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Undertale's 9th Anniversary wasn't too long ago.
Are you developing a fangame? Do you think you'll finish it before the next chapters release? Share progress.
I'm thinking about making a deltarune fangame (original cast, not based on one of the UT fallen kids), I already have an idea for the human, main monster companion and the main darkner, but I think I need at least 2 more monsters or 1 monster and a darkner to complete the party
ah, it's time to hide another one of these? month and a half, not bad.
were you the guy asking for party members in the previous thread?
Yes, some guy suggested slime which could work, I just really need the ideas for species I can figure out the personality and plot details on my own
The main monster companion is a furry-ish guy so preferably a female non-furry monster fits better as the 2nd monster companion, already have my "Ralsei" and just need around 2 more party members to make a party total of 5 (doing more will make the plot too complicated IMO)
I'm open to ideas preferably if they contain also the class/weapon they use
How would you feel if the utty devs had added this sort of thing?
What about a zombie? Those are pretty popular monsters in both general fiction and jrpgs.
>>3632649 (me)
That other guy is me I'm making an Undertale fangame too and I have a "slime hybrid" as a characters thats part of the main cast
If you want another sugestion you could go with a rattle snake make that character play around with the expresion "cornered rattlesnake" someone who is usually shy, timid or cowardly but when pushed to the extreme can and will retaliate
If you are going to make a party full of typical JRPG monsters then there are some pretty obvious choices like giant insects, ghosts, elemental creatures, golems, goblins, trolls, ogres, living armors, among many other things
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absolutely misses the point of the game's endings, and wouldn't make sense anyway, considering Clover dropping his mission in neutral because he is not really "just" in favour of Martlet is a reocurring theme. He is still a kid playing hero at heart, and isn't that hesitant to drop his mission the moment he's shown a speck of affection, be it either Toriel or Martlet.

And NOT fighting Asgore is kind of the damn point, he is meant to be a red herring, and fitting too, that Clover would either quit in favour of Martlet, evaporate everyone in his path including Flowey to actively reinforce his cause, or eventually just give up in a sacrifice mirroring Chara's that finally lets him break free from Flowey, mostly because he got reminded of them.

UTY isn't Undertale, and I hate how people constantly compare the two games and try to make them more alike, when they both tell different stories. Undertale is about experimenting, seeing what could happen if someone died or if someone was spared instead, it's a deconstruction of your average RPG. Yellow is meant to be about choices, and how often time there is no best choice, someone has to die, and you can only get to choose who. Is it really worth it to kill everyone in your path to break the cycle of torture someone beyond you is subjecting you to? Or is the best course of action to just give yourself up, so that someone else could make a difference and do what you couldn't do?

The neutral endings are MEANT to be dead ends, they arent meant to vary to be a bit more satisfying like Undertale. At some point Clover realises he has to stick to a lane to be truly just, and he just loses the will to continue with his mission by that point, even despite Flowey's efforts like trying to steal Martlet's letter and replacing it with the Missing Poster to motivate him. Clover constantly makes choices beyond anyone's control because that's who he is, despite Flowey's best efforts, mirroring the player.
May I ask if you specifically need to adhere to the "one human, one monster, one darkner" party structure? Undertale fan works have a nasty habit of aping the original games' structures to the point of being homogenous and trite, and taking a different approach could potentially make your project stand out.
I was actually planning to make the battle system big enough to enable all 5 party members at the same time (might have even made the game widescreen to fit everything in the menus), so it isn't strictly a main trio
The only thing I'm rigid on is having only one human, the main monster partner and the main darkner, but the other 2 slots are still up in the air if they are 2 darkners, 2 monsters or a monster and a darkner (don't want to add another human)
Honestly, can we stop pretending that these threads aren’t just used to discuss Undertale Yellow?
Not to mention how we basically had the same topic a few months ago.
We absolutely do more than talk about Yellow, for example:
1. We shit talk Deltatravler
2. Actually post about upcoming fangames
3. Post Development updates about our own
As apposed to the threads on /v/:
1. Furry Porn
Some paranoid posters want the threads to be more broad because they're scared this board has the same type of mods as /v/ despite there being plenty of proof to the contrary if you just lurk the catalog for a while. Also what >>3632909 said
I really do come here just to talk about other fangames. I haven't even played UTY.
How would you make it so that all 5 party members keep the same amount of relevancy without overshadowing each other? Like, even in deltarune ralsei ended up overshadowed by everybody else
Not him but I guess you could make it so the game is divided in chapters, kinda like Deltarune and each chapter gives one of the party member more relevancy than the others
You could also "cheat" and make it so the entire character arc of one of the party members is that they are someone very low profile that barely talks but knows exactly what to say when needed
You could make them all optional and have the player choose which ones he wants to use, with those ones being the relevant ones. Sort of like how Kotor does it.
It's not anything I plan to do, but how would you feel about a fangame that has an explorable world and multiple characters, but only the bosses have battles?
This is considering most people only care about the story and the main battles anyway.
That would be boring in replays, gamers wanna face challenges too, so making the fights be pretty rare wouldnt be that wise
any fangame that shows how evil toriel is?
It wouldnt be canon even if it was a real fangame, through.
never because the fandom is too in love with her to see her flaws
Nah, common enemies are the real fun battles
Honestly, I think there aren't enough boss rush games despite how bosses are usually the selling point in most games that feature them, I would say its fine but it would limit the RPG elements if you are only fighting bosses most of the time, I guess the exploration/overworld part of the game would play more like a visual novel or a life sim if there is only a few bosses in the entire game?
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Surely not all of the entire population of Monsterkind that lived above ground is in THAT underground that takes place in UTY and UT.

