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>Let’s start with a release time. As rumored, Persona 6 is targeting a 2025 release date— more specifically, Summer 2025. July if I had to give a guess, if not then August

>Post launch DLC is on lock. Lots of customization stuff for party members and both protagonists. Smaller expansions, and I believe a more size able expansion separate from the main, base game

>As already heavily reported, the main color is green and the theme is black and white. Duality is a major thing in P6, and the protagonists (Kuro and Shiro) represent this among other things.

>On the topic of two protagonists, I don’t believe it is a matter of picking one. One protagonist (male) takes priority over the other. Both have plenty of playtime, but don’t expect choice or an equal amount of playable screentime

>The game takes place in an art school. This is where the black/white and duality thing also comes in. lots of modern art and traditional art clashing— one of the center conflicts will be modernity vs tradition

>Remember art is subjective! another smaller focus will be on the different mediums there. music, painting, writing, etc. expect this to influence the main cast, too
>Game is internally described as “semi-open world.” I would like to imagine that Metaphor influenced this and I’d expect what openness there is to be similar to Metaphor

>Social Links are expanded upon massively and feature a lot more interactivity. choices matter quite a bit more, and I believe they’re utilizing some older mechanics alongside the new ones to spice things up :)

>Back to the DLC, there is around ~3 years of support planned. The initial expansion pass I don’t believe will cover it all, if the expansion pass still happens, as I’m looking into things more and am unsure of how they’ll go about pricing all of this

>Anywho, game is in localization stage. Reveal will be at TGS. will be on most current gen consoles, I’m not counting on Switch 2 at launch personally but we’ll see

>I’ll qrt this thread with additional info if I get any. Or, I’ll qrt this thread if I receive any notions that any of this is false for clarity. I have another Persona + SEGA in general scoop that I’ll post tomorrow
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>>Let’s start with a release time. As rumored, Persona 6 is targeting a 2025 release date— more specifically, Summer 2025. July if I had to give a guess, if not then August
>>Post launch DLC is on lock. Lots of customization stuff for party members and both protagonists. Smaller expansions, and I believe a more size able expansion separate from the main, base game
True since Fatlus are greedy fucks, but it won't be DLC it'll be a whole separate game you have to buy again
>On the topic of two protagonists, I don’t believe it is a matter of picking one. One protagonist (male) takes priority over the other. Both have plenty of playtime, but don’t expect choice or an equal amount of playable screentime
fake cope by femc fags
>>The game takes place in an art school. This is where the black/white and duality thing also comes in. lots of modern art and traditional art clashing— one of the center conflicts will be modernity vs tradition
could be true since it's not green and green fags will be btfo'd
>Game is internally described as “semi-open world.” I would like to imagine that Metaphor influenced this and I’d expect what openness there is to be similar to Metaphor
absolutely fake
>>Social Links are expanded upon massively and feature a lot more interactivity. choices matter quite a bit more, and I believe they’re utilizing some older mechanics alongside the new ones to spice things up :)
meaningless buzz words
>>Back to the DLC, there is around ~3 years of support planned. The initial expansion pass I don’t believe will cover it all, if the expansion pass still happens, as I’m looking into things more and am unsure of how they’ll go about pricing all of this
Now fuck outta here
Coping fatlus consumer tard
Stay mad, nigga
I guess the game has already started for you because you're checking your calendar, talking to random people, repeating the same pointless tasks each day, and occasionally playing a decent JRPG.

Do you want to make some curry? I hear the game has already started for you because you're checking your calendar, talking to random people, repeating the same pointless tasks each day, and occasionally playing a decent JRPG.

You should probably get some sleep. I assume the game has already started for you because you're checking your calendar, talking to random people, repeating the same pointless tasks each day, and occasionally playing a decent JRPG.
Is this bot malfunctioning?
P6 won't be green, retards. It's not a cool color.
this post is racist against irish people.
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Assmad fatlus retard
>2025 release date
>both protagaonists
its going to be Brown
>On the topic of two protagonists
> Both have plenty of playtime, but don’t expect choice or an equal amount of playable screentime
Only for this I Know that the leaks are fake if they are using two protagonist is going to like the P3P no two MC at the same time
So we're talking a 2026-2027 remaster version everyone is going to wait to play, because ATLUS can't be trusted to not fucking LIE to get people to buy an inferior the inferior version first.

