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>are you sure this will help us sell more video games?
>video games?
Well, making games more relatable to their target audience is good business.
can i romance them
they want you to turn against your own people and to begin worshipping the enemy responsible for the subversion, and the enemy that wants you genocided. they want you to welcome the enemy into your village with praise.
Don't fall for the demoralization psy-op.
Don't worship the enemy, and don't support any company that is being used by them.
It is a good scene that made me feel compassion towards PC who has to do his best in order not to die from cringe overload.
That is what authors wanted? Right?
Do you get to kill this character at least?
I don't actually care, I would never play this or allow someone to.
>don't care, didn't ask. fuck off
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The real argument to be made here is if this game will be worse than FF7R. And it likely won't be.

Are you kidding? You can´t expect they´ll allow you to disagree with it, criticize it or even be mean to it. You play a hero and heroes show nothing but support.
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I miss when the game was about killing not-orcs and being forced to lovingly impregnate an evil witch
>ah yes tranny drama, exactly what people buying a fantasy rpg want
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What in the fuck are you talking about?
This series has always been like this.
>optional romance of optional companion
try again
>optional romance vs companion quest being coning out as non-binary to parent
Are you tranimals retarded?
damn, those animations are really bad. shoddy work.
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i hate this
If your principles aren't consistent then your opinion is of zero value. Either its okay or it isn't.
I am fine with gay people existinh. I am not okay with l pretending there is something beyond man and woman and and being lectured in a videogame in an immersion breaking way.
Equating the two is a tranimal's desperate attempt to be included with the gay group.
I don't care about gay people existing, Zevran being bisexual isn't the main part of his identity nor his personal arc, unlike this virtue signaling slop. As I said, try again fucking retard.
this >>3647565
I can't believe this is real lmao, jfc
You'll affirm mental illness and you'll like it, chud.
I think everyone just kills him
>I'm going to say "they" instead of "she" from now own.
What language does that make sense in? Nobody talks like that. "Me, Myself, and I" are already gender neutral. Referring to yourself as "They" or even "She" only makes sense in the 3rd person.

This is some kind of borderline personality disorder masquerading as a transgender crisis.
As if their identity is LITERALLY someone else's perception.
Tell me they're a tulpa, a thought-form, or some fluctuating magical construct that wants permanence, so it makes perfect sense to conflat "me" with "you" in this context and impose their will on someone else.
i liked this fag, it's the fabulous kind of gay, not the woke preaching schizo.
>i liked this fag
Then voice your complaints more consistently in line with your beliefs as they are currently contradictory.
The Qunari language is "Qunlat". So it's possible talking in the 3rd person is sensible in that regard.

The lore and nature of the Qunari is preeetty fuzzy. As the games aren't exactly consistent with it. For example, the Qunari aren't supposed to dream like Humans and Elves. So they don't appear in The Fade world often, but at the same time dreaming isn't a foreign concept to qunari characters.

To start, "Qunari" is more of a culture than a race. They started out as "Kossith" - but nobody is really sure if that's a race or civilization either. The word itself is meant to be obscure, known only to a few.
Some philosopher came up with "The Qun" as a kind of law, and everyone that follows it are known as Qunari.

I always pictured the Qunari as some kind of "One China" mixed with "Islam". But as a fantasy race it maaaay be possible "The Qun" is genuinely keeping them civilized.
They have something of a caste system. Imagining their society as a living organism, where everyone is a cell with their own function. They say their role defines their nature. So I want to believe, as a fantasy mechanic, that's actually true. Like, they're highly suggestible and need society to shape them like clay. With humans, you can't just give a pacifist an axe and expect them to murder, because it goes against their natures. I want to believe Qunari are more malleable and conform to social pressure.

