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I'm about to play Chrono Trigger for the first time. Will I like it more than Chrono Cross? Is what the RPG bros say true? That this game is 5 times as based as Chrono Cross? I fucking love Chrono Cross so much it is unreal and have completed CC over a dozen times this lifespan alone and CC gets twice as based everytime somehow and I even take my love of CC Lore to the next level irl I.E. I always stock all the bathrooms I own with at least 1 Chrono Cross strategey guide each just in case any guests feel a need to Lore out (Chrono Cross style) while they piss and shit. Given my love of CC I suppose it is sorta strange how I haven't started CT until moments ago decades later... especially since I go intensly hard, very hard in the groins for any and all varieties of Time Travel Lore. Right now I have the televison playing the CT intro on repeat as I type this post powergulping vodka to prep for my first playthrough and I have to say this intro is pretty dangerous. Dangerously based. But still not sure if this intro is based as the CC intro?

Tldr = how based is CT compared to CC?

t. Some anons may know me as Lorechad (the first human time traveler)
how the fuck is this not ported on the Switch yet? what a fucking joke
10/10 bait
Uh okay weirdo

Humiliation ritual
Cross is the better game as it completes the story started in Trigger and feels like the culmination of the story began in the first game. If you love Cross you will love it even more when replaying it after playing Trigger. The Trigger battle system is better than the one in Cross however.
>Cross is the better game
5/10 bait
Why is it impossible for people to comprehend people liking Cross over Trigger
You didn't say "I like Cross over Trigger."
You said "Cross is the better game." >>3630349
Theres more than one person in the thread with you, anon. And yes, Cross is (narrowly) the better game.
please never have children
Cope all you like. Both are 10/10 but Cross has a more heartfelt story and probably the best music in any game ever
Not really comparable, that's why it gets so much hate. It's a good game, but it's a LOT different than Trigger in many, many ways. Trigger is a 10/10 masterpiece- tight, concise, etc. Cross is great too, but in different ways. Most people were pissed because of this reason alone- it was too different. You'll like it or you won't, just play it.
chrono triggered and reddit cross are both massively overrated. not even close to the best jrpgs on either system.
Best JRPG of all time.
>Cross is the better game
gr8 b8 I’m sure it will up the reply count
Chrono Trigger is like classic Disney movies. Both had just the right length and pacing, struck the perfect balance between seriousness and endearing and appealed to all age groups. Nothing felt bloated or overly pretentious. Media from that time period knew just how to find that sweet spot.
Chrono Cross was a game I went back to play 10 years after release and man I hated everything about it. Blocky ps1 era graphics were never my forte and the combat system for some reason annoys the shit out of me. I quit in the middle of the 1st boss. It's also hard to go back to that slow of a combat system without 2x speed minimum.
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Chrono Cross's battle system was actually pretty good but the game was too easy to really flesh out the mechanics. Still it required more thought than Chrono Trigger, and the graphics are absolutely beautiful
The techniques as Vancian consumables weren't very interesting, always felt underwhelming to use and the lack of combo attacks really sucked. It was a very half-baked system, really the whole game was full of too many gimmicks and not enough restraint.
>bg1: bet you cant have more interchangeable and replaceable NPCs than me!
>chrono cross: hold my beer
>Why is it impossible for people to comprehend people liking Cross over Trigger
Because both of them have bad gameplay for babies but Chrono Trigger has great characters and a charming story with tons of momentum while Chrono Cross has 50 non-characters with a convoluted and absurd story with horrible pacing and full of infodumps. Having different opinions is fine but if you think Chrono Cross is better than Chrono Trigger you are wrong.
>[Chrono Cross has] probably the best music in any game ever
Too bad the most frequently played song in the game by far is this unbearable grating garbage
>Chrono Cross's battle system was actually pretty good but the game was too easy to really flesh out the mechanics.
It wasn't good, it was "spam your best attacks until you need to heal" like 99% of Square's games, but with a bunch of gimmicks and bloat that add zero depth.
But enough about Chrono Trigger
i like how you're pretending he praised trigger there. you're really bad at this.
The whole point of Chrono Cross's battle system is that you literally CANT spam your best attack, that doesn't happen at all in the game. You've obviously never played it. I'm not saying the game isn't easy but you're just making up retarded nonsense criticism that applies more to Trigger. You're the one who's actually bad at this idiot.
i played it before you were born and wasn't defending his post, but he was shitting on all of square's games and then you start crowing about trigger. you kids are so predictable, everything is black and white.
>Pretending you're older than me
>Pretending you aren't the same person
>Pretending like you aren't commentating on the battle system of Cross with a generic NPC response.
Here's your last (you)
He's right though
>Lack of combo attacks
there's a shit ton of combo attacks in Cross. I don't know the exact count off the top of my head but I'm pretty sure it has more than Trigger did
Take your meds, Jarin
who's jarin?
>there's a shit ton of combo attacks in Cross. I don't know the exact count off the top of my head but I'm pretty sure it has more than Trigger did
there's 11, trigger has like 50 something. memory is a weird thing, ain't it?
I played chrono trigger for the first time last month. Solid 7/10 game which is impressive considering its age.

