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2 More Weeks
Berseria is getting a remaster?
whats the 2 more weeks referring to?
Hopefully when the edna faggot kills himself
If only.
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"Well, wake me in two weeks."

"Wait Lai- and she's out."
Velvet likes little boys
why laphicet is so fuckign short. She like only 3cm shorter than Edna
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New Tales directed outed himself as an Abyssfriend in that recent interview. Remaster soon
Velvet likes shota cock and you can't convince me other wise.

Abyss was pretty good in my books. I liked how every antagonist in the main antagonist party had their motivations properly fleshed out. Not a big fan of the clone thing though, saw that one coming a mile away and admittedly the game is a tad long even by JRPG standards but still one of the best tales.
bro, nobody disagrees with you. Velvet only fucks little boys and we all like her better for it.
>thread gets made by schizo
>thread is massively worse in all aspects
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Please let there be an Abyss Remaster. 2nd favorite Tales.
You got one.
i don't think anyone wants to play on a small screen with shitty textures. also how long is patty fleur's hair?
>i don't think anyone wants to play on a small screen with shitty textures
I do
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Wish i had someone like her molesting me when i was a little boy.
This character design is garbage, i feel they have a decent idea in their mind but they lack the talent to execute it well.
I would not count that as a remaster.
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Oh no no no no Chelsea bros...
>Dycroft took me 4 hours just to get to Miktran
Is this the longest dungeon in all of Tales?
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>Luke and Tear the only ones holding hands in the full image
what did they mean by that?
After playing Destiny DC I'm never complaining about Xilla's dungeons ever again
Destiny DC may have bad dungeons, but nothing is bad as the modern "blank corridors with shiny bullshit to pick up scattered throughout" slop that Tales (and other series) has fallen into.
this, I would genuinely take going through samey dycroft tier dungeons over the modern day JRPG hallway dungeons
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What the fuck was this fight. It was fair for the first 50% or so and then in the last half, it was ridiculous.
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>i feel they have a decent idea in their mind but they lack the talent to execute it well.
actually they already executed it well and just poorly rehashed it
Can't speak for the front pairs, but
>Implying Mint would consent to handholding before marriage
>Implying Sorey would hold any hand other than Mikleo's

Luke and Tear are the only two who would hold hands.
Jude and Milla is a one sided romantic love so they wouldn't
Alphen and Shionne would but only after the game is actually done, she would be all over him
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World peace
Woke tranny shit, glad i dropped it before the HRT could've been injected in me
Also boring as fuck to play
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What's the best version of Tales of Symphonia?
emulate the gamecube version
Just play it on your gamecube
What's wrong with the pc version? I have like 400 hours on that.
Nothing, it can be modded to perfection
I never modded it honestly. I am ok with the graphics unless there is more content on the gc.
Dead series
Anon here who had started Zestiria about two or three threads ago. Just got to the mountain and saw Zaveid, who is already cooler than the party I have so far.
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>long black hair
>torn clothes
>bathroom eyes
What's the appeal?
>>bathroom eyes
First you explain to me what the hell this mean.
She wants to pee on you.
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waiting for velvet to leave the restroom to find the toilet she used and lick it clean
Question: I want to get into this series. What do you recommend for a first? On steam btw.
Berseria then Zestiria
or Symphonia
Thank you my friend.
But only if she splashed everywhere.
>Tales of Hearts DS and Xillia 1 director was the Vision of Mana director
>Higuchi is on something called Project RED:string
>Kagawa(and probably Tanaka) is on Arise follow up
>Mari Miyata and Anabuki codirected Arise dlc
Funny that all Tales of past director are active right now
what, do you want them to get heart attacks or something
Tales of Anal
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Does Critical moment effect change depending on the uses?(as in you are more likely to get positive effects the more you use it) or is it always random?
No 60fps and unlike Vesperia the changes between versions aren't too significant.
Unless you decide to do the shitty extra dungeon.
The thing that hurt the most is losing mystic artes on like half of the cast but the whole thing is already a rare thing in Symphonia anyways
Rebirth in English when?
I like the bonuses
>Bamco Layoffs
Welp guess Tales is truly Dead
They laid off the gachaslop teams, it doesn't matter
I dont think so
normal battle retry is now free
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god roses boring shit design still sticks out like a sore thumb
Fuck off with your AI shit, freak.
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no idea the teams working on this and destiny 2 seem to go ghost for many months at a time
I don't know if its age or a different direction but Veigue in Rays sounds a lot calmer than in Rebirth.
Tales of Arise sold great and even the remaster sold good
Things like the Naruto games and Pacman World that the last ones undersold or some niche anime Game like the slime isekai, are the ones affected
They're canning shovelware like the Spy x Family game.
>This game plans to unlock in approximately 2 months
GameCube if you prefer 60 FPS gameplay.
PC with Kaldaien's tsfix and high res texture pack if you prefer extra content.
The PS2 and PS3 versions are the same as the PC version but without mods.
The PS4 and Switch versions are somehow unstable and buggy.
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Huh, their opposite colors by default but give Rose her merchant fit and they're both white on blue. (Not here of course because I played through most of the game without the Shepard cloak for some reason)
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zestiria had problems but it really felt like a game that could have been so much more but to be honest thats every tales game since graces and at least that got upgraded twice
Who doesn't.
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>Edna dont have tit-

