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This is out. Is it good?
not rpg
And you're not a woman and you'll never be one.
Fuggen gotem

It's smaller than most favored WIPs but lets you build a battlemech or fix a spaceship to ditch the whole plot and leave. Kino prompts, but I have not had the time to see if they were executed well.
Battlemech sounds good, but I have no idea how large of the role it has. If it has a decent one, that's yet another addition to CoG mecha games.

It's kind of funny that most mecha games are CoG ones.
Not an rpg, not even an visual novel, not even a game, just a novel.
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Oh no no no, bwahahahaha.
Is this the power of CoG's advertising? Don't they take 75% of your profits in exchange?
If you're COG, you get an advance and more even split. You can forgo further profits for an immediate sum as well, Wang did that for Mecha Ace.

If you're HG, it's 25% and free publishing. Just open a Patreon alongside if you have a popular WIP.
Anywhere I can play these things for free?
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Any cultivation games?
> Any cultivation games?
No, we never any to begin with...
Choice of mods
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I am tired of all these Royalists vs Revolutionaries stories that are just dressing for Modern-day politics. I yearn for more stories that tap into actual metaphysical ideas.
>But...b-but my hecking Wulframites vs Royalists.
Grim and I is about death and how it affects you. Gets pretty metaphysical at times.
Oh yea, I should download and try that one. I forgot about it.
Wulframites and Royalists are boring split, and not even remotely as interesting as irl English civil war sides of Roundheads and Royalists.
Which side had the blond elf femboy? Wulfram or Queen?
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Some people took this shitpost seriously and this is a really bad thing.
No HG still takes 75%. They only take 25% if you self-publish using ChoiceScript, but you have to buy the first 20k of payments first. As in, you buy a 20k license to be allowed to self-publish, and you dont pay them any more until after you make 80k. No one does this deal; every HG game you've played is paying CoG 75%.
>hundreds of years old
the definition of a hag(male)
I prefer shotajiji.
>t. tiberius
Any examples?
>Persian steampunk
Sounds gay
They are probably meant to be more in line of the spic civil wars of the 19th century.
Any non-WIP CoG games that let you have a harem or romance multiple characters at the same time? I know that Creme de la Creme has a threeway route with the deliquent tomboy and the occult chick, and Wayhaven Chronicles pretty much lets you bang Natalie while Ava autistically watches from the cuck corner, but that's pretty much it unless I'm mistaken.
Samurai of Hyuga, Heart of the House and Relics of the Lost Age. In the first you can fuck every single romanceable character with minor reactivity from Jun, in the second there's a potential threesome with the nonbinary maidfu and your male servant, in the third there's Esme and Abdul in the first book and Remy + one of them in the second. Can't remember much else otherwise that was at least tolerably written.
Aura Clash will. Based anon.
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>aura spics
Frogposters are even more pathetic.
goku doesn't love you and he is a fictional character
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You WILL enjoy the xianxia slop.
You WILL care about the chinese culture.
You WILL praise the CCP.
>be KaE author
>spending time on tumblr reviewing other authors works rather than working on his own game/book
yeah this game is so very close to being abandoned
It won't be abandoned as long as he gets dough from it. He'll just keep stringing everyone else along like Mind Blind's author with suddenly cancerous mother just during rewrites for the upcoming releases.
why don't you play depression quest and buy an ad next time you faggot
atleast that game is almost finished
KaE has gone through 3(?) rewrites and it was a rewrite of the prologue essentially
I had a nice heart to heart with him in my rural estate.

I hope I can develop it in to something in the next games. Still pissed that Lords wasn't the satisfying conclusion to the trilogy that I thought it would be going in.
I think it probably would not let me go full depressed-groomed-suicidal-bomber angle I saw heavily from the demo. Rewrites usually cut more interesting bits out.
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Whats is a visual novel?
All novels are visual, son.
You have to read the words and visualize the story.
i was subbed to the patreon, and from what i remember
you still can actually join the terrorists, you get the decision after raiding that abandoned house in search of your brothers body or for their headquarters, i forget which, but it was at the end of the demo
it's obviously not visual if you have to visualize it.
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Who is the dumbest MC you have had to play in the Cog catalogue?
On purpose? JollyCHAD, even when you int pump he comes off like a retard and fitzies into it
the author just not doing a good job and making you act stupidly so the plot can commence? samurai of hyuga when the MC decides to just fuck off into the snow and get enslaved by junko for a whole book.
Relics' one in later books. It got obnoxious to see how much Spillane jobs and how often he forgets that he, in fact, has a gun and 10 Shooting. And free will. And ability to not follow what his stupid friends say about the value that human scum's life surely has.
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it's okay to be dum
but to answer any book that railroads the MC into a bad situation despite us passing a skill check
fucking lol how do you get these stats
how does heaven's revolution fare in sales compared to other CoG games?
Yeah that's what I'm interested in.