Make sure to play on active mode.
Damn you're right lol. Like half the Trigger techs are useless or powercreep variants of other techs but the disparity where triple techs are concerned is nuts. Could've sworn Cross had more. They must've really rushed the end of the development cycle or something. I'm guessing that's why they didn't include the whole Magus/Magil/Guile side story as well.
Active mode on the DS is really fun. I always played wait on snes and psx because of menu shenanigans but being able to just tap-tap what you want to do as the clock ticks makes it much more immersive imo. Especially in a game that's all about time

Personally i like both for different reasons and believe they are both very good and enjoyable games as long as one does not expect cross to be a direct sequel to trigger.
the thing i dislike the most about chrono cross is the souless 3D.

imagine chrono cross with pixel art or handrawn art
actually spoilers i don't know much about chrono cross, but what my e-friends and IRL friends when the game came out in high school, is that all it did was fix the plot hole with what happened to schala, then just added more plot holes, so i wouldn't ever expect this game to get remade, its just better to pretend it doesn't exist
They are kinda apples and oranges.

I will say this, Chrono Cross holds a closer place to my heart than Trigger does, but Trigger is essentially the "perfect" game. The only "objective" issue I have with it is that Ayla is the only party member not to get an endgame side-questline. Aside from that, it's fun, it looks good, it had clever battle mechanics, it keeps things fresh with the different time periods, it just feels like an adventure, and it doesn't outstay it's welcome without feeling like it ends too soon either.

Subjectively, everyone could likely come up with things they could say to improve a game to their tastes, but as far as a game can be "objectively" critiqued, I think Chrono Trigger may be the "perfect" game.
A pajeet autist that has been seething about Chrono Cross for decades. He sometimes posts excerpts from his blog on /vr/ about Magus turning himself into Serge so he could rape his sister or something like that
>I don't know anything about Cross but let me tell you why you shouldn't play it
Lol what a gaylord
so he lives rentfree in your head and you call random posters his name? weird.
Square x Dragon Ball x Nintendo. There is a reason its so revered.
Nice try Jarin
virtually nobody knew who akira toriyama was outside of japan and people still loved the game. dragon ball has nothing to do with it.
Yeah I think there's a case to be made for Chrono Trigger being partially responsible for the success of Dragon Ball Z in the west. That was really the first time something with Toriyamas very distinctive art style had become massively popular outside of Asia
Ser, you seethe and sperg out in the exact same way literally every time you get caught shitting up Chrono threads. Very obvious. It's better to just accept that anons are wise to your act at this point, or better yet, seek counseling for your issues.
anonymous posting isn't for you
If you're asking me what to think then I say you should settle on the opinion that Kato peaked with Final Fantasy XI and disregard the entire Chrono series for the rest of your life.
Nostalgia mainly, same phenomenon you see in FF fans who really, really like VII or X.
I'm not disregarding their entire identity or that they like the game only because of nostalgia but it's an oft repeated trend where it is presented without any critical thinking more akin to a parrot.
You can easily say that people that like Cross are lite-hipsters, slightly going against the trend of liking Trigger as it's a well-liked game and seen as mainstream. These kinds of dismissive theories aren't very useful.
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I like both games, played Trigger first, and prefer Cross over Trigger. It's silly to me people even fight over these games instead of just having fun and being thankful they got to experience them during the multiple golden generations of jrpgs, let alone make hating said games as part of their identity.
Fighting is fun, Satan. Don't take the internet too seriously.
>The whole point of Chrono Cross's battle system is that you literally CANT spam your best attack, that doesn't happen at all in the game.
You spam the best physical attack that will hit and then you cast the best element available. Still 100% mindless. You can spam the same spell by equipping multiples btw.
Cross is more flawed. Obviously it's more beautiful cause it has tropical coloured pre-rendered backgrounds, but Trigger's art is great and it's just as good musically too.
They both have touching stories. Trigger's is straightforward and conventional, not convoluted like Cross's.
I don't know where I'm going with this comparison. I think Cross is underrated, I say that as someone who underrated it. Trigger is close to being perfect except that it's too easy, even easier than Cross. Don't hype it up too much in your own mind I guess.
>this was last Sunday
Well what did you think?
>t. Some anons may know me as Lorechad (the first human time traveler)
John Titor is the first human time traveler.
Hey what's the best version of Chrono Trigger to play
I did that like 20 years ago, give me the newer cooler options
You can’t improve upon perfection.
>Verification not required
Aight man I'm going for the DS version
>dual touchscreen faggotry
lol, what a cuck
I have two monitors
Don't listen to that guy, DS version is one of the best ways to play Chrono Trigger
dual touchscreens are objectively bad and gimmicky. any ds game is inherently worse for them.
>You spam the best physical attack that will hit
You have stamina and the hit chance for heavy is low, most people use light attacks to use a powerful spell early but it's not really spamming when it's all in one turn
You don't have to use the touchscreen at all
the dual part is the most egregious, devs being driven to take advantage of that real estate and never really having a good use for it while it divides your attention and weakens the presentation.
Not really, it's just inventory, map, and combat options depending on the situation.
>never really having a good use for it
yeah, that's what i said. awful gimmicky concept for a handheld.
I'd say that's a pretty good use for it, mitigates how many times the game has to switch screens for seamless gameplay.
Chrono Trigger is mediocre and overrated. It's basically The Beatles of SNES RPGs.
having the menu showing constantly is worse than switching screens, it's always there reminding you that you playing a game and distracting you from the scene you are in. this is just a general beef i have with the DS.
What's the Pink Floyd of SNES RPGs?
The same applies to them to a lesser extent so that would also be CT.
>tfw you've lived long enough for edgy teenagers to talk shit about Chrono Trigger for fake internet points
>Cross is the better game as it completes the story started in Trigger

