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With the advancements of OpenMW's Lua API, I see people making new scripted mods or porting MWSE mods everyday, Why do some people still autistically insist to play on the original engine?
also morrowind thread
>Why do some people still autistically insist to play on the original engine?
It's the 'tism
>Why do some people still autistically insist to play on the original engine?
Because I don’t want to play some tranny mod, and the handful of mods I do want to use run fine on the original engine. I’d rather use Morrowind Graphical Extender.

Who knows though, maybe in like ten years from now, when I feel like replaying Morrowind again, there might be some compelling reason to use OpenMW instead.
>I’d rather use Morrowind Graphical Extender (i.e. shit that barely hold itself together and looks worse than OpenMW in every way).
imagine being this autistic
This is a false dilemma as you are crafting a strawman in the OP and attacking an imaginary foe. This isn't even your screenshot, you lazily downloaded one off Google. A better question is why anyone would spend multiple years letting morrowind or any other TES occupy their mind. I already feel insulted that you have brought this ugly and stupid thing into the periphery of my vision.
Works on my machine.
>This is a false dilemma as you are crafting a strawman in the OP and attacking an imaginary foe
I feel like the appropriate response to this behavior is a lynching.
>(i.e. shit that barely hold itself together and looks worse than OpenMW in every way).
See, this is the thing. You’re presuming that everyone should obviously want to use the thing that you like, and in response to a post saying “what’s the compelling reason to switch? Why do I want to use this other engine? What’s the benefit to doing so?” you fail to present any cogent reasons, just assuming the person whose argument you’re ignoring is irrational and wrong because they’ve reached a different conclusion than you did.

If someone can play vanilla MW and extender on a modern computer at a smooth 144 fps (a miracle given how shit it ran in 2002) and it’s stable and doesn’t crash, and they don’t give a shit about complex scripting mods or multiplayer, why should they switch? What’s the benefit or improvement?
If OpenMW looks better, why don’t you post some side by side comparison screenshots?
Why are you replying to yourself
I’m not. You’re just a dishonest person and project this onto others.
>some people
who exactly? and why do you care about them?
>Why do some people still autistically insist to play on the original engine?
Because of old mods not ported and some things not translating exactly the same in OpenMW. I'm with you in the fact that people should migrate already, but I see their point. Necrocraft for example is one of the coolest fucking necromancer simulators out there but it's still MWSE only.
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Still pretty few lua mods though Mercy shows that a lot is possible now.
That said I am playing OpenMW since the Android port makes it much easier to find time to play.
Are there even any worthwhile lua mods out there?
I gotta give android MW a try someday as well
Is TES III / IV worth playing? I only played Skyrim and I don't really care about shitty TES lore, but I kinda liked Skyrim's gameplay despite its flaws.
Oblivion has worse gameplay, Morrowind is worse still, but you might enjoy them anyways. They're all great games.
I'm playing Morrowind in Oblivion's engine to spite all of you nerds
Cursed post
3, yes. It’s definitely clunkier but it excels in its atmosphere, immersion, roleplaying, and for lack of a more precise word, sovl.
4 is kinda a red headed stepchild. It loses a lot of what made 3 great, but also doesn’t have gameplay as smooth as 5. It’s kinda a mixed bag, and I think that only people who grew up playing it and have nostalgia still prefer it over any of the other games. That said, it does have better gameplay than 3, and it still retains more of the roleplaying depth that was lost in the transition to 5. Check it out if you’re curious.
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OpenMW simply runs better than the original engine with the same amount of mods

