagery it generated from a vague description will infinitely be better than whatever Garbage is produced from these models. Alice i miss the Coof
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Trying to finish the library rn
Does anyone know where Dorothy, Jumper, Match, Goose and Elizabeth are?
do jumper first
jumper is 3 scraps
one in the sewer, one in upper lutwidge and the other I forgot
Mental ward at 0 SEN. It's a door puzzle.
Enter hallway leading to boss and turn back
Three pieces in total. Grasshopper in tavern, Frog in sewer and flea in upper lutwidge.
Lutwidge. Dead end right after werewolf. 0 sen is mandatory
Carroll river. Give the egg souls and you know what to do after that.
Pond of bloody tears. This one related to secret ending. So I think you need to encounter Red First.
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ey, when i try to play BS1 it starts on a very tiny window, is there any way i can play it in fullscreen?
It was either alt+enter or shift+enter.
Another option is to use Magpie, it's an upscaler that works well doing just that, and also gas a couple filters that actually look decent on RPGM.
>Mental ward at 0 SEN
pretty sure you need 100 SEN for dorothy's scene to happen
btw, where can i find someone who upgrades weapons in bs1? knight sword is good but i'd like it to be better
Use the stairs down in the Holy Forest. You need a master key.
oh that place had a blacksmith? thought it was a endgame area that i just ended up getting into early
My memory is a bit shit since it's been a while since I played it.
Hey, I haven't been able to come around these threads in... a couple of months really... I've been busy, life is a bitch... but anyways, what happened to that anon that was making a mega folder with BS1's music after he did one for BS2? Did he ever finished it?
He died.
How do I go into ending G?
I did all the requirements leaf ring, 6 memories and met red hood everywhere
but when I open the door, it's the same usual boss from ending A and the same 2 options after beating it.
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Make sure to equip Prickett's Ring beforehand.
Oh, and when given a choice, do not skip the intro.
I tried to not pick one pressing esc or "back" but the game didn't let me. Maybe I'm missing some endings or something that I have to do before it. I lost my save and only have ending A on this one
Did you solve Bandersnatch's riddle in BS1? You solve it the same way here, by pressing X on your keyboard.
If you chose NOT to skip the intro, you should be able to get it. Meeting Red enough times (especially the encounter on the beach where she gives you the mark is important, Leaf's ring and 6 flames should let you access ending G.
Saw a lot of Alices this weekend at a con. Almost all of them were McGee ones but there were also two regular Alices.
There should be a functioning full screen patch somewhere that actually works across most editions of the translation ( it's not the one in the bin ).
Some anon here can probably provide or something.
I'm sure I remember someone making it, at any rate.
Do I really need to go through 200 layers to kill old king to unlock DLC3? Any way to skip it?
Otherwise I will have to "play" it on youtube. If only I could skip easy layers.
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Even if you don't skip any floors it takes like a half hour at most, just hit the fucking switch and go to the fucking door. You have squirrels and their fur that you can use to jump floors too. Out of everything to give up on, this is one of the easiest.
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no need to thank me :D
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Why did Jabber help Grimm here?
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We don't know for sure right now, only theories, like the one about Adam and Eve.
Also, that's not the only time she gave him advice and helped him. There's also her scene where she advises you to get stronger for DLC3.
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Wip, I wanna draw the buddy trio for now.
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You don't have to kill it, the dlc3 door is openable after Mabel reminds Grimm how to open the door at the Chaos Dungeon
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I wish that drawfags incorporated more of Carnacki's battle sprite. Gives some flair to the ghost-hunter.
Carnacki is not showing up at that secret room with a bridge for me. Did I get locked up from this because I talked with mabel already?
Nobody ever fights Carnack so they probably don't know it even exist.
If you made it to Winterbell, you probably broke his questline.
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>about Adam and Eve
We won't be getting black souls 3 until like 2030.
Good idea, I'll add a few more gilded parts to his armor to match resemble his Ghost-Finder shtick
Doesn't he have 2 more games after RDH before BS3?
We'll be lucky if we get it by 2030.
You forgot meat bro.
Something about Adam being one of the souls in Grimm because he's the greatest poet, and Jabber being Eve or the serpent because she knew Grimm before anyone else, has a fixation on motherhood, and represents corruption. We already have Milton, so Paradise Lost with Adam and Eve stuff in the game is not that far-fetched.
>Adam being one of the souls in Grimm because he's the greatest poet
According to Milton.
Don't ask for quotes, I'm just retelling what anons said here a few years ago.
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Lowly they bow’d adoring, and began
Thir Orisons, each Morning duly paid
In various style, for neither various style
Nor holy rapture wanted they to praise
Thir Maker, in fit strains pronounc’t or sung
Unmeditated, such prompt eloquence
Flowd from thir lips, in Prose or numerous Verse,
More tuneable then needed Lute or Harp
To add more sweetness, and they thus began.

