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>foul mouthed "you cant handle a real woman" follower
>actually I'm a lesbian follower
>actually I'm gay follower
>a literal mexican who talks like a cholo follower
>cross-dressing super mutant follower
>*gestures in sign language* "actually i am a lesbian" follower

Is this what games were like before the "woke mind virus"?
Truth is, the game was rigged from the beginning
Why do you think trannies love this game so much?
This game is a legit 10/10. You shouldn't need validation from /v/tards, like myself, or infuriating /v/irgins, like many here.
Lily isn't a crossdresser, she is an actual woman with grandchildren.
Lol yeah I remember when I got to the dinosaur "city" (apartment block with 5 people in it) and talked to the niglet on the second floor and he went into some detailed diatribe about how he got kicked out of some city from fallout 2 for using his bbc on da white women too much and thought "i guess this is why fat redditors like this game so much"
>>>a literal mexican who talks like a cholo follower
you dont like raul? you're upset there's a spic caricature in post apocalyptic vegas? get some taste faggot
It pisses me off that Cass is an avowed slut who fucks whoever happens to be next to her when she gets blackout drunk every night, but categorically (and aggressively) refuses to have sex with your character for no reason at all. This is the case even if you have 10 CH, 100 Speech, Lady Killer (or whatever the lesbian equivalent is), even if you have lots of money and status, and even if you have done her quest and committed murder for her. It just pushes this weird subliminal cuckold narrative that is all across media- "everyone has sex, except you."

It is for this reason that I always kill her, either personally or by turning her over to the Van Graffs.
I didn't even notice any of that, im not suprised even if i even fucked arcane before and didn't realized what happened.
What really makes games worse today is that there's too many brown people in them. It's an eyesore.
It's an odd choice for a RPG, this no romance thing. Here, roleplay as anyone, do anything you wish including murder. But no, not this very important aspect of human life, relationships and sex.
Exactly. And on top of all that, they break their own rule anyway because you can fuck Red Lucy (and various nameless prostitutes).
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Because it's a serious game, not a harem anime, you dumb incels.
Virgin energy
Remember, you can roleplay as anyone you want, except whom the devs deem problematic.
It's a tranny themepark game.
And she's still wearing female-coded clothing too.
>Characters are well placed and subtle without any hints unless you actually ask for it or hit on them.

Underage chuds and their 2018 New Vegas memes keep forgetting that those characters are probably the most reasonable homos in any videogame ever considering the competition. Aka two characters who have a regular backstory and just happen to be gay and that wokeshit isnt atrocious to so many people because "REEEEEEEE THERE IS A GAY HAPPENING HERE!" but because of the hysterical upfront bullshit token attitude in which homos and browns are placed. Both characters are the exact opposite of that.
>You actually cant just fuck automatically every woman you speak to just because you are the main character.
Cas is just a maximum bro who would catch a bullet for the courier. Its totally on you being a 14 year old virgin unable to exist in the vicinity of a female without orbiting her trying to sneak pitty fucks into that friendship because you are such a limp dick your best strategy is deception.
>Pre war mexican ghoul found his way into fucking Nevada after just 200 years.
Oh no! A mexican in Nevada! THAT LITERALLY NEVER HAPPENED! Are you telling me a state that is a three days walk away from the mexican border has that one guy in it who is actually from Mexico? ABSURD! If anything there should be Raouls everywhere since Nevada is literally a fucking third latino. 30% of the population are Raoul you mongrel.
>magaturd comes in to rant about how much he likes gay people that talk in regular person voice
Not OP but raul is extremely self deprecating and overall just a waste of space. You have to go out of your way to recruit him too.
Cass is fine
Raul is fine
Arcade is kind of annoying but not because he's gay, he's just that nosy nerd archetype.
Lily is female, she's just mutated and a schizo
I always kill Veronica in every playtrhough. A 2016-2018 character that somehow teleported into a 2010 game.
In the end the best companions are the robots and animals anyway, like every other Fallout.
>This game is a legit 10/10.
How? Gunplay, RPG systems, artistic design, they all suck. The main selling point is the game's writing, which is overrated in every Fallout game. It's barely a 7/10 at the very best.
>Underage chuds and their 2018 New Vegas memes keep forgetting that those characters are probably the most reasonable homos in any videogame ever considering the competition.
Buck-broken post.
Narrative all across media? Anon, I bet that’s the narrative of your life.
Literally all of the companions are whiny and insufferable, aside from Lily and Boone. Somehow Fallout 4 has more tolerable companions than this game, which is sad.
boone makes up for it for being one of the best male characters in all vidya
cass is really fucking annoying though and i'm glad the game developers built in a way for the player to have her executed for money
Being able to romance Cass isn't the same as being able to fuck Cass. Her character is being a drunk skank with daddy issues, it would be entirely in her character for her to fuck & suck the couriers dick. It would also be entirely withing her character to leave your party immidiately and permanently if you then try to romance her into an actual relationship.
>Raoul not in Lily and Boone tier
>complains about how "tolerable" companions are instead of how good of a character they are
Are you just triggered by the jibes from NV companions when you make them carry your shit?
What makes a good character?
>The main selling point is the game's writing
That's the one for me. I enjoyed every playthrough I had, either with the Legion, NCR, House, or Yes Man. They were all amazing. I think what made me have this opinion was playing it right when it came out, the narrative was so much superior to how it was in 3 that I straight up fell in love with the game. My opinion became more solid after playing 4.
Seek professional help.
I'm married, but it's pretty clear that they got you with this shit.
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Raul is cool. I think Veronica is annoying as shit and most of the others are just whatever. But I never liked followers in Fallout RPGs anyways, they get in the way
This. Also, they could have found more sensible ways to write it if they were really deadset on not letting you fuck her. For instance, they could have had her state that she isn't willing to do that until after your work together is finished (i.e., when the game ends).