also, fuck ya lizardz
My next character will be a lizard removing all dark skins from vvardenfell
My next character will be a Nord, removing all elves and lizards from Tamriel
PvP on openmw multiplayer
Discord thread
I just replayed Morrowind with MGE, and every mod just werks and it doesn't crash, ever. Why would I play openmw?
I had the same question and did not receive an answer.
>and it’s stable and doesn’t crash
Very stupid post since you're certainly not describing MGE.
NTA but I also recently replayed Morrowind with MGE and the only crashes or instability I ever experienced were solely in the official Fort Firemoth plugin and nowhere else.
Now try to run something like BCOM
No thank you. A mod list is finished not when there is nothing left to add, but nothing left to take away.
bruh, that's just a glorified landscape mod. not hard to run at all. a shittily-made custom follower mod with a bunch of glitched scrips would slow down the game significantly more.
not to mention it probably wouldn't even load in openmw.
I've never understood this tribalism with OpenMW vs. MGE XE. Wouldn't you just play whatever works best on your computer with the mods you want to play?
>Wouldn't you just play whatever works best on your computer with the mods you want to play?
Yes. This is why there are multiple anons asking “what is the compelling use case to switch? Why do you insist that anyone who disagrees does so solely due to autism?” and there has not yet been a response.
Give me one reason to play openmw over the original.
I think that's because they are looking to provoke a slapfight, possibly based on some other community's preexisting arguments, and there's no real desire for that slapfight here because who really cares about Morrowind after all these years and with the death of TES in general anyway.
Updooters get upset when not everyone wants to use the latest version and start screaming if you say the word regression. That said I use OpenMW and I'm mostly satisfied with it. Wish it had an option for code patch style correctly working fortify magicka constant effect items, but I was able to emulate the behavior with a fun hybrid lua/mwscript that communicated by adding and then instantly removing token items from the player inventory.
>double the fps
>x10000 more stable
>infinite potential for extensibility and improvement
>can run skyrim/oblivion game worlds and assists which can turbo speed up projects like TR
One download to get the necessary enhancements, QoL and performance
>double the fps
I already cap my monitor running MGE. Are you talking about a potato from 2002?
>x10000 more stable
Vanilla game with MGE already doesn’t crash.
>infinite potential for extensibility and improvement
This is a fair point, but I don’t care about that. If I’m going to play Morrowind, then once a decade I will do a run with a light and minimal modlist and then call it a day.
>can run skyrim/oblivion game worlds and assists which can turbo speed up projects like TR
I don’t care about TR.
It’s a single player game. I don’t care about multiplayer.
What QoL? What performance? What enhancements?
>What QoL? What performance? What enhancements?
See the settings. I haven't fiddled with mods ever since openmw was completed. Install openmw, click some checkboxes and play. It even had controller support.
>It even had controller support.
You're really not doing a good job of selling this to me, dude.
I'm not selling it to you, sperg. You can hop on a cock, for all I care.
>Vanilla game with MGE already doesn’t crash.
Works on my machine.
>NTA but I also recently replayed Morrowind with MGE and the only crashes or instability I ever experienced were solely in the official Fort Firemoth plugin and nowhere else.
Is this whole thread just "I experienced X issues due to Y combination of factors on my computer, and so I refuse to believe that anyone else didn't encounter my specific configuration of problems" projected?
Bethtards, anon. Not a bright bunch.
>I'm not selling it to you, sperg. You can hop on a cock, for all I care.
You obviously do care, or you wouldn't be upset that other people are playing a 22-year-old single-player game differently than you are.
OpenMW works better in every way and the only people who refuse to use it are autistic or chudbrained terminally, see people in this thread referring to it as a "tranny" mod (kind of like vampires for chuds) or trying to claim that they just like shittier, worse performing game with worse graphics and no alt tabbing just... BECAUSE OKAY
Is this the best you can do?
>OpenMW works better in every way
Citation needed.
>and the only people who refuse to use it are autistic or chudbrained terminally
See, there it is again. "You don't like something I like, so you are [X] bad thing"
>or trying to claim that they just like shittier
Shittier in what ways? Be specific.
>worse performing game
I can play it pegged at 144 FPS. This is what one would expect on a powerful computer running a two-decades old game, of course, but it's silly to pretend that OpenMW is required to get good performance.
>with worse graphics
Post some comparison pics.
>and no alt tabbing just... BECAUSE OKAY
Alt-tabbing works fine for me, just run it in borderless windowed mode.
>You obviously do care, or you wouldn't be upset
You have no reason to assume that. I simply told my reasons for using openmw, since it was asked.
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There are still 500x more MWSE mods than OpenMW lua. Also, most importantly, OpenMW is still in active development, and those lua mods are just fucking breaking after like a month unless constantly updated. It's fucking shit and I hate OpenMW. They only have themselves to blame for people not switching. Like this new active blocking mod for OpenMW lua, it's the first one with actual animations in Morrowind history, and it broke about a month later and hasn't been updated and who knows if it ever will. And then there's the removal of features from OpenMW that have been there for years and you ask for them back and they say lol just wait for it to be re-added as a lua mod ^.^ like seriously? How about I just turn back time before you were a faggot and then I have it right then and there instead of waiting 6 years for someone to recreate it on your shitty lua and then have it break a month later?
TR is never going to use Oblivion/Skyrim assets lol
Lol why do redditfags come in and use their faggot lingo here like this? “Citation needed”? What the fuck does that even mean in this context? Do I need a scientific paper to explain to you that morrowinds engine runs like shit 20 years later? And yes, you choosing to do something retarded makes you a retard. Do you think you sound like destiny or something and you’re “deconstructing” my argument that doing objectively dumb shit makes you dumb? I’m not going to go google pictures of openmw for you because you think you’re being a debatefag, either. I hate you fucking faggots more than anything
>Behold, the acumen of the OpenMW proselyte.
Seriously, get your own dick out of your fucking ass and go outside. Nobody likes you and the reason why is because you feel the need to project your own desperate desire to appear smart into every conversation you're in
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I just googled the word also because I was curious to see if your midwit virgin brain used it wrong, and SURPRISE! I was correct. I hope your computer lights on fire and you can stop plaguing this board
>I'm this mad that someone on the internet doesn't want to play a mod I like
Keep going, bro.
I'm mad that you're a stupid faggot who thinks he's flexing his ability to argue on the internet in the gayest and most retarded way possible, so that you can argue in favor of... doing something retarded. Fuck you and everyone who was involved in your creation you goblin
>I'm mad
We know.
There is nothing I like more than the excuse to call a stupid pile of shit what he is. Continue saying umadbro so I have further excuses to do so
You like to dance close to the fire, don't you?
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Is there a specific term for this? When a retarded person tries to pretend to be smart, immediately gets called out as being retarded and reverts to pretending he's a le ebin troll? All I really have is this comic
>namefagging to own the chuds
What is owning you about making my name proselyte? I honestly don't think I would describe you as a chud, by the way. They usually don't have this smarmy gay aspect about them that you are radiating like a piece of uranium
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Oh no no no no, OpenMW sisters, our response?
Do you not see that it says "verb" above the definitions you screenshotted you absolute fucking bellend LOL you used it as a noun
>Proselyte uses proselytization... it's not very effective
Yeah you're just a fucking idiot lol this is going in my gems folder
Do you often get to the non-ESL district? Oh, what am I saying, of course you don't.
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>Autist discussion about the most obscure shit spirals out of control turning into a big bang theory episode.