Fool me once. Shame on you.
Fool 3 more times. Shame on me.
>be me
>never played a single SMT or Persona game
Feels good man
This very specifically reads like it was made up by a Twitter user.
Are Persona games based? Wtf is Persona even? I figure Persona for a Japanese Harry Potterlike right? Idk which Persona game should I play first bc I am by far the most Lore chad of all time, so which one guys? Btw I actively refuse to learn to speak the Japanese tongue bc religious faith-based reasons if that helps
You do like a faggot so you should just play 3(reload) 4 and 5 like a normal person
Okay is Persona based? Why not start with 1 and 2? And which console?
It'll be purple like everything that's for trannies.
Elagabalus barely even counts. Not fair
>Why not start with 1 and 2?
Besides velvet room and demon Igor there's nothing in common between those and 3,4,5
They don't have social links and any activities besides dungeon crawling
Still cool games in their own right but they're more for Megatennists than Purseowner fags
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he's back
Are mods to make the Persona 5 pc port less shitty? Or should I just play P4?
hory shet
I know this is fake not because most of it sounds like outlandish buzzword hype-talk, but because Atlus is terminally afraid to do anything new with the formula. You will play as a singular silent protagonist, it will take place in yet another high school setting, you will be the only Wild Card and the only one to change personas, it will follow the same calendar system they've been doing since 3 (complete with even more time-wasting BS to fill out meaningless days rather than anything new and eventful to really break up the pacing), the themes will be some superficial shit that they barely explore or they recant on multiple times, it will focus on style over substance to appeal to the dullards that went wild over P5's presentation, and it will not come next year because they aren't done milking P5. These are simple facts. They have a "safe" formula for the new numbskull audience they have cultivated and they won't go stirring the pot so long as it performs. The P5 spin-offs did okay, but they're not going to give up on what they see as free money by trying something new with their current flagship mainline games.
fake and gay
akechi was also a wild card, in lore at least, in persona 5
TECHNICALLY, yes, but I more meant in the way that you couldn't change personas on multiple characters. The Wild Card is honestly a dubious concept that really only serves to single out the protagonist as special. Akechi never even really used it nor the Velvet Room. He had one other Persona, but it's not like you could make use of Loki while he was in the party.
I'd honestly rather see them do away with the Wild Card concept and just explore multiple Personas, even if in a limited capacity, for every party member. Persona 1 and 2's way of doing it were interesting but not perfectly implemented, but even Persona Q had a version of this that worked.
Wild Cards are retarded and the only reason they're a thing is because they believe the audience playing the game can't handle all of the options.
The side characters kind of need to have one Persona to 'personify' them. It would be nice if their personas had more customizing options though to give them higher range of utility and maybe alternate traits. P5R's team members traits were generically useful but nothing you could build around.
>side characters kind of need to have one Persona to 'personify' them
I don't necessarily think this is true. It feels a bit tone deaf to say that "side characters" only have one Persona because they're single-faceted entities. Originally, the whole point was that Personas are emblematic of the different faces we may or may not show people. Characters faced different sides of themselves and had compatibility with different kinds of Personas because of their core values and personality. Ideally, every character should get access to a small pool they can pull from that gets better throughout the game. Sure, give them a unique take on a being for their initial and milestone Personas, but being able to swap "faces" makes sense. At least 3 at any given time should be the bare minimum I feel.
I think the way they could make this work is by having party members be aligned with a few arcana. If we really want to do something new, then you could rework Social Links a little to involve multiple characters who overlap in arcana or you can level up the Social Link's arcana "stat" by interacting and connecting with people aligned with these arcana.
Persona 5 was garbage, the P3 remake was an insult and their new game looks soulless. I have 0 expectations.
You have no idea how this works. People who play tons of different games are a tiny minority. Most people only play a small selection of games which is always either a specific genre category of games or a specific type of game and any games similar to that one. To give you an example a League of Legends fan is not a tactics game fan, sports game fan, or anything else they are only and forever a fan of Leagie of Legends and only play other Assfaggots if it does a gimmick differently enough.
So those dullards you deride are not going to ever want anything that is not Persona 3-5.

Source: Big Data crunching of video game based telemetry.

The super minority of gaymers that plays everything are called hardcore gamers internally by the way, I cannot say with certainty if they were always called that in marketing but that is generally what they mean circa at least a decade ago.
>Persona 6 is targeting a 2025 release date
yeah i'm sure that a game that hasn't even been announced is coming out next year. atlus is always doing this
If you're talking about color theory, red isn't cool either.
I don't even play everything that comes out, but I've been around enough to know that they've been resistant to actual innovation. I'm well aware that there's no real need for them to do anything new. They're making their money because people will buy more of the same.
I very well know how this works. It doesn't stop me from wishing for better, but I know how unlikely that is. I opened my post with the statement that they won't bother changing anything.
Is it just me or is anyone feeling that atlus is going to release another persona 3 DLC? idk something doesn't feel right about this and I usually got a third sense about this type of thing.

now it could be what if boss battles, but really think they're going to do some FOR REAL type epilogue thing.
So are they going to make noteworthy changes or is P6 just going to be P3 version 3?
>multiple protags
Here's what would be real, if they would do multiple protags: Body Type A and Body Type B Protag, and nothing changes: game treats every relationship as viable regardless of whether you are a twink or a (mostly non-feminine) looking person with birthing parts.

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