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has anyone here played the okegom games? (wadanohara and the great blue sea, the gray garden, mogeko castle, etc)
>walking simulators
>minimal gameplay, if any
you didn't "play" the games.
yeah gameplay definitely could be improved but i liked the character designs a lot
Shittttt I played them when I was tiny I just fucking remembered this shit, thanks anon!
wadanohara is definitely worth replaying
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the eternal wait continues. idk how much longer i can hold on bros
It was kind of funny playing Mogeko Castle shortly after 7th Stand User, since they use some of the same music.
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She peaked with Mogeko Castle
General Hashasky's Great Adventure never ever
Yeah, there’s a lot of pedophiles here.
There's a browser version of Wadanohara if someone wants to try but is too lazy to download it: https://makerburns.github.io/Wadanohara-Web-Player/
i killed some seagulls and this does not seem very good. last time i ever listen to someone recommending an rpg maker game
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Funamusea died the moment she decided to become youtuber.
Now all she does is v-tube-sonas and commissions.
R.I.P. General Hashasky's Great Adventure
R.I.P. Carnival Rhythm
R.I.P. The End of the Wonderland
R.I.P. the rest of Obsolete Dream
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Last I heard, the dev got into some controversy and it was unclear whether any new games would be made.
A shame. I used to play them with my sis back in the day and voice act the dialogue. That one scene in Wadanohara was rough for me she found it funny.
I once played Watgbs and The gray garden, never finished them because I wasn't that good with RPGs. Though I really like Funamusea's work all she does now are commissions
Has the Sharty harassment campaign died?
/raid/ lost and got raped btw
I played Wadanohara and TGG.
TGG was trash but I liked Wadanohara.
Though all I remember is the loli rape scene, those bloody delusions and Mikotsu (and how much I wanted to become her new daddy and give her a good dicking)
watched manly play them
wasn't that controversy a long time ago
she's not working on hashasky because russia ukraine war rn
I don't think Deep Sea Prisoner even works on her games
Yes and they are dogshit. I suppose some teenagers like them because they're edgy and pretentious.
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I actually really liked the gameplay in The Gray Garden. The world is more open than usual and the game tells you where to go and trusts you to find your way there and remember why. And the openness is filled with fun stuff to interact with, so you can wander and be entertained until you decide to proceed. Acting elitist about turn-based RPGmaker combat is pretty cringe.

Going through the Wadanohara remake now with the english patch. I always though a game more focused on the boat sections and vibe would be really cool. The mirrors that mark her journey are really great.

I don't understand why someone would go after funamusea. I feel more alien to modern culture by the day. I wish she'd just make more games.
I've only played wadanohara and it was shit. Are the others any better?
That depends, what freeware RPGMaker games do you like?
IMHO Grey garden is better than Wadanohara.
If you haven't already you should play the Towelket games. Very similar simple rpgmaker gameplay to Wadanohara and sovlfvl stories. And there's over a dozen of them out there.
I was reading the WATGBS translation notes and I kept getting dead links to these character pages or refs/notes whatever. Are these archived anywhere or able to be found on the artists website? I would like to see more trivia of the characters.
half the storage space in all of them is the characters going

Towelket is a different category though, wadanohara is for entrylevel LGBT trannies, towelket is for jaded rpgmaker veteran pedos
I agree, although now I'm thinking back I don't really remember why I was so underwhelmed by Wadanohara.
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Jesus christ this is terrible. This is the kind of garbage you idiots spam threads all day for?
Yeah. This is the exact crap that has given rpgmaker a bad reputation.
I agree with anon that they're walking simulators but I like funamusea's art a lot so the games are fun
It's just been announced that she won't be making any games anymore, btw.
>schizo's gonna stay true to his word

I mean, it took her 7 years to make her last game, and it's been 4 years since then. Compared to how she released a game every year or so back in the beginning of the last decade. I'm not exactly surprised that she's giving up since she seems to struggle so much now.
She hit the wall, menopause is getting to her
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Allegedly her output dropped because she went into financial trouble from too many concurrent and incomplete projects, so the dumb bitch simply mismanaged her commitments and burnt herself out.
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>• Game production has ceased indefinitely
>• i will only make drawings for now on •accepting suggestions
>• i will retire from Ci-en
Depressing, but I guess these games wouldn't be able to stand up in modern day given how obsessed she is with the villains being rapists. That's not a complaint from me, I'm just surprised the tumblr fans let it fly until she decided to actually draw it and not imply it.
That's really sad, especially since their work was one of the many reasons I've been inspired/fantasized about making my own rpg maker games
Her mistake was interacting with gaijins, and it's not like many women don't have rape fetishes like herself, and nobody complains about otome games.
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Anyone here play Jishogi? It seems like kino.
Why can't women freely express their rape fantasies? Am I more of a feminist than an average femoid?
All I know is that it was from /agdg/ and the dev sent it to Manlybadasshero to do a playthrough/review which he did only years after he was requested.
Tbf she has explained she's going thru financial trouble n she'd trying to help pay off her family debts n support her sister n mother so she decided to focus more on commissions but she is working on her projects but not as frequently it is kind of disappointing to see her announce new games n Mangas but not release them but i can she is trying if you're upset with it maybe move on to smth different there are a lot of cool vns similar to hers but do wtv u want!
What the hell is this... Why are you here? Nobody who writes like this should be on 4chan. Are you fucking with us? Is this bait?
Wada is overrated. Witch's House is the better 2003 rpg
Neither of them are made with 2003. Wadanohara is Wolf RPG, and Witch's House is RPG Maker VX. The remake is in MV however.
Some western trannies got mad about art the dev drew and acted like standard western trannies about it.
And why did she have to stop making games?
Wada is 2000 rpgmaker.
Where do I download Wadanohara's Reboot?
Hard mode: somewhere that doesn't require me to sign up
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What a shame. Say what you want about the actual quality of her games, but her impact on the indie rpg maker sphere cannot be denied. She stands alongside Mad Father, Witch's House and OFF as the classics.
There's still time. I can fix it.
I'm so pissed off at this bitch for wasting 10 years of people's good wills just to stop all game production forever. Oh, excuse me, "temporarily".
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I wanted this shit so bad bros
Is there any way to see the pics in the following links without having to sign up?


>nobody complains about otome games
We get like no good dark Otomes in the West due to people bitching actually. Entire companies like Rejet just refuse to translate theirs or engage with American retard audiences.
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I unironically liked funamusea's games even though sometimes the rape stuff was a bit too much on the nose for my taste. I loved Wadanohara, loved the characters, the pretty locations, although I wish the fighting combat was a bit more complex.
One RPG game I always replay over and over because I love how you can explore around the world and things start to change as time goes by is End Roll. A mogeko/funamusea game with the detail and the sidetracking and worldbuilding that Segawa's games have would be fucking amazing for me.

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