So for Taash to feel gender dysphoria, then, is saying something. Not pandering. But that her "struggle" is expected and has a function in Qunari society. The Qun has a name for it after all. "Aqun-athlok".
Taash's "multicultural" background is brought up repeatedly. Perhaps Taash is only acting like she's misunderstood because she expects to be in her role. Even when Shathann points out, "this is normal". I guess normal is a problem for Taash who is supposed to be a complex multifaceted special snowflake. She might as well be saying "Ya' Basic!"
I really like this post of yours, but it really seems like you've wasted a lot of mental effort on a game that clearly doesn't deserve this level of engagement from you.
Unironically, I think you'd be better off just saying "Game shit." and moving on, because I legitimately think this series is now a total waste of your mental effort, effort that could be applied to better things that are more worthy of that level of implicit respect.
Americans/Canadians are their own thing. Don't clump all of the west together you mongoloid monke.
Is Clair Obscur: Expedition 33 a WRPG or a JRPG?
Its a shitty movie game, just like veilguard
well written piece that gave me pause
>you're better off caring about something that isn't being made by bioware or published by ea
>cause you legit deserve better
hope to find you in a thread of a better game anon, godspeed
Why do they talk like regular humans instead of cool fantasy race people
>regular humans talk this way
you should move or get off social media
westoids really are fucking faggots lmao
>shit up /v/ to the point everyone flees to /v/ spinoffs like /vrpg/ and /vst/
>follow us here too to shit those boards up because you can't have one /vpol/ board it must be the entire site
why do they writing this shit into games
i'm not here to live out your shitty gay trauma of how your parents disowned you for being a fag i just want to kill dragons
The other character acts bewildered to her coming out as non binary though
it's dialogue in an rpg, what's the problem talking about it, newfriend?
I don't know anyone that talks like that, least of all anyone with trauma or who has faced genuine hardship. It's probably like SoD, where the offending writer was just an entitled straight white woman, writing cringe and preachy stuff to deflect from her own feelings of guilt or something.
In the Western world in the 21st century, people because troons because jews have been shitting inside their heads for decades.

But how do they rationalize this in fantasy games? Is there some elder dragon subverting their thoughts too?
Are you just going to keep bouncing around and bumping shitty threads until you get an echo chamber to samefag in?
You sound like you need meds.
that's the goal it seems, to turn this place into another /v/
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>meanwhile in japan
Square was literally just mocking gay men, there.
He's also just aesthetically way better than Taash or anything in the Veilguard, no comparison really.
Arigato princess of yen
>In the Western world in the 21st century, people because troons because jews have been shitting inside their heads for decades.
Unfortunately, you are retarded.
People became troons due to microplastic pollution basically acting as time-release HRT during infanthood/childhood.
Why does the walking animation look like something out of Morrowind?
I mean all the retarded shit aside, what the fuck is this shit?
Expanding on that sandnigger inspired shit is unironically what ruined Dragon Age the most, and why Origins is the only good game in the series.
Origins is not a good game.
oldtroon seerpig fans be seething when you have a rpg battle system where you don't prebuff 20 spells before an encounter with 3 kobolds and rest in between the next one
You are describing yet another shitty bioware game
1 in 10 Japanese adults between the ages of 20 to 69 identify as lgbt. This isn't even a new development. The Edo Period was rife with gay prostitutes. What does this have to do with RPGs, you ask? Well, a lot of their games are really fucking gay. They just don't make a big deal out of it. Like its not like look at that gay ogre thing being a rebel by not conforming to normative gender identity, it's more like look at that boy's soft feet.
Morrowind characters walk like they got big swinging balls

Are we meant to feel sorry for Tash here? You spout a bunch of shit at someone that has no idea what you're talking about and you don't just expect them to get up and walk away?

Jesus Christ she comes off like a fucking child.
>modern BioWare

2/3 of the staff are Chinese and Pajeets.
This is why I a westerner doesn't play western games
this reeks of untruth, you can be nominally "lgbt" and still largely heterosexual. massive porn consumption, adverse childhood experiences can lead to confusion
The transition of the industry from "computer games" to "video games" was a mistake. The constant rerelease of older games with a different coat of paint (yes, this applies to the vast majority of games that aren't remakes or "remasters") in an even worse state with just a bunch of cutscenes to appeal to the normalfag audience is a crime. The current year tranny politics is just another piece of shit in the sewer you all swim in.
At least there are no fat brown women in that scene.

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