except it doesn't. It kills off the previous cast off screen
What's the Yngwie Malmsteen of SNES RPGs?
Evo search for Eden is the Buckethead
What about the Ministry? 7th Saga?
Literally no one from the first game is killed off screen. Robo (Prometheus) dies but it's an on screen death, Magus (Guile) is present for literally the entire game, Ayla is making babies in 65,000,000bc, Frog is eating flies and simping for Leene in his goon cave circa 600ad, and the child "ghosts" are not the heroes of the first game:
>they're children whereas the cast of Trigger are adults
>that entire scene is FATE trying to manipulate Serge
>Lucca is confirmed to be alive and traveling through different worlds/timelines via cameos in other games authored by Masato Kato
>Katos pitch for Chrono Break has the original cast teaming up with Serge and Kid
Everyone is alive, except for Robo who was never really alive in the first place
>FATE trying to manipulate Serge
it's the devs trying to manipulate the player, no reason for them to be there
>Humiliation ritual is when I'm not given everything I want on my own terms!
kek. I miss the time before people expected all media to be universally available to all users on any hardware, forever. If you actually want to play Chrono Trigger, you could be doing it right now instead of bitching.
>They must've really rushed the end of the development cycle or something.
You fucking think? more than half the plot is given to you in giant info-dumps before the finale. FF8 and Xenogears suffered the same fate.

Christ, I'm tired of talking about video games with people who don't actually play or pay attention to video games. I thought this was the whole point of the internet. I guess I'll just go form meaningful bonds with my close personal friends and family instead, faggots.
>devs trying to manipulate the player, no reason for them to be there
You're missing the point of that scene. Serge has no idea who these little kids are, but the devs expectation is that the player DOES and the fact that they are acting so out of character is the red flag meant to clue you in to the fact that some entity is trying to manipulate Serge and co. It's a simple and effective framing device as long as you're not so literally autistic that you assume the cast of the first game transformed into le evil ghost babby in order to stop the only person in the universe who could save their friend Schala from doing so


>Autistic screeching
>Meaningful bonds with close friends
Ok anon. Say hi to your "900 year old dragon" dakimakura for me ;)
i'm not missing the point, it's obvious.
>but the devs expectation is that the player DOES
yeah, it's a dumb referential callback for the player and makes no sense from the perspective of manipulating serge. there's no need for it, it's bad storytelling.
>It's bad story telling because I said so
Other anon actually gave a clever reasoning to their appearance and your response is just nuh uh
i gave my reason for disliking it, it's too meta. it's okay to disagree.
>I'm not missing the point
>It's a dumb referential callback
Yeah, you missed the point. It's not about Crono/Marle/Lucca manipulating Serge, or name-dropping the Trigger cast. It's about you as the player understanding by their actions that that's not them at all, and that though Serge doesn't even know who they are, whatever entity is at work there clearly does. It's an excellent example of "show vs tell" storytelling, and it's not particularly hard to grasp unless you're the type of autist that needs every detail hammered out in black and white infodumps.
the autist is coming from within the house, anon. but, i'm happy you found a pathway of rationalisation.
>excellent example of "show vs tell" storytelling
This is being said about a scene that is expository diarrhea. Impressive chutzpah.
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I dropped CC the moment it made me choose between different characters to take with me, instead of just letting me have everyone. Same reason I dropped that secret of mana game or whatever it was called.

DS CT was not as good as original CT. Plus it added completely lazy time wasting shitty bonus dungeons.

Seriously, most the maps feel like someone blitzed them out in one afternoon. All the dialogue for them is lazy generic MMO side quest level drivel. Not to mention how they were intentionally drawn out to be as tediously long as possible.