I'm pretty sure there was a corresponding line at the end of the poem where their gift for poetry is taken away, but I can't seem to find it.
are we back to normal now?
These threads have slowed down a lot; I don't want Red's game to release anymore.
It's all comfy again
>are we back to normal now?
No, everyone's just waiting.
Sorry, I'm a tourist and what do we know about the next game's release date?
Personally I go for the simple interpretation and just think she's grooming Grimm in the same way she groomed Leaf. It's all a cope for her lack of creation ability.
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>do we know about the next game's release date
we don't
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Shit, sorry for asking.
I'll go back to lurking and hope for the best then!
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This game is for newfag redditors that don't know what guro and snuff is. Always has been, always will be. RPG maker games are trash.
Cirno get the fuck out of my thread baka
This is KOISHI territory you fucking FREAK snow cone.
Shame, that, he's a tough boss.
Mary Leaves owe me Happy Endings
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I think it's a bit of both. Jabber is the one that's supposedly responsible for playing cupid between TCO and us, and her actions and dialogue regarding the Nursing Graveyard indicate that she has both prior knowledge of the place and wants us to learn about it. The place itself is connected to our past (pic related) and there's some pretty strong evidence that Grimm is actually a Ghoul.
That said, I don't think it's Grimm specifically she's grooming. Her rape dungeon is reserved for 4 people. Two of them are "Alice" and Mary Sue, of which Alice is almost certainly TCO in this context and Jabber has very obvious connections to both. The third is Red Hood, which might strike some people here as odd until they recognize that Red somehow figured out that TCO was behind shit even back in BS1, and left the garden in search for them to take their head. The only other entity that's aware that TCO is behind shit in BS1 is the Corpse post-D, AKA Jabber again, and Red had to have learned this fact from somewhere inside the garden. Strangely enough, Jabber's also a common enemy in RHW, though I don't have a good explanation for that besides Mary making mass copies for some reason. Maybe they're failed vessels or something, she has a history of failures like that.
The last space isn't for Grimm. It's for (You), your player inputted name. This name is explicitly referred to as "Lord Creator" in BS1. This idea of referring to that name specifically as a Creator also carries over to BS2, and Jabber is well known to be obsessed with the idea of creation. To repeat what I said earlier, Ghouls as we know them were created in the Nursing Graveyard, but the Nursing Graveyard itself also used to be part of Eden before it was exiled. Given Milton's associations with all that's going on, the Eden talked about in the game is almost certainly short for the Garden of Eden, his Garden more than likely.
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However I don't think that the player name here is literally Adam. I might be able to buy the idea that the player name played a similar role, though it's just conjecture. You see, most of the souls that we consume in BS2 have one thing in common. That is, they're fruit, or more specifically they're fruit turned into souls via X means. There are two exceptions to this in BS2, Black Souls and 4-Leaf Souls. 4-Leaf Souls literally look like 4-Leaf Clovers, so I'm assuming that's what those are. I feel like there's more to it than that, maybe there's some obscure DS/BS crossover lorecheck I missed as Luck was apparently a uniquely human trait in DS, but I'm getting off track.
Black Souls not having an explicit fruit variant is interesting to me. The original cause for the exile of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden was said to be the serpent tempting Eve into eating the Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and her sharing the fruit with Adam. The Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is considered to be something that imparts the knowledge of all things, and it's this eating of the fruit that is considered to be the Original Sin in Christian doctrine. Black Souls are by definition souls tainted black by sin. It fits pretty well in my opinion.
Jabber also fills the role of the serpent in this scenario quite neatly. She has well known and stated habits of tempting souls into sin, and also giving them the knowledge they need to be able to sin further. This isn't conjecture on my part, this is literally what she says in the reverse route in her serpent form, pic related.
A much less well-known fact is that the Garden of Eden is said to have had a second tree there that Adam and Eve did not partake of. That is the Tree of Life, said to grant immortality through its fruit, or more specifically the ability to live forever. The Jews also seem think of the Tree of Life as a tree of souls, which is interesting.
You're forgetting Lilith, who in some interpretations is the serpent instead of lucifer.
Lilith also comes with the baggage that it's common for her to be barren/sterile in her myths, which fits Jabber.
All of this would explain her obsession with "Adam", given he's her ex-husband and her option afterward weren't great.
>that Adam and Eve did not partake of
Why the fuck not? They weren't banned from it unless the knowledge tree(yet). Why didn't they take 5 seconds to eat the immortality tree and Then start breaking rules?
The thing god threatened them for eating from the tree of knowledge was death, Eve pulling a fast one by becoming immortal first would have made sense.
>Why didn't they take 5 seconds to eat the immortality tree and Then start breaking rules?
