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New thread!
Post about rpg maker games you've been working on, game ideas, game design, whatever, you know what's up!
Why do you always use the splash screens as OP images? RMXP came in like 2004. It's 20 years old. That's 20 years of indie games and developers you could talk about if you actually had any real interest in it.

You're like those admins that confidently speak on behalf of the community even though you never see them interacting with anyone.

Or, the newly registered members, name dropping plugin developers they should be ignorant of. Asking "does thing exists?" on a board where you're meant to ask "can someone make this?"
A lot of people get into a "theme?" like this because of loneliness, not because of genuine enthusiasm for it or interest in it, and so they can't display expertise or general knowledge of the subject beyond what is required to blend in to the group.
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Thnaks to the guy who said my map looked nice in the last thread.
We movin.
Meaning you have no intention of contributing anything or making yourself a part of a group.

I bet as a lonely person you have a lot of experience with people.

Meaning your idea of loneliness isn't actually being alone. It must be: standing in a crowded room givin nobody a reason to talk to you.
Just "blending in" like everyone else. Kek.
>Schizo-kun in the first post
off to a good start lads
Godamnit OP I fucking told you these threads attract the mentally ill.
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the XP enemy sprites go hard
Goddamn it. Cause people bitch about it cause I didn’t. I waited 3 days upon making this thread dude since the last thread died. Those three days you could’ve made a thread to your liking but nooooo, it always gotta be me who makes a thread. Stfu or make the thread next time, geez.
I'm sure you had a lot of interesting and memorable things to say and nowhere else to say it.
>Achievement unlocked: Selected New Thread
>Achievement unlocked: Continued Conversation
>Achievement unlocked: Filtered
>Achievement unlocked: Obtained ALL Achievements.
No, I've never experienced desperation with regards to human contact to the point it made be adopt a hobby or topic or anything. I've always liked what I like and talk about what I want to talk about.
lately i have been wanting to make an srpg. i have too many different ideas to commit to any of them though.
So this isn't the first time you've made an Rpg Dev thread and refused to contribute to it.
you really should not respond to schizo-kun btw he wants nothing more than to start rambling and calling you a cannibal
I didn't make this thread. I think you are experiencing communication issues because you think reply=disagreement.
I thought that was coyotecraft.
girl i don't know you fucking rpgmw fucks apart from each other lmao
Must be difficulty to talk about their projects
show ur tits
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sieg heil
So where do I go to get all of YEP's shit without giving them money. Them making Visual Stella Obfuscated has completely fucked MZ and made it impossible to make compatible plugins so I'm not gonna pay the Goyim Toll for their old work.
What makes you think you need it?
Using MV and wanna use this plugin that calls for YEP's slop for using Self-Switches

It's only compatible, it doesn't say you need it.
Also here.
javascript makes no sense to me.
blabla prototype equals function return that same function? What? <-- that's how it reads in human language at least; clearly it shouldn't work properly.

if I understood it, then I could tell you at least yanfly's so called engine plugin self-switches plugin is stupid, because for whatever reason it overwrites the flow on how and when self switches are processed; which can be measured in game due to full-stack issues like 'instruction step skipping'.

When I make / mess with an event, I expect it to go from top to bottom 'once' unless stated otherwise. I don't expect it to do three instructions later first then go back two instructions, etc. Worse, I don't expect it to stop running the instructions before I tell it to stop. (through wait or whatever)

MZ is cursed. MV's variant should work better, but it has the same backend so I expect the same issues.
i gave up on rpgmaker because the source code was completely undocumented, and i realized i need to just write my own engine from scratch, but here's a highlight reel of the bat fuck insane ideas i had for a jrpg

pic related i turned into a monocrome image in gimp then realized i could make antarctica, the endgame area, twice as big

- i basically rewrote every goddamn damage formula. elemental resistances worked like league MR, where 100% resist was 50% resist, 200% resist was 33% resist, etc.
- i jacked the pc and monster count to an absolutely insane value of 24, and there were THREE rows instead of the 2 you get in an FF game, where the front row got +50% acc, and the back row got a 50% evade check on top of their regular evade
- while i couldn't figure quite everything out, the game worked more like pokemon where each character had 4 unique skills bound to qwer, then asdf were attack, stop (switch to next ATB available char), defend, and then flash, an ability that multiplied your current and max MP but if you got hit at all you lose the buff
- you know that useless row command in FF? i gave it a use. if someone is using the defend command, they will 100% block a physical attack that hits any row behind them, which protects anyone who is using flash to get at a higher tier ability
- there was a simplified day/night schedule that used the tint settings to create a 24 hour day every 24 steps, but it didn't really affect the gameplay, it just looked cool
- a lot of the character kits really cranked it up to 11. the main character straight up had 90% evade at level 1, which slowly scaled to 99% evade at the cap of level 20. another character was primarily a white mage, but a had comically bad acc with a pistol with ridiculously hkgh base crit damage, but a spell that gave the target the never miss flag, so she would generally want to use it on herself, so she could instagib something. you could also put her on the front row, but then she can't really heal, so she's not doing her job
- these are two things i did not figure out how to program, but i wanted to before i gave up. i wanted to use the mousewheel to create the row command in FF where you roll it one way to rotate your characters between rows, and this consumes no ATB. the other thing i wanted to figure out, was some way you could mouseclick on your character to select them instead of just hit S to rotate to your next ATB available character, and use left clicks and right clicks to target enemies and allies using whatever previous attack you used

at some point, i'm going to get yoyo gamemaker and figure all this shit out. i got pretty deep in an excel spreadsheet doing all the theorycraft on the math behind the characters and enemies, but i lost in a ransomware incident, but that's ok, it's all in my head
one other thing, the way accuracy worked, is if you were 100% up on an enemy with 0% evade, then you got an auto 2x crit, if you were 1% beyond that, then you got another attack in, if you were 200% up, then you got an automatic 3x crit, and so on, and if you tried to go to a new area way too early, you couldn't hit shit

i was planning on taking that projection of the map, overlaying it with a political version of the map, and placing a town or dungeon or sometihng in every single major capital in every state, province, and country in the world

i only had to do some minor twiddling with the map to make it so you could walk anywhere but antarctica. there was a literal alsakan lamd bridge, some extra pixels needed to be added at the north pole to make it fully navigable, and i added a bridge to connect the UK to france as well. australia you couldn't get to, but i was planning on that being a place you go to after you get the ability to fly
i made a stupid typo there. i meant 200% acc up on something with 0% evade, 300% acc against something with 0% evade

the evade on the enemies kept scaling up, so you got gear checked if you tried to take shortcuts

the gamemaker version is going to have an even more insane concept. i'm going to use doom/quake 1 style armor with armor absorption, as well as weapons with armor penetration, and characters with power armor that can't be healed in combat but have 4 digit HP numbers to replicate that 99 potion final fantasy bullshit without actually having 99 potions
the very last thing i did with rpgmaker, was make the largest randomly generated map possible, then use some overlays so it was like you had a dimly lit torch and could only see the four tiles in each direction from where you're walking clearly, and see if i could solve the maze at all. i couldn't, but i had fun getting lost

I think the funniest thing is that almost everything here can be done in RPGMaker nowadays. Maaaaybe not the weird accuracy-to-crit or the mousewheel to change rows, but definitely doable.

Shine on, Schizo Sakai. The power armor idea probably sounds the most interesting out of everything.
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I downloaded the MZ trial like a week ago and have been dicking around with it trying to set up a first person dungeon crawler. I'm using MZ3D plugin for the first person. I think I'm going to have a lot of difficulty with customizing the UI. I'm not a programmer at all, I'm a drawfag which is why I'm using RPG maker because I figured it would be the easiest to learn. I'm going to need a billion more plugins to get things closer to the game I want though. Right now I'm just messing with things however, this isn't a real project. I need to figure out how to make each "step" bigger or maybe like the invisible player's size bigger. The walls are too close together. I could place them farther apart but then there's more steps in between which I don't want.
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There is so much minutiae to take into consideration when making a large-scale RPG. It's overwhelming. How do I decide how many different weapon upgrades each character should get over the course of the game? How should the numbers scale from weapon to weapon? How much should the pricing scale? What about for armor, shields and helmets? How do I determine how many different types of healing items there should be to keep it interesting? And so on...
Get rid of the symmetry
no, the accuracy to crit was actually working. that one wasn't a problem. then it stacked upon a normal critical hit so remember old timey flintlock pistol mage. if she head gear that gave her a 200% crit on top of her 300% base crit, it multiplied together and did 600% crit, but then you're gearing her for damage instead of spellcasting, so she's not doing her job

another thing i did was notice god damn this speed equation suck, and go out of my way to make it work exactly like some hybrid of ff7 and ffx, where the difference between ff6 and ff7 is whoever has the fastest ATB is the baseline, and when anyone's ATB was up, instead of just freeze time like in FFX, it accumulated slowly. my ff6 romhack did the same thing

another thing that wouldn't have been part of the full game, but modified somehow to work in it (because the rpg i want to make is not sci fi instead of high fantasy) is i made a black mage who had the four classic elements as his core spells, and his flash was scripted to change them to an AOE, and if he flashed twice, he had a spell called black which did 666 damage, enough to one shot most low level enemies

the way i jiggered up the enounter table, was that it was using a moduolo of 3 when it was searching for the enemy table, so depending on how i set it up, it could load 1/3 of an encounter, 2/3 of an encounter, or the whole damn thing. because the enemy scaling can be anything between 1-24, it allows me to make massively over the top enemies and complete cannon fodder
there were two things i was having trouble with. i wanted it to work like zelda 2 on the overworld, then in a dungeon, have them work like pacman, where they wander around until they see you and hunt you down, and on the overworld, it was kinda sorta working. what i did was i had 4 invisible objects stalk you, then one of a few things i did right away was be like you walk way too fast on this world map, i figured out how to brick your movement from tile to tile on this particular map.