Next year for the 20th most likely.
While it could be age, Hiyama hated how they made him do Veigue in the original game and griped for years about how he basically just devolved to a memey scream man, and he might have the fame and clout now to request a change in direction.
Speaking of Abyss, I feel like another playthrough but my PS2 crapped out a while ago so I can't access my original files and I don't have time to play through it twice to get the NG plus stuff. Anyone have or knows where to get a completed save file?
the ng+ shit isn't worth it anyways
Yes but it will bother me
Any Eleanor fans here?
Yeah i think she is really hot. I always kept her in my party for the cocktease, too bad velvet was too much better than her. (plus shotacon).
You betcha i would let eleanor ravage me anywhere anytime.
>That douj where her and magilou get pregnant by laphi.
Too bad she had monster titties basically ruining all her appeal, other than this, 10\10 she really deserve more porn.
Veigue screams Claire's name like 255 times in one game. Its understandable.
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What is the best girl on girl action in tales? Except vesperia. I dont wan't canon but at least reasonably implied.
Im fucking worried about Tales future since Bamco dropped Gachas and invest to DEI scams instead
I am ethero but i would do a laphi. Sorry but he is really too cute and sexy.
Sexier than Velvet
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I liked it enough to eventually finish it, but booting it up to take that screenshot I remember I never understood half the mechanics. I had wanted Tales to take a stab at a "darkness made manifest" concept too, which we did get but didn't do as much for me as I'd hoped. That's just me not being a teenager anymore though.

Couple that with Zestiria fast approaching its TENTH birthday with only TWO original retail games since...

Have not played Bersey and aware she is the group zealot, but aesthetics alone, I second >>3642515
Tales was always in jeopardy since the bandai namco merger

Apparently the Japanese market and economy is so fucking shit now that even a game that will be successful isn't worth the cost of development anymore. It might be ogre for Japan
Not enough Anal
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I want symonne to kick me in the balls and say mean things to me.
>reasonably implied
none of them

there's good energy in most of the games if you're willing to yuri goggles it though. berseria has probably the most yuri shippers out of the games you left unmentioned. i also see a lot around legendia but lol
Bamco silence is deafening.....
I'm not worried, I've alread lost faith. I honestly doubt Bamco still has anyone who knows how to handle Tales properly.
>Killed Baba
>Tales is now 100% dead

