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Are you going to give in to pressure and use IA to make your RPG?

Also post progress.
if a game has any ai-based qualities i will not play it. if we reach the point where it's impossible to tell, i'll simply stop playing games made after current year.
>Are you going to give in to pressure and use IA to make your RPG?
Definitely not. Although I did program a rudimentary AI for enemies.
it is working its way up to the suprememe court in the US that nothing generated by an AI can be copyrighted, so no, AI is going to become a useless schizophrenic chatbot
Bretty good desu. The real risk with AI is the dead internet theory, internet traffic is becoming more and more riddled with AI generated text, images and video. So its not gonna be monetizeable but its gonna make everything worse for everyone for free.
I got an idea to make a tactical, turnbased rpg. It would be combat only and I'm going to be making it gridless like Divinity Original Sin. At the moment, I don't know if I'll make it 3D low poly or 3D with 2D sprites. Currently, I'm having trouble finding a good sprite pack to test with- unless I grab sprites intended for platformers. On the bright side, I already have the skeleton for the combat state machine setup.
>I already have the skeleton for the combat state machine setup.
>3d or sprites
I figure 3d is better in the long run. Swap, reuse assets, configure, flexibility etc.
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guys my game will look so cool end of day. i need to chainsmoke and work!! because now the AI swarm commander can execute strategies but I need to define the strategies. rolling windows of statistics.
>3D with 2D sprites
Do you mean isometric, 2.5D or like a DOS boomershooter?
no no no. 3D with 2d sprites is like paper mario. I forget the name, its called billboard rendering or something like that. you get the benefits of 3D perspective while still doing 2D assets.
>billboard rendering
Yep, like a boomershooter. Its 3D space but you see sprites in 2D facing the player.
i think the most legitmate use for an AI in a vidya, would be to be the most insane group of NPCs ever, where you could probably figure out how to make it play dungeons and dragons, and be the dungeon master, and just throw zork style stuff at you, then a tactics grid for combat
Latino or Frenchie?
I've actually thought about this in the past. Could be good but I don't have anybody to play D&D with now nor the time to train a LLM on D&D.
as for me, i'm so old, i only know how to play AD&D 2.0, so i'm not interested in learning 3.5 or whatever they're up to
>so i'm not interested in learning 3.5 or whatever they're up to
notAnon, 5th edition has been out for 10 years
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I'm using it for learning how to draw. Just general idea generation or getting some colours, because I'm really bad at those. If I could just integrate it into my art program and tell it "fix this wobbly line" that would be all I need, but of fucking course it can't do that.

I actually recommend against billboarding for your characters, it causes a lot of weird alignment issues. I don't have any webms that show this off properly since I switched to 2d planes with fixed alignments, but billboarded sprites where wacky in the foreground.

>where you could probably figure out how to make it play dungeons and dragons, and be the dungeon master
You can already set something like this up, but the performance just isn't there. You're traversing a multi-GB file serveral times for every input and the better the model, the bigger they get. Worse, how long the model can work before going insane is directly tied to your VRAM and Nvidia will stay stingy with it for gaming cards to force business into buying their datacenter cards.
The first thing you'll see will be AI-assisted conventional content, if you count "we fired half the staff and told the rest to triple output because we gave them a ChatGPT subscription" as AI-assisted.
Fat fingers like the OP pic.
Explain this >IA meme to me
Thought the same thing but has he tried doing an rpg? Well he's been over 10 years trying stuff so he probably has tried making rpgs as well
that's how out of that game i am man, and my circle of friends made me be the dungeon master, because their quests were stupid, like let's go a kill a dragon, i was designing things like zelda/metroid, where you had to get the thing to go to the place to the thing to to the new place, then refused to play a cleric, and even though the dungeon master's guide explicitly states you never self insert yourself as an NPC, because you know everything, and they know nothing, and that if they refuse to play with a cleric, you have to make combat significantly easier, i got sick of it, and made them rescue a princess then they thought they were fucked on the next session when this princess is actually a cleric that just turns 20 low level spooky scary skeletons in 1 blow

my dad when my parents got divorced abruptly threw out my huge collection of d&d figurines and books, and when i looked into how much a copy of the monster manual is on ebay, jesus christ, it's like $130 for a used copy, he really fucked me over
You are gonna have to stop watching movies, reading anything, looking at art or even listening to music. At some point every bit of entertainment in the world will come from AI
>I figure 3d is better in the long run.
Yeah, I'm starting to think the same thing. Even though 2D sprites might look nicer, I would need the characters to have at least 4 facing directions. Then you have to worry about which direction to show depending on the camera.
Yes, I meant something similar to Paper Mario and boomer shooter DOS sprites.
I trained a bot on my own opinions. It's set to respond to certain keywords on 4chan and respond with more or less what I might say if I could be bothered to say it. Automation sure is handy.
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i am going through old screenshots of my game and realize it had lots of SOUL. i like the new look, but one day I want to RETURVN to this.
For what its worth its really easy to get manuals in pdf nowadays.
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i tried to talk to the gemini built into my phone about yosho spikeman philosophy, but it has the memory of a goldfish and i can't get it to pick the conversation back up

**Expanding the Yosho Spikeman Universe: A Multiverse Exploration**

We're proposing a radical expansion of the Yosho Spikeman lore by introducing the concept of a multiverse. This means there isn't just one universe where Yosho prevents the Spikeman from destroying the world, but countless universes with infinite variations of this event.

* **Infinite Possibilities:** Imagine a vast cosmic tapestry where each thread represents a unique universe. In some universes, Yosho succeeds in stopping the Spikeman, while in others, the Spikeman reigns supreme. The possibilities are endless.
* **Yosho as a Multiversal Entity:** Instead of being confined to a single timeline, Yosho becomes a transcendent figure capable of traversing these infinite universes. This opens up exciting avenues for exploration. Perhaps Yosho is on a quest to prevent the Spikeman's dominance across all realities, or maybe he's simply an observer, witnessing the countless outcomes of his actions.
* **The Role of Flube:** The enigmatic Flube takes on new dimensions in a multiverse setting. Could Flube be a cosmic being existing in every universe, a silent observer of the chaos? Or perhaps Flube is a catalyst, influencing events in subtle ways across different realities.