It's a niche genre and format that most people would turn there nose up at instantly. Not to mention the fact they're not actively marketed and promoted like Dustborn was. All in all, >>3643016 is a pretty useless comparison.
>trying to salesfag a niche /vrpg/ thread
go back to vee your drunk
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Sales and popularity are not a mark of quality in any medium these days, videogames or otherwise. For example, Dredd bombed in the box office and that film is fucking fantastic. If they were then EA sports is the best game ever and everything else is trash compared to it, since it's in the top 5 every single year.
True, Its just that /v/ is where salesfags are most prevalent and will barge into comfy threads about a game im interested to try to stir some shit. like slay the princess
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There was a short less then 100 post thread on /v/ about it yesterday, in preparation for the new update. Speaking of that reminds me, that update is out now and I should play it. Thanks for the reminder mate.
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I played some of the new routes and replayed razor and moment of clarity, it was kino, I'm gonna do the other new stuff tomorrow. one of the routes ends up with the narrator realizing how shit his plan is
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I am going to try and redo every route today, Gonna do Damsel first since she was the first I did in the original game but then I am going to do Fury to see what kind of glow up she got. Reminder to always kill the Wilds
I did nightmare my first run and return run so I get it, damsel got a new chapter 3 by the way, access it by derealizing her theres a new option right before the tipping point
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>people speak like this unironically
I thought it was one of you shitposting until I realized they were serious
I wonder what board she is talking about. Since she is on a video game form I assume /v/ and the only thing I can recall that might have done it in 2014 is when they flooded tumblr with gore. Still, pretty soft if that causes you nightmares.
I think it was about college and not imageboards
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>>I thought it was one of you shitposting
>t. has never spoken to a fag or an aging millennial woman
>anon learns about normalfag women
I see you've never had a sister. mine will talk like that from time to time with her friends
>t. has never spoken to a fag or an aging millennial woman
what kind of autism causes this?
Doesn't look like autism to me, looks like some kid just trying to make a comic.
>Pagan magic
well it's connected to this
which has the most menus and stat screens I think I've ever seen in a Choicescript game.
The Ronin in Hyuga is a mopey retard.
The Detective in Wayhaven is a useless retard.
Wtf is KaE?
>Detective in Wayhaven is a useless retard.
Detective is meant to be a woman though, so it's ok, and she's getting some OP magic shit in the new book, so it's a moot point anyway.
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kingdoms and empires, apparently it's going through another rewrite
(read post 6664)
and the actual demo
honestly after reading through that long ass post i prefer the changes now over previous iterations, i just have no faith that it'll ever be completed :/
Wasn't KAE one of the pretty old kingmaker games? When it was all the rage to make your MC a future king or a royal, just like it was all the rage to make a squad of four otome twats in supernatural setting once Wayhaven came out. It's pretty noticeable if you look - especially in case of The Bureau, where author once admitted they didn't read much IF outside of Wayhaven.
>When it was all the rage
It's still "all the rage", half the wips on the site and itch are about some royal heir getting into shitty situations.
>The Bureau
Than one is so obvious it hurts
Isn't it more about le trauma and le angst now after ITFO got popular? Can't remember much angst in KAE.
Wang's been very transparent about it being a five book series the first two are only a prologue of for years, so I've no idea why would you expect that.
Tainted with post modernism, and the woke can't write.
A good text adventure game requires one or more grand narratives and must be heavily seasoned with images displaying fanservice of all kinds: females in skimpy clothes with nice tits and ass, cute little girls, ara ara shotas, kpop teenage vampires, and giga chads barbarians with perfect abs.
It failed because you need a grand narrative that can resonate with most of your customers. Conservatives don't like cyberpunk dystopias, liberals don't like cops, and centrists are just extinct.
Has he ever mentioned how long the daughter sequel will be book-wise?
It's supposed to be a trilogy. Out of recent news on that front, he said that most of it will be set outside of Tierra, so having different endstates for the main series won't be as unsustainable as it seemed
I can't believe our daughter will be the one to actually sleep with elven men.
I agree, I am getting tired of esoteric magic systems in IF. They all do essentially the same thing as basic magic. So really there's only three steps in worldbuilding.
>gets enslaved by Junko
You say this like it's a bad thing. If anything, this proved the Ronin is operating on a higher level of thought.
I've noticed an insane number of angsty low fantasy WIPs after ITFO.
Yeah, that's what I meant by saying Kingdom and Empires is a result of older fad. MC isn't abused, they don't angst a ton, it's pretty high fantasy.
>will be the one to actually sleep with elven men
It should have been us bros. . .
you sound like a massive faggot
>implying it won't be hot lesbian sex on your Saintly pyre
cyoa's for this feel?
It's not even Cassius not being receptive, it's MC being a bloody moron who's unable to read the signs. Cassius will die a virgin at this rate of romantic receptiveness.
Sis, Cassius is a libertine manwhore who fucked the Minister of the Navy on her work desk.
>zoomer thinks that angst is a new fad
It has been a thing in the 2000s and very prevelent in the internet popculture
MC virgin! MC just keeps acting dumb and doesn't get that he's obviously flirty - I thought it's was us having one-sided crush on him, not this type of Wang torture cage.
I cannot imagine or conceive of anything more cucked than having a daughter...
Betrothedchads and Warburtongods don't have this issue.
There's nothing xianxia about any of this.
Any cyoa or WIP for this feel? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IP3pghmnoPA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWg_Hp_CSbA
Can you actually fuck him?
Not Warburton himself, but he helps you score if you're in Aetoria, including getting your buttocks full of seamen if that's your preference.
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>forced to have a daughter
i should've dropped after the first book.....
You will have more children but she'll be the MC.
it IS a bad thing, my ronin is CHASTE and saving himself for masami!
Hyuga hobbled so that PoMA could crawl
>Choose one of the three species available and discover your own worldview and the world's view of you. What is it like to be a human, a half-elf, or a half-satyr in this vast realm?
What does that mean? Satyr is already a half, does it make you a quarter Satyr?
>Learn, think, doubt, conclude. This world has a pre-written destiny – will you abide by it or challenge it? Who are you, and who will you become?
Hopefully, I can pull some Ouroboros fuckery and correct the mistakes of the world.
>she'll be the MC
>choose your own adventure game
>forces you to be a certain gender
yeah no i'm just going to stop buying wangslop, fucking ridiculous
>Satyrs are being bred out of existence by dastardly humans
The bastards, soon even quarter satyrs will be rare!
Well I'm glad he realized CYOA are supposed to have choices instead of being just a regular book that occasionally lets you choose what flavor of juice your mc drinks at least
He should talk to the Hyuga guy.
At least Hyuga had flavour that fooled people into thinking choices matter and you can actually get a bad ending if your attunement is low. KaE has none of that.
It's too late for that story what with it already having multiple finished entries which is something it can brag about at least, compared to this fucker spending ages in just the childhood section
He also had Fatehaven out way before Hyuga. Six games in total.
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>mfw lunarGOD kiihakaiLORD
Your faith fuels my writing, my most loyal son of Yakub.
You'd call him a spic if you ever met.
fujo... shutup...
It's a shame but it's not our fault Satyr women love BHC.

Or that human women love sleeping with goats.
I'm norwegian THOUGH.
only one more week, honeypotanon. you better bee on time with your wip release. it would sure sting if you were to suddenly delay it.
i call everyone i don't like a spic nigger faggot thoughever
You were already forced to be a certain gender is sabers
I am writing again, so have one more idea inspiration teaser for the twin game, this one is probably the last, as it is pretty obvious where the game will go.
Being forced to be something good > being forced to be something bad
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don't know if this was asked but will there be other romance options? I'd love to see dear sister seething
There will be her shota betrothal pinning after the MC that could potentially develop into a three-way relationship. The MC's personal attendant has a crush on the MC too. That will probably become a route in the book 2 or 3. The witch will get some lecherous moments with the MC. And that is for now all I have in mind. Will probably grow, as I plan this to be 4/5 books.
>nigger is planning 5 books
>didn't even release a demo yet
Yep, it's over.
Errm, he "released" a demo that's literally just the prologue with
>exposition exposition exposition
>oh fuck I'm supposed to give choices ain't I?
>two lines of choice-dependent text with random 4 numbers thrown around
>exposition exposition exposition
I did release a prologue, silly anon.
He could make it big in the Patreon scam business.
I'm a monkey yokai and a latinx irl. Please don't use slurs such as latino or spic. We prefer to be reffered to as latinx, thank you.
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I've stopped beelieving long ago
>We prefer to be reffered to as latinx
No we don't. White hands typed this post.
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>aura spic
>awawa *squeak* (>﹏<)
What's up with the autist spamming >aura spic? I don't get it: He doesn't like the game or what? Pretty sure this is the same dude that constantly bitched about infinityspics too.
general autists, happens all the time
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Some latino people sit in Infinity Sea subforum section on the daily basis, and some of them do the same with wuxia and powerwank games. They're usually alright, to be honest - much better thab elitist le enlightened liberals that also frequent Infinity Sea subforum.