The idea's probably something along the lines of man being too innocent/unknowledgable to come up with something like that until after partaking of the fruit at the serpent's beckoning. Doesn't explain the serpent telling them to not eat the immortalization fruit first, but hey I'm not in the business of causing man to sin, and I guess if everyone is immortal you might not be able to commit murder or something like that. After Eve ate the fruit and then let Adam taste it, God gave them the boot and guarded the Tree of Life with Cherubim holding flaming swords, so they didn't really have the chance to get immortality afterwards, and I doubt they wanted to square up against God and his angels with fig leaves and sticks and rocks for that fruit.
Just finished doing all the endings. BS3 when?
BS3 will start production in 2030, heard it from EMMM himself.
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So is the Crawling One supposed to be Nyarlathotep/Crawling Chaos or actually Crawling One from Call of Cthulu? Even one of the forms GG takes in the boss fight is Nyarl's wife, the elk whos name escapes me.
TCO is Nyarly.
>Even one of the forms GG takes in the boss fight is Nyarl's wife, the elk whos name escapes me.
You sure you're not thinking of Mother Alice's boss fight in E?
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Nyarlathotep. Also, replay (or rewatch) BS1 ending D and pay attention to the name of the boss right when it appears. Google it if need be.
Ending D is worth revisiting in general to see just how much more you understand.
>You sure you're not thinking of Mother Alice's boss fight in E?
Yeah I got confused, whoops
I was just wondering why use Crawling One instead of Crawling Chaos, since One is already taken by an entirely different niggerman. It doesnt feel like Shub Niggurath/Baphomet name steal going on. unless that got explained somewhere and I missed it
Cool ideas anon. What do you make of Jabber's brief scene with Leaf in the DLC? It almost gives me vibes like she had planned out everything with Leaf, including ending G so that she could eventually escape in H.
Been a while since I've popped by. What's the latest news on Dead Red Hood? I am kinda over her's and the princesses' games at this point and just want EMMM to get to BS3.
According to https://lovecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Crawling_One
The Crawling Ones are a fictional race developed by Chaosium in 1994 for their Call of Cthulhu horror roleplaying game. They were based on entities which appeared in H. P. Lovecraft's short story "The Festival," written in 1923.
If you look at the original short story, they are never explicitly named. I doubt EMMM had the roleplaying game in mind when naming TCO.
As for why Nyarly is named the way he is... I don't know. Remember that we're reading a translation, and EMMM himself was likely reading Lovecraft in translation. I also think the game avoids naming niggermen explicitly, preferring to use titles and euphemisms most of the time.

More CGs.
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>More CGs
C'mon man. How much is enough? Guess I'll check back in another couple months
You could play Red Hood's Woods
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One is a prostitute and the other is pure and cuter.
It's an easy choice.
>three mandatory rape scenes and two mandatory scenes of Red with Poro
We should tell/should've told people to start with RHW, imagine how many normalfags would've been filtered.
The hellish CG work continues (´;v;)
It seems like there's no end in sight

Thank you to everyone who draws fan art...
Thank you to everyone who's been waiting...
I think I can do my best this month too

I want to play the Elden DLC soon and I want to play Black Myth Goku too!!
It's definitely an amazing game, so do it for me!
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The 200 more CGs seem close to finished but aren't.
I think the site ate my post the last time I tried to post this.
Oh looks like someone posted it>>3615645
, but here it is with the pic
Is this gonna be a hit man style game or a VN why is there so many
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i wish i was rich enough to dox and tard wrangle him to realize enough is enough, and just release dog semen girl 2.
after that we could have princess game and bs3.
frist edgie oc
The whole point of DRH and princess game is to grind his art skills so BS3 will be the best it can. That's probably why he's making so many.
Forgot to say that it's gonna be a hitman style game with a small bonus VN.
Please understand, Yanderedev has cursed the "anime Hitman" subgenre. That's why it's taking so long.
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>Fan favorite
More like troon favorite.
Sounds like a basic BS fan
Lot of breeds of dogs to go through.
>The third is Red Hood, which might strike some people here as odd
It's actually not odd because Red's basement from RHW is the exact same as JW's rape dungeon. It's almost certainly intentional.
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Cool picture
Did you get it from Reddit? Faggot
I've already played it like a content starved fan would. I don't really like Red that much anymore and am only really looking forward to her new game so that it's one less thing in the way of BS3
You ever wonder if anyone named Lewis tried to play BS2 and was surprised why it gave him an instant game over
Putting your real name is cringe so it's fine
I did put my real name the first time I played tho
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>>>what was her name again
>>>>>>>>>>fan favorite
Amazing how Redniggers always surpass themselves in redditness
She's fan favorite to losers and queers. Real men pick pretty much anything else, and real Patricians pick Leaf
Where can I get that leaf plush?
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Alive isn't evil.She is in love.
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>one of these would try to put Grimm through endless fucked up fairytales where he's only allowed to feel happiness if it'll get taken away later
>the other won't
Leaffags are just an elaborate joke, right? People realise Red is generally liked because she's the only one of the three main heroines that doesn't massively fuck you over, right?
