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Our thirsts will be quenched! Soon!
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Coomer slop thread.
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>reposting your Demons Roots review repeatedly
Uhh buddy, this is a Sequel thread.
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Sex with gay men
When is it releasing? I wanna jack off to Nazuna again...
That Kuu blowjob scene, whoo boy. I forgot how aggressive Mana Tank gets in Kludge.
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It’s just male bonding.
In two days. The OP image says 9/22 but that’s in japan time. We always get these kinds of things a day earlier. So Saturday for us westerners.
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That little strand of saliva makes me want to bond with him alright.
Well, see you in August lads.
You can stay, I don’t think there will be many spoilers
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Why can't Mana Tank stop showing his huge cock off to femboys and girls? He can't keep getting away with this!
I'm playing asylum lately as my first leaf geometry game. Managed to get to Sea's Stagnation but I'm getting gaped hard. Is this the point where I just grind the infinite dungeon like a retard?
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>I'm playing asylum lately as my first leaf geometry game
Why though?
>Is this the point where I just grind the infinite dungeon like a retard?
You can beat all the bosses without doing Aryaum grinding. Just make use of the appropriate elemental resist brands/gear/accessories and exploit elemental weaknesses using elemental brands too (they affect physical non-elemental skills). If you lose to a boss, its weaknesses get logged in the memory space.
I would suggest doing Aryaum grotto a bunch though, you can get easily get a lot of stat points for the Aryaum jewel and the Aryaum robes for familiars (1 floor clear = 1 stat point, read the sequel bin about intensities too), good consumables like Ultra Ultimates, and lots of vivid mana seeds for level ups. It's the easiest way to reach level 99 by far.
>memory space.
monster log*
Why the hell did you start from Asylum out of all those? I even understanding starting from L.Depth for the atmosphere and all but Asylum is a big stand-alone title overall since their island is basically detached from the rest of the world and the very gameplay and exploration take more soulslike cues rather than the RPG ones tha rest uses.
>stop showing his huge cock
No. He's doing what any sane man would do if blessed the way he is.
I started with Asylum too for the femc femdom, only years later did I play the rest of the games.
Can't really say I plan out my eroge beforehand, I like soulslikes and the art was nice so I gave it a go.

My gameplan is to hit optimize then add the appropriate brands/rings according to a boss' traits and possible ailments. Still getting blown out by that thing and have to avoid late enemies since auto doesn't cut it anymore.
Just came across something in Colony that might make Liberty Step more relevant than I thought. It could just be a red herring or a coincidence, but I'll probably know during postgame. I just need to make a mental note of remembering it.
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Never was into "cock worship" and all its association but this discussion made me realize that if Clar would compliment my shlong it'd probably shoot so much dopamine in my brain that I'd fry it on the spot.
Is there a tag for this? Not cock worship but just, appreciation I suppose is the word?
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What do?
Man. The final boss of Colony's main story is really, really, really good. This whole story is just excellent. It completely raised the bar and it helps me truly understand why there were so many people disappointed with Kludge and even hated its story. It's because Colony was just too good.
Colruka gobbo in your party/backline
And then there was all that setup for Kludge. All that setup...for a setup game.
Oh and now that I'm thinking about it, Awake slightly and Colony strongly foreshadowed some stuff for a future game set in the Zephyr continent.
Did you play Kludge first?
Yeah since the weird Snowman plotline lead to them mentioning that similar curses have been popping up and Zephyros Continent has people dealing with it
I'm replaying all the Sequel games because I've forgotten quite a bit and I want to prepare for Thirst. Before that, I decided to play Atline, play Ghost Path, and play Liberty step.
Colony was much too good, and Kludge didn't explore any of its cool ideas or themes deeply enough.
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This image takes "cock awe" to a whole new level.
Thirst’s 1.10 update is coming about a month after the initial bugfix patches are done with. It’ll add a Bottomless Gramtoa-like dungeon. Hakika says that he wants to make it more accessible though, so that those who aren’t interested in the high difficulty fights can still enjoy it.
There’ll be another update for thirst down the line, but he’s keeping it a secret for now.
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My image got eaten
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zundamon never been so sexy
Not at all Anon!
You can beat most of the game without doing the infinite dungeon, if you're stuck then exploring somewhere else is usually the correct thing to do!
But he’s stuck on Sea’s Stagnancy though, anon. That’s the first boss in Adolatio. He’s probably already gone everywhere else already.
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Ah, my bad then.
I forgor.
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>homo scenes finally being translated
Finally a reason to start playing.
Can Thirst just release already? I've been waiting for too long. It doesn't matter that Hakika releases a game every year when all of his games are addicting and I need new content. I'm a brainless consumer who doesn't care about the details.
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It literally comes out tomorrow, be a little patient
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A REMINDER FOR EVERYONE! When the game comes out, take everything you hear with a grain of salt until we get a good translation. Never forget that the Japanese-speaking anons hyped up Kludge's plot as the best in the series for ages, only for lots of people to be disappointed when the translation came out and it was nowhere close to Colony quality. Sometimes new toy syndrome makes people overhype something, and other times people will just go on the internet and tell lies because they feel like it.
This one's gonna be kino, I can feel it.
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Why doesn't she just grow some damn boobs? Lazy brat.
All the fat goes to her big wagie ass.
According to my dad who works at Hakika, Thirst's story is between Colony's and Awake's quality.
I don't really go for the globos but I really want to protect this smile.
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Don't pretend your motivations are pure
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Malice got to him first Canonically
there's nothing to protect, KFC the chicken
I'm less concerned about that particular lie because Hakika would have to Hackika real fucking hard to make a story worse than Kludge. If anything, I'm worried one of the girls will turn out to be Dita 2.0, where they get hyped up by the Jap readers and then the translation comes out and the girl turns out to be the absolute worst girl of all time.
I liked Dita though.
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Dita is a good girl and I'm tired of pretending she's not
I like her.
Ino should've gotten his bussy wrecked by Coldens.
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I'm surprised there weren't any scenes with the thunder wolf (which ended up being female) or with the wind guy in Ino's game
I don't know. The first thing that comes to mind is headpats or cuddles when I look at him. It's weird. Guess his design really appeals to me or something.
I could never. He's too adorable. But I just started IR, so maybe that'll change quick
Dita ticked all the boxes for me personally.
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>Butthole sniffers
butthole and smell fetish game thoughbeit
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Where do you think we are? We like donuts here.
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Don't associate him to the muppetmunchers
i like his cute raptor mouth here
And thus, I go to sleep praying for Nazuna thigh sex.
Alright I finished Colony's postgame. To make a long story short, Colony's postgame is alright on it's own. It's a decent story, but it goes from decent to excellent with the context of Kludge. Holy shit this is unironically great. I barely remembered stuff about it and said that Blight's postgame shits all over it, but this postgame is only slightly worse than Blight's. It might be equal on a good day. Aeonhart is just a really fascinating character.
Its been some time since I devoured Kludge. What does Colony's postgame do in the context of Kludge?
Kludge gives form to Aeonhart's ambition and the reason why he went so far, which was only slightly touched upon in the postgame. There's also the next Yubeil who indeed had some stuff carry over, so the legacy wasn't completely lost. It also sets up a very good parallel between the country of Alzhett and Vastas in the sense that they were both artificially created for something. Finally, there's another parallel between the researcher Aeonhart, who sought immortality for others and then lost his heart in the process and the subject, Vyner, who lost her heart from gaining immortality and reacquired it for others.
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About 4 hours remain
tits too big..
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don't have the time to play until tomorrow
its out!!!
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It is indeed
>70 h-scenes
About on-par for what we usually get.
And then back in. And out again. And in again.
I never realized how Demon Slayery her proportions are.
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What the hell do I put here?
Feel like the translation fucked me up, Deep Sea didnt work.
It was らくえん something which translates to paradise, mana paradise or something like that. I don't remember anymore but you get to see a hint with the answer in game so hopefully this post stirred your memory.
>Yanie will never pee on you
its over
Thanks, I would have missed it.
Deep Sea and Paradise are the two passwords for it
>Leaving the lower dress slightly open
>no underwear
He's clearly begging for Mana Tank cock
Mana tank is strong, he will resist.
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The good news is brands are back. I'd assume it's the same implementation they had in Asylum where you can't equip duplicates though.
Do hope the craftable brands are worth it this time around. Only ones about worth bothering with in Kludge were the elemental parts.
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There's already a gallery up on the panda, man people work fast.
Very curious on what the main plot of Thirst will be about. I hope jop anons can summarize it neatly enough when they finish.
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How was the fake story and theories about Kludge on release?
Something like FGO that people theorized Kadoc and Pepe would come back with new greek servants and Kirschtaria woild be fought with 3 servants at once before joining in the second part of the battle?
As I recall, the issue wasn't so much people faking plot points as it was people saying the story was great without going into detail about what supposedly made it good. There wasn't much if any pushback on that hype until the translation came out. At which point everyone else realized that Kludge kino was a miserable lie.