It's devastating that the only guy similar to Iguazu as an LI is Asadi from Mecha Ace.
>They're usually alright, to be honest
>Juan José Cuevas
Your girlfriend got fucked by a mexican or something?
>mutts law
the first thing that came to your mind and it was that, lol
>wanting to fuck the guy whose entire character is just jobbing and seething over not being you
will you ship literally anything as long is it has a dick and rival tag on it?
It's just an extremely easy insult.
you're not off the mark entirely
my family are jumanos living on a border area, and a spic raped and killed my grandmother a few years back
Juan is a single example of an annoying latino. Far too many obnoxious people of different variety, though, and Juan is much closer to them than to the latino side.

It was deeply interesting to look how deeply Iguazu will go and what will he do in constant attempts to reach the levels MC has - his insecurity is something I have rarely seen in stereotypical rivals, and I do like it. His relationship with Redguns also helps to flesh him out.
That sounds horrible anon, I am sorry.
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>using cog forums
>coming here to complain and shitpost about a cog forums only issue
That's literally just knock-off Jerid. Did you stan for that one too?
I know that a LOT of cog trannies are viewing these threads. Thankfully they're not posting but I know for a fact that even forum mods browse here.
I haven't watched Zeta yet, anon. Who knows.
Jerid legitimately did nothing wrong
Kamille just had a sperg moment and ruined both of their lives for no reason
Reckless driving causing military vehicles to get stolen by autistic girls is wrong
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Shouldn't have talked shit.
Why are people bringing their CoG forum shenanigans into this general is beyond me. Really spic behaviour, desu.
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>complains that there are not enough adult-themed WIPs
>complains that there are too many teen-oriented CoG games
>demands that there be trigger warnings and the use of non-binary lingo
to any CoG trannies reading this
and fuck you're millennial style of writing, fuck that the most
(also if authors are here reading this, pls have more teen MCs and more hag romance options :p)
>>complains not enough adult shit
wasn't heart's choice CoGs attempt to go full smut? how'd that turn out? also write your own fucking teen X hag smut, be the change you want to see in the world
>wasn't heart's choice CoGs attempt to go full smut?
>how'd that turn out?
romance options there are blander than mainstream CoG games, total flop
the ONLY good smutty game there is the fag wrestling one
> also write your own fucking teen X hag smut, be the change you want to see in the world
i'm not creative/autistic enough to write a proper hag and teen douchebag smut
meant for >>3644969
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how do you beat this bitch? she always crushes one of my nodes
cute sheep girl... anyways idk it doesn't really matter as long as you don't have your ass completely handed to you. I still would kay... I'll take any sheep "girl" I can get
"she" has a penis anon
grils do not have a penis, they have cooties
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We were robbed. Monstergirlbros truly are the most oppressed class.
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the letters are visible, so looks visual enough to me
ngl, I prefer Monster boys myself.
Paradox part 3 soon
>What are picture books
so if a transgirl is a former dude, would that mean they still have their dicks?
I thought Morgan had a chance for a second their with the Weasel head. But now that she's lost it my interest in her has dipped. A shame.

Only if they're a good one.
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ehh depends on if they got bottom surgery or not, but thats a whole nother can of worms.
Reminder that readers aren't entitled to the author's creations so if she decides to slowburn kinos for 30 years, 10 books, 40 chapters, 800 sidestories and 10000000 tumblr asks - it's her pejorative and you are still obligated to pay her money.
>paying her money
Shut up femoid, my twin shota kino will be completely free. I intend to upload chapters as I finish them.
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>I intend to upload chapters as I finish them
>as I finish them
I am almost finished with Route B for Chapter 1, all it requires is the actual meeting with the dragon so I expect to upload sometime in mid-November.
Your work is so kino you should be the one paying for having anyone read such dogshit
you tell me, you made it
I still have no clue how people are still interested in Patreon stories. They're the same slop now, she's not even trying.
>ignite a revolution or
It sucks donkey kong cock chief don't do it.
>4chan racist forming the most diverse community in CoG
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Racism is all about hanging out with your friends. Me in the down left corner btw.
>not Fighting Fantasy
Why should I care?
ahh fuck my mistake i thought i was on /fit/
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that post had nothing to do with /fit/
Clearly you've never been on /fit/
Only one review came out in a way. It's a very typical CoG, which is bad, but I wonder if making a mech will just let you fuck off from the main plot.
>4,89 fake money
Cmon man, just disappointing.
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>23 helpful reviews
amerigolem post
>stonerfags made a Cyoa
>download game
>everyone has some forgettable middle-eastern sounding name
>they keep throwing middle-eastern sounding words in the middle of the sentence like I'm supposed to know them
>delete game
At least the Ching Chong games have the decency of keeping it to just characters names instead of using chinese names for clothing/furniture/buildings/etc
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This is some riveting stuff, OP.
At least VN's give you some visuals, who wants to stare at a Word document?
You don't come around here much do you? Word documents are our bread and butter around these parts. If you do want something with a story and good visuals I recommend Slay The Princess, just got an update that expanded a bunch of the previously lacking routes.
in theory its visual simplicity allows for extra content when it comes to the story and the possible routes

but that's just a theory..
a game theory
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Imagine being a brainlet.
This just makes me go full cop on my first run even harder, funnily enough. I wonder how fun it'll get.
i remember when these used to be playable on browsers. the fuck do you need steam for this shit? what a disgrace. actually pathetic.
Not particularly fun, as the game still keeps pushing you to interact with the Revolutionaries. You're not even a real cop, just an obligatory service militia.
These are still playable on browsers and most of the sales come from the mobile stores. Steam release is just a prestige thing.
It's not fun even as a cop the book is shit to the point I don't even feel like using mental bandwidth to criticize it
How much does mecha matter overall?
NTA, but in the WiP version the mecha became only relevant at the very end.
>The whole conflict of the game is completely pointless because not!picrel coups and makes everyone kneel to her anyway, so your only real two choices is either staying or leaving
oh no no no ahahahahaha
Another Glorious Victory for the Qajar Lion
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Let me guess, they don't have enough non-binary characters in the cast without this shit.
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It's kind of funny that they let you make someone attracted to men and women, and no one else.
>at oun
Did they forget to capitalize a name or is this one of those incorrect leftist pronouns?
Seems persian. Character is named Barhad or something like that.
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My brother is a fucking retard and I feel like the father of that twink from Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. I will either leave him in there or deck him in the face.
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>Archibald has had enough of his faggot brother
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THIS is the game you all were shilling and fellating just days earlier?
fucking lel
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Princess is the only based character I've met yet aside from Peyk and that guy called the devil of whatever the fuck.
It was so fucking bad. The gender bullshit pushed everywhere with the shitty pronouns, pseudo persian words, railroaded as fuck.
What the FUCK does any of this shit mean?
Any news about poma? The character creator is still shit?
I'm doing my best to kill my faggot brother, but the game still constantly forces visitations and the money issue. I don't care about Devil guy possibly breaking his nads! I do not care about his bitchy self.