I like the idea of other monster Kingdoms that sprung up. Each with their own rulers and cultures. Imagine a game set in the UT universe where you play as a monster doing some adventure mystery and the ending is a cliffhanger with the text a human fell down...
I think due to humans being so overpowered compared to monsters, most monsters were genocided (and because the humans feared the monsters being able to absorb their souls to become reality manipulating gods, which means it must have happened at least once before)
sure a few could have hidden away but the main chunk is probably under Mt Ebott
of course making a different monster society requires actually thinking on how the lore works on a global scale rather than just using Mt Ebott's underground yet again, so you'll never see anyone ever do it
also PK cyan just posted their intro cutscene
>never see anyone do it.
That's where you're wrong. I'm doing it. I'm gonna game dev!
It could be assumed that other monster societies across the world were sealed within other mountains
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i am once again taking requests for adding clover in different silly contexts
Clover fighting the white legs with the help of Joshua Graham
I thought a concept like this could be a visual novel, but I feel making the assets might be more time consuming that way.
I don't think the RPG elements are that much of an issue since UT/DR is very superficial about them.
>Surely not all of the entire population of Monsterkind that lived above ground is in THAT underground that takes place in UTY and UT
Don't get too attached to the lore because Toby clearly doesn't see it as a priority.
I think the Waterfall signs state that a monster has never absorbed a human soul, but it also has another sign with a weird creature implied to be an Omega monster.
I like to headcanon that a lot of what we read in UT is just monster propaganda that doesn't hold up as true, like that bit about Monsters being made of kindness and stuff.
Clover in the den of the killer rabbit of Caerbannog
>but I feel making the assets might be more time consuming that way.
I mean, its pretty common for VNs to reuse the same areas and backgrounds all the time so it depends on how lazy you want to be about it
>like that bit about Monsters being made of kindness and stuff.
My interpretation is that monster souls are made of hope and can only have that as their "soul trait", thats why they fall down when they get depressed or "lose all hope", while human souls are made of determination and can have different types of traits (justice, bravery, patience)
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i havent played fallout to know exactly the context but i hope this will suffice
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Clover at the Nuremberg Trials
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seems yet another green game (also using olive) has appeared
they promised a combat demo soon™
>it has flowey
>it is picking up the cancelled green's pieces
oh nevermind it's going to be trash
are you sure it's "picking up the pieces"?
from what i can gather it was started before green got cancelled, and there's no indication that it'll be related in any way besides the name and flowey existing.
guess I just sped read through this post https://gamejolt.com/p/in-homage-to-atteam-undertalegreen-s-project-that-was-the-main-insp-7z4hvyah
but even so just the fact flowey is there means the timeline will be even more fucked than yellow's
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Art club day, got any cool uty art?
This is something I've begun fearing ever since Yellow became the new fangame standard. I'm happy to see new OCs, even if I'll be critical of how fitting they are in Undertale's world, but people are now just blindly aping from Yellow without considering why Yellow in particular did the things that it did.
It taking place as the very last soul before Frisk arrived gave just enough room for error when considering if he'd actually be there or not. Him being a Save Point was also much more novel and respectful of his character than what people would try to do in something like Underfell.
What would Flowey's motivation even be in Mint? Just guiding the new MC to Asgore again? That's the only thing he can realistically do, because this entire goal as a character is to gain power, and you can't try to explore beyond that because Undertale itself already completes his character arc.
If this game is "canon" to UTY then it also means that Integrity and Flowey coexisted at some point wich means Flowey let 3 human souls pass, it was already hard to justify Flowey not taking Clover's soul but this is just absurd
not really, I've been doing uty art for a long time now but ive been lacking inspiration lately
Across all the various projects about the same few soul colors, is there anyone making an alternate take on Yellow?
I read there is one but I don't know the name of the project
lol, that’s kinda what I’m doing with the hard mode mod. Though full of new fights and additions the original intent was to put a bow on the game’s story without “directly” changing anything.
There's one called "Ivy's Justice" but pretty much no progress has been shared
Will there be smaller changes to nail the ut hard mode feel? Like, say, slightly harder puzzles or a geno fight against the guardener guy or etc.
Yes. I will either make new puzzles or auto-complete them or make Clover black out and skip over the puzzle rooms, I've ran through the dark ruins so many times i never want to see them again, and puzzles only work once.
I just spent two days pondering and overthinking the solution to a two step problem. Pay attention in Trigonometry, kids. SOH CAH TOA
Have been replaying Yellow to get the flawed pacifist ending.
God damn, Ceroba and Chujin are miserable cunts.
>Pay attention in Trigonometry, kids. SOH CAH TOA
Were you trying to make swirly bullets?
>Pay attention in Trigonometry, kids.
I always got sick of trig and radians as a kid and then I got a mechanical engineering degree and had to take the full math sequence and it literally never goes away, it’s trig, trig all the way down. Did you know arcsin(1) - arcsin(2) = pi? What the fuck, man. Not even getting into the hyperbolic trig shit.
>arcsin(1) - arcsin(-1)
Forgive my phone shitposting anon
Could you point me to the exact second you want the beat to drop, and in what way you want me to build it up? Like, do you want the intro of the song to change significantly or JUST to find a way to put a beat drop there with what you can already hear? Like a sudden stop and drop, you know what I mean?
>Could you point me to the exact second you want the beat to drop
You know you could simply add a flowey npc that asks you "oh, hey, having trouble with this puzzle?" with two options, "i need help, please solve it" or "i'll be fine", maybe a third option being "i'd like a hint" for flavor text, like, say, the snowdin moving bridge puzzle:
>"oh, this puzzle? Yeah, if you fail, you'll fall and get hurt, your usual puzzle. A way to get through easily is if you walk diagonally! (When the bridge piece moves down, hold the right and down arrows, while holding the right and up arrows when the bridge piece moves up)"
I already figured that out. I’m trying to draw a line that displays the trajectory a bullet will travel. The answer was use tangent to solve the opposite side using the theta angle and the adjacent, but I had been trying to do it with vectors. Knowing people will look through my code makes me super self conscious about the way I write everything, I might be a little better than The Dog himself but not by much.
Here's what I could come up with for now, though. I modified the intro a little bit and also intensified the guitar that backs the lead one in the middle. And finally I added a little bit to the end to extend the song for a few seconds.
Naranja Anon here again, sorry for the late reply
>Could you point me to the exact second you want the beat to drop,
at around 0:14 would be a good spot, before the main melody starts
>and in what way you want me to build it up? Like, do you want the intro of the song to change significantly or JUST to find a way to put a beat drop there with what you can already hear? Like a sudden stop and drop, you know what I mean?
since I already mentioned the Megaman X guitar you could probably add it into the background at 0:10 or before that and build it up from there, if you feel like there is not "enough room" in the intro to properly build up the beat drop you could extend it a few seconds
as for the exact "style" of the beat drop, thats something I don't know much about, but I already used the beat drop from Battle Omega as an example the one that happens at 0:08 seconds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7_ELC3i6Mk , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuF_46DGc0Q at 0:18 is another expample of the beat drop style you could use
I see I see, so the drop in >>3634926 is much too early, yeah? I'll try to move it up. But what about the style itself, is that good? I tried to only use the same instruments as the rest of the song for it so it doesn't seem out of place.
I'll look into the Mega Man X guitar, you want a backing melody separated from the main one then? Something that resembles the bass or a whole new melody that's more front-facing instead?
that beat drop was really cool
>I see I see, so the drop in >>3634926 is much too early, yeah? I'll try to move it up.
I liked it but it should have a bit more of build up after the 10 seconds mark should be a good spot to put it
>But what about the style itself, is that good?
its pretty good I don't think it needs any changes
>I tried to only use the same instruments as the rest of the song for it so it doesn't seem out of place.
I don't know a lot about instruments but I think a new instrument wouldn't hurt, I'm not talking about the instruments used in the beat drop those are good already
>I'll look into the Mega Man X guitar, you want a backing melody separated from the main one then?
>Something that resembles the bass or a whole new melody that's more front-facing instead?
this I think the song still need a bit more of intesity and that new melody could be what it needs, making it start just after the beat drop would be the perfect spot
it's getting a little chaotic
how's the mega man X guitar here? (it's technically two guitars actually)
someone made a yellow thread.
I think the beat drop doesn't need any more changes, sounds pretty good right now
>it's getting a little chaotic
Yeah the two melodies clash too much, even though I like both it does sound very chaotic, it makes it harder to notice the previous melody, can you upload a version with only the new guitar melody after the beat drop? Mostly for comparison, maybe if one of the melodies gets its sound lowered it could sound better? Worst case scenario, you can keep the new melody with the guitar right where it is and move the old melody into a later segment, maybe with an added backing guitar melody like how you suggested in your previous post
The new melody goes better with the beat drop but the old melody transitions better with the rest of the theme
>how's the mega man X guitar here? (it's technically two guitars actually)
Sounds exactly like how I expected, I don't have any complaints with it (other than it clashing too much with the old melody)
>can you upload a version with only the new guitar melody after the beat drop?
Here. Tomorrow I'll try to work out a way to combine both of them. My main idea is to change the melody of the old guitar to more closely match the MMX one, then they split at the end when the MMX guitar starts going really fast. I think that should sound nice, we'll see tomorrow.
Listening the two versions one after another, the themer with both melodies feels chaotic but with only the new melody it feels empty, even if the new melody is pretty good
>My main idea is to change the melody of the old guitar to more closely match the MMX one, then they split at the end when the MMX guitar starts going really fast. I think that should sound nice, we'll see tomorrow.
Sounds like a good idea, there has to be a balance between both melodies
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I have a bunch of problems with inverted fate, most obvious one is frisk, but i'll come back to that point later. A thing i love is this battle, it has a really good theme (https://youtu.be/KEKdXc9W2Jo?si=uqjww2DJCv6dZF4a) and it has high potential to be the most kino fanmade ut battle of all time, but the fact is, such a good battle theme doesnt fit with the fight's vibe, it's literally just frisk trying to run past sans like a retard while sans keeps throwing him back while everybody keeps saying "frisk stop being a retard", you could play the "wrong number" song from the og undertale over this entire battle and the fight would still feel the same way, this battle could've been drastically improved if it had frisk relentlessly attacking sans while he dodges, it would represent frisk's deepest point far better and it could've made frisk more humane, like cmon, attacking a person and slamming them against the floor repeatedly would NOT fucking work at all, frisk shoulda been attacking, but noo, we cant let frisk be any more flawed than a morally perfect goodie two shoes, IF really likes making frisk a fuckin Gary stu character who always does le perfectly moral uwu good choices and is so nice that he shits himself over killing a pos who tried to kill him repeatedly (in this au, undyne is far more ruthless, with her trying to kill frisk throughout hotland and even forcing mettaton to fight you against his will, she's even willing to keep fighting frisk even after he saves her ass from exploding in her giant fuck you power-rangers-megazord-sized determination-fueled machine and even through she's melting down like an amalgamate), he literally acts like fuckin Steven universe and his actions end up being corny as shit, why couldnt dorked simply make frisk be more flawed like anger issues or him being an asshole towards certain monsters like dohj or mad dummy or undyne even after they change their minds-
-by the way, is dorked really telling us that undyne is willing to go down fighting frisk until her last breath despite everything, but (after frisk reloads, because apparently frisk is still willing to undo his fuck ups instead of sticking up to the responsibility of his actions and not trying to undo them) a bunch of monsters calling her to say "pls dont kill frisk, he sucked my ego off earlier" makes her suddenly give up on her plans??
DRYanon2 here, after getting my ass beat by streamreader/writer yet again, ive now got it fully figured out.
these are fully finished,
>the UI part and related logic (main menu and save point popup)
>showing a separate screen based on if a save exists or not (pretty much just dumping you into the file select screen instead of the continue screen with no way to back out of it)
>remembering the last save file used, and making that the default file in the continue screen.
>saving data based on which chapter you're in and which party members are actually in the party. so data thats currently not changing wont be constantly saved over
>saving/loading the quick info for the save files
>loading into a specific room, with party placement and rotation
all thats left is plugging in the game data, but its 6am. the /v/ thread should still be up by the time i can finish unless it gets fucked with.
what is this? a fangame or just a webcomic with a soundtrack?
its a multimedia webcomic that has some fangames and some musics and some videos
I never read it all myself but people keep saying its good, but said people are also probably just dumb kids, I tried reading only the first arc but didn't like it
Its meant to be an au where toriel stayed as a queen while asgore chose to leave instead, causing a butterfly effect chain where undyne is like a cool scientist who builds a lot of big/strong machinery (so mettaton's body is also fully upgraded and mad dummy switched from being a dummy into a more robotic body, mad mew mew didnt exist when she first appeared, so she had to be given the mad mew mew body later), papyrus gets an interest in science, sans became a royal guard, the royal guard literally has an entire fortress in waterfall.