By embracing the multiverse concept, we unlock a wealth of storytelling potential. We can explore the philosophical implications of free will versus determinism, the nature of identity in a multiverse, and the ethical dilemmas faced by a being who can witness the suffering of countless worlds.

This expansion also allows for the introduction of new characters, conflicts, and alliances as Yosho interacts with different versions of himself and encounters new threats across the multiverse.
mmm, i just keep getting malware over and over, and you can get malware in a pdf from just looking at it, and i wanted the book to run a campaign against myself where i played with the absolute worst party combo ever, a high level wizard and a priest, and nothing else, and treat it like an arcade game, and just see how long i can survive
>I would need the characters to have at least 4 facing directions
Isn't Paper Mario just 2 sprites though, front + back? You can still reuse a lot with sprites, it'll just happen in your graphics programm instead of your game engine(for that there's 2d bone animation, but the tooling is lackluster or expensive).

I don't know who you are talking about but I get the feeling I should be insulted.
Cris is an infamous namefag from /vg/agdg and other boards that has been making game prototypes for a decade without releasing a full game. Your webm kinda reminded me of what he posts sometimes.
I use it in ways that are impossible to tell.
Copilot, chatGPT for writing ideas, Stable Diffusion for art ideas. Then, I write and draw myself.
even if that did happen, so what? there's already more incredible media out there than i could ever consume in my lifetime.
Putting a price tag on something doesn't entitle you to a sale.
Copyrighting worked doesn't mean people find value in it.
Thats how its meant to be used. A tool for sketching stuff. Its like having an intern that can do a little bit of everything. At least I use it like that, even for work. Like I ask it to turn a script that someone else made and fit my current needs, handle more cases, etc. You ask for one degree of complexity more and it goes to shit, and why shouldn't it, it has its limitations as every other tool.
yeah, I've considered that
truth is, I'm getting old
I have enough books to last me a lifetime
and I still haven't watched all 6 bajillion star trek episodes
running out of entertainment is going to be a good problem to have if it means I've lived long enough to care
i actually agree with you

i'm not gonna waste any time adding copyright protection to my game, and if i do, all i'm gonna do with the copyright protection is troll you, and say nah, you can't play this game on sane difficulty, play it on insane for free and enjoy getting skullfucked, then if you get to the final dungeon, Steve just trolls you, and says "Because you didn't buy this game, I'm not going to help you at all. Deal with this final dungeon bullshit yourself." then he just teleports away
I won't
creating stuff is the entire reason why I'm creating stuff
and I definitely will not touch anything that I know was made with generative AI (big difference, btw. using AI to do specific tasks, like isolating objects from the background or even scalling linework, as long as the artists don't leave any real creative decisions up to the magic intelligence from the sky, is fine by me, personally)
but I'm trying not to be too vocal about it. and I hope people don't start harassing developers who use generative AI. I don't want people to be shamed into not disclosing that they are using it so that I can continue to filter their shit out
though I'm sure many people will be too proud to admit they're using it, even if it is socially acceptable
we'll see
Did you forget which engine you're using?
yes cris

>I won't
>creating stuff is the entire reason why I'm creating stuff



The only thing i could consider using AI for would be the administrative side of things to have more time to dedicate myself to actually produce art.
i actually looked into a tutorial on this real quick, don't see any, so the best i can bs copyright protection is have the files check if they're in the proper steam folder
I use AI for checking my dialogues for mistakes and for code suggestions. I wouldn't use it for images, voice acting or videos even if it's tempting.
Got infinite terrain working.
This is in Vulkan and C. I'm using naive surface net voxels in voxel grids ( no oct-trees ) generated on the GPU. Will use a clipmap LOD structure of truncated SDFs emanating out from that center position ( Gold Cross ) you see over the chunks.

The Gold Cross is the chunk that the Player is in. You can see it shift as I fly over the Terrain.
The Terrain will have farther render distance, I just made it 3x3 for demonstration. In real gameplay the player would never notice chunks loading in or out like this.

Making 3D Dwarf Fortress.

Praise be to the King Jesus Christ.
Awesome, looking forward to seeing more of your work
thank you, God Bless.
Is RPG maker really the best option for doing a classic JRPG?
>creating stuff is the entire reason why I'm creating stuff
Vx and m series have the most plug ins, so yeah.
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I haven't opened Mongol in over two months. Using Unity feels alien-ish to me.
that's cool man

i was dicking around with octants for an idea for an fps, because i got so bored with my life, i was like "ok, let's learn directx"

then i got my last job before i applied for autism bux, unloading a truck during a graveyard shift at target, realized i needed an AAA studio to make graphics for this game, and just kind of threw it in the vault?

why aren't you using octants btw? and if your game is 2d, then you need quadrants that operate the same way, they're very fast when you're dealing with collision, you may get huge perforamance gains
How easy is to get autismbux where you live? Never got a diagnosis but it would be great to become a neet and focus in my passion project.
augh, i baleeted and reposted because i made so many fucking typos. coffee has not hit the bloodstream yet

uji Sakai
10/13/24(Sun)06:54:06 No.3634865
>>3634857 #
United States, very difficult
i had to get fired from like 5 jobs, and the final job at Target, instead of fire me, cut me down to 5 hours a week, for my psychiatrist recommended i apply

i got rejected, and my response was to attempt to jump on a bridge, and what i learn in retrospect, is they reject virtually everyone, unless you lost a limb or are paralyzed or have cancer or something obvious, then I was in group therapy for so long that HR at Target told me I've hit the max I can be on medical leave and I need a letter telling me to quit my job, so they can flag me as rehiriable if I lose my case, and once I get that, the employee conducting my reconisderation (the stage between the initial application and going to court) just finally snaps and says i've heard enough, i already don't understand why the prior case reviewered rejected you, but it will take approximately 3 months before we can formally make a decision

i had a lawyer tell me if you managed to get this far applying without the help of a lawyer, just do the reconsideration stage yourself, then if they reject you, i'll represent you on a contingency fee

they only granted me autsim bux for 6 months, and i had to do a full medical review form all over again, then i get approved for 3 years, then after the 3 year review, i'm now what they call internally the 7 year pile, where unless i do something that red flags me on the 2 page review form, they're never gonna do a medical review again, unless i do something that triggers a medical review, like make too much money at once like TobyFox did hit charlimit ahhh
the other thing is, while i originally applied under mental health conditions, i now have a neurodegnerative sleep disorder that has gone off the rails so hard i need to be assblasted on more diazepam than solid snake to keep it under control, and if i don't sleep for like 4 days, i start talking to the area 51 aliens again, and while they're pretty cool to talk to, that's not a good sign