Note: I do not mean the dungeons themselves were long and elaborate, rather they had you do like 50 side quests that made you run back and forth in those dungeons over and over again. Takes like 5 mins each way and some quests have you do it multiple times. Each path only have around 3-6 encounters, while always having at least 1 unavoidable one. So the trips are boring if you are someone who would rather battle a lot so the trips are fun, or frustrating if you are the type just trying to get through the content quickly for completionist reasons.
Man, Evo search for Eden was great. Basically never see anyone mention it anywhere. Didn't expect to see someone mention it out of the blue on an RPG board. Getting the dragon transformation power was great. Only using it when you can save it so you have infinite dragon power was even better.
it's a pretty well regarded game, i've seen it mentioned plenty over the years
>DS CT was not as good as original CT
It's the same if not better
>Plus it added completely lazy time wasting shitty bonus dungeons.
Ignore them if it bothers you
The cope here is unreal. If this isn't just bog standard seething over getting btfo and you actually can't see it then you are most definitely on the far side of the spectrum
Absolutely FILTERED
It improves the presentation in every way by cleaning up the main screen and providing a better field of view plus a multitude of display options like health bars, etc
It's literally the exact same game with a more accurate translation and optional postgame that connects to RD and Cross. You can even turn off the anime cutscenes from the PSX version if you don't like Toriyama kino for whatever reason. It is unequivocally the best version of the game to date
Chrono Cross is to Chrono Trigger what Dragon Ball GT is to Dragon Ball Z.
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It was originally an RPG.
Cute cope. Cross is canon to Trigger, GT is not canon to Z
>Cross is canon to Trigger
It’s actually fan fiction, hope this helps.
>Fan fiction
>By the original writer
Jarin it's time to taking your meds, ser
>It improves the presentation in every way by cleaning up the main screen and providing a better field of view plus a multitude of display options like health bars, etc
it does not
It's still spamming, you have to enter more inputs to do light light medium heavy and then cast your best element compared to just casting luminaire again in CT, but it's exactly as mindless. There's no real decision making throughout the whole process. Just cast heal before you die and you'll win like in 95% of square games.
A worse game than CT in essentially every way and only a contrarian would say otherwise. Braindead slow action combat is not an improvement on braindead quick turn based combat. Terranigma loses hard on story and characters and CT wins overall on visuals and audio.
Why did you interpret that post as attempting to rank it relative to CT? I am curious.
He likes The Beatles more than Yngwie.
This is not a bad analogy. Chrono Cross is like their later period when they started taking LSD and getting into Eastern mysticism and political theories from grifters.
Chrono Trigger is clearly classic DB.
If it wasn't intended to say Terranigma is better then I got the wrong impression.
If you don't consider that all improvement it also has the option to play the game with the SNES/PSX interface, and with any of none of the interface available on the bottom screen. You can even turn off the FMVs and just play it like it's the SNES version. You can cope all you like but it's the best version of Trigger with literally no drawbacks no matter your preference
>If it wasn't intended to say Terranigma is better then I got the wrong impression.
Yeah bro, I just like Buckethead
>the best version of Trigger
Nope, that's ZSNES, sorry bud.
This. If any of the series is comparable to GT it's Radical Dreamers.
Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball Z
>Radical Dreamers
>Another Eden
Dragon Ball Super
dual screens are an innate drawback, bub. it's inherently trashy for games are designed for one screen.
cross is nothing but a radical dreamers sequel, not a trigger sequel. analogy doesn't work at all.
Holy cope
You can play it on one screen. Checkmate
yes, you can play it on the snes. your move.
Threadly reminder: Using the words cope or filtered is an automatic loss in any particular argument.

That is all.
I Have No Cope And I Must Filter
Your personal tendie nostalgia has zero effect on gameplay. Sorry champ, better luck next time
>Cross is a Radical Dreamers sequel
You haven't played either game, have you? A case could be made for the time crash that causes the events of Cross occurring after the events of RD in a sort of temporal loop, but that would still place Cross as the third game in the series and thus a sequel to Chrono Trigger
That's exactly what someone who got filtered and is coping would say
If you love Cross that much then no you probably won't like Trigger more. It's totally different which is why most Trigger fans hate Cross
>you haven't played
>filtered and coping
that's a bingo
That makes no sense, people can easily like multiple games, Chrono Cross was well regarded at release on sites like Gamefaqs in the heyday of Square fanboyism. This is all a fake war between a few autists, perpetrated without much wit.
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>No argument
The most basic of copes, but with a hint of seethe as well. Delectable.
>Most Trigger fans hate Cross
The vast majority like both. There are a couple autistics like that Jarin faggot that hate both and shit up every Chrono thread though
I like how I made you use the word cope in every post now. So easy to manipulate you contrarians.
>Cope branching into full blown mental gymnastics now
>Still no argument
>Seethe levels growing with each post
Kek. The last refuge of the utterly btfo
Now the newfag can't stop using catchphrases because that would be losing face. Heh.
>Still coping
>Still no argument
>Mental gymnastics over 9000 now
Jarin, scroll up and take a look at how you've spent the last couple days online. Now, does that actually fulfill you in some way? Does it help hide the loneliness or something? I'm honestly curious pls respond.
>argue with me about 30 year old games
Earthbound desu.
Both are embroiled & inseparable from their gimmicks.
can you point out my posts? i forgot which ones are mine.
First denial, then anger, then depression, and now bargaining. The next step is acceptance! Congratulations schizo anon your emotional journey is almost complete
so you can't. damn.
So I take it you're not fulfilled. Why continue humiliating yourself then? Do you hear voices or something?
Cross follows a few years after Trigger, similar like DBZ to DB. Radical Dreamers also follows Trigger but is set in a different timeline that is later revealed to be connected to the main continuity so it's more in line like when GT universe is included in Super
>Dragon Ball
The original, a charming classic
>Dragon Ball Z
A followup considered by many equal to or better than the original despite a gigantic drop in quality
>Radical Dreamers
>Another Eden
>Dragon Ball Super
Unnecessary extensions of the franchise no one care about

