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Are you already blasting the latest and truest 2.5D Indie Gothic Successor?
buy an ad
>dude buy this game it has mediocre softcore porn and it's a gothic successor
wow, 2 reasons I would never buy a game for
>ring of violence
That's what I call my asshole
That is some shitty drawing, makes no sense - not mentioning author couldnt even bothered trying to draw hardest parts in human body,: feets and hands
Long story short looks shite
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its woke garbage
How it's woke?
Blacks and browns in European fantasy for one

That much I could infer from steam screenshots alone
>black peoples existance=woke
kill yourself
In a medieval europe-inspired setting yeah
>Blacks and browns in European fantasy for one
So did Gothic.
Gothic takes place in prison colony, it would be weird if there weren't any.
>gothic was woke all along
Damn, we can't catch a break, gamers!
thanks for the heads up
did you miss that it was made by germans and that they exist as a cucked nation?
The main bad is called Sleeper after all.
It's crafting heavy yet sluggish compared to stuff like Quasimorph. I don't see anything resembling Gothic other than skill upgrades being teacher dependent. This is an absolute slaughterfest of craftables, it's like a Zelda variant of Stoneshard. Again, Quasimorph is the best of the lot because it doesn't waste your time this much.

I'd play this if it had much better art.
You can't type all this out then say you didn't play the game. What the fuck is wrong with people here?
You first niggerlover.
It's alright, but it becomes rather tedious and a slog to play from chapter 3 onwards, you arrive at point that you should be doing a crapton of damage but instead, enemy HP and resitences skyrockets and essentially every encounter becomes a battle of attrition.
Stoneshard is never going to be finished, is it.
File deleted.
Thanks, now I'm really glad I didn't buy this crap.
It's not meant as a homage to Gothic, that's for sure. More like a correction.
I don't get this. With epic weapons and level 2 specializations you should be hitting pretty hard against anything that isn't a worm, which is weak to magic.
buy an ad you toilet cleaner
what's woke about that? it's just some dude.
it's a not a dude and she's teaching dudes how to fight
that's a man, baby.
Are you supposed to get ripper skin after you learn to skin animals or not? The only ripper skin I found was from a stash and even big rippers drop regular leather, I don't get it.

Also the game copies Gothic to the point of being lazy. It's still fun since there are some additions and a new word to explore.
do you mean shadow coats? if so then you should be getting them with the stronger versions of the rippers, the ones in the forest should definitely drop them.
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I mean this. I'm in ch1 but not even pack leaders dropped anything special, just regular leather.
>5 days
>30 replies
It’s drover bros
After your learn how to skin animals, all animals corpse should have some form of leather/skin on them, including those you killed before getting the trait.
I've been playing this game all weekend and I'm having a blast. It truly is a 2D Gothic experience, with the exploration aspect, starting from zero and progressing to becoming a hero, the impact of better equipment, and numerous ways to exploit the game.
There are two factions to choose from, and many quests have multiple solutions. You can complete quests before receiving them, and NPCs can spit, smoke, urinate, and laugh like maniacs, even attacking you if you sleep in their bed. They even react to you if you talk to them while using their stolen items. This game is a perfect Gothic clone, every aspect of it is spot-on.
I particularly enjoyed the combat, especially against powerful human enemies. The abundance of traps, spells, and throwables provides a wide range of tactical options. Even fully ranged builds can be effective, with the right items and levels.
The map initially appears small, but it is filled with numerous locations to explore, including a vast network of caves that at times feels reminiscent of Underrail.
As you progress through the game, the map undergoes changes. It even shares a common flaw of the Gothic series: if you clear the map in the first act, you will encounter fewer enemies in subsequent acts. In fact, you can even skip the second act entirely if you are an experienced player like me.
The later acts lack many side quests, and I expected more quests from my faction.
The enemy variety is a bit lacking, I don't know why, but at some point in the game I found myself fighting frogs over and over. The soundtrack is pleasant but a bit limited.
There are too many enemies that cannot be attacked or killed. You cannot even provoke them to attack you.
There are not many bugs, and most of them can be resolved by reloading the game.
i dont play games that dont let me pick a class
Caltrops are busted. They don't affect you and can be picked up after use, unlike other traps for some reason. So you don't even need craft, just buy couple from traders.
> can be picked up after use
I mean even after triggering on enemies.
Played for an hour... story doesn't interest me, art is downright bad, combat is obviously competent, interface is very good. I see no reason to continue playing. Seems to be padded to hell and back with crafting, maybe even more than Underrail. What is the enemy variety like later on?
>What is the enemy variety like later on?
Mostly enemies you already know with slightly altered behavior and a new ability or two. In act 4 you start fighting few completely new enemies like golems, shadows, some body horrors deep in the swamp. Not very varied, but the game world is quite small so personally I didn't think it was a big problem.
>I mean even after triggering on enemies.
I think fuckers patched (or slav tier codding at work, praise Omnissiah) this because it worked and stopped working and they are one time use now.