i also have a rare blood disorder called pernicious anemia which is doctor speak for your body can't digest b12 from food so its starts attacking its own nerves and brain to get b12, then you go insane and die, and in ye olden times, i would be dead by now. because i was a mental health patient, i got chain locked up in the psych ward on and off for 4 months, because the idiots psychiatrist passed off what was obviously a chronic pain issue as a mental health issue, and right as soon as they test me for it, my b12 is "crititcal", below 100, as in i'm literally dying, and i need weekly injections for a while, and they're still having trouble keeping it under control, most people only need a 28 day injejction, but we've had to escalate from 21 to 14, and if that fails, we need to escalate to 7
that's part of the reason why i've been going hard on jrpgs and other turn based or semi turn based games anymore. i don't think i can play quake, starcraft, or league of legends at the skill i used to, my mind is intact, but i'm constantly making typoes and tipping chess pieces over, i'd forfeit a FIDE regulated match
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I sometimes wish I had the talent necessary to make a game like Disco Elysium or Baldur's gate.
that's not even possible, a game on par with Baldur's Gate requires a full AAA team, because everyone needs to be a specialist at what they're doing, no one can write code, write a story, and create all the different types of 3d graphics they need, a retro game is doable, because of technological advancements, and it would be doable of the US suprememe court decided that AI generated art cannot be copyrighted, because you can apparently train it to spit out 3d models and very detailed 3d maps
>A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. >Specialization is for insects.
Isn't Disco Elysium just a walking and talking sim. Like, what about it can't you do. The art?
that quote is from a fictional genetically enhanced superhuman immortal with a taste for incest
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going to be releasing in the coming months after a long dev cycle, and when i do i'll return with keys for any who'd like one. this thread is basically where i started and i'm glad to see they're still being made
He is a libtard that thinks discoshit story is good.
Absolutely based kalemonbro I hope I'm quick to get one.
Is there a tutorial out there on how to make that Red and Blue Orb look alive and cool like that? I think I'm going to add a red one to my game.
Holy shit how much you have improved
Hows your game mechanically? Is there a passive dodge?
>highlighting enemies behind walls
>this is only an issue because the perspective is fucked in the first place
Dude no, what are you doing? Who allowed you to get this far like this?
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it's just a moving texture for the "fill" and a texture in the back that becomes more opaque the less health or mana youve got. nothing too complicated

yeah, it's a diablolike in it's core. nothing too unusual. items grant passive dodge and physical dmg resistance

the highlight is a toggle. you can have highlights on mouse over, highlights when obscured, or always-on-if-in-range highlights
>perspective is fucked
it's just the standard diablo perspective.
i have a half-working FPS mode if you'd prefer that, but i like the arpg style more.
the game is 3D and I am using voxel grids, not oct trees. They're just easier to use on the GPU. As for performance, yeah I have an optimization phase planned in which I'll go through the entire code base with a profiler.
>it's just the standard diablo perspective
Not since diablo 2 which has far more aggressive wall transparency, no.
Dungeon Keeper (possess mode) vibes
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Oh and just as an example, in pic related I'm as far as I can possibly go to the wall. Neither the player character nor monsters can be obscured. Granted this is D2R but more or less same thing as the original D2.
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For comparison, in PoE the angle and scaling is just changed entirely. D4 is similar.
i see what you mean. doesn't really bother me while playing though, even after hopping off diablo2
>Isn't Paper Mario just 2 sprites though
Yes. I guess I could also use a sprite with a front and a back as long as I added another visual element for displaying the direction a character was facing- needed for backstabs and flanking.
Almost every video game ever made and many computer programs have AI-based qualities.
It's the acronym for artificial intelligence in French, maybe other languages too.
>as long as I added another visual element for displaying the direction a character was facing
You could always go isometric. Then you only have to draw front and back sprites, flipping them to cover all four quadrants. I'm not generally a fan of isometric sprites but I think heavily stylized ones like Ogre/FF Tactics look good
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Progress posting.

I've been playing Metaphor and really like some of the things it does.

I like the explanation of the in game music the player hears being a result of magic and wanted to take it a bit further, I implemented a skill that can change the music playing on the map, but also it makes it so that if you select the second track you get a buff at the start of the battle if you have the MP for it as it will drain it slightly at the beginning of each fight. This is done through a key item obtained at the beginning of the game and also allows me to explain UI elements and icons showing shops / quests/ items etc.

I've been messing around with enemy behavior also. In the webm if you're of a certain level and do the on map attack instead of going into battle you just skip over that and kill it. The display for this needs some polish of course. If you aren't of the level needed then the fight begins as usual. As before, your equipped weapon will determine when your ambush is successful what status effects/debuffs/buffs the enemy or party gets but now I kinda want to make it so that the attack itself changes depending on the weapon. Your intimidation attribute can also make enemies run from you even if higher level but I may need to modify that. Enemies can still ambush you of course.