then, in an dungeon, which i was being extremely lazy, and just using rpgmaker's random maze generator and twiddling wih it to make it interesting, the problem i was having with the pacman angle was i couldn't quite figure out how to make their line of sight check understand it's looking through a wall, again, an issue i would NOT have had if this code had a single fucking // comment anywhere

i did figure out where there were a lot of free variables laying around in the character data to add extra stats just by clicking around google a lot, and that was the final thing i had trouble working with. editing the UI and menus was a pain in the ASS

everything i wanted to do was doable within rpgmaker, but it was just getting so frustrating after 1 month, i just abruptly said fuck this engine, and went back to playing league of legends until i had my silly let explore the hardest maze possible in a way you can't see at all dungeon, and for that one, i only had one random encounter set up, and the way it worked, is you only had one character, who basically had an ak47 that unloaded full auto its whole clip on random targets and just one shot like 24 robots, probably. the enemies never actually did anything to fight back, lol
it was like the longest attack animation ever, where it just rpgmaker's massive assault rifle out going chungchungchungchung for like 30 rounds unloading full auto on random targets

as far as my own zelda 2 thing went, it did a lot of intelligent scripting that a random encounter couldn't seem to do. right as soon as the zelda 2 style enemies manifested and started zipping around you erratically, way faster than you move, it stored the variable of your current position, then the fight was flagged like a cutscene fight, so you don't get game overed. instead it dumped you in place with your hp back to full if you screwed up the fight, and you never actually got game overed. if you won the fight, it also gave you a full topoff on your hp

there would have some way to add my doomguy armor, i had the variables, i just couldn't find physical space in the menu engine to add more stats to the UI, like show you all your exact resistances, and other things i really wanted to you know

my magiesperteriajunction system was called the link system, where it took two charactered ordered top to bottom in my 24 jrpg mess, and straight up added some of their base stats together, but not everything, and the ways spells scaled was so interesting. some scaled based off your max mp or current mp %, some off of INT, some off of nothing whatsoever. and characters with assault rifles, they worked like the offering/master scroll from ff6, where they would have 2 attack commands, one to unload a 3 round burst, or just to unload like a 12 round burst on totally random targets, like the offering/master scroll in ff6, then 2 support skills
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i also made a completely troll boss fight prototype based on the s4s lore, there was a character you picked up in japan named yosho, who had a spell called stop, which stunned a single target for fucking ever, then made then the spikeman, who as located in fucking israel of all places, grouped with a series of annnoying enemies called spikeman cultists who would either attack you or cast haste on the spikeman, who had the slowest ATB ever, but once he got his attack off, it did day of spikeman which was a comically over the top aoe fire attack that lasted like 10 seconds but it was nonelemental 9999 damage in a game where characters only had 3 digit hp values, and it targetted everything but the spikeman, so he blew up all his cultists too, lole
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day of spikeman, for you unfamiliar with the lore

i just figured out how to make everything fade to deep red then create random explosions absolutely fucking everywhere on the screen, it was so funny

finally, as a side effect of all the UI changes i did, i was like whatever, i don't care, there was no way to use consumable potions in combat, and there was no way to run from a battle, man up and fight
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and then of course the spikeman had incredibly high defense, so it took forever to grind him down, and it also worked like ff6 zozo boss guy where every now and then he would call in more spikeman cultists

because the game was going to involving having 24 characters by the end, and at this point you had 12, the spikeman cultists were lethal with their physical attacks, they would one shot anyone who wasn't specced into at some defense or HP, but you had multiple characters which would give a full life restore, so it all worked somehow

the only thing i couldn't figure out was how to do that mode 7 dealie, but then i found a mod that did figure it out, so it was like oh, i guess i just need to study this thing and figure out how to make it only work when you're on an airship
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the other problem with the prototype was i was just using whatever the fuck i wanted for placement graphicss and sound, and you'd figure i would be using the lavos theme for that one, but nope, i was using megalovaina, and had a diagolue popup that said "Everyone has a feeling they're going to be in for a bad time."
>how many upgrades?
Think of upgrades per hour
>damage formula
Tie it to upgrades; less upgrades, higher damage spike
Make money be worth something goddamit
>healing items
>different tyoes
Mix and match, health potion, health potion + status cure aso
if you want to know more about how the power armor works, i can give you some more details

the female lead, luna, starts with power armor with 99% absorb, and she has exactly 100 hp, and it doesn't go up with level at all. other characters have significantly less absorb on their power armor. if you're wearing power armor at all, you can't be targetted by any sort of hp healing spell unless you're in a safe zone, and there is a skill called repair, but in the early game, it is way too slow to be usable in combat, you can only use it out of combat to repair the power armor, then because only 1% of damage is getting in, she can essentially take 100 attacks before needing a heal. she also had a command called "fly" which slowly drained her MP, which i'm planning on renaming EP, for energy points, because my game is all sci fi, and it made it so nope, can't be targetted by any melee attacks, only ranged attack

then at the 2/3 arc of the game, which is set up like ff6's searching for friends, this character named Steve, who you realize is essentially God, gives Luna a suit of power armor with 100% absorb and infinite fuel, replaces her fly skill with something i hadn't decided, and then everyone has power armor that can fly now, so you ARE the airship, and oh my god, random encounters in the air are going to be a mess, because it's a 3 way war between the earth, the moon, and the PCs, so someone's caught in a pincer attack, and it's like uhh do i deal with first, becuase it seems like everyone is just shooting at each other, it's going to be chaos
this whole section is unfortunately the one part of the game i am going to have to resort to some sort of level scaling to make sure you don't completlely get hardstuck, where the encounter table is based on how many characters you have in your party

eventually you hijack a spaceship and can go back to the moon, where you can recruit this game's equivalent of Magus, Doom, the guy who invented power armor, whos take on this moon-earth warfare, was to just go to the moon, and fuck everyone up forever. He is the essentially the magus of this game, where you fight him as a major villain, but you eventually realize is that his motivation is not so much that he is evil, it is just that he hellbent on proving he is the greatest warrior of all time, and he is very fucking strong. he has a laser sword, a laser gun, and a bunch of tactical nukes that are like ultima, they just always do 9999 damage and they work like rosa's arrows where you can actually run out
i forgot to mention his final attack in his kit. it's simply called "hack", which does instant death to anything that's robotic or cybernetic, just hits them in the neural implant or cpu and boom, dead, done

the first time you fight him, once you beat him, he gets so pissed off, he uses an AOE hack that he can only do once, and everyone but the female lead drops dead, because she isn't a cyborg at all, she's a regular human being in samus master chief style power armor
new rpgm thread arc
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i've never programmed this, but the way Doom's normal fight command will work, is he will flying karate kick the target like Liu Kang, then somersault backwards to his space on the final fantasy style sideways combat zone. it'll be a viable attack, but the skills that consume EP will be way more powerful, where his laser sword scales off of STR, and his laser gun scales off of AGI, so what gear he has will determine which is the better way to go, as well as what character you decide to link him to

if you link him to the main character, based on me, it works out pretty good for him, because my STR and AGI are both solid. i've gone completely insane in this world, and is just trying to smash an endless supercomputer that keeps rebuilding itself in antarctica, in a dungeon set up like ff6's kefka tower, where he's the final character you recruit, and then right as you think you finally beat the game and the world is saved, the ayy lmaos show up, you have to get in your hijacked spaceship and go to the black triangle, and defeat the area 51 aliens
same motions.
>I think I'm going to have a lot of difficulty with customizing the UI. I'm not a programmer at all, I'm a drawfag which is why I'm using RPG maker because I figured it would be the easiest to learn. I'm going to need a billion more plugins to get things closer to the game I want though.

hint: chatgpt can write rpgmaker scripts/plugins.
this is some fucking autism who the fuck cares about the OP image holy fucking shit fucking die
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>this is some fucking autism
chatgpt didn't exist when i was working on this project, and the soviets have since knocked me down a phone. i nolifed rpgmaker beyond all comprenhsion for like a month and a half between nov 2021 to dec 2021, then they released a whole new version of it, and i'm like AUGH, i need to start all over with this project all over again? fuck this noise, i'll just build my own engine in yoyo gamemaker when i'm ready to get started on it. i thoroughly read their documentation and the way that program is written everything made obvious sense to me, i can do sprite work, i'm tempted to do it in fucking neo ascii, where it's a 64 bit pallette with layers and alpha channels and some customized ascii looking code, and a lot of layered alpha channels so i can do some insane things to the world map and dungeons, and then i came up a very interesting way to draw sprites, based on scaling down the actual proportions of the human body, and then using them like some sort of 2d ragdoll

the story has significantly diverged from the original plot, but if you want to see the proto script of Nothing Constructive when I was 16, you could play this bloodbath


it got game of the month because it was a technical masterpiece as far as zzt games go, but i rarely use this word, that community was just TOXIC, so something destructive and everything deconstructive never got made. they all trashed my game because it made you use your brain in fights instead of just hold down the trigger full auto like a retard to win fights, and a lot of them couldn't beat it. many decades later, when i find the museum of zzt and its discord, i notice the userlist is the same group of people that fucking hated me, and a lot of them have gone trans since, and immediately flip out on me for deadnaming someone i had no idea went trans, so i immedately nope the fuck out of that place
Thank you for the feedback :)
people who use filters to hide low effort posers
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>i nolifed rpgmaker beyond all comprenhsion for like a month and a half between nov 2021 to dec 2021, then they released a whole new version of it, and i'm like AUGH, i need to start all over with this project all over again?