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Nowhere, you have to craft her yourself
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>he's only allowed to feel happiness if it'll get taken away later
This contradicts what she says in BS1
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>People realise Red is generally liked
Because shes involved in 3 games already, shes a big focus of the 2nd game
She replaced the main companion role from BS1 (if it had any, Leaf was along your jouney the most, by design)
She has the most dialogue in the game with Grimm
They have a closer relationship, because of writing
Congratulations, you picked the most vanilla of the vanilla girls of the game
My love for Leaf comes from having actually played through the 1st game and not skipping to the 2nd one like a redditor
Did the same thing myself, only to hesitate sharing dialogue screenshots due to actual name appearing.
MC is called Anon now in perpetuity.
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>one of the three main heroines
To me, this trio are the main heroines.
For BS2 specifically? Maybe.
For the series as a whole? Nah, except Prickett, of course
Way to reveal yourself as someone who has only played BS2
>Wukong translated to Goku
>For BS2 specifically? Maybe.
Do you seriously think their role will be smaller in BS 3? They are top tier niggermen after all.
>only played BS2
What makes you think that? I've played both games and the characters are clearly better written in BS 2. It's a shame that in BS 2 you can't take them in a party though.
Node is exclusive to BS2 and her influence on the series exists solely in BS2 God forbid she gets brought back in BS3
Mabel is much the same and isn't even a character that you have to interact with to get an ending
Prickett is the exception, she does have "main heroine" stuff going for her
It's not about "how well written" they are, but about how they may or may not be main heroines, which Node and Mabel simply are not, at least considering the whole series. Also, lmao at saying Node is well written
Main heroines are obviously Red, Leaf, and AlicePrickett
But Jubjub is the one who helps out Grim in order to escape, Jabber was too deep into the Alice RP
>Do you seriously think their role will be smaller in BS 3?
Node should already be in DRH, and I want to say Mabel will be too.
>My love for Leaf comes from having actually played through the 1st game and not skipping to the 2nd one like a redditor
Geunine mental illness then, if anything playing 2 after 1 just made me despise Leaf more
Besides, we all know the best girl is Dorothy
>What do you make of Jabber's brief scene with Leaf in the DLC? It almost gives me vibes like she had planned out everything with Leaf, including ending G so that she could eventually escape in H.
Leaf is a patsy if anything. The escape plan in general is almost certainly Jabber's idea though given what she says in that scene. If my understanding of the whole timeline and merging fuckery is correct, then technically G and H are the same escape attempt on Mary's part, it's just that in H's timeline of events everyone that could get in her way is out of the picture, unlike in G (and F, as it's the same escape attempt she's making in G's timeline) where she's either killed or trapped again.
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>Node is exclusive to BS2 and her influence on the series exists solely in BS2
Anon, we already know she'll be in DRH. What's stopping her from appearing in BS 3?
>Also, lmao at saying Node is well written
Blue tentacles typed this post.
>What's stopping her from appearing in BS 3?
her death
>she'll be in DRH.
That's the only reason I'm looking forward to this game.
>One of the top niggermen dies offscreen.
I won't believe it until it's explicitly said in-game.
Either Node is dead and her story is wrapped up or Node is alive and EMMM commits one of the gayest writing tropes by pulling the "oh it wasn't seen on screen and was only heavily implied so that means she's alive" bullshit. Even before she dies, she does the cringe hair cut thing. Man I just do not like Node. It feels like everything involving her just feels like some of the weakest stuff in the series
>Node is alive and EMMM commits one of the gayest writing tropes by pulling the "oh it wasn't seen on screen and was only heavily implied so that means she's alive" bullshit
Do you really think this is out of the question after the whole Nightmares/Alices thing?
>one of the gayest writing tropes
That's just your opinion. I like this trope. You can't be 100% sure of something until it's shown on screen, it's just logical.
>heavily implied
How so?
>cringe hair cut thing
It's a cultural thing my westcuck friend. Respect EMMM's culture when you play and enjoy his games.
>Do you really think this is out of the question after the whole Nightmares/Alices thing?
That shit was really bad too. As much as I like the series, to say it doesn't have poorly done moments is something I could never do
>How so?
How the fuck else could you possibly interpret that shit?
>that shit
What shit? Can you stop being so vague?
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>character does a tearful goodbye
>ejects you from the room to prevent you from getting caught
>faces off with impending doom
Considering how this doesn't even stop TCO from getting to Grimm, I don't see how Node lives that shit
Have you seen ending H before?
>I like this trope
You're both retards for calling it a trope. It's the mark of a hack writer. It fucking cashes in on the emotional impact of a character dying with none of the actual death of a character. It shows how much of a pussy the creator is with killing characters and makes any subsequent death less meaningful. I hope EMMM isn't enough of a fraud to pull that shit
>character does a tearful goodbye
Yeah, because she's letting go of someone she loves.