This all checks out
how can i humiliate "myself" when you don't know who i am? do you not understand anonymous posting?
cross uses characters and concepts from radical dreamers and was made by the same author who also worked on trigger and cross, gt doesn't mesh with that. it's not merely about the chronology of the content, but the productions. analogy doesn't work.
In the context of Chrono related works relative to the Dragon Ball™ series those are the best approximations, and thus the analogy works.
no, gt builds off of db and dbz. cross builds off of trigger and radical dreamers. my autism isn't letting this point rest.
Analogies like these are generally not going to be perfect. But maybe super is a better fit for radical dreamers.
but radical dreamers came before cross and influenced it. that would be like saying dbz was influenced by and adopted characters from super. i think you need to pick a different anime.
It's more about the spirit of the works and their general perception than it is about their chronology
pSNES exist. Ever heard this thing called emulation?
>My autism won't let this point rest
You would just find some other minor point to nitpick, but I'll explain it to you like you are actually autistic. It's an analogy, by its very definition it is ANALOGOUS, not a 1:1 comparison. Production order and influence has as little to do with the similarity of said content as does the phase of the moon on the day it was released in Japan or whether or not the first letter of each characters name is the same in Cyrillic.
I think GT or the movie continuity is a better fit for RD due to it being essentially separate from the direct canon but at the same time incorporated into it through multiverse mumbo jumbo. Then there's the Another Eden episode that just doesn't quite fit with the rest of the series unless you suspend disbelief a bit and squint at it, much like the movie continuity or DBS.
analogies are usually sensible and provide some insight into a situation, this is what is called a "stretch" and you are doing what is called "reaching". but then, squarefags aren't very bright.
>Analogies provide some insight into a situation
1a: comparison of two otherwise unlike things based on resemblance of a particular aspect
The aspect in this case being the game/anime and their sequels.

>In a Chrono Trigger thread
Oh nevermind it's just Jarin being a closeted faggot as usual
a comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification. your analogy is muddy.
wow, you're really obsessed with that guy. what are his tells, so that i can mimic him better?
>your analogy is muddy
No it's not. CT and CC are to DB and DBZ as RD is to GT. It's simple and clear. If anything is muddy here it's your brown hands.
>CT and CC are to DB and DBZ as RD is to GT
but that's wrong because CC is based on RD and GT is based on DBZ. for someone who's only watched dragonball and knows it well, but has never played the chrono series, you've not given him any insight.
>but that's wrong because CC is based on RD and GT is based on DBZ.
That's an extremely unimportant aspect of the analogy dude
it's not, broski. it's foundational to understanding the relationship between radical dreamers and cross.
I didn't really like Cross but I haven't replayed Trigger in 20 years either. Isn't the whole appeal of Trigger that it's a fast disposable experience that people that have a nervous breakdown from random encounters can still play? You can recommend it to normalfags and they don't have a hysterical rejection reaction 10 minutes in like they do with most JRPGs. But is that really worth bringing up to people that actually like JRPGs?
>What does Lorechad think of Chrono Trigger?
Very based so far, massive CC vibes such as awakening as a handsome silent protag to our cat and mother in our comfy village, but I'm not that far into it yet because I juggle playing over 10 different games per month. I'm trying to maintain an equilibrium of running playing a first playthrough of Chrono Trigger, Bloodborn and Elden Ring rn in addition to about 9 games I've already 100%'d 99 times in addition to bs irl distractions. I typically offhold my input (Level 99 Lore expertise) on RPGs here until I've at least beaten the game twice, but I'm playing to beat CT and CC back-to-back so I can post a fair comparison/review thread in the not-too-distant future. Space Nerds keep asking/pressuring me to quickly post the hilarious Outer Worlds Lore thread too but I keep refusing them until I complete a Supernova run later. Sometimes you simply can not fathom the deep Lores until you complete the RPG on double nigger difficultly once or twice imo! patience padawans

>b..bait thread?
No sir. Indeed I do decorate every bathroom in every playerhome I own quite like pic related. Do you not? Might explain the sorry state of this place if you idiots don't
>Drop a deuce while smoking sarumans secret stash and thumbing through pure kino
Absolutely based 10/10 would take a shit at your house anon and glad you're liking it so far. also the alternate endings in NG+ aren't as varied and entertaining as the ones in CC but there are a couple that are worth seeing
I've never played Cross but I'll laugh my ass off in perpetuity at one of the big bad villains being named..........Miguel. And he wears a fucking bucket hat, are you kidding me? That shit is so funny, it will never NOT be funny. He's incredibly nerdy looking, how the fuck is that design even real.
So apparently the original plan for Crono's death was going to be that you didn't revive Crono by swapping him out with a doll like in the final product but you simply went back to a point before he died and picked him up, but ultimately the team would have to return him back to where they got him which would lead to him dying again. They rewrote it to what we got because they thought that was too depressing.