>Seems to be padded to hell and back with crafting, maybe even more than Underrail
Crafting is a spook, at least till act 4 where I am. So far I crafted health items at bulk.You could probably break the game with crafting but while I collect every fucking plant and mine every ore vein I can't be bothered to make anything more complicated than that and feel no need to.
Story so far is quite basic and I am more interesting about learning about precursors by exploring than plot at hand.
During my whole gameplay I crafted only few things:
>+5 stat rings
>healing ointments/potions
>movement speed potions
>cluster traps
>pernanent +3 stat potions
That's it. Food for small passive boosts. Potion of the traveling feather makes backtracking less painful. Caltrops are busted and reusable as long as your fights don't last several minutes. Basically infinite bleed. Cluster traps deal nice damage, especially if you use several. Helped me a lot in the arena. Crafting is definitely useful, but it isn't a core mechanic.
As per my tradition in arpg I decided “fuck this” and took wizard pill so I can rund in circles and shoot magic bolts till everyone is dead.
However one thing I hate so far in s enemy hp. We have around 100 health and have weapons and skills doing +300 damage. We should one hit things right? Fuck no. Player and mobs stats feel disconnected. I hate that designs as it makes decision making unnecessary difficult.
If you went melee you would be 1 shotting things.
I agree it's a bit annoying until act 4. Then you find legendary weapons with broken stats. Orange spear and the spell that increases your melee stats allowed me to murder things from outside their weapon range really fast. But yes, until then it's kind of a slog. Precisely the reason why I cheesed some encounters with traps and caltrops.
I will now buy your game.
I found one mandatory “difficult” fight till act 4. So I walked to it, got power boost and I am starting to explore the map.
Faggot. DA Trannyguard thread is other way.
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>Faggot. DA Trannyguard thread is other way.
>I think fuckers patched
Yep, patched that and nerfed shouts, though not much.

Magic bolts are just garbage, magic in general is strong but mostly for aoe. I was mostly using fire shout and whirling energy. Also better save some points and mandragoras for void plants, it's pretty hard to get mind to the same level as strength.
Level 2 specialization ?
Getting base focus to 45 for missiles becoming spamable was first milestone, but once I got to 66 needed for fire breath I noticed increase of power.
I wonder if amulet that augments shouts also works with fire shout spell
You can open fights with a bow shot, bows generate a fuckload of focus.
Bolts are fine against worms and golems...
And nothing else.
>You can open fights with a bow shot, bows generate a fuckload of focus.
Managed to get into 9x base focus so my strategy was hit thing once with legendary sword to reach 100 then cast Thunderstorm, dodge until mana regenerated and cast fire breath until things died. That worked at everything game thrown at me including final boss. So I can say that magic focused build is viable in words of master of lies "it just works".
Game took me 35 hours to get a "good ending" not to short, not to long to overstay it's welcome. Overall enjoyed myself and would recommend, even if lack of choice in the end is a big mistake, because plot should allow for one. For this place I should also point out minimal amount of woke. There are women and people of suspicious skin color but that is it, I have not witnessed any braving for misgendering. To contrary it had stron emphasis on community.
However my autism tickles because as base weapons we get bronze in isolated society that knows ironworking and we see no tin or copper deposit where we can mine shitload of iron. One of reasons iron replaced bronze because once we are past iron smelting point it is many times easier to use iron as bronze requires using two metals that don't want to have deposits near each other and needs long range trade. So small isolated community with access to iron would use iron.
Bruh you get diamonds from silver and rubies from iron deposits in this game. As an rpg it's kinda ass, half the quests have dialogue choices that don't do anything different.
bumping my ad
>half the quests have dialogue choices that don't do anything different.
ambition to rival AAA production
Played for a little bit and it's fun but Factorio is sucking up all my time right now
this is tied for my goty as someone that has played every game in 2024
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