Kinda love vrpg
He got mad about alt-tabbing. Something new every day I guess
This is the most banal forced thread and low grade trolling I've seen in the last week. Congrats.
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Are you retarded? Assuming you don't want to play kn the stable relaae, You know it doesn't auto update or something? Just find a version and play on it...? How the fuck will it "break" a month later?
Why not? I get the le heckin junglinos lore shit but no one is saying to copy the two maps. discarding ready to use assists for no reason is just retarded, even if they use 1% of them then it did speed up development.
This is the mindset of tasteless kitchen sink mods like MGSO. Also legal issues obviously, but even if there weren't any they wouldn't use them because they actually care about coherent aesthetics.
For OpenMW exclusive stuff? There's been some cool animation mods, a city building mod, an oblivion style blocking mod, an NPC schedules mod, and some other stuff I can't remember. A lot of stuff is getting ported over from MWSE now too like quickloot and dynamic music. I think the system is pretty good now, they're just having a hard time getting established modders to learn to use it due to the autistic low level warfare that's been going on between their communities for years
>due to the autistic low level warfare that's been going on between their communities for years
The slapfights in this thread are a good illustration.
I think discord is responsible for a lot of the problems and discord people metastasize everywhere shitting up threads. You have to use discord to get support for either OpenMW or MWSE and they have this retarded setup where the modding community for an already niche game is divided into two separate discords that barely communicate
>NPC schedules mod
That one sounds interesting
>You have to use discord to get support for either OpenMW or MWSE
I have never in my life needed support for mods
But anon, the dunmer standing there outside in the rain at 3am told me that he’d make a special trip, just for me.
I bet he tells that to everyone
I meant for making them. Especially since a lot of more sophisticated mods require asking the MWSE/OpenMW people to extend the API for them