How's this? Also, I changed the equalization and volume a bit because I noticed it wasn't quite matching Undertale and Deltarune's music in that regard. It's louder, it should be at around the same volume as the official boss themes now.
i need to stop coding while tired that shit is NOT fully finished.
it'll still be done before the /v/ thread archives.
wait, what do you mean fully finished
like, you're going to release a chapter? Fully playable?
no, the save system (and related UI elements)
nowhere near a full chapter.
okay hold on I might have overdone it a little
THIS should be the right volume, try listening to it next to Bonetrousle and tell me if the volume and mixing seems fine
>How's this?
better, but I think you could experiment with putting some backing melody after the beat drop and before the 0:30 section
>Also, I changed the equalization and volume a bit because I noticed it wasn't quite matching Undertale and Deltarune's music in that regard. It's louder, it should be at around the same volume as the official boss themes now.
I didn't notice it being too quiet before since I usually adjust my volume depending on the music being played, but listening to both versions back to back I can hear the difference, it does make the section with only the new melody feel less empty, but I think thats only a problem that I have because I heard first the version with the two melodies, for anyone else its probably fine
>better, but I think you could experiment with putting some backing melody after the beat drop and before the 0:30 section
With the background guitar or with a different instrument like one of the more chiptuney ones? Or a new instrument entirely?
so its just a convoluted swap AU? I only saw the fangame with asriel going super edgy in the underevent last year and tried to get into it but its too cringe and all over the place
Too subtle?
>With the background guitar or with a different instrument like one of the more chiptuney ones? Or a new instrument entirely?
I'm not sure, thats why I said you should experiment, but for now I don't think new intruments should be needed for that segment
>Too subtle?
It is subtle but its an improvement, with that, I think the second half of the theme (more specifically the part after 0:56) should be the focus now, I did mention that there should be a segment that sounded less serious, more foolish or goofy if you will, since the first part is the "anime opening" and its main melody uses guitars maybe you could try adding a different instrument at the 0:56 section onwards, a wind one, something like a trumphet or a trombone? But they shouldn't sound heroice like the trumpet in spear of justice
Maybe you could try to look on the mad dummy theme for that section I think it somewhat fits with the style of sounding like something that you can't take seriously
Feel free to keep experimenting with the entire theme if you think there is something that can be improved
And again, thanks for taking your time in helping me with this project
It is not a swap au, it's an alternative timeline where the characters chose different paths in life, a big butterfly effect. But if you wanna get pedantic with the role placements, then you could say that only the lost souls "swap" with each other. After all, similar concepts can be executed in dramatically different ways. For example, IF Sans does not merely wish to join the guard– he actually succeeded in spite of his laziness, as he’s less likely to be ripped to “little smiling shreds.” Papyrus’ friendship with Undyne is also preserved, with Papyrus as her silly but well-meaning lab assistant.
https://youtu.be/2-PiK4D8Uyw?si=SL5K0eM6bgjgjBcA why does dustbelief papyrus always lose while dusttrust sans always wins?
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sure but undyne becoming a scientist is such a common swap AU trope despite it making 0 sense and going against her base character trait if this is the regular UT world but just where toriel remained as queen
that's a big turn off IMO
also I saw them using spamton and stuff so its clear the creator is mainly an impressionaly internet kid that is just doing what he/she thinks is cool rather than actually what fits a good story
I also don't like the OC human designs
Spamton only appeared after asriel got the 6 human souls and every monster soul so i assume that he isnt a natural part of the world and he's just a weird creature out of the many creatures who appeared in this arc.
Also, im pretty sure that https://invertedfate.com/secrets explains why undyne became a scientist, just like how it explores sans becoming a royal guard backstory
Toriel and Asgore share their last name even though they are divorced. Does this mean they were related before they got married and said marriage is incest?
when people marry, the bride usually takes the groom's last name.
Toriel doesn't use Dreemurr anymore in both games, but Asriel still does.
In US culture, the wife takes the surname of the husband and it passes down to their children.
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save/load done, a few parts need to be polished.
the release of the tech demo is actually in sight, here's is the order that i'll be doing everything else in.
>speak to the contest winner that got the flower girls in the game, since they are the "secondary cast" i want to make sure their personalities are OK with the original creator. my spriter is also struggling on getting proportions down so im also going see if he'd be willing to do some rough sketches to help with that. (tomorrow, might have to be thursday)
>finish the save point, it saves but with no flavor text or popup there will also be a single heal, no save, and no healing variant.
>sounds, mostly neglected up to this point
>battle system
>final part of the stats tab in the pause menu (the part that holds abilities)
>dialogue choices
>settings menu
>go back through and make sure everything is properly operational, this includes touching up sadie's ability based on previous feedback
>polish things up and a general second pass through the demo. such as removing the visible characters from the save menu background.
>add some extra content and jokes to the tech demo to make it presentable
only major mechanic left is the battle system, but thats mostly UI based so im not looking forward to it.
have another webm after this one to show loading.
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Clover after dying and going to heaven
The question is, who was the main monarch before they started dating? Toriel or asgore?
Cadagth sounds like it could be a cool name desu
>who was the main monarch before they started dating?
Asgore, since his name is the one inherited by Asriel. Crown princes only inherit the ruling name.
>Cadagth sounds like it could be a cool name desu
It does.
Okay, how's this for the final part?
Came across this while lurking on GameJolt, looks pretty cool
1. "Rik"... varik?
2. Final fantasy styled textboxes lol
Alternatively, I removed the little downtime after the Stronger Monsters part ends. Also tweaked the instruments a bit.
Tell me if the melody and/or the instruments are not what you're looking for. If it's the instruments I'll try to look for something more windy sounding instead, for this one I tried to make it sound like a sorta farty trumpet.
Lets see
honestly at first I wasn't sure about the new melodies but they grew on me after hearing them a second time so for that reason I belive they fit with the general idea of the theme
As for the instruments used I think those "farty" sounding trumpets were the right choice
I prefer the version with no downtime, the part at 1:06 already works as downtime anyways
For now I think you should experiment with the transition at 0:55, I think its a bit too abrupt, but if you want to keep it that way you could make it kinda like the beatdrop, it being abruptly interrupted by the trumphets could work
The final set of trumpets work well as and end for the theme for now, I don't know if you are up to making the theme longer by adding another section between the trumpets or after them, so let me know
This style kinda looks like a mix between Deltarune and Off, its somehow gives me a more surrealist vibe than UT/DR
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Why didnt uty do a soulful gsg like this?
I haven’t been able to work on my mod for about a week. When I get back to it (hopefully today) I’ll see about posting progress.
new bread on >>>/v/692243796
why does everyone use him anyway, i'm sure the majority of them haven't even played brandish
I've been playing Brandish recently, it's a janky dungeon crawler sort of game but it's pretty fun. Also you can tell that Toby got a lot of ideas for puzzles and stuff from it. My only complaint is that swords run out of durability too quickly, but that becomes a non issue after you find the fire magic scroll.
He's the earthbound Halloween hack protagonist so some people wanna give him a little love
If dr. andonuts had appeared in happy happy town, then thered be a 100% chance that deltatraveler section 2 would have a reference to the eb:hh scene where Dr. Andonuts is yelling at varik
Do you think that a monster's soul could be absorbed if they absorbed a human soul previously and were defeated by you?
it's really fucking good once you get the hang of it and the sequel is way better
i get that, but why use him in other places? i'm not complaining, just think it's curious
The determination would keep the soul alive, so Yes, unless it were inconvenient to the plot of course.
but humans cant absorb the souls of other humans right?
>human takes his soul out
>kills a boss monster
>quickly shoves the boss's soul in before it can shatter
>human body is powerful enough on its own to overpower the monster soul
>fuses his own soul with the monster soul
>can now freely fuse with the souls of other humans.
this feels like a troll physics skit.
Probably not. If the human soul persists after the monster's death (big if) the monster's soul would probably still dissolve with the rest of their body.
He can probably only take one human soul. Anyways, if the soul is his will and being than taking it out would basically ego death him. Even if the body survives it'd be like a zombie.
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>thread is perfectly on topic
>no shitposting, very constructive, multiple people making their own games posting
>a perfect example of what a /v/ thread should be
>jannies decide "nah cant be having any of that" and autosage the thread
im glad the janitors and moderators here are respectable and upstanding members of society
It's a surprisingly quiet day when checking /v/'s catalog. Chances are a janny was bored and just autosaged the Yellow thread because an Undertale waifufag thread was up.
Jannies fear our power thats why they delete/auto sage our threads
huh, guess the new anti-spam requirement actually worked.
now we need a three hour long thread creation cooldown from connection/making a new thread.
It's weird how the text emotes don't match the battle sprites. UT was consistent about them having the same size. Though I guess it just fits better.
Arent ut textbox sprites different through? Sans's face in his fight and in the textbox are 100% different
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What if...
The serum worked?
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wildfire posted new teaser
>how dare you have actual threads instead of /pol/ rants or spam threads nobody cares about!!1?!1?!?1
DRYanon2 here, im mad now.
i was thinking about clever names i could give cyan/orange bullets while trying to sleep and thought
>hmmm yes, the cyan ones should be patient bullets because you wait for them to pass and orange should be brave because you have to charge into them.
before realizing two seconds later that its not clever at all because those are the names of the cyan/orange souls.
thats all, tomorrow im going to reorganize the battle spritesheets for cole and kanako and then set up their battle animators.
Yep, I think Toby intended that. I’m also certain that soul attributes are an attempt to copy Homestuck’s classpect system and all the autism that comes with it.
Name them cold/freeze bullets because they are cyan/blue like ice and you have to "freeze" to dodge them
The orange could be called hot/fire bullets because constant movement is good to avoid getting burnt, just like how you have to move through them to avoid damage
I want to get some opinions on this Crispy Scroll rematch. Out of all the designs I've made this one is the least good. Take a look at it before you read the next line. It's supposed to be like one of those Japan headbands, I don't know what they're called. But it sorta looks like a cyclops to me. Is that clear from the sprite alone? I also made the background particles move less sporadically, and gutted the old terrible code I wrote when I didn't know what a sinewave was.
kinda figured, but it feels a little too on the nose to call them patient/brave bullets.
if i cant come up with anything else i'll do it, and would give me an excuse for other soul themed bullets, soul shots would already be justice bullets.
>Homestuck’s classpect system
the only things i know about homestuck are random passing mentions or references through fan tracks and i intend to keep it that way.
i thought about it but im already using cold and fire for something else.
This is running at an uncomfortably high resolution. It should be 640x480 to look accurate.
What about calling the orange attacks "daring bullets" or "daredevil bullets"? You head right into danger the same way a daredevil does.
>the only things i know about homestuck are random passing mentions or references through fan tracks and i intend to keep it that way
If you knew even just the surface level aspects of Homestuck, along with Andrew Hussie's previous comic adventures, you'd realise just how much Toby lifted from it, and I envy you for your ignorance.
I spent years listening to how much Undertale took from Earthbound that it was surprising to see that the Homestuck similarities are quite stronger
If this is the uty hard mode thing, shouldnt clover's name here be "frisk"? You could do a gag where every human is called frisk or smthn
Yes, this is Hard Mode. For some strange reason some of the battle code will cease to function if you change Clover's name, so I don't feel like messing with that, although it would indeed be funny.
I think thats because some of the functions call for clover's name so thats why some battle code is missing, im pretty sure you could pull that off
>It's supposed to be like one of those Japan headbands, I don't know what they're called. But it sorta looks like a cyclops to me
>Is that clear from the sprite alone?
Yeah I got the idea that its supposed to be a hachimaki (thats what the headband is called I literally just googled "japanese headband"), from the sprite alone, the "ribbons" on the headband make it pretty clear
>i thought about it but im already using cold and fire for something else.
Okay, what about "ragging bullets" for the orange ones? since you have to continuously move to dodge them and "calm bullets" for the cyan ones? Since you have to stay calm to dodge them
Ut fans are making flowey exist before the first human soul fell why is this fandom so stupid????
both good ideas
>dare bullets
>calm bullets
might not be what i'll go with but its a good base for inspiration.
but as i already said, might also just go with patient/brave bullets and make other soul themed bullets
>green bullets, healing. easily kind bullets
>perseverance bullets - maybe once it overlaps with you, you need to stay ontop of it before it despawns?
>justice bullets, as is in UTY, attack them with the shooting mode to destroy them. (idea being its 'fair', they shoot at you so you shoot back)
>integrity/blue bullets - no clue.
>red bullets - as is in UT(Y), pre-warning before powerful attacks.