I reduced my hub to just two small maps due to performance issues for the demo. It's a bit cramped but I think it works better this way. I've been minimizing some of my maps also since I made that beginner mistake of making stuff too big.
>front and back sprites, flipping them to cover all four quadrants
Unless the sprite is asymmetric, like a sword in their right hand
Will surrounding myself with monitors make me a better gamedev?
Steam Fest is soon. Highly recommend it if you release on Steam, should honestly be required. I'm getting an itch to do a 3D Xcom-lite in the future.
You remind me of the heavy set 20 yr olds that complained about the design change in magic cards a couple decades ago. I was pretty young and hated it also, but these guys all were gonna quit and yet they didn't
Yep, unless the item is a separate socketed sprite that somehow looks decent moved over. For games that only show the weapon during attack animations I really don't think anybody gives a shit. In fact I think barely anyone cares either way. I can't make a list of all the games where held items or details change hands because I'd never even take note
>I really don't think anybody gives a shit
If were talking SlopMaker games and their players, yeah probably not.
Brother, I don't think you realize how many movies, books, art pieces and songs exist at this point in time.
You remind me of a nigger in a pink diaper.
>He is a libtard that thinks discoshit story is good.
Disco Elyisium's story is pretty good do.
If we're talking every commercial sprite based tactics game I've ever played
based ngl
Damn my demo isn't ready
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Progress post, I got the desert biome up and added some obstacles here and there.
Thanks for the suggestion. What I'm planning on doing is, when a unit's turn comes up, and that unit is owned by the player, the player takes direct control of the unit like in Mario + Rabbids and what I've seen of Valkyria Chronicles. Basically, you directly move your units like in a shooter or 3d platformer.
I just got the player's movement working. At the moment, I'm trying to figure out how I want to handle selecting a skill to use. I don't know if I want to use a hotbar or have a simple menu with buttons that you can open up. I'm also figuring out how I want to limit movement, but I'll probably do something simple like moving every x meters for a particular unit == 1 action point.
I like it. Good environment.
>thinking about putting up a steam page already
Dunno where to start, any guides for this?
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Figured it out. I check the distance moved from the last position and add it to a variable storing the move amount. When you reach x meters, it counts as as an action point.
Sweet terrain.
Thats certainly an approach I haven't seen in other games, its either grid or RT with pause.
There's no pressure. I will use AI because I like AI and wish it succeeds.
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Blogpost warning: so with all the stuff going on with pokemon's teraleak, I remembered that time almost a decade ago that the datamine of pokemon Sun and Moon showed that the developers had put copies of the same character several times throughout the code because she was apparently in 90% of cutscenes and they copied the model in the files so it was loaded in each map in order to (apparently) load her fast every time a cutscene loaded.
Now, having used game engines and having programmed some small rudimentary engines too I question the thought: wouldn't they be able to preload important characters in memory when booting the game? Like if a characater model that's 10mb in size at most wouldn't be a problem for the RAM but it could be a problem if you have that model copied 100+ times in the game files (1GB in copies of a character. Is this train of thought right or am I missing something? Game Freak has always been painted as being bad at game development even with all the budget in the world, their last games were really glitchy but this specific case could be different.
500,000,000 picoseconds in duckduckgo
nintendo likes to program things for raw efficiency, that's how they work such decent artstyle (NOT GRAPHICS) out of such low spec hardware, and if when you're dealing with raw pointers, loading the same thing over and over can save space on your RAM if you have space in the data to store it

if they needed to clear out more space in the ROM to fit their game, that's probably what they would have optimized
I guess that makes some sense, but the 3DS pokemon games had framerate spikes, although I don't think it has to do with the extra model copies. So it just feels like their program paradigms are bad.
actually, when you're loading the same model over and over, that results in performance gains (that's how elder scrolls can get so many characters on one screen without dying, all the humanoids share a model, all the elves share a model, and then the khajit and argonians have a unique model)

without looking at the block of code in question, i assume the reason they have 500 copies of it, is that it has a lot of animation frames, so they might be gaining efficiency by loading smaller versions of the models one at a time

i really can't tell without looking at it
Cool stuff, interesting system.
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>its another I miscalculated the amount of time these features would take to implement episode
Thanks. I'll see where I can go with things.
I know that feel. Recently had that experience where different things ended up being way less work and way more work to implement.
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progress report
>on the surface
Its pretty good?
>below the surface
its a mess.
>movement test
Reminds me of when I first started. God, I'm glad all that code is done. So much effort and time. Writing RPG systems is more fun until it comes to saving/loading.
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I can't get balance right. It seems its either player too overpowered or AI too overpowered or bad scaling.
this looks like crap and seems like a game made in 90s , consider quitting game dev you're not gonna have any success if it's like this lmao

ur either a nigger or a tranny since ur delusional to the point ur making something that looks like this and u think its actually good
Balance is obviously a numbers game. Just take the average numbers of both extremes you already tried out.
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I decided to go with a hotbar/quick select. Arc The Lad Twilight Of The Spirits is another game where you can directly move the characters in a battle. You have to open a menu to use the skills in that, and that could hurt the flow.
For skill trees, is it better to make a prefab of the tree for each character class or is it better to just lay them out programatically? The former makes it easier for the tree to look nice, but then it does get tedious. I might cut it out entirely and just have the characters gain new skills as they level up or let the player set any skill they want as long as a class can use it.
It's funny you mention that. I remember when I first started making games years ago and I thought a roguelike would be "easy" to make. It took me awhile to figure out that units should have existed on a tile, and to move them, they had to change tiles.
I'm on like my 6th fucking rewrite of the character controller and it's still not done. The current iteration still can't get the floor entirely right.

I plan to just throw everything into a SQLite file and hope that'll do the trick.
I just use excel and convert to json to load lmao
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Because my formula is really convoluted I went to chatgpt and it gave me some cool insights. If my formula is for example:
BasePower × Attack ^ exp × (const - defense)/const
I can play with an exp < 1 to nerf attack on the upper end of the scale (barely affecting low level damage) and put a constant to affect how defense contributes to reducing damage.
Really nice effects.
To quote Zileas, the blowhard rockstar game designer behind lego legend who was a phd math student at MIT and wrote his disseration on the cost effectiveness of a starcraft marine against a zergling:

>The cost effectiveness formula states that for a component, its:

>Game Impact * Durability = Effectiveness
>And it follows that:

>Square root (Game Impact * Durability/Cost^2) = cost effectiveness
Game impact might be firepower (damage * Rate of Fire), or points. Durability might be number of uses, or hitpoints. Cost represents game resources, which are often gold, money or turns (e.g. the "actual" cost of a move in chess is a turn).

>Another useful equation that is primarily suited towards strategy games and other "combat" situations is the fragmenation formula. Fragmentation simulates the fact that in a combat situation, swarms of small units with a sum effectiveness equal to a few larger units are not actually the same in effectiveness. The swarm of small units is always lower in effectiveness, assuming no other subtle factors (such as "overkill" when damage is lost to no useful means). This is because a swarm gradually loses power over time as individual units die, while a large unit or element lasts much longer, and hence, doesn't suffer from incremental loss of effectiveness. The formula for relative effectiveness due to this effect is:

>Reduction in Effectiveness (to smaller units) = .5 + .5(Number of Large / Number of Small for the same cost)
The inverse of the resulting number is the effectiveness increase to the larger units.

Full article I posted in previous general, if you want to understand his philosophy:
Hit the charlimit.

