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Any rpg's where strength based classes beat spellcasters?
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Thanks for clearing things up.
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No, and that's a good thing. Pure martial is a challenge run.
If magic is the strongest, isn't it a strength based class and the weak should fear it?
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Try Pillars of Eternity. Fighter is easier to play than wizards. Got to the point I was fighting an optional boss, saw my wizard get 1 shot by a spell from said boss so I decided to just leave the rest of the party out of the fight and solo the boss with my fighter mc.

Then on the other end, when you know how to play Monk is the strongest. You can have Strength Monks.
Vanilla skryim, obviously
You need enchantments in the endgame, but smithing/weapons/poisons absolutely curbstomp magic/enchanting in the earlygame

Also, Final Fantasy 1. 4 fighters might be the strongest party combo in the buggy ass NES and fixed PSX versions, not quite sure about pixel remastered, as it was a total balance pass
Strength should grant spell resist.
Literally all of them since no video game lets you abuse magic like tabletop and all of them have strong magic protection items.
>no video game lets you abuse magic like tabletop
True but also the AI doesn't counter magic with any sort of smarts. Like Levitation or 100% Chameleon in Elder Scrolls. Though that's effectively a classless game despite the classes so any warrior or ranger can have a levitation spell.
Etrian odyssey. Try soloing as a pure spellcaster
Just turn down the difficulty like I do and you'll have fun without enchantments in Skyrim.
my approach to skyrim was the exact opposite, i basically turned into some sort of turn based rpg where you had to paranoidly quicksave every 5 seconds in combat

the tl;dr of my mod load order is everything one shot everything, magic was absolutely insane, 4x enemy multiplier, and unlimited followers, which meant that you actually don't have enough money to keep anyone in full gear at any point

the ultimate playthrough i did was called the waifu army, where i recruited like 30 hot women from follower packs and when i finally got to the first aludin fight, my mod load order caused him to do some insane aoe blizzard attack that wiped everyone except for me, and when i used console commands to look at exactly how much damage it was doing, everyone could survive if they had max frost resist and magic resistance, but it would have taken more hours of grinding without cheating than an mmorpg, so i decided in this playthrough, alduin won. the dragonborn lost and the firstborn of akatosh could not be defeated.
sucks to be you then
What games are you playing...?
That's more about magic being dogshit in Skyrim. Wizards need enchanting just to keep up, for archers it's an even bigger number, and melee fighters already stomp on the game and enchanting lets them do it even harder.

Then you throw in smithing and orc tard rage. Why Skyrim isn't swarming with green skinned genocide machines, I don't know.
Human beings are a physically weak species. I don't understand why self-hating nerds have such a problem with using the brain being the most powerful application of force.
>turning a game meant for exploration and fun into some crazy hard grindfest
Just play Souls games

Demon Souls with the Meat Cleaver is strength based
>leveling up other stats helps
>but mainly its a BONK build
>crazy hard
>Souls games
I'm not even saying "get good," I can't imagine a situation where you need to grind to beat the game, or where you'd struggle if you look at the numbers on your gear.
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actually, i'm a quaker, got the game in 1996, and was really fucking good at sc:bw in my 20s, so i enjoy a fucking challenge

i also do the most insane shit ever in elder scrolls. i completely and totally ban myself from using fast travel, and so whenever i roll into town, i have a zillion animal pelts to craft and can get 1 or 2 levelups depending on how long it's been since i've been out of town

the main reason i'm never gonna play skyrim ever again is every time it get remade, less and less mods get remade with it, so i'm never playing it again, but oblivion is pretty fun standalone, so next time i feel like playing that, all i'm gonna install is the +5/+5/+5 mod and nothing else
didn't see your post because i didn't refresh, basically, i do treat it like an exploration game, because i don't fast travel at all, i basically have the whole world memorized like a physical reality, and i've been to every single location at least once

the absolute insanity of the rng on the follower ai was what kept things interesting for me, there was no real way to command them around, so you had to figure out things to do to make them work. archery was OP as fuck, but arrows are a resource, because you just don't have enough for everyone to have a bow, so you need to have very few archers and give everyone a bow and some arrows to instagib a dragon before it instagibs you

one of the things i did was decide that the crossbows, only i get to use them, so i had my own personal stash of bolts, and the regular arrows were for everyone else, and the shops just never had enough to work with for everyone

when i was playing on xbox 360, that was the only time i actually beat the game, and quite amusing, the true dragonborn in my lore was a khajit stealth archer
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well, Souls games at least make specializing in strength somewhat viable
>strength based
>the roll playing game
>i also do the most insane shit ever in elder scrolls. i completely and totally ban myself from using fast travel,
My nigga that's just the Morrowind experience.
Gothic and Risen series
i know that