anyways another problem ive been thinking about since its coming up soonish, i just cant post the tech demo and then expect word of mouth to spread the fact that i need spriters/musicians
the problem is i have no clue where to go.
>might not be what i'll go with but its a good base for inspiration.
>but as i already said, might also just go with patient/brave bullets and make other soul themed bullets
I mean, you could also asociate an emotion to each color if we go with the first idea
>Patience/cyan -> calmness
>Bravery/orange -> anger/passion
>Kindness/green -> happiness
>Perseverance/purple -> focus
>Integrity/blue -> confidence

>>perseverance bullets - maybe once it overlaps with you, you need to stay ontop of it before it despawns?
I already posted this idea before but for me purple/perseverance attacks would have and "aura" they can't deal direct damage but if you stay for too long inside their aura then you take heavy damage
>>integrity/blue bullets - no clue.
The only think I could think of is that blue/integrity attacks are undodgable but they don't deal damage, instead they put somekind of negative status effect on hit or they put you on disadvantageous positions (like Sans's soul grab)
>>red bullets - as is in UT(Y), pre-warning before powerful attacks.
Ceroba has red attacks wich reduce your max hp
>anyways another problem ive been thinking about since its coming up soonish, i just cant post the tech demo and then expect word of mouth to spread the fact that i need spriters/musicians
>the problem is i have no clue where to go.
I have the exact same problem and it has been bothering me for a while now, I'm making the Undertale Naranja prototype wich is pretty close to being finished (if youn ignore the bugs and balance problems) but once I post it I have no idea on what to do next, my original plan was to get in contact with a Undertale discord server... Until I joining one and I realized that its full of children and most of them are probably the same
"Recruiting" from 4chan seems like the best choice right now but thats not really an easy task, I can't got to a random thread and ask anons if they are willing to work for free on a project for years, but then again projects have been made before on 4chan
On one of my first posts here I said that this was going to be a problem for future me, well the future is here and the past didn't help
>perseverance bullet
karma damage?
>integrity bullets
what about knockback? Since the blue soul mode pushes you down
>what about knockback? Since the blue soul mode pushes you down
The blue soul gives you gravity and Sans also pushes you by manipulating the gravity of your soul, what if blue bullets can push you towards obstacles or suck you in? Like they have some sort of "wind current" effect that shows you where the blue bullet will move you once the bullet is close enough to you?
good ideas all around for binding their names to emotions, might just go with that and abbreviate some of them like calmness > calm bullets or happiness > happy bullets
>blue bullets are undodgable, but instead apply something to you
an interesting idea, i do have other plans for on hit effects but i'll be able to go from there.
>ceroba's red bullets
i already have another plan for HP reduction. all i'll say is dark purple (no, not a soul color).
ive actually got both of those bound to other things already.
>after the point of plausible deniability that you arent on genocide, karma will cause your invuln time to steadily decrease with more kills
>[CERTAIN ELEMENT] bullets will knock your soul around, but generally move slowly.
a wind current effect could work, but that might also be good for another thing.