I don't remember if Dita was hyped or not, but people fucking hated her on day one of the translation dropping and it snowballed from there. I don't personally think she's bad, just very narrowly focused on a divisive niche, but that's not really what you want from the headliner girl of your new game.
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I havent found any meat at all, where can I get it?
You buy it from the nekonchu merchant in one of the houses in the first village in the ice region, iirc
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I freaked the fuck out when I entered this building and saw them
Spoiler: reoccurring characters
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Yeah. Same here. It's a shame it's only a cameo, but it's fun to see nonetheless.
I'm progressing at a steady pace. Game is good so far, but you can't get that many h-scenes near the start. I think that's typical, but it's much less than what kludge had available near the start.
It's also taking much longer to get the full party than kludge.
I'm pretty much taking my time clicking on everything. Unfortunately I have to use MTool to translate because my Japanese vocabulary is not good enough.
I'll probably go newgame+ in Japanese and spend a lot of time learning.
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I peaked through the gallery and will detail a few things for people curious so spoilers ahead, most importantly:
None of the girls seem to have any wrecked holes (except maybe Prim whose vagina we never see in any scene). Hakika has also noticeably scaled back the donut size in this game.

No scat but there is piss which I will detail below.

I was right that Tanuki is the one that gets a pissing scene. Not only that she pisses while riding a sturdy rod in a different scene.
For monster scenes:
Shikinowan Succubus has multiple scenes: footjob, riding, and facesitting, all clothed and one of the facesitting scenes is her pissing straight down Mana Tank's throat.

Adult Yuki Onna has both a normal and "bad" end from the looks of it.