>ejects you from the room to prevent you from getting caught
So? How does that indicate that she's dead.
>faces off with impending doom
In Lovecraft's universe, Nodens and Nyarlathotep are always fighting with each other. He's his sworn enemy. And I think we'll see that in BS 3. The whole game Node will be trying to kill TCO. Because TCO won't stop going after Grimm.
>Considering how this doesn't even stop TCO from getting to Grimm
Do you remember G bad end? TCO has A LOT of bodies. It can be in a lot of places at once.
Whens reds game?
See >>3615649
Oh that's something at least. Seems like we are at least another year away. I'll check out.
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Made to be impregnated continually until her menopause
Made to be kept in the house, taking care of the litter
She will learn to love men, i will make sure of it with my fists
>be professional,nice and supportive of her
>no intention of fucking her
>she still goes full femcel on me,accusing me of wanting to rape her(i don't)
girl you don't even have tits or ass why would i want a woman who has neither tits or ass? at that point you might as well be a guy
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looks very billike
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the bestest of the best girls.
i will make bill my wife.
>we already know she'll be in DRH
huh? when this was confirmed? first time hearing about this
How have I not seen this until now? This is so fucking good. Better than 90% of actual anime OPs.
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She has a vagina
Tits are overrated
Why do you care about ass
Are you a homosexual?
Red said she was led to Wonderland by a white rabbit.
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Ok, and where was it confirmed that DRH will be in that time period? EMMM dodges the question every time someone asks him about that. Even Yog has more chances to be there based on the pic related
>random surge of Ace Attorney Blacksouls posts out of nowhere
We know for a fact that the DRH will take place between BS 1 and BS 2. The game will probably end with dogfucker arriving at Wonderland.
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Anyone here speak nipponese? I just came across this passage and it striked me as a possible origin of the "dreaded operation" line of Andre, possibly pointing to a mistranslation.

I never gave him any:
It pleas’d the King his master very late
To strike at me, upon his misconstruction;
When he, compact, and flattering his displeasure,
Tripp’d me behind; being down, insulted, rail’d
And put upon him such a deal of man,
That worthied him, got praises of the King
For him attempting who was self-subdu’d;
>And, in the fleshment of this dread exploit,
Drew on me here again.

King Lear, Act 2, Scene 2. I'd compare the line used in the original Japanese version of BS2 and compare it with a Japanese translation of King Lear.
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>It is decided
>(You) will be executed right away for not losing the card game for 52348 rounds straight
>caring this much about the translation of some slop ass porn game
just go learn japanese dude
Is Mima the Jabberwock?
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>Anyone here speak nipponese?
No, but if you want to find a nip version of King Lear to compare the two then here's what should be the Dreaded Operation line in nip.
Shit, underlined a bit too far to the right for the green parts, should have caught that before posting. Just extend the red/blue parts left a character if you want to translate via image or something. If the underlining fucks that up for some reason then just use pic related.
>nip version of King Lear
Jabber is literally the one who leaves behind all the secret ending hints in the snowmen, constantly gives Grimm waaaay to much information she shouldn't be spreading at all (her prison scene), and is even intimately aware of the DLC area. Even her boss battle during G was likely only a test to see if Grimm had culminated enough to take on TCO. Been playing TCO and Grimm as if they were puppets, way before Leaf even got her hands on 'em. Jabber is behind everything. Jabber is in the walls.
the real question of BS3
which of the girls will come back and which of them will get the Jeanne treatment
>Jeanne treatment
Everyone will come back. Yes, I mean EVERYONE.
Here, 恐怖 means fear/dread and 手術 means operation/surgery, it seems to have a medical connotation.
Doesn't seem to be a reference, but it is thematically relevant in that Andre's father was a doctor. Young Andre was forced to listen to the patients' screams and that's the thing that caused him to branch into horror as an adult. Doctors often appear in his plays.
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No. She's too important.
There is a high chance Dreaded Operation is a Lorde play. Multiple of his plays had surgery horror.
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damn nodefags are truly retarded
arguably worse than dogfuckers
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You tell 'em Leafbro!
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Please understand.
At the start of BS3 Node will pick us up from a prison cell, teach us about combat and then get ambushed by TCO as she does a tearful goodbye to let us escape.
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Kek based
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I forgot to add that it doesn't mean she's dead, trust
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File deleted.
Why does she keep on being bestgirl?
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Is this a reference to something?
It hits so fucking hard for some reason
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Any art requests?
The SEQUEL thread is a few pages down, anon.
Do you mean pending or do you want suggestions?
I need more images of Leaf.
POV lap pillow from Mabel or Prickett.
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jubjub/sister alice nursing handjob, while begging not to be murdered, like lingeriena. if you aren't afraid of nsfw, art-anon.
Alice on a pogo stick
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I fought Carnacki and he's a fun guy to fight, but his rewards are generally not worth it especially you get access to Two-Faced Buckler earlier. His music's a bop though. also
>losing out best bro
He'll be a bonus extra
Updated my wip earlier, some new ideas thrown in
Non furry Florence...what a waste.