i did just have another idea for blue bullets that fits with integrity
>'permanent' bullets
>spawn at the start of the turn, last until the end of it, and dont move.
>you can choose to respect the bullet's bounds, or break the attack's 'integrity' and cross over the blue bullet to despawn it in exchange for damage.
should note, all attacks with blue bullets with that last thing would be possible to no-hit without crossing over the blue bullet, but its difficult to do so. so crossing over makes it easier to take no further hits.
>>[CERTAIN ELEMENT] bullets will knock your soul around, but generally move slowly.
I imagine you don't want to spoil your system so early but how can you tell the element of a bullet? Just from their sprite? The enemy that is shooting them? It can't be their color since you already mentioned it as a separate element
elemental bullets will all have a distinct sprite theme
enemies also have distinct elements, so after checking a new encounter for the first time you can see what you're up against. not all bullets shot by an enemy will have that enemy's element either.
some elements will have colors, but wont be one singular color like soul color bullets, for example if 'fire' was an element it'd be a mix of red and orange
how does this sound
>for example if 'fire' was an element it'd be a mix of red and orange
I think that would look confusing
An improvement, specially the section from 1:01 to 1:20, but I prefered the "farty trumpets" (?) from the previous theme as the final section for the theme
If you could replace the final 6 seconds from the new version with the trumpets from the previous version I think that could work as the last adition to theme, unless you want to keep adding or charging it
you mean like this?
Yeah like that
I'm gine with this being the final version of the theme, if you aren't interesed in changing or adding anything else
Thanks once again music anon
can see how it'd be confusing, but its all about execution.
for example if i just used the soul color red and orange then yeah it'd be confusing.
but if i make the bullet use colors between the two points and make it look like the bullet is actually on fire, then it should be visually distinct enough from red or orange bullets
No problem. I don't think I have any ideas to change it so here's the catbox link that doesn't expire, just in case.
Got a question for you, how do you handle room transitions in your project? I'm trying to figure out what the most flexible way is and I'd like to see someone else's process.
Specifically I'm interested in transferring the player from one room to another. Do you pass the actual same player, or do you despawn them and then spawn a new instance in the new room? What about transferable traits like for example when you're holding an umbrella as Frisk and in a new room you have to also have the umbrella, does the player object/node itself not have any of those states and it's all controlled remotely by a singleton/autoload?
Oh yeah, and followers too. Like, what do you do to pass the followers from one room to another. Especially in a modular party where you may enter the same room with a different party setup.
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>Do you pass the actual same player
this is exactly what im doing.
if you're not using unity the process will be a bit different, but fundamentally most engines should be able to recreate this in some capacity.
it also might not be the most efficient, but it is the simplest way to do it that ive found.
>TGBR object holds everything vital for the game. if the player is loaded into a completely empty room, everything the player can do will still function as expected.
>individual rooms hold their own logic, and read their initial states of contained objects from components on the info master
>TGBR to room object logic is handled by unity's event system.
>room to TGBR is handled by references
this is also the answer to >>3642162
passing the vitals between rooms will also pass through the party members. this serves no issues with modular parties on its own, but if you have things with variable flavor text/interactions depending on who's in the party you'll need to set a few conditions within the object itself to see how it should react.
as for
>What about transferable traits like for example when you're holding an umbrella as Frisk and in a new room you have to also have the umbrella
that would be loaded into the TGBR object, the child object would contain a self delete function for when its supposed to end, or the object would be moved into the new room depending on how its supposed to work.
for example the umbrella bins would check for if an umbrella object exists for if one should be created or destroyed.
meanwhile suppose you could take sans' hotdogs between rooms, when they inevitably fall of your head they'd be moved to the room instead if being outright deleted, and when you move between rooms again will be deleted (if you want to save them, you'll need to make the room load/unload process save to/read from a list of all the positions the hotdogs should be placed at in your core data object.).
I see. And who is responsible for positioning things? Like let's say there's a room with 4 entrances, let's say you exit last room from the right which means in this one you'd enter from the left. Who in the previous room is responsible for telling who in the next room where to place the party, and who in the next room is responsible for actually placing them there?
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thats all localized on the initial room transfer object.
the Vector3 is simply the output position, in most cases it's cords should be placed right in front of the spot that you want to lead back to the room you just came from.
the four direction bools are for which way the party should face
you dont need to make the output direction four different bools, but its just the easiest way with how i set up the animators.
anyways, the object will then place the party members in that spot, and they will remain there as the last room is removed while the new room is placed.
but keep in mind i dont know how other engines do room loading/unloading. if you run into any problems you cant solve with it let me know and i'll probably be able to think of a solution.
Thanks, I will keep this in mind.
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The Crispy Scroll slash attack was made using 8 objects, 4 warning objects and 4 slash objects that all have the same code. It could have been done with 2, or 1 if the bullet code allowed for it. (this is still better than Undertale's code)
Got over my fear of editing the game's base code. It is now possible to move the battle box without anything breaking! (somehow this wasn't possible before) Hopefully my changes won't cause something to break in some random part of the game. Here is some live footage of me screwing around.
I noticed that you have already made hard mode versions of Penilla, Sweet Corn and Rorrim, does that mean that the only enemy left is Flier? Undertale also introduced enemies from the core in the hard mode version of the ruins but I suppose seeing robots in the dark ruins wouldn't make much sense, unless you want to add one as an easter egg
Once you are done with the enemies, whats next? a hard mode version of Dalv? or making miscellaneous changes to the ruins?
Already finished with Crispy Scroll's attacks
Yes, there's a few things I'd like to change in the Ruins, make a battle theme remix, and see about remixing Dalv's fight somewhat. I will make a Gamejolt page/Gamebanana page when the ruins are finished and it will be available to download. There's already at least two hard mode mods out there but none of them add new characters and attacks like this (at least they don't show any screenshots of them.)
I started this project because I wanted to exercise my creative abilities and do things that made me uncomfortable, most of the dev time has been spent getting used to creating art (hard) and writing dialogue (also hard) and learning to code (surmountable) and of course, studying and complaining about UTY's old code.
Yay :^)
>the only enemy left is Flier
I already made him, he was the first one I made but it was kinda crappy looking so I didn't want to show it off, I revised it and now it looks alright, but his attacks are a bit lazy and primitive compared to what I make now, though not bad.
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New monster design. I can't decide whether to call it Vicci, Vicksie, or Vics. What do you anons think?
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>New monster design
what is that for?
anyways I give you points for originality, it might be too object like for Undertale
standards (I know that there is a literal rock monster in the ruins), but its nice to see something that isn't just a furry
are the white/blank spots in its "head" meantto resemble a face?
>what is that for?
I made it up because I was toying around with the idea of an Undertale battle on the Atari 2600. I'll probably put it in my fangame, I've got an area where I think it would fit. I still might do that Atari game idea for laughs though, it seems like it'd be a fun learning project.
> it might be too object like for Undertale
You're looking at it the wrong way. Its not a monster based on an Atari game, its a monster from an Atari game. Undertale draws most of its inspiration from common video game monsters (spiders, skeletons, robots), but that opens the door to all sorts of other monsters from video games, not just ones from the NES/SNES era. So that also includes the non-descript thing monsters from the Atari era like Q-Bert, KC Munchkin, and Pacman. Vicci (or whatever I decide to call it) is one of those. Its a primitive monster, an unevolved relic of history, sort of like a horshoe crab.
Besides, the object/animal distinction is really more of a Deltarune thing. Undertale has dolls, washing machines, and airplanes taking swings at you.
>are the white/blank spots in its "head" meantto resemble a face?
Yeah, though its meant to be a bit vague and confusing to look at. Atari sprites left a lot to the imagination.
>So that also includes the non-descript thing monsters from the Atari era like Q-Bert, KC Munchkin, and Pacman. Vicci
>Its a primitive monster, an unevolved relic of history, sort of like a horshoe crab.
Thats actually a cool concept, I still think that the monster would be more fitting as a darkner in a videogame darkworld, but there are other "digital" monsters in Undertale anyways
Where do you encounter this monster?
>but there are other "digital" monsters in Undertale anyways
I don't remember any besides maybe Mettaton
>Where do you encounter this monster?
A dark dank cave hidden deep under a mountain, rumored to be where the monsters originated.
>I don't remember any besides maybe Mettaton
in Undertale Yellow there is one monster who has a computer cursor for a head, I can't remember if there is any other in Undertale tho
is this monster a relevant npc or just an enemy type?
>rumored to be where the monsters originated.
so there is going to be a lot of other classic/primal monsters there? like things that represent the earliest forms of monsters in different media or culture? like maybe a monster inspired by the beholder (one or the first original DnD monsters)?
desu that monster guy always felt weird because while there are some machine like monsters like woshua or tsunderplane, a straight up cursor feels more like a darkner thing than a monster
and besides UTY isnt canon, when deciding what kind of monsters to use you should look only what toby himself did to know what is usually allowed in the setting
though its fine to break the rules sometimes
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>a straight up cursor feels more like a darkner thing
Funny that
>is this monster a relevant npc or just an enemy type?
Just an enemy. Probably a fun little miniboss like Temmie was.
>so there is going to be a lot of other classic/primal monsters there?
Somewhat. I was thinking more in terms of just being unevolved as a theme. So they'd be based on extremely primitive animals. Like Trilobites, worms. Also stuff that likes moisture like salamanders. I probably will throw in a beholder at some point in the game though. Vicci is just sort of a one off gag thing.
Oh and slimes. There will be slimes.
What about a hard mode dalv remix? Like https://youtu.be/3M0tZlbZDdk?si=4ffWGfIGhnFyianA
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fnf uty mod guy here, been so busy i haven't made any progress on the mod or even used 4chan in like over two months. i'm doing good though, learning a lot of character design/posing stuff that i hope can make my art for it a lot cooler.
glad this little community still exists, i hope to get back into it once i have the time. keep making cool shit. happy thursday
Glad to see that you are not dead FnFanon
Something that sans battle fanganes tend to forget is the fact that sans canonically doesnt use bones and gaster blasters at the same time
If Undyne the Undying attacked like UTY genocide bosses, she would swap between her two spear circles patterns haphazardly while also throwing random spears at you.
>she would swap between her two spear circles patterns haphazardly
kinda wish she did that when below 20%HP as a last ditch effort.
You know, I find odd in general how some important bosses in both Undertale and UTY don't have a "final/ultimate" attack like how Jevil and Spamton do, Undyne's difficulty doesn't change much through the fight
Ceroba in UTY doesn't have a final attack either in her final fight, at least I can understand it with Flowey since his entire fight is meant to have an anticlimatic ending
At least asgore's attacks get faster overtime
new thread, but nobody came
was going great until a schizo woke up.
hope neither he or the newfag redditor that provoked him know we exist here.
seems the utg curse came there
at least it already hit the bump limit anyway
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i've been in yellow threads since it released faggot
Why are bootlickers unable of seeing the flaws on their fav shit?
they just have really low standards, that's it
also deltatraveler is one of the few "well made" (gameplay wise, not writing wise) fangames out there so that unfortunately puts it above the rest
but those people don't have critical thinking skills so they give it more praise than it deserves, at least until something better comes around
The mainstream side of the fandom is positive/optimistic to an extreme degree.
Except if it is some shit like misgendering a character of course.
I'd understand liking something despite its flaws, most people are guilty of that. But to complain about people criticizing the product is absolutely bonkers, if only twitterfags understood that its okay for people to not like the same things as you do...
Question, where can i download the deltarune sprites separately? I tried using the spriters resources but when i try to zoom in one specific sprite, its all filled with mixels n shit, so help?
>its all filled with mixels n shit, so help?
might i ask which sprite(s)?
Ralsei's sprites
a quick glance through and it looks fine to me. which frames in particular are mixeled?
idk, but if all else fails Undertale Mod Tool can access the sprites directly from the game.
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I've only heard things about Deltatraveler, never actually played it.
Can I get a QRD?
started as a shitpost fangame based on the "kris where the fuck are we?" meme that popped up after chapter 2's release, basic premise is that kris, susie, and noelle go between a bunch of AU worlds and other games
problem is that the devs/writers almost immediately dropped the shitpost thing and made toriel have a mental breakdown over kris looking like chara, writing quality gets progressively worse from there.
also featuring:
>the devs attempting to pull a "haha i see what you're doing toby ;)"
>excessive gaster focus
>completely flanderizing and mischaracterizing everyone
>having kris talk, freely pull your soul out at will, and be perfectly functional while the soul is out. note that you are still canon.
>getting the lore of earthbound completely wrong
>trying to project undertale's "sparing is the objectively correct choice here because of X Y and Z" onto games/settings where X Y and Z are not true.
>underfell segment where fell sans brags about killing orphans and on geno noelle tells kris to kys
>everybody freaking out over you killing a wild snake despite killing dozens of monsters and wild animals before that point. everybody the next encounter if you spare them instead.
>on geno susie and noelle can reject your will at any given moment, but they still listen and act like they are completely guilt free.
>>trying to project undertale's "sparing is the objectively correct choice here because of X Y and Z" onto games/settings where X Y and Z are not true.
Nta, but to elaborate on this point, you're treated as evil for not sparing the enemies even through ness does the same thing with far more powerful magic, and its been said by rynogg that the section 4 (the legend of zelda s link yo the past section) enemies will literally surrender when you beat them down to low hp because the battle system doesnt allow for a proper mercy mechanic, even through them surrendering doesnt make sense with the lore of the game at all
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play it
qrd? nah, here's a long one:
it's a ""joke game"" with a handful of fun jokes but completely bogged down by poorly written "serious" moments that can't just be reasonably explained as tongue in cheek because sarah (the lead dev) was embarrassed enough to go back and change things.
afaik the project is on hiatus and sarah has threatened to cancel it a few times, both are bad signs for the future of it. who knows though, maybe they'll turn things around and make substantial improvements... never say never.
currently it has sections 1-3 out (feat. undertale, earthbound and underfell), with the pipeline of future content being: side projects from sarah > a uty version of dt (with plans of leeching talent off of team switched) > section 4 feat. tloz alttp > section 5 feat. more team switched leeching > section 6 feat. mario and luigi (because apparently they're not scared of nintendo) > section 7 feat. fucking toontown > finale feat. gaster inviting 14 year olds to his house to "have fun"
Hard Mode Anon, here with something to show!
A concept for a blind enemy. The ghost represents where he thinks you are and he attacks that. Its complete chaos what attacks he throws out, at least for now, and i may add a brand new attack as well.
Also, I've been stuck on writing dialogue, help, it's embarrassing. Anons with writing talent, i beg of you, give me tips or structures to follow.
Please and Thank You.
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>play game
>game forces you to kill toriel
>"SHE DIED BECAUSE OF YOU (pls forget that i forced you to do this)! YOU'RE LE EVIL CUS YOU PLAYED A VIDEOGAME!!!!"
how do people even enjoy playing this kind of forced attempt at guilt tripping
Depends, What kind of dialogue would you like? Like, say, how many random lines per turn do you want them to spout, their comments on your ACTs (normal and wounded to near death variants), reaction towards the other monsters inbattle getting killed, etc.
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It feels so weird writing dialogue for fictional characters to say, ESPECIALLY comedy, because I don't know if any of my jokes will land and for now it feels like i'm talking to myself, i'm sure writers understand the feeling.
I'm stuck on her. I made the design before I knew what her personality was gonna be. I can be witty on a line by line basis, but I can't figure out what the setup > expansion > twist > payoff > aftermath (post battle) should be. I'm not happy with the one i've come up with, which is that she talks herself up to be a great artist but she's actually terrible and no matter what dialogue options you choose whether you're mean or kind to her, she runs away crying every time. It was funny once but It's mean spirited and gets old. She needs a redeeming quality. If ideas are clay, than this clay is still wet and can be molded into something a little different. Any ideas? I can always alter her expression.
my first thoughts for the design
>2 cool 4 u personality
>is trying to make art that reflects that, but she doesnt like it.
>spare method 1 is to make penilla realize that what she likes is completely different
>post battle aftermath in the overworld is her drawing what she likes
>spare method 2 is to make fun of the art, she runs off
>post battle aftermath, in place of her is a mean drawing of clover.
Imagine if the drawing could be added to the MAIL menu section lol
I think this is what was running through my head when I was spriting her, thanks, I'll see about redoing it.
I believe that would be possible, but I don't have the art budget, 0$, 0 skill, and 0 people to ask for help.
She doesn't have to be a GOOD artist, maybe that's why she's taking her anger out on you?
And the mean drawing could just be MS paint Clover with stink lines or something, that'd be funny.
Thats a pretty cool concept for an atack, good job anon
>Also, I've been stuck on writing dialogue, help, it's embarrassing.
I felt the same when I first started writting dialogue (I'm Naranja anon), don't worry it becomes a bit less embarrasing the more you write, I also posted here about how much it costed me to start writting, the best recomendation I can give you is, just write, doesn't matter if at the time you think its too bland or embarrassing, doing something its better than overthinking, you can always change it later or who knows, maybe the next day, when you are rereading that same "bland" dialogue you'll have ideas on how to improve it
I'm still very self conscious about my own dialogue and I think its still very bad but at least its better than when I first started
>"She's... drawn a picture of me getting hit by a minecart. I have... something radiating off of me."
>"Yeah, those are stink lines. That's why the cart hit 'im. Because he smells!"
>"Yes, I see."
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Clover and kanako marrying
Do modern japanese weddings have western aesthetics?
vision crew showed new gameplay(?)
Would I get screwed if I posted a mildly nsfw picture of a character here through catbox/linking to /trash/?
It is something that will hopefully end up in a fangame, so not off-topic.
wait for the /v/ thread.
we want to keep this one as clean as possible.
we already arent really supposed to have a thread like this here because its technically a general. but /vg/ is an absolute no go for a thread of our speed. and merging into /utg/ is an absolute no-go.
ontop of that i dont want my fangame associated with /utg/ and im sure the other fangame devs share the same sentiment
Alright, I'll keep this place clean.
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new UT reflections (purple) screenshot, starring chinese kanako
kinda interesting they are going with their own UI and font but that makes me wonder why not just make it a unique game rather than an UT thing
They simply want to make a mother 3-inspired ut fangame
honestly i like it, makes it feel more unique and fits with the purple soul's whole gimmick of being a giant nerd
/utg/ is only good for big happenings
last good threads was the sweepstakes
nu-nu-camellia looks like actual shit
rank 'em
i actually liked how unabashedly edgy fell sans was, it made the underfell section feel more unique compared to "sans but slightly more angry"
i don't like how it was retconned, that was lame
I thought the red panda was kanako for a second
I like checking it out when newsletters come out.
For a few moments, people who really care about the game start discussing and drown the mentally ill residents
You fags keep calling Mei a Kanako ripoff, but she has one huge thing that Kanako will never have - she's fully alive and functional.
inb4 she dies in every route
yeah but can Mai pass through a door's keyhole?
a /v/ thread has emerged

