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Pillars of Eternity
Baldur's Gate

Which is the least pozzed?
All are pozzed in different ways. Personally, I noticed the post pozz in BG3, but this is subjective.
Black Geyser
the fact it's made by slavs cancels out Paizo's severe retardation and you end up with a mild dose of modern identity politics
PoE1 is the least pozzed. BG3 is one of the gayest games ever made, Kingmaker has a very few noticeable cases.
Pillars of Eternity. You'd have to be looking for it, I can't remember many instances of it that are legitimate. Really only one instance comes close and it doesn't turn me off from the game like Owlcat and Larian's slop.
>the fact it's made by slavs cancels out Paizo's severe retardation
There is nothing more degenerate than a slav.
Pillars and it's by a mile
fucking 15min timers
Pillars of Eternity, by a landslide. The only gay character I can recall in the first game was a backer NPC, and a tranny is literally a bounty target, so you kill the degenerate without even an option of sparing it.

Meaning Avowed won’t be that pozzed?
Are there even any gays/trannies in kingmaker? I don't remember any.
I don't know which is the least pozzed because I'm not mentally ill but owlcat's pathfinder is the worst game in that image by a lot.
Probably pillars.

Regongar is bisexual.

Octavia is bisexual.

Nyrissa is bisexual. Though she's a nymph, so that gets a pass.

The dwarven blacksmith in your capital was supposed to be a pooner, but fortunately that got cut out.

Kanerah and Kalikke are both bisexual. And incestuous.
I don't have a problem with bissexual/gay characters and no problem with crossdressing characters when it's done in the jap way, which is making implicit that character is a weirdo, the same way that a normal person would see a thai crossdressing prostitute.

Every 'trans' chracter in wrpgs are represented as this heroic beings, it's stupid.

Also Kingmaker has one black companion and he outrights admits he doesn't look local because of the color of his skin. I tought that was cool
In both Kingmaker and WotR it's made perfectly clear that the black characters are from different parts of the world, much more to the South.
Pillars and KM are generally ok. WotR and BG3 are woke af.
Pillars Of Eternity. Everything that could be considered woke could be handwaved as someone being a terminally online politisperg.
>Aloth has a female spirit inside him
In the lore, when someone dies, their spirit breaks apart and fuses with pieces of others. Aloth basically has magical multiple personality disorder or a conjoined twin in his mind.
Female, dwarven ranger from a matriarchal or women are the ones that hunt society. Loves her husband. Her society being matriarchal is more bland then anything. To be fair, "what if society, but women rule" is just not that interesting, unless you go into /d/ territory. Like, all women are over 10ft tall or you do something gay like monster girls cuckqueen non-monster girls.
Black, bird woman paladin. You meet her doing an investigation, but after it, her story pretty much ends there in the first game.
>Kana Rua
Bard man searching for a piece of his people's history.
Funny, horny manlet missing an eye.
He's the funniest and best companion in the game. I don't know why they chose to have Aloth in the second game when Durance is more entertaining and compelling.
Total bro.
>Greiving Mother
Memory is a little hazy, but she's a female, higher being larping as a regular woman. Personally, I didn't care for her, but there's nothing particularly woke about her.
The crossdresser in bg3 is a weirdo carnival worker.
>Regongar is bisexual.
>Octavia is bisexual.
They are also in toxic open relationship.
>Kanerah and Kalikke are both bisexual. And incestuous.
Oh noes, You get to bone hot twins. The horror.
>Oh noes, You get to bone hot twins. The horror.

He was asking about degeneracy, no matter whether it makes your peepee hard or not.
Funny how people look at present day game as "pozzed" when, to give a good example:

>Main love interest is engaged when you meet her.
>Her lover dies tragically.
>She goes through a mental breakdown, but over its course also develops feelings for you.
>Breaks down completely after two chapters, and joins the villains.
>You can redeem her, and you declare love for one another.