What drew you to this conclusion? the different versions (except for vx/vx ace) are all pretty unique. you should stay in one engine until you finish a project.

also neat game
the feds have been replaced with an AI run by "the government" who just send drone strikes at you for commiting major crimes. Zanno has been an outlaw forever, doing package courier jobs, mostly hard drives, but once he finds Luna, she's only 16, and feels hellbent on keeping her alive on earth until for as long as she can. Once she turns 18, they start banging, and that's how old she is when the game starts. There's a 3 year gap where Zanno is in prison in Lunaria, so she's 21 when she and doom and steve rescue him. steve isn't going to be a party character this time, but Lunarian is all religious fundamentalists, so he projects himself as an Archangel to scare the fuck out of everyone into just letting get in an escape pod, while Doom flies back to the earth on his own fuel supply

Doom is the inventor of power armor. He used to commit terrorist attacks on Lunaria, but they figured out how to reverse engineer it, Luna's family is all high ranking security clearance military, they're giving her a tour of area 420, and she hacks the suit to bind to her and get the hell out of this fundie cult, but she can't control the suit on reentry, and narrowly dies
Luna is a darkweb hacker on Lunaria. she knows the truth of the trillionaires living on Earth and how the entire population of Lunaria has been enslaved in e^x fiat currency free market capitalism, and she wants to meet the trillonaires and join their society, but right as soon as she gets her, the government brands her an illegal immigrant, so it's basically a never fight scene like the works of the greek poet Homer, which means my book makes sense as a jrpg, because those are never ending fight scenes

there are a few darkweb hackers Zanno picks up on his solo run of the Lunaria, but they're mostly just to make sure Zanno isn't taking 100% of attacks and mostly provide moral support. They're level 1 and have trash stats when he's at level level 8 at this stage of this game, and even though he's solo, his base stats are just out of check with everything, and the currency in this game is called "scrap" which you use coldfusion and fission to create any non plot related buy and sell any item at 1:1 cost instead of the 1/2 sell ratio you normally get. because zanno's ability is rocket, because i'm a quaker, and i'm good with those, these darkweb hackers give you permanent access to a science lab

the guy basicaly acts like robin hood, until the shopping mall scene, where it's finally like the start of ff2, a battle you can't win. the swat team just keeps reinforcing itself, and you go on trial, and get life in prison in a faraday cage
i missed a sentence because i'm on pretty heavy painkilers, so i guess i can tell you more stuff of the new plot. Zanno's rockets work somewhat like rosa's arrows, where if you aren't paying attention, you can run out, but before they launch him into space, not trying to go to space, but trying to clear the atlantic ocean with a xenotech hard drive they found, he gets raided by space pirates, which are another conspiracy theory on Lunaria, where they are raiding what are normally government spaceships with materials they are bringing back and forth from place to place, and they are surprised to find a trillionaire on board, and because he decided to put himself in stasis, to just zone out, he abruptly wakes up in prison, where he meets Steve, who freezes time to explain a lot to him, and then Steve's ATB is comically low, but his skill set is so silly he can't fuck up a fight, and his EP meter will simply be an infinity sign. the deeper the plot goes, you start to realize he's God himself, and at the end of the game, when the ayys show up, he's going to break the fourth wall, and say i can help you defeat the area 51 aliens, but you will get an achievement if you don't
as far as the ayys work, this is the point where i was like i can't do this in an engine with no comments, because i need to completely ignore all battle algorithm within the map editor, and instead they operate on a formula that plays a jrpg just like you do, where they pick a prirority target and gangbang it, heal their low health allies, use status effects on anyone who won't resist them, target their AOEs to deal max dps (one of the things i was trying to figure out in RPGmaker, was to use the exact grid positioning of the enemies to create AOE damage that worked in a + shape. i could figure this out against the party, so it would hit an entire column of up to 8 players, then hit an entire row of usually 3 players, but not the npc enemies, because i couldn't find the fucking code to edit it. certain attacks like nuclear missiles woud hit everything instead

i decided what i wanted to do was simply outside of the bounds of rpgmaker. i hear rumors the japanese source code actually is commented, but not sure if true
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Added a floor counter to my old randomly generated dungeon dungeon
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Wanted to post my world map again since no one replied to it in the last thread.

It's for my Dragon Quest 1/Fallout inspired game about a mideval nuclear apocolaypse.
The graphics were inspired by the old Ultima games.
what i assume is your endgame area with the lava reminds me of Zelda II, so that's cool
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I'm not saying this isn't helpful, but I feel like now I'm left with more questions. I assume "make money be worth something" equates to "have items be pricey enough that you can't just automatically afford everything you need or want"?
Spent the last 10 hours browsing RM discord channels and profiles going back 4-5 years.
shit's on sale for a week
but why?
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Not gonna make a game anytime soon so this is more of a writing(?) question for the far future, but what would you guys say are the most effective ways of making the MC feel like a proper fill in for the player- for extra immersion?
For me it's character creation.
silent protagonist
Making the MC feel like they're standing in for the player can be a fun writing experiment. Characters are not usually aware that they are characters. But sometimes they are genre savvy and can recognize their situation as a narrative cliche. They might also be perceptive of odd behavior and language such as phrases like "IRL" or "Computer: Arch!"
They might follow a line of questioning, such as why they never see their neighbors carrying in groceries or suspecting their online community has been replaced by bots.
I had the exact same thought, though that is very much out of my skillset at the moment even if I would love to do it
Had this noted as well, thank you
I admit I'm having a hard time understanding what you meant with this post- the 'MC' in this case isn't a character but a vehicle. I think the first thing that comes to mind as a example that suits what I'm aiming for is Minecraft, it's supposed to very much be "you"

This does bring up a issue where having a player model often ends up having people characterize it anyways. On one hand a visual novel/point & click display would be the most effective way to counter it, but actually being able to walk around in the setting is much more fun
Guys should I buy just the normal version of MV? Or does it needs some "dlcs" or some shit? I've read MZ is kinda shit.
If you had to buy only one, The MV Trinity pack is the best deal. It basically doubles the RTP because it was the expanded RTP for the console versions.
Everything matchs because it was made my the same people, except for like 8 cover art character portraits.

You can get it for MV and MZ, although the character generators parts are not compatible with MZ's template. Even the side-view battler base as slight different poses for casting or Item Use animation, I think.
It should also be available in the Komodo Store as well, but only "For MZ" because they're dumb. The staff are incentive to up-sale this stuff, but they're clueless. "The console version has nothing to do with us."
Uh, I want to change combat system of MZ a bit, so both parties choose a move and then turn concludes with one one of them winning a clash, like rock-paper-scissors thing. As I understand, I need to use flags for that, but I can't see them in the database menu.
Any advise? I can't find much about combat tags in google.
You are correct! When riding in a vehicle, it's possible to change the character sprite to match in the menu or save screen. If the vehicle is a car then you can write that the player sees themselves in it's mirrors.
New cutscene progress
This looks neat, a fallout+DQ1 game sounds like a fun time. What are the gameplay, story, and characters going to be like?

I do kind of wish you'd use a different colour for the background on sprites. I know it's what Ultima used but it's very stark. Black makes colours like the green for the swamp/toxic sludge and mountain sprites look somewhat noisy and overpowering because it leaves little room for tone variance. Look at the preview image all you see is mountains, lava, and specks of bright green.

You're still at it! I remember seeing you here and in the OC thread on /ic/.
How the dev going?
Hey man, yeah still at it! Never give up and all that. Tryna live a bit cleaner, y'know? Either way, still got shitloads to do.
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Fleshing out the boss fight with some unique mechanics and phase stuff. Just need to give them attacks and balance the thing and this'll be a fun little trip I think.
I want to have sex with Kith.
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Working on this at the moment. Not much progress lately as I'm overhauling the text system so everything uses external database for easy translation.
it's consigliere
cool ui btw
Then do so, coward
The map is gigantic. I think in concept it's really fun to have giant maps, but it's going to take a lot of time to walk from one end to the other, which will ultimately be annoying. Good maps are both utilitarian and pretty; consider how it will be to actually navigate this map.
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Reusing that flashbang mechanic because it's too fun not to
Hey I really like how this looks, it's promising and inspiring. I like that the perspective is closer than most games. Do you have more to show so I can get a better idea of the game?
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I plan on just doing a basic plot where you just go and kill the big bad guy, Basically, The world used to be normal, then humanity found a powerful kind of magic energy that could help humanity, but an evil wizard named Maxxus (the big bad) decided to use that magic to rule the world, and started a big war. The other kingdoms fought back against him and decided to use the powerful magic to fight against him, but not only did they lose, the magic caused the world to be corrupted and tainted by the magic power, causing mutations to people, animals, and monsters and killing alot of wildlife. Maxxus was able to rule the world for many decades with small resistance camps scattered across the world.

The gameplay will pretty much just be like Dragon Quest 1, with only one party member, and combat being 1v1. I decided to make it simple since all of my past projects that i never finished were because of how complicated i wanted them to be. I'm all ears for some simple ideas on how to make it more interesting.

As for characters, There's not really going to be many actual characters with deep stories and all of that, and the important characters aren't going to be too interesting since i have'nt really wrote any kind of story before. But im gonna try my best.

Also, here's a small pic of the first town, the Kazus Reigon Resistance camp. I'll post a pic of the full map later today.
I think I'm gonna make a small-scale, not too ambitious RPG first with high-quality art attached to it.
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I don't have much else so far. I'm trying to code as much features as possible before going back to making assets.
Oops the webm is huge. Oh well.
How do you feel about rpgm games that sacrifice conventional standards of artistic presentation to some extent in favor of more content?
If it is fun I will probably play it regardless. Though I can't speak for others...
I think you're dealing with a different type of audience when you're talking about people that regularly play RPGmaker games.
>How do you feel about rpgm games that sacrifice conventional standards of artistic presentation to some extent in favor of more content?
I would assume the content isn't up to standards either. That it wouldn't be a "sacrifice", but a plain lack of quality/effort/care
>conventional standards
Sounds like a discord sockpuppet account that'll scream "WE" "US" "Our Community" for 9 consecutive hours in a general chat
How do you design UI elements like menus, the battle UI, and all that? I'm an art guy, I could design this stuff in Photoshop but I have no idea how to make stuff interact-able and all that. Are there good plugins for this or am I just supposed to go in and dick around with parameters?
You already did sacrifice them when you decided to use rpgm, how much you are willing to go into good will debt is up to you

How small are we talking here? You need space for choices or stats to matter
Small suggestion: do you think you can play the injured/got hit animation on all the PCs when the flashbang drops. Think it adds to the comedy when everyone is already scared when it drops in.