I prefer the 2nd one, but the last is fine too, the others feel too gaster-y
>>completely flanderizing and mischaracterizing everyone
>>having kris talk, freely pull your soul out at will, and be perfectly functional while the soul is out. note that you are still canon.
>>getting the lore of earthbound completely wrong
>>trying to project undertale's "sparing is the objectively correct choice here because of X Y and Z" onto games/settings where X Y and Z are not true
and why is this not considered irredeemable?
Because the general Undertale/Deltarune fanbase are positvity freaks who believe fanmade works shouldn't be put under scrutiny, but even more than that it feeds into some people's weird obsessive backwards power fantasy with Kris.
They like that Kris talks and pulls your soul out. They like that you get shut down immediately if you do something Kris dislikes. They like how Deltatraveler so bluntly and awkwardly declares "YOU are a bad person for doing this!" when going through the Genocide path. They like how Undertale's spare mechanics are forced into it, despite Deltarune only really having this option so far for town recruitment. They don't care how any of this ruins the games characters visit, nor how it ruins the characters who are visiting these games. As long as it's feeding into their headcanon, and it's not doing anything they consider a big no-no (the devs aren't outed as pedophiles), then any critics of it should shut up and take their biases elsewhere.
More importantly, they abhor the fact that these same critics will enjoy Yellow instead, a fangame that specifically shows restraint in every regard that Deltatraveler doesn't. As a result, they will hypocritically try to criticize Yellow for superficial things that don't even matter to them, because they're upset that their favorite game that takes a lot more risks with its self-indulgent lore and writing is getting more realistically criticized than the fangame that in contrast plays itself much safer.
>picrel's name
dont forget that the opening gag perfectly sets the tone
only for them to immediately ruin it with toriel having a meltdown over kris looking vaguely similar to chara.
It's also DT's only really clever joke, which is a shame. It perfectly parodies the rules UT established and plays with it in a smart and effective way to introduce the new battle system. It makes the Earthbound section even sadder because all they had to do was change the aesthetic of the menus, and add a rolling HP mechanic to their already built battle system. Instead they went through the effort of imitating Earthbound's style in the overworld, then immediately revert it when they got lazy, doing nothing at all to immerse you as a visitor to Earthbound's world. It sacrifices the playfulness they had going with Undertale's world, and really shows a bias towards the game they love, while showing disinterest in what inspired it. That alone isn't a bad thing, I can't say I enjoy yet alone played every inspiration to my favorite games, but if I were going to make a crossover fangame that featured it, I wouldn't want to step on the toes of people who actually do like those things, accidentally or not.
So essentially, these faggots are why there are still fangames where you have to go through a shitty unbalanced hard as shit battle against sans only to get blueballed and instakilled at the end with the resetting thing being stopped forever while your soul is used to break the barrier?

Personally, i would rather have regular challenge games where you come out on top or at least power fantasy shit where you put these bitchy soulless-equivalent-of-an-anime-protag-made-especifically-to-say-"this-guy-can-defeat-goku" AU sanses and gasters back on their place and defeat them for good, i bet if this was an actual fangame made by good devs who know about game design, it'd be one of the most popular sans-centric fangames ever since most normal quiet ut fans would actually enjoy the game
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Reposting from the /v/ thread, here it is the prototype of Undertale Naranja, its buggy, has unbalanced mechanics and its writting is amateur at best, but its here
Keep in mind that this is called a prototype and not a demo for a reason, that being that it hasn't been playtested by anyone besides me
In any case, if you play it, post your thoughts about the game, any feedback is welcome

Credits to music anon for making the battle ost
You could post it on the /v/ thread
I posted it in the exact same moment you sent this post lmao
Gonna say my observations here:
>My mouse doesn't appear even in windowed mode, I had to open the task manager to write this
>Star punch description has a typo on "1more"
>Can't use esc to quit on the game over screen
>I keep getting hit when trying to graze, some of the hitboxes might be too big
I think the fight mechanics are interesting, but on a longer game I'd wish they got introduced one by one.
>>My mouse doesn't appear even in windowed mode, I had to open the task manager to write this
Probably a configuration I forgot to change, I will look into it, should be easy to fix
>>Star punch description has a typo on "1more"
I knew there was going to be a dumb typos here and there that I somehow missed, the problems of keeping a project secret
>>Can't use esc to quit on the game over screen
Oh fuck I think I know why this is happening, when you die, the game enters a "pause" state wich makes all process in the game stop except for the ones that are marked as unpausable, I didn't think of setting that property on the process that controls the quitting, I'll fix that tomorrow
>>I keep getting hit when trying to graze, some of the hitboxes might be too big
I made sure that all the hitboxes where smaller than their sprites, but maybe they should be smaller, wich attacks where hitting you the most?
>I think the fight mechanics are interesting, but on a longer game I'd wish they got introduced one by one.
Oh yeah thats the idea, I mentioned in the /v/ post that I didn't add a proper tutorial because I got lazy, the prototype is meant to showcase all the mechanics and I feel like I ended up messing too much with the flow of the boss battle as a result of it
In a proper game I would dedicate the first area to introduce each mechanic when they are relevant instead of cramming everything into a how to play section and a single boss
>wich attacks where hitting you the most?
The one with the lines that go up and down.
It's just that I feel I can graze more easily in Deltarune. But I think you should wait for more opinions to start changing stuff.
I forgot to mention that I get a black space and a white border on full screen mode. Is it intended behavior?
Is the guy supposed to have that much health or am I bad?
But anyway, I liked the stone guy. I wish to know how to do projects like this in the future. Good work!
>Is it intended behavior?
Yes, the black space is meant for custom borders like the ones in the console version of Undertale, I actually had a waterfall border ready but I removed it at the last minute because I thought it didn't fit with the rest of the game
>Is the guy supposed to have that much health or am I bad?
Kinda, I think one of the problems with the system is how important the critical streak is for your damage output but also how easy it is to lose it, if you can pull crits constantly and use the most efective moves you can actually kill him in less than 10 turns, but yeah, the battle does take forever if you miss a critical hit during a high streak, I want to hear more opinions on how this aspect should be balanced
>But anyway, I liked the stone guy. I wish to know how to do projects like this in the future. Good work!
I'm glad you enjoyed it, thanks for playing anon
I think I'm getting used to the battle system.
Gotta mention the vertical attack with the purple bullets (I think it was earth's edge) can generate the purple bullets too high outside of the box, and I can't dash through them like this.
There is also a typo in the tutorial with "lading".
I gotta say the dash fits nicely as a orange soul mode, I wish Toby does something with it in Deltarune.
Yeah I need to tweak some of the attacks to reduce their randomness in case they create patterns with unavoidable damage
>There is also a typo in the tutorial with "lading".
I really should pass all text through Word or any other program with an autocorrect feature before placing them in game
Some people might find this more annoying than others, but it really looks off to me: the font should not be scaled smoothly like it is right now, and should only ever be displayed at the single correct size (16px). It's not a normal vector font. The current approach of smoothly scaling the font to arbitrary sizes and displaying it in a low resolution window, then scaling that window to the screen in fullscreen mode... frankly, it doesn't look good. At least change the filtering in your font configuration, however you do that in Godot.
that's mostly a godot limitation with how fonts are rendered, it's been complained about a lot but there are no planned fixes yet
Is there a way to render the characters and then inserting those in the game or you're forced to use the font file in the project?
you could render each letter as its own sprite from a png file but youd need to write a manager for that from scratch
Going to be honest, if Godot can't even handle rendering a pixel font correctly, maybe it isn't as good an engine as people are telling me it is. You can't just set the filtering to nearest neighbor + disable antialiasing (though I don't think the latter is what's going on)? Worst case scenario, just get a texture atlas of the font and render the characters directly. Trust me, you /really/ don't want to be shipping a game with text that looks like this. Polish matters.
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you can increase the font render settings in the import settings (double click the font file), I had more success by setting "oversampling" to max and set the viewport mode to "canvas" so it renders UI elements based on the window resolution rather than the resolution you set the game to internally render, it still causes the font to get aliased if it gets small though, you can mess with the hinting options and other values here until you find something that works but requires just trial and error
you can also set the snap 2d vertices setting, but right now in 4.3 it isnt working as expected and sometimes the fonts will have "mixels" in them, but 4.4 is going to fix that when they make elements snap in canvas space rather than world space
whenever 4.4 comes out that is, though you can use the beta or compile it yourself if you need it now
This all seems so overcomplicated. If I'm making a pixel art game, I prefer things to always just be at a proper, consistent low resolution - so "mixels" aren't even a possibility. GameMaker does this, and while it makes it less useful for other types of games, it does make it quite well-suited to pixel art.

In any case, yeah, just use a sprite font. It will render perfectly every time, and the amount of code necessary to get it working is negligible (especially for a mono font like this). You shouldn't have to worry about hinting or aliasing or vertices or any of that when working with a pixel font. It's a bunch of bitmaps, just draw them.
reposting from /v/

Here is a small update that fixes 2 typos, fixes an issue when quitting from the game over screen ,allows the use of the mouse on window mode and changes the sampling of the fonts, they should look a bit better/more consistent now, also comes with a 32 bits binary