>I have never in my life needed support for mods
I think there’s basically two philosophies about modding games like this. One, there’s people who like the game as it was, but want to tweak specific aspects of it to be more suited to their tastes, but remain recognizable as the same game. Two, there’s people who want to use it as a platform to expand it and add shit to it until it’s barely recognizable, which generally tends to be more bloated, unstable, and conflict-prone.
I personally fall in the former camp and in my experience the latter often can’t relate to the desires of the former. Like, I can’t imagine having some giant list of hundreds of mods.
For me it's less about changing the whole game and more about trying out the new stuff people have made. I keep a lightly modded base game with a rotating collection of new mods that I want to test out
>I can’t imagine having some giant list of hundreds of mods.
So you can't relate to the desires of the latter?
>So you can't relate to the desires of the latter?
It was a figure of speech. I can understand why someone else might want that, I’m saying that I do not. For an example, look at multiple posts in this thread:
>vanilla Morrowind with MGE works fine for me, it looks good and is stable and runs all of the mods that I want to use. What is the compelling use case to switching to OpenMW? What benefits do I gain that I do not already have?
>autist! Tranny! Chud! There’s no reason to not switch except irrational autism!
You see?
This thread is just attempting to provoke an argument between opposing camps by third party loweffort "trolls". There's very little authenticity here, because this isn't a Morrowind fan community.
Filthy s’wits, I guess.
They just don't take pride in their shitposting. Irony prison, where trying too hard/caring is seen as uncool.
>Irony prison
Not sure if a typo or intentional, but either way I like it.
Intentional. Too much use of irony is a prison, a spiral of self-consciousness that isolates you from authenticity. Behind it? Fear of exposing yourself.
OP’s screenshot is from Google, the n’wah.
Any of you know when Province: Cyrodiil is releasing? I heard it was soon
If this is 2006 then why am I so miserable?
9/11 was five years ago.
>people explain that it runs better, has better graphics, more stable engine, new features, bug fixes
You see why people think you're a retardo?
You’re just proving my point. If the game already runs flawlessly and looks great, and I’m already using all of the mods that I want to use, and I don’t give a shit about playing a single player RPG as a janky multiplayer game with Discord zoomers, a reasonable person might say “yeah, I guess in your situation there is no reason to play OpenMW. However, I prefer it, because it gives me X Y Z benefits that I find useful for I J K situations.” But instead, it’s just “lol you’re retarded and autistic if you don’t agree with me and my specific situation”, which I can only assume is playing on some garbage laptop from 2002 that can barely run the game at all, and is burdened by your mod list of 2,500 elf titty enhancers.
>If the game already runs flawlessly and looks great,
How the fuck do people like you even exist? Do you truly think ANY bethesda game runs flawlessly or looks great LOL
If you want a lightweight vanilla+ experience, OpenMW has less setup time. You don't have to install MCP, you don't have to get MGEXE, or update MWSE, or generate distant land. It's simpler and faster for that situation. That's why people have problems with your explanation for why you still use the vanilla engine.
If you were saying that Ashfall or something is a must-have mod for you, no one would have a valid response because OpenMW isn't going to work for you in that situation. Another good use case for the vanilla engine is if you have an existing modlist that you've kept installed for years and don't want to tweak.
>You don't have to install MCP, you don't have to get MGEXE, or update MWSE, or generate distant land
Creatures of habit, some have done this for a decade and think nothing of it. Just a part of reinstall ritual
Because people end up making mods for the newer versions you stupid faggot
I don't understand your point, lua mods just say something like 0.49 is required l, they won't tell you 0.49 version. 010293030393838 branch #7278 that was built on 12pm 18/9/2024... I'm still running the "nightly" build from May and installed all of these mods just fine.
You've been playing Morrowind since May? Holy shit.
>double the fps
It already is stable and I have no crashes and never had a problem with them in 2 decades.
>Infinite potential
>speed up
No it can't you dishonest retard.Do you even know how modding works?Make some actual argument instead of making shit up.
>b-but multiplayer
It's a single player game.Why would I want to play it as a bad mp game?
MGE XE is still better though.
>try it out with two of my friends
>every time we get to dialogue I ask if they want to read it but they say no so I read it out loud
>they always just run away and start stealing shit while I'm reading
>get halfway through the main quest
>they complain that they don't know what's happening in the story and we stop playing
Never again.
Your friends sound vibrant and diverse
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I was playing with a couple of autists from 4chud, but they're gone now.
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>Android port of Morrowind