Yet another bloody fangame. I wonder if this one will actually release.
Any news on Don Quixote?
everyone wants a piece of a pie they don't even understand.
if there was ever an
>it's over
signal, this is fucking it.
time to move onto something new, because normalfags are coming for the thing you thought you liked.
>time to move onto something new, because normalfags are coming for the thing you thought you liked.
People always exaggerate. I never stopped liking Dark Souls, Nier, Hollow Knight or Project Moon just because they became mainstream.
>People always exaggerate
as they do, so too do people such as you always cope.
NTA but you realize it's possible to just not engage with the fandom, right?
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God i love her so much
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real one
Lingeriena doing the nutcracker, ballet on on a bloody floor
>jubjub/sister alice nursing handjob
while begging not to be murdered
seconding this
You're right and I'm sorry.
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Courtisane in a heavy metal band
>not -ACK bill
You had 1 job anon
The world has too many furry Florence, we need more human Florence if anything
What you need is to gatekeep more, keep tourists and shitters out
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Bros I might be retarded
How do I even start the DLC?
Got my ass running all over the map
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Is there a pathway leading to a river and boat there? If not, you might not have DLC 3. You should do something like check the Room of Reminiscence to see if you have the DLC 3 scenes there.
There is a pathway and an advice mark on the ground but no boat. Literally everything but
Well here's a simple question then. Have you got G yet?
It's required to start the dlc isn't it......
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Killing myself
God Fish here I come
>God Fish here I come
DLC 1 is basically completely unnecessary for getting into DLC 3. I mean, you should still do it (and DLC 2, the Chaos Dungeon) once if you haven't yet before getting into DLC 3, but they're not strictly required for it.
Oh no, I meant it more as throwing my skull into a wall. Good to know though. Kind of thought the new chaos dungeon stuff was dlc but wasn't too sure
>throwing my skull into a wall
oh boy, you are going to LOVE DLC 3
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>captcha: 2ntr4
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Is there a Japanese anki deck for Black Souls?
try renshuu, this guy has a lot of black souls decks
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Imagine the softness
Can you tell me more before I decide if I want to create an account?
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Just read more dude.
Don't depend on vidya to try and get good, because you'll never ever make it that way.
Drop the vidya, get into reading light novels and vinnies, and when you return to games it'll be like taking huge ass weights off of your ankles.
What's the Black Souls of VNs?
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What's the court case about?
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>lovecraftian shit
Saya no Uta
>intense guilt in a murderhobo MC
Also Dies Irae for the themes of being inside an actor in a stage and choosing to play along or going against the creator's will
And for a story about a Lovecraftian being from outer space that becomes obsessed with a human, and out of love for this human, it creates a stage with actors and time loops using a power called Grand Guignol.
Nice, good shit.
no clue but i'm raping unis if no one else is
while raping unis can be pretty based, i think raping lingeriena is even more baseder
Who drew this? I want to have viscous sex with him/her.
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lingerina is cool evil, no correction needed
Unis is asshole evil, she's getting what she deserves
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is Dodo really that dumb?
why doesn't Shisha just, u know.... teach her things
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You cant correct someone that did nothing wrong
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uh oh
i missed the deleted replies... what happened
dodo posted here
Shisha got her already we should be safe now
My wife and my kids.
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Blacksouls shit has started to come up in my feed on other socials again recently and I am really starting to get annoyed everytime I see it. Not because I am disgusted that normal fags are getting their hands on something I like, but because a lot of the stuff that isn't just well done fanart is just unfunny memes and weird projections onto Grimm. I really like the fanart, but I really loathe all the other stuff
It's genuine underageb& who either didn't play the games or didn't understand the story. Most likely coming over from the funger and PM communities due to the fanbase overlap. Ayin suffers from the same fate of tertiaries misunderstanding his character.
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Not my problem, I don't go to any of those places
Has anyone ever attempted to export the game's script to a text file? Being able to ctrl-f through the text would be real helpful in verifying some of my theories.
One of Jabber's H-scenes makes an explicit reference to the forbidden fruit. Her pussy is also referred to as a 'chasm'. I want to verify whether it's a generic epithet used to spice up the language or whether it's only used when referring to Jabber.
It's an inevitability when you cross an increasing fanbase with a game that is easy to misinterpret
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Yeah, it's out there, the link in the spoiler should have them. Don't know how accurate it is necessarily, but I haven't noticed too many issues after some use of it. I'd still suggest using it as a guide to finding the actual lines of dialogue ingame though just to be on the safe side.
>DRH still isn't out
>BS3 still isn't out
ermm what the heck
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BS3 won't be out for a long time my friend
>beautiful design, horrible personality
what a shame
The horrible personality just makes it better anon!