For side characters:
One of them is an adult woman but I forget if Hakika showed her or gave her name at all. She has two scenes and both are pretty much the same.
Bunny boy scenes look disappointing without context on what is going on in them. :(
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For main characters:
Nazuna uses the magical puppet on herself and wears succubus attire. All her scenes appear to be very lovey dovey as expected. If her final scene doesn't have her repeating "I love you" over and over in between kisses I will be both surprised and disappointed.
Prim is either part succubus or directly affected by one since it's only shown in one scene and that seems to be the only scene/s in which she shows emotion on her face. Most others are simply emotionless sex. Some have hearts in them but her expression stays the same.
Cat monk, I forget her name, Otouku?
Cat monk scenes as expected with her becoming more and more lewd as she becomes addicted to sex. She gives an assjob to a sturdy rod but doesn't put it in. She uses two puppets on you to gangbang herself while wearing succubus attire.
All of Uula's scenes look amazing. Uula is still addicted to masturbating and uses a sturdy rod in one. Both her assjob scenes and underneath POV blowjob (complete with her licking Mana Tank's balls while throating him) are hot as fuck.
Ninja girl:
Ninja girl will be interesting once we get more context but she has a veiled blowjob scene and another where she gives a tonguejob. Seems she throats us with her long tongue in her final scene too. No actual lamia parts so that's disappointing.
As I mentioned Tanuki has the pissing scenes and uses a sturdy rod in one of them. She also uses a magical puppet on herself to stroke Mana Tank while blowing him. All her scenes she seems very composed but is clearly enjoying herself.
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I ain't reading all that since I'm playing the game. Uula likes rhino beetles, that's more important
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I'm concerned. She says this. And then the game tells me to increase her bond I need to gift her Fairy Medicine.
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Oh good I was Thirsty while waiting the next SEQUEL news
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Who? Someone from Ghost Path or Runeswald? Cause there was no one like that in Atline.
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Play Ghost Path 1.
Holy crap she is identical. It's a good thing I am nearly finishing Kludge
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Man one Fairy Medicine and all subsequent scenes she becomes a rampaging rapist. I dunno if a switch flipped in her or if she was trying her hardest to keep a serious façade in the first two scenes.
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woman moment
She's just a real weirdo. She seems like a shotacon, but deep down she just wants to be a mom.
>Bunny spoilers
Seems like there just hasn't been any good CGs for traps since Frabi and Clar.
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Yeah she just had post-rape clarity
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>game tells me I have to give Faria a Supression Gadget whatever that is to proceed with her scenes
>she gives me this loredump
Well damn. I know from Blight that men lost standing and people only realized later they produced mana, I know from Awake that people started even milking farms as a desperate measure to harvest mana.
I didn't know they went as far as making weird chastity devices to forbid any mana being wasted unless wanted. SEQUEL women were even crazier way back
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It's in the bin now. Apologies for the delay.
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B-but... I can't speak moon...
She was one of the ones I was looking forward to the most. And he gives her TWO pissing scenes? Eh... hopefully the rest of ehr scenes make up for it
>Cat monk
cloned mana tank gangbangs... yeah this is gonna be a good one
ball licking underneath blowjob...
Just to clarify, regarding not seeing Prim's vagina... do we get to have sex with her from what you can tell?
>another season of being mogged by people who are weeber than me
this sucks
Yes. Four to six scenes total have sex. She also has a handjob, blowjob, and two different paizuri scenes.
I need a sequel spinoff that is a story from this era
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You know what they say. If you can't beat em, join em.
I'm not sure how to feel about Inel and Misery being confirmed virgins now and also monsters, L.Delph was a game I was sure the lewdness was canon
I glanced through it myself.

On the one hand, I'm glad Hakika reigned in the fetishes from Kludge. I don't like watersports, so Aruko and the Shikinowan succubus are a no-go for me. Uula's scenes also seem oddly focused on her panties, which seems ominous as well.

I knew Tsue was probably not for me when Hakika revealed she was his favorite and sure enough, she's all footjobs and bizarre femdom things like stuffing condoms in her panties without actually getting fucked. I never got the point of that kind of thing. Boring as hell premise.

Nazuna's scenes are a mixed bag. The repeatable versions look great, and what I assume is her capstone scene with the kissing looks fantastic. I don't like how her initial scenes take place with her under some kind of charm, but it looks like the others make up for that. I'm not sure why her, Prim and Outoku all have succubus outfit scenes and the other three don't though.

Prim is odd. Only two scenes with actual penetration, and one of them has Manatank just standing there like the gormless fuck he usually is during sex. It's an actual crime to fuck Prim and not grab her overfilled udders with both hands. This will be reported to the proper authorities.

Outoko's scenes look great. As expected, she's channeling Olivia pretty hard, but I liked Olivia's scenes the most in Kludge so nothing to complain about there.

You didn't mention the maximum lewd standing portraits, but I like Nazuna's, Outoku's, Tsue's and Prim's the best. Outoku is definitely my favorite. Uula's is too gremlin, and Aruko isn't actually showing anything. Impressive flexibility though.

