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Ia Neverwinter Nights 2 better than first part?
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two steps forward, three steps back
to be honest, beamdog did a better job with nwn
no because of the lack of modding scene, but mask of the betrayer is a bit better than hordes depending on what you're looking for in an rpg
if you're looking for official campaigns yes
if you're looking for custom mods and multiplayer no
For me it's my nigga Khelgar
not turn based mode no play
Yes as a vanilla campaign
Yes as a party based CRPG
No as a game with production value
No way in hell as a base for modules
why is mask of betrayer so overrated?
NWN 1 is very disappointing if you were looking for a party based RPG. But if you take it for what it is, a map editor and multiplayer framework, it is excellent.
NWN 2 is godawful. Boring campaigns, hideous, artless graphics, clunky movement and controls. Only reason it isn't the actual worst D&D game is because actual shovelware like Heroes of the Lance on the NES exists.
NWN2 looks charming in a way, but Shrek 2 tier art direction absolutely doesn't work for getting immersed into fanmade modules (not to mention how floaty and janky the gameplay feels). On the other hand, I consider most vanilla tilesets for NWN1 atrocious, but custom tilesets seriuosly elevate it.
Just press the space, brainlet.
Nah, and honestly, the way they cut all their community engagement and stuff right after SoZ released left a bad taste in the mouth. Any hope you could have had that they were dedicated to improving the game went out the window, they were just collecting paychecks with this one.
no, it's just not fun and inconsistent
Neverwinter Nights 2 is Obsidian's first sin and the reason anyone that hails that garbage company with any speck of veneration is an idiot.
>camera & navigation
>stability/performance on modern systems
garbage, and one of the originators of our current cancerous fully voiced and animated cinematic dialogue sequences. FUCK OBSIDIAN
garbage, but Bioware is to blame for pushing that with BG2
lame but not garbage in comparison to modern RPGs

