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look at this gecko dude is so badass - i dont knoiw why people say this gamerino is reddit
>dude i'm ironicalistically using the english poorly. aren't i be bothering yous?
And a kurwa to you too, czczczczczczkwicz
I am starting to see why Europeans see poles as the niggers of their continent.
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>you aren't affecting me but i'm totally affecting you
>le ironic smug cat image
lol, the self-owns keep coming
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fuck yewa niqqa his is how we roll
you can post here your dudes - mine is pyromaniac wizard
I hate the armor design in this game when it comes to lizards and elves.
this one is elven, looks okay
Imagine how dead all your threads would be if we had flags if your language alone does this much.
my dudes, i think gecko looks badass with that helmet - like savage beast. sucks they gave him some fag soft voice of a pansy
BROS i killed black circle around magic tree
apparently i helped deamons so i gonna kill them too
I hate Larian armor design.
That's russians. We see poles as mexicans of Europe.
this but also everything else
BROS i have erection when i look at my powerful dudes
So true, at the very least they should hire a voice actor that can talk like a man.
Inventory management ruins that game.
It lacks QOL features to keep boring stuff at the bare minimum, and sorting is so slow it feels like it is using bubble sort.
Also the game should provide a rest time for the video card, so it can cool down. There is no need to keep rendering all the 3D background shit when you are in full screen managing your loot and stuff.
i dont get it
true sorting out inverntory to rearrange my characters quick items takes forever and is pain in the ass. you would think they could make it fucking work after all these years since BG2
i almost finished ACT2, need to kill that void bird-dragon and geenie and its all clear
i think i gonna fuck Lohse too, i should take that elven bitch back in the fort...
i think i gonna shag Lohse boys, she got mindraped by deamon lord and i was kind so maybe ill get my dick wet
>Inventory management ruins that game.
>It lacks QOL features to keep boring stuff at the bare minimum
The crazy part is how they managed to make it even worse in BG3 and remove functionality from DOS2.
this settlement is no more, and all was genie fault
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hes dead but took everyone before i managed to slay him (i waitem for him to finish with traders first, nice loot) time to move to ACT3 (hopefully i wont need to go back to this island kek)
The pro move in dos2 is to refuse the teachings of every source master because they’re all evil and/or want you to do evil stuff. You can still advance the plot in a roundabout way.
nice quads. i believe i took power from that hut gecko lady with lab in her cellar. rest of them i did the quest and then killed them for EXP (beside succubus that fucked me, she was alright)
how is romance with Lohse?
Satan was mocking my point with those digits.
>how is romance with Lohse?
I dunno, I don’t like any of the companions, every time I played it was either with a custom party of generics, or solo. I hate Larians origin character bullshit. It’s even worse in bg3
yeah they are made from cardboard thats true. more of Diablo2 silent mercenary than actual characters with depth
Mexicans have better cuisine.
hot or not
>That amerislop
Should i be concerned that i can actually read and understand polish?
>niggers of the continent
Every country has its share of them, but russia unfortunately has the most.
You are honorary polish, please pay double taxes thank saar
Viva la bump!

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