As for the bunny boy, I guess Hackika had to come out somewhere. One scene and no penetration? Seriously? I assume he's getting more in the post-launch update. Globos aren't my thing but one single scene is some hackery for sure.
You're correct, Prim has succubus blood,
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The black bars, they sing to me
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Don't do it Lec, you must endure
So are there no loli faerie medicine scenes at all? I don't see anything in the sadpanda gallery. If so, what the fuck.
In Blight there were
I'm talking about Thrist.
Blight: Tirma
Awake: Yanie
Colony: None I'm realizing
Asylum: Malice
Kludge: Yol
L. Depth: None, but no gifts at all anyways.
Thirst: None it looks like.
Who is best girl in Thirst?
With Ino, Misery, and Inej all confirmed to be canonical virgins, I'm more convinced than ever that Hakika is only adding sex scenes to his spinoff games because he thinks they won't sell without them. It's hard to fault him for that because he's probably at least right that they wouldn't sell nearly as much, but at this point it seems like every sex scene in Asylum, L Depth and Innocent Rules never actually happened. Which is whatever for me, but I guess other people might get upset about it.
The biggest surprise of Thirst IMO is No Saxa yet again and no Ten or Nao sex, Tzusuri looks like she's gained some curves since she last saw mana tank hope she gets scenes in the update
Hakika said before launch that Ten, Nao and Tsuzuri wouldn't have scenes and that he'd be doing a poll post launch to determine who'd get some in the first update. Which is dumb as hell, cause Tsuzuri will win by default, but that's what he's doing. As for Saxa, there's barely any side girls with scenes for some reason. No way the shitposting transcendent gets in when there's only two local monster girls with scenes.
finish ino's game first or start playing thirst?
literally, Kuu's were unfappable for me and I imagine these will be similar
I hate realism in my vidya.
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Those thighs were made for thighjob scenes, sadly it's something more erotic to watch in motion rather than a cgi so I can see why nobody ever makes those types of scenes often, the one rabi got had a weird angle
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It's quiet...
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I'm trying to get through most of the bonding, which means scenes that I can't skip to watch later because then I'd never watch but there are a lot of people in home so I can't play Kludge and discuss it
where is subpar...
Hiding from the shadowy cabal of homosexuals
Just lock your door?
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She's still plenty erotic, trust me.
This would be even more suspicious
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Post em
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started kludge after being away from the series for a while, been trying to find this guardian, but the wiki link from the repo seems dead
Just explain to them that it's definitely not porn.
>Still no Faltoga CG
>there hasn't even been a single fan artist that drew any lewds of her and Mana Tank either
Is there no one who will break this curse?
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The sequel bin just has the location for that one listed
>jp wiki dead
It got region locked like 2-3 months ago, you have to use something like Tunnelbear to access it now.
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I knew it was going to be something weird like that.... Thanks

feeling kind of silly for not having checked the kludge entry of the bin
Which sequel game is he in and can I skip right to it? I am a homosexual degenerate thanks
there's a trap/femboy in every game so you can start from the start (blight)
Isn't Fake Rabi not really a part of the main game?
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He's from kludge. Just play the series from the start though, there's a femboy in every game. Fake-Rabi is in both blight and colony too.
all Hscenes are avoidable so technically none of them are "main game" but they are all canon
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Technically yes since awake and kludge are the only ones with femboy party members (Clar and Kuu respecitvely). Fake-Rabi still has plenty of time to shine though and he's the most popular femboy in the series, unsurprisingly.
Except for the unavoidable H-scenes.
Wanted to ask why everyone speaks like it's an SCP document but then remembered Thirst is out
Black Souls crossover!
Playing Blight rn
The eldricht monster in the sage group mansion is kicking my ass, any tips?
He's the casual filter of the game. I do have some tips saved for him and playing in general
>equip Composure Guards on as many people as you can, you can buy more if you have to. Confusion can really screw you over if you get unlucky, so try to get Acolyte's Recover All skill if you can as well
>try to get Striker's Wind fist skills on someone since he's weak to Wind. Thaumaturge's Wind skills don't work that well since he reflects magic sometimes
>get Queen's Royal Bind on someone for two free turns
>get Warrior's Wide Block for some damage resist
>if all else fails, gear up and get levels
He is easily one of the hardest bosses in the game. It sucks that he's a status effect inflicting boss too since you can't get status immunity accessories via Alchemist's Alchemy yet.
He is the first difficulty spike and pretty much the only one I record until the Final Boss, since the Sidequest bosses were optional and could be fought later.
Eldritch One forces you to learn to change classes: he punishes mages so you can't keep Nyx as is. He deals with Confusion so you need gear that protects you from it.
And the mansion is near the girl whose sidequest unlocks the Queen class. There is a good reason for that. Scout that abandoned castle, you will want that class unlocked.
Does the boy in Thirst really only show his butt? No sexo?
You're mixing up Queen with Nightmare, anon. You get Queen way earlier in the game. The mansion has the garbage pit with the Nightmare class at the bottom.
Did Awake have a casual filter? I remember the machine duo in Colony, but I think I more or less cruised through Awake until the final boss finally made me pick up some immunity skills.
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Awake has this guy if you have been getting by without a tank at all. His double laser attack thing will instantly kill even the highest mitigation dps you have while barely doing more than 20% damage to the worst geared tank.
Yeah I'll second Geaross, he's pretty much the only one of awake's regular bosses that I've seen people have trouble with. I had trouble with him too, not for long though. He's just a gear check and level check.
Is the only way to get 1st Vaginal EXP in Asylum to use a familiar? I already got to Adolatio without making them and this weird restriction sucks. It effectively locks me from raping Ino. Yeah, there's unlock all option in recollection room, but it's not the same.
>Is the only way to get 1st Vaginal EXP in Asylum to use a familiar? I already got to Adolatio without making them and this weird restriction sucks. It effectively locks me from raping Ino. Yeah, there's unlock all option in recollection room, but it's not the same.
I don’t even know what thread this is but I want you to read this post out loud to yourself and then reflect on your life choices anon. It’s never too late to make a U-turn.
>Is the only way to get 1st Vaginal EXP in Asylum to use a familiar?
Yep. Use pink essence twice with a familiar, that's the only way as far as I'm aware.
Also how the fuck did you get to Adolatio without familiars?
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Fucking retarded hackika.
>how the fuck did you get to Adolatio without familiars
It wasn't that difficult, I just had to slowly collect all the gear needed to beat each boss. I mostly abused preemptive activation on Cure. Carsis took me 686 turns to beat, stupid spiky crab faggot.
I'm not sure what you're getting at, I specifically went to sequel general cause here at least I could get a reply to my autistic question.
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Relax, I'd imagine the update for the game after the 1.10 update will be pretty big. It should add more scenes with him. Remember that the deadline was actually pretty tight for hakika with this game, and that was even with a head start from finishing up Innocent Rules early last year.
I'm calm now. I'll just wait for a translation, so I can properly enjoy it.
That's the spirit. The updates will be out by the time the translation is out too, like usual.
Would using the English patch for the Thirst trial on the actual game translate the menu labels at least? Where's the patch file itself?
the patch for rpgm games basically rewrite the entire map data, so you'd be playing the demo instead of the actual game if you try to do it that way
also if you cant differentiate the menu labels by feel at this point i think you should wait for the full patch
well that's disappointing then
>also if you cant differentiate the menu labels by feel at this point i think you should wait for the full patch
I can, but it's more about reducing the mental load while playing.
In the jap wiki for blight, there is an instruction for a single target-focused power build that will obliterate everything short of the game's final 2 super bosses. You should have enough points for the essentials by lvl35. Look it up.
I'm trying to do a quick and simple replacement for the rest of the 'Namecut' images now since I've already done like half of them, and I'm just about done with all of them.
There's one I'm unsure I've got totally right, and another who's title I don't really have a clue on.