As it is, they provide no reason whatsoever. It's just "because you're you"
You have to go out of your way even more to do his quest. The chances of a player naturally triggering the necessary elements of his quest (like speaking to Ranger Andy with him as a companion) are very low, you basically have to use google.
How interesting they are for starters. And in FO4 they're as bland as can be.
>never liked followers
Difficulty needs to be raised to make them valuable. Otherwise they're just a quippy npc following you around.
Yeah true. But eh, even now that I play New Vegas with mods to make the game more difficult I still like being on my own. I think it's the repeating dialogue and them getting in my way that annoys me the most. That's why I like Rex and ED-E the most
Understandable, and it's not like companions in NV would add much worth considering, gameplay-wise. Hardly anything to think about their skills or equipment.
The actually good women who know their place in the wasteland trust you to handle yourself out there while they stay at home and manage their local communities (Red Lucy and Sarah respectively)
The whole point of all the actual follower characters in this game is that only a fundamentally broken person would want to go walk the wastes with some trigger happy kleptomanic asshole who won’t even make them steward of the throne of Vegas if they win
And even if you offered Cass, or Arcade, or Veronica a spot by your side in the seat of power, it wouldn’t make them happy by any metric and they’d probably fuck that up too like they did the rest of their lives
That's usually why I either ignore them or kill them
I actually have a soft spot for Veronica and like the ending where she tries to leave the brotherhood behind and just becomes an even bigger nobody than she already was, it also makes getting into the the bunker a lot easier
It's amazing the lengths you have to go to in order to come up with any kind of a tangible defense to this shit.
Anon, Rose of Sharon Cassidy is the most important lesson any 14 year old boy can learn from an RPG
Some hoes just can’t be saved and your life will be infinitely better off for your not attempting
Dear God, that poor woman.
No one is talking about saving her, we're talking about fucking her.
Same thing, sex is the ultimate compliment you can give a woman and Cass doesn’t deserve it
Tell us about your woman, anon.
I really wonder what it was about this that triggered you so much.
I just try to play as a pacifist who slowly realizes the world won't tolerate her kind and slowly goes from basically good and moral to utilitarian.
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>they provide no reason whatsoever. It's just "because you're you"
The actual reason is that Soiwyer is very fucking obviously a deeply closeted homosexual with daddy issues, and he can't admit it to himself or come out of the closet because it would break his mother's heart (she is a mormon). Like every other tranny/faggot in the industry, he has a deep inferiority complex and seething hatred for normal straight sexuality, so he intellectualizes and takes his frustration out on the players by cockteasing and cuckolding them. They get the same kind of rush of power and pleasure serial killers get out of torturing animals and people. But like i said, they intellectualize it, so instead of saying "i don't get to live out and fulfill MY sexual desires and needs, so neither do YOU!!", they say "What, you can't get laid in real life Grognard/chud? This is a videogame not a porno", despite the fact everyone in the game constantly talks about sex/relationships & has sex/relationships, except the player character.
>Write five page essay about how the gay illuminati prevent you from having sex because a western RPG isnt some anime harem faggotry for once.