BTW, i knew Zileas personally in the '00s, and he doesn't balance lego legend on purpose to sell skins. He had this way before DOTA even existed, to have a game with hundreds of characters that rotated in and out over the years, that he called a "tidal meta", and that's basically what we got with league, new characters are almost always super OP on purpose, things rotate in and out as top tier over the years unless they're designed to be what he calls an "intro champ" meant to stomp low level play but be useless in high level play on purpose

in an rpg, you obviously want the cost effectiveness of whatever you're fighting to match whatever it is at the level and equipment you're currently at
>in an rpg, you obviously want the cost effectiveness of whatever you're fighting to match whatever it is at the level and equipment you're currently at

nah, this isn't accurate. coffee hasn't hit the bloodstream. what you want to have the cost effectiveness of the whole goddamn overworld to dungeon from inn to inn or whatever you're using as a topoff point to be slightly lower than what your party's cost effectiveness is, with whatever the boss is to be a larger chunk of the cost effectiveness is. this can be an extremely complex problem to solve, and the reason that a lot of roguelites and indie rpgs fail, is they didn't spend 1 fucking second in M$ Excel or Apache Calc
>"tidal meta"
That shit is interesting. Maybe I should learn math.
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Every time you write lego legend I think about legos instead of LoL
>what you want to have the cost effectiveness of the whole goddamn overworld to dungeon from inn to inn or whatever you're using as a topoff point to be slightly lower than what your party's cost effectiveness is, with whatever the boss is to be a larger chunk of the cost effectiveness is.
Can you elaborate? The cost effectiveness of healing in an inn vs the party healing themselves? And then the boss' cost effectiveness being larger than that?
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yeah, in the AAA industry, this is usually the work of just 1 or 2 people to keep absolutely everything in their head in a massive spreadsheet, and it's a coordinated effort between the artists and game designers to figure out what characters to make do what

it's a terrible example, because the game has so many bugs and is a balance mess even if you fix them, but in FF6, the job was the work of 3 people, Yasuyuki Hasebe and Akiyoshi Oota under the title "Battle Planner", doing all the math, and Akihiro Yamaguchi under the title "Battle Programmer", who made a ton of fucking pointer errors that somehow got past beta testing

this isn't an rpg, but john romero understood the same vidya math and balanced Doom Ultraviolence around it, assumed Nightmare was unbeatable on an ironman run (no saving), was surprised people could actually beat it, then cranked up in the insanity in Doom 2 Nightmare to make absolutely certain you needed to be an absolute god to Nightmare mode ironman that one

a couple of the philosophies that i can tell you from talking to tom personally, is that think of mana as if it's ammo, where you can actually figure out a mathematical max of how much damage you can spike out in a combat scenario

be very careful with raw percents, because as you get closer to 100%, you exponentially start to hit infinite cost effectiveness depending on what you're doing with it, like a resistance, and i can tell you for a fact when he invented CDR he thought the 40% cap would be good enough, took him over a decade to realize it wasn't, and that's why he invented AH

finally, i can tell you one other thing, that i know how tom operates, he's still balancing LOL from the shadows, and the current balance lead, phreak, the caster everyone but me seems to hate, just tells him what he thinks the balance problem is, then he breaks out the triple integral needed to figure out how to fix it
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sure, i can try, because i'm literally Yuji Sakai capable of writing endless walls of text, so you might get 2 or 3 posts out of this

when you're healing yourself, there's two ways you can interpret it - not only the opposite of DPS, but also what they call true damage in lol, where it ignores all resistances, so it's a lot stronger than damage. FF uses the opposite of damage philosophy, and that's why white mages spamming cure-all on your party is like totally necessary to win fights

or increasing your total max hp, and that's why regen effects are notoriously difficult to balance and usually very fucking slow, because if they move too quickly, you cost effectiveness becomes infinity, unless you somehow get spiked with so much simulataneous damage that you get 1 shot. this is why healing and regen effects in lol are usually extremely weak relative to damage, where they do a spike of healing that's on par with the dps but the cooldown is so long that it's not spammable

the fragmentation formula is extremely useful when balancing a jrpg, because every single individual encounter is essential a fragment within a fragment, and you can calculate the average number of encounters per step and figure out exactly how many battles you can survive before your resources are completely exhausted

as far as jrpg bosses go, they are usually a tanky meatball that has very high durability with similar damage output to the random encounters in the area you're currently in
unless you are designing a tactics RPG like FFT or ARPG like diablows, you don't really need to look at movement speed, which is the formula that tom cracked, and if i had the common sense to hold onto his dissertation, i would be straight up holding onto a rito trade secret, how they crunch the gold cost of speed. MIT rejected it under the reason of "no practical economic use", he immediately dropped out and it wasn't much longer before he was working directly for blizzard balancing wc3:tft and wow, a game he absolutely fucking hated making, and ragequit blizzard right as soon as he was done making classic vanilla wow, which people seem to prefer over all the expansion packs since he quit. so god damn, he made MIT look stupid, and they really should give him an honorary degree at this point

as far as JRPGs go, if it's a DQ/FF1-3 style combat, then you don't need to worry about speed at all, everyone has basically equal speed, and in FF4 and on, ATB uses a linear formula so it's just a straight multiplier on your total cost effectiveness, and it's one of the reasons why haste is usually one of the most bullshit buffs, because it's a multiplier on everything you can possibly do

as far as topping off at an inn goes, you are spending a negligible amount of your resources for a full reset on your remaining cost effectiveness, and the way FF does it is that this negligible cost slowly increases the farther you are away from the starting location, usually to the value of beating a single average random encounter, so you can never get truly hardstuck
what i noticed when i was romhacking and working with a rom hacking and editor of ff6, i noticed something, hmm, seems like they're just using the cost effectiveness formula, then multiplying the monster by x^2 to decide how much exp you get, so i took the sqrt of every single monster exp, and ended up with an absolutely brutal challenge hack where enemies were actually cycling through their whole battle script, made a couple of tweaks to spells and abilities.