In the end NWN1 and its expansions are superior to NWN2 and its expansions. But if you are a completionist, you should play it and if you are a patient man, you might find some joy in it also. But it just isn't a great game
Because it wasn't as shit as the base game and people really, REALLY want to love Obsidian, for some reason
It's still turn based, it's just in real time.
How do you even function irl, if you can't keep track of more than one thing at once, react on the fly and deal with things as they come? WEAK
And I say this enjoying turnbased, but fuck you, that's WEAK
Based and same.
>It's still turn based, it's just in real time.
not how it works bro.
what does any of that have to do with having fun in a video game? i could easily kick the shit out of you irl, but it wouldn't be fun.
>it's still turn based it just isn't
no, if you are going to copy a tabletop system stick to turn based otherwise fuck off
NTA but you have to be a brainlet to masturbate over non-essential details like this. Table top always attempted to simulate fine detailed real-time combat. The first game that inspired games like D&D was real-time. The issue is that it leads to a chaotic gaming table and takes extra time to figure everything out. Turn-based resolution was opted for not because it was superior or better in any way, but because it was simple and resulted in faster play. When you made a computer game version, everything is expected to be faster, then the turn-based resolution becomes a hinderance. Furthermore, all of the limitations about bookkeeping and figuring out the rules and how actions interleave basically vanish when you run it on a CPU.
This isn't a new hot take or anything, it was already explored and completely figured out and written about back in the 80s. It's just now that zoomers don't know anything, it has become forgotten knowledge and they're regressing towards becoming cave men. Real-time resolution is superior in pretty much every way that matters unless you want to specifically dumb down a game that already automates all the heavy lifting for rules.
It's RTWP trash. If you enjoy enemies walking out of your AoE's all the time, then get this game. Very outdated mechanics.
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Seeing it's NWN2 thread, mayb somone can help me.
I played the module named "Raiders of the Lost Tomes" and got stuck on the elven sundial puzzle, I don't get what you are actually meant to do. I evven looked up Elvish dictionary (as whole dungeon seems to use Tolkien's Elvish as a base for puzzles) and it helped me with some passwords for opening rooms, but final puzzle eludes me. Anyone who played that module can explain how does it work?
Maybe someone uploaded a gameplay of this module.
>garbage, and one of the originators of our current cancerous fully voiced and animated cinematic dialogue sequences. FUCK OBSIDIAN
Pretty sure they were going off of KOTOR 2 on this one.
is it possible to open the module in the nwn2 toolset and get the answer from reading the script?
>enjoy enemies walking out of your AoE's
why wouldn't they when not immobilized
always felt the only thing that sucks about it is the ui
yeah, but 1 is still quite good.
NWN (both 1 & 2) are rather bland and m,ostly unremarkable, bnut every now and then you will stumble into something special and interesting, like the haunted village or going back in time and finding out humans were slaves to reptilians, or bui8lding and maintaining your own castle in NWN2 (wich was something uncommon back then). As others mentioned, the biggest problem is the art direction, the whole thing is just EXTREMELY dull and grey-looking, imagine throwing an RPG group session but then making your 60yo grandma decor the entire campaign, thats what it felt like. Best way to describe it mis that the game is definetely not souless, but it is lifeless.
It isn't really the lack of colors that makes NWN 2 so ugly, it is the aesthetic of the game. I'm not sure what you'd call it, but it looks like Everquest 2, or more specifically, like all those amateur 3d renders people would do of their fantasy characters in software like Poser. "Generic lifeless late 90s/early 2000s 3d render": the aesthetic.
Not really. Even the xpacs are shit... but they have this retarded obsidian bonus.
It's funny how only a couple years later some literally who germans nailed 3D fantasy aesthetics in Drakensang. BG3 looks like a visual vomit compared to The River of Time.
It has Sand in it
>(not to mention how floaty and janky the gameplay feels)
This is something which still amazes me to this day.
They managed to make - point&click - controls *floaty*.
I'm not even mad, I'm impressed.
>but Shrek 2 tier art direction
Are you saying that because the OC starts in a swamp?
I've been complaining about this since the game was new and am finally seeing others also notice how bad it controls.
I want to replay all three official campaigns for Neverwinter Nights, starting with The Wailing Death.

What's a more fun option to play the OC with, a Barbarian or a Monk? I want to make a half-orc that uses the dummy dialog options.
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1/5 Chuds. It tries, poorly. NWN2 is jank personified.
No it isn't.

Furthermore, why are snarky evil women on Arelith so sexually attractive?
NWN1 is just far more intuitive.

NWN2 is floaty jank.
types of women that NWN1 made me realize that I am sexually attracted to:

1. Tall Amazonian women in Loincloths and animal skins.

2. Snarky evil women in hoods and leather pants. Such as pirate girls, thief girls, etc.
I looking for similar advice to this anon >>3655611

I'm nearly done with Wailing Death as a wizard, and looking for something different, maybe a prestige class or multi-class build since the next campaigns go to super high levels.
>16 days
>40 replies
Hearty bump
i'd save monk for the expansions, you can craft busted kamas there and attack 9 times per round with them
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hotu is good times
it's funny how hard you are trying to keep this thread alive. just remake with a nwn1 screenshot so the pw fags will waffle on about whores and getting banned for 300 posts.
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NWN2 is based and I’m tired of pretending that it’s not.
it's a very solid game and i don't agree with the people that say it's not.
These upvotes will surely sway /vrpg/s opinion
arguing with people won't make them enjoy games that they don't enjoy already.
only reason to get NW1 is to make your own stuff. the built in campaign is meh. NW2 is a buggy mess. Mask of the Betrayer has an item literally called MOTB. lol
Motb is overrated bec of the lame spirit eating mechanic and some of the characters like the hagspawn are emo shit.
RPGSHIT called Age of Decadence a masterpiece as well. lol
Is there even a single good custom module for this game? Is it really that much harder to make modules for than nwn?

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