Much of that will be learning how the WindowManager class functions and how to make your own Scenes. That will be a month of JavaScript/esoteric RPGM code you will have to learn, regardless of plugin or not, especially learning what you CAN'T do with the engine.
If you have MV and more money than common sense, you can drop some cash on Luna Engine MV to help give you more control over UI/UX design but that still going to be a learning curve that goes vertical.
If it has porn i will probably play it regardless.
I actually recently bought MZ the other day, not MV so I guess I messed up. Hopefully they make something like this Luna engine for MZ.
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What's the best Tactical RPG plugin out there? I know there's LETBS and SRPG Engine and a few others, I'm looking for one that would be able to have on-map battles to try and recreate CRPG combat Ala Fallout.
>it's going to take a lot of time to walk from one end to the other, which will ultimately be annoying.
NTA but, I never thought about it like that. I've always wanted to have a game with a big map.
But, now I think it's better to cut up the maps into more traversable areas.
That's okay, Luna Engine is a bit of a scam anyway like most modern Yanfly products (not that it stopped me from buying them). It just that you gotta put more effort into manipulating the UI yourself. MZ is much better, I just tend to assume most newbies grab MV cause its cheaper, easier to use, and have more plugin support.
Again, a lot of it will be studying how to edit each scene to your preferred way. You can do a lot with the UI, you just don't get as much control as you wish without knowing how to build your own frameworks ontop of what is given.
full version of Kazus
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Odd, my image did'nt get uploaded.
They post the same memes on loop. Perpetual social commentary. The same conversations in the same voice. Why would they do this?
I 100% can, this is great thinking!
Shallow personality, too much free time, belief they can know right from wrong
In that case I look forward to seeing more. It already looks very promising.
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Does anybody here use a cracked version of MZ? Are they any good?
Sure and yes
cracked, lol-- it practically only needs a steam emulator.

There as of yet hasn't been a version 1.8 (1.8.1) available to pirate so far I know, but 1.7 can easily be found.
Oh, now I get the vibe. One thing I would caution is the inconsistent "pixel" size, I really like the chunkier looking ones, they're very true to old school.
Are you doing the faux ye olde english and have you thought about your tone for the NPC dialogue?

Nothing wrong with the classic "go kill the evil wizard" plot. But you're going to have to have some mcguffin hunt and dungeons to explore to get you to the point of killing Maxxus. DQ1 had the larger Rainbow Bridge and the optional Princess rescue quests to get you there, it's a bit sparse so I'd say try to have 3 sub-quests of different sizes and complexity.

As for the encounters, maybe turn order mechanic would make it a bit more interesting even if the combat is simple. Like in FF10 where each action has a speed rating that affects the turn order with PCs and monsters both having a chance of getting consecutive turns depending on action's speed rating and their actor Agility.

This looks really good.
why isn't kith wearing any pants or skirt
I get it, denzel bashington, good one.
I'm just gonna do nomal english with some thous and shalts sprinkled in. As for tone, im trying to aim for a kinda grim, but not too grim to where it comes off as edgy.

I plan to have a quest at the end of the game where you need to get three mcguffins to enter the final dungeon and use it them to weaken Maxxus. Kinda liike the Orbs and Sphere of light from DQ3.
I like your hand drawn aesthetic. I know it's a huge amount of work, but I think it would be even better if you hand drew the maps too, especially if you drew them a little off-grid.

Sounds good!
Cursing and overt sexual references that make the text feel like an edgy teenager wrote it in solodev titles like these always turn me away, I'm glad to hear you're sticking to a more mature grim style instead.
If you're not an artist yourself and have any character or monster designs or other things you want to do there are some really great artists on /ic/ for help or advice.

Keep us posted! I wanna see how it turns out.
How the hell do you make an Etrian Odyssey style "chase" skill in MZ? I've tried everything and I can't get it to work right. I'm basically using a skill that has really high speed and is supposed to store the actor's ID in a variable, then when a switch is turned on by later attacks from allies, it forces an attack from the "chaser" actor with their ID plugged in from the variable. I tried chatGPT and this big mv/mz script call list and I still can't get it right. The best I got was for the follow-up attacks to happen after each attack but only from the first actor in the party. I'm using the VisuStella plugins and character creator since the game starts out with zero actors and you make them all yourself. Fuck I hate programming, this should be really simple but I guess I'm retarded.
I did this for a game jam recently and it was so fucking good, made me consider it, but I've got 20h of gameplay, it's a colossal amount of refactoring
>rings of power
There's an interesting analogy in Tolkien's lore about creation and collaboration. I'm glad the miniseries touches on it.
Where Celebrimbor is like "What's a few more days for something that will last forever?" And for a moment Sauron looks sad. Because the Gods didn't create the world to last forever. What he's doing with the rings is a bum deal.
I'm thinking of making a game, mostly as a hobby. I think what I want to do is simple enough that RPG Maker will do, but I'm not sure.
It's been a while since I used any RPG Maker.
Is there a way to make custom stats and define how they work in battle? And what would be the best version of RPG Maker for it?

Also, kind of unrelated, but I'm terrible with art. How does RPGMaker handle AI Slop?
the answer is you know javascript and are willing to google for hours, yes, you can

i even found a mod that depended on what tile you were using, made it look like minecraft

you could port all of doom to javascript and fucking play it, that's how powerful the engine is, but if you don't have any programming skills, no, you're wasting your time
i'll give you a few examples of the absolute insanity i got working in rpgmaker

24 character party size
changed all elememtal resistances to LOL style MR, so you can never hit 100% and there's no such thing as absorbtion

completely rewrote the speed formula to work exactly like a hybrid of ff7 and ff6, where the fastest character was the same speed, and everyone else scaled off that

come up with some bat fuck insane damage algorithm for physical attacks where if you had 101% evade, and they had 0% evade, you would have a 1% chance of landing another attack, if you had 200% evade, it would be like a 2x crit, 201%, another 1% chance of dealing another attack, and so on. this multipied off critical strike damage, and one of my characters had awful base acc, but insane critical strike damage, so when she hit something, she instagibbed it. she was a terrible shot, lmao
i forgot to mention the absolute insanity i had programmed into rpgmaker. i added ff style rows, and something i programmed into an ff6 romhack. if someone is useless the useless defense command, they have a 100% chance of blocking any physical attack that hits the back row, then the row command consumed no ATB, something else i figured out by tracing an undocumented part of terra's morph/trance command, until i figured out what flag to throw
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Basically dude, based on what you said you want to do, if you don''t know javascript or some programming language like it (the ones i knew were c++ and php), I have a feeling you're going to be in for a bad time.
While I can't make art, I can program. Perhaps a better question would be: is RPG Maker open enough that dealing with this changes would still be worth it instead of just using another engine?
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Don't listen to namefig, he is schizoposting.
Yes, there is ways to make custom stats. MV has something called the CoreEngine plugin I think, then you can go to extended parameters and add whatever you want.
2k also has ways of doing this, but it is much more DIY, but I've been using it for a while and I don't know any java. (pic not my game)

What kind of stats do you want to make?
*also yes, rpgmaker can use slopart fine, sigma's new game is being made almost entirely with aiart
I want to make a bunch of survival-related stats, like hunger, sleep and so on. They would be intented to be relevant at one specific part of the game, so when the player ends it he would think "of thanks god I don't have to worry about that anymore".
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Oh that's easy, you could do that in any maker program I would think, you probably wouldn't even need plugins to do that.
Ai art is good for portraits and maybe static tiles. Its not great for character sprites but it's gotten better I think.

Sigma uses pixi filters to warp the character sprites, but it cuts FPS in half. He could do some post processing and eliminate the character filters, but I think he fiddles with a little every time and hasn't settled on a look.
ignore guy who said i'm a schizoposter. i'm a high functioning autistic savant who knows a lot about video game math. if you know how to program, the road block you'll hit is twofold, you might want to buy some ancient version of rpgmaker and import the assets, because the newer versions of rpgmaker come with less stuff, and you'll basically be bashing things into google trying to figure out where everything you're trying to edit it. most of the time, the keyword variable you're looking for is the same in the editor, but it took me a while to figure out how to declare an entire new stat
one of the more fucked up ideas i had, was the default max enemy count is 8, so i figured out a way to take the encounter table, get it to load 1-3 tables at once, then there could be groups of anywhere from 1-24 enemies, depending on what was in each table. so i needed to be really careful with how i laid out my random encounters, or it would load null data, and i'd crash the game. i was just using encounter % 3 and it worked, it loaded everything

boss fights were put deep in the table and were excluded from the formula

in order to create variables the game couldn't edit, i just had to hard declare an array in the data, and it knew what it was doing when i was looking for it

in the end i decided blah, what i want to do is within the bounds of rpgmaker, but with no comments, it's going to take way too long
To be clear sigmasuccour is not a person you should be emulating. The fact you can do a thing doesn't mean you should - and if he's doing it, chances are it's the wrong way to behave (and a shit workflow that will slow down your progress).
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Figured the game wasn't complete without luteboxes
How's your bara jam entry coming along?
Send me a link at once
Thought about this while watching the season finale. He says he wants to fix Middle Earth, but isn't clear how it's broken or how the rings will fix it.

Sauron put his essence into the rings. His predecessor, Morgoth, poured his essence into everything.

From a metatextual perspective, you could say Morgoth was a racist. It's his own element segregating the races.
While Sauron is one of those "narrative consultants" that's forcing unity.
The problem is that the race of men is meant to be free and independent. They're unique in that they can change their nature and adapt to anywhere. And middle earth was set aside specifically for men as a place of constant change.
It's not "broken", it's "mutable". Sauron means to "fix" it in the sense of locking it into a constant state of being. Expoiting men, because they can be what he wants. But what he wants is "One China", and won't allow men to be anything else. Because diversity is dissonant.
Racist is a poor word choice. I would call him a contrarian or pragmatic. On one hand they're creating a world, on the other hand they're developing stories.
The conflict that Morgoth created is conventional.
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What is your most mechanically complex piece of content, frens?
definitely the time i increased the character and enemy count to 24 max, with 3 final fantasy style rows and back attacks

that was madness that made you feel like you were playing starcraft
Make it scarce and hide good stuff behind pay walls. Decent gear or healing items.
Maybe have a mini game that costs money or hide a special mission behind a pay wall, like give me 10k and you get this ominous map.
Good call. I think figuring out how much XP each enemy gives and how much money each enemy drops and how the two compare could take a lot of tinkering, though.
I'd avoid every enemy dropping money. Maybe only certain enemies. Xp on the other hand should be available by every enemy.
>how much xp
How long is your game? How many fights will it have? Maybe every 20 minutes or so there's a kev up.
>I'd avoid every enemy dropping money.
That's a good idea, maybe having only humanoid enemies drop money, while all enemies can drop trash loot.
If you have a game where you revisit old areas with some regularity have the do have certain trash loot goals that unlock new expansions to the shop. That would give a natural loop of kill enemies to get loot, sell loot, get new gear, kill stronger enemies for new loot.