Was changing it the right move?
>I've never played Cross
And your ignorance shows
Miguel isn't a big bad villain. He's just some fisherman who was friends with the protagonists father that is being manipulated by FATE
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The whole point of Miguel is that he's an average joe. There was a sort of existential horror moment with that character because he was forced by some greater entity into becoming a time guardian with incredible power and he's forced to reside in a world of destruction. It's perhaps one of the best moments in the whole game, especially since the music doesn't change for the battle to reinforce the tragic part of Miguel, he's also been totally mindfucked.
Don't care, it's still more hilarious than anything else, LMAO
i actually didn't touch trigger because i hated the official art so much
He wasn't a main villain but he was the hardest boss in the game and one of only two or three enemies that can realistically kill you.
i don't think i've ever been killed in any playthrough of cross
It's just that I can't take it seriously, ever.
Why would you take a jRPG seriously?
I just said that I wouldn't.
Yeah, my point is that it's not really much of a statement to say so, bro. It's like saying you wouldn't take a coloring book seriously.
Everything I say and do is serious.
Chrono Cross and Chrono Trigger are related???
You play with electronic toys. There's no way to do that "seriously" unless you're tojoing drones into unsuspecting Russians
It's best not to give Jarin (you)s. If you just ignore him he spergs out and it's much more entertaining
Wait, you've accused me of being that guy too. Are you him?
Speak not on matters of which you know little. I do not play video games, I simply talk shit about them online like (You).
>I'm super duper serious when I shitpost about things I'm not into
(You) aren't? Why even bother if you're going to half ass something.
Your low quality bait doesn't deserve a full ass
Dragon Ball is a religion in South America. It even stops cartel activity
Chrono Trigger was released in 1995.
Damn you were the exact customer that the people marketing the Dragon Warrior games were targeting lol
Chrono Trigger is a game that is just the right length. Its cast is small but memorable, it's story simple but enjoyable full of genuinely great moments that everyone can recall.

Chrono Cross is possibly the worst sequel ever created and is the complete antithesis of everything that made Chrono Trigger great. Kato basically fooled people into thinking he was good because he was basically just scripting the scenario/story that Yuji Horii had already written whereas Cross was all him and some of the worst garbage ever created. Just to show how bad a writer he is, he also wrote the World of Mana games and effectively killed that series until the unexpected success of the Trials remake. The man took two beloved 16-bit era properties and killed them with his shitty writing.
>Cross is the better game as it completes the story started in Trigger
It does not. All it does is actively take a big steaming shit all over Trigger and then give you a completely nonsensical ending where Kid is walking around Tokyo in the real world while not answering anything.
ackshually that's shalalala and she's looking for the player which is apparently only some retarded jap otaku because she wants his tiny phimotic dick. it's really freakin deep man.
Kato waifued Schala so hard that he turned her into a completely differet character then dedicated the ending to her walking around the real world looking for him. The entire game is a massive fucking troll so one of the biggest hacks in vidya writing could basically tell people he was married to his waifu. Which makes Cross even worse.
what's funny is shalala is such a forgettable characters, completely uninteresting in the original game, but there's a subset of nerd that thinks presentation equates to depth and have convinced themselves with heaps of cope that cross is art.
Not that anon but my only issue with it is that I wish Leena had special dialogue with him if she was in your party
Cross really dropped the ball on that sometimes even though they went out of their way to have special interactions like with Nikki, the game very much had certain biases for some characters over others
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>Samefagging this hard in a dead thread
Kek someone must have really rustled his jimmies. Don't stop now Jarin, keep it coming! I want to see how deep the schizo well really goes
>I want to see how deep the schizo well really goes
>everyone that shits on cross is one person
p. deep, apparently, hope you get help
>Posts minutes apart
>Totally natural "conversation" between 2 people
>seething so hard he mixes up the totally different and distinct anons he's larping as
>N-nhooo your not supposed to notice I'm the only faggot that seethes in every Chrono thread!
Jarin, you could have made your samefagging a little more believable if you hadn't accidentally mixed up the order of the two "personalities" you were posting as. i.e. "Kato seething fag" and "guy who says shalalala instead of Schala". Seriously bro you might as well just tripfag at this point you're that obvious
It was a time crunch thing. They had to cut entire plotlines because they didn't have the time to make what they already had done fit with the story. Ironically, it was the more central characters with larger roles in the story that were hurt the most by this because they just axed everything to avoid conflicts. Guile/Magil/Magus is the most obvious one but they also pretty obviously gutted Leena, Harle, and Glenn. I also suspect there was more to Luccia than meets the eye, but I have nothing to back that one up. All in all it's nothing unusual though. Almost every single game pre-gen6 had the same problem, including Trigger. I'm just disappointed they didn't finish out those plotlines when they had the chance with the HD collection
>It was a time crunch thing. They had to cut entire plotlines because they didn't have the time to make what they already had done fit with the story.
Many such cases
>this is how schizo cross fans are
no wonder you like this game, you can't even see it
Just accept that you're an autist obsessed with a bad game. It doesn't make you unique. Autists obsessed with random shit, especially bad shit, are common. Chrono Cross is an awful game, end of story.