I've been living in a hole for a long time. Kind Anons can you educate me on how I would play Morrowind on my phone?
>every time we get to dialogue I ask if they want to read it but they say no so I read it out loud
lol nerd
Google Open Microwave or something like that. It had a funny name.
Openmw runs on android
It fixes issues and has mods that work only on it, it performs better, has less hardcoded limits.
All the graphics mods won't fix low-poly and janky animations. I don't mind either desu, so I never really do mods
there's more to mods than graffix, bro. those are the least interesting mods of all.
really bad sound effects
those aren't part of that mod
>It fixes issues and has mods that work only on it, it performs better, has less hardcoded limits.
You didn't answer his question. If he's not encountering any issues fixed by OpenMW, all of the mods that he wants to use are already working, he's already getting good performance, and he's not encountering any hardcoded limits, then there is no benefit to him to switch to OpenMW.
>All the graphics mods won't fix low-poly and janky animations
You can already improve models with higher-poly replacements, though the animations are indeed janky and baked in. That's the one area where I can see a theoretical tangible benefit to OpenMW over vanilla + MGE.
he's doing his showcase a disservice then
pobody's nerfect
everyone can do better
add gore and I will play morroshit then
Goren Andarys is a Dark Elf monk and the Master of the Ald'ruhn branch of the Morag Tong. As such, he is responsible for issuing writs and giving payment for successfully completed executions. Goren is a medium trainer in Acrobatics, Hand-to-hand, and Sneak.
Openmw will always perform better
i just found this through google
looks like openmw performing worse
Ok, you got me, it's not literally always
Why Morrowind has an actual interesting original/alien setting while Oblivion and Skyrim are standard boring "medieval Europe" and "Scandinavian vikangz"? Aren't they supposed to be set in the same universe? Why is one so creative while the other two so unimaginative?
Morrowind was a PC game that was ported to Xbox. Oblivion onwards were Xbox games that were ported to PC.
I just think the human(and maybe orcish) settelments are more grounded and similar to real life. Elves and beast races have alien weird shit going on, I believe argonia and Summerset Isles will be schizo areas too when they reach them, eventually.
>water shader, distant land, and shadows enabled at the same time
This is a death sentence for performance for OpenMW, while in the original engine with MGEXE, the water shader that looks better, the distant land that looks about the same, and the shadows which look better, all perform fine when they're all enabled.
What are you talking about schizo
>Why do some people still autistically insist to play on the original engine?
because it works, it supports all the mods I like and all the mods that are yet to be released, doesn't have glitches and broken/missing features that directly interfere with vanilla behavior, and doesn't crash anywhere near as much as you think it does/want it to.