>Turns out she was FUCKING EXECUTED by the city's ruler.
>The main character was banished from the city, all his achievements erased and attributed to said leader. NONE of the other party members follows him into exile, EVEN IF HE ROMANCED ONE OF THEM (the bard or the cleric).
>The main character of the expansions eventually ends up in Hell, where he meets said main love interest.

The MC of Neverwinter Nights is unironically the biggest (unwilling) cuck in the history of RPGs.
Oh, I forgot.

>Remember the bard I mentioned? Even if the MC of the original campaign romanced her, she abandons him, flirts with the MC of the expansions when they meet, AND WANTS TO FUCK HIM. Only outside intervention stops that from happening.
Wow, you got filtered not just once, but thrice:
>Filtered by post-soviet RPG storytelling
>Filtered by high-art video game writting
>Filtered by Greenwood-accurate Faerune
Sidenote - remember the good old days when we could all proudly cheer on BioWare for fighting against the conservative cultural norms by including the first lesbian romance in KOTOR? Ech... those were the days when gamers weren't yet mindbroken by youtube ragebait grifters.
Pathfinder which is a miracle.
Remember the good old days when Fallout 2 allowed you to gay marry? Or had a homosexual Super Mutant?
No I don't remember that
because it wasn't shoved down your throat

liek I doubt anyone who isn't gay is even aware you can have a gay marriage in FO2
I'm not going to tier turds in a toilet. Just flush the shit dude, and don't worry about it
Is a crusty hippie communist. There's nothing beneficial about being true to his insane "vision"
>replying to bait
Only good post ITT.
its just a sort of a trivia you pick up if you're either gay, or are hugely obsessed with the game
having the gay option isn't bad, but fo2 gives you plenty of chances to be an evil dick all over the map which is serving missing from a lotta games these days
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>Meaning Avowed won’t be that pozzed?
Owned by Microsoft. The company who changed Word to start suggesting normal words to be switched by woke words.
>Other examples of the spellchecker's woke suggestions reported by The Sun are 'maid' (Word suggests 'house cleaner'), 'showgirl' ('dancer' or 'performing artist'), 'headmaster' ('principal'), 'mistress' ('lover'), 'master' ('expert'), and 'manpower' ('workforce').
>Word will scan your writing for age and cultural bias, ethnic slurs, gender bias, gender-neutral pronouns, gender-specific language, racial bias, sexual orientation bias, and socioeconomic bias. The goal is to replace the sensitivity readers that some publishers use to vet manuscripts for conscious or unconscious bias and anything else that might offend an audience.
Avowed is DOA.
I would agree to Pillars being the least pozzed.
mid-tier bait, BG3 is not Greenwood-accurate Faerun, nor even canonically accurate Faerun.
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>Main love interest is engaged when you meet her.
Aribeth isn't a love interest at all you fanfic sperg
>be me
>half-orc fighter self-insert
>6 INT
>see pretty elf lady
>she must be my love interest because... she just must be, okay
>if there's a gay person or strong woman I won't play it
I dunno anon, maybe you're yearning for a time that never was.
Most people outside of the US don't care about your identity politics or even think about it at all. The few that do have spent too much time on the American side of the internet and have very weak minds. A lot of the things people complain about are just accepted as normal elsewhere, because it's practical and makes sense.
>banging hot chicks
I forgot, only thing for based and redpilled groypers to do is to jerk off to femboys.
For me, it's lawful good married and procreative sex with Nyrissa
There is no more pure love than between a man and a catboy twink. Everything else is gay and likely jewish.

Most of them are pozzed beyond belief but I'd say POE1 is the least if you're not looking on its nihilistic edgy takes (the most boring and bland crpg I've ever played, but without any woke pandering or overt degeneracy mostly because Sawyer is an autist).
What's so woke about kingmaker?
There is a bi couple and women are leaders.
So reality was pozed for millenia?
Are you retarded? Maybe try playing the game.