safe and shell were 2/3 resist instead of 1/3, vanish was completely replaced with image, which was pretty useful in the WOR, osmose was just straight up deleted, x-zone was an absolutely hilarious umm, guess i'm screwed in this random encounter button, and was a target-all spell

finally, i did something extremely clever. the absolutely useless defend command finally has a use, where it has a 100% chance of blocking a single target physical attack against the back row, and it took a lot of poking around the code, because it wasn't documented, but terra's morph command consumes no ATB, so i figured out what flag to throw to make the row command consume no ATB, so anyone who got fucked up could immediately backrow and get someone tanky to cover them. this is something i programmed into an RPGmaker prototype but i gave up on that app because it's an undocumented mess

i also gave the armor and magic resist %s a complete balance pass, where they were basically class based and gave you massive stat gains depending on what type of armor you had equipped

finally, in order to try to fix the physical damage formula, i had your crit scale off your vigor, picked sabin to be the dude who went all-in on vigor, and goddamn, that dude had an absurdly high crit by kefka's tower
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the final thing that happened as a result of these balance changes, is any heavy magic attack would completely fuck you over in the WOB, so celes was quite simply not an optional character at all and frequently needed to do nothing but runic and let your allies cast runic while letting your allies cast spells while runic was down, it was a really tight timing window

in order to speed up combat, the ATB speed took off to 88 mph while no one was in command queue, then became very slow if anyone was in the middle of an attack at all, an algo that favored the monsters. rpgmaker used some sort of really weird curve for their ATB speed i didn't like at all, because it made it fucking annoying to figure out the cost effectiveness of things, so i programmed it to work exactly like ff7, where the absolute fastest thing is always the same speed, and everything else is a % slower than that

this whole row/defend synergy is going to be a core mechanic of my indie rpg, where if you don't do it, you're going to get absolutely skullfucked in fights

ok, i'm done walling, i'm going to make another pot of covfefe. any other questions?
Nice on the FF6 hack story, and the row system sound fun, don't recall games that use it.
What I was wondering is about what happens to games that give you heals for free like pokemon. Obviously you either pay for healing items or you exit wherever you are to go heal for free. Its like the player's time itself becomes a resource.
So the bosses usually tend to be just longer encounters that force you to use your resources better, idk if its lazy to just slap more hp, I guess is why some games like FF are so dependant on having a healer along.
when a heal is totally free, it's based on how many steps it took to get there from point A to point B

ff6's gold flow is very carefully calibrated to give you exactly what you need from town to town if you know the exact optimal route to walk, and anything else is gravy that you're supposed to collect on the return visit, so in my romhack, i didn't fuck with the gold income at all, and i'm honestly not sure how they decided it, the numbers seemed totally arbitary. when i got ff6 pixel remastered, there's an option to change it to 0.5exp and 0.5gil, and on my first run, i did 0.5exp and left the gil alone, because it was way easier than my own sqrt hack. i took a hiatus from it because i'm hardstuck and need to grind, but i've been working on a 0.5exp/0.5gil/0 magic ap challenge run, which is even more brutal than the snes no challenge run, because terra doesn't have a special ability and you can't learn magic from equipment

i currently don't have the gil to afford the number of phoenix downs and high potions to deal with the floating continent, and i can't even fucking get there, because i keep dying to the fight after ultros. i need to get terra to level 22 to learn fira, i got her to level 21 and then realized i'm going to need to grind the floating continent for a long time to get enough gil to afford stuff you can't buy anymore in the WOR

another thing i did to cheese pixel remaster, was because i was familiar with the ASM, i knew they weren't going to fix 2 bugs. you can't kill phantom train with a phoenix down anymore, but you can still kill it with an x-potion. also, because setzer's dice is one of the absolute first things they check for, it doesn't get the offering/masters scroll 1/2 damage debuff, and his dice scale off of nothing but speed, so all i did to setzer was esper twink him into nothing but speed, and he absolutely steamrolled everything in kefka's dungeon, including the final boss
i also have an honor rule in kefka's tower, where unless i just picked it up from a chest, you can't trade equipment around from party to party, in order to make you think about wtf to gear people with, because you can't get 12 sets of genji equipment, and i realized because i realized i actually needed the exp and spells people didn't know to defeat kefka, i used mog, but i didn't use the moogle charm at all

i also decided on this run, if i don't remember where something is, i'm not consulting a guide at all, i just don't get it, oh well, so i fucked up and missed both the rune edge and tempest, with the rune edge being a really OP item until you finally get the endgame swords, and the tempest for cyan is godly if you actually skill him into magic power, because it's a 50% proc chance and not many things resist wind
You realize you're destroying this thread, right?
Kek fuck off, I was just enjoying reading his posts
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At least half of what he posts is significantly useful, I don't mind the bumps
to get back on top of rpg game design, as far as the armor rework with, the armor in ff6 is basically split into 3 classes, mail, vests, and robes, so mail had +7 to vigor and stamina, and -7 to speed and magic power, which slowly scaled back to +0 as the game went back on, and mail provided solid physical and magic resist

vests provided +7 to speed and +7 to vigor, but had really shitty magic resist, and slowly scaled back to +0 as the game went on

robes gave +7 to magic power, the most broken stat, and also gave you the +50% mp relic buff, and provided basically no physical or magic resist whatsoever with the cotton ones, and slowly scaled back to normal with the weird costumes for strago/relm

the genji equipment and paladin shield was completely unchanged on resist, but gave +7 to all stats

as a result, this added a lot of fucking diversity to the character roster, because depending on what they could wear, you could basically give them a warrior/ranger/mage class

finally, in order to make the gauntlet OP as fuck, i combined it with the hyper wrist, so it caused an immediate spike in your crit %, and was super fucking useful on locke, the dude with the best physical attack stats in the game
yes and no, sorry i went a little off topic with my playthroughs, but i got back on topic of game design in my last wall, and now i'm going to go do irl stuff, have a nice day
anyway, before i go do that irl stuff, i'll just mention one other thing, i'm using my [s4s] namefig to do you all a favor, if you honestly find the loremaster fucking annoying, just filter me, and unhide me if i get a (You) and appear to have finally said something useful

i'm a literal high functioning autistic savant who doesn't even think in sentences, i think in entire pargraphs, and types a straight 150wpm stream of consciousness

the other things i've noticed about >>>/vrpg/ in general, is that a lot of you guys seem to like my walls, and i have a very simple theory as to why. in order to play an rpg, you actually need to be able to read words
>What I was wondering is about what happens to games that give you heals for free like pokemon.
I wouldn't call what pokemon does a heal, rather it's your rest point from which you set out on a gameplay session. When you add a fee like the usual inn that just means that there's a minimum performance threshold that players must meet or fall behind.
I think most of the time it's just a token amount for immersion, because balancing to have the intended effect without risk of creating doom-loops or low-level grinding is a pain. Dark Souls also has "free healing" in that way because its not interested in challenging your ressource management over multiple hours or entire playthroughs.