i never quite finished morrowind, i borrowed it from a friend, should really have burnt a cd of it, but because i know now that all you need to do is retardedly grind alchemy at level 1 to make a zillion dollars then enchant absolutely everything until you become more powerful than almighty talos himself is the whole reason i haven't bothered giving it a crack

i really liked playing requiem, the mod that's so heavy handed with skyrim that basically everything requires a compatibility patch, but i got so sick of finding compatibility patches i found other ways to replicate the requiem experience, the only thing i couldn't figure out how to do is how to give arrows and gold carry weight, because no one knows how he did it, and the guy who made requiem absolutely refuses to tell anyone how he did it
>grind alchemy at level 1 to make a zillion dollars then enchant absolutely everything
You don't even need to do that to stomp on the game. Just be strong, be able to cast a healing spell and all the transportation ones, have a bound weapon and that's it. The alchemy meme is funny once but after that it's pointless busywork.
>people responding to namefags
sad state
i'm not your typical namefig sir

i'm the loremaster of [s4s]

yosho must travel back in time to 1999 to stop the spikeman

the whole reason i started just leaving my [s4s] namefig everywhere i go, is that i come and go over the years, and right now, i come hard, over every blue board's face, and when i was posting as anon, people were mistaking me for some other what neo-4chan refers to as some particular "schizoposter" that's been annoying their thread for a while, even though i have fuck all to do with them, so if you don't like hearing the dank lore of oldschool 4chan and web 1.0, as well as the dank lore of oldschool games, then just fucking filter me, i'm doing you a favor if you're not interested in the endless walls i've been posting on 4chan since it existed and there was actually an /l/ board

i do have a trip, but i stopped using it because it makes people chimp out, and the whole point of being Yuji Sakai on [s4s] is that anyone can be Yuji Sakai, and there are multiple Yuji Sakai, so the trip is simply ##LOLE
It should.
What spells can the witch in your pic related cast?
>Try Pillars of Eternity
wizard is a strength based class in poe
who asked
he indirectly did

as far as the topic goes, oldschool d&d based games magic resistance is based of wisdom, because if you have a lot of experience with magic, you can resist it, and final fantasy and other jrpgs use stamina, as they figure if you're buff, you can resist status effects
I like how PoE gave a purpose for giving str to Wizards.
if you build might on your wizard you're fucking retarded, you want perception, int, dex
I love shindol's art, but damn he sucks mad balls at pacing and he's still a fucking bug
>women trip
>two panels on the side looking distressed, intense emotion
>women looks at her cut leg
>Monster reaches
>piss and cries and cums and sweats and wets hair
Not really
Unless you are of those fags that think "Templar is a wizard"
when you think about it, an endgame level swordsman basically pulls off reality warping feats
Feats are spells you don't have to memorize.
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Saga Frontier 2's main character, Gustave, is a guy who is incapable of using even the simplest of magics (all in a world where magic is extremely common even by peasants, and there is a stigma of those who have low/zero capability), and it shows his rise of fame and ingenuity to the point where he forever changes how the world develops after passing away.

That being said it's probably one of the most structurally abrasive games I've ever played so I can't fault anyone for not wanting to try it out.
Unironically, Planescape Fighter TNO is the most powerful class in the game. People say Wizard because they just play the game with a guide. There's no reason why Fighters can't get as much or even higher Wisdom than Wizards, and Wisdom gives bonus XP and the most extra dialogue options. Intelligence is mostly used for magic related dialogue and explicitly intelligence related problems. There are no overpowered protection spells like in BG2 so there's nothing that stops a Fighter TNO from soloing the game. With the lifesteal axe you can get insane stats from solo killing anything you come across. Party members are just pathfinding burden for you.
also, here's another one

the spellcasting classes in PSO are generally trash, whereas the robots that can't cast spells at all are way better, and just rely on the rnjesus of the endgame loot to deal infinity million billion damage

i was the one player hellbent on playing a female newman mage in the room in my pso group, and they were constantly pissed i needed to recall for ethers until i finally got an ether drain weapon, and was only really useful in boss fights and level 3, where everything is super weak to lightning
Breath of fire iii has a damage scaling that makes spells strong in the early game but underwhelming in the late game, as enemy hp keeps increasing. They do have utility beyond dealing damage.
oh btw whenever i end up getting around to releasing my bat fuck insane rpg sometime between 2035 and 2040, it's actually going to be the agility+dexterity+speed characters that dominate the endgame, not the strength or intelligence based ones at all
Devil Survivor 1 has insanely overtuned physical builds that can destroy end game bosses. Same is true for Nocturne, though granted they don't look like physical attacks.

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