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DRYanon2 here, i stand at the event horizon
>animators for cole and kanako set up
>battle related spritesheets imported and frames set up
>nothing else to stall myself with, aside from sound which i want to wait until after i get everything else set up and do that in one sweep.
tomorrow i shall descend into UI hell and will hate every second of it...
but before that i'll be posting a mockup UI, i want to do something different for the battle UI than baseline deltarune
next week, i will actually have the base of the battle system set up (entering battle, win/loss conditions, basic attacking and defending. maybe not bullet segments.)
but for now its 5AM. tired.
also i didnt ask on /v/, but any place to contact you outside of 4chan?
moreso just to stay in touch with other dev anons than anything else.
if you dont want to share your handle(s) here but still want to get in touch, i did make an account dedicated solely to DRY.
>also i didnt ask on /v/, but any place to contact you outside of 4chan?
No, I don't really use any social media
>moreso just to stay in touch with other dev anons than anything else.
For the time being these /vrpg/ threads seem like a decent enough place to stay in contact, but if you have any ideas of what other place to use you can share them
>if you dont want to share your handle(s) here but still want to get in touch, i did make an account dedicated solely to DRY.
I do have to eventually make a public account somewhere since I intend to publish this prototype on a more public site once I fix and polish it, after that I have no idea what to do with the project next
>No, I don't really use any social media
fair enough, i dont really use it myself
>but if you have any ideas of what other place to use you can share them
only discord which ive been using to stay in touch with my spriters, its good and straight to the point if you dont join public servers (public includes 4chan servers), but its bloated with a ton of features nobody really cares about.
>only discord which ive been using to stay in touch with my spriters, its good and straight to the point if you dont join public servers (public includes 4chan servers)
I will think about it
Bird mom's thighs
I hope the original poster sees this
>It also needs some polish, namely on the dash mechanic. Sometimes I'm trying to dash into the spikes but get hurt, does the invincibility take a little bit to trigger?
Honestly, that might be a serious bug with the dash mechanic itself, on rare cases animations might not trigger properly, I should look more into fixing it, the "dash" doesn't give you any invicibility frames it gives you a hitbox, hitbox wich should be active on frame one of the animation and turn off as soon as the animation ends
It might also just be that the tips of the broken spikes need smaller hitboxes
> I think the Earth's Edge attack should start from the top, not the bottom. People are instinctively drawn to the bottom of a vertical battle box unless given a reason to expect the attack to spawn from there.
Will keep in mind, I'll try to add somekind of warning or hint at the bottom of the battle box
>I would advice not to fall into the fangame trap of every boss having a Sans-tier final attack though. If you're going to make an attack that's meant to be the crowning moment of the fight, take a page from Jevil and Spamton instead. Flashy, big, but not that long. Just like, twice as long as the usual attack at most.
I was kinda throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks for the final attack, it was very experimental because its the only attack in the entire fight that always follows a specific pattern and has no random factors, I do want to give each main boss a "final/ultimate attack" since I always enjoyed when bosses have those but yeah, the final attack should be something that catches you off guard and not some insane difficulty spike (unless its a super boss)
I forget. In order to get the true ending for UT I have to do Pacifist > Omega Flowey first in order to go to True Lab or can I start the Alphys date and True Lab before Asgore?
>Oh, and a few things. First of all, there's some spelling/grammar errors and missing punctuation, might want to check those.
Will do
>Also, is the fight meant to let you take two turns sometimes?
Its an intended game mechanic, I just didn't explain it since I thought it was intuitive enough, guess I was wrong, I should probably explain it in the "how to fight section" to avoid confusion
At the bottom left of the HUD next to the name and level there is an small thunderbolt wich represents your "turn amount", actions like the check act, attacking or using "liquid items" (literally the consumable items that are drinks) cost only half turn, other actions like the superplex act (you didn't miss that one, right? I should probably make the acts update indicator more obvious) or most items cost a full turn and you can't use them if you have less than half turn
The enemy turn starts when your turn gauge gets empty
I want to eventually add more techniques that play with this fractional turns system
>And finally, the battle theme starts playing again in the game over screen sometimes, and when it doesn't, the game over theme does not loop, it just ends. Just figured you should know.
Seems that I forgot to give the game over theme file the looping property, I'll fix it as soon as I can
>I hope to see more eventually, good luck
Me too haha...
Anyways thanks for playing and for the feedback
You have to finish a neutral route before you can unlock the pacifist route, the good thing is that if you finish a neutral pacifist route then the game takes you to the last save point before the asgore fight, from there you can follow the steps to unlock the true pacifist ending
You need to do the Omega flowey fight first.
You can kill asgore and flowey if you want to through, since you'll reload to before their deaths happened anyways
another shit thread on /v/ full of birdcuck circlejerking
I noticed the lightning icon when I tried to use the superplex and couldn't, then again when using the healing items, but I misinterpreted what it was. I thought it was some kind of rush/excitement gauge and you could only use big moves like the superplex when it was full, and that the items with the empty icon would empty the bar while the items with the full icon would fill it.
I think adding a bit more to the how to fight menu would be a good idea, yeah.
Oh, and also, when you press C to check descriptions of techniques and such, you can move your soul around. Intentional?
>thought it was some kind of rush/excitement gauge and you could only use big moves like the superplex when it was full, and that the items with the empty icon would empty the bar while the items with the full icon would fill it.
In retrospective it was a pretty bad idea to make the icon for "half turn" actions a hollow lightning instead of half a lightning , I'll change that to make it more clear
>I think adding a bit more to the how to fight menu would be a good idea, yeah.
Yeah I'll add another page to it explaining the turns system to avoid confusion
>Oh, and also, when you press C to check descriptions of techniques and such, you can move your soul around. Intentional?
Not at all, that didn't happen before but I did make a change at the last minute that is most likely what messed up with the behaviour of the soul during menus, I'll fix it tomorrow
alright so a few things:
>another typo: when the real fight starts it says "i accept you challenge" instead of your challenge
>losing combo is punishing, but once you get a rhythm its somewhat easy to maintain. in the full game the first area's encounters definitely shouldnt rely on combo, but should encourage you to aim for crits to help build your rhythm.
>holding to move between battle options is way too fast
>the ability to move the soul isnt disabled when menuing, so you can move it up/down when selecting a battle option, and all over the board in the inital ACT selection
>dashing happens when you let go of Z, tripped me up for a few turns. maybe a small indicator when first pressing Z to let the player know that the dash is charged and to indicate it happens on letting go?
aside from that, very solid mechanical foundation. will definitely be enjoyable for a full game.
as for the text, i'm noticing the same errors when i was struggling to fix it for DRY2, like the L in val having some gray pixels or the end pixels of certain letters looking too short.
turning subpixel positioning off might fix the few remaining errors? unless thats already off then you'll just have to tinker with the options a bit, cant seem to find anything else that'd relate to filtering.
>Yeah I'll add another page to it explaining the turns system to avoid confusion
id suggest slightly changing the way its displayed to the player instead
>the energy icon in actions/items displays the to-be-drained energy as a dull red from the top down, rest of the meter is white.
>previewing a regular attack would display half the meter as dull red, while superplex would be completely red.
that should make it intuitive enough.
Oh yeah, there's one more thing I forgot to mention. I think the text speed is too slow. Try comparing it with Undertale's most common speed and go from there. but remember that Undertale also often pauses or slows down during dialogue, timing is often part of the writing too.
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first draft of the next part of return to form, returning to the longer chapters somewhat with this one being at 6k works
honestly i was up all night writing this so it's probably full of tons of errors, but as always anything you all might catch or should be changed, or just general thoughts too, would be appreciated before i post it to Ao3 when I wake up
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why is this shit so funny?
I think toriel suddenly dropping a ton of stuff on clover after having just met him was a bit too fast but I guess we are in the final act and things gotta wrap up, let's just see what integrity is up to I guess
it's so refreshing to see an undertale character after so long. i actually liked their whole conversation and i thought overall this chapter was really fun to read, specially the beginning too
Naranjanon here again but this time without a hotfix, I procrastinated all morning and when I finally decided to work on fixing the prototype something happened that kept me busy for a while, I still managed to make some changes like adding a warning at the bottom of the "Earth's Edge" attack

>>another typo: when the real fight starts it says "i accept you challenge" instead of your challenge
Noted and already fixed, I need to check all the dialogues again to make sure there are no more typos
>>losing combo is punishing, but once you get a rhythm its somewhat easy to maintain. in the full game the first area's encounters definitely shouldnt rely on combo, but should encourage you to aim for crits to help build your rhythm.
Yeah losing your streak can be very punishing, I was thinking of maybe giving a margin of error where missing a critical hit removes 1 "stack" from the streak instead of ending it and an missing attack or missing two criticals in a row is what fully ends the streak, I'm also thinking about giving the streak a max cap of 10 instead of 5
>>holding to move between battle options is way too fast
I never noticed this since I don't really hold down the button to select the options, the speed at wich it moves actually comes from the default Godot engine UI/Control nodes settings I don't think I can't easily edit that but I think I could come up with a solution
>>the ability to move the soul isnt disabled when menuing, so you can move it up/down when selecting a battle option, and all over the board in the inital ACT selection
Should be fixed now, it was a really dumb bug related to how the player movement is seprated from the rest of the player inputs in the script
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Thanks for making that 32-bit version Naranjanon. It took me a day and a half of setup, but I've finally got it playable on my PC. My only trouble now is the lack of sound, probably something to do with wasapi. I'll try it on Windows 7 later and see if that fixes it.

I haven't finished it yet, but I'll give my input of what I've played of it so far. Art is good, humor is on point, absolutely hilarious. Can't speak on the music or sfx since I can't hear them. Menus are fine.

For more mechanical stuff, it works on Windows XP with One-Core API, but it has no sound and I can't exit without using task manager. I tried it on my W7 netbook, but I wasn't able to get it to work with MESA (which I use due to the gpu's lack of OpenGL 3 support). Those problems probably aren't on your end, but I figured I'd share them anyways in case any other luddites want to play your game. It runs great on my 3 GHZ Pentium 4 and 256 MB Geforce 8400 GS system (sound issues not withstanding) so you've done a great job with optimization.

Great game overall. I'll check back in when I've done more testing.
>>dashing happens when you let go of Z, tripped me up for a few turns. maybe a small indicator when first pressing Z to let the player know that the dash is charged and to indicate it happens on letting go?
Personally I find it more comfortable to have the dash happen on release but I can see how it can easily cause confusion, there is actually no charge time but there is an small cooldown on the dash after using it, maybe I should change the button prompt that appears when you unlock the dash?
>as for the text, i'm noticing the same errors when i was struggling to fix it for DRY2, like the L in val having some gray pixels or the end pixels of certain letters looking too short.
I looked into the import setting on the fonts used and seems like turning the antialiasing off on all the fonts fixed the problem? At least the L in "VAL" no longer has those grey pixels
>turning subpixel positioning off might fix the few remaining errors? unless thats already off then you'll just have to tinker with the options a bit, cant seem to find anything else that'd relate to filtering.
Subpixel positioning is turned off by default but thanks for the advice, the antialiasing options where on the same place, on that note I changed the oversampling of all fonts from 10 (the max) to 9, for some reason the last letter in some of the battle buttons where not showing up, with 9 oversampling it seems like the fonts still look as intended and they don't have this problem, hopefully this should fix most of the issues with the fonts
>the energy icon in actions/items displays the to-be-drained energy as a dull red from the top down, rest of the meter is white.
>previewing a regular attack would display half the meter as dull red, while superplex would be completely red.
I'll consider it, but I really should just put a how to play section related to this mechanic to avoid any posible confusion
Anyways thanks for playing DRYanon2, I can't wait for your take on Deltarune Yellow
>Oh yeah, there's one more thing I forgot to mention. I think the text speed is too slow. Try comparing it with Undertale's most common speed and go from there. but remember that Undertale also often pauses or slows down during dialogue, timing is often part of the writing too.
Alright I'll look into it, Zaer actually talks slower before the real battle begins, but I'll try increasing his text speech during the real battle
The text in descriptions dies seems to be slower than base Undertale
Man, for some reason that pic feels really cursed, its been a long time since I used windows XP, and seeing my project running on it almost feels photoshopped
>Art is good
Really? I did what I could and most of the UI was meant to be a placeholder, but then again it was probably the same with Undertale and Toby Fox
>humor is on point
Thats unexpected, thanks I was worried the jokes would fall flat