CoG finally learned how to railroad MC as badly as a typical HG.
>CoG finally learned how to railroad MC as badly as a typical HG
umm anon CoG is the worst offender when it comes to railroaded MCs
The same 150 hours comment was seen on multiple replies on mortismal's video. Bots?
whoops wrong thread
wrong board?
telltale sign of a bot
is the brainrot kicking in?
Nice legs and feet doe
A couple months ago I finally played Cyberpunkdreams after a CYOA drought, and it’s probably the most frustrating game I’ve played in how close it is to being an engaging and interesting adventure only to be continually brought down by its terrible Facebook social game mechanics and bloat. There’s simultaneously too much to think about with 20 different negative statuses that can pile up while having nothing of value to do with a lack of direction and obtuse routes of getting content that isn’t busy work or grinding, and the few I was able to work out ended up being dead ends presented with a message saying “this isn’t available in the game yet”. If the dev wasn’t insistent that every interaction has to be the video game equivalent of a payday loan and just let me pay full price for it as a regularly designed CYOA I would gladly put this above many games in the genre.
i guess this game really sucked, else you autists would be talking and arguing about it
>less than 300k words
Not even worth pirating, unironically.
I'm working on a conspiracy-thriller cyoa set in 21st century Los Angeles. You might even call it schizophrenic.

What are some skills the protagonist should have access to?

So far I was thinking:
Physical Fitness

What do you think?
Make Libspeak a language just for fun. It lets you coherently talk to/persuade rioters, homeless, and the children of the incredibly wealthy
for me it's esp, booksmarts and perception for schizomaxxing, while obviously dumping charisma
I was trying to focus on having around 7 abilities and letting the player choose two.
Fitness+Firearms= Soldier
Streetsmarts+Charisma= Con Man
Booksmarts+Perception= Detective
Charisma+ESP= Cult Leader
About to buy
>The Allure of Wanton Cove
>Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
>Scarlet Hollow
Which should I play first?
>buying wegs
i am vomit
Neither, buy Disgaea
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scarlet hollow is alright, tabitha is the most grounded character and only one I really end up caring about, it's pretty apparent how scarlet hollow is/was black tabby's first project ever, but I think it's still better than most western vns because if you play it smart the game recognizes you not being an idiot that drinks the tea. call her when your trapped in a house with a werewolf? she comes in with a shotgun. love my cousin dunno about the other games, They are probably alight >>3646905
incredibly Based, I've been meaning to replay the OG afternoon of darkness for Halloween.
autism bros...
>best character
>your cousin
I guess there's no Alabama route?
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>Yoko Taro is responsible for unleashing Malin upon us
Has she ever mentioned Sky Raider in later asks? Feels as if she's completely forgotten about him.
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Yeah? He comes up occasionally.
>not Drakengard
Wow, Malin is a pseud. Drakengard is way closer to what FH is about. Even SinoAlice and Kakierabi. Nier is an entirelly different thing.
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thoughts on this? it's still the most played demo on steam since it's released from Nest Fest (which is actually just their latest build EA 0.3.5) and already has enough content for a full playthrough and I've already sunk into it over 20 hours in just from a demo
There should be an occultism/eldritch lore skill that does nothing but give you increasingly paranoid/hallucinatory descriptions during scenes the more you increase it
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>it's still the most played demo on steam
what a mystery!
So far Scarlet Hollow's been pretty enjoyable. The artstyle wasn't my cup of tea at first but actually lends itself fairly well to the spooky atmosphere. Much better than a more polished animelike style would I think.

Didn't expect things to kick off so soon. Just finished day 2.

>Reese's Mom
This is an excellent idea.
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>this is what the women want
We're all gonna make it...
Keen Eye + Mystical has been a pretty fun combination. I am afraid that the 'Mystical' options may be giving me too much info? Also the fact it's written like the MC has had this insight for a while but it never really gets mentioned or addressed.

Animal Crossing and Academic(?) also seem like they would have been good picks. Not so sure about Hardy and Charismatic.

I just need to get a veil and I'm set.
Yeah, the issue with Mystical is that it gives you quite a lot of info you wouldn't really get otherwise, but it hardly changes how the game plays out beyond
>VGH I'm the modern day Cassandra...
The strangest case is when it literally spells out for you everything in the ghost debacle, but it doesn't matter for shit because Book Smart is the one who gets the unique outcome quota there.
Once you go through a playthrough scarlet hollow lets you use/combine 3 traits in a new one, with the caveat that they no longer give you a get out of jail free card with stuff like the ghost
Why would you give up literally every trait-unique outcome just to get some extra flavour text? Who the fuck wanted this?
me because it gives you more access to trait combining, like i think its perception and streetsmarts that lets you dump out the tea
I'm pretty sure you can do that with just streetsmarts, since I was a bookworm rogue and I had no issue doing that.
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This Sultan fella sounds like a stand-up guy.
But that's gay??
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The Wise and Benevolent Sultan decreed him a woman posthumously!
Rejoice in His magnanimity!
did... did he fuck a dead body?
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Post you're tierlist.
Return from whence thou cam'st
holy shit this looks so fucking lame
chinks are incapable of making good games
>m-muh black myth
overhyped trash by /pol/ chuds wanting to btfo trannies
>fallen hero
>S tier
>chinks are incapable of making good games
That's why we have our white bros making their xianxia games better. I forgive nicky for being a slav.
>burger xianxia
I haven't heard of this at all, but it seems more like Cultist Simulator than IF. In which case, I fear chink writing might bring it down.
True, the art of drip-feeding three lines of vague text about Capitalized Inexplicableness might prove a challenge.
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I would also rank Arcadie and Ponpara II in S with the Shattered Eagle demo being in A or B.

Can anyone recommend me any more based on what I've liked and what I'm interested in?

How are the zombie exodus games? I've been apprehensive because the first has a pretty bad reputation.
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Fuck, forgot image.

Also if it's relevant. I generally tend to prefer fantasy with a slightly grim or serious tone. Twinks and Muscle Mommies (Hags are fine too)
never post again
Fuck you, I'm going to post again right now.
I liked fallen hero. Second one was terrible thoughbeit
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I have no idea how she managed to mess up the premise this badly, but I blame all the anarchist pussies that drown out anyone else. Haven't killed a single man as a villain, fuck right off.
I kill I just make sure people don't know that I kill
Canon Cyrus was an anarchist thoughbeit
>>>>>>>t. kirkbride
Lurk 20 more years
>no demo
atleast that slav twink out out one (it's alright desu, could use a bit more choices and variation)
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Leave hackpot...to me.
wait for the new ending to play Unsupervised
2 more weeks
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Just finished what's available for Scarlet Hollow. It's pretty good. Great vibes and atmosphere.