Schala was fine for what she was in the original. Kato waifuing her is the problem. Especially when there are better girls like Lucca.
>Get called out
>Fly into an autistic rage
Kek. Like clockwork. You do this in every Cross and Xeno thread. I really don't know who you think you're fooling but it's hilarious
this is actually the first time i've seen this "jarin" mentioned and i've posted in a number of /vrpg/ cross threads over the years. looking at the archive there are only 19 results, which i assume are all you?
He's been around /vr/ for years not sure about /vrpg but I wouldn't doubt it. He's been seething over Chrono Cross and Masato Kato since the early days of gamefaqs. Jarin Jove, Luteryder, felixrush, a few others, all the same pajeet schizo.

yeah, i don't post on /vr/ at all, but it's kinda weird that i keep being accused of being him. kinda makes me think it's a bogeyman situation.
The actual schizo is the Cross fanboy who I assume played the game as his first Jarpig and thus gets personally bootyblasted when you call it shit.
So this is what schizophrenia looks like. Interesting.
Maybe if they didn't include more than 30 worthless non-characters in the playable cast they'd have had enough time to finish the game.
I can't argue with you there. Trying to turn Cross into their Suikoden killer was a huge fuckup on Squares part. 90% of players just use Kid Glenn or Guile with maybe one other rando that they like for their entire playthrough anyways. All that effort could have been put to better effect
Cross is shit. It is a game where a pirate complains about polluting the seas in a preindustrial era.Dwarfs complaining about pollution while using steam tanks and genociding small living things.
Combat is shit because the way you generate stamina is the most efficient way to kill a enemy so magic is a joke compared to physical.
It has nice music though.
Hey guys, let's have 30+ characters!
Hey guys, let's have a color system that dictates the stat focus!
You can't cherry pick minutiae like that when the entire series is predicated on literally saving the environment.
Shit, every rpg from the 80s and 90s involves environmentalist issues because they were created by japs that grew up in the wake of Hiroshima and nagasaki. Also Trigger lets you wear a fat guys dirty underwear on your head and a tranny elfs bra at the same time while racing a nigger robot from the future in a car he stole from an old white man. That's just how the series is.
Can you reword that in a way that someone without schizophrenia can understand it?
you kids really love this schizo buzzword to death. wonder when it will become the "s-word".
>You can't cherry pick minutiae
It happens multiple and frequently though the game. They are hitting your head over with the concept of" Humans cause environmental damage"
>when the entire series
Only two games exist and the previous one had nothing to do with ze environment.
And no, Lavos isn't a global warming metaphor if you try to spin it that way.
Chrono Cross has nice environments and music, which usually is enough for me. But I hated playing it both in the early 00s and when the 'remaster' came to steam. I don't know why, I wanted to like it from the aesthetic, I just fucking hated it. The battle system gave you as much time as you wanted and was much easier than it appeared. Idk I never liked it.
Trigger was enjoyable to play (all that matters), and I played it before I'd been on the internet with no knowledge of how "praised" it was.
>It happens multiple and frequently though the game. They are hitting your head over with the concept of" Humans cause environmental damage"
Just like in Chrono Trigger. The biggest side quest in the game is the one where you help some hippie chick plant trees to undo the consequences of manmade deforestation. Jap game designers used to be hardcore eco-nuts and it shows through in literally every jrpg of the 90s
>Only two games exist and the previous one had nothing to do with ze environment.
There are 3 games in the series
>And no, Lavos isn't a global warming metaphor if you try to spin it that way.
Lavos is basically a nuke machine and Guardia and Porre are analogous to Hiroshima and Nagasaki with 2300ad the aftermath of a nuclear winter.
>the previous one had nothing to do with ze environment
t. didn't play the game
>hippie chick plant trees to undo the consequences of manmade deforestation
The game literally tells you that the monsters are doing this and not humans.
>Bullshit! Everybody knows there is only one schizo on 4chan!
>The only game he ever plays is Chrono Cross!
>An RPG that blasts booties so hard that anybody who plays it lobotomizes their own human brain with such intensity that it will turn every bone in your body so malignantly schizophrenic that the fucking earth literally stops spinning!
>It literally says blah blah
>Laser focus on one point in a desparate pilpul attempt to save face ignoring everything else
>Still wrong
It literally does not say that. It is mentioned to be a result of the war against the fiends who are also shown to be just another tribe of sentient creatures inhabiting the planet.
She literally say the desert monsters are draining the water from the soil. What do you think that does to trees?
You are the one obsessed with this eco bullshit headcanon.
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>bullshit headcanon
That's some pretty rich projection you're spouting there. Unlike you I have actually played the game recently and know what I'm talking about. I actually just cleared up that side quest for like the 5th time so I didn't even have to go far to get a picture. The monsters weren't an issue until AFTER the forest was burned down in the war. You can cope and seethe all you want, but I'm going to spoon feed you so other anons can see you're full of shit and arguing in bad faith
>help some hippie chick plant trees to undo the consequences of manmade deforestation
Not him, but this poorly made screenshot proves this wrong. It's just a side effect of magical warfare with monsters, not manmade deforestation.