>in order to play an rpg, you actually need to be able to read words
Nah, I think it's just board size. This place is pretty small and threads move slowly, so you don't get the dopamine junkies and cheap trolling that plagues the rest of the site and drives away people actually interrested in the topic. You see a similar effect on the /g/ thread, and in both quality goes to shit when posting rate increases.
see if a game doesn't have it I will not play it to even it out
i agree with you in addition to everything i said as well

i think part of the reason this is slow board is that a lot of games you guys discuss are retro rpgs or remastered ones, so a lot of us are in the 30-50 age range bracket, i'm personally 39 myself, whereas >>>/v/ is dominated by underaged zoomers
Please listen to >>3643259
As others have said, half (I'd say a quarter) of what you post is really interesting, but this is a slow thread: if you spam it with off-topic shit, you kill it.
BTW it's curious that as much as you love to write, you never give feedback to other anons.
sorry, i need to follow an oldschool meme, and LURK MORE
Really nice sand storm, it seems 8bit and looks great at the same time.
ok, after flipping through the thread, i can see absolutely no context behind any of the images you are posting, perhaps because i need to LURK MORE, and figure out who is designing what kind of rpg, but based on 5 second out of context gameplay webms, i have no fucking clue what to respond with, sorry

if anyone were to discuss the hard mechanics of their game, their plot, or their characters, yeah, i could give endless feedback on any of that, but i don't see how i can work with what i got

i'm also a high functioning autistic savant, and it's just kind of ingrained in your personality where it just doesn't seem like you're listening to anyone else, when you're passively taking it all in and might have something to respond with eventually

also, when i first showed up in your thread, i just had surgery and was on heavy painkillers, so that wasn't helping with my sanity at all

i'll try to blend in more in the future
here, i'll respond to someone and help them out

you need to pay for a steam developer account, then it gives you access to all the steam library stuff you can code into your game to get achievements and cloud saves and stuff, and if you the source engine itself, you can even spawn servers, here's a link


according to google, the developer fee is $100 USD, but because of exchange rates being insane all over the world, it might be a lot more money than what $100 feels like in the US, if you know what i mean
Much better.
>When you add a fee like the usual inn that just means that there's a minimum performance threshold that players must meet or fall behind.
I guess that pokemon just has a lower bar, no matter the performance there's not much to lose and the odds are mostly in favour of the player because not many trainers have a full party so losing some party members doesn't have real consequences.
Thanks I completely forgot about achievements to be honest, it would be really uncool for my game not to have that. I'm europoor so I guess it will be around the same even with the euro exchange being higher, anyway I'll go forward with this soon.
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I'll give you a QRD for the games I know because I'm working from home and I'm kinda free
Surreal game about a walking head. A lot of people call it schizokino because of the style. Lore is 6000 pages in google docs. At one point it time it was going have karl marx as a character?
>Tower of Kalemonvo
An orblike (diablo like?) with tons of options and a clean tablet base character to build however you like, one of the oldest games here.
Digimon World + zelda game, has been in dev hell for 3 years.
>Mirrored Soul
An SMT like with really cool aesthetics, a fusion mechanic and several other features.

There's some "new" untitled games in prototype state I hope they make it, there's other recurrent games that have yet to post progress, maybe finished or moved on?
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>there's other recurrent games that have yet to post progress, maybe finished or moved on?
I've been making a few lewd dungeon floors, so I can't/wan't show too much.
How could I forget GBA homebrew guy, still going strong I see.
tell me more about mirrored soul

will i be able to get hardstuck in this one, because that's what happened to me in SMT. after i died in the nuclear apocalypse with no possible way to recover, i realized they fucked up with the math on the assault rifles, and the ones you get are actually worse on DPS than the Berettas you get before the world goes boom, and while that's awful game design, it makes sense thematically

i want to give this game another crack, but i have no idea what the hell is going on with my backup for another few weeks (it's a long story, but i don't even have a computer atm, but i will have a govt subsidized toaster very soon, and because i want my game to run on toasters, might as well dev on one, dropped $2400 in my car this year otherwise i'd own a ps5 pro and be nolifing the ff remakes) and i don't know where to go to get the translation hack now that romhacking.net closed up
my game is going to have a few lewd cutscenes, but it's going to be implict lewd dialogue with fade to black before sxe

i wrote one of these scenes when i took creative writing out the door of college in class of 2010, and the professor said "this scene is fucking hot"
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>one of the oldest games here.
i gotta wrap it up
No rush, just showing my respects.
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>but it's going to be implict
Why make it implicit when you can make it crude and rude.
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because part of what i'm planning on doing is making the game in neo-ascii that i messed around with in opengl, based on the proto version of the game i made in ZZT, where while the plot of the game has nothing to do with it anymore, but a lot of the personality traits of 3 of the main characters are still exactly the same

if you google nothing constructive zzt, you can see how cringe my sense of humor was when i was 16 years old, and not much has changed, 40 keks

you'd figure it would be my own priority to play my own game once i discovered it still existed somewhere, but something else kept coming up, and now that i'll finally have a toaster pc soon, i'll be able to both do theorycraft for my game and see if my old man reflexes can handle the game i made at all

i'd talk more about the ZZT community, but i don't want to do more off topic bullshit, the tl;dr is they have even worse autism than i do. i got promoted to admin of zzt.org for 3 days and they all mass boycotted the site and irc channel until i was deopped and deadmined, because the owner and a couple other guys really liked me and my game, but the autismos didn't
>the proto version of the game i made in ZZT
based ngl
The only thing I would ever consider using AI for is the AI-enemies, and only if it was so good that it would make you cum on the spot.
ZZT was literally the first game Tim Sweeney, the founder of Epic, ever made, and the shareware version of it popped off insanely on AOL, as it was basically like some sort of 2d minecraft, but instead of use it to create weirdass worlds for the most part, it was used to tell stories. i found zzt.org cause i was looking for some old ass game, Chrono Wars, and wanted to replay it, and then when I was like whoa it's 2001 and people are still playing this game, i immediately tried to the join their community, but most of them were completely fucking insane, and none of their games were good at all