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Is Toro the one making the games? From some of his old Twitter replies it sounds like he just draws
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pudgy... gaki... tummy...
>Is Toro the one making the games?
He should be, yeah.
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There's no way he'd be able to get away with his laziness if he wasn't a solo dev
If he really wanted to grind his art then he would actually study instead of drawing another generic porn pose of Red getting raped by a big futa demon or whatever.
Hes been on this shit for years, he has to be burn out.
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>He thinks he will learn drawing, by not drawing
Remember lads, never ever take advice from 4chin.org
>was supposed to post the finished piece
>someone beat me to it
Aw, but thanks anon for posting it.
Nice work, anon.
thats why you should be posting here first
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woah I want to fuck the goat now
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Finally got ending G, time to hit the DLC
had to run the TCO fight 20 times, was gonna kms
Will I be able to bring them back with creator powers in 3?
If Grimm yells "ALICE!!" during sex with other women or not.
He does the CGs, game design, and writing. The music and most of the spriteworks are purchased assets
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Is wind and memory actually good?
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Checked out Dies Irae, it's one demo and like 2-4 DLC stories.
Is it any good?
sauce for pic?
That's just the weird way they decided to sell it on Steam. It's just one game with 4 routes, just sold in an odd format.
Also Kaziklu Bey DLC, I haven't played that one yet.

The VN is honestly very fun. I don't consider it particularly "deep", but as dumb fun a la Kill La Kill it's fantastic. Nazi wizards beating the shit out of each other by throwing insane moves in vastly overwritten purple prose while they quote classic literature with heavy metal music blaring in the background - now that's entertainment.
The only problem is that it takes a while to take off first route is kind of underwhelming, second route is a bit better, but it only reaches its peak by 3rd/4th route.
Also note that the purple prose thing was a judgment made by me back when I was still in HS and hadn't read much. If you're used to Melville or late James you may find it underwhelming.
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>Holmes/____Jack____ was a good guy in the grand scheme of things
His dialogue makes perfect sense afterwards too.
Thanks for the evocative review.
Dumb fun a la Kill La Kill is a very good baseline, and knowing the first route is going to be somewhat eh is nice to know heading into it so it doesn't leave a bad impression.
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I don't have it, sorry.
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>Is wind and memory actually good?
lmao even
Did you think the BS1 desert was annoyingly large? How about DLC 3's enemies, a bit too tanky and generally not worth the time to fight? That the shit you need to do to get to DLC 3 in the first place was a bit too cryptic and obscure?
Wind and Memory has new and improved versions of all of these things, and additional bonus features like dropping frames, invisible disabling traps, glitches, and even more surprises in store for you. The Fluffies and Dorothy that are featured so prominently on the art and advertising for the mod? They're basically just a bunch of item dispensers and someone you spend 90% of the mod chasing after with minimal payoff once you actually do get to her. I won't say to not play Wind and Memory, but I cannot in good faith call it a good experience, and out of the BS mods and BS-likes I've played so far, I'd rate it at the bottom. Solid enough art at least.
The first route kinda sucks like the other anon says. It's mostly an introduction to most of the elements in the VN. You might actually like it in the moment but compared to the other routes it's not top tier.

Route order is Kasumi->Kei->Marie->Rea.
Please don't go out of order. You'll be ruining things for yourself.

You might be tempted to read the R-18 version for the H-scenes, but don't. They're all kind of bad except one anyways and you miss out on tons of extra content and side stories (all of which are great and some borderline necessary, like the epilogues)
You unlock the side stories as you read. It will inform you when they're unlocked. Generally I recommend jumping out and reading them as they're unlocked but you can just do whatever
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Requesting Leaf as a "Landmine type girl"
In retrospect the chaos dungeon was pretty bad with it being 90% filler
>You might be tempted to read the R-18 version for the H-scenes, but don't. They're all kind of bad except one
Is this the same situation as fatefags where they got gaslit into believing that less content is better
Ironic enough, but the H-scene version of Dies has less content than the version without it.
Trust me, it could be far worse. If you don't believe me, take a look at Asylum's Minisquare. The Chaos Dungeon can go by pretty fast if you abuse fur/squirrels and go for the levers, the main time sink is the fucking rare as hell spells and gear. If there was some kind of pity/point system it wouldn't be nearly as bad.
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Any actors or faces you associate with black souls characters?
I was watching Colombo a year ago and saw Trish O Niel pop up and though "fuck she'd make a cute Jeanne"
Since Jeanne is the real and I wanted to reference historical representations instead, I tried for Griffy and got Dodo instead.
NTA. Cases like Black Souls, where H-scenes play an important thematic and plot purpose, are rare. In the vast majority of VNs the H-scenes are forcefully shoved in with no regard to pacing, character writing or atmosphere.
For every Saya no Uta, Muramasa (and even then only a half of those are important) or Subahibi you have like a dozen different VNs where you could cut all the scenes out and nothing would be lost in terms of the story.