One thing I've noticed about 4chan is that you can always tell who an annoying schizo asshole is because he assumes that everyone who disagrees with him is one person even when people post at practically the exact same time.
So we moved on from "the forest was cut down thanks to filthy humans" to "the forest was burned down thanks to war with monsters".
Do you understand that you original claim was deforestation in environmental terms not war against against demons?
>Not him but...
>This screenshot that proves me to be categorically incorrect ackshually proves me right
It shows it was the result of a manmade conflict. Magus, a human, waged war against his fellow humans with an army of fiends. It's entirely the result of human interests and this cope is getting staler by the post
>deforestation in environmental terms not war against demons
>"In environmental terms"
Lol what a sad goalpost shift, and a flat lie as usual. I said "manmade deforestation" and war in the context of CT is absolutely manmade.
Inb4 "it was... LE MONSTRUMS" the fiends are shown to be no different from humans in the end, Medina is peacefully allied with Guardia, and the war was started by Magus, a human.
>everyone is samefagging
>i don't know what deforestation is
>Lol what a sad goalpost shift, and a flat lie as usual. I said "manmade deforestation" and war in the context of CT is absolutely manmade.
Great, how does that exactly fit the environmental angle you are screeching about angle since it was war?
In case you forgot, that was the entire point of my post.
So again, we moved on from "manmade deforestation" to "burning down in war against demons" to "demons don't count because the leader is human".
Holy goalpost moving.
>I don't know what deforestation is
That much is clear. I see you have no argument though, so I accept your concession
Yes. The forest bring burned down in a war between humans with one side utilizing an army of fiends is man made deforestation. This isn't difficult not sure why you're having a problem here.
The reason for this conversation in the first place is you pretending that Cross had an environmental message while Trigger didn't, which is verifiably false as already shown
Nice try Lance. Just kiddin you're completely right, anyone who replies to opinions they don't like by saying some random name is a complete retard. Watch, itll probably happen to this post
>The reason for this conversation in the first place is you pretending that Cross had an environmental message while Trigger didn't, which is verifiably false as already shown
So how is burning down a forest in a war
considered a environmental message? Humans didn't do it because they wanted more wood stuff made or wanted more living real estate.
How is this a hard concept for you to understand?
The message is that for the sake of the environment we need to destroy the (((mystics)))
>i do not know how to read
You think collateral damage from magical warfare with monsters is deforestation, which is clearing forests to use the land. Deforestation memes themselves are about keeping developing countries from growing in power, most environmentalism is about suppressing the third world. Tangential though, you've failed to prove your point with this scenario.
No, you don't understand. The guy in charge of the demon side was a human that was raised by monsters but still maintained the human nature of fucking up trees for shit and giggles.
You see, it all makes perfect sense. Same way as Eve burning down trees in parasite eve and every single jrpg in the 80's and 90's.
More head cannon as usual.
Jesus Christ you're retarded
>Environmentalism is about suppressing the third world
Yeah, you're definitely Jarin. Take your meds
So no argument as usual? Go back to your eco headcanon bullshit and stay away from the real world.
I accept your concession.
Ironically, most environmentalism is about helping big business including the fossil fuel industry. Solar and wind power are promoted because they pose absolutely zero threat of replacing fossil fuels, they are not viable on a large scale. Nuclear energy, which is a practical replacement and overall clearly superior to coal power is vilified by environmentalists, even though it is far cleaner and healthier, purely because it is a potential threat to fossil fuel energy.
Carbon credits are just a scheme to enrich people like Elon.
The great majority of restrictions that get put in place for environmental purposes restrict ordinary civilians far more than they do large corporations, which is where nearly all of the pollution is coming from.
Environmentalism is an important issue, but like almost everything else in the political landscape, it has been infiltrated by corporate interests.
Real smooth, Lance
I'm the only one who has presented an argument so instead I accept your concession.
You argument is literally your made up headcanon. Magus was practically raised by monsters and therefore the deforestation was again, monsters fault and not human society fault.
All of this shit just because you are too retarded to admit you have no idea what the word deforestation even means. Jesus, you are pathetic.
This thread has run its course. Let it go.
Nice try, eco headcanon guy.
I can't believe children are still crying about Cross twenty-five years later.
>Let it die
No... Let it necrobump to eternity and beyond
Depends on how the plan was executed.
>picking him up, doing all the normal events then dropping him back off after lavos is defeated?
>picking him back up, realizing the error, dropping him back off, then completing the story events and killing lavos without chrono
>chrono cross = megabased
>chrono trigger = gigabased
Jesus people. I'm just getting into jrpgs and I'm already scared. Maybe I should do the impossible and just play CT and decide for myself if it's shit or not. Also spoonfeed me must jrpgs.
Trigger is avery well made mediocre game.
Cross is a very badly made mediocre game.
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Why is Magus not your favorite hero among the cast?
nta but both of you are retarded faggot contrarians
i'd wipe out 3 countries if it meant i could play CT blind again for the first time
Which countries?

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