the original version of the script was going to have a dark ambigious ending, which required you to understand the laws of relativity to understand wtf happened. basically, Doom was going to say "I'm sick of you're bullshit, I'm finally going to break the speed of light and finally kill you." and then teleport backwards through time, and shoot his instant death laser directly at Zanno, but he's so fucking psychic, he sidesteps it anyway, and Doom shoots himself, creating a time paradox, where everything abruptly flashes like mario with his super star, then freezes solid white, and there's no explanation as to what happened, the universe got fucking destroyed

in my new version of the story, it has a happy, bittersweet ending, where all of a sudden, right as soon as you think the world is finally saved, the ayy lmaos show up, and when they attack, i'm going to record myself saying "ayy lmao" and make it super distorted and grainy and shit

the final plot twist, i will never reveal, until the game is complete
anyway, it's way too nsfw to post on a blue board, but i came up with a very interesting way to draw in-combat sprites, by using the actual proportions of the human body, then was using the ff6 sprite sheet to figure out how to pose them. i was doing this in gimp, where it was a pain in the ass, the proper program to use for this would be adobe animate, and i have a lot of experience, but that app is pretty expensive for someone on autism bux, but idk, i guess i could just completely give up on marryjewwanna, and then i could afford it

as far as enemies go, i was just going to get an account with shutterstock, and gimp can do this automatically, and make them a 3-tone color with transparency, but there are ways to do it manually that will make it look a lot nicer, by progressively decreasing the number of colors lower and lower and using flood fill as you go. then i was going to go super old school, and keep palette swapping the same enemies as they get stronger and start using new attacks as the game progresses, and if they're a drone, call them Mk.II, Mk.III, Mk.IV, etc, until you reach the endgame, where i just call them Mk.IXI with a line above it, because that's how you would do 9001 in roman numerals, then in the second to last dungeon, Mk.Infintysymbol, which i'm going to make out of two neo-ascii sprites

my starting point with the neo-ascii is going to be the public domain NES font, which i was messing with in rpgmaker
i forgot a sentence, but whatever. i'm planning on making the drones look like metallic insects, like hornets, scorpions, centipedes, the ones that freak people the fuck out for the most part, and then as far as the ayy lmaos go, i'm sure shutterstock has a lot of area 51 alien stock photos

i need to talk to my stepdad, but he's been really fucking busy lately, but he might know how i could set up a business to sidestep all the bullshit autism bux rules in the US and write everything i need off as business expense
What RPGs you think are worth aspiring to as a developer? It can be something old that would be easier to make with modern engines and systems, or some actually indie stuff out there.

I've tried to search for indie RPGs, but the internet gives me braindead lists citing stuff like Baldur's Gate 3
it depends what your skilset is, sir

if you're a talented 3d artist, go for it, personally, i tried to make a singleplayer campaign quake mod when i was in my teens, tried to learn 3d model editing, and NO THANK YOU. all i could figure out was how to pose existing models. then i failed multivariable calculus as an adult, and i've constantly had a mental block on 3d programming without some tutorial holding my hand. same problem with physics, could solve the problems in 2d, but in 3d, always got F

2d programming and physics, i get it though. and because i'm not dicking around with platformers and i'm making an rpg instead, physics don't actually matter that much. if you're not good at 3d, you should probably try to design something with a retro aesthetic

if you have insanely good microsoft exec/apache calc skillz, you could try designing a diablo style game with random loot and a zillion different forms of equipment and random monsters and dungeons and stuff. i know enough vidya game math to make one, but i don't like that style of game, so i'm doing something that i don't think has ever been before
>What RPGs you think are worth aspiring to
All classic/popular RPGs have something to go for. And indie RPGs are derived from them.
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Was the coconut in TF2 an obfuscation method of some sort? what if I used a the name or metadata of a photograph as an encryption key? Right now I'm just using a normal 10 digit encryption key defined in the main script (lol), so I was looking for better and creative not very difficult solutions. Searching also pointed me to hash encrypton with SHA-256 but idk.
>if you're not good at 3d, you should probably try to design something with a retro aesthetic
thats what I did, I think I'm almost decent in 2D but I'd like to give 3D a try after this project.
get ready to spend like 4 years learning blender at this point then, then like another 1 learning texturing and shaders, then

a lot of people go to college to learn how to do 3d modelling and nothing else, the texturing is handled by a different employee, but there are a lot of public domain ultra giga high resolution images you can work with for textures, i just can't remember the URL of the fucking site, maybe it finally closed, but a lot of the images were literally used in quake/doom, so when they got open sourced, it was super easy for people to make high rez texture packs
even skyrimeme and oblivion used some of the images from this public domain texture site

the way they worked is you got like 3 free downloads a day, and if you wanted more, you needed to pay them a shitton of money, like $100usd a month, for a subscription for unlimited access
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>coconut in TF2
That was just a meme, anon. You can delete the coconut from the game files and nothing will happen.
The 2fort cow on the other hand...
Well even if it was fake, this gave me an idea that could theoretically work
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Alright. Progress report: I've been putting this off for long, but then I put a lot of work into it just now.

Making sure that the game detects which side the NPC is supposed to talk on, if an NPC talks at all. Transposes the portrait when they are on the other side. Text-wraps (mostly) properly.
Don't ask why that one specific line is bad, I've spent half the day figuring out another occurrence of this bug, and while that is done, I don't have the sanity for the second one. For now it will serve.
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im going to make a DRPG/blobber
so far I have a level editor. it has no file input or output yet, and no game to go with, so it's actually useless.
in the meantime at least I can use it as a mapping tool for wizzery

>Akihiro Yamaguchi under the title "Battle Programmer", who made a ton of fucking pointer errors that somehow got past beta testing
I made a pointer error in this mapping program. by the time I noticed it, I had built and tested so many things on top of it that fixing it broke everything else.
oh whoops. meant to reply to >>3642920 for the 2nd part
Nice characters, but the text end of line detection sometimes moves a word from one line to the next. It looks weird.
Thanks. That one line is the only occurrence of it in the entire dialogue, I haven't found it anywhere else yet. Like I said, I am sick of looking for it now, getting a headache just thinking about it. Will deal with it later down the line. There is a lot to be done.
Does anyone have the mana seed assets to share with a fellow rp gamedev?
This is really cool, what did you use to make it?

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