That's not what i said, you projecting homo. For what it's worth, i actually don't like "romance" in videogames, because it always boils down to "earn enough good boy points & suddenly the character is madly in love with you and strips nude for you". It's never organic, natural or realistic, and if you aren't going to do it well it would be better for you not to do it at all. (this also how "romance" is written in obshitian games, except an additional layer of cringe is added by the player being a creepy matchmaker / voyer watching from the cuck corner as two teenage lesbians written by a creepy 40+ year old man with a lesbian fetish awkwardly flirt and make out.) Don't even get me started on Baldur's Gape 3 and the "romance" with females, let alone the out-of-nowhere and forced homo-romance. Yes, they patched the game, but i played it on release and it 100% fucking blindsided and railroaded you into gay romance for merely talking to your male party members even if you EXPLICITLY rejected their advances. And funnily enough, mister "romance in videogames is cringe" Soiwyer loves that game. It's almost like forced gay sex = good, heterosexuality = bad.
Sounds about right.
I agree. Even slightly realistic romance is fundamentally at odds with the nature of video games, but that is no excuse for rejecting all common sense in the application of a "fad to black" sex mechanic in a game that already has it established.
>Even slightly realistic romance is fundamentally at odds with the nature of video games,
I actually disagree, Terminator Resistance has three examples of decent romance. The first being a scavenger (& her little brother) who you save in the very beginning of the game and spend the rest of the game with. Mechanically it works on the same goodboy point system, but she's written to be interested in you from the beginning, the game is linear, the relationship develops over the whole game, you don't get to bang her until the end of the game and it's intended that you fuck her, so it works out OK. The second is your female CO, who tries to manipulate you into disregarding orders and killing an important scientist in hiding by offering to touch your wee-wee in exchange. It's clear it's just sex / quid pro quo for her, she's manipulating you and there's no romantic feelings. Third, you can play matchmaker for two optional secondary characters by saving them. The woman nurses a wounded resistance soldier back to health, falls in love with him over the game and they end up running away together. You CAN write decent romance in vidya, it's just that they don't want to because the industry is full of bitter homos eternally seething about ThE HeTERo wHiTeMaLeGayMerGazE
obsidian always been faggy
The only companion that sucks is Veronica. She's annoying, naive, and all I see is Felicia Days ugly face. Cass is dumb too, but you can turn her in and get a laugh.
Most things related to the Brotherhood suck.
Why aren't they a legit faction?
The NCR soldier she has sex with is the courier who has essentially sold himself to the same system that fucked Cass over.
I feel like the Powder Gangers and/or Fiends could have been a far more important raider faction.
Imagine if Caesar's dumbass 'oh using innovation and drugs is bad' shit met Raiders who were like, "so I strapped three plasma guns together and if you fire it ten times you'll melt but it kills guys in power armor'
At least you can get Red Lucy, she's cool
No it wouldn't. Trashbag whores like her usually fuck lowlife scumbags. The courier is a literal jesus-esque figure who becomes the most significant person in the entire wasteland
Women will almost never give you a proper reason why they won't fuck you. Hell if you even have to ask they will probably just say no even if they want to because it's unattractive as hell
>Doesn't take the 200 year old Paw Patrol cyborg who witnessed the nukes falling and now guards a church dedicated to Elvis gangsters
>Doesn't take the floating robot who can at least shut the fuck up and is also a clone of the robot that was there when you nuked your hometown by accident
>Doesn't take the ex-army sniper whose pastimes include killing bitter old hags, killing slaver fags in skirts and killing anything else that isn't you
>Doesn't take the grandma stealth ogre with dementia and a sword made out of a car. (She's an actual grandmother who still dresses like a pre-war woman.)