Pillars way better than LGBT bullshit in BG3. Great moments and the overall experience pays off. Haven't played Pathfinder.
>You can redeem her, and you declare love for one another.
Not canon.
>EVEN IF HE ROMANCED ONE OF THEM (the bard or the cleric)
Not canon.
Kingmaker and WotR as well as Pillars games (although I don't own deadfire so less sure there) don't let you add a dongs and ballsacks to female characters.

But also no nudity or nipples.
It's a tradeoff, coomers and trannies get catered to simultanously. Deal with it.
romances being open to both sexes is meta stuff, only regongar really matters here, but that's also polyshit so what do you expect.
>He's the funniest and best companion in the game. I don't know why they chose to have Aloth in the second game when Durance is more entertaining and compelling.
Collossal wanker that gets off from long-winded pseud rants, IMHO. Is he supposed to be cool because he's a seething edgelord?
I reserve right to revise this since I'm yet to finish the game, but I don't see how the writing could turn this shit around.
Reminder that Avellone threw a bitch fit because, apparently, they cut out almost half of Durance's dialogues.
Well, on one hand I could see how the end result might be good with the cut content. OTOH, the problem with present content is WALLS of TEXT of pseud shit, so what if the cut content was even more WoT of pseud, but his "editors" actually cut the worst offences?
Apparently it was the latter. They also basically rewrote most of Grieving Mother's conversations/texts.
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Also, the fucking tin bitch was by far the best companion on Pillars. Fight me.

>Great voice acting.
I am a rabid moralfag and I hate edgelord shit, but she is edgy (a lot) in a justified and very understandable way. There is clear moral logic and message under it all.

Simply put this is what great writing is. Super fun character, even if she isn't he best companion mechanically.

I mean, just listening to her narrating her backstory is gripping. And it's terse, impactful lines.
Meanwhile, Durrance is paragraphs an paragraphs of pompous talk but you keep asking, what is goin gto be the point of this all?
You know it reminds me of? The "O roved out" porn webcomic that has like 2000 pages and all the story/setting content text is completely nonsensical hints of "depth". (Or at least it looks so to me, I admit I get distracted by all the elf gets DPed panels).

