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>Dude, this RPG maker game without a single original idea put into it is a masterpiece! I fucking love overused Japanese tropes and obsession with Alice in Wonderland
>Check out that character that turns into, wait for it, a weird monstrosity like in that Lovecraft guy's stories. And, like, you won't believe it, it's impossible to comprehend by human mind and makes you go insane
>And there are, like, characters from fairy tales, BUT they're actually coombait anime girls! That's right, the cat is actually not a cat, it's a female with cat ears, holy shit I'm coooooooooming best character design
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Should've chosen a different image so she could wear the hat. You have brought dishonor among Mirandachads.
is the dude that draws this (ars lycorys i think) still posting on twitter? both of us are brazilian and i haven't been able to see his art,mostly relying on pixiv,though there's barely any posts there,this Miranda piece seems unfamiliar to me though it might be an older drawing.
nevermind,this is a new piece and he posted it on pixiv
i should've checked it first
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it was posted today
anyone know what soundfont Toro used for the songs that were originally midis in BS1/2?
I wonder where we'll meet mr frog in red's game
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They don't exist.
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In Alice we trust
Does Grimm scream Alice's name during sex with other girls?
play the game
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So you're telling me we're getting Paradox part 3 before Red's game?
Paradox 3 releasing before DRH isn't that surprising after the dev hell DRH has gone through so far. It's not like Paradox 3 hasn't either, but it still has a larger dev team that's been working on it for longer.
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Super duper mega ultra ORGANIC Blacked Souls on the 'log!
Get in here bros and let's discuss the waifus we fap to and make a point to never talk about mechanics or game play!
Me in the bottom right corner having fun with Alice(daughter)
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Can't wait to see her get banned in real time I'm thinking Jubjub
Why did you post black Pete alongside your seething?
>are you interested in carnal acts
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post old memes
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Black souls on the steam deck
I'm glad EMMM's art got better, this literally looks like balls.
I actually quite like the art in black souls 1
there is a saying that a women can have bigger balls then some men guess this is one is literally.
Red hood does have a very masculine personality
I don't think this was a matter of better or worse art, he just choose to draw it that way. Thankfully, EMMM now uses his sister as reference
and now we know why
Whens reds game?
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>never talk about mechanics or gameplay
Turn back newbro
It is a very simple question anon. I actually forgot. Was it supposed to come out last year or the year before?
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She didnt skip the hscenes in the first one
She actually failed to censor Baphomet for a second in her stream too.
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>gets frogged
>gets goosed
>loses two hours of progress because she didn't save
yep, this will be interesting
how are we feeling bros? perturbed again? never bothered me, "rap battle" game was never going to become mainstream, at least not more than it is known.
she lived in your path, while screaming it doesn't fit aaaaaaaaa
Weren't huehues banned from X?
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She's live.
>spoiled on the website CGs of this WONDERFUL rabbit woman getting bent over
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I only watch Hololive...
>she tried MARY SUE as name
She's got the right idea but the wrong execution.
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>can I become boat?
>oh man I can become a dog
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This isnt your fucking twitch chat dodos
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vtubers are a cancer
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What the fuck is this timeline?
Watching this im noticing how awfully out of place a hagfag Grimm is
>The little girl this the little girl that
>But what about mom?
The funniest timeline.
/v/tubers doing more and more to stand out, I knew it was fubar when twitter latched onto it
Pretty much TCO should have been a loli Alice instead of a hag Alice.
I've been away for 3 years. Any news about bs3?
Thousands of normies watching the secret thing, and that live.
And that is all I need
Check in another 3 years, Red's game isn't even finished yet let alone BS3.
??? I am not that person
I go back to the void again then
The creator is making two games to grind his art skills before BS3, a second Red Hood game and a game about the demonic princesses from BS1.
They're not done yet.
man the chesire cat's updated theme sucks ass
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We are so back
>obnoxious pirate niggers who didn't give even a cent to Toro, crying about BGM.
Speak for yourself, I bought the game.
Crying about it is silly though, you can easily keep the old BGM.
>acting like Toro composed them when it's all CC0 music anyway
thank you for proving my point
what point?
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My wife MayMay!
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that pirate fags who cry about "accurate" bgm are just retards
nobody cries about "accurate" bgms you fucking retard
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The first version of the ost is just plain better. deal with it.
Stop being a chud.
The more people know about Black Souls the better.
Gatekeeping is so cringe :)
I bought the game before EMMM was forced to cripple the BGM
Fuck off.
>redrum reference
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You lost the argument
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>got several ukie and russ soldiers tortured to death out of spite for rare_cats' death
>turns out rare_cats is just fine
Blunder of a lifetime
I wanna buy BS1 as well, but DLsite doesn't accept my card anymore...
I bought both games on DLsite. They're not even expensive.
Not even for buying poins?
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jej based
He's alive?
I don't wanna use a third party to buy a game. Why did the jews have to stop me from buying shit on DLsite?
The point buying system is limited to the same paying methods as the normal paying system. I actually have no clue where to start if I wanna buy something anymore. I hope some shit changes before BS3 comes out
What? You can no longer buy points with pay pal?
Nah you can't anymore. It's lame as fuck, but the card companies and payment processors wouldn't want us to get out hands on cunny games, now would they?
>vtumor stumbles from optimal progression to secret places
What a (((coincidence)))
I have both versions, even bought Red Hood's Woods
Was actually looking to coom today. Tomboy witches anyone?
> She
That's a man

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