What's your encounter system like?
Figure out the frequency, the average encounter number by sub-area, the median formation by sub-area, and the level of player arriving in an area and the level you want them to leave or reach a boss. Of course keeping in mind if you made the areas or dungeons a 1 or 2 trip, or maybe even a 3 trip.
Keep plentiful mobs at 1-2exp while stronger mobs give 3-6exp, or the player will quickly figure out the path of least resistance. I'd shoot for a little bit under than over the goal level, giving room to explore, it also gives the player a way to self modulate difficulty.

I think this is also why so many games have an exponential experience curve, or a system of decreasing exp rewards by expected level. making exp routing and level averaging easier.
Ironically my menus. It's not something I talk about and I don't want to discourage anyone with it so I won't apply for game jams with this.
I've got projects full of event based systems. Hard to say what is the most complex. I'm more proud of the simple elegant ones. Like a ice sliding puzzle that's basically a conditional branch.

The more complex ones are probably useless dev tools. Like map select warp, or a music track player. Stuff they should have added to the debug menu 20 years ago.
The only thing that slows down your progress is visustella's obfuscated mess
Every second framerate drops to 0, but average remains OK enough so you mostly don't notice.
Till that is you need to time something at the frame of a button press with ongoing events; thats when you'll notice you need to insert all kinds of checks to make sure again and again where each event and picture is on the button press.

Wonder why certain pictures didn't unload or load up or why events report a different co-ord from where they are on the map (visibly)? Thank EventsAndMovementCore
I managed to get an EO4 link-esque chase sort of working. Single target attack at the start of the turn then the user does a follow-up attack on that enemy each time it's hit again. If another enemy is hit then they don't follow-up and I even managed to figure out how to use variables so three allies can all chase after one attack from the fourth member. Well, technically 4 links aren't really chases but it's similar. I can't get it working for AOEs and multi-hit attacks though, I don't know JS well enough for this shit. Right now I'm just comparing a variable for each instance saying "is the guy you attacked at the start of the turn the same as the guy that just got hit?". I think AOEs store an array but I don't know how to ask "Is the guy you struck at the start of the turn in the array of targets that the AOE just hit?". I also don't know how to manipulate "force action" very well. It says it wants a number input but before I was trying to insert the value of a variable in as the target. That's why I gave up on an AOE chase skill and tried to do single-target instead.
Ingredients unlock new gear and money buys them, right. Maybe ingredients can be used to enhance gear as well, give it a personal touch.

I genuinely don't care about graphics in games as long as they are good. But a lot of people can't read or imagine things so they need pretty pictures.
Following your example, Taka can draw good stuff. MC is a blocky shadowman while CGs and bosses may have an incredibly good art. You can debate if it is because of laziness or a delibirate artistic choice. There is also "Spiral Legend" series which has a LOT of content in their games, multiple routes which actually change the plot, big postgames and so on while using only default assets and not even having any CGs in the first place. Every plot or sex scene in them is just a screen full of text like in oldy visual novels.
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>what happened to you
Getting boring...
What is? The bouncing enemies? Because I have tons of other progress to show.
Art direction is important. There are awesome nes games, a pleasure to look at.
Barbarian isn't your usually creative level

I'm still convinced that you will earn much more selling a decent art book, then selling that game. You have like 1000 enemies, wtf.
The game is fun, and while the enemies (and the large variety of enemy types) are a core USP there's a lot more to it. I agree though that a bestiary would probably do ok. Issue is I'm not a good enough artist to just release the designs devoid of context, and the gameplay does kinda hold everything together.
Don't release it without context. Add parts of the process and flavour and ideas. An art book isn't a sticker collection. Get help, if you can't do it alone. There are enough freelancers online who can deliver decent work for little money.
Plenty of people here and devs in general are devoid of any creativity and they will buy as soon as they learn what it is.
You should also use the designs in social media. Pretty much self explanatory.
These are great points and I appreciate the advice! I still wanna release the game, I think it's pretty fun, and honestly the writing is better than the art.
Clearly you release the game and the art book as dlc. Maybe you can think of a season pass that actually makes sense.
How will the RPG Maker community survive without Russians?
that's actually why i'm digging /vrpg/

this board is new to me in the grand scheme of 4chan, i come and go over the years, and right now i come hard, all over every blue board's face, and most anons think i'm a schizoposter or mods autosage or 404 my threads (the thread that got 404ed i reported like 20 people including myself and based mods finally cleaned house and they let me skate because i was being trolled hard), but generally speaking, in order to play an RPG, you need to be able to read words, so my endless walls of text seem to be fitting into your discussions very well, and sometimes i'm getting endless walls of text back

my game is taking an idea i have for a novel and turning it into a retro jrpg, because it's an endless fight scene like lord of the rings, so it will work, but it will also be an 80 hour text scrolling game like xenogears which hasn't been made since...xenogears?
it's too bad i had to give up on rpgmaker, because it has the power to do everything i needed, and some of the music is pretty legit, but i was getting to the point where it was like augh, i can only use the portrait generator, and was going to be sitting in gimp making sprite sheets the hard way, because i wanted a 128x128 sprite the editor couldn't figure out how to handle, and i was going to need to figure out some way to make the text boxes significantly larger, and was using the public domain NES font very heavily, so i needed to figure out how to rescale the fonts to make it 8x8, and that was something i couldn't figure out from wandering around the code

Japanese are the only group that matters
Such a shame. The promise of "content soon" gave me such a thrill. Thanks for letting me down easy.
nah, check the RPGmaker without RPGmaker thread when i'm finally off these fucking painkillers and can start talking more coherently about the ideas i have

i'm on like a 5 year timeline for this project, and recently figured out a way to get a govt subsidized laptop. when i first heard about this $150 laptop, i figured it would be the absolute shittiest laptop possible, but it's actually a $500 laptop, and once the suprememe court declares noncompete clauses unconstutitonal, which the FTC already did, he can make an LLC with me, i can sidestep all the bullshit american autism bux laws, and write off everything i need as a business expense
uhh, i missed a few sentences because of how strung out i am. my stepdad is a tax accountant for a living, so he can be CFO, my mom can be CEO and boss me around, and i can be CCO, which in the gaming biz stands for chief creative officer, and as long as i'm not the sole owner of an LLC, it's not considered against my bullshit $2k asset limit, which can get increased to $10k if you're trying to found a small biz, but social security shot down my idea for a board game, saying it's way too high risk high reward, so that thing can be the second thing i publish
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I should distribute the workfiles, battlers and player battlers with the art book too as a licenced resource for the community if they wanna use the monsters etc too. That could be a fun incentive and give the community more monsters.
Bux! There was a kusoge like that years ago. Buxton Baxter or something like that. They went to a dance club...and I forget the rest
I'm not going anywhere, neither is anyone else who were using it. I don't see why they would. Not much changed, you just need to jump through hoops to buy and publish on Steam
crashing down?
Error fencer.
>meanwhile boy proceeds to finger fuck cat lady.
Error Flynn
Excellent work
I don't think you know where the vagina is
I have crashed into slumber
Clipping error
No, but he is fanning her pungent and cloying pussy stank.
Does this count as self buff?
>pussy stank
Odeur, you imbecile.
where do i get all of yanfly's VXACE plugins
Why specifically his?
>I don't think you know where the vagina is
Maybe if you posted a close-up of it I will find out ;).
because his links are down and everything else works?
50 posts this week
Good job.
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Apparently, there's some jap porn director who bought RPGMaker just to make a simple map as background for their shoot.
Only the director? Not everyone involved in the project? The actors. The camera man. The Fluffer. They all need to buy a license or they're "art thieves". [/sarcasm]
>some jap porn director
I'm gonna need the name.
snitches get stitches.
Wait. Do RM games count as pornography in Russia? I dunno how dumb-literal they are like Europe. If it involves real people or not. I assume they police thoughts regardless.
Psst. (That's your cue to make a 'In Soviet Russia' joke)
It's werewolf season.
Post your OwO
What do you guys think of basing all damage from the Weapons Damage, ala modern Diablo games? Both weapons skills and magic ones
Too general, need more info
damage of any skill or attack is based on percentage of your weapon damage, thats all, what else do you need
It's possible to do it that way
Thats not the question, tho.
"do you like it?"
Depends on many factors. Itemization, skill tree or class system, pacing, upgrades/crafting etc...
We have this discussion every year.
>is the werewolf form treated as an actor or state

State is easier to implement. Swapping out actors has complications since the add/remove command rearranges the party formation. Theres no replace/tag out command.
>start making something
>overthink everything single thing every step of the way
>end up doing nothing
>give up
Fuck! I wish my brain would stop functioning so I can just go with the flow without any unnecessary thoughts to distract me!
Why not create a gdd first?
How do fist builds work?
Seems fine for a linear game where you linearly increase your power, but obviously it's nothing amazing.
Just use brass knuckles or something
>nothing amazing
Can't think of any game with that feature that got praised for it
>start writing a gdd
>overthink every single design choice I come up with
>rewrite it a billion times
>end up doing nothing
>give up
What now?
It's 2.5h long. Fucking wild.
So I recently found out about the EasyRPG web player and decided to upload a bunch of games to github: https://makerburns.github.io/Game-List/

Any suggestion on more games to add? Only works for 2000 and 2003 games.
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Is this representation?
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Is there a preferred way you would wish to be credited as I provide a link on the Enchant Farm information hub to it?
Just MakerBurns is fine. I made it a burner account anyway in case Araki ever sues me for uploading 7th Stand User.
You should talk to Gensun about that
>implying the state won't dead name you in court
thats charming
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>fugged aboud it
But he's not Italian
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Doing a full game playthrough for testing, and while I'm not happy with Ch1 compared to the rest of the game, it has some cool moments.
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Well worth doing though, in playing through I'm finding all kinds of quality issues - especially with the art in CGs and am wholesale replacing them. Like, this was your first introduction to Nyangela and she looked fucking hideous, and off-model before. Never stop playtesting.
Why do you give your characters crazy eyes lol
I - and I cannot stress this enough - can't draw
Wide open eyes paired with small pupils give off the crazy vibe like they're just about to lose it. Try experimenting with different proportions.
Oh and those eyebag lines under the eyes enhances the crazy effect lol
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I'll try out some stuff next time I'm on. Thanks for the feedback. And yeah, I do see what you mean to be fair
The eyes look good on that battle sprite with the angry/concentrated expression, so you're not far off.
Thanks, man. I'm pretty happy with the battlers
This is fucking amazing. How? Which version of RPGM are you using?
>overthink every single design choice I come up with
That's your problem. Try having sex or drinking green tea.