I think Grieving Mother's character and writing does have a point and makes sense. I can get behind her/like it, but not Durrance.
>"I roved out"
meh, I need time off from work.
Classic Hackellone writing.
Agreed, though I like Zahua and Kana too.
I liked Eder too, A very solid and likeable "normal guy" with right dose of small silly side. I think they are all mostly all well written/acted. Durrance and GM tried to be the different/special character? I think it works with GM but D seems to be a miss (gotta finish the game, I have it, Kingmaker, WotR and DAI all started and unfinished, lack of time/slow player)
I'm not going to be nice to pillars fans any more. This way too much samefagging and bumping. No more pillars fellating will ever be done on this board again.
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eh I kinda like the "insane old cleric that hates his goddess" thing with him- though talking to him is really fucking annoying with how he'll only let you ask a couple questions per rest. it was neat convincing him that magran really did just cast him aside and he goes full "I'm gonna fucking kill that bitch"
Avellome is a terrible writer and his characters ruined PoE1, which crippled Deadfire, a much better game.
>Deadfire, a much better game
Lol.Pillars 1 was mediocre,Deadfire was terrible.
Pathfinder kingmaker specifically and pillars of eternity 1 specifically are the least pozzed nuCRPGs. Both of them turn the rainbow dial up to a solid 7/10 pozz level in their sequels.
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>Pathfinder kingmaker specifically and pillars of eternity 1 specifically are the least pozzed nuCRPGs
Unfortunate that BG3 is objectively far better than either then. I guess being pozzed isn't the problem then. In fact, I would immediately disregard anyone who dislikes BG3 as a complete and utter retard with little to no interest in RPGs. Additionally, I found PoE1 aggravatingly Obsidian-like with retarded Obsidian style fake dilemmas like "WILL YOU STOP THESE EVIL SLAVERS OR TURN IN THE SLAVE THEY ARE CHASING WHO IS A MURDERER???!??!???!?!!!1!!11!" This was drastically improved in Deadfire, because they got rid of the people who wrote such banal braindead garbage. Kingmaker on the other hand is just written like a quirky tumblr-quest which you can see reflected in the type of 400lb obese blue-haired women that obsess over owlcat garbage on /crpgg/. So for me its BG3, which is made by people who actually like RPGs and its actual game design mirrors old classic RPGs like Pool of Radiance and Ultima.
Yea sorry not reading all that, especially not with an image like that attached to it. I'm happy for you or sorry that happened or whatever.
>newfag gets filtered by oldfag anime
Not surprising!
>oldfag game
Hey you didn't read his post either!
Are you defaulting to nonsensical schizo babble because you're ESL or because you're having a melty?
from what I recall, he fumed about the competing gods like Eothas and Hylea. Migrain too?
dont reply to yourself man
meds now
I'm the Durrrrrance hater, btw.
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Not fooling anyone sister
She's written like a shitty invader zim character, please don't let this post be serious and real. There's no way anyone is this dumb. Do not reply to me. I don't want to have a discussion with you.
mandatory reply, shittaster
Anon...do you really think liking a game from 2023 makes you an oldfag or are you so dumb you confused the 3 with a 2?
Learn to read, schizo.
lol-shmol whatever
both games are obviously good
t. nta
>I am incapable of distinguishing between my subjective tastes and preferences and objective reality. I am also unprincipled in that I am willing to degrade myself and others by consooming pozzed slop and unhesitatingly promoting it without reservations, and I lack the integrity and intellectual honesty to make a nuanced argument that praises the aspects of the game that are good, while criticizing the aspects of the game that are bad, and ironically, in doing so I prove that I am the retarded one, while projecting my retardation onto the illusory opponents of straw that I have conjured to tilt at. I have nothing of value to contribute, and no insights worth sharing.
I award you zero points. May God have mercy on your soul.
Whoa, Pillars 1 got patches this year?
I thought the last ones came out in 2017... and now they resumed patching it in 2024?

Or did I miss something in between those years?
Yes, it did some dumb shit no one asked for and broke all the mods. I rolled back.
too late, my epic install updated already.
And holy shit it's blurry AF.
I got a 1080p LCD but used 3840x2160 through virtual super resolution. Probably doesn't like it (works great in Pathfinder games, it improves details in those nicely)
You can't parade Pillars around as redpilled while pretending others are unprincipled. I have like 50 hours worth of footage from my playthrough still on my computer. Do you really wanna do this? Because I will kill this game forever.
Oh, you need to disable super sampling AA.

Man, I stopped playing the game for too long, I have no idea what all the items and abilities do.
I wonder if I'll ever finish like this.
Pillars is dogshit and this thread isn't much better.
it certainly doesn't have enough lewds
hmm, Kingmaker has 22K simultaneous players record, WotR 45K

Pillars is the other way around, 42K and 22K. Kinda sad. I guess the pirateshit setting shift was a mistake? I like the welsh-names fantasy setting of the first part more. Fuck firearms tho.
I think they're all pretty good and worth playing :)
having played all three, baldy gay 3 surprisingly
>having played all three, baldy gay 3 surprisingly
This is not true. BG3 is the most pozzed, although that isn’t to defend the others.
>t. played all three
are you kidding, owlcat is made up of liberal russians
they even wanted to write in a trans dwarf in kingmaker
holy shit you faggots are retarded
pathfinder is pozzed on every step
to be fair, dwarves deserve it
BG3 is pozzed, but its fags feel believable and real
>Astarion doesn't act like that because he's heckin quirky and empowered
>he was enslaved, raped, and mind controlled for centuries
He's long been mind broken and his character actually makes sense and is compelling.

Gael and Wyll being playersexual and aggressively coming on to male PCs does feel out of place and bad. I'd recommend nodding out their bisexuallity.