The new character; Sasame ( 将軍家執政 ) - Shogunate Consul? Advisor? There's probably a better english title for this, I didn't want to think too hard about it and just moved on to the other images.)
The returning character; Tsuzuri ( コクシャの娘 ) - Kokusha's Daughter / Something Girl?
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At least he sped up lately, might be finished in a few months

This is a quick edit for the sake of simplicity.
Hope it helps.
good shit thanks
holy shit. I love you. I'll try it later
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The poll for thirst is already available. It ends on 10/14. It’s a pretty simple vote, you can vote for things like your favorite main party character, 3 favorite side characters including Tsuzuri, and which 5 characters had the best scenes.
i really should be more careful when hovering black bars.....
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Why don't you hover my black bar anon, it's pretty nice.
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which beach is it talking about? i cant seem to find the right one
For SEQUEL thirst?
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The partial menu translation is working well so far. Thanks bud
The beach on the island where you got the owl girl. Follow the instructions as if you were following them in real life. Right and left = turning controls.
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ok i have to be mentally stunted im doing as instructed but nothing is happening. pic rel is the starting point yea?
Did Innocent Rules got translated?
Yes but not the porn.
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I guess not by subpar as the site hasn't been updated in years?
No, the translation was instead picked up by someone on F95, and I believe he passed the torch to someone else not too long ago to finish it. For what it's worth I've tried it out since most of the game has been translated and I got curious about the quality of it, and it seemed pretty decent, only thing I had to complain about were random tidbits being forgotten and left untranslated, but they were extremely minor and didn't cause problems since they were little things such as post signs and what nots.
I'll reserve my full opinion once the game will be fully translated though, I didn't go farther than the first miniboss.
I'd probably help with translation if I knew what the process was
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Ah I see so its still work in progress, though hearing its done by someone in F95 made me immediately think its just someone MTLing the shit and calling it a day. Glad to hear its not like that though. It would be nice if subpar came back to translate thirst. Not holding my breath however.
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Yeah if I'm to be completely honest I'd rather have Subpar too, but hey, give it a fair chance. Most people don't realize how good we've had it so far.
translation doko
Tsuzuri is literally just Girl (or Maiden) of Kokusha. You find out what Kokusha is way later in the story, but it’s a location Tsuzuri is at.
>MTLing the shit and calling it a day
He is. Confirmed last thread he's using GPT4.
I don’t think that was him posting though, or if it was, he was just joking around. I already played the translation and it definitely wasn’t straight MTL.
If that was even him, only most of the h-scenes will be done using GPT4 since he already did the whole game manually. And even then, if he edits and proofreads it I don't think anyone will be able to tell since h-scenes are just hundreds of variations of
>hora hora, you came so fast
Any tips on beating Phalmid in Blight?
It's clearly not MTL.
if it was MTL this shit wouldn't take over a whole year, trust me
Use fire
Level up and gear up
Go get the Nightmare class from the garbage hole below Cadena’s mansion, or the Valkyrie class from west of the Harsh Outcrops (where the Miruess Army HQ was). Both those classes get Incite, which is a core skill for your tank alongside Wide Block from Warrior.
alright fine I will play sequel thirst.
that wasn't him. That poster said they'd do the rest using GPT4. Given the lack of progress so far, it was probably just someone making a joke.
Even if it was him, that would still imply most of the translation so far isn't GPT4.
What is it? I was taught to not click links without knowing what they are first.
is thirst TL out yet?
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It came out two days ago anon...
>two days ago
How many anons are already hospitalised, getting emergency fluids pumped straight into their veins?
ok ok ok but what about the MTL
technically there's a partial translation now
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>playing with MTL
lol, lmao
Got to say when it comes to Uula's scenes in thirst I wish she behaved more cute (like in blight) than sadistic. Such is the toll on one's personality that being a wagie inflicts.
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To be fair, she started to become a bit of a sadist in her final scenes in blight. It was unsurprising to see that side of her in thirst too. She's no longer a shy drug addict, she's confident now.
She lets a bit of it shine through in one of the scenes where you call her cute and she gets a bit embarrassed/reverts for a bit.
It's kind of just the fact that she's coping with the stress from the Shikinowa job and has decided to roleplay that you're just a tool for masturbation for the trip.
I think when everyone's back in Haven and she's less stressed that she'd act the same as before.
Once again I am struck with how Hakika makes it
happen when they only chard a little less than ten bucks, also what are these payment options, I assume its the credit card companies being prudes again?
if 20,000 people buy at $10, then he makes 200k before taxes for a year's worth of work. I don't think he would be starving even after getting raped by taxes and fees.
>what are these payment options, I assume its the credit card companies being prudes again?
yeah, pretty much. Buying points has been the norm for a months now
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Very good. Hakika does it again.
I can confidently say this one is better than kludge. Still not as kino as colony, but it does its own thing.
how many hours?
>better than kludge
post your full ranking
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Almost 15 hours on the dot. I did every side event in the main story and did a few relationships up to level 3 and 4. A lot of scenes are locked behind relationship level 5 which I'll assume is postgame only. That's kinda like how kludge did it.
Colony > thirst > blight > kludge > awake
hmm interesting. Seems like your really enjoyed it
>kludge > awake
can't agree with this though lol
Awake has always been low tier for me because of the story and gameplay sucking. And it was a real pain in the ass to do all 11 of the relationships in that game. 11 is just way too many, especially with the dumb day/night cycle.
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Thirst homo talk, spoilery but not so much, read at your own risk though
The buildup is pretty hot. But it sucks that he only has 2 scenes. The first one is just an introduction where Mana Tank trips into his butt as he's making tea, and the second one is him seducing you with his ass after he gives his backstory. He's a male mutant of the bunny monsters that are in Shikinowa, the Sepyon. He grew up without fur or a snout, so he didn't belong.
The scene itself is Mana Tank masturbating while sucking Tokuhaku off from behind. His dialogue is erotic and he has plenty of heart icons in his text. It was pretty hot. It was also pretty unsurprising that hakika did another scene like that after what Innocent Rules had. I really hope hakika adds more for him in the postlaunch updates.
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Damn smug rabbit...
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Got filtered by this fucker in Kludge. Don't even remember where I could go or how to play at this point.
Where was this? I don't remember. What level are you? If you're around level 30-35 you can go explore Windstilla.
Drownroad, level 29. It's boarding some sub or something.
Drownroad, level 29. It's boarding some sub or something.
I've got Windstilla and Windstilla: West listed, and Bande Village and Inquirer's House after those.
Ah right. I don't remember having any trouble with that at all, I'd suggest just going to level up to the east of the barbarian village. Use Yolnaya instead of Faria too, she's much better.
>Mana Tank being the bottom
Way to ruin it Hakika
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Nazuna scene spoiler
>lewd kissing sex with x-ray cross section
Thanks hakika
Beat it, just had to bind after being debuffed. Yolnaya helped.
Cleared all the SEQUEL Thirst non-H content. Last superboss came down to the wire
Holy Nazuna tits
On the subject of the point workaround, anyone know what the story is on their dlpay getting shut down? They've got new workaround marketsites , but they didn't say much on what happened to that.
Hey guys! Had to take a small break from the games after just playing them back to back without a real pause in between. They were fine, but I was starting to get a little burnt out from the length of it all. I just realized I didn't say much on Awake, but there was something about it that struck me as odd. Something that was a little undeveloped if I'm reading things right and that thing was just the identity of the egg. It honestly reads like if Kuruha was a former monster from the Outside who then lost her identity and became a human on the inside and Kuruha's an unstable monster who can go in between, Sibluml must've been a human originally from the Inside who was thrown to the Outside somehow and became a monster. Such a thing would've truly twisted his personality and it would've also been a reason as to why he was just so exceedingly weak.