>Wayne seems like a bro
>Shame I couldn't Romance Reece, or his Mom, with my chosen traits
>Tabitha and I in it together
>Fuck losing years of our lives because some cuck died with his jimmies rustled
>Ditchlings were unnerving as fuck

Thanks friendo. I'll trust the plan.
You don't need traits, she's only into you if the ghost makes you a boomer.
Ah, must have been looking at old info. I didn't look up anything until after I completed my run and even then just sparely.

Also, it's hilarious that the only way to rom Reece while keeping his mother alive is to be sexy as fuck.
>lost Gretchen in the woods
Should've killed yourself right then and there, desu
>Reddit: The Dog
>everything I don't like is reddit
That dog is a better character than 90% of the human cast
It's reddit because saving the stupid ugly mutt is what everyone over there picks. Which is no wonder because the """moral dilemma""" of
>oh nooo do I save le heckin precious pupperino or...an actual human?????
only works for that audience.
>liking dogs is reddit
The absolute STATE of redditfugees.
>people on reddit breathe, therefore breathing is bad
Guess you'd better stop, then. Or at the very least go the fuck back. Either way it would save the rest of is from having to read any more of your drivel
>considering a retarded hick "an actual human"
That is a common mistake. Visual novels MUST have high quality art depicting extremely beautiful girls in all kinds of sexual positions. Is mandatory, not optional.
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Everything else is either shit or I didn't play it.
>enter thread
>newfags arguing with newfags
sasuga for a 24/7 general full of underageb&
>blue board
Hello newfag
A dog is often a much better pick then some other human in the first place. If I had the choose of having to either save my dog, or some random human I would choose my dog every time.
as a dog owner, I would always prioritize my dog (or any dog) over some faggot human, with the exception being family.
>t. reddit trannies
a dog is an animal and ANYONE with a empathy and a heart would a save a human over a mongrel mutt
Humans are humans and dogs are dogs. The only value anyone's live have is the value you place on them, since I value my dog more then I value a stranger it is only natural that I save my dog if their lives are at stake. In the same way if my mother or father were tied to trolley tracks and I could save them by pulling a level but that would kill 5 strangers. I would pull the level because I value my mothers life over the lives of strangers.
How does your value system work? Do you value strangers lives more over those closest to you, do you place some intrinsic value on them simply because they are human?
I'm not saving a random shitskin over my dog I've raised for 5+ years
This. reddit trannies would save their own dog over a random human because they are soulless in-group preference conservative monsters. I'd gladly save a poor starving mexican on the border over my mom because I'm a hecking good person unlike those reddit troons.
nah fuck off with that, initial comment was me stating that anyone who saves a literal mongrel mutt over a human is a souless troon, nothing about saving another yuman over another human
moving the goalposts with hypotheticals is a concession
moving the goalposts? concession accepted
btw if you live near shitskins then there's a 99.9% you're a shitskin yourself
>Didn't explain how his value system worked
>Couldn't even answer if he values strangers lives more then those closer to him OR if if humans have some intrinsic value on the basis of being human
if anyone should be accepting a concession it should be me. I very clearly explained why I would make the choices I did and you are unable to muster up a single defense for your own position, instead falling back on name calling.
depends on the dog and human
if i referred to dogs as mongrel mutts then my value system and how i place humans should be clear
wait you can get the dog killed? I just assumed the old farmer dude always trips and shoots himself with his own gun
I'd absolutely prioritize my dog who is useful and I care for above a random asshole on the internet or in a CYOA game who thinks he is entitled to me making sacrifices for him.
this comment really did set off the tourists
Stupid kuffars get angry really easily when you point out you don't care about their mongrel mutts and are better than them. The west is so weak it's laughable.
I had to google that word, whatever happened to just calling us infidels?
(anon they've been using that word since like forever, and it became more popular since the gulf war)
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Huh, first time I have encountered it.
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Holy shit, so these games didn't end in the 90s or with depression quest?

Quick, you got a brand new blank slate of a guy to imprint your taste in CYOA games, do your worst. I prefer you keep the multigender gayness to a minimum, but I know you won't
Life and Suffering of sir Brante
If you want that 90's flavor then the Sourcery series.
Slay the Princess if you are into visual novels
Road warden if you want time management.

Bear in mind, none of these are part of the CoG's catalogue, but they are all great games and can easily recommend them for people just getting into the genre.
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Play Mecha Ace.
what the other anon said, jolly good and tally ho are the cream of CoG crop, unsupervised was alright, everything else is varying levels of railroaded mediocrity
Sabres of infinity
Guns of infinity
Lords of infinity
>I prefer you keep the multigender gayness to a minimum, but I know you won't
One anon from these threads made a dbz kind of game with 0 gayness or gender insanity

>with 0 gayness
You can't fuck your mom though, which is pretty gay.
getting your dad's sloppy second is incredibly gay
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>aura spics
>Midsummer that high
I didn't think it was bad but I guess the comedy just didn't gel with me. Had a great cast of LI/RO's.

>TBtM higher and Empyrean than Pon Para
I really enjoyed both the Pon's but was put off his other games due to middling reviews and generally not caring about WoD after 2010.

This, >>3648373 is the correct answer.
A 17yo dog from a species that is known for poor health and who I have no personal attachment to or a trained hunter with a gun while there are monsters about?