Alternatively try making single level concept games and work your way up to more complex designs.
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Though about doing something like pick related, weapons and armors are job based, each job has different skills, but most skills deal fixed damage+atk, or 1/2 atk or whatever. This way you can very clearly understand, how much damage player can dish out, or take at any given time in story, without miriads of variables
Big titty Nyangela cheesecake when?
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I'm hoping to incorporate a Paper Mario-style recipe system into my RPG Maker game. I have a pretty good idea of how to implement it programming-wise, but before I can do that part, I need to figure out what all the food items in the game are and all the possible combinations that result in recipes. Keeping track of the recipes sounds like a nightmare, considering there could be four or more different item combinations that all lead to the same result, for instance. Anyone have a good suggestion for how to visualize or lay out the recipe tree in a document of some kind?
How do you write a plot for porn? Asking for a friend.
Classify each food by a flavor and base the combinations on the flavors mixed and not the specific item.
Make a game with porn, not a porn game.
How do you write a game with porn? Asking for my AI life partner.
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I'm not talking about the logistics for what the combinations should be, I can figure all that out. I mean how should I literally spreadsheet this stuff? Is there a program that specifically lends itself well to these kinds of flowchart-esque relationships?
Articy is literally for this.
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a botfly implies the existence of a topfly
>Perfect Loop
Bit full of ourselves, aren't we?
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All right, thank you. I'll give it a try.
I meant the gif. But also, yes.
AI slop poster
my (free) game has 300 downloads...
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Where's the best place to find free assets?
my (paid) game has 3 downloads
Try to keep up, loser!
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
And they're like, it's better than yours
Damn right it's better than yours
I can teach you, but I have to charge
Yesterday out of the blue I got thinking of someone (more than one really) rambling about the distinction of (real life) player skill and (ingame) character skill, likely on Morrowind or something like that. Not that it would be terribly relevant for a purely turn-based game, but got curious enough that I could derive some insight, is there any good post or vid that goes in-depth about this?
Is RPG Maker difficult to learn?
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I can still recall firing up RM2K on Windows XP. I had to burned to a CD-ROM from the library because I didn't have internet at home.
I remember thinking. "I have no idea what I'm doing".

Not only did I not have access to internet tutorials but the translation for RM2K wasn't exactly clear or informative. Take battle events for example.
"Condition: Don't Run" reads like "When the player doesn't run from battle".
It's meant to read "Don't run this event" or "Condition Required"

AND IT'S STILL LIKE THAT. God. fucking. damn it. Why can't we have nice things? But no, it's not difficult. Although trial and error is time consuming. If you stick to it, you'll eventually reach the conclusion that the people behind rpg maker have no business dictating how RPGs are constructed. Not just GGG, but also their former publisher and forum staff that screen everything for approval. They'll write tutorials on how to flip a switch, but where are all the tutorials for narrative design?

RMW has articles going back 10+ years, but most of them concerning storytelling are painfully basic or incomplete.
>Look forward to Part 3 coming <never>

I used to stick up my nose at guides that just recited stuff they taught in every grade school English class. But for all I know they changed the curriculum and don't teach plot curves and forms of conflict anymore.
They changed MATH, for goodness sake.
It depends on how clear your vision is. It's very easy to get overwhelmed because you won't need 99% of the options at your disposal. Having all of those options is nice and they can become crucial depending on the type of project you're doing but focus on getting a clear idea of a game in your head and then go forward to learn how to do it exactly. You must also learn to adapt at not being able to do exactly what you want and how to dance around the engine to get your mechanics out.
In the end RPGmaker is a game on its own.
What do you mean they don't teach erotica in school? Why would they change porn? Porn is porn!
Can you make tactical rpgs with it? All the games I've played made in it are standard turn-based rpgs but my idea is for a tactical game.
You can but not easily. There's another engine called SRPG Studio which is specifically designed for those kinds of games
Ok thanks friend
Enemy transforms randomly between a variety of battlers and you have to identify the correct EMOTION CONVEYED to win
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Big systems update: Elemental indicators to make it clearer when attacks are doing bonus damage vs being ineffective
So weak means it's strong against the attack?
Also, didn't you do this like 2 years ago?
Not with popups and animations, elements have always been in the game
Confused me at first, but then I realised it's calling your attack weak.

Which makes me want it to have an announcer during the battles.
Like ff tactics? Sure, possible and plug ins exist already for it.
1 dungeon, 1 boss, 1 enemy, 1 party member, 1 NPC jam?
Just realized "Rpg Maker WITH" is abbreviated "RMW".
Confusing wording.
you think they know something we don't?
Steam might not be around forever and it's just common sense not to keep all your eggs in one basket.

Although they just released MV for consoles a few years ago. That was a disaster! So many bugs. #MVT

I mused that this "asset sharing" could be a way to collect data and train A.I.
But who'd be that dumb? Hah! Heh. ehh...well...

I do find myself having to tinker with the defaults (I think their defaults are a bit too opinionated) but I have no qualms with using yanfly plugins, it's often faster than having to code stuff from scratch
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this site is pretty quick with the updates, also all DLCs are there
run it by virustotal if you're scared of ivan snooping around your porn stash. Seems clean on my end though
They really should come up with narrative tools.
The horror game phase that the RM community went through probably didn't help. I mean, when your game only has 4 fucking characters set in a haunted house; Notepad.exe suffices I guess.

No character arcs. No timeline. No worldbuilding. No lore. You don't even need a quest log.
"Worldbuilding" and "Lore" are buzzwords for "the easiest thing in game development" and are worthless. Make a good game, stop writing thousands of words of dogshit no-one would ever care about because your game is too shitty to encourage them to dig deeper.
No, the easiest thing in game development is setting a variable.
> Var Potion += 1

But isn't it nice that RPG Maker gives us a database to visualize it all. Almost like a Walkthrough Guide. Except Walkthrough Guides go a bit further, don't they? They've got graphs and charts.

It does have a "notes" box. Shame it's too small to actually write notes in. Instead everyone uses it for metadata tags.

What a joke RPG MAKER WITH is. They promote it like it's any easier to collaborate "with" people. I suppose they'll have to make do with make a "developer's room" map to do all their planning in.
Just like there's a better way to go about eventing cutscenes, but I doubt the tutorials will tell them how.

Would have been neat if they included a drawing/painting feature. The Switch has a touchscreen. The PS5 controller has a touch pad. At the very least it would lend itself to drawing concept maps and dendrograms.
While I don't expect many people to be artists, custom sprites would at least be something worth sharing. Because what are the assets they're really sharing? Really. It's just a handful of name and description fields mostly.
I think you mean simple. But simple is still time consuming. And most people consider a lot of time, a lot of work. Some might even call it tedious.

The "Actors" tab is just for playable party members. But it would be nice to have some kind of "Cast Member" tab, like common events, except with page conditions and sprite graphics.

It's kind of ironic that GGG is giving people the ability to share "assets". They, GGG, have always had that ability to share updates with their customers. It should be easy for them to fix a spelling error in the New Project data, for example.
>but they won't.
And if next year they came out new RTP assets for some RPG MAKER ASDFGJK, they could easily distribute it as DLC for these console versions.
>but they won't
No. I mean easy. It's fucking easy. Ooooh did you come up with a billion years of history for your shit setting? Who gives a fuck, if the game is shit then who would ever care?
It's an RPG. You're in an RPG Maker thread on an RPG Interest board, and you're asking who cares?

What else are they going to care about? You? ok. Forget about immersing themselves in a fictional world. Let's pretend RPG Players only care about one thing: forming parasocial relationships with content creators.
Let's channel your autistic rumination into a relevant discussion, shall we? How can GGG be of service? Sounds like they should create a social platform. Great idea. Now people can create a bunch of alt accounts based on racial stereotypes to troll people. Catfish people. Commit systematic fraud and racketeering.
And they'll call it all "Harmless Roleplaying" and refer to offline activities as "IRL"

>"He kicked a cat!" - tweets ChineseCatLover
Readers have added context they thought people might want to know:
>"He has lots of cats. Cats will run in front of people all the time. They run out into traffic all the time. It was probably an accident."
>"It was probably an accident followed by self defense. Everyone knows what cats are like."
>"Yeah but only chinese people know what cats taste like."
>"She's not even chinese, she has down's syndrome"
>"Add cultural appropriation to her rap sheet"

>"I came here for a good time and feel so attacked right now" -tweets ChineseCatLover
>"conducting negative public opinions is fun, isn't it?"
>"Hire a PR service." - PR company president, Forum Admin, Not a scammer in Philippines/Finland

Brought to you by GGG.
"Be a game creator! We inspire you!!"
>Disclaimer: The content on this board, including AI-generated responses, are the property of the uploader. Users are responsible for their own hate-speech echochamber and gangstalking paranoia. We reserve the right to collect data to improve (your) loosh harvesting demons. By continuing to use our service you agree that GGG is not actually responsible for inspiring you.
But if SigmaSuccour makes a game called "False Advertising" they would have in fact inspired him.
If you think 'lore and worldbuilding' is something rpg players care about, you're retarded and your game will suck. It's the common demoninator between shit games because the devs are focusing in completely the wrong area.
Annnnnnd ignored. BG3 is one of the best RPGs of this time, not to mention old Wizardry games caring about the lore and world building a ton. This post is primo slop and does not deserve engagement beyond this point, Bye!
>common denominator
60FPS is written 60/1 since "per" is just another way of saying "divided by".
Here, you're dividing "games" by "lore and worldbuilding". But you want "Lore and worldbuilding" to be 0.
If you did your algebra homework you'd know that x divided by 0 equals "undefined"; and that's why you don't have a game at all.
Congrats on the general thread acceptance. I guess your persistence paid off.
thanks weve only been having these threads since /vrpg/ was first made it's such an honor
Mmmhm. We should look back on all the games you've developed since then. Like...uh...um...
ive posted quite a few and this is your last (you) :)!
BG3 isn't good because of lore or worldbuilding. It's a great game, and that comes first. You're looking at it ass abckwards, anon.
No, the (you) jams weren't a general. They weren't really RPGs either.
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Is possible to use gdevelop melee combat in rpg maker xp?