I also believe that the Outside has something strongly to do with the real world in Liberty Step. The fact that there are monsters in it could've been because it was connected to the rest of Ordowald, but there was something extremely strange going on in that world to begin with. It seemed like it was falling apart and the animals were starting to get affected by something. And then there's the fact that the people there had no awareness of you, but not strong enough that they were unable to completely interact with you. It felt like the concept of Out of Awareness was starting to build there. Just something I noticed, but it was pretty intriguing. Guess I'll go and replay Asylum next!
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>if 20,000 people buy at $10, then he makes 200k before taxes for a year's worth of work. I don't think he would be starving even after getting raped by taxes and fees.
Doesn't DLsite take a cut from that 200k even before taxes? Still a lot of people are still buying the earlier sequel games so I'd assume he still gets quite a bit of money out of it.
DLsite takes at least a 30% cut, possibly more. I don't know how being self employed in Japan works, but generally in the US you get fucked in the ass by taxes and have to pay roughly double or more what you'd pay normally. It's probably fair to assume he makes ~40-50% of the listed price after everyone else has taken their cut.
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I feel like the H-scenes in general have been weaker this time around. I think the Monk so far has had the best ones. Real shame about the lack of globo this time around
There's also that bundle deal on SEQUEL still, right?
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Yeah. I bought them all cause I felt bad that I had pirated every single one of them earlier.
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hello Nazuna
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*humble fox noises*
I accidentally took a peak at a gameplay video of thirst and i have to say as someone who stopped at kludge because i can't read jap.

Fucking hyped as shit
Go play thirst’s demo if you haven’t already
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Kitsune udon.
>Forcing Nazuna to eat her own kin
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I’ve liked the h-scenes so far actually. Especially from Uula and Outoku. It is a definite shame about Tokuhaku though, I very much hope he gets more scenes in the future.
This wagie needs to be reminded of her place, someone call THIS DUDE
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Again, it was pretty unsurpising with what Clar, Kuu and Ino had done to Mana Tank in the past. Mana Tank seems to like femboy dicks in his mouth now. I blame Clar.
just finished ino's game time for nazuna's game yipeeeeeeee
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Can't beat the succ.
The joke is that there is no Kitsune in the Kitsune udon, a misconseption that is causing my foxwife some anxiety, hence the text: きつねうどんに何か誤解があるきつね
Without getting too detailed what are your personal opinions of the party excluding Uula and Nazuna, I feel like people know enough about them at this point and I personally feel there's not likely anything new to them in this game other than being more comfortable with sex with mana tank
you should scratch Ino off that list, it's canon that no sex happened to him in his adventure just like the sisters and Malice
Uula is basically just two curved lines. Why is she so popular?
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I genuinely loved Asylum's story and plot.
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Wagies like me can relate to her problems.
>Been trapped in overtime hell for the past 4 weeks now
>Take some days off to deal with medical issues
>Come back to find not only a shitload of work but nothing working right, managers fucking up and several new people I've never seen before