These are good >>3648403
I can recommend the Pon Para games if you like weird bronze age settings with a coat of Sword and Sorcery.
go back
>Mask of the Plague Doctor that high
for what purpose
I really struggle to recall a more text-book B tier title.
Why is there no competitive scene for cyoa games
where are my king of dragon pass speedruns
>competitive scene for cyoa games
at first I thought you meant competitive market, and I'd say its because theres a low barrier of entry and everyone's a mediocre writer at *best* and the majority user base of CoG are wine aunts and lonely autists, thats why theres such a big RO focus. If you meant competitive like the other anon meant with speed runs and stuff i just have to say, huh? how would that even work? like fitzie% speedrun??
>every dialogue box has thousands of options which branch into thousands more
>similar chance to win the lottery to figure out the story path
>order of choices is randomized each time, forcing the player to scroll through a menu of thousands of responses each time
>only the most determined cyoa autists will make it to the end
>pit them against each other
>he majority user base of CoG are wine aunts and lonely autists
before infamous i would've disagreed with that assessment
It sucks being someone who doesn't care for romance/relationship drama when so many people demand more of it and so many writers are happy to oblige.
Yeah, the trained hunter so retarded he invariably gets himself killed without your direct intervention is going to be a real asset.
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samurai of hyuga is more of a kinetic vn than a cyoa but I still think it's worth reading
It's over. He folded.
that's the moment he sold out. and calls him self an anon, for shame.
Well yeah, duh. Your suppose to fold many times, like a samurai sword that has been folder 1000 times. The more you fold the stronger you become.
True. It is really weird he did't make it in that format instead. It would be far better.
Keeperxisters... It's dead...
Midsummer was great and it perfectly captures the spirit of the play. I am eternally disappointed that CoG never asked for more Shakespear kino.
It was far better than most games that came recently. You actually do Doctor work and it is fun. Characters were compelling enough. Getting to the root of the plague and actually saving the town was satisfying. It also did the concept of mixing history and low magic way better than Chronicon Apocalyptica, now that was dogshit. I can't wait for Hexfinder.
Plague Doctor is Pathologic but shit. Themes, characters, plot, etc.
>and it perfectly captures the spirit of the play
Like I said. I didn't think it was bad. Just not my cup of tea.
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In that game's defense, Pathologic is literally the best written game in the world.
Wayhaven already came out half a decade ago though
A normie job and family is one thing, but this is what he gets for buying a house. You can't say homeowner without homo.
>It was far better than most games that came recently.
I've really no idea what you're on. It's very much an etalon of what your generic CoG brand game is, the recent Golem game is pretty much the same thing except that one at least has a more interesting premise and some personality to its writing.
cope rentie
Mystical side was my pick. Was interesting enough to look at even with fully sceptical character ahd reminded me of Heart of the House well enough. Baron was a delight as well.
This is a good decision tho: New patreon chapter+freeing the previous patreon content will generate a lot of necessary engagement.
The mundane vs mystical pseudo-split was one of the weakest things about it by far, though. Literally just copying Dybowski's homework but making it as bland as possible.
You mean the same Baron barely appears and hardly has any character beyond hovering as an antagonistic force in the background?
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>aura spics coping and seething
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Stop playing as a boring morafag.
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No, I dont think I will
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what a faggot
Baron was the only character, Alice aside, that actually felt like a character. The plague itself being mystical in cause is also one of the few semi-interesting bits.
What if I only pretend to be a normalfag because the choices give me better rewards?
You are a soulless faggot who doesn't believe in anything. So you are the real normalfag.
Sociopaths do the same thing because the benefits of being agreeable outweigh the benefits of being a prick. That's why most higher up's in companies are sociopaths, it's their niche.
Where exactly did you see his 'character'? Serious question. He doesn't really have any depth to him beyond being an authority figure holding your career hostage to make you clean up for him. He's pretty much just a plot device. The main duo were the only real characters with some depth to them, and even then only for a given value of the word because they pretty much just play off each other.
That aside, admitting that the game only has a few semi-interesting bits and barely any actual characters makes ranking it as A tier all the more baffling.
>I wanted to switch to Twine, but HG contacted me and said they have no intention of removing the game from their label, so I’m stuck with them for now.
The ultimate and final cuck...
It's not my tierlist, so I just chimed in. I think Mask is heavily carried by convenient timing and the fact Pathologic is too obscure even in butchered English version for most people. It's a rare theme, it's done tolerable level-wise and, well... it at least wasn't as irritating as most other works?

Baron is a tad jovial, can warm up to you quite well and say you're the only person with sense in the whole bloody city, and I did feel empathy for his attempts to prevent the outbreak. He reminded me of a weird mix between Blok and Saburov, and he at least had good intentions. When everyone else wants to use you and just "fuck it we ball" the actual plague, it's not hard to grow attached to one of the few people that actually care about it all.
What a qt
>wants to use you
Which includes Baron himself. He only cares about the town as much as the job Crown gave him, and seriously expects you to clean up his shit by propping up the local corrupt mayor (who violates his own fucking siege!) enough to snub you completely just because the dumb bitch managed to get ousted even if you did everything your actual job entailed perfectly. There's next to no difference between him and other wannabe politicians of the game depth-wise.
That never happened in my game anon. Whew, who would have thought putting a game I liked that high would cause this kind of sperg-out. lol
I play murderhobos almost exclusively.
Who did that happen to?
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I only play moralfags because everyone is guilty of something and I like my killing and looting to be justified. I rest easy knowing everyone I have ever wronged deserved it and anyone saying otherwise is a bad guy who loves evil.
I only play moralfags because doing evil shit ALWAYS backfires on you in these games. It's never worth it.
The Sword of R(h)iv(en)ia author came back from the dead and announced a full rewrite of the first game is ongoing.
Should have actually worked on the second game instead. At this point, I am convinced that authors only announce these rewrites because they have no idea how to continue the story. Because they never thought that far into the future.
To be fair, the first game was such nonsensical dogshit that a rewrite does make sense in her case. Whether she somehow suddenly the writing chops to salvage it is an open question though.
Cynical Dragoon is so cute bros...
Based elf bro (wife)
Going to play Sir Brante for the first time relatively blind. Have only had my interest in it peaked recently so I know very little about it.

Anything I should know? Any tips? Not so much for story beats but just some mechanics I should pay attention to? Anything important I shouldn't overlook or brushoff? Any dumpstats or anything I should avoid?
You really should turn on stat gains display to make the stat-heavy gameplay more transparent. It's generally advisable to plan ahead from the start which "class" you'll be going with and build accordingly, i.e. you won't be really using Valor outside of the Noble path.
Would you mind giving a quick, spoiler free breakdown of the 'paths/class'?

Any personal favorites?
There are just three paths: Priest; Noble; Lotless. You work as an inquisitor as a Priest, judge as a Noble and a roguish revolutionary fellow as Lotless. Not really much of a fan of the game in general, but Priest felt like the more interesting of the paths, Lotless felt pretty decent too, but I honestly only liked it when going for its glownigger "early game over".
Ah, fair.

Thanks for your time friend!
Literally nothing fucking happens in Sword of Rhivenia.
Got Life and Suffering of Sir Brante on sale after getting interested but forgotten, decided to take mental health break lol. They weren't lying about suffering.

The only game that managed to make me feel like shit, locking me into ruining everything in a way that made it feel like my fault.
I'll be surprised if we even get a demo.

Hell, maybe they'll even have you be treated like an actual prince.
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Heritical Mommy. . .

Same. Have only just started it and boy I wish someone had told me about the setting sooner. Very cool.

I don't know why but I was always under the impression the game took place in like 16th centaury Bulgaria or some shit.
Brante is kino, especially the ending when you meet the twins.
>Alienated my family
>Threw my sister under the bus for the career
>Let childhood friend die for the sake of my career
>My lover is a ghost now
>My childhood crush started the reign of terror and executed me

10/10 game will not play again.
I don't usually go this deep into the swamp... Zaper pointed this place out to me a while back and I have lurked from time to time.