Don't blame the game for you being too retarded and dead inside to have fun, OP

Absolutely agree. Fiends should be fielding shit that you'd need an unstable joke mod to build in Fallout 4.
I'm sure there are some examples of it least being decently written, but life itself is fundamentally incompatible with the nature of combat-based video games (obviously things like Stardew Valley might constitute an exception). When you solve all of your problems in real life, you just start living and letting time pass by. When you solve all of your problems in a video game, you turn it off.

Video games aren't alone in this, it's basically the same deal with movies and TV (and even books), just a bit less pronounced. The more narrative media you consume of any kind, the more you get used to the idea that everything has to be about 'conflicts' and 'plot archs' rather than just inhale-exhale, one-foot-before-the-other.
>Women will almost never give you a proper reason why they won't fuck you.
That's not true at all, they're full on flakey excuses as a defense mechanism. You'd know this if you actually talked to some.
Best girl is definitely whats-her-face from Dead Money. Too bad it's a lesbian courier relationship. Men don't have a solid waifu. Not sure there are any females in the game in generalmthat would qualify.
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All evidence points to her being a actual grandmother. You literally find a clip of her kids.

Also the Mexican is a mass murdering western revenge plot vigilante, and you can indeed handle Rose.
Fallout New Vegas is actually just a game about lesbianism, the post-apocalyptic setting and gunplay is all filler.
>and you can indeed handle Rose.
By murdering her.
It helps that isn't the end all for the writing unlike "woke mind virus" games also hispanic culture is inherently anti-woke
>just a game about lesbianism
This flew right over the heads of those "wow capitalusm" midwits
The Courier can have sex with several different characters in the vanilla game. Sex in New Vegas is presented as a vice in every single instance it is mentioned. There are essentially no wholesome mentions of husbands and wives doing the deed, but there is a plethora of in-your-face sexual exploitation, prostitution, slavery, and abuse. This is because New Vegas tries to build a world that is perverse and dark on purpose, as simply another piece of the "war never changes" message. Sex for the purpose of unity, love, and family-building is never mentioned by design because the world is supposed to seem like a burned-out husk filled with people as broken as the rubble around them. This is why there are no in-game sexual encounters that are romantic, but instead are either the player exploiting prostitutes (Gammorah and others), sleeping with an enemy to steal from and possibly kill them (Benny), or as a reward for helping someone's business (as with Red Lucy, in which case the player is the one being exploited).

The companions in New Vegas are meant to show brief glimpses into how the world could be changed for the better, or worse, depending on the player's actions. So if anything, fucking Cass would probably have meant the Courier loses Cass as a companion or is only possible as a means of betraying her to the Van Graffs. Cass's ending where she fucks the soldier is meant to demonstrate that, even after all you did for her and the NCR, she's still a broken person. Because war never changes, and neither did she.
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>It's an odd choice for a RPG, this no romance thing.
Especially where there actually are romance options, and they are written in a most laughable 14-year-old's understanding of how romance works way possible.
Also, the way you can cuck Carlitos it pretty damn dark.
>muh wife (a deadbeat whore)
>muh guilt
>legion bad must kill all legionaries on sight fuck your exploration (he is the only companion who does that)
>INT: 3 (and it shows)
>not insufferable
>i can't fuck a companion in a video game
>that means i am being tortured, cockteased and cuckolded at the same time by a closeted gay developer with inferiority complex (probably a future serial killer)
>no i am not projecting, why do you ask?
He's a loyal retard and quiet too. Just don't bring him with you if you're going to watch Sonic Boom.
The robots are the best companions anyway.
>extremely effective even with his starting gear
>will directly warn you about doing things he doesn't like and that he turns the legion hostile (this doesn't happen if he's out of sight anyway)
>you have to badger him about his past to get him even talking about it
Sounds alright to me
This post was written by an AI.
My only regret is that very few games can do roleplaying and gunplay.

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