Warehouse work is easy but so goddamn straining that I need to self plap at least once a week before work to get through it can't even spend any money because it's all soaked up by bills! I understand Uula's pain completely and for that she's enjoyable even if she's awakened a sadistic streak just like Tirma and Rabi have cuz of mana tank.
Would your life be better if you had some nice beetles?
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No, but it'd definitely be better if I had a very, very, funny bunny
I liked it too. But I had problems with how all the story stuff is backloaded to the endgame and postgame. I know it makes for a grand reveal and all, but the main story was still much too boring for me. The distortions were boring.
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That's entirely fair for sure.
It was a slow burn, but I really liked the postgame ending and the big reveal.
There was a lot of Asylum that was Not Good, but I really like to focus on the parts that are Good.
Same here. The soundtrack is great too, to this day.
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>thirst has plot points related to the number 4
>used to think the logo was just supposed to be a shuriken
>it’s actually 4 moons

It all makes sense now…
Interesting. I had actually assumed it was maybe a black hole, and would've had some connection to however Shikinowa is managing to apparently be unaffected by the mana crisis and why they were sending spies into Alzhett.
I just understood the meaning of Awake's title screen. God fucking dammit. One crescent on the inside and one on the outside.
I love nazuna so much...
I love her. I just love her.
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Anon you're a Nazuna if you just realized that...
Guys I'm just a simple nazuna and I can't figure out if this thread is telling me there is a translation or just that the game is available for purchase from dlsite...
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Why don't you check the sequel bin, you Nazuna
Oh, I didn't think of that -_- I think I have the link...? Thank you!
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New here to sequel. Not new overall. If you only knew how long I've been on this site it would depress you.

That's the only link I have from 2022...
Found it! A translated demo for thirst. Thanks anons!
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The one nice thing about superbosses with Special commands in thirst is that you no longer have to scroll down to see if there's a Special command. It's now very obvious since your command bar will be bigger.
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It's incredibly funny to me that both Innocent Rules and thirst have extremely quick leveling spots for getting to level 99. I bet hakika got backlash for what he did in kludge with that damn chickener cave.
I still need to finish Kludge and do its post game.
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Then do it. What are you waiting for? Play L.Depth too.
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Haven't read all of this but
The scene with Prim where she gets glowing eyes is a dream scene. She does admit to being a succubus during it though, but, knowing Prim, I have no idea if she's telling the truth or not.
I'm the biggest Nazuna of them all since I still don't understand the meaning behind and between each games' logos
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blight's is a solar eclipse, also a motif used throughout the game like with the teleportation spells and the final boss
awake's is symbolic of the Inside and Outside
colony's is the crest of the Holy Knights of Alzhett, also it shows up on Amalda's monocle in the Proof of True Mastery image
kludge’s is an unfinished angel halo. Dita’s ahoge is shaped like it.
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I see I see!
I don't.
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Dumb blobs like you...
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N-no, stop!
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Also for Uula Indeed the ball-licking under the blowjob was hot. Spoiler alert but it was a public blowjob scene as well. After Mana Tank's first ejaculation, Uula's subordinate rushes around the corner, sees the blowjob and begs Uula for some mana from him too.
How do you get married in Colony? I have everyone's relationship level to stage 5 and it still isn't letting me gift the ring
have you put the stone on it, i remember thinking I could just gift the ring too but you actually need to use it as a crafting component along with a stone of promise and some arbitrary amount of semi rare mana.