But massive thanks to the horde anons for all the green love for An Unexpectedly Green Journey. I'll down a few kegs of grog for all you propa gits!
Oh shiddd, glad to help out orcbro. Keep writing at your godlike speeds. Also, to make a proper tripcode, put a # and password after your username, like orckino#password123. Obviously don't use password123 though.

Quick question, do you have future genres in mind or is it ork city 24/7?

Followed your advice. If it looks wrong it is because I am a sub-novice with low stats here and must improve!

TLDR: Not orc city 24/7, but some other stuff too.

I want to have expanded content and DLCs for the orc game. But I am writing a follow-up, where you are not an orc but a mixed-heritage humie, about a revolution set 1,000 years after the orc game. It might be 2 books. It has a tighter narrative than the first game. Still early days.

After that, I want to make a third game set in the far future of the same galaxy but with space shenanigans. Here, I plan to have the MC be a Dark Elf/Scorned Elf (HG doesn't let me use Dark Elf). The lore arc will fit in if I don't meltdown.

Also want to do an undead simulator thing at some point. Something like this might appear in the follow-up I am working on now.

Just want to make epic storylines full of adventure. Will see where it takes me. But it is always good to know at least big green nutters enjoy it.
Anonbros.... our last fort has been taken by the Orcgod...
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>Also want to do an undead simulator thing at some point
The rotten fleshy kind or the bony kind? Please tell me it's the bony kind.
>zaper has pointed this place out
he's still alive? I thought he overdosed on all the crack he bought with the unsupervised dough
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I am such a minority, I have truly transcended this world.
I want to do a skeleton, ghoul, rotten zombie and lich kind of thing. maybe with ghosts/wraiths and stuff.

Not a vampire thing, that is very well catered for. Something where you start off as a husk but get to rise through the ranks of undead-dom.
He is such a good grandfather.
Thou shall defend the fort with my grotesque big belly, tusks and axe with my life. Until dinner time.
Based ORChad.

Space Orcs sounds kino
I genuflect...
Are you doing drugs to write that fast?
he uses AI
while there he should drop the orcsoge and just go for the far future. we have barely anything there.

There is no special sauce apart from tons of strong coffee. IF, at least for me, is too structured to allow other influences to propel the keyboard tapping effectively.

I set regular hours and built up the habit of getting words down during those hours. If I take a break for a few days, it takes a while to build up the habit again. While it is a part of my routine, I can get quite a bit done. However, multiple-choice IF word count is not the same as linear narrative word count.

I try to do 3-4,000 a day. Some writers manage 5,000 every day so I am not up there yet. I have had a few days of 10,000+ (whole days for this).

Absolutely no AI for a myriad of reasons.
So many have told me that, for HG and Cog, science fiction (though I will be writing a magitech fantasy in space) is unfavoured by many players. This place helped to break the mould.

I am sure the horde anons helped to push my orc game out of absolute obscurity. Some HG folks were very happy that it brought a different flavour to the roster, though of course many were ambivalent.

I just write what I want to, making a few concessions along the way for those who like what I do, though I do set boundaries. This also helps to get something finished. Really, knowing that people like what I did was the biggest incentive to write more.

The orc game was something I tried to do for years and it never really clicked before.
How much you made from the game?
No idea yet. HG sends the cheque 30 days after the start of a calendar month. I think this means that, since Green was released after the start of Orctober, I will get the loot at the end of this month.

I've probably done okay for the release month. Not sure how to judge it properly yet but Green has stayed top of the bestsellers on the HG app, which I suppose is not unusual for the newest game on the block.

Don't know how the game will fare over a longer period as it is niche. This might work in its favour but who knows?
>cogites are openly encouraging their authors and readers to migrate here
explains why this >>3648115
caused so much seethe
I would save a single mangy stray over the entire mudshit population
seethe about it
>he considers shitskins human
hello sir!
>zaper is a cogite now
unsupervised brehs...
I think it's about time we invited Jason as the janitor desu
You're not fooling anyone moor, your unprovoked seething about man's best friend instantly betrays you.
kys nigger
>>oh nooo do I save le heckin precious pupperino or...an actual human?????
>>I would save a single mangy stray over the entire mudshit population
saar shitskins are not human!
I mean, Zaper is a literal reddit mod...
2 more years guys...
trust the plan
>I am such a minority, I have truly transcended this world.
But anon, you hate minorities?
People were just making fun of him (you) for being retarded. And they're right.
Some people you can punch in the face, others you must stab in the back.
Trust the plan. There's a reckoning coming.
I've no idea why that anon latched onto my post, but since you're addressing me
>going after the geriatric la creatura of dog breeds trying to commit suicide by niggermen on her own instead of picking up your fucking light
>when you're inside a pitch black forest
>surrounded by monsters
>and an agitated guy with a loaded gun right next to you
Something tells me I'm not the one trying to win the Darwin Awards here.
Are there any other 4chan cogites?
>theres a reckoning coming
you could say a... Hunter the reckoning (TM)?
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go back
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To be completely fair, that achievement would probably be much more common had that ending been in the game from the start since baseline damsel has the highest ending completion out of all the princesses.
>completing all over baseline damsel
Feels good man
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Bait but I'll respond. If the moralfag is an interesting character I'll root for him. If the villain is an interesting character I'll root for him.
3% still feel just too low.
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When will he pay for his crimes?
Literally never. He's too OP.
Name one crime he's directly committed
It has been a year since the original release, not only has the other achievement had a year to build it it's numbers but only a fraction of those who played it on release will ever come back to play the new update. Most people who get an honest heart will be autists like us who return to play the update to see the new routes or new players who have never played the game before. Damsel is the easiest one to get and even then 40% of the players never care enough to get her before the update. Such a low number for the new damsel is not a surprise, especially since it is competing will all of those who owned the game previously and will never play it again.
my first princess was nightmare because I'm a paranoid fuck. appropriately voice of the paranoid is one of my favorites
Thank Christ I'm not the only one who thinks this way.
New Faith or Old Faith, Brante Bros?
Either Old or willist.
With a priest Brante I usually end up going the full will path and so never see the revolution
New Faith, with Forgiveness as what I teach the Twins
any games where the RO can cuck you? or vice versa?
there's a capeshit one where a literal author self-insert cucks you, but uh fuck off with your ntrslop
sorry but i need to cope right now, and that'll help somewhat
my girl cheated on me with some twink fag, i'm seriously depressed right now
>girl cheats on you
>go to an online forum and ask for a cuck simulator so you can experience it again
Hit the gym, your T is too low
Don't worry bro, I evened things out.
Cheated on my girl with some twink fag.
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damn that really sucks man, but why would you want to experience that again in forma de text? I'd replay something comfy like jolly good if that happened to me but it hasn't because I'm antisocial and don't meet new people often
You did break up with her right?
I'm still fence sitting and afraid indecision will lead to a worse outcome.

I just don't think I'm cut out for being an Inquisitor, bro's. . .