next time think twice before you try to use "autistic" to insult a group of people keeping a 20+ year old game alive and continually developed
This was solved last year for MWSE.
Incredibly, it works with custom animations too.
Whoops, looks like graphics mods DO fix animations, and it only took one of them. Although, I'm not sure how a mod can fix a "low-poly animation", since that doesn't make any sense.
I'm talking about the video he posted? Are you an actual fucking retard?
Fuck, even some video about animations gave me an urge to replay Morrowind. Gotta make some time for a playthrough.
1:23, when he arrives in Balmora, what's that in the background? Looks like giant minecraft trees.
I think it's a shitpost video. There's a McDonald's sign as well.
>and the shadows which look better
Does he actually have shadows enabled in MGEXE?
Y-yeah openmw would never perform like that in a serious test ,right?
>>double the fps
MGE+dxvk runs better
>>x10000 more stable
MGE is already stable
>>infinite potential for extensibility and improvement
doesn't mean shit when it deosn't support most mods
>>can run skyrim/oblivion game worlds and assists which can turbo speed up projects like TR
who cares
who cares
It's not a serious test apparently. There's no giant trees or McDonald's sign in the MGE XE portion. Make your own video to prove that it sucks.
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It might. The first time I tried Tamriel Rebuilt, Old Ebonheart brought OpenMW to its knees. But like, if you want to know for sure, you need to actually perform a serious test.
Ans how did old ebonheart run on vanilla morrowind?
I didn't test it, but I heard it was better in MGEXE. I believe it, because current OpenMW is also better. There was some specific problem in that old version that made the dense city not run well.
this is actually a port of an openmw feature
What mods would you suggest for Morrowind? Are there mods that improve the combat? Also maybe some lightweight graphics mod since I will be running it on an old laptop with integrated graphics?
Go vanilla and just play the game
I'm on my first playthrough and this is what I'm using. When I replay there's definitely more mods I would download to change stuff (the levelling system bothers me) but overall it's a very fun vanilla+QOL experience.
>#1 Buy and..
Unable to compute, Bethesdapurchase.exe not found.
I installed Watercolored Textures and Tamriel Rebuilt, nothing more so far. Didn't find much in the way of combat mods, as far as I remember the combat in Morrowind is atrocious, right? I mean in all Betheshart games is but I was kinda hoping modders fixed it a bit by now
i mean the point of the combat isn't really to be good, it's to test the player's level, gear, and strategy. i have fun overcoming tough fights but the minute to minute of the combat will never be visceral or fun. the tough fights are probably best described as cerebral; ie you don't have the stats to win this fight straight up - what can you use to turn the odds in your favor? that's the fun of the combat for me
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>as far as I remember the combat in Morrowind is atrocious, right?
You really just need the right mindset. Disassociate yourself from what's happening on the screen. You are not swinging a dagger at a mudcrab, you are rolling dice with the game. And with the results of the dice roll, you can choreograph the fight in your mind. Maybe the mudcrab suddenly scuttled back. Maybe you hit a thick part of its shell and the attack glanced off. Your own imagination is the limit!
But yeah, it's pretty bad. There's mods that change it, but I don't think there are any that actually make it good.
The main thing to keep in mind is that the prologue is really short, and early on it's easy to start over. If you can't clear the cave next to Seyda Neen, you should probably go back and change your character build.
>You really just need the right mindset.
True. Basically taking a supervisor role, seeing how your character's stats fare against the enemy's. Maybe that's why I prefer having a shield, for some additional dice roll and "number go up" occurrances.
If one wants more involvement, maybe go with a spear and try to stay out of reach by backpedaling.

