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>it is the current year plus nine
>dungeon crawlers still use grid movement

Will Monomyth save dungeon crawlers?
Dungeon crawlers are supposed to have grids (similar to you). This is just an RPG from FPP.
monomyth is going to be released someday? seems like vaporware to me. btw not an rpg but did u see that new shadowgate game that's about to drop this week? looks p sick
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>Dungeon crawlers are supposed to have grids

Why doesn't the best one have them then?
How is it not an RPG but shadowgate is?
Isn't that just a point-and-click adventure game with death?

also post link
>can't read
>can't google
no i mean "even tho it's not an rpg, that new shadow game looks p sick" not that monomyth wasn't an rpg, i've never seen monomyth gameplay since it's vaporware so i have no idea what it is t b h. apparently the shadowgate is from a kickstarter from like 2 years ago, but i saw some sick shadowgate-alikes on itch a few years ago so p stoked someone made a full real one

Arx is a dungeon crawler because you quite literally crawl trough dungeons since thats the whole world but thats all the resemblance available here.
UU is better than Arx.
>monomyth is going to be released someday?

3rd of October actually
holy zased but do i need a $500 video card to play it cuz if i'd rather buy airpod maxes.
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probably cause it doesn't have grids either

Looking at it right now, the new shadowgate seems to have combat.
So it does seem to be an RPG after all.
Also has booba. Bit of a man jaw. It wasn't made by the original devs though.

>do i need a $500 video card

I don't think so. There is a demo.
that's shadowgate vr, i'm talmbout that new new beyond shadowgate mang
>probably cause it doesn't have grids either
go play it
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UU controls drive me nuts. Isn't there a mod for mouse look or something?
u just have to play it for a few hours and then it gets normal but ya
will buying an ad gonna save your shitty game?
>Isn't there a mod for mouse look or something?

there is

I'm interested in this game but it looks like a UE4 asset flip game. So many promising indie games hurt by bad art direction
I have high hopes

it's made by one guy
>it's made by one guy

so was that one furry sidescroller (elysium something), but it looked handmade.
oh man speaking of ue asets, did you see the changes they are making to the asset store? i can't believe there hasn't been a twitter wide reeee yet.
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The best dungeon crawler with free movement has already been made and all we are left with now is indie slop.
It's not fair bros...
Another Kickstarter grift
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>out in October*
>*in Early Access
be glad it came out at all
I remember there was this one Kickstarter game that had like 15 artists and looked great and also collected a shitton of cash, but then they fucked around for five years and eventually canned it.
i remember it had this world map with different regions arranged around a hub right in the middle, which looked kinda shit, but I am sure some anon will remember what I am talking about. I think there was also drama around it being canceled.

But I guess none of that is a problem when your project is managed by some solitary basement dweller
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it was cryamore

what a fitting name
Wasn’t that the house label owned by half of daft punk
What if i want just a comfy dungeon crawler like shadow tower? I swear people really do latch onto one game then get fucked because nothing like it ever comes out
I guess Monomyth carries some shadow tower DNA , since its supposedly inspired by kings field as well, but it always came off more like ultima underworld. pity about the art direction
>Will Monomyth save dungeon crawlers?

Demo was alright. Didn't care much for Dread Delusion. Lunacid was alright. I'm glad there are more and more first person RPGs out there, but they utterly require more complexity to scratch my Morrowind-induced number-crunching autism.
>to scratch my Morrowind-induced number-crunching autism.
and why are you looking for that in a dungeon crawler (specially one whose main inspiration is King's Field)?
If you say that when they allow for full 3D movement they're no longer dungeon crawlers, then of course they're stuck using grid movement. Otherwise there are a lot of 3D movement games in the genre already.
It's nothing like kings field tho. At least the early demo wasn't.
There were all kinds of potions and shit to make you jump higher and run faster. thats why it reminded me of Morrowind
Now if it was an open world game too, boy would we be talking, but it seems cool either way.

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