Halsin is an Epstein Island turbo degenerate so him being bisexual makes more than perfect sense. I just wish there was dialogue to narratively call him out as a freak and manipulator. If anything is pozzed it's the lack of that dialogue, implying the devs think his behavior is okay.
>Gael and Wyll being playersexual and aggressively coming on to male PCs does feel out of place and bad. I'd recommend nodding out their bisexuallity.
Gael is from Waterdeep. Of course he's gay.
Gael makes more sense than Wyll, who is supposed to be a bit of a lady's man that likes women and is a smooth talker (at least he was at launch, I remember him flirting with female party members while traveling around)
>Halsin is an Epstein Island turbo degenerate so him being bisexual makes more than perfect sense. I just wish there was dialogue to narratively call him out as a freak and manipulator. If anything is pozzed it's the lack of that dialogue, implying the devs think his behavior is okay.
Halsin is one of the writers self-inserts, anon.
That's fucking disgusting.
So that's why he's the only muscular male character...
That's genuinely cringey. I'm cringeing thinking about this faggot making his donutsteel pedophile roided out druid elf. I'm sure he can't feel shame, but if he can I hope the shame consumes him.
Poe would be the best experience out of these three, if the story would be bearable.
BG3 gives you the opportunity to remove the pozz at least
>BG3 gives you the opportunity to remove the pozz at least
BG3 is pozzed through and through, even when you kill all the origin characters, but I will admit, I just got that scene the other night in my replay of it, and it was pretty sweet and well done I have to say.
if killing few freaks was all it takes to unpozz the world we would have done it long tim ago
i just realized that every single svirfneblin in bg3 is gay
Maybe you just can't tell the difference between their men and women. They all look the same to you, right? You racist.
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>i just realized that every single svirfneblin in bg3 is gay
Every single surface race, humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, etc, have all been race-swapped so that at least half of them are swarthoids from the deepest beating heart of Chult. There's elves with Asian features, like they're from Kara-Tur but are now casually hanging out in Baldur's Gate. There's even gith who, for whatever reason, are pale and have blonde pigtails.
But every single Underdark race is uniformly racially homogeneous, and hasn't been given the diversity treatment. Really makes u think.
>You racist.
[underdark PC notes that a svirf on the surface is far from home]
WEEEEELLLLLL I'm sad to see that ignorance is alive and well on the sword coast! I'll have you know that *MY KIND* are no longer restricted to live in the underdark, and can live anywhere we please. I happen to live in Baldur's Gate, you xenophobic bigot.
this is paraphrased but reasonably close to the actual in-game dialogue
You're such a poser newfag you don't even know what race he is talking about
You realize that guy is a jihadist and he belongs to a group that plans to racially genocide another clan and he uses his race to guilt trip you into helping him right

Like you actually played the game and know this right
>least assblasted BG3 fanboy
Oy vey.
>i just realized that every single svirfneblin in bg3 is gay
>But every single Underdark race is uniformly racially homogeneous
>You're such a poser newfag you don't even know what race he is talking about
Do retards really
>hasn't been given the diversity treatment. Really makes u think.
>belongs to a group that plans to racially genocide another clan and he uses his race to guilt trip you into helping him right
Do retards really
4/5 Chuds. BG3 is unplayable woke slop in 4k. That game helped Drumpf. It didn't sell as well as they claim, that's why this marketing won't stop.
I'm glad I skipped the main campaign and just played the expansions lol
I did the same with mask of the betrayer btw
>they claim
(((they))) never claimed any sales figures
steam is the one claiming it 6 gazillion active players
Consider this different perspective: the MC from the expansions is a chad.
The only pozzed thing from PoE 1 I can think of is the black paladin saying she’s a lesbian and that’s it.
It was the barbarian from the expansion
She wanted to some of that chocolate-feathery black paladin pussy though
Kinda makes me sympathize with her since we both got non of that pussy (thanks Josh!)

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