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>I didn't need to grind, just use better strategy.
Love hating this game. The cheat option for having 3 home teleports should have been default though. It's fucking stupid to spend an hour platforming to a boss that does shit like this and then having to go somewhere entirely different for the same thing and no way back.
This one wasn't even the boss. I had to go looking for it after.
Haven't played this game but if this happens with every enemy I'm gonna assume it's your fault. I bet it wouldn't happen to me.
It's a free exploration game so it's not unusual to walk into things way above your level.
Are you playing on Chaos mode and bitching about it?
Just dodge it bro
The flame is red for a reason retardo.
>Game very clearly sign posts when a boss is dangerous or far above you in levels
>Fight them anyway and complain you're losing
Aren't these all side/optional bosses anyway? I'm pretty sure I accidentally avoided the Rampart Demon in my playthrough but it was 2 or 3 years ago. If so, you're extra fucking stupid.
>I can't beat the optional side bosses who are twice my level because I refuse to go to do one of the hundred other things that won't get me one shot
>literally unplayable
I can think of a class combination that could beat this fight at your level.
is this that one crystal slop game? hard to tell
It's hard mode.

It's flying around, you don't see it until it's going to catch you.

There is a crystal directly above it you have to charge multiple jumps up on the goat to get to, but it does fly around a bit.
The Quintar I guess are optional, I don't know where I'm supposed to go and one spot mentioned breeding but gave no actual information on how to do that, just use these 2 types to get new type but not how to actually get one in the first place.

Leveling cleric but haven't used it all game.

My other options at this point are the top of the ice place past all the spikes and that guy regularly hits entire party for 650; the jungle where I can't beat a regular group of 2 plants but it didn't look like I could actually go anywhere in there without different movement; and the basement of the castle which I think is just a boss and dead end.
After playing Enchanted Farm, I can't go back to Crystal Project anymore.
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Well I just finished that.
This boss just straight does 110% of your max hp.
>3 Dervish
>3 Red Mages
Yeah I see the issue here
>This boss just straight does 110% of your max hp.
If you think about it, the final boss of life does the same thing.
Melee is garbage aside from inflicting poison/bleed/burn, which only one of each can exist so only one melee. Rogue was useful for exactly one fight against the reaper due to all the restrictions on actually using blind, though sleep is clutch for regular encounters. Main concern is having enough mp to last the fight.
Or do you want better armor and hp against 110% max hp damage?

You were right you don't have to fight Rampart Demon. Just gave a junk class and nothing past it though.
Which has an AP cost of 18 and is reduced by Protect and Power Down. Your point?
That shit sold 5m copies??
Just goes to show that marketing is more powerful than actually making a compelling game. All you have to do is trick the balding reddit crowd to buy your game and play it for 2 hours, and you're in.
>balding reddit crowd
More like Minecraft kiddy "retro" gamers.
More like
>people who want what they think is a modern take on FF3 and FF5 without ever having played either of them
>balder's rate
Is retardation only a thing in the west or is it a world wide phenomena?

It's way beyond ridiculous at this point.
Research indicated that teens can feel nostalgic about the 70s.
>Melee is garbage
Stopped reading there
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Another regular enemy.
The world connectedness is really compelling. Almost nothing even attempts this even if all it takes is height differences and some elevators or long shafts. Metroid figured this out nearly 40 years ago.
Metroid for level design and Mega Man for balance design should be required for anyone making games.
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These do drop something just not until after you get another thing.
funny I always felt it took more inspiration from ff11, if anything
Yeah that fucker is one of the most annoying enemies in the game.
This is not a normal enemy.
Honestly this game needs to let you jump to any crystal any time like a dark souls bonfire, not even the option for 3 is enough. You can't explore at your own pace because you lose basically hours of time backtracking and doing all of the stupid jank platforming. The shrines are a fucking joke they are so far apart you can spend upwards of 40 minutes walking from the closest shrine to where you need to go.
>Honestly this game needs to let you jump
and ironically this is exactly the thing the game shouldn't have ever let you do in the first place
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>a platformer shouldn't let you jump
>you can spend upwards of 40 minutes walking from the closest shrine to where you need to go
ssssssssssssskill issue
I kept expecting to get this ability.
I found a key to the castle rampart down a single open tile in the ocean floor which is fuckhuge; and all that was behind the door was a map for the castle and an axe that would be good if I used axes to do regular attacks.

Going to fuck around with Quintar breeding and try to find more ocean map pieces, and a book 'in the jungle' like that is helpful directions.
Also still have that fucker under the castle, and summons if I can find the guys; most are too hard.
Also fucker in the tram tunnel that I'm not sure is guarding a hole or just one ore node.

Game is too hard to level classes at this point so just been using melee debuff/bleed/poison/burn, warlock/wizard, warlock/cleric, summoner/wizard. Going to change all of my class levels made a huge difference. Melee is kind of retarded as unlike most games you need 1 of str/dex/agi for damage so you can't just swap between melee classes.

Timing on the 'minigames' is tranny autism tier. Like golds in Gran Turism licence where you fail going in a straight line repeatedly.
Depends where you need to go and what point of the game you are at. Obviously it takes less time when you are flying around.
Scholar crystal, ninja crystal, shrine up the ice mountain all take a long time if you have to go back. Having to walk from the fish race shrine all the way clockwise around the salmon area to cross west above the desert trying to figure out if there is anything even over there takes a long time.
What fucking marketing?
Quintar breeding got me up the tree in the ocean after probably an hour of bullshit. Boss is definitely of the fuck off at your level variety. At least you can skip the bottom part of the tree gliding from the owl behind the quintar shrine directly east.
Honestly regret playing this. Every other fight is like the ones I posted so I'm sure I'm further and further behind what level an area is supposed to be. Equipment variety is severely lacking as far as dealing with different threats. I haven't seen anything that prevents bleeds or burns for example.
Why even have subclasses if all the melee abilities are locked to weapon type that won't match the main one?
Are shields even worth using if they lower evade and you die in one hit anyway?
So many fucking terrible designs.
You don't have to breed quintar for anything other than the mastered class armor vendor.
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Use the owl and switch midair.
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Boss at the top.
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You have to switch to the owl midair and then switch back, that's how I even got that high. Faster to spend 4 hours breeding quintar. Plus there are other areas you can't get to even if there is nothing there. Unless you can get there from above the tree but it doesn't look like it.
Where's your final boss clear nigger
i wont play games that i have to quick save before every battle
Good thing you don't have to then.

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