I'm afraid that's the extent of Morrowind's combat, and it's unlikely that mods will change that. A switch from diceroll to action combat isn't simple work.
I'm waiting till people start dishing out some OpenMW modlists on wabbajack or something.
Modding OpenMW has an automated tool that does 99% of the work for you called umomwd. It's in alpha and a little bit buggy but I got it to do the total overhaul list for me in less than an hour.
Nobody asked for this engine, the original game runs fine on Windows 10 and has a slew of legacy content for it.
>Are there mods that improve the combat?
Does it automate the downloads without a Nexus premium account?
It's similar to wabbajack I think. You have to click download on every mod without premium
Nice, thanks man. Time to get another premium month and download a fuck huge modlist.
>Are there mods that improve the combat?
can't improve on perfection, dummy
the original game engine is not very well optimized and doesn't run on real (Unix) operating systems
Retarded how nobody will make a tool that autodownloads. I'm not giving the Nexus one red cent.
It's quite likely the Nexus API is designed to prevent free automated downloads, otherwise there'd be pirate forks of wabbajack and stuff
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I just fire up Morrowind to soak in the atmosphere and take some screenshots, I do not play the game at all
You could build in an autoclicker, it's that these guys probably don't want to butt up against the Nexus tribe.
I've been saying this for years. If you aren't playing it on openmw, you're a faggot.
which version do i get if i want my saves to be compatible with mobile
>soak in the atmosphere
It's great when you have loads of free time, and have the permit to just relax, spend time in the world without necessarily accomplishing anything. Maybe I'll do it when christmas arrives.
people are making resident evil and other games in open mw, it's an entire game engine, i'm hyped to see the day where people use morrowind as a base to make a game that's actually good
westly's faces, better bodies or robert's bodies, better clothes, romance mod, there's some mods for combat too but i forgot,

there's a stat that makes you miss and i'm pretty sure setting that to like 100 or 999 via console commands would help or having guards fight for you via the romance mod since they have really high stats

same, the story, characters and combat in morrowind are boring, the coolest thing about the game is that it's a digital museum for vvardenfell
Morrowind is a masterpiece of worldbuilding, there's almost nothing else like it. The gameplay sucks, but the world outshines it so much you won't even care.

Oblivion is all over the place. It's better gameplay than Morrowind, worse than Skyrim, lots of silly and pointless physics stuff that really dates it into the 2000s. Many of the very best quests in the series are in Oblivion, you can tell they were really having fun.
If you don’t like Morrowind, why would you possibly give a shit about its engine, which was janky and buggy shit a quarter century ago? Hell, I like Morrowind and I don’t give a shit about OpenMW, nor am I interesting in seeing anything ported to it
i like morrowind sorta, it's definitely a really good base for a game, like it feels kinda empty, but the things that are there are pretty good

gta san andreas kinda mogs morrowind when it comes to worldbuilding and being an rpg, but the walking and spell based traversal is pretty good, the world seems kinda boring tho
also i'm unironically a zoomer who plays openmw on android while listening to video essays so i may be biased
I appreciate your honesty. I am a boomer who was in high school when it came out. I enjoy replaying it about once a decade and that’s about it.
Also, peak GTA was Vice City driving the not-dodge-viper with a custom mp3 radio station and this kicks on at the peak https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1yQZIUEo5E
you're literally younger than my parents if you were in high school when morrowind or vice city came out lol

old school gta games are good and the idea has so much untapped potential a a base for an rpg, i may or may not be becoming an indie game dev to make something like this (idk how to code)
the song is pretty cool, and it's easy to replace songs in morrowind too, i played it with dragon quest songs a few times
Yes, it’s a turn of phrase, “boomer” now being anyone over 30. My parents are actual boomers. Older millennials are now pushing 40.
i'm not actually used to people on 4chan sounding so normal, now being a contrarian feels kinda awkward haha
My broccoli-headed chum, thanks to the grace of God, I got the autist good ending, instead of the autist bad ending. Be the change you want to see on the board.
Path of the incarnate exists. The modding site has several modlists and a single one that has a wabajack version but for reason both it and path of the incarnate don't appear on the wabajack gallery and need to be downloaded from discord or github.

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