Also, Mages are neat.

Just got to the part where Stephen wants me to help him marry off our Sister. I like them both, even if their personal faults make them insufferable at times. So not sure what to do. I assume I can't get Ennobled by the Sword and keep the family happy together?
don't get mad, get even
you must now fuck the twink too to uncuck yourself
This is exactly how I did it and I'm very happy with the result. Chadman is always right.
Tell me about it anon.

I've been leaning in the direction of Chadman for my own worldbuilding.

I even think I've found a way to include ritual Shibari in to my NOT!H.R.E+ Iceage setting. Just need to decide if it should included as an act of penance or as part of an initiation. Then, based on it's use decide why it is used. Clearly, exposing your body to the cold is part of the point. But what does the rope symbolise? Something tethering you to your body or is it restraining you from something?

I'll have to go see what /tg/ says.
Whiskey Four is coming out soon, anybody play the demo, how is it? Should I buy it on release?
>MC not as much of a mopey fag as the dev's previous one, thankfully
>fairly on rails
>introduces an interesting horror premise, proceeds to do absolutely nothing with it
>discount Junko
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Our glorious Patriarch...
>tfw horny nun uses divine intervention as an excuse to get freaky with a priest
can I get a tl;dr on this genre?
how did it evolve from the sherlock holmes adventure books I read as kid that had you be a "promising detective" that got fed some minor cases by holmes
It evolved into shitty dating sims with one of the most popular/most sold being not-twilight. But once in a blue moon we get something good that remembers what the genre is called and actually has divering paths, or is atleast fun like jolly good.
it's still mostly text right?
Also, what's the difference between these and jap visual novels? other than the fact that jap writing is shit
>what's the difference between these and jap visual novels?
Actual player agency and not just hours of clicking through text until you get a single choice to decide which girl to date?
>But once in a blue moon we get something good
Can you give me some examples? Last choice of game I tried to get into was unsupervised and immediately dropped it when they introduced some trans guy right in the opening
yeah, in theory it being just text allows you more flexiblity on making different routes, and there are alot of small fluff choices in em, but a problem is a lot of CoG writers get lost in the weeds giving you completely useless asthetic chocies like describing what kind of food your eating or coffee or your hair color or whatever and then not letting the player actually make any choices that would impact the story other than who you want to them to romance. Some stuff I would reccomend is unsupervised, auraclash and afformentioned jolly good. Then if you want to see how NOT to do a cyoa look at wayhaven and samurai of hyuga.
>he got filtered by flit
lol, also It's vague because of course it is but flit is 1000% a woman with the whole "guys trust my ex" thing and moralfagging.
is there any that is more like an RPG like the old fighting fantasy series? You know, with stats and dice rolls.
there are some Vampire the masquerade ones that are of varying quality and try to emulate tabletop character sheets, Dice rolling isn't really all that common the only one I can think of of the top of my head is breach the archangel job, but also for nonCoG stuff theres the sorcery series which you might be looking for.
There's always mine :^)

thanks, will take a look
I'll leave a negative review if there's not at least one jade beauty in it
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hackpot sisters our October demo is nowhere to be seen....
No dice rolls but Pon Para hits that old school adventure feel.
stop genociding cultivator-anon...
When is it getting updated?
I'm sorry bros I've decided to add trans-route so it's gonna take more time...
I don't even try to offer deadlines anymore, work is crushing me to the point that I can't predict any writing time. The house stuff is mostly done so things are recovering a bit, but my co-worker leaving was a total collapse. I have 80k words without the 20k from the Trials (some of that will transfer over), what I need now for a partial release is to finish up a few hub areas, do 5 companion quests, and then do bugtesting. In a perfect world that's 1 week for each item which is 7 weeks. I want to do much better than that, but may do worse. The only good news is I cannot be fired, as I have no co-workers, so I have begun abusing that status with Fang-like smugness.
Can't you at least ask for a raise?
Did, failed, manager was honest that the higher ups wouldn't allocate any money for him to use without threatening them with an offer letter, he was even bro enough to tell me which competitors would get them more likely to counter offer, but if they decline then I need to leave to the new offer. A new job might mean never getting the writing time back. A risky maneuver that I've begun already, resumes are sent out.
Man, at this point, just shelve the project and give it another shot once you get things sorted out. Your life seems to be getting more complicated by the day, and this can’t be good for your mental health.
No worries for burnout there. The writing is actually my only relaxation, the flaw at the moment is I have had no time to relax.
>Astoria is an Owl exclusive RO now
>which means she can no longer be our abusive same age sugar mommy groomer
>whereas her new bad boy twin brother is an always available RO like Droz and the Strays
Birdcult author has betrayed me...
what the fr*ck....
Post the
>last book you read
>current book you are reading
>next book you plan to read
Please don't answer with CYOA shit
Malazan book 7
Malazan book 8
Malazan book 9
Yep, they're fvcking kino.
A little embarrassing but after finishing the 'Memory Sorrow and Thorn' trilogy I wanted to dive into a quicker read and to revisit some childhood nostalgia.
>The Lake of Tears
>City of the Rats
>The Shifting Sands
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More cyoa's for these themes?
Trull / Itkovian
Tehol and Bugg
Honorable mention for Beak
>last book you read
Unfinished Tales/Phenomenology of Spirit
>book you are currently reading
Brothers Karamazovovs I/History of Slovakia I; From early middle ages to 1526
>book you will read next
Dead Souls
oh yeah Beak isn't until book 10. When you see a guy named Beak appear, you know some RN real nigga shit is about to go down
Beakino happened in Reaper's Gale which is book 7.
what the fuck why did i think of him as a chained god thing
what am i thinking of instead
oh well beak is still the man with the bright candle
Astoriachads, what will we do now?!!?
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Any such games? Asking for a friend.
Hero Rise
Samurai of Hyuga
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> Check if the Whiskey Four author updated the demo
> It got trimmed down
> What? Oh god now i will have to wait until the official relese
> It's tomorrow
>please don't answer with the topic of the thread
Also I'm reading nero wolfe
currently on the third one
where do I even go to find these anyway? Steam?
Steam if legit.
Choice of Mods otherwise.
Tehol and Bugg were so fucking good.
finished playing trough the aura clash game
it's fun, but too many times where I was just clicking trough bored as the narrator spent too long describing how the bad guy was doing bad things
Specially the time you get captured at the end of the game. The extremely cringe "rival" I could not care less about just being evil for no reason too was very boring too.

Besides that I enjoyed most of it. 8/10.
Which games let me have a very feminine twink as a wife?
boku no pico
I can't take this grown man seriously.
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Never, fujopig. All twinks are gay or like actually pretty women.
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>all twinks are gay or like attractive women
nta but I think your misunderstanding the concept of a fujo, they want to watch/read twinks BE gay with other men for some reason, not be with the fujo.

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