Basically in gdevelop, they spawn and delete an invisible object that contains the collision mask of the melee attack in the exact frames of the hit.

Then they check for this object collision.
Then my question is more, how to replicate this with rpgmk xp?
Why wouldn't it be possible? You obviously know how it works. Which means you must be asking something else.
gdevelop is more for side scrolling platformer genres.

Collision detection itself is childsplay. Integrating it into RPG MAKER systems is another matter.

RM games are top-down orthographic graphics. Meaning the height and depth, Y and Z coordinates are on the same axis.
So picture the iconic charge spin sword attack from Legend of Zelda. Only you're standing next to a cliff. An enemy is 1 tile away, well within the collision circle of the spin attack; except logically the enemy is on the cliff, above the collision.
But there is no "height" variable built into RPG Maker that'll distinguish that. You'll have to work out a way on your own.

What if we were talking about the battle screen? It's pretty annoying, but you had to relaying on scripts to make battle animations more sophisticated. Like placing a magic circle under a sprite, and glowing particles above a sprite. Above the casting mage sprite I mean, but still "below/behind" any other overlapping party members standing in a row in "front".
And that was with the old battle animation system. Battle animation in MZ are a completely different system using effekseer animations. Effekseer can do a lot of stuff. But RPG MAKER is like an old house with old electrical sockets so every modern convenience requires an adapter.
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I went to nap, and woke up with the perfect idea to code my combat in rpg maker.

Basically you mix the concepts of having a pool of events to reuse for the enemies.
A pool of X and Y variables for the enemies.

Then, I have a paralel process running to update the pool of variables with each event, using a list of common events (multiple copies according to the number of enemies in map).

And then another paralel process in another even running manhattan distance checks to see if player is in range of attack plus a timer to delay this loop check at certain intervals.

Same for my ranged attacks and bombs.
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I'm playing an rpg maker 2000/2003 game and got to a bugged scene that always softlocks me, is there a way to cheat and teleport my character to another map?
Like some people don't make porn to satisfy others. They just get off on the idea of people watching them.
>She's faking it
>She's ashamed of being a game dev
>She only in it for the money she'll never make because she'll never finish.
>Ask her about the lore.
"It SO DEEP!" Oh YES!"
"What do they eat?"
"OH! YeS! OO-oh. Umm, carrots?"
"Carrots? Really? How original."
"Well, they are bunnies."
"From the moon, I bet."
"What's wrong with that?"
"Nothing. Nothing...so are there carrot farms on the moon?"
"How big?"
"How do you know?"
"From the gapping rabbit holes."
"You have my attention..."
With AI and engagement algorithms, gamers of tomorrow might define a "good rpg" as a "safe rpg" that isn't addictive or compelling.
the hypothetical gamer of tomorrow who is only interested in ai slop isn't on my radar
I'm sure governments would step in with regulations to save people from recreational activities. Or maybe some kind of drug to manage obsessions.

I'm sure you'll be locked up once people start asking why you have "gamer radar" in the first place.
dont worry if anyone tries to lock me up i'll just bite thru my tongue and die. ez
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Feels like my art has gotten better
Open the game in the corresponding maker and either try to fix the bug yourself or you put an autorun event in that room that moves you to another room.
What's the deal with Isekai and Goddesses? I mean, not every Isekai has god characters, but when they do, the one responsible for the transmigration of souls and reincarnation or whatever tends to be a goddess.
I can think of maybe one exception.
>genre that consists 100% of regurgitating the same tired premise and tropes over and over
why wouldn't they all have the exact same shit in them?
I can come up with a few different theories.
I think they all tend to be the same because Japan's manga industry is full of incomplete, unfinished, or endless series.
Imagine with the RPG Maker community, someone makes a really compelling story, but they abandon it after "chapter 1". So people just export the characters and write their own story following to same setup and trajectory to their own conclusions. These inevitably have their own hanging plot threads, that other people may pick up on, export the characters, writing their own conclusion from that. ect...
So it's not just a genre, it's a movement.

From another perspective, a protagonist's mental sex and their relationship with an authority figure can guide a lot of their behavior.
In Failure Frame, the goddess is like a representation of the protag's abusive mother. Kind of like how Captain Hook in Peter Pan is traditionally played be the same actor as the father. They're obtrusive authority figures to be overcome. I think if you change the Goddess to a God, you'd have to change the abusive parent's sex as well. Otherwise their motivations might feel disconnected and out of nowhere.

If you're writing a harem plot, then it makes sense for a protag to project trauma or emotional baggage from one female character to another. That's sensible drama. A phantom of the mother in a girlfriend is one thing. A phantom of the father in the girlfriend is...something else.
Transexual parents might be interesting to explore. But if the protag tells his girl that she reminds him of his MtF "father", he might get a slap to the face and the romance would be D.E.A.D.
Looks like a hentai game.
My theory is that japa think that women are hot.
Manga/anime are usually adapted from web novels, and many of these isekai web novels have game metaphysics because the author would have developed the story for a game if they had the time.

But most webnovels shed their game mechanics about half way through the story. Some stupid coincidence will maxes out their starts or gives them something broken, while a demon lord sweeps them off to make them his bride so everyone knows who the MC is and knows not to mess with them.
And the rest is a slice of life story.

It sucks. But at the same time, actually game scenarios that offer playability are all going to sound the same. Like pokemon games and their knock-offs are all the same kind of story, because the core gameplay is capturing and training monsters.
Which version should I choose? I have VX Ace and MV, I know that many people recommend MV, tell me what advantages there are, I like VX Ace myself because Black Souls is made on it, I like character sprite edits more
Problem with VX Ace is it's over a decade old so there's tons of scripts and assets that you just can't find anymore between google going to shit and forums dying. If you haven't been hoarding stuff it might get frustrating chasing those dead links.

Personally I prefer the VX Ace 32x32 sprites because they're so much easier to work with, but you can do MV in 32x32 too iirc. Just use MV.
For VX Ace, you can find a bunch of scripts here: https://github.com/Archeia/RMVXA-Script-Repository
You should try looking through github for some cool stuff regardless of which engine you choose, tho.
What difference does the RM version make if basic text message, and side-view battle visual controls have to come from 3rd Party developers?

The newer versions aren't exactly improving their utilities. In fact, they have an annoying habit of dropping things. Like, XP had screen transitions and user/caster animations. You used to be able to change battle background with event commands during battle.
I've been playing Nexomon (on sale for $1). The first game in particular feels like an RPG Maker game. It's what I wished MZ's RTP looked like. It's got all the standard sets: Forest, Cave, Mountain, Lava, Desert, Ice...except it's complete.
RPG Maker skimps out on things like doors and windows.

Lol. Most people are probably playing this to appreciate the monster designs. And I'm over here appreciating the environmental details. Going into every house counting the variations on fireplaces and stoves. Thinking to myself "You don't see doors like that in RPG Maker.
How's the lore?
So draw your own you lazy faggot
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Back at it again, Wanted opinions on the battle screen. Looks kinda plain but idk what i could add.

Also, does anyone know what kinda of music i can use? Im thinking of some 8bit NES sounding stuff, since im using FF, Ultima and Wizardry NES ver. music as a placeholder.
How do I get good?
Looks tried and true anon. Nothing wrong with the battle screen itself, it shows the info it needs. I would however say that the character sprite should probably be drawn at a different perspective so it looks like it is facing the monsters, if this isnt purely a place holder, otherwise, looks good.
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If it was me, I'd rethink the resource formats entirely. But then GGG couldn't get a free ride selling it for multiple versions as "Official DLC"

The A B C D...sheets was a dumb idea.
The Block A, Block B, Block C...arrangement was a dumb idea.

The Block D and E don't even have the same animation pattern!
They should go back to the RMXP style of waterfalls. And then arrange their tile sheets properly so it appears neat and orderly in the editor.
The waterfalls, btw, are only 1 tile tall, meaning they don't tile seamlessly with walls that have shading. You're supposed to cover it up with a character graphic, I guess.

You know that chasm isn't animated, right? The "frozen ocean" is, um, frozen. In MZ, the cloud ridge isn't even clouds, they just recolored the chasm block white.
Does anyone know if you can store the amount of steps a player takes in 2003?
I'm at a part of my game where I want to do a segment where the PC goes on a shooting spree against a bunch of other armed enemies. Is it possible to implement something like this? It's more gimmick than challenge but I would like to able to shoot projectiles than can kill enemies immediately on the map.

If this is too complicated for RPG maker does anyone have any ideas to supplement this kind of a sequence? I'm doing an adaptation and there is supposed to be a quick shootout.
It's weak. Almost a plot hole. The game doesn't take itself very seriously. There's a building with computers that foreshadows a revelation later in the game. But it doesn't really explain anything and could have been left out. I think towards the end they made some revisions.