The wiki should cover it somewhere
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With all those black bars I thought Thirst had already gotten a full release. Is the demo at least really long to warrant a Black Souls-lite thread?
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same anon from>>3621279
I went and checked the wiki the ingredients are here
Uula is a good girl
I have the ring of promise, it won't let me gift it. It says the impatience is forbidden thing
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Thirst released like 3 days ago.
You need all scenes unlocked for your choice and 200 favorability on them
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Thirst spoiler for final boss. Not a major spoiler, just music
The final boss theme is a two-parter and I love it. Especially part 2.
Guys I'm playing awake so I can be with nazuna. Does it matter if I tickle her or not? I've been saying that kuruha devoured me. Will I mess up being able to marry nazuna?
All you’ll have to do to be able to marry Nazuna in awake is to make sure to pick to talk to her at the funeral/gravesite scene towards the end of the game. Thank god colony onwards don’t have stupid marriage locks like blight and awake have.
Thank you anon
Two questions after beating thirst:
How do I farm acorns for non-ero gifts
Where do I obtain the ring of promise (unless it's not implemented yet?)
They drop from ムジナ in 命刻山.
The ring is a reward from the donation box.
Not that guy but fuuuuuuck on the latter. I do generally like Hakika's choices regarding inventory and items this time though, for example tying the status guards to acorns makes your choices on them feel much more strategic early on.
You could also just trade acorns for coins at a 10:1 ratio, but picking them up as you go is the intended way. There's at least enough natural coins to get the ring if you explore every area IIRC.
Thanks for the info.
I thought I explored everywhere and picked up every coin but I guess I missed 2 which I just bought with acorns instead
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Nta but you're a lifesaver. Is there any best place to farm the tanukis though? The best I found was just walking in and out of the door at the end of the mountain. There's one enemy you can repeatedly fight quickly, but it's not a guaranteed tanuki fight. At least the tanukis always drop acorns though.
So, think Tsuzuri's got it on lock or does she have to actually fight for it? I mean the only way I could see it being a blow out is if in her interactions in this game, assuming she's not here for a cameo like Anisa's cameo in Colony
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I think we have a pretty good chance of getting Tsuzuri scenes in an update. People like her because of awake, and she's cute in thirst too. Sex with her is mentioned.
Dude, how the fuck is that thing staying high enough for her to not be flashing constantly? And they just out and out said they fucked? Wow, even Anisa was more subtle only Rabi immediately picked up that Mana Tank plapped her
It's only just mentioned in the narration there, so it's just Mana Tank thinking it. Tsuzuri flips out and blushes a lot upon seeing Mana Tank though so I think it's obvious to the rest of the party.
Every time stuff like that happens I wonder what goes through mana tank's companions minds. Jealousy? begrudging acceptance that if mana tank is knows someone they likely had sex? I don't think that happened when meeting Auris, they just immediately noticed that Auris was really happy to see him again
How long till someone kidnaps Manatank to manufacture drugs with his highly addictive mana?
Dude is a walking controlled substance.
Mana tank's whole life has been kidnapping, he was seemingly created in Vastas but either escaped on his own or was placed elsewhere intentionally, he was found and experimented on by the Sage Group and seemingly abandoned in that lab before Rabi found him, I always thought it was odd how he woke up as soon as Rabi was within range to save him. Then Liliquila tried to steal him away, then Sheena successfully stole him away, then Rabi stole him back because he was taking too long to come back on his own, then he was kidnapped back to Vastas by a massive dragon just like the cat almost was, yet she still managed to find her way to Vastas anyway, it's also odd how she always manages to be in the same area as mana tank, I'm sure she's in Shikinowa as well and finally there's nothing indicating that his "mana" is addictive I think he himself is the drug, no matter how you slice it alot of people end up being endeared to the guy after knowing him for a little bit, even Hakika admitted that if a certain somebody got to hang out with him a little bit more their tragic end may have been avoided.
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Fucking kek. Hakika knows everyone likes the sharkwife.
Just hit me. Another game with no faltoga sex.
I think Tsuzuri's almost guaranteed to get some scenes. Nao is basically store brand Nazuna and Ten has some cute interactions, but I dunno who else she might be up against.
Posting again because I think 4chin ate my post:

Can anyone provide any tips for Flutterer in Colony? It looks like she gets multiple attacks per turn in her second phase, and her AOE/all-party attack one shots my entire party. 7K+ damage, not to mention the status effects. I've only given it one shot but I got raped so hard that I don't know what to do. I have everyone at level 99.
I liked that big field with all the puzzles and fights in southern Alzhett in Kludge. How did everyone else feel about it?
There's not one in Thirst but I assume that has to do with it taking a lot of dev time and the engine-switch to MZ meaning different plugins were available.
It's been a while since I've done that fight so I don't know what builds are available, but the secret for beating every difficult boss in the series is to open up a notepad and write down what moves they do on each turn # (in fact, the Japanese wiki you need a VPN for has a section for each boss where it does this feature for you)
Every turn has a finite number of potential moves (most of the time it's 1 specific move per turn) and eventually past a certain turn # it loops back to the start
Once you know what moves come out on each turn you can strategize around them (blocking during big AOE nukes, throwing shit bombs on buffing turns, using bind when the boss is about to use a dangerous move, etc.)
It seems that up to thirst, guardians still give no experience upon defeat. Is there a lore reason for this and how do you guys feel about it?
Its never going to happen, you'd think some fan would've drawn something by now but no there's some fucking curse on her.
kuso, bugwife, if only...
So, the trick with Flutterer is has been said - to keep counting the turns. The other thing, though, is that while the first phase isn't too brutal, the second phase has an attack that's a full party wipe unless you're ready for it - and the turn count keeps from 1st phase to 2nd phase, even though the two phases use completely different skills. You want to time ending the first phase so that you'll have the longest amount of time before the second phase's nuke attack, then either try and burst the second phase down before the nuke hits or somehow survive it. The other thing to note - once you get the second phase low enough, the boss will start using some absolutely brutal physical attacks, so even if you do all you can to stop the elemental damage, then that can still be a nasty surprise when you think you've won. Rabi was my main damage dealer, and I mainly focused on buffing her up to max Full Combo damage (while equipped with the Dark-element, I think?) and timing the buffs going up so they fit with Lestea's defense-null skill.
So does Thirst have planned content updates in the future?
Yep. Two are planned
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Speaking of updates. Here we go again.
It hasn’t even been a week since thirst came out…
It had a completely different atmosphere from the rest of the game, and because of its idiosyncratic nature mixed with all the stuff you could do in it, it was fun. It was just a good breath of fresh air and. the postgame superboss located there had enough interestingness going for it to just make it fit in.
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It was one of the highlights of the game for me. Asylum’s areas should’ve been big like that and had a map like it too.
dumb fox...
>Half-clad in a kimono
>Other half in a revealing sling
Hot as hell.
why was he like this
I feel dumb, I have no idea where the place I'm supposed to go in Ruinswald is.
I'm pretty close to the end of the maingame, and I'm supposed to be headed towards the uhhh, entranceless observatory tower.
Found it. It's like way at the beginning of the western continent, so of course I didn't remember where it was.
Is it a game where you can get lost easily? I know nothing about it
It should be set in Palgadol AKA SEQUEL Awake's country
He just loves (You) a lot, more than anyone else. Enough to kill others
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All done. I really like the postgame in thirst, I'm happy hakika's adding more to it too.
I think the best part is that the colmana/fae hero/3 robot equivalents drop two of their drops for each time you beat them, and you only need 1 of their drops for all of their crafts. There are some crafts that take 1 of each item, but that's incredibly easy to get. I didn't have to kill any of them more than 4 times, and you can kill them very quickly after just crafting new weapons.

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