The censored version has bonus side stories and new ending iirc.
she perfectly fine without tit and i plan to rape her form the start only reason bother to reach ending h got my reward
lost the king of v 2023 trial because my brother broke my phone anybody still have it save somewhere
Trial was 2022
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Would this make her torture you more or less?
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This brings up a good question. Does Grimm actually wear armor or is that purely gameplay?
i would say he does
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More, she'll grab and hold you by your pair.
Of course he does.
>keep seeing "RABBIT WHORE" posts about node
>get to end of dlc3, beat gg
>she appears with a dagger behind her back
>think she's going to backstab me
>she actually helps out and holds off the crawling bitch

best girl
You fell for the propaganda,bro.
Her and Prickett are just Waifubait and there's nothing more to their character
>are just Waifubait
So like any other BS character?
Seething green hands wrote this post
>it's almost October
Don Quixote Black Souls when
Nice bait mate.
Even though she's a rabbit whore, it doesn't mean that she'd betray you.
i genuinely cannot see the appeal of Prickett or Node
Node's portrait sprite makes her look deformed and i thought that was part of her design until her h-scenes and she's just been a bitch that hides shit from you the whole game,but unlike Leaf she isn't cute about it
As for Prickett..she's Alice! And i HATE Alice! And she's way too nice!
found the demonbeast
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he wears whatever gives him the stat bonuses he needs
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Use spoilers you imbecile.
>bitch that hides shit from you
Node and Prickett can't say shit because they are in the TCO's garden. They can't tell you everything as it is, but they give you a lot of hints.
>unlike Leaf
Node and Prickett, unlike Leaf, only wish you well and love you sincerely.
Check out The Great God Pan. It features Nodens
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>keep seeing "RABBIT WHORE" posts
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What makes you think Leaf doesnt?
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What are you guys' theories for who the other authors are
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Vuk Karadzic because he was friends with with Grimm brothers
It's not a theory, but a want. Aleister Crowley.
the dude from toaru?!
these threads (at least when they were still archived) seethed so much about how your game will be taken over by normalfags and that it'll become reddit but yet you can't help it but shill it anytime anyone asks if it's worth playing here or in other threads,ironic,huh?
at least when they were still active*
>4channers are normalfags/Reddit
Probably true to a sad extend.
NTA but popularity in 4chan eventually translates to popularity out of it,though thats a retarded train of thought there are plenty of retards in these threads
I actually thought wearing the dress would do something in the insane asylum.
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Turns out the niggermen were just figments of imagination themselves
*Here* or in *other threads* (here too)
Seems counterproductive to NOT want to talk about (game) on video(game) discussion forums

Im not a fan of people talking about Blacksouls elsewhere, because it attracts the most retarded retards into (here), asking the most retarded questions that could have been answered by them HAVING ACTUALLY PLAYED THE GAME WITH THE HSCENES ON for example.
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Look, if I wanted the one from To Aru, I'd mention the loli. I'm talking about the one from real life.
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Leaf loves Grimm
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>Node and Prickett, unlike Leaf, only wish you well and love you sincerely.
You guys are such retards.Leaf obviously loves Grimm. Just because it's not expressed in generic ways like Node doesn't mean she doesn't. Leaf loves Grimm in a unique way and that's what makes it interesting. Not everyone has to be the same boring girl who fucking babies you the whole time
I don't even like Leaf but I think it's just a matter of whether "character loves you in their own sick, unhealthy, or confused way" is sufficiently endearing for people, or be enough to forgive her
Having it outright stated here and in >>3622075 will make me rethink things, or at least glance at pics of her with some understanding and appreciation instead of just insta-skipping them, since everyone deserves to be happy or whatever
>she JUST wants to give you all the endings and stories
The face Node makes when Grimm fucks his daughters.
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> Leaf loves Grimm in a unique way and that's what makes it interesting.
Sounds boring.
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Referring back to an old classic
I like to think the zoomers larping as millennials on this site have a weird love-hate-fuck relationship with Reddit as that's where they were originally from.
How to read 0 sen dialog?
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>200 more CGs
>There's still a spin-off after RDH
10 years at least...
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Post them
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We could've been friends if you weren't a Leaf hater
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first time in recorded history of someone openly saying they like red and leaf at the same time
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full team
What the fuck I never noticed Leaf's face sprite changes when she does the end C reveal
Link to sorter?
literally first result of google
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"Second" and "Third" place amuse me.
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I want to make a Leaf ai character bot. Is there somewhere I can copy a summary of her personality? If not I guess I can write it myself. What details should I include?
>Is there somewhere I can copy a summary of her personality
the least you can do is write it yourself...anon.
I was just looking for a framework I could add to.
Just write what you think her as.
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Leaf loves her Grimm in the same way a teenage girl on tumblr loves her blorbo from homestuck
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>Node 48
You could have shown a little more respect, after all, she saved your favorite green bug.

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