There's a bonus "netherworld" dungeon after you beat the game. But I don't think it was originally planned to be a "netherworld". It's pretty obvious it was meant to be this virtual simulation related to said revelation.
They probably revised it as they started planning Nexomon: Extinction.

I'm still playing Extinction.
Neotration Curse Quest RPG. Obviously neotrate hentai rpg. Uses AI gen images as well. Plays a bald warrior soldier or something. You've to search for males to fuck women that mostly join in your quest that you can't fuck until you gain more power.
Draw your own you piece of garbage
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Tell that to Gotcha Gotcha Games
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"I hate knightsneed, all he does is post bouncing enemies with reddit tier names" - well what do you think of this box moving puzzle?
the friends of diversity
What's wrong with diversity?
What's wrong with fake accounts?
>try to join r*ddit disc*rd to get code advice
>demands I verify with phone
what the fuck
Can't answer the question eh, coyotesuccour
You don't know any other user names, do you?
Since your inspiration is DQ1 you could try to take some visual ques from there. Since it's a solo adventure and 1v1 combat maybe limiting the monster graphic to a smaller window with dialogue boxes around it would make it feel less empty.
If you want your hero in the picture you could do what pokemon does and show an over the shoulder view of your character.
Move the sprites when they dodge, or shake them when they get hit or make them flash when a crit happens. Rather simple ways to add more visual interest while staying in the ultima-like graphical constraints.

Love me a good block puzzle.
Oh, add some pushing blocks down from ledges, holes, or other blocks. Sliding surfaces and elevators too.
Golden Sun 1 and especially 2 are great sources of inspiration, they had a lot of fun ones.
Now I'm curious if they fixed any of that in WITH
Not too many videos of people using the editor but from the tile palette it looks the same.

Although I'm guessing they changed something about the autotiles. Because I saw passage errors on a sample that doesn't exist in the PC version.
I do the same thing with backgrounds in anime. Although, I'm not really admiring them. I just like to think how the studio must be sitting on a stockpile of textures and the slapdash construction that went into city streets or a house for this one scene.

It makes me think of MV/MZ mapping where people use every tile imaginable. So a house won't just be a wall with windows. It'll have these nooks made of barn wood, or a mix brick work. So it doesn't even look like a house.
It's kind of funny that every castle throne room has the same red carpet with gold swirl trim. In Demon Lord Castles, they do all close ups and extreme angles focusing on a crest on the ground or something. You can tell nobody bothered to design an actually room for the scene.
It'll be like a minion kneeling in a spotlight.
If it were an RPG then the castle would be the final dungeon. But in anime there is no narrative purpose for a castle at all. Often the climax is set in a town with lots of people endanger. They just give the bad guy a lair because he needs to be somewhere.

There was one of those self-aware town-building type isekai where they point out the bad logistics keeping an army up in a mountain.
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The dev of the game Barako the Pirate here. Dunno if any of you in the thread remember my game, or care about it, but I officially give up on game development, and by extension Barako the Pirate is cancelled. This is gonna be a partial repost of the development devlog on my itch.io...

Reasons for it are many... I'll list them here.

1. There's barely any people wishlisting my game. Only 60 wishlists, with a conversion of 10% who actually follow through and buy. So that's barely anyone who'll buy it even if I made it.

2. The game itself sucks ass, on account of me sucking as a game developer. The story and graphics are great, but the gameplay, yuck, it stinks man. I just don't have any fun playing it...

3. I'm not a good developer. I've known since I've seen people stream my game the Eye of Vyrius. I made that game for 10 years, and it ended up sucking hard, everybody hated it. Sure, I've made better games, like Roland the Wanderer, and Princess Daphne... But those are medicore at best as well.

4. I don't enjoy Game Development anymore. Hell, I dunno if I ever really enjoyed for a long time, I only did it out of a sunk cost fallacy, and out of habit.

5. I have a new love. My webcomic, the Eye of Vyrius. And unlike its rpg maker game counterpart, it's been pulling crazy numbers on Tapas, and has recieved great feedback as well.

6. I think Barako the Pirate will make a better webcomic as well...
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Again, I don't know if any of you actually wishlisted it, or was looking forward to it, but just in case you was, I'm sorry ;_;. Thanks to all the people who gave me feedback and said nice things about it as well, you've been so kind to me and my autistic drawings.

I'm gonna miss you guys and posting here, probably still gonna lurk occasionally, but I just don't really care about game development anymore. I'm a far better webcomic creator, and I enjoy it far more too. Still gonna occasionally play your guys games on my Youtube though...

I'm the OP who made the last 4 or so RPG Maker Development Threads as well after the other OP stopped making them, so once this thread dies, it's up to someone else to make the next thread too...
Just got rpg makes set up for in my 3ds. Any essential mods for The 7th Stand User?
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I want to go with this party on a fun adventure.
I dont even care if the elf only has eyes for the MC, im just so tired.
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>I dont even care if the elf only has eyes for the MC, im just so tired.

She has a lazy eye so that probably won't be an issue
There's got be plenty of other elf squaws in that world anon. I would be your wingman and make sure you got some primo elvussy
sorry you went thru that dude. trying to make it as an indie dev is soul crushing, i cant imagine making a for-sale game, the numbers i get on my uploads would kill me harder than they already do. glad that you're enjoying making a webcomic though
Thanks man. Wish you all the best in your devving adventures.

Yeah, indie game dev is friggin hard. You have to learn so many skills at once, as well as isolate yourself as a solo dev if you wanna finish a game. You all have my respect for doing so, especially if your able to actually manage to make a good game. Webcomics are simply easier on me, you only need to work on art and story writing, as well as marketing, which seems easier than game dev marketing as well.
>The story and graphics are great
If you tell us the story, I'll try to incorporate an Easter egg or two.
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Damn, that's gonna take some time... I don't wanna give much of the plot away, cause I am planning on making it a webcomic. But I'll give a brief synopsis of the general gist of the plot...

It's about Barako the Pirate and his pirate crew. They're a group of robin hood like pirates who don't believe in killing, and they fight through non-lethal means, like their fists, wooden swords, illusion magic and such, and only raid other pirate vessels.

Here's my itch.io page detailing all the main characters...

Basically this pirate crew raid a privateer vessel from a country called Helenia, and they find a child hidden in the hold of the ship called Jim. The crew then has to transport the child back to his hometown in Helenia. However the kid constantly misbehaves, and they have no idea how to control him or disipline him, so he constantly gets the crew into trouble... eventually leading to tragedy...

Also pic related. A comic someone on /co/ did of Barako the Pirate for valentines day in a thread of /hyw/ (used to be a crappy webcomic beforehand.) and they paired my character Barako with Taki, a character from another webcomic.
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Part 2. Dunno if this would be helpful or not, but it's hilarious all the same.
Maybe invent a new term meaning anti pirate?
The definition of a pirate is a person who attacks and robs ships at sea. And a pirate ship is still a ship... Also Barako the Pirate just sounds catchy to me for whatever reason as well...
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Let's examine Eye of Vyrius. Or the demo at least.

Ok. Game starts out with boy-man living with mother. She sends him to a farmer who sends you to a cave/mine to kill a "boss" monster like its a thing that happens on occasion. Bunch of friends tag along for no real reason. Everyone is just a name and a face. No introductions. It's got a kind of Adult Animation treatment where everyone is dysfunctional and unreasonable.
In the cave/mine is a giant crystal seemingly unrelated to the boss monster. Not a lot of world building going on. They take the crystal with them for no reason and report back to mom for completing this task/job/community service.
Protag takes a shower to reveal he's got a Save Point growing on his back! They conclude it's somehow related to the crystal. So mom sends the hero to a specialist in another town to get examined.
The crystal key item is called "Eye of Vyrius" in the inventory btw. Odd, but intriguing. The Specialist confirms the, uh, curse, will eventually turn him into a save point. Which is happening because the Eye of Vyrius is cracked. "Vyrius" is apparently the name of a Civilization. The crystal is apparently some kind of device now, and it can be repaired with "Red Oricalcum" which they can find in a [cave to the east]. No, actually, you go south to a swamp and kill a horned snake to get the Oricalcum. Obviously the scenario was revised.
The specialist can't actually repair the Eye herself. They have to see another specialist. On the way they get robbed by people that apparently know the protag's name and what he has.
<End of Demo>

A peak at the world map and switches list suggests there were 2 more towns. The protag would get arrested and break out of jail, before heading to "sunset labs". Which sounds like a good final dungeon, to be honest.
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Barako-kun, don't worry about it. It sucks your dream game won't get made but if instead it means your dream comic comes out, then that's just as good. Will you post occasional updates on the webcomic thread on /co/? Also, your Barako plot sounds like it will be awesome. I hope Jim makes it home, the rascal.
Yeah I know, its shit lol. I really struggle with coming up with stories for games... Something about it, I dunno, you're forced to add combat and exploration before the story. I designed the characters skills first and the designs as well, there's a lot of them, but as a result, none of the characters really have a purpose to the story. It's also the first story I wrote, so it just adds to the shittiness...

And after 10 years working on it, constantly rewriting it again and again, I eventually got sick of it and decided on just releasing it.

Various streamers ripped it apart as well... Yet to actually watch a video fully through, it's too painful to watch...

The comic has barely anything to do with the original story for the game, it's much more auto-biographical, and starts with Reizt being 5 years old growing up in a fictional Australia. I really leaned into him being a self insert, and it's semi auto-biographical, with the characters and situations being remixes of my own experiences...

Thanks for playing anyway! Although it makes me cringe and want to die thinking of others play it...

Thanks man! Really means a lot hearing stuff like this! Wait, is there a webcomic thread on /co/? I thought /hyw/ got cancelled cause of shitposting...
I will forgive you but ONLY if you release the unused art assets under the permissive license of your choice!
Does anyone have the mana seed assets to share with a fellow dev?
Hey, thats a good idea, i didn't think of that! I guess people could use them as long as if they credit me, although they'll clash with other art assets... Saves them rotting away without anybody ever seeing them. Thanks for the suggestion anon!
rpgm devs... are dying...
I am already dead inside.
Internet archive
>buy full yanfly collection back in the day
>only end up using 3 (free) plugins from it in my game

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