>and I can't exit without using task manager
The "quitting..." Label doesn't appear on the top left corner when you hold the ESC key? I don't see why quitting of all things wouldn't work on your end
>Those problems probably aren't on your end, but I figured I'd share them anyways in case any other luddites want to play your game
I could always try making a browser version, some of the visual features might break, but it should run on any device that can open a modern browser
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>and seeing my project running on it almost feels photoshopped
Believe me now?
Yeah. Its not technically impressive, but its charming and fits the Undertale style well.
>Thats unexpected, thanks I was worried the jokes would fall flat
I don't know why, you had me laughing my ass off within the first 30 seconds. Just the contents of his pockets was enough. The fact that he knocked some poor monster's teeth out and was carrying them around in his pocket like an ork was funny enough, then "power is stored in the teeth" just sent me.
>The "quitting..." Label doesn't appear on the top left corner when you hold the ESC key?
I didn't realize that was there. I was referring to the exit button on the menu. I think quitting with esc takes longer than it does in vanilla UT.
>I could always try making a browser version, some of the visual features might break, but it should run on any device that can open a modern browser
Browser based games (unless they're java or flash) run like shit on legacy systems. I'd probably get better performance in a VM than I would in browser. If you're gonna do ports, I'd say focus on Linux and Android since Linux has good legacy hardware support and everybody has a phone.

I do have one complaint about the game. Could you please add an option to turn off that fullscreen border? I use a 4:3 monitor and I don't like having a big wrap around border taking up half the screen when I could be using the whole screen at native aspect ratio. It feels like I'm playing doom on an underspeced 90s pc.
Another thing, if you pick an option like items or act then go back to the main battle menu, the flavor text gets rolled again. Just pointing it out because usually that's not how Undertale does it.
>Believe me now?
Its not that I didn't belive in it, its just that its odd seeing a "modern" game on an old OS
>I didn't realize that was there. I was referring to the exit button on the menu
There is a very high chance that I might have forgotten to actually attach any function to that button
>I think quitting with esc takes longer than it does in vanilla UT.
It probably does
>If you're gonna do ports, I'd say focus on Linux and Android since Linux has good legacy hardware support and everybody has a phone.
Making ports to linux is super easy with Godot so I might just do that in the next update, as for android ports, they are a real pain to set up the first time, but I already made an android port of my previous project (a recreation of the UT battle system), the only real problem now is that I have to code the touchscreen buttons for the mobile port
>I do have one complaint about the game. Could you please add an option to turn off that fullscreen border? I use a 4:3 monitor and I don't like having a big wrap around border taking up half the screen when I could be using the whole screen at native aspect ratio
Okay, should be pretty easy to do, I will probably bind F3 to a border/borderless toggle, I never expected anyone with a 4:3 monitor to play this prototype
>Another thing, if you pick an option like items or act then go back to the main battle menu, the flavor text gets rolled again. Just pointing it out because usually that's not how Undertale does it.
I did it like that because it was easier and I got so used to it that I had forgotten how jarring it is compared to regular undertale, I'll try to change it
>the only real problem now is that I have to code the touchscreen buttons for the mobile port
Could you just code it to use an actual controller? I figure you'd probably need to add controller support at some point anyways since arrow keys are such an awkward way to control the game.
>I never expected anyone with a 4:3 monitor to play this prototype
Out of all the components of my unusual setup, the monitor is the least unusual. A lot of people do still use 4:3 monitors, some people are very adamant about the picture on high end CRTs being better than LCDs.
>Could you just code it to use an actual controller?
It does have controller support, at least last time that I checked, I don't think I broke anything related to it in my last few updates, I think I only need to map a few actions if it doesn't already wich should be extremely easy, let me check tomorrow
>I figure you'd probably need to add controller support at some point anyways since arrow keys are such an awkward way to control the game.
Arrows are awkward? Pretty sure thats how most people play UT, at least that how I did, but I might not be the best example since I usually play anything with mouse + keyboard, only exception being (some) emulated games
I might be the exception, but I really struggle to play UT with keyboard. I couldn't even beat Deltarune without a controller. This is made even worse by the fact that I use a media center keyboard with those tiny half height arrow keys.
Its easier for me to.play undertale with arrow keys than anything else
Alright Naranjanon here again with another update for the prototype
the changes include
>Borders can now be turned off by pressing F3
>The exit button on the main menu now actually works
>Fixed some typos (I still haven't made a full check on the grammar of the project)
>controller support added, the buttons are the same as the defaults on the UT console ports
>quitting now takes less time
>Turn cost can be previewed more clearly now, following the suggestion from DRYanon2
>Text speed increased
>The scroll speed between battle options has been limited now it should be more in line with Undertale
> this issue >>3651935 has been fixed now the flavor text should remain the same
I did very minimal testing but I did manage to beat the battle with all the new changes and using a controller so hopefully there are no bugs or crashes that I somehow missed
Anyways here are the links

https://litter.catbox.moe/sagq6m.rar (windows 64 and 32 bits)
https://litter.catbox.moe/6pcpio.rar (linux 64 and 32 bits) (I have no idea if this export actually works)
The 32-bit Windows version seems to work. The f3 function works fine, and I haven't found any bugs yet. Still can't test the 64-bit version.

I tried the Linux version but it wouldn't start. Said something about not having permissions. I don't know much about linux, besides the fact executables usually don't need permissions to run.

I do think I found a solution to the no sound issue. Unfortunately it might require a lot of work on your end. The problem is with WASAPI, either that XP's version is too old or that it simply doesn't have it. The solution is to change the audio driver. Godot can't do this by default, however I've found a module that does allow you to use different audio drivers. https://github.com/sebastian-heinz/portaudio . It does look like it requires some knowledge of C++ and a decent amount of work to setup, and I don't know if you'd be willing to do that, but I figured I'd share it anyways.
>I tried the Linux version but it wouldn't start. Said something about not having permissions. I don't know much about linux, besides the fact executables usually don't need permissions to run.
Might be a problem from me because I was in a hurry so I pretty much used the most basic and default settings when exporting the project to Linux, tomorrow I'll study the exporting process better and see what I can do about it, I know there are other linux binaries besides the x86_64/32 that I used
>I do think I found a solution to the no sound issue. Unfortunately it might require a lot of work on your end. The problem is with WASAPI, either that XP's version is too old or that it simply doesn't have it. The solution is to change the audio driver. Godot can't do this by default, however I've found a module that does allow you to use different audio drivers. https://github.com/sebastian-heinz/portaudio . It does look like it requires some knowledge of C++ and a decent amount of work to setup, and I don't know if you'd be willing to do that, but I figured I'd share it anyways.
I've read the github page and it does seems like a pretty advanced solution, it requires rebuilding the engine and experience with C++ (a language that I have never used before), after installing the module it seems that the AudioManager plugin that I use would need to be refactored too to work with the module, same for all the audio nodes in the project... I'll keep it in mind if all the other alternatives fail, for now I'll try to see if there are other ways to fix the audio on win XP and focus on exporting the project to the different linux architectures, I think I'll make an android port too, should be ready by tomorrow but I can't say that it will be comfortable to play or well optimized
That's fair, I didn't really expect you to rework a massive chunk of the game just so I can get the game running on my janky setup. Compiling an x86 binary is one thing, its easy to do and there are plenty of 32-bit systems still out there (mostly netbooks and windows tablets), but something like that is a different animal entirely. I'm just happy you're even trying to make it work. Most devs would hear "Windows XP" and tell me to go pound sand.

>for now I'll try to see if there are other ways to fix the audio on win XP
I'll be happy to help any way I can. In my research I found that something called "exclusive mode" was introduced to wasapi in Windows Vista, which might be the place to start looking. I should also clarify that I'm not using stock XP, I'm using it with a kernel extension/compatibility layer called One-Core-Api. It mainly adds new DLLs, changes things like the branding system, and wraps Directx 11 calls to OpenGL.

>focus on exporting the project to the different linux architectures
Do you mean different distros, or CPU architectures?
>Do you mean different distros, or CPU architectures?
Cpu architecures I suppose, I tried searching for an example of the linux export options but I can't find one, there is a section called "Architecture" where you can chose different types of binaries, among the options there are x86 and arm64 and others, I'm not at my pc right now so I can't show you the full list, there where other options too that might be related to that permissions problem you had
I procrastinated too much today and I didn't manage to make that many changes to the Prototype
Still I fixed one bug that I didn't detect in the previous version where the game crashed if you retried the figth after reaching the checkpoint
I also made an android port, it has some issues mainly the controls wich are uncomfortable, I tried to beat the fight but its much harder with the touchscreen than with keybord, also it has both a touchscreen "d-pad" and a "joystick" since I couldn't find a way to make the stick work with the menus, the d-pad work as intended but the stick only works for moving the soul
In theory it should be compatible with controllers since it has the same input scripts as the pc version, but I don't have an android compatible gamepad so I can't be sure
another issue are the colors, some of them are darker than they should, and the "loading screens" take several seconds when they should be nearly instantaneous
Other than that it seems to work the same as the pc version
for the Linux port, there are two new binaries with the arm architecture, I don't think that would change anything but its worth a try, I also turned off the "Embedded resources" option from the linux ports, wich means that the assets and the binaries are two separates files now, hopefully this will help with the permissions issues
As for the windows xp compatibility, I didn't do much research today, so I can't add anything on that front

The links:
https://litter.catbox.moe/mm06ng.rar (windows)
https://litter.catbox.moe/r5w5eb.rar (linux)
https://litter.catbox.moe/wz20zb.rar (android apk)
The controls are garbage on mobile wtf
Yeah, Calling them uncomfortable was an understantment, I think I figured out how to make the virtual joystick work with the menus and how to put the buttons outside the borders of the game
I really should stop uploading shit as soon as I think its done
The battle is hard as balls for no reason with these controls, you might want to make it work better
Hard Mode Anon checking in. I didn't die.

I feel 99% normal right now, or maybe i'm just used to my new state of mind, my condition has been fluctuating by the day so I might feel like death tomorrow, hard to say. I also just spent a week off of 4chan and I think that helped me recover. Hopefully I will be able to finish my stuff up before the 1 year anniversary.

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