Should trust him more, Bamco.
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Have mine for pcsx2: https://files.catbox.moe/gt6qgr.ps2
It has both cleared save files and the game clear flagged system data. Gamefaqs probably has some too.
But then you won't have Anise's extra mystic artes + all of the costumes from the get go.
producer interview
If I preorder right now I will get 10 apple gels is this good
God, I had the hottest Vietnamese babysitter and she never tried anything.
God, I had the hottest high schooler Vietnamese babysitter and she never tried anything.
Cmon man please dont be a remaster I JUST started playing the original
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New trailer for the remaster of the most generic jrpg ever made
Imagine being worse than a tripfaggot
Oh wait you don’t have to.
Fuck off from my thread.
ok but will I be able to convert my graces f ps3 save to a steam save i'm not grinding out a +99 Disintegrator again
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Happy 12th anniversary to the third best Tales game!
Muzet is always hot damn.
Dead Series
>tfw you realize Artorias is just Alphen with Shionne's hairstyle/eyes
>tfw you realize Berseria is a grudge match between MillaxJude's daughter vs. ShionnexAlphen's distant son
>my thread
You aren't doing a very good job, this looks grim.
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This is just pathetic
>Using DLC bonuses
You didn't beat the game
I could only see him as wannabe Van.
Is anyone working on a Phantasia Cross Edition translation? (the one with Rondoline)
Not at the moment, but it's on the road map for the people who did the Destiny DC translation
The only games I can see Scamco remaking are
>Eternia (for the same reason RE2 got remaked instead 1, Phantasia/Destiny already got one plus Udo first Game as battle designer)
>Abyss(FF7, RE2/4, SH2 , DQ3 way, is the most popular)
>Legendia (is the one that need to be fix the most and turning into a 3D brawler can made It wonder)
With Inomata death, and Tomizawa acknoledge Luminaria like 5 times, I felt that if they establish a B Team they will call Tosh to do the character design.
Where do Tales of fans congregate these days? IP still feels so dead. I mean the days we had a general
Close to 100k members. Very activate.
>muh reddit
>Legendia (is the one that need to be fix the most and turning into a 3D brawler can made It wonder)
I'm all for a Legendia remake, but please don't make the combat 3D. Just keep it 2D for a change and expand on that.
Literally nobody cares about Eternia and neither do I.
Eternia sold better than Vesperia, Graces and Symphonia in japan
>While specific titles weren’t confirmed, Ishikawa expressed enthusiasm for potential future remasters: “As for the other Tales of series, I personally love Abyss, but there are many other amazing works as well. For example Legendia, Phantasia, Eternia, and Xillia.”
I would rather get official English version of Destiny DC and Destiny 2
that's not very hweel
I liked zestiria
Velvet has big breasts but no ass lmao
The only difference between that place and this place is that you can't say "nigger" or "faggot" there.
Ass is not relevant. I want to bury my face in titties.
various behind the scene with tales of arise
But you're playing in 3rd person so you're seeing your Characters ass most of the time, how is it not relevant?
>tales of graces phsyical gets nothing compared to the digital deluxe version
exactly how many pages are in this digital artbook and what BGM will be available?
why can't they just port the 2D titles rather remake them in 3D to save time. Phantasia NX, Destiny DC, Destiny II, Eternia, Rebirth, all in one package.
Porting is hard work. THREE YEARS.
t. Tomizawa
$30 times 5 is more profitable than $70
They should just do one of those 2DHD remakes squares loves so much and be done with it, at this point i just want them localized
Making a competent port actually does require effort. Don't tell me that you forgot about the legions of shitty PC ports in the industry.
Then when you have to account for the fact that the best versions for some of these games were on the PSP or the 3DS, they also need to work on upscaling the models among others.
>exactly how many pages are in this digital artbook and what BGM will be available?
Nobody knows.
>it's on the road map for the people who did the Destiny DC translation
It's been for literal years.
Don't expect it anytime soon.
>They should just do one of those 2DHD remakes
And I honestly think you should kill yourself.
Fuck off with you meme emulation filter+reshade filled turd, Retard.
Bamco silence is deafening.......
built for orgy grapes.
More Guy? Hell yeah
I've arrived at the Water Temple in Zestiria, damn, who could have thought this dungeon would be a good idea at Bamco?
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The Rebirth translation patch is coming in December this year.
Definitely looking forward to this one and Destiny 2.
Been a while since the last Destiny 2 update. It'll probably be a 2026 release, I'm guessing.
That's cool hope it's psp and ps2 compatible
It's PS2 only (the worse version). Apparently they're going to try backporting the PSP content after they release it.
I'll probably wait for the PSP patch, I'm too lazy to setup PS2 emu right now and it more comfy to play on the go anyway
It seems like you're misunderstanding, I don't think there will be a PSP patch ever. They're going to put the extra PSP content into the PS2 version. So now or in the future you'll still be setting up a PS2 emulator.
Huh, I thought they were working on the PSP patch or am I confusing it with ToD2?
They were initially doing both versions for Rebirth, but there was some kind of internal strife which caused a delay and a split in the group. One group is (was?) working on the PSP version while Life Bottle is doing the PS2 version.
The D2 guys are indeed doing both versions.
Annie being based time is coming.

The spaces that send you back are marked on the ground, even if you don't want to look for the eyes. It's unironically a skill issue.
I also really like the music there. All the shrines are pretty great in that aspect, but water's probably my favourite.
Why did they prioritize the PS2 version when the PSP version had more content? Weird choice.
Sex with Edna
Sex with Laphi!
Coomer retards get the rope.
Edna does hardcore Anal
Not to mention psp emulates well on a toaster. Oh well rebirth is a weak entry more excited for tod2
Are there any specific order to play tales?
Already done with vesperia and now going to play for zestiria but heard that berseria is a prequel so im not really sure.
The only important orders are Phantasia before Narikiri Dungeon (not translated), Destiny before Destiny 2 (not translated), Symphonia before Symphonia DotNW, and Xillia before Xillia 2. Zestiria was made before Berseria, so the latter was made assuming you've played the former even though chronologically they're in the other order.
Play Berseria first and you appreciate Zestiria more
This a game for pedos? Dafuq is with those characters?
Perfectly normal Young adult, a Teen, and a Kid
>This a game for pedos?
Yes. The main character is literally a (female) pedophile with a thing for little boys. It is extremely based.
If it's a chick who likes boys that's fine. It's only bad if it's a guy who likes little girls.
Holy crap, the thread is still up. So I've gotten further into Zestiria, kind of a bummer now that Alicia is gone. I'm thinking that Rose will replace her and I can use two Seraphim in battle again.
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People are modding tales of the rays but I can't see any quick install version with all content inside